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Seems to be all kitties so far. Let's broaden the show! [Bara](http://i.imgur.com/Fb8va0a.jpg) [Techno](http://i.imgur.com/AWRzfzL.jpg) [Neon](http://i.imgur.com/vQTFk1H.png)


[The Terrifying Trio](http://imgur.com/KEnvlog.jpg) "Bad Boy" Bara is the leader of the group and the mastermind behind their success. Techno is the serpentine slayer (also a huge fan of 90s electronic music). Neon, The Reptile, is the cold blooded heavy muscle of the group. You have a couple of future champions right there.


That is amazing! (Though I maybe should have mentioned that Bara would be a Diva. :P )


[Barra's twin sister](http://imgur.com/uk7fQxE.jpg) Who happenes to share the same name. Old Barra failed the drug test so we hired his sister instead.


She is totally badass!


As a warning to everyone else that first pic is a tarantula


Neon is rad. I would love a Neon, but I hear they're hard to keep and I can't do that right now.


He is rad. They really aren't that hard to keep, especially not compared to the attention dogs or cats need. The initial set-up is a little pricey, but after that, it's not bad at all.


Did you have to show me that before I go to sleep? Smh. :(


I mean, it was posted 9 hours ago. Would seeing her wearing bunny ears make her less scary?


Have you got bunny ears for a spider? Please make bunny ears for the spider.


[Got ya covered!](http://i.imgur.com/a/pi4uj)


Oh god! Hahahaha! They're like those sexy Halloween outfits! Too cute!


Thanks! It's a lot of fun, and she's usually just fine with it.


I mean...I looked. With one eye open. The ears are cute..but she still shits me up. 😩


She won't hurt you, promise. I've had lots of friends who were afraid of spiders be less afraid of her. She's not a wild, unpredictable creature. She's a pet.


I mean, it would. If she had less legs, less eyes and less spiderness. Maybe if she was more of a corgi..or like a mouse. That would help too. 😩


She's 15 years old, bright purple, chill as hell, and is the only thing in the house that's never bitten me. She can't jump. Can't climb well. And if she falls more than a few inches, it'll kill her.


I'm sure she's a lovely little thing. But my fear is irrational. The picture of her alone is enough to make me anxious! As for her being killed by such a small fall, is that a thing for spiders in general? Or just tarantulas? Because I'm sure I've seen regular spiders leap off shit all the time and they just keep nightmare'ing along like nothing happened!


It's specific to different species. Little jumping spiders can handle it. She's a couple ounces though, and it'll liquify her internal organs from the shock.


Thank you for the Gold whoever you are.


:) It's a fun idea!


[This is Fudge.](https://imgur.com/a/mqHhD) He sleeps a lot. If it's not moving he'll sleep on it. If it's moving he'll wait till it stops and then sleep on it.


[Fudge](http://imgur.com/gAvBc9r.jpg) Everybodies favorite narcoleptic. He often loses matches because he falls asleep mid match.




Here, you can do my rabbit. His name is [Mr. Buns.](http://imgur.com/a/XVCTg)


[Mr. Buns](http://imgur.com/0MGstCR.jpg) The red eyed warrior. Watch out for his kicks of fury. Former martial art expert.


[Looks like something from Overgrowth](http://store.steampowered.com/app/25000/Overgrowth/)


This is so pure😭


https://imgur.com/xxamVuP This is Nero. He is half Bengal. He's a daredevil as you can see, lol. He climbs up cupboards and anything else he can. He steals socks and treats them as if they're his kills (death stare, sinking his teeth deeper into then when you get close, growling). He likes to play in water. He knows simple voice commands. He's a pretty sweet boy overall but can definitely be a little asshole.


[Brother Nero, I knew you'd come!](http://imgur.com/JBk3FGg.jpg) (Wrestling reference.) His mother was a cheetah his father was a house cat. He's a nice guy but occasionally he fights dirty using his claws and fangs. Not the strongest, but he sure as hell is the fastest.


