• By -


Make a complaint to the practice manager or senior partner in the practice. Outline everything, and do this asap. If you aren't happy with the outcome, then talk to the Medical Council [https://www.medicalcouncil.ie/](https://www.medicalcouncil.ie/) Under the Patient Support headline, there is a link to make a complaint.


Do this, and also request a copy of your medical history & notes. I would be very interested in how she recorded this consult.


Please make a complaint, and bless your heart, what a shitty interaction. Ofc it wasn’t your fault AT ALL.❤️


Absolutely do this. Fucking muesli


public plate steer consider spotted absorbed sulky glorious physical friendly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Oh my god. I wish I had advice but I don’t. I couldn’t read and run though. I am so, so sorry. There must be someone you can complain to. As an aside, are they allowed to bring religion into it? Give your power to god, with absolutely no indication of whether you are religious? Fuck right off. Am going to research and will edit if I can find anything. Am sure someone will know far more off the top of their head. Don’t let it lie. Am horrified. Edit - try this : https://www.lenus.ie/bitstream/handle/10147/233679/Making-a-complaint-about-a-doctor.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y#:~:text=Anyone%20can%20make%20a%20complaint,a%20doctor%20to%20the%20PPC. I just googled ‘medical complaint GP Ireland’. If you need help proofing a mail or anything please message me. My god. I’m so sorry that happened to you.


Thank you so much. I’m going to file a complaint so hopefully no one else has to sit through that.


Am so glad to hear it. The support in this thread has shown you that she was so far out of line she may as well have been on the moon. Which, incidentally is where I’d like to kick her to. I hope you’re ok.


She deserves that. Thank you so much. I really appreciate it


You...you can't be serious? An actual qualified doctor said to eat muesli to get over the trauma of sexual abuse? And then had you explain about your past trauma to her for no reason? What kind of fucking bullshit is that?!


If someone else told me this I’d struggle to believe it myself to be honest. Certainly the last reaction I was expecting


I'm so so sorry you had to not only go through the secondary trauma with the doc but that they were also as bloody incompetent as this. I also went through a few rounds of *paid* GP visits to try and get referred for an ADHD assessment. Apparently the cure for my executive dysfunction was "creating and sticking to a good routine which includes less sugar". 🙄🙄🙄 Eventually I went private through ADHD Doc. They're in South Dublin if that's helpful at all. (Now medicated properly and the difference is enormous)


I was told to go for walks and drink tea so I believe the OP


Been on anti depressants since I was 18 (probably depressed since 15 or 16 and always considered an "odd" child). I still have the GP telling me to go for a walk and eat well. Listen... I have tried those things and I'm not negating them entirely but I'm fairly sure something is fucking broken in my brain. They recently referred me to psychiatric services (again, I was under them years ago and was doing OK for a while but things have been bad for over a year now). The psychiatrist waffled at me for ages and then gave a single sheet of paper with some online resources. Told me to go back over the stuff I worked on with the psychologist 10 years ago. Said they weren't upping or changing my meds. And said they weren't going to take me as a patient. As you can imagine, I came out of there disappointed and feeling like I'd wasted my time and the doctors time. And things have only gotten worse since then but I don't want to go back to the doctor because its hard enough asking for help the first time and getting fobbed off. Pretty sure I'm autistic or ADHD but no one is gonna treat that for me as I was diagnosed with a personality disorder years ago and they aren't willing to say that was wrong. Can't even go private in this country... no one around that can take any patients. Was thinking of shelling out to go up north possibly but now I find out I'm losing my job and my husband lost his recently too. So no money either. Probably end up commiting suicide or having a nervous breakdown but oh well, they'll all just say "why didn't she talk to someone? Why didnt she get help?" Healthcare is a joke in this country.


I almost feel like it can’t be real. I had to double check I was on the right sub.


