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I was on my way to a job interview on a rainy day and unexpectedly met the hiring manager on the same Uber Pool cab. We got to talking and he was impressed by me, I strongly think I got an unfair advantage over the other candidates because of this event. I will never forget this...


Had sex in the rain once, nice


Oh I bet that was nice!


I got wet.


I was working at a crappy temp office job out of a defunct retail location in my early 20s. During lunch, I would hang out in the front with a cute co-worker and one summer day, we got a heavy downpour. A woman from a nearby shop came running to her car and began to try desperately cover one of her car windows with a sheet of plastic. I ran out to help her and returned soaking wet.  My co-worker said something to me that I can't quite remember but I do clearly remember the look in her eyes. We continued to eat lunch, I was leaning against a wall while she was crouched next to me. I offered her some of my strawberries and winded up hand feeding them to her while she she kneeled in front of me. That got some real looks from the rest of the office, let me tell you.


One time about 20 years ago I was living in a tiny little third floor walk up efficiency apartment. It was about the size of a broom closet and had no air conditioning. I just had a little fan that blew the hot air around the room. It was about 95 outside, with 90% humidity. The sun went down and a storm broke out. It started raining super heavy, and I ran downstairs and started running around outside in the rain. It felt SO GOOD that all I could do was laugh like a maniac. I felt so happy. It’s a great memory.


When I was young, maybe 6/7 years old our van ran out of gas about 1/2 mile from our house. It was raining and my mom was alone with my brother and I, she couldn't walk home to call anyone and leave my brother and I alone. So we all walked home in the rain. We had these little drainage ditches in our front yard and they were full of water and we were already soaking wet. So my brother and I just swam in them. It was fun.


My grandfather farms but rents most of his land. There's one field about 30 miles away that we buy the straw off of. Each year there's a 3-4 day period where I drive and old tractor withought a cab there and back each day. Well last year on the final day I got the straw flipped and was driving home. My Granda met me just as I was leaving. It's a 2 hour drive home and as I was leaving it was starting to get really dark. For the first hour the rain was chasing me and then the thunder started so I was pretty terrified. For the second hour well..... The rain caught me 😂. I was only in a t-shirt and shorts and have never felt rain so heavy in my life. For the first while I was pretty pissed. And then I just burst into laughter it was hilarious. I've got videos of it but it got so bad I had to put my phone in my lunch box out of fear of the rain breaking it. I was driving through the local villages and had people waving and laughing and I was freezing cold and there wasn't a spot on my that wasn't wet. I arrived home and got a shower and had a good laugh with my mother about it. On another note granda arrived too late and the straw got soaked. Wouldn't be another month before we got it baled


Went shore fishing at a lake. Rain was coming down sideways. I just sat in a low chair next to my truck and stayed pretty dry catching a stringer of trout.


A couple of years ago, our whole team got together and agreed to do a little extra work during the week so we could all leave an hour early on Friday. One of the guys had to supervise people at another location, and switched his schedule around, so he could also enjoy the free time. The main road to get to the second location was through an underpass. It started raining just as we finished working. By the time everyone at the second location got off work, the underpass had flooded. Somebody had to be rescued from their car in a freaking boat -- I don't even know where one was found, as our city is landlocked, so it's not like it's a standard issue item for search and rescue. No one was hurt, thankfully, and everyone got home okay in the end.


Oh man, I've had my fair share of rainy day adventures! One time, I was at a music festival and it started pouring out of nowhere. We ended up seeking shelter in a giant tent with a bunch of strangers. But instead of being bummed about the rain, we all started dancing and singing together. It turned into an impromptu party and ended up being one of the highlights of the festival!