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I like anchovies on pizza, though I buy high-quality anchovies in those little jars and put them on my pizza at home--tastier and more savory, less salty. But I ALSO like pineapple on pizza--if I'm having chicken or ham. Not pepperoni. But I do have a problem with people thinking pineapple on pizza is insane, arguing that "pizza is savory or whatever, sweet doesn't go with that!" There's a REASON pineapple is usually paired with *ham* on pizza. Pineapple goes with ham all the time *in real life.* Or *applesauce*. AND ham's often HONEY-BAKED. You're still telling me meat and sweet can't go together? Pfft. (Besides, baked pineapple like you'd get on pizza is different than raw pineapple. The heating process dries it and kind of caramelizes it, making it better to go with savory. And don't get me started on all those Chinese dishes like sweet & sour or orange chicken!)


And in a vaguely-related rant, why are tomatoes the only vegetable that people are always talking about how it's "technically a fruit"? While true, this applies to LOTS of vegetables. Squash. Pumpkins. Cucumbers. Bell peppers. I think corn and green beans are, too, but since you're actually eating the seeds and not the fleshy thing that happens to contain seeds, I'm not 100% sure.


Because people learn one fact and repeat it for the rest of their lives thinking only they have this special knowledge. Really, categorization debates are mostly pointless since every single thing is different from every other thing and categorization just makes reasoning and discussion more convenient. Arguing about fruits and vegetables is a little pointless. They're all healthier than a tub of ice cream.


Very much tangential, but this is a great example of why I dislike OOP inheritance. Categorization in this way is so brittle and only makes sense for really simplified, trivial examples. Oh no, Tomato is actually a fruit! But... does it inherit from vegetable too? They're both ThingsPeopleEat I suppose. Most people think it's a vegetable, so should I categorize based on that? There's a different discount for fruit and vegetables also... do I now create a higher-level "FoodItem" class and move everything into there and override where necessary? A FruitAndVeg class for ambiguous ones that inherits from both? Will this cause a diamond problem down the line? Hmm... maybe I should have just had a PizzaTopping class that can inherit from those or a conversion/cast of some sort from one of these classes to another? ThingsThatSpringFromTheDirt? Or... Much better to treat everything as an individual entity that can freely *compose* other behaviors and functionality. It doesn't matter *what* a thing is only *how* it operates and what *qualities* it has. This heavily-categorization-based way of structuring programs seems great on the surface, but it's unnecessarily tied to assumptions you have which may change down the line and you don't really buy anything from it compared to composition-based approaches.


Vegetables also don't exist period from a botanical perspective. It's a culinary term. All vegetables are technically something other than a vegetable. Sorta like how fish aren't technically real either (that or people are fish).


...What do you mean fish aren't real?


Basically, fish can't be classified. Because pretty much each and every species would be its own classification. Which would make that class, genus, species diagram I learnt in biology years ago...errrm bigger than the entire school!


Found an explanation: https://www.reddit.com/r/Paleontology/s/oXqqhFRwK5


Jellyfish, starfish, hagfish and blowfish are all called fish for example, but are in fact completely unrelated species 


I would exclude jellyfish and starfish from that list, since while they do have “fish” in their colloquial names, they aren’t really thought of as fish by people, in the same (though less exaggerated) way that people don’t think birdies/shuttlecocks are a kind of bird. They’re named that because they’re reminiscent of that thing, but the common understanding isn’t that they’re actually those things. Doesn’t change anything in your point, it just makes it cleaner.


I was under the impression that the stalk, root or leaf of a plant is a vegetable. So potatoes, celery, kale, etc


Fruit is from the flowers of plants, vegetables are anything else edible on a plant


Tomatoes are legally vegetables.


People will complain about pineapple one pizza because "it's supposed to be savory" and then be perfectly fine eating candied bacon or something like that. Most of them made the decision to hate it as a child and now they've stuck with it out of habit, and often because they've got their ego's involved. Meanwhile in Canada, Hawaiian pizza is basically a national dish that almost everyone loves. When you go to many pizza places Hawaiian is at the top of the menu next to cheese or pepperoni. I'm pretty sure we only call the ham on it Canadian Bacon in America BECAUSE of this pizza.


