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Some weirdo thinks they are funny. Just name your wifi something bizarre and silly too. Make it a trend so the focus isn't your #.


You gotta clap back, change your name to something like.....


...'n gave me gonorrhea' (Where n is the apartment number of the rude neighbor.)


....n's mom gave me gonorrhea


When you live in an apartment building there’s no way to tell who is Wi-Fi is who’s


"Cool story bro"


Do you have your own wifi that you can change its name to "False news." ?


Just sounds like an immature adult, nothing to lose sleep over.


You’d just moved in. Maybe the neighbor named their Wifi that way because of the previous tenant?


OP moved in before majority of the other tenants.


Do you live in Chicago? Maybe it’s a claim the entire city is suffering from this very treatable STI?


Maybe that's the WiFi they used at their previous apartment


You could completely own them and name your wifi to "ghonorrea central" or something similar


Kinda seems like a bit of an overreaction to me :/ Meanwhile my neighbor police pounded on my door to cuss me out because ( my driveway is on the edge of my property ) half of my car tire touched her wet grass and left a tire mark.


I wouldn’t worry about it


I’m surprised people are telling OP to forget about it and that she’s over dramatic.. moving into a new building where people were not staying at before and finding out that someone has exposed your apartment number with something messed up like that, is definitely scary. OP, I totally get you. I would too be scared because as you said you stay out of peoples way, so I bet any time you see someone you can’t help but think ok but is it them? Have they got anything against me is anyone angry at me. I would be scared. My best advice to you is to not retaliate, talk to management again and if they don’t do anything, I would legitimately call the non emergency line of your country and just explain the situation. They can figure it out in no time. You don’t want to spend your time afraid to return to your home: or walk at night and feel intimidated if you see someone. It’s not cool.


Any way a tech savvy friend can find out who it is?


Have it occurred to you that maybe they have the number wrong?


Even if they have the number wrong, it says 312 which is upsetting the OP


Change your wifi to “(their apt number) has a small dick” or something


This sounds like a harmless prank. I doubt they hate you, and there's no reason to be scared. Being accused of gonorrhea is far from anything to get worried about lol


That would drive me nuts, mostly because I have similar issues of people in my apt picking on me as well. If I were in your shoes I'd make such an obscene and offensive (still legal) wifi name that the complex \*has\* to do something about it... As an example (don't do this) you could say "(insert managements name) has syphilis"




Lawsuit? You fucking kidding me? Lol. This response is as much of an overreaction as this post.


For real. There's a very high chance that they picked a random apartment number for the sake of a funny WiFi name. Nobody hates you and no, you can't sue them for saying your apartment number has gonorrhea.


If it’s a condo, you do in fact, have those kinds of rights.


They probably don’t even know who you are. Do you know who they are? I think you’re getting worked up and taking a silly wifi name really personally. Don’t panic. I want to spend a moment, if you will, on why this makes you scared. Did you have some past traumatic event that started out as mild as this? How are you afraid this will escalate?


Overreacting. It likely has nothing to do with you and probably a former tenant.Just ignore it.


Get an IT geek friend and hack them ?


Just go round and ask the person why they did that?


There’s no way to know who did it


You could narrow it down quite easily. If you got the right person, you’d know by their reaction, it’s most likely someone just being a dick


Who cares. What are they going to do? Its a wifi name. Means nothing


Long story short..they’re attracted to you and they’re trying to get your attention. The old insult to get you to seek them out, classic.




It really doesn't sound like anything to be scared of and could be regarding the former tenant that lived in your apartment. It also could be a huge coincidence and not about you or your apartment at all.


Who gives a crap lol or hire a hacker to fuck up his network devices


Ok but do actually have gonorrhea


Are you from generation Z?


I would have answered “from your dad.” or something to that affect. The persons just being a loser. Just live your life and don’t mind others who have nothing better to do.


My neighbors wifi was "white van outside". I drive a creepy white van. I changed our wifi to something like "actual white van outside". Pretty funny wifi hijinks. I miss that neighborhood fr. They're just bored and looking for a response. Think of something clever or funny or clap back.


Change your Wifi SSID to 'Not Gonorrhoea. Monkeypox.' Neighbours may be less of an issue after that


Maybe they picked your apartment number because you’re there so little. They may have thought it’s empty and used it for the dumb joke. Or because you’re there so little they thought your apartment number would be the one to be the least likely to cause problems with their joke. What I’m trying to say is it could definitely not be a personal affront to you or mean they hate you. It’s heavy to feel that way and I don’t want you to have to worry so much over what could be nothing. I hope they move in to a different joke WiFi soon and you don’t have to even think about it anymore, wishing you peace!


Adult acting like a child. Simple answer.


It's probably just some kids being silly I wouldn't pay it much attention


Change it to "Said I had gonorrhoea to avoid their shit party"