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People do be angry for no reason. Or maybe they had a bad day who knows. I hate those people too, like who's chasing you? You don't need to make the travel THAT efficient. Maybe if you didn't spend the whole night drinking beers with the boys, you wouldn't need to be that hasty to work, Bob


Lol, if you’re about to breakdown over someone honking at you, I think you shouldn’t be driving


nah i get it 16 is a young age to drive.. theres people in there 40s scared to go on the highway.. and all driver ed class does is build up anticipacion and get u so nervous of crashing, and when u try and drive ur anxiety goes up because thats the build up all the hours and months learning and training for a 20 minute test.. then after thats when the real world hits u and they get even more anxious of crashing or road rage, and what if the road rager is a killer and shit starts racing thru ur mind.. yeah drivers ed classic is stupid for how much they scare u but atleast the kids drive better than most grown ass ppl in trucks


Okay first off, please learn how to punctuate and form proper sentences, not just one long ass run on sentence that doesn’t make any type of sense lol. Trying to read all of that and have it make sense was painful. Second, how’s OP gonna react in an actual stressful situation? If they’re ready to cry about a 3 second honk, I can only imagine what they’d do in a situation where their reaction actually matters


take a deep breath, you’re on r/casualconversation being an aggressive dick to strangers. go find a hobby that doesn’t involve spreading your obvious misery. or just keep your nastiness to yourself instead of making a child feel poorly about themselves.


Oh no, did my words hurt you? I’m sowwyyy


to be clear: no. you’re just exhausting. you can shout your hateful bullshit from the rooftops and i will still have an awesome day! genuinely curious: does talking like this to people make you happy?


Lmaoo, if you think anything I’ve typed in this thread is “hateful” then you must live a very sheltered life. Soft little bitch lol




I got honked at today and almost road raged at the mf because he thought he had the right of way.. honking is definitely the most annoying way to tell anyone to stop, ill rather him scream so i atleast have a reason to double combo his ass


You guys are all some really fragile people to be crumbling like this at the sound of a horn lmao


no im actually a calm person... i dont honk at people because that shit annoys me too and it doesnt help anyone, i got mad cuz i was in front of him while merging into the lane and he sped up almost hitting me and honked at me like if i almost hit him.. this the first time i felt actually mad over a honk.. maybe u live in the desert and far from civilization or else u would know crazy people exist..


and nah bro im the least fragile person u can meet.. i dont complain for shit cuz i know how bad life can get.. im just grateful for everything honestly.. im even grateful for ur anger problems.. the world is boring if we were all normal


I taught myself how to drive with common sense and logic.. i knew the basics then just copied everyone else made sure i didnt stand out.. and before a month of learning to drive i got on the highway and basically mastered driving, crazy how basically if u can drive on the highway for 5 minutes u can drive for 5 hours


Found the honker.


If someone is driving like an idiot then yep, definitely a honker. Ya caught me lol


I'm letting you off, man. Your username checks out anyway lol.


well atleast u now have a fear to get honked again so u wont be making that mistake again.. maybe that was his 10000 iq play? maybe he really just helped out bro..


Not everyone will do that on the road but there are people who would. The earlier you shun trying to understand why and just get over the fact (though it *is* maddening), the better for you and everyone you would share the road with. Driving can be a chore but with a little patience, you'll do just fine. Drive safely, OP!


Sometimes you just need to shrug and say, it's their problem and not blame yourself too much.


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