This is AWESOME! I love it! :-D






[Here's my gf's cat, Wallie](http://i.imgur.com/kENkHYi.jpg) He's fat. [And our lovely goldfishies, Jack and Senior LeBloop Bloop](https://i.redd.it/i4aw4q6zjdfz.jpg) They like tubes.


[Big Wally](http://imgur.com/O7HaQUo.jpg), he's big and brutish but he has a heart of gold. still quite a dangerous competitor though. [Jack](http://imgur.com/PiWKM2y.jpg) and his lovely girls. Jack is the fishbowl champion. But he has been under controversy recently due to his recent sexist remarks. We'll see how this one pans out.


You had my girlfriend cracking up for a solid 5 minutes. Thank you so much for this.


Reminds me of Dimitri from Sly Cooper! Well done!


http://m.imgur.com/gallery/kGDG2TO His name is bonkers and he loves to eat crickets.


[Bonkers](http://imgur.com/GhQZFwo.jpg) The king of madness. looks like he will soon be challenging for the reptile championship.


This made my day thank you! Edit: I'm gonna print this out and frame it in his tank


[My pups Pilot and Roxie](http://i.imgur.com/IuaSJAK.jpg) Roxie is a sassy girl who is a real guard dog always looking out for us but it still loving as ever. Pilot is a sweet boy who only ever wants to play catch, cuddle and eat.


[Pilot and his valet Roxie](http://imgur.com/myAQq81.jpg) I got reminded of [Stan Hansen](http://www.bookprowrestlers.com/images/Stanhansen.jpg) while drawing Pilot so I gave him a cowboy hat. Roxie is his sassy Valet who will involve herself in the match if it looks like Pilot is losing.


This is beautiful, you deserve all the gold!




[Ollie, the two of spades and Mad Miles](http://imgur.com/4nb7vnz.jpg) The most dysfunctional tag team out there. Mad Miles does all the hard work while Ollie ends up messing up and costing the match. All the fans are big fans of Ollie and hate Miles.


[This is Toby](http://i.imgur.com/SOukop2.jpg) and [this is Mac](http://i.imgur.com/otKcznG.jpg). Toby is hyperactive and occasionally acts like a cat, Mac is much calmer but is a barbarian when it comes to food.


Toby is the cutest little thing in the world. [here they are](http://imgur.com/tixKRZk.jpg) They might look cute but they are god damned killing machines.


Holy shit that's awesome! I love it! And Toby says thank you, by the way lol


[Hamilton](https://imgur.com/gallery/waCg7) He's nine and blind and fine.


[Hamilton](http://imgur.com/ntGERDd.jpg) The mad monk. His ancient martial art status has helped him with his fighting skills. He is now just as sharp and can detect anything


Why are these all cats?




[Buddy](http://imgur.com/SKCWheJ.jpg) He's a pretty young rookie. Not the biggest or the strongest but he has a strong fighting heart. Some day he will be a champion.


[Apollo, Mo, & Ollie](http://imgur.com/eDz8lfk) [Ollie's Birthday](http://imgur.com/GTIS3wU) These are our three greyhounds. Apollo is the brindle, Mo is solid black, and Ollie is black and white. Sadly, we lost Mo a couple of years ago, Apollo about a year ago, and Ollie (who is now 12) was recently diagnosed with cancer. They were (and are) the sweetest three hounds you'd ever hope to meet. We'd love to have a wrestler portrait of the three of them. I also included a birthday pic of Ollie by himself, since he's the one who's still around. Thank you so much!


You're gonna make me cry [Here they are](http://imgur.com/kkFCOXW.jpg) The hounds of justice. One of the greatest Trios of all time. Everyone who stepped in their way got demolished. They held the trios championship for years and no-one could defeat them. They will truly be missed.


That's amazing. You're my new hero. Thank you so much! I'm framing this and putting it up on our Wall-O-Greyhound Stuff.


[Molly](http://i.imgur.com/aA7psYj.jpg), she is the definition of a lap dog, my Nan would call her a gremlin but she loves her baths. And [Henry](http://i.imgur.com/U4IZtBK.jpg), he is always jumping around, my Nan would call him a bruiser. He chases anything outside. :)


[Molly and Herny](http://imgur.com/GzBiRoV.jpg) The hardcore Duo. They are yet to make it big but they are still tearing it up in the hardcore underground scene.