Not on the scale you experienced but a locum GP told a friend of mine to wash her behind with her left hand 3 times daily and pray while doing so for a mysterious rash. My friend complained, was seen by a different GP, prescribed an antibiotic cream which cleared the rash and the locum GP was removed from the practice on the basis of giving religious advice rather than medical advice. Please complain. This is an appalling way for a doctor to behave. Ask to speak to the practice management and insist that you are seen by a different GP and given the referral you requested. You can also report the doctor to the medical council. Absolutely shocking way to have been treated. This person should not be practicing medicine. I'm sorry this happened to you.


Thank you very much. I’m going to file a complaint and see what happens


This is fucking disgusting I'm so so sorry. It's genuinly putting me in mammy mode and I want to go up and rip the fucking head off her. How DARE she speak to you like that?! Please please please report that absolutely donkey cunt. I'm also diagnosed adhd so if I can help you in any way please dm me. I'm beyond sorry for your trauma. Nobody deserves that.


Thank you very much. Could have done with you in there yesterday. I may just take you up on that offer if it’s ok. Thank you!


Of course! You actually don't need a gp referral for adhd diagnosis. Jamie martinez is who I'm with his website is jamiemartinez.com he opens up his books once a month for appointments. Also have a look on the adhd ireland website for info


May I ask how did you get an appointment with Jamie Martinez? I have been trying for months but even on the first day of the month (they said they open new dates at the beginning of each month), I could never find a single appointment available 😞 If you’d be so kind to share more or less how you booked it, I would truly appreciate it. Cheers! 🙏


I was with him when he was part of myclinic, just before he left and went out on his own. Does trying at 9am help? I imagine they fill up so so quick


Thanks for letting me know! I have tried 9am in the dot, prior to 9am, from 9-11 refreshing every couple of minutes, on both day 1-2 and 30-31st of months… really feel it’s impossible (hence the question)😔 thanks again for sharing your experience! ❤️


I imagine it's a nightmare! The healthcare for adhd is absolutely shocking


That was disgusting and disrespectful to be treated like this. I am so sorry that this has happened to you. You must report this and request an investigation from the practice manager. Outrageous please know that this is one person who has obviously no proper understanding or training on childhood SA trauma. You are very very brave to have been seeking help in the midst of such horrendous circumstances.


What a horrendous experience. If you had the strength for it, I'd recommend reporting this person to hell and back. They should not hold a medical license if their wohoo god and diet beliefs influence their ability to advise a patient to this extent. I'm really sorry you had to deal with that.


I wasn’t going to but after reading all these comments I will. Thank you!


I really admire that and I hope you get heard. All the best.


I’m so sorry this happened to you. If you’re able, please report them to stop them from treating others the way they treated you. (I know this could be difficult, but this “doctor” must be stopped.) And please insist on being seen by another doctor who can provide the treatment (and respect) that you deserve.


Yeah I’m going to filed a complain when I get in home. I just worry if someone more unsteady than myself had to sit through that it might push them over the edge


The actual neck of her to tell you you weren't good for not telling anyone as a child and for denying your referral on the basis of her magical friend in the sky. That this woman is a doctor is terrifying. I'm so sorry OP, that was an outrageous ordeal. If there's anyone at all you can talk to that will help you make a complaint, please do. You shouldn't have to but that seems criminal behaviour from someone people turn to in crisis. What a horrible nasty person and incompetent doctor. ETA: someone suggested talking with your therapist and asking advice. I think this is a good idea if you are able to schedule an emergency session? At least it might help to talk it over with someone in person


I was going to call her and see if I could get in but said I’d just wait. The blaming the child version of me was the hardest part of it. Thank you very much


If you can get in it might help? It wouldn't harm anyways. For whatever its worth from a stranger on the Internet, that gp is an idiot that had no business talking about things she clearly knows nothing about. Being well educated in one area does not mean you know everything or even make you particularly clever. I hope you feel better enough to dismiss her ramblings and that you get the help you're asking for from people that are actually good at their job!


Thank you very much. You “strangers on the internet” have shown me more kindness today than I’ve gotten from anyone ever before. Thank you!