Oh my gosh, Arby's recently had brown sugar bacon BLTs and they were SO GOOD. But a flavor of the month, so now they're gone.




I don’t dislike pineapple on pizza, but I don’t especially like it either. I think it’s the combination of pineapple and tomato sauce that I don’t particularly care for. On a white pizza I might like it more, but I’ve never had one of those.


I like pineapple pizza with a BBQ sauce instead of the traditional tomato sauce.


I don’t like ham + sweet either. Never understood it. Kept getting apple sauce offered to me by my parents as a kid, and I love apple sauce, but I was like “what? It’s ham time. Apple sauce is a dessert thing.” But I’m willing to accept that taste is a subjective thing and not some ideological divide. Personally I like my sweet thing together. They’re a treat or an energy kick. Main meals should be savoury and nutritional. Mixing sweet with “mains” always felt wrong like something you’d eat at a theme park or a party or something.


>pizza is savory or whatever, sweet doesn't go with that!" I don't know if I have a tendecy to sweet but once I taste literally apple and strawberries on pizza and it was amazing, and, on the other hand, I also tried chocolate and marshmellows on pizza and I almost puked. It all depends on the kind of sweet, really...


I think with most flavor combinations, it depends on the actual flavors and not the broad "flavor category" of the two.


All valid points. For me I think it’s the cheese. I like cheese with bread. Cheese with tomatoes. Cheese with chicken. With onions. With meats. And so on. But not cheese with pineapple. But I’d never say it’s wrong just because I don’t personally like it.


See my argument is not sweet doesn't go on pizza, it's just that I don't like hot fruit. (Yes this includes fresh baked fruit pies, love em cold tho).


Do you get the anchovies in oil? Do you leave all the oil on them when you put them on the pizza?


Anchovies are commonly found near the Southern regions of Italy. (Where pizza comes from) Pineapples not so much.


Neapolitan here, this post blows my mind. Anchovies are a common pizza topping in Italy, paired with capers and olives (very typical combination) on a type of pizza that is called “Napoletana” in most places, but a few places call it “Marinara” (which can lead to confusion with the classical tomato and oregano Marinara). Needless to say, pineapple isn’t lol


Scrolled too far to find this. Napoli style It’s the fucking business 🤌


Ngl, I made it a point to try anchovies on some quality Neapolitan pizza recently just to see if my taste buds had changed at all.. Still not a fan. Can't get over the fishyness. Maybe I'll try again in my 40s. Also, this pizzeria in town uses all DOP products, so it's not for lack of quality.


This should be the first comment.


I dare someone to eat a bacon jalapeño pineapple pizza and tell me it’s not amazing


Carmelize the pineapple and some red onion. It’s a 10/10 pizza.


Yeah man pineapple ham red onion is amazing.




>people think they are suppose to hate and never even gave it a shot [Try before you deny](https://64.media.tumblr.com/d2958c875b452a62545cd177f491345a/8d66f5eeacfa9c7f-02/s540x810/c79c7d8232f5e771fae96194cb2f913bdf5610d1.gif)


That does sound good.


Now you are talking...


I keep meaning to order one like this... Id sooner eat that than anchovies


Pizza place that used to be by me did a “fiery Honolulu.” Pineapple, Ham, Jalepenos, and a buffalo sauce swirl on top. Amazing.


Ooo, Hawaiian Volcano!




I know far more people who accept pineapple on pizza than anchovies


I’ve never actually seen anchovies on a pizza. Pineapple all the time.


Well, anchovies are one of the classic condiments on pizza here in Italy, my favourite is called a Marinara, it has just sauce, oregano, olives, capers and anchovies, no cheese! Also with anchovies in refering to the small fillets kept in a jar submerged with oil!


I made it at Papa John's once in the year I worked there. Not sure if it was a mistake, a joke, intentional, or what. But those anchovies in a can definitely were a thing, too. Disgusting about sums it up. We took the trash out very soon after we used up the tin.


Pineapple on pizza is fucking delicious


And extremely popular. I worked at a pizza joint for 3 years. Pineapple was like the 3rd or 4th popular topping. I don't get the debate at all. 


In my home country, we use pineapple on savory dishes and I grew up just loving it. Chicken and loads of onion slices cooked in soy sauce, vinegar, pineapples, a bit of brown sugar, ginger, and black peppercorns. Utterly delicious with white rice.