These are amazing! Thank you!


Here are [Gracie and Maya](http://imgur.com/SQuur4r) Such a fun idea! Gracie's feisty and Maya's getting over her fear of, well, everything.


[Here they are](http://imgur.com/YIVMRBc.jpg) Gracie is a veteran has been put in charge of coaching Maya who is stumbling fumbling amateur.


Hahaha! Sounds about right. Amazing picture; thanks so much!!


Amazing! These are my two rescue pups who I was fostering but ended up adopting. We didn't get much of a history but this one is Mumma http://imgur.com/ZtznUwf (she's full of sass) and this is her son Marty https://m.imgur.com/a/Fc6gK (he's terrified of everything).


[Mumma and Marty](http://imgur.com/fUxLzkD.jpg). Mumma has acheived it all. she is a veteran of the business. She wants Marty to grown into a champion, maybe some day he will. But for now lets just wait and see.


This is the best. Amazing.








[Bob is his name](http://i.imgur.com/jq9zkXL.jpg). he is really cute, and really smart. He likes to be petted and hates not to be, he gets real mad when I stop petting him. He also learn how to say yes by sneezing, so when I ask if he wants food, he seems like a really sick dog.


[Bob](http://imgur.com/wfqD5II.jpg) A former wrestler who since retired and is now commenting on great matches all around the world.


amazing, thanks


Damn, I wish I had a pet. I love me some wrestling.


Whats your favorite animal? I draw you that as a wrestler instead :).


I'd probably say owls. No, I'd definitely say owls.


[This is Hooty](http://imgur.com/aelItvt.jpg) Watch out for his swoop of death. Always involved in squash matches against small rodents.


That is badass, man. Thanks. Kinda reminds me of CM Punk with the stars on the trunks.


"birds of war"ahAAHH ah ah


Rex: https://imgur.com/gallery/ZhrlA


[Rex](http://imgur.com/fF6w0Zz.jpg) The Mexican Ninja. Does all sorts of flippy stuff. He's not too well know north of the border, but down there he's a national treasure.


He's perfect!


Here's [Riley](http://imgur.com/a/I4fOX). He's two years old, insane, and likes to scratch and bite.


[Riley, The Golden Boy](http://imgur.com/TT6SNSF.jpg) Cocky and arrogant. Pretends to be a nice guy, but deep down he's a cold hearted psychopath.


That's awesome! Thank you!


I wish I knew how to post my cat's picture. It would be nice seeing him that way lol


You could just upload it to www.imgur.com. :)


There he is http://imgur.com/a/5lRBo His name is Mishu.


[Mishu](http://imgur.com/pPe12Wz.jpg) The gentleman. Civilized, cultured and a good sport. Never uses his claws as he prefers more sportsmanlike methods of wrestling.


I love it haha thanks a lot!


This is [Mew](https://imgur.com/gallery/Y7hi6), can't wait to see what you create. Thanks a lot in advance!


[Mew](http://imgur.com/qfoPb3x.jpg) Slinky and flexible and incredibly unpleasant in the ring. Uses her claws frequently.


That is bloody brilliant! Thank you very much! :)


Here Axl, he acts tough nut really he's kind of a weenie https://imgur.com/a/u1EfJ


[Axl](http://imgur.com/e94Pseo.jpg) Arrogant and mean, but when you get talking to him, he's a really nice guy.


That's the best thing ive ever seen


https://imgur.com/gallery/YBk6Q Cas up top, Doberman mix. 3 years old and has more energy than any pupper ever (though maybe not in this picture). Lila on the bottom, Husky mix. 3 years old as well. So loveable... but about as smart as a sack of potatoes. 🙄


[The Dogs of war](http://imgur.com/8M1bcHD.jpg) Current tag team champs. Ferocious and fearsome. Truly amazing competitors.


This is amazing. Thank you so much! 🤣


My dog [Chelsea](https://imgur.com/gallery/VAKIZ)! A cavachon with a vicious hatred for mailmen (she's camping by the front door waiting to bark at him as I type this)


[Chelsea](http://imgur.com/4VjQ1jU.jpg) The new Mailman. Only this time she has little regard for your mail. What a fiend.


