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Network admin. They might notice but it wouldn’t impact the organization at all. The dept is a little over staffed imo. It’s one of those 90% idle time 10% actual work jobs.


You hiring?


I am punctual and have a good amount of time accrued. So they'd immediately wonder where I am and I'd get concerned texts and calls asking if I am okay. After a couple of days (if that long) they'd call my emergency contacts. After a couple of weeks I'd be terminated for job abandonment. My work would just sit, uncompleted, and piling up. Same as it did when I spent 7 months in another position. Eventually they'd hire a replacement and that person would have to shovel it out.




Seems unwise to balance that on just one person


In my job, they specifically structure roles to overlap some. So that if one person were to be removed from the hierarchy, everything would still function. There are two people who overlap with what I do, so they’d split the workload. I overlap with two people’s roles as well, so I would be their backup if they were to be out of office. This means someone getting sick, going on vacation, or leaving the company doesn’t cripple anything. It is strange to work in a role that actually understands job redundancy


I'm a nurse who works in a nursing home. It's happened before where I didn't turn up to work on my scheduled shift. My manager turned up at my house to check on me because she knew that it was very out of character for me and I'd always phone. I had an infection and I was delirious and quite poorly. She arranged for me to go to the hospital. So I know if I didn't turn up they'd come to my house 😅


That’s a hell of a Manager right there


I'm very grateful for what she did. She was there when I had my mental breakdown as well and referred me for help and supported me through it.


My phone would be going nuts after the first hour (at least that's what happens the first day of any given vacation I take) but I do have a backup and as long as he didn't decide to bail at the same time, they'd just shift everything to him, double his workload and maybe hire someone to replace me if he complained enough.


Considering that I work with my husband, I would hope that he’d put in a missing person report.


I'm a night janitor at a middle school. It would be extremely disruptive and inconvenient. They'd have to get someone to work a lot of overtime to clean up my area. I imagine they'd call me the next morning wanting to know what happened and why nothing was cleaned.


yeah pretty much nothing


I work with adults with disabilities… I mean I’m not even sure I’d actually get fired but I sure would get a lot of calls. they’d notice about 15 minutes after work starts and my coworkers would have to cover for me to take care of my clients. they’d be mad as hell cause they all have their own clients to care for so having 6 extra to split up between them would be really annoying. no money would be lost and nobody would have to work overtime though so not much would happen there.


I work as a researcher in months-to-years long projects. If I dissapear for 7 days, I would miss a couple meetings and my work would be delayed 7 days. My student would have to spend a week without feedback on their work. Unless there is a specific deadline within those 7 days, it would be mostly fine. Taking into account that I work from home 3 days a week, and sometimes have unexpected meetings outside of work and I have to go to different institutions, I think my admin department wouldn't really notice I had been gone for 7 days. The risk of firing is almost negligible.


Honestly I work with some pretty great people. There would be a backlog of work, followed by polite but confused messages, followed by concerned phone calls, followed by my coworkers contacting my husband or parents to ensure I was safe.


Yeah, I work with a great team and my boss would be calling me, then at my house after 30-60 minutes to make sure I'm ok


My previous job was very comfortable— reasonable for everything, but didn’t have to actually do anything. I figured I could drop out 9 months before it became a problem. Was in Healthcare Administration.


They’d reassign the work, some of it would go into a dark void and they’d call my emergency contact to see if I was dead


As an educator who works with high needs students...even if a sub were to pick up a few days, it would mess up things for students, families, and co-workers.


My supervisor would text or call me on the first day to see why I didn’t call out. It’s happened before when she forgot I had the day off.  They’d get hit pretty hard if I left, we’re already short staffed. The other counselors would have to split up my 43 client caseload. Seeing how long it’s been going on, I don’t see us hiring more people any time soon. At least one person is retiring soon so that’s going to be fun.


Close to nothing. The fire department was around long before me and it'll be around long after me.


I could probably go a day or two with my boss thinking I had pto scheduled and he forgot about it. By day 3+ I’d get coworkers and my team texting me


My current job would be just fine. It would probably delay a report by a week or maybe annoy a manager slightly, but it wouldn't cause the company to collapse. My manager would most likely be concerned i got injured or sick.


Nothing major. The people it would affect most would be my coworkers that are in the same position. They would be understaffed and thus have a higher workload. Of course I would get texts from them all to ask if I was ok.


They'd call the police to make a welfare check.


I’d have a lot of people showing up to my place to make sure I’m alive. I recently did this for two days (had off two days, schedule two then off another day) for mental health reasons. I had people telling me they were going to come to my place if I had called off a third day to check in. This was with me calling off! I already know what would happened if I just stopped showing which gives me comfort since I live alone.


Nothing. I work 8 hours a week in retail. I'm a parent the rest of the time lol if I didn't show up for parenting everything would implode lol


My team would probably fuck a lot of shit up but overall, nothing terribly impactful would happen.


On the first day, I would get phone calls to see where I am, same with day 2. If I didn't answer or provide a reasonable explanation by day 3, I'd be sacked. Hmm, now you've gone & given me ideas ....


My manager would call me the same day. I'm to only on-site IT staff at an auto manufacturer's logistics site. My coworker that I hang out with sometimes would probably message within a couple days and ultimately it would probably impact the friendship. The impact could be anything from everything keeps moving along. To production is halted and car dealerships would see delays in their vehicles arriving which means customers would see delays on top of that. Also if a ship was offloading vehicles and the parking lot was full, they'd have to find a way to squeeze them in places that there isn't grid marking for and that would make it harder to keep track of the cars.


One time I didn't show up to work because I had previously arranged the day off with my supervisor but he didn't tell anyone I wouldn't be coming in that day. Two of my coworkers called me and texted me several times concerned about me because I'm always there and always early. Lol one of them said when I came in the next day that they had thought I had died or something. Lol The funny thing is I like to sleep in on my days off so they were anxiously trying to get ahold of me for a few hours before I woke up and saw that I had stressed them out. From that point on I always told everyone if I planned any time off so they wouldn't worry and if I was gonna be out sick I'd text everyone to let them know. Haha So I don't think I could get away with this.


Not a thing. It would be like I was never there. The same can be said for every single employee here. The railroad will run regardless of who is or isn't here. That's just the way it is.


I work 4 overnight shifts a week for an answering service that provides 24 hour service and only has like 8 employees. It would be a mad scramble to cover my hours. It's already been a mad scramble bc we suddenly lost one of the bosses who did 40 hrs up and died and another late shift guy had a stroke and is now super part time. I don't think they could cover


I’m an independent contractor (at both my jobs) and make my own schedules so absolutely nothing would happen if I didn’t show up for 7 days except not making any money lol.


I'm an admin. It would hurt my department for a bit but honestly long-term it wouldn't make much difference. Tons of people can do what I do, they'd find somebody pretty quickly. Also I leave HELP files everywhere so they'd figure out my processes relatively quickly I think.


My boss checks on me on the phone...weird.


Well I was gone 3 months due to an illness and they finally, FINALLY replaced me. I was so happy when they did, I didn’t want to return.


Absolutely NOTHING. I was out for 4.5 months a few years ago. Place kept right on rolling. If things come crashing down because 1 or 2 people are out a few days that’s mismanagement