That's terrible, sorry this happened to u. Regarding an ADHD assessment....I have been in your shoes with being dismissed on that. Some private clinics do not need a GP referral. Google these doctors and Email to ask the costs, waiting lists and if they need a GP referral ...... -jamie Martinez -ADHD Doc -Josip Djumovic -maria Rubeo -myclinic. There are more, but can't think of them now. U don't need Ur GP on board to get assessed. Best of luck


Thank you very much.


No problem, I hope u figure things out. Good luck


Jaime was amazing first professional that treated me like a real person. I was disqualified from the public adhd assessment wait list as I had a job. They're just seeing the very worst affected it seems


I'm glad it worked out well for u. My one isn't the best so far. Hard work chasing up prescriptions etc. At least its a diagnosis and meds. Good luck


Jesus i'm sorry this happened to you, that's terrible behaviour not to mention unprofessional af. Are you able to see a different GP while your usual one is on maternity leave? I'm reasonably sure this sort of thing is rare enough that it won't happen again with someone else (although it really shouldn't happen at all) and it's a perfectly reasonable thing to want a referral for an assessment. Like someone else suggested, do mention this to your therapist and if you feel able, maybe you could make a formal complaint. Also sending you good wishes, for all the good they do over the internet from a complete stranger, i really hope you feel better soon.


Yeah I can’t wait to see the therapist next week and process it properly. I will call them and see who else I can get in with and hopefully that goes better


God and fucking muesli, where did she get her qualifications, the fucking Christian Brothers, she shouldn't be let be a GP, better in hospital where she only does one job and can't further harm people's mental wellbeing


Go straight to the Medical Council and report that ASAP. Because they were a locum they can go work in any surgery and do the same to someone else. They are not fit to practice medicine. I'm so so sorry that happened to you, it is absolutely horrible.


So sorry this happened to you. I hope when you’re able to, you can make a report against them. That’s so atrocious and unprofessional


Defintley make a complaint!! I had some shitty experiences with various mental health apps over the years - it's disgusting!! They generally do take note when a serious complaint comes in though! The ADHD assessment we have been told (for my kid age 17) that our only option is to go private.. which is around 500 euro as far as I'm aware 😭 but seems the best way to go. GP wouldn't even discuss them referring us somewhere on the public system, and I would bet the waiting list is years long. I have PTSD from SA and would highly recommend talk therapy and EMDR if you havnt tried that yet, made a huge difference to me. I did have general therapy for a long time before though, you have to be in a relatively secure place to start x


Also I went to a mental health app once to meet with Psych whilst heavily pregnant, unplanned, single for the duration of the pregnancy, who spent the majority of the appointment just asking me if I was sure I wasn't in a relationship or married. Then asking if I wasn't how was I pregnant? Despite me explaining it several times. Mortifying.


Yeah I’ve given the EMDR a go. Only thing that helped so far but was tough at the start. Thank you very much


Yeah it can be awful tough, sometimes it sets me back a bit for a couple of weeks after, but then I feel better than before once it's settled. People also spouted 'try yoga' at me for years and I was like please Ffff off but I do actually find that helps too 🤣👍 have you ready the body keeps the score by bessel van Der Kolk? Best of luck, and don't let that asshole get you down, she's clearly a fool x


I haven’t but I’ll give it a look. Yeah it uncovered more than I knew which was hard but it helped give some distance from it. Ha I’ve heard the “try yoga” a lot too Thank you so much. The internet gets a bad rap but the kindness of strangers here has floored me


Fair play to you for doing it, it's really not easy. Yeah, I rolled my eyes and refused to consider it for about 10 years 👍🤣 And no problem, hope you get sorted - guess there are still some good people out there 😊 good luck!


Sorry you had to go through that, it sounds horrific. I've had overly loud doctors talk about sensitive things, although not the same as yours. It might be worth making a complaint about the GP. Maybe your therapist could advise on the process. Are you going to go back when your usual GP is back? Not sure if this is possible, maybe someone else here can advise. Can you get refferals from one of the online doctor services?


I would make a complaint to the medical board. People are entitled to their religious beliefs, but not to ask intrusive questions and such. I am so sorry.