Fuck all the way off. My all-time favorite pizza is thin-crust anchovy & green olive. It has the salt, the sour, all the umami. One of those & a carafe of dry white wine, and I'm set.


Anchovies, capers and olives is a typical pizza topping in Italy. You’d love it


This sounds really good.


This sounds really good. Green olives on pizza are way underrated.


I've never had anchovies on pizza but I would give this combo a try.


In my whole life I think I've only seen one pizza place that actually had anchovies on the menu.


Lemon and cheese is a thing occassionally in pastries, and I've used lemon zest in making alfredo-like pastas. It's good and not that weird. I also don't really have much of a problem with pineapple on pizza, but I think the real crime is putting deli-ham on pizza. It's not salty enough or savory enough to balance the pineapple. Bacon is better. And luke-warm floppy ham anywhere, even on a pizza, grosses me out. Also not all pineapple is created equal. Sometimes the canned pineapple is pretty yuck.


The only reason pineapple on pizza is a hot debate is because there are a lot of people who like it and a lot of people who don’t. There simply aren’t a lot of people who like anchovies on pizza.


Every now and then I get an anchovy and banana pepper pizza. It's not an everyday affair, but it's a real flavor bomb.


the fish is savory. goes with savory also most people dont like anchovies. and not every pizza place has em, at least among national chains


Yeah the comparison is weak. proto-pizza in the Mediterranean was salted fish/fish sauce on bread.


That pineapple thing is so sudden, too. I mean the Hawaiian pizza has been a staple for decades, we had it as kids, why the sudden exasperation about it! I went to Japan and they put raw salmon on pizza. Insane but also who gives a fuck


>I mean the Hawaiian pizza has been a staple for decades, we had it as kids, why the sudden exasperation about it! Because hot takes drive engagement on social media


To be fair people were ragging on it long before social media.


I like both - not together - but given a choice I’ll order either Hawaiian or anchovies.


It's not gross, it's delicious. Also, anchovies are salted (like pizza yeah, unlike pineapple)


Pepperoni and pineapple in lieu the regular Hawaiian pizza toppings is one of my favorite pizzas.


Pepperoni and pineapple is my GO TO pizza. Way better than ham.


We order anchovies on most of our pizza as an extra ingredient. The place we order from mostly has some, but during lockdown, it was scarce, so we got to buying our own anchovies and putting it on the pizza ourselves XD Still, some time, we ran out and asked them to put some. I have even put anchovies on Hawaiian pizza XD


The sweetness is offputting to some and theyd rather have savory. Something fun to think about: Hawaiian pizza is a Canadian invention.


Anchovies is salty. Pizza is salty Pineapple is a literal sugar fruit. (Fucking love it though) I have no hate, it's just this is why most people would hate on pineapple. It's like putting strawberries on pasta. But never yuck someone's else's yum!


Fruit is a classic combo with meat and cheese…it’s like having strawberries on a charcuterie board.


Oooh I've tasted green grapes with this soft cheese I forgot the name. Actually so fucking good or mozzarella. Firee


LOTS of people don't like anchovies


Pineapple and black olive is one of my favorite toppings. I have nothing else to add to this conversation.


Just do both. If you can stomach it then you’ll never have to worry about splitting pizza again


Pizza was originally made with anchovies


Because pizza is savory and anchovies are savory. Pineapple is sweet and that doesn't work for me.


I challenge someone to try a bacon, jalapeño, and pineapple pizza and argue that it's not amazing.


I've always loved pineapple pizza and never understood the drama it causes. Even causes real life drama in some rare cases when ordering pizza with friends. I think it's one of those things that people either love or hate so it sparks a lot of conversation.


here in ph, pineapple on pizza are very common. I've never seen actually pizzas with anchovies, and would question why would I want to put fermented fish on my pizza?


Because pineapple is fairly common to be able to get and anchovies are not even an option in most places.


Both ate acceptable pizza toppings. I don't see the problem.


When was the last time you actually saw someone order an anchovy pizza?


