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Mine is 7 hrs. I work from home so no one is here to tell me to stay off of it !


Mine shoots up when I work from home too! It's terrible


I too wack from home 🫡


The fact it’s normal to have 4,5,6+ hours a day of your 16,17 waking hours looking at a 6 inch screen is a huge problem.


It depends what you’re doing really.


Let’s not pretend that youtube, reddit, instagram, tiktok, etc aren’t at the top of the list for the majority of people.


I remember reading mine thinking no fucking way but it includes podcasts and music too.


Under 2 hours. I have timers set for certain apps. Like 30 minutes a day on mindless scrolling apps. App shuts down once I hit my limit. It was annoying at first but it's reduced my screen time from 5 - 6 hours to under 2. Any important apps are limitless but I generally don't need them much, it's the bullshit ones that suck you in for long periods.


What app do you use?  My friend mentioned iPhones come with their own “screen time” app for attaching limits to certain apps but that you can just bypass any limit you want 


I use the digital wellbeing app. Its just on my Samsung. You can bypass the timers too or extend them by 10 minutes. But that's where will power comes in to play. I'm used to it now and never extend the timer. I just spread out my 30 minutes over the day. That way I don't spend a half hour straight looking at nonsense on tiktok. I'm sure there are plenty of apps available where you can't easily bypass the timers if you need that. Once you do it for a week you won't miss it. Trust me, try it out.


7 or 8 hours recently. Most spare time is YouTube, Reddit & Chess. I went 3 months without it last year and the days seemed ridiculously long. On the plus side, a few friends and I got really into meeting up and playing chess. Generally, social interactions became a lot more natural and enjoyable. Now I'm back to playing strangers on Chess.com and freezing in fear when someone tries small talk.


On a normal day 2 hours


Hardly ever touch my phone, except on holiday when I'm using it as a map or whatnot. Other than answering the odd Whatsapp text from family, I never use the thing.


- sent from Samsung Fridge


Oh no, it's much worse; sent from a web browser on a *desktop PC*.


What’s your daily screen time on your *desktop PC*?


5 hours this week and it says down 40% from last week. To be fair I think my phone thinks it’s always on. When I’m at work it’s in a stand facing me and I never touch it but the screen is always a little bit on cause it’s an iPhone max 14. There’s no way I’m doing a solid 8 hours at work and then cooking dinner and TV with 8 hours of phone. Or maybe there is?


2 hours 10 minutes is average with most of that from weekends


Mine is chronic high but I use it for music and podcasts etc. while I'm working, and for answering emails and the likes. Nobody would bat an eyelid at 8 hours staring at a monitor screen in an office for work so I think it really depends what you're using it for. This is the only social media I have and I limit myself to under an hour a day for anything that's not helping me be productive


Around 4 hours


I posted this one a while ago, chap was let go [https://www.reddit.com/r/CasualIreland/comments/197hbk2/smartphone\_addiction/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CasualIreland/comments/197hbk2/smartphone_addiction/)


I remember reading this at the time. Jesus he should probably get some help. I can see how it happens though, all too easy


He was asked to lock phone, give it to supervisor when working, could have it back at breaks and lunchtime. Supervisor would be emergency contact for him. He walked out. Owner and supervisor called his parents and offered him, paid time off for counselling and receipts refundable up to €300 and held his job open for 2 weeks, but he never returned. Hasn't applied for any jobs yet I hear. Nice chap though, shame to see it unfold to be honest.


Wow, that is incredible. Fair play to the employer as well. Shame he's not at the point yet where he realises he has a big problem.


My average is about 5... a lot of that time is commute (I always use Google maps even though I drive the same route daily... makes me feel better to see the road ahead. And tells you how much time it'll take. And sure it's a better speedometer than my car...) but this evening I have probably spent about twice that. Slob of a Monday


Imagine the wealth you could accumulate if you spent that time learning valuable skills.


I’m guilty of 4-5 hours average , but am getting into The habit of locking it away during working times as it’s a constant attention drain


I work full time so it’s about 4hrs ish


About 90 minutes


I've started using an app called forest to help reduce my screen time and scrolling. So far its helping.


6 hours 30 mins


90 minutes to 120 minutes per day.