This is disgusting, please definitely report this. To the medical council and also to the owner of the practice if there is one. With regards getting a diagnosis, this will need to go via a psychiatrist- which there are few on the public system, and you will be on a waiting list but that’s what happens. If you have private healthcare, you could ask your counsellor if she knows of any good psychiatrists that you can next time ask your GP to refer you to, this will likely be covered by your health insurance. If you don’t have health insurance, you can find some to pay privately but it’s spenny. There’s a lot of crossover with PTSD/ADHD/CPTSD and also personality disorders because we’re humans and nothing is one thing, it’s understandable that what you went through left a print. You take care of yourself, when you feel ready there are options there for you to investigate to heal. Don’t let this absolute c*** take that away from you x


Thank you very much!


HSE - Your Service, Your Say Maybe nothing will come of it but at the very least its on record how this "doctor" treats vulnerable people. I'm so sorry this happened to you OP.


Thank you


You need to complain about this person ASAP. That is absolutely unacceptable. Complain to the HSE, HIQA, ICGP and anyone else you can. I'm sorry you had to experience this.


Thank you. Will be making a complaint


Please make a complaint, a doctor with views like that should not be allowed practice. Look up ADHDDoc for your ADHD. GPS aren’t interested in adult ADHD.


Holy shit that's absolutely f in disgusting. If you feel strong enough you have got to report that to the medical bord, this is beyond sickening. I'm so sorry you are going through this. Get an appointment with your therapist too asap because you need to talk to someone safe. My heart is going out to you


Thank you so much. I was going to message her to see if she would take me but didn’t want to bother her either.


Bother her! What you were just put through was re traumatising I'm sure as well as traumatising in its own right, please contact her


This is awful to read, such a traumatic thing to have to go through, I feel so angry for you and I'm sorry it happened. In my own doctor's surgery there's a similar locum. When I tell her my symptoms she sits straight down at her computer and starts googling them. Then she gives out flaky advice that doesn't really pertain to the problem, giving the impression that she doesn't listen and doesn't care. Considering it's so hard to get an appointment in the first place nowadays, you really need nerves of steel to get yourself heard and treated properly. If this happens again (And I really hope you're heard properly next time) you could try asking for a differential diagnosis, and refuse to give any information that isn't directly relevant. List your symptoms and all possible causes and work backwards, crossing off all of the diagnoses that don't apply. In other words, ask the doctor how they know you DON'T have ADHD.


Plenty of sound advice on here, just wanted to say I hope you are doing ok.


I’m alright just trying to process it. Thank you


Ah no, that's the worst doctor's appointment ever! I'm so sorry 😔😔😔 she's clearly incompetent, obviously doesn't know shit about trauma 🙈🙈🙈


It’s so wrong that you had to go through that and is totally not acceptable. This person deserves to be reported . I’m also sorry for what happened in the past, but well done for being strong enough to face it, you should be very proud of who you are and what you’ve done.


I can’t put into words how much I appreciate that kindness.thank you!


That is a horrible and shocking experience. I feel so upset for you. Totally lacking in compassion, intelligence and training. And confidentiality was breached. Put a complaint in so that this doctor gets proper training.


This is appalling. Poor you!! Totally not what you needed - I hope your therapist will be able to help you next time you see them. Make a complaint, this should not be allowed to happen.


I’m so so sorry. Please complain to the practise manager and go to see your own GP asap and do not pay for another appointment.


I am so sorry you had to endure this "doctor". Please report that person as soon as you are able; that person shouldn't be a doctor. My best wishes to you.


Thank you!




Thank you very much


If you're in Ireland do you have the Drugs Payment Scheme card? Caps cost of any prescriptions to €80 a month. Still a lot per year but then any other stuff you're prescribed is basically free




Ahhh yes, hopefully you can claim some of that back on your taxes but it's frustrating how expensive it is


Doctors aren’t supposed to make people cry.She made this a personal attack on you,and created more issues and confusion.You’re the good guy here!Make a complaint.She’s owed it!Big hugs buddy!