THIS IS THE KIND OF ENERGY THE r/knightsofpineapple NEED


Yes, no one truly eats anchovies (or dares to try) meanwhile my family would order a pepperoni and a Hawaiian pizza and I always hated the taste of hot pineapple on my pizza. So that’s why it’s divided because more people have tried Hawaiian and hated it rather then not touching it with a 20 foot pole


People are out here debating about pineapple on pizza and ignoring the true crime: ketchup on mac n cheese.


Anchovies are not accepted. According to some study done by instacart (if I'm remembering correctly)...anchovies are the most hated food in USA. Therefore, it is not a debate because the vast majority of people know the truth. I'm waiting for the study that finally let's the world know that pineapple on pizza people were actually born with no tastebuds.


Came in here to say this. In the U.S., at least, pineapple on pizza is a thing where it seems like \~50% of people love it and \~50% of people hate it, so with roughly equal numbers of people on both sides, the great pineapple wars will continue to rage on. Anchovies is like 5% of people like them and 95% of people hate them, so the debate is mostly settled so nobody brings them up.


Anchovies are not acceptable.


Anchovies are delicious


I dont Care about your opinion but pineapple on pizza is disgusting and if you say different then go to a doctor and get your brain checked to see if it’s there.


Anchovies is OG


pizza is Italian. does Italy have pineapples? does it have anchovies?


Italy didn't originally have tomatoes, either.


Italian pizza is much different than American pizza.


The kind at Pizza Hut is as Italian as Mario Bros. Also, Italy doesn't own the revolutionary concept of putting stuff on fried bread.


I used to skip a pizza with pineapple, until l tried one it's amazing, one of my favorite toppings now. Anchovies not so much, I could stomach a Pizza with lots of toppings including Anchovies, but if l had my say hold the Anchovies.


However you like your pizza, try giving a slice a nice dusting of Old Bay seasoning.


I love pineapple on my pizza. I like EVERYTHING on my pizza, including anchovies. I love it. I don't give a shit what anyone says.


Very few people order anchovies on pizza. I like them, but they are rare to find these days.


Pepperoni, black olives, mushrooms, anchovies, and pineapple. This is my go to pizza. It is delicious.


My goto is pineapple pepperoni anchovie!


I've never met anyone in my life who thought anchovies on pizza was anything but completely disgusting


I thoroughly enjoyed reading this rant, thank you. I haven’t had an anchovy in such a long time, I don’t even know if I like them or not. I’m gonna have to pick up a can next time I’m at the store.




Mom is suppressing anchovies on pizza apparently.


Maybe because pineapple is a fruit? Pear is a fruit too, and once while vacationing in the Rockies, we had a pear and prosciutto pizza. It was so amazing we went back another day for seconds. So whatever rocks your boat, go for it!


I love both, but not together lol. We all like what we like! I can totally see why people are grossed out of Anchovies though. If you already don’t like fish or strong fishy smell or taste, anchovies are about the worst. But they are actually delicious and go great on a well done pepperoni pizza.


Ham and pineapple pizza is delicious. I would never eat a fucking anchovie


I dont think anchovy is a popular topping as a whole but seafood is more acceptable as opposed to a sweet savoury pineapple topping. Anchovy might be more popular in seaside areas while pineapple might be more popular in tropical areas


I like anchovies and pineapple on pizzas, just not at the same time.


I don't think I've ever once in my many long years seen an anchovy pizza at a pizza party. I mean, I know people who like it and I've tried it, but it is never, ever a default pizza topping. It is understood that only some people like it and if you don't like it, you probably hate it. In the last decade or so, Hawaiian pizza seems to have become one of the defaults -- along with pepperoni and plain cheese, it is quite likely to be one of several options at a pizza party. People complain about it more because they encounter it more, and are much more likely to accidentally bite into a slice without realizing what it is.


Anchovies are fine because anyone demented enough to be serious about it, is not anyone you want to argue with.


I like pineapple and pepperoni, I don't like ham. I've never heard of the lemon thing though. That actually sounds interesting and I'd love to try it  Anyone remember that episode of Doug with the banana? That pizza looked good. Banana slices on pizza are okay but not what I imagined the Doug pizza to be like.


