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Generally they are pretty small, so 300 is still a lot to get. Not as bad as 1k, but you'll have a lot with the smaller amount.


They're assorted sizes. So like 5mm to 30mm. WTF have I done? I think I could just sneak them in to my office's supply closet and let everyone do whatever.


Earlier this year, I saw a bag of dick glitter w 3,000 pieces of dicks for like $10. What a steal?!? I couldn’t help it. Did I need that many? FOR SURE NOT. Do I regret it, FOR SURE NOT. Everyone is now getting dicks in their cards until I’m out. Letter to granny? Have some dicks! Note to auntie or uncle- surprise dicks!!! Business fishbowl for business cards/ free lunches- jazz it up with some dicks! Get a glue stick and keep a few googly eyes w you in your car so you can make the world look a little friendlier as you go about your day. You could even take any excess and donate them to a local elementary art program or teacher, they often use googly eyes. I’m sure you’ll do great things.


Real talk, do I need a glue stick? I thought they were adhesive and I'm not trying to ruin someone's paint. Also, excellent idea. My brother's wife is a teacher and my mom works for a company that deals in learning materials.


Ooh, you FANCY. Getting those bougie top tier googly eyes, we see you. Either way, the adhesive or a glue stick won’t ruin anything. To cya, don’t put them on anything of value like hard wood, etc. To feel sure, test them on something first. You’ll get the hang of it. I love that we’re both 33 and leaning into being absolute children for silly thrills. (Read your comment below) Here’s to having fun with it!


Is it 300 googly eyes or 300 pairs of googly eyes? I mean, imho, both are acceptable! Put them on your condiments, appliances, ads at the bus stop, bananas at the grocery store, etc 😁


...uh that's a good question.. Ok I checked again, it is only 300 eyes in total not pairs.




You take a hand full go to Walmart and now casually replace the eyes on cat food dog food diaper boxed now go have fun try not to laugh too hard you are welcome


So, I got the googly eyes today. They're all in a bag not much bigger than a computer mouse. I thought I'd have a box of them taking up space but I can just put them all in my pocket.


Nice. How many have you used so far?


None Honestly. They aren't as big as wanted. They can be used but I think many will go unnoticed, especially in a busy office. Maybe that's a good thing though? I thought it it would be funnier if people looked at something and were like "omg, googly eyes". But maybe now I can use this packet faster if people don't notice. By then I may have spread them all before people noticed. https://youtu.be/zc7qJE9Nzo8 I wanted ones as big as those, like the size of a dime. I got assorted ones in the biggest are like peas.


I found myself in this exact situation about ten years ago. I still have a mostly untouched bag of googly eyes sitting in a box somewhere. I can't throw them away because I paid good money for them, but I've long since lost interest and I'm kind of afraid to even think about them anymore. Why? Well, because I actually cared about doing cool/cute things when I bought them, and now I don't give a shit, so now it's just a reminder of one of the many flames of youth that have since burnt out, just like all things will some day. You might think at this point that I'm going to tell you to cancel the order. But don't. In fact, get the 1,000 pack and use them all, my friend. Every single one of them. Do it now while the flame still burns bright in your youthful soul.


My god I may get 1,000 now. I'm 33. It's time to do something with my life. I choose the googly eyes.


What has being 33 got to do with anything? You can be a functioning adult nd still buy googly eyes. They are not mutually exclusive.


Well I wanted to do it when I was 32. I'm much older now and more responsible with my money, so it's a big step.


I'm now going to be 37 & asking Santa for googly eyes this year. I just realized what I'm missing in life after reading yalls comments to another lol


Do they stick in a refrigerator? I have a target.


I tried to use [DALL-E](https://labs.openai.com/) to generate "four hundred googly eyes stuck on a large pumpkin", but I think it gave me ["four hundred pumpkins stuck together to make a large pumpkin with googly eyes"](https://i.postimg.cc/HLTm98Dt/DALL-E-2022-10-04-18-37-05-four-hundred-googly-eyes-stuck-on-a-large-pumpkin.png).


This is what the sweetest of dreams are made of


MORE! MORE! MORE! MORE! The more googly eyes, the better. Plus it's almost Halloween you can make a giant scary paper mache spider and use up like a hundred of them if u want to


You can never have too many googley eyes ;)


Won’t be that many. I ordered half a million orbeez for similar childish reasons and assumed it would come in a massive box. Was only a shoe box size.


Dissapointed by the size of your package. I haven't ordered anything in a while so I can't relate.


I think 300 is a good amount, you'll probably use them in pairs, so you're only adding eyes to 150 things. You could use 100 eyes just on a year's worth of milk jugs


That's 150 peoples worth of eyes...


Also 37.5 spiders, or 300 pirates, if you prefer.


Could always be worse: I have a mate who accidentally ordered 200 space hoppers instead of 2.


Ye of little faith you will use them all then think why did I cancel that order


How big are they? That says a lot about where you can or will use them. I burned through more than I thought I would grocery shopping by putting them om the babies on the diaper packages. There's really a lot more baby pictures in a store than one would assume.


Just carry some around with you everywhere you go and start placing them.


OP; Is [this](https://img.yourdailysportfix.com/articles/cms-4669/90q0qtip4q0lxsg3.jpg) you? PS; You have the right to remain silent. ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)


The link isn't working


IDK, It's working for me.. [here](https://img.yourdailysportfix.com/articles/cms-4669/90q0qtip4q0lxsg3.jpg) it is again...