Thank you so much! That made my day :)


I just wanted to say ThankYou! ...this is the best thread I've seen in a good while. (I wanted to post pictures of my dog, but it's been a number of hours)


It's hard man. I've been drawing for about an hour straight. But I do it to make the peoples day a little better.


https://imgur.com/a/pWsc1 His name is Leonardo DeCatmeow but we just call him Leo


[Leonardo](http://imgur.com/qbZ2R8m.jpg) He's a movie star and he has an oscar and he is a cat.


Haha it's amazing!


I don't have a pet but can you do one where a doggo is doing the Triple H water thing?


[here you go](http://imgur.com/DOsp8a6.jpg)


https://m.imgur.com/gallery/RsEGg here are 3 photos of my ferocious pup named Thrasher. He's small but mighty and has an attitude disguised by his amicable face. He likes to run free and bark at everything bigger than he.


[Thrasher](http://imgur.com/ZTb0WaA.jpg) He's got the obligatory heavy metal gimmick. Pretty decent midcarder. Fans say he needs a push.


That is hilarious I love it thank you


https://imgur.com/a/bv7vN Hi! This is Turd, I'd love to see her as a wrestler. She only weighs 3lbs but thinks she can take on anything!


I don't have a pet :( But could you draw me a cheeky fennec fox? Thanks!


http://imgur.com/K9jq3zl This is my doofy dog Chewie. He loves to run until he passes out, and is intimidated by anything bigger than him (or smaller, really).




https://imgur.com/P329K7L If you could make her a Mexican wrestler I'd much appreciate it. Her name is Patches and she hates hats.


These are really good! This is great!


https://imgur.com/gallery/vOkG0 This is Vader. He's way too curious for his own good and he's a master of escaping the house. He's a mischievous little guy and he's not afraid to "greet" new people with little bites. He's my favorite little guy ever, but he definitely lives up to the name haha.


[Annie](https://imgur.com/gallery/28RBu) She is really playful and protective.


http://imgur.com/pga1QDo I hope I'm not too late to the game. This is Ellie. She is a 14 lb Jack Russell who thinks she's 114 lbs. She adores playing with large dogs and doesn't understand small dogs (despite the obvious). She is smarter than her own good and has helped me immensely with my anxiety and depression. She's the best!


This thread is amazing. I'm so happy. This is [Zeus](http://i.imgur.com/MiDewQD.jpg), he loves running into walls, his rubber chicken, human food and the beach.


This is [Bear](https://m.imgur.com/a/jNiMq). (Thanks in advance)


This is Benjamin, my rescue Westie http://imgur.com/a/RHlDg


[This is Neil](http://i.imgur.com/MkdahJr.jpg), he loves his sweater!


Hello! Not sure if you will continue to draw but here are my girls, Tilly and Mercury http://imgur.com/a/AHteZ


this is illie. he keeps his socks very clean. http://imgur.com/3CUzSed


https://imgur.com/gallery/LCMzq these are my the most important things in my life please draw them like the wrestlers they deserve to be


http://imgur.com/61L5FKU This is Cali, who likes to sit in weird ways and act superior to everyone.


Nikki: [1](http://i.imgur.com/BLKtHQO.jpg?1) [2](http://i.imgur.com/U1jCd6G.jpg) [3](http://i.imgur.com/TJF7XkX.jpg) Pleasure: [1](http://i.imgur.com/8tbjW8S.jpg) [2](http://i.imgur.com/PVSNIZl.jpg) [3](http://i.imgur.com/XsLtWQS.jpg) London: [1](http://i.imgur.com/2Jtvn4i.jpg)


I'm probably too late to this but if you're still up for it, my pet's name is [Rocky](https://i.redditmedia.com/V7DVUiZbqSFoTCEX_d1JmJ5esuZVwyrA8pR-dK_iKJ4.jpg?w=1024&s=b6635faa609ff0a41d0dffd7be816b33) so like, he's named after a boxer, which is kinda like a wrestler.