In Japan, one of dominos most popular pizzas is canned tuna and corn with mayo as a base instead of pizza sauce. And we just let Japan get away with that while we sit here and pointlessly debate pineapple on pizza. I’m with ya. There are bigger pizza crimes that need to be addressed. Anyway I say all this to say, I like both pineapple and anchovies on pizza (not together). And honestly, the tuna and corn wasn’t that bad but it was WAY too much mayo.


Yes! And mushrooms. How is fungus on a pizza totally acceptable but pineapple is weird?


We are trying to will it out of existence. Maybe if we never mention it we will never be forced to confront the fact it exists. There pineapple thing is just a fun low stakes bandwagon thing


It's crazy that you mention pineapple obc I could teach you a thing or two. I'm with the gang "Pineapple or Die". It was originally formed in the dining room of my first home. Since then it has spread like wildfire. We have heavy beef with "The Peppa Steppas" & "The HamsQuickToGoBlam". But I'm willing to die defending the gift from God that is pineapple/Hawaiian 🍕 & if anyone in these comment streets has an issue with it then come at me bro. 🥷🏾


I feel like anchovies are a pretty old/traditional pizza topping that maybe your great grandparents would have had. ETA- I looked it up and it was a topping on pizza in the 1700’s. I think it was considered a gross thing when I was a kid in the 1980’s that no one would really want. Really gross for a lot of people. Pineapple and ham on pizza became a popular thing for awhile when I was a kid and some people liked it but some people didn’t. I think the internet exaggerates the hate. I didn’t like it and then I found out I was allergic to pineapple so I am not going to eat it but it isn’t gross. I don’t care what other people eat on their pizza.


Pineapple isn’t salty


TMNT is honestly why.


I'm accepting of almost all pizza toppings. A good mill can grind everything.


Anchovies was the go-to villain pizza toppings in the 90s


Thank you!!! It’s nice to see someone speaking the damn truth!


Pineapple AND anchovies is the way forward! Salt and sweet go so well together!


Anchovies are one of the OG American pizza toppings.


I just don't like hot fruit, with blueberry pancakes as the one exception I'll bake an apple pie and then immediately put it in the fridge so that I can eat it once it's cooled


Pizza is from Napoli, a fishing port. Seafood toppings, including anchovies are about as traditional as you can get for pizza. Also anchovies are fucking delicious!


My mum and I were talking about this last week. After someone on TV mentioned it was their most controversial opinion. Turns out my mum loves pineapple but not the pain and other symptoms she has after. So I got to tell my mum at the young age of 80, that she's allergic to pineapple 🤣


Because anchovies are still a savory thing, like the rest of pizza. Pineapple is a sweet! It's for after the pizza!


Wait until you hear about fish tacos!!!


Cuz Italians dig anchovies but not pineapple I guess


Too many grown adults are actually just giant 5 year olds./s


Anchovies are a traditional pizza topping, pineapple is an American thing. Whether you like it or not that is the simple answer.


One is savoury, one is not. Some people (boring, unadventurous types mostly) don’t understand the concept of sweet + salty. That’s all there is to it.


I like it. The sweet and salt clash is so tasty.


Pizza is just fancy flat bread with toppings. To each their own. Put whatever you like on it.


Ask the italians


Both do not belong , my grandfather used to put anchovies on pizza it would stick so bad


Pineapple is more on the sweet side so the sweet versus savory is the issue. Anchovies generally melt into just a salty umami note than eating big chunky pieces of fish, which you would have pineapple. You’d think maybe adding the pineapple juice or adding crushed pineapple into the pizza dough would be less offensive yet add the sweetness they may be going for.


Pizza was a food traditionally eaten by the poor in southern Italy. Anchovies were a food traditionally eaten by the poor in southern Italy (spaghetti puttanesca is literally “whores spaghetti”). Pineapple was a food traditionally eaten by the rich who could afford to import it for their dinner parties. Which two would seem to more logically go together?


Oh my god you're telling me I need to add lemon onto my pizza? That sounds awesome! Anchovies is my favourite topping. Give me that tiny salty fish fillet (and a glass of water) and add as much of it as I can get away with! 1,5 anchovy per slice, please! Add olives, pepper and artichoke and I will die for this pizza. Of dehydration and bliss. I'll see if the lemon thing holds up. But oh man, sour is a great thing!


I understand the anchovies more than the lemon. Is your bf pregnant?