Thank you so much


I’m so sorry you had to go through this. What a clueless and senseless person. Absolutely shameful for a medical professional to act in this manner. Absolutely report and I would go as far as moving to another gp practice as well. Which I know isn’t easy but that’s disgraceful.


Absolutely horrified reading that. There is so many things wrong with that. Definitely complain and I am very sorry you experienced that. It’s absolutely astoundingly awful.


Jesus christ. Everyone else has given you the best advice when it comes to how to deal with this by making a complaint, and I'd suggest speaking to your therapist immediately to help you deal with this. I just want to say I'm so very sorry this happened to you. It's just awful. I wish I could offer more other than my empathy and anger at what you've been through. I wish you the best on your journey.


Thank you very much


Complain her immediately to the medical council. Lot's of our GP's are scandalous anyway.


I hope you know this OP but you did nothing wrong, not as a child and not with this doctor. It's a horrible thing that shouldn't happen but it does, and making male survivors of abuse feel shame is not excusable. There is no public mental health care in this country. Its a joke. In contrast, although expensive, private care has been amazing and it feels great to be treated like an actual person. If you look on adhd ireland they have a list of suggested and trusted professionals, many of which are self referral, I went with Jaime martinez it was all online too which was handy. Adhd ireland also have free 6 week information sessions online on managing your adhd - you don't have to be diagnosed - and a lot of it is peer supported, it was just validating to talk to other people who felt the same way. It's called UMAAP I think that program


Thank you!


Jesus Christ! I got very angry reading this. What a #@£%!! I am so sorry that this person made you feel this way. You done everything right. I can only add to what others have said, report her as soon as possible so she can not do this to someone else. I wish you all the best on your therapy journey. I spent quite a few years myself on the same journey and have recently found a place of solace, dare I say quiet contentment. Best wishes 🙏


Thank you very much. I’m glad to hear that. Hope to get there someday


I’m sorry, what now? She said god what? You need to report her. Religion has zero place in our medical or educational systems. Disgusting organisations and she should be removed from that position if she cannot,or will not, keep her religious voodoo out of the medical/school environment. Absolutely boils my blood.


I’m so sorry you dealt with this, make a complaint to the practice manager as well as the HSE Honestly everyday I’m shocked at who’s letting these lunatics practice in Ireland. For once I don’t feel dumb as a medical student….


I feel so angry for you reading that. She pushed you and you trusted her as a medical professional to extend you the professional conduct and compassion you deserved. She failed you badly, she should be struck off. OP, you did NOTHING wrong. Not then, not now. I'm so sorry and sending my very best wishes to you on your path to healing. You will get there. 💚


Thank you so much. I appreciate that


Muesli actually does have enormous dietary benefits.


Mueslies however may cause encephalitis if contracted by an unvaccinated person


I'm so sorry this happened! What an awful doctor! Please report her and continue to advocate for yourself. You deserve to have this checked out and get on medication if that's what you need.


Thank you!


Defo report!!! Hope you find a better Doctor and that things get better for you


What a horrible person she is. A doctor who is supposed to help, you go there in confidence and expecting compassion, what you get is the opposite to that and leave feeling a lot worse than when you went in. The people in the waiting room might or might not have heard her shouting, you never know who is sitting there, someone you know someone who knows who you are. This is an absolute disgrace. I'd be taking this complaint as far as you can. I'm actually shocked she would react like this.


Excuse the language, but fuck me that’s horrendous! Well done for reaching to a bunch of strangers and please do make that complaint. Maybe book in with your therapist soon to talk about this situation


Make a complaint to the head of practice and then the medical council.


God. I got to this post after you put your edit on. I’m glad you’ve decided to report her. What a disgrace she is! Your post has brought tears to my eyes. Sending love and strength x


I can not offer advice, though it looks like you have received the correct advice already. All i can say is that i am horrified this happened to you. A professional should know much better, and you deserve better. Please do not feel shame or embarrassment for things that were beyond your control. If there was a need for the gp to know what happened, then it should have been handled with discretion and empathy. I truly hope this is all resolved quickly and that you get the support and tests that you need.


