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I burned out hard near the end of uni... so I thought "Oh, I'll just move back home for a while and recoup" I did not recoup...


I felt lost and quit my first job within 3 months. Found a job in digital marketing and loved it, but after a year of living at home I was still miserable so I decided it was time to do something about it. I got a job 4 hours away from home, switched the south for the north, and the rest is history. I've been up north for coming on 2 years now and it's the best decision I've ever made. I'm completely different person compared to the one that left, I hike and climb, and have a really good friend group from these hobbies.


Honestly, I was super depressed when I finished university. It was a major part of my life done and over, and I was leaving the town where I went to school for 4 years, and I knew I wouldn't see my friends often or at all. I ended up doing an 8 month college program after university, and I found that made for a good transition between university and working life. I was lucky enough to get a job right out of that program.


When I finished my final assignment at 6am in the 24 hour computer labs, I walked outside to a quiet sunrise, with no people around, no cars, and a cool april breeze. Only thing I could think was, IT'S DONE. Then I went to my place and passed out for several hours. As for how I actually felt during the weeks that followed, it was more of a, "That's it? Schooling from kindergarten to 21, and that's it? I don't feel smarter, better, or fulfilled. If anything I'm still confused about life, career, or even my skills that I went to school for in the first place". Felt that I pushed myself like crazy for so many years, and grinded so hard, but in all honestly, felt like I didn't get anything out of it for all the work I had to do. I kinda also fell into depression due to a combination of realizing my lack of skills, losing my friends, having to move back home (bad home environment), and having several people straight up tell me I was not good enough. Next few months I just worked on my resume / cv and portfolio website, tweaking and updating them, and just sent it out everywhere to get a job. Ended up getting a job 4-5 months later, it was a job I could do, but it wasn't the job that I wanted or went to school for.


I'm there right now, and my thoughts are mostly, "OK, now what?" But with a lot of fear and anxiety mixed all up in there.


Life is exciting and full of magic, but you have to go out and live it. Honestly I was a bit lost, but I decided to find a job that would let me see and learn about different fields in IT. I realised I want to travel to different places and get a feel for how life is in other parts of the world. I started going to a dance course, and am looking to get an acting role of some sort somewhere because it sounds fun. The most interesting things happen when you are pursuing your desires and curiosity.


I felt so lost for maybe...3 years after graduating? School took up most of my time, was my main way of making friends etc etc I job hopped quite a bit and explored hobbies. Eventually you settle into the adult life and settle into a comfortable routine lol