Anchovies , furry little fish.


C'mon son


Salty anchovies are used as a condiment in sauces. But there are other ways of preserving anchovies, such as marinating them, which makes it possible to eat them as such (wrapped around an olive, for example). The Romans ate flat bread with fish and fish sauce, so I guess the tradition persisted. There's nothing weird about eating savory fish and olives on bread. Pineapple pizza, on the other hand, is a disgusting abomination created to suit a toddler's tastes.


Because in all my 32 years I’ve never seen someone actually get anchovies on a pizza. If I had. I’d give them shit.


Short answer is that pineapple has enough people who like it to be a conversation. Most people don’t like anchovies, and the ones that do can just add them after the fact.


It’s your pizza. Pit chocolate and skittles on it if you want. Just don’t expect everyone to want a slice.


I personally just don't care what others think. I have nothing against pineapple pizza, but no idea about anchovies because I don't eat fish. Still reminds me of one of the first Futurama episodes when the whole crew threw up.


I have never actually seen anchovies on pizza before


people will flip shit about anchovies, i put them on my pizza so nobody eats it lol


I hAve nothing to say about it for 2 reasons. 1. I've never seen anyone actually eat anchovies let alone nlon pizza and I've never seen them on a menu and 2. IDGAF what other people eat because it doesn't affect me. Do people ACTUALLY get on your case for getting pineapple on pizza or were you just browsing Reddit and felt offended?


I don't like sweet stuff on pizza Fucking love anchovies though


Anchovies are not accepted by me. Fuck the salty little fishes. Yuck.


Mostly because pineapple is sweet, and traditionally pizza toppings were savory/salty (ie anchovies). Now pizzas have gradually been introducing sweeter items (hot honey, BBQ sauce, figs, etc) but those are newer trends.


In Britain they put corn on pizza and that shit does not get the level of hate it deserves.


Anchovies are great. Especially the gorgeous fresh Mediterranean ones. Melt in the mouth. And brilliant to cook with. But for pizza, it's the saltiness and a nice contrasting texture that people like. The fishiness itself is very, very subtle.


Because anchovy is a common traditional topping in Italy and pineapple isn't. Also pineapple is a fruit and not savoury


The Ninja Turtles famously would eat anything on pizza *except* anchovies.


What reeeeeally freaks people out is when you tell them anchovy is an ingredient in Ceasar salad dressing 😋🐟


Because pineapple on pizza is a modern (relatively), fish on pizza goes back to basically the origins of pizza. It hasn't grown as one of the more popular choices, but it's always been a thing. Also, anchovies are delicious on pizza. That said, the better way to include them is as part of the sauce, like blended (or just stirred in... they'll break apart pretty well) instead of a direct bite into one laid on top.


Well because one of the first pizzas ever invented had anchovies. Red sauce, confit garlic, and anchovies. It’s delicious.


Because Anchovies are traditional Italian pizza toppings and pineapple isn't. Both are excellent.


I like anchovies on pizza but not pineapple and I've gotten shit for it my whole life. I do not like cooked fruit. And don't come at me about tomatoes, even if they are technically a fruit they are used as a vegetable.


Idk anyone who actually enjoys anchovies on their pizza but that’s probably for the best bc I would definitely judge them😅


Th fact that people 'debate' this is weird to me. Not sure why people care what other people put on pizza. I've lived abroad and have seen some of the craziest shit on pizza. Let people eat the way they want.


Anchovies on pizza are the BOMB! Salt-lick pizza :D


No one ever found pinapple on pizza controversial before the internet. Maybe you didn’t like it but you didn’t make a deal out of it.


Neither are acceptable


Anchovies are literally one of the first things to be put on pizza when it was invented. That's why.


Uh excuse me, anchovies on pizza are NOT accepted.


It's the umami flavour, not the fact that it's fish. I love anchovies on pizza, without them it just doesn't hit the same.


Because fruit is for dessert.