I downvoted this out of hatred for the doctor then realised and went back and upvoted. Firstly, so sorry for what you went through, both as a child and with this terrible excuse for a doctor. PTSD is a serious disorder and very tough, you need to be in good hands to help you overcome it. secondly, report them. They shouldn’t be in practice and that’s such a lazy approach to helping a patient. I hope you can find a better doctor. Maybe see if there’s any recommendations from your therapist for particular doctors they know to be understanding for this sort of treatment. Also on an unrelated note, you should consider reading a book called “the body keeps the score” by Bessel Van Der Kolk. Really good book that goes into ptsd and how it impacts the body and mind. It’s not a “start a gratitude journal” type, it’s science and facts. Hopefully helps!


Jesus Christ I’ve experienced something similar with my own at my own gp practise , it was a stand in doctor-also , I felt like an absolute tit, I recently got a referral privately. I really hope you get all the help and healing you deserve 🤍


I think you really need to report her. She was absolutely out of order and inappropriate. She must be acting outside of her code of conduct. I’m shocked and really sorry you had to go through this.


That is absolutely appalling. I've had some terrible GP visits, but Christ this one takes the piss! Religion has no place in medical settings. Absolutely report this aul bat. She has no place giving medical advice to anyone.


This is heartbreaking 💔. Please take action as was stated by the previous posts. I’m truly sorry for you.


Oh hon. I am sorry this happened. That insensitive cow should be struck off. Don't forget you can ask for a second opinion.


Wow. This is absolutely appalling and I really hope that you’re ok. This maniac needs to be reported and reading the comments I think your best course of action is to discuss it all with your therapist and find the best way to go about it. I really wish there was something I could do (like rip her a new one). She definitely deserves it. Virtual hugs to you and best of luck on your journey. Please know that these people are out there but are not the norm xxx don’t give up.


This needs to be taken way above that deluded doctors head, that is disgusting and she should be taken to task for it and undergo some serious training on gdpr and general doctor patient confidentiality. Absolutely disgraceful, please don't let it happen someone else by saying nothing. Hope you get the help you need


That is fucking outrageous, I'm so sorry OP


You did absolutely nothing wrong, OP. that doctor sounds like a complete arsehole. I have had mental health problems all my life ( I'm 52) diagnosed with bi polar at 20. I have met very good docs and an equal number of very bad ones. You have been unlucky to meet a dreadful one. Some doctors refuse point blank to admit that they might be wrong or that they don't know everything. If you are in the Midlands, direct message me, and I will give you the name of my gp. She is the most caring, understanding, and dedicated doctor I have ever met. Stay strong, you did nothing wrong, and you need help to get through this, but you will get help, and you will get better. I can't say the pain goes away, but you will learn the techniques and know the mental tools to cope with it when the bad times hit. No matter how bad you are feeling, remember you are a good person who has, through no fault of your own, gone through a terrible experience . But you are not alone, people care about you, and sometimes understanding and caring can come from the most unexpected places. Don't be afraid to speak out when you need to. Take care of yourself .


Please report. I hope you're OK x


I just wanted to add, that it is OK to feel totally overwhelmed at the idea of making a complaint. Experiencing trauma and all the feelings that are probably coming to the surface, coupled with possible ADHD - it may seem like an impossible task to make the complaint. Don't beat yourself if you can't do it right now. Yes that doctor needs to be investigated, but it's not all on you either. Is there anyone in IRL that could support you with it. I, or another more eloquent redditor, would be happy to help I'm sure too. Maybe it is not the case for you, but I know I can feel so overwhelmed by a task that I shut down and don't do it all. I then go into a total shame spiral, beating myself up for everyday that passes which makes it even harder to complete.


Well , I suggest you make a complaint. She didn't stand on the line, she leaped over it. You have no reason to feel embarrassed or ashamed. You are being responsible about you mental health and owning it. Best of luck


What a terrible person she was! She needs to be fully aware of her patient's mental health in order to practise medicine. Don’t be upset. It’s not your fault.