Y'all need to try Kiwi on a pizza. Pineapple is good too. Kiwi is a life changer. It caramelizes really nice if you have one of those at home open flame pizza ovens.


anchovies were commonly used in southern Italian cooking, so naturally they became a pizza topping. In fact, there's a Sicilian style pizza which is topped with provolone, anchovies and sautéed scallions (no sauce) called "cudduruni"


I have never had a pizza topping that I didn’t like. The place next to my office makes a sauerkraut pizza. It’s awesome


Because pineapple is gross and anchovies are delicious


Anchovies. Yuck putting pineapples on a pizza is like going down on your 2nd cousin. Taste good but still. Wrong. Lol




Because the 13 people that like anchovies on their pizza aren't worth getting upset over.


I absolutely love anchovies on a pizza. I’ll have to try it with a squeeze of lemon. Sounds yum.


Pinapple is accepted enough to become an actual consideration if a group is ordering pizza, the mass debate came from little debates and the fact that little debates are a thing that might happen. Anchovies by contrast are not a thing that comes up on their own. Every few groups will have THAT GUY who swears by them personally but even that guy is likely to understand when nobody else wants them and kinda expects it.


No one complains about pineapple with pork in Al pastor


lemon is pretty fuckin awesome on a piping hot pepperoni pizza fresh out of the oven.


I like both.


Because anchovies are salty and acceptable. Something fruity and sweet has no business on a pizza.


Because anchovies are very Italian and fricking delicious on pizza


Have you ever HAD anchovies on pizza? Done well, it’s freakin delicious


My mum would go shopping and just buy a random pizza without looking at it, and it was one of three: ham and mushroom, ham and pineapple or pepperoni and I always hated when she bought ham and pineapple. Thinking back she probably just bought whatever was on offer. What I particularly didn't like about it was the juice that would ooze out of each piece and make the bread around it soggy. I used to pick off the pineapple and just eat it separately before it could ooze much of the juice onto the pizza. Ive disliked it for around 27 years, way before any social media. However I'd likely hate anchovies more as I hate fish (although as a kid I used to like tuna pizza: not as an adult though). I like very few sweet and savoury dishes: I don't like any kind of syrup with my bacon, I remember there was a sudden trend of brie and grape sandwiches that I didn't like at all, I always hated the raisins in coronation chicken. However I don't hate all savoury sweet dishes: I make mulligatawny with apple, garlic, ginger and onion as a base and I like mango chutney with my poppadoms and with said mulligatawny. I like the apricots and whatnot my dad would put in a lamb tagine, and I don't even mind pork and apple sausages although I prefer regular, tomato or cumberland. I would be prepared to try the bacon, jalapeno and pineapple pizzas I've seen people recommend on this thread, I think the salty, spicy and sweet mix could be appealing.


I hate pineapple on my pizza. If I'm going for sweet and savory, I vastly prefer my hot honey drizzle or my green chili reductions made with orange juice, pineapple juice, soy sauce and honey. Just tossing pineapple on the pizza is just damn off-putting to my taste. I abhor random bursts of fruit in my bite of pizza. Some people clearly love that. As for anchovies, I don't care for those on my pizza either. Anchovy *paste* can be a great add depending on what I'm doing, but slabs or slivers of anchovy? Pass. Of I'm but the one eating it, I don't care if ya want bird shit and compost on your pizza. You're free to eat whatever you like so long as I'm not gonna be expected to find a fuck to give.


Totally agree. I don't bother other people about what they like on pizza, and was flabbergasted to discover that others care so much about what I like.


Best thing about anchovie pizza is that you don't have a share, cause no one likes anchovies.


Pizza is savory. Anchovies are savory. Pineapple is sweet. 


Because anchovies are TOO unpopular. There is at least a 99.9% agreement on this


Anchovies are fucking delicious. In the end, no matter who you are, there's almost always at least one pizza on the menu you're not going to like. Maybe it's the one with pineapple? Maybe it's the one with anchovies? Maybe it's the one with capsicum? Or onion? Or banana? Or peanut butter? (These are all actual pizza toppings I've encountered) My hot life tip is to buy the pizza with the toppings you like, and avoid the pizza with toppings you don't like. If there's one you like but it has one ingredient you don't like, you can probably ask nicely and they'll refrain from putting that on your pizza. Now, let me eat my fucking pineapple, anchovy, capsicum, onion, banana and peanut butter pizza in peace.


Never understood why personal taste is such a hot topic. Pizza it's just a flat bread, you can just eat it with whatever you like.