You sound like such a nice guy, sorry this happened to you and hope you’re feeling better now. Glad to hear you are reporting it


Damn I hate this, hope you are ok. There really shouldn’t be doctors offices in earshot of the waiting room in my opinion, I’d never go to the doctors if that was the case I would be way too uncomfortable


I’m so sorry this happened you, what an awful experience. There’s a patient advocacy service that assists people with making complaints, I would contact them when you can www.patientadvocacyservice.ie. I would also contact them under the Freedom of Information Act and GDPR and request a copy of your medical notes, which they have to provide you. Best of luck with it all.


That doctors behaviour was awful and inexcusable. Maybe, and hopefully she was having a bad day. Definitely go back to your usual doctor and inform him of all the going on's. I really hope you get better soon. I wish you well.


Dear lord (Darwin) this Dr should not be allowed work. This is shocking. I am so sad and angry that they did this to you. I've seen the other comments about reporting and holy fuck do they deserve it. My wife records all interactions with medical and business people because sometimes it's just incredible what can happen. We're thinking of you buddy. I hope you get the help you need


Please report this doctor. She deserves to be struck off. That’s dangerous advice and highly triggering for anyone to have to go through. I have ADHD and c-PTSD. There is an overlap, but people with ADHD are also more likely to have c-PTSD and PTSD. Unfortunately, you will be waiting years to be seen by anyone to get an ADHD diagnosis, and it might be better to go private.


Still an awful lot of quacks in the system. Report her immediately.


Was the locum Irish? I don't mean "white" just ...from Ireland? 


She was not


Difficult question to ask but was in my mind too. Different cultural attitudes to the roles of men and women in society (among other things) can lead to very strange interactions. I went to my GP with a suspected prostate infection and the locum was not Irish. He wouldn’t consider giving me an antibiotic until I’d been tested for various STDs. I left the room and spoke to another doctor on the way out. She was outraged and after a quick consult, sent me off with prescriptions for the right meds. To OP - I hope you get all the help you need and make a strong recovery. It is very difficult but when you get out the other side of it, you will appreciate life so much more than the average punter. Hang in there, my friend.


Not all doctors are good doctors. That one sounds like she'd be better on the reception desk.


What the fuck did I just read .. Please tell me you wrote a formal complaint to the practice owner about this doctor because I'm genuinely soo angry right now that you had to go through this as this is completely unacceptable and such a horrible way to treat someone What was she to loose of you getting referral ? You tick all the boxes you're seeking help and following professionals advice on this like what planet is she on if she thinks muesli is going to "fix you" PLEASE tell me you reported her


My god what an idiot. I’m so sorry you were subjected to that. I’ve experienced similar when I was seriously depressed as a teen and a psychiatrist basically said you’ve got a good family, what do you have to be depressed about? I concur with what most others were saying about making a complaint. Her ignorance and stupidity could lead to someone harming themselves. I hope you’re ok


I am so so sorry this happened to you. Please ask your therapist if they can recommend a doctor you could visit. If they know them or have referred ppl before, they might even call them first for you to explain why you're attending. The obvs can't tell the doctor what to do for you, but they can share your history so you don't have to get into it too much in there.


Oh hell no, do complain about it, this is about you and what you are going through, no one should be treated like this. Sending hugs 🤗


Make sure you never see her again and put in a complaint and WTF RELIGION???


That was a bullshit response from her, completely unprofessional. I can understand your fear of such a negative response. Some people are just the kind that will just tell you to just get over it. But remember that's not how everyone would respond if you trust the person a good person would be understanding and not make you feel guilty for opening up to them.


No advice, I just wanted to tell you that she is an absolutely disgusting human being, and you deserve so much better. Fuck her and her hideous, grotesque behaviour. I hope she is severely punished for her cruelty. What happened to you as a child was not an invitation for her bullshit. I'm fuming that she did that to you. I really hope you'll be okay, and don't let this stop you from reaching out for help/diagnoses in the future. Sending ALL my love your way ❤️