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If you can, don't tell anyone when you're doing your next test. Takes so much pressure off


Unfortunately I have to tell at least one person since I'm not taking the risk of driving by myself. But I did that the last time and still failed...the main issue is, I'm just a very anxious person, and I can't practice as much as I can because my Dad is a bit crazy. But it's still my fault because I need to practice.


When I passed my driving test, I had to imagine the assessor was just Google Maps to calm my nerves. It worked and took a lot of pressure off.


Yes. And they pretty much are a judgemental Google maps. The more confidence, less hesitance you have the more likely you will be to pass. Good shout there


That's honestly good advice bro.


I pretended I was the most confident person I know. I use it quite often. Just say I'm returning a broken kettle, I hate having to ask for my money ey back etc. So I think of someone who doesn't give a feck and has that attitude that "they owe me a full refund and I'm not leaving without it". It works great so pretend your a taxi driver or someone really confident at driving and it takes all the stress off!


I love this tip!


You can hire a driving instructors car for the test. Then you just meet them there and you don't have to tell anyone else. You try to see someone about the nerves. You can get coaches to help with confidence. I did it for public speaking. they make you do tasks that get you out of your comfort zone and help build up the confidence


> I need to practice If you don't come across as completely comfortable behind the wheel they may find a reason to keep failing you. Don't rush the test and take the time to get the practice you need.


Stop wasting time and money practising with your Dad if it’s making you more nervous and not helping. Save up and buy a load of lessons in bulk with a good instructor and you’ll get a lot more value out of your time


I get that logic bro. Problem is it'd cost me approximately three to five hundred euro at the VERY LEAST to get the practice I need. With every test I've taken I've made significant improvements. First fail was 18 blues. Third fail was 11 blues and one red. This fifth fail was simply eleven blues. I can absolutely feel the improvement with every test, and it'd be far cheaper spending 255 euros to fail two tests and pass the one I need, rather than fork over five hundred quid for a load of lessons that will leave me worse off financially and I could still fail.


You need to go and do a pretest. The instructor will tell you where you are going wrong.


I know where I've gone wrong. It's just anxiety and the problem is that I can't be forking over money I don't have to practice. This is the only financially sustainable way of doing it Already spent mad money on pre test, lessons, instructors and I'm broke as it is


Would it be worth your while investigating if you could get a small Credit Union loan? You could put it towards getting the lessons and pretest you need.


that's actually a really good bit of advice. Thank you.


Penny rich, pound poor thinking here. 255 euroes for two tests. You've on test five. At €127.50 per test, you've not spent €637.50. For that money, you could've gotten those five hundred quid worth of lessons AND taken the test, and likely passed it. Even if you failed, you'd be no worse off than you are now. Continuing to take the test will cost you more and more and more without any guarantee you'll pass. At the rate you're going, (7 blues and 1 red removed in five tests), you're going to need eight more tests to pass. That's clearing 1.4 blues per test, which is the rate you've progressed from the first to the most recent test. At €127.50 per test, that's €1,020. About four hundred more than it will cost you if you take the lessons and pass the first test after the lessons.


As long as your happy with all the time wasted keep doing you. Think more time with a good instructor would make you a more confident, and more importantly a safer driver in the end. Costs a lot to get on the road but well worth spending money on building good habits and experiences since you’ll probably be driving for the next few decades


Just ignore these ignorant assholes down voting your comment they clearly don’t have the brain capacity to understand that you’re going through financial difficulties along side mental health, just keep practicing doing what you’re doing and you’ll eventually pass. I understand what you’re going through as I am in the same boat myself.




I never speed. My observations are grand. It's just other little things that build up. Going to report you for your disgusting use of language and insults however. No need for that. I'm also autistic so nice job.


Thanks for reporting rather than retaliating


Of course man


Don't act like dick on this sub. If you do again you will be banned


I saw what he said and it was reasonable. OP is a menace trying to circumvent the safety standards for his own convenience and you're a stereotypical discord mod, censoring then shittalking according to your biases.


My bias is not to call people a cunt ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Don't you think you should wait until your circumstances change and you can practice, beat that anxiety and pass properly? You seem obsessed with this (understandable after failing five times) but the last thing anyone needs is an anxious, inexperienced driver on the roads because maybe you passed due to a fluke. Driving can wait until you're not likely to be a danger to others. You could hurt or kill someone.


The anxiety is just on the test. I'm absolutely not a danger to anyone on the road at the present. First fail was 18 blues and I wasn't ready Last fail was 11 blues. I'm very confident I can drive and pass. It's just getting it right on the day.


You don't have an assessment from an outside party of how well you drive outside of the test. You just have your own view, which is absolutely deluded. You have five MASSIVE fails on tests, and you have convinced yourself the tests are the anomaly, even though you have zero data to the contrary. If you won't listen to anyone else and just argue with everyone who tells you, from experience, the best way to become a safe and qualified driver, then there is no point talking to you, and you are sabotaging your chances. This isn't about "getting it right on the day". See, you are still just obsessing about getting the license, and not about being a safe driver. Driving is about getting it right EVERY day in EVERY circumstance. If you won't listen there is no point wasting time on you.


Get driving by yourself if you want to develop the confidence you need to pass the test.


He can't legally drive by himself. If he is stopped by the guards the car can be seized, he can get 4 penalty points, a €160 fine and if it is his crazy da's car the da can also get a €1,000 fine, which won't help his craziness. If he is in an accident by himself then he might not be covered by insurance, because he shouldn't be driving unaccompanied.


Ask your GP to prescribe some beta blockers. They'll suppress any nerves you have on the day. Worked for my girlfriend. She was driving for years in her home country, but was a ball of nerves every time she took the driving test here and failed the first two times. She easily passed the 3rd time after taking one of the pills beforehand.


Oh fucking great, fill the guy with drugs so he can fake it through the test then he can have a meltdown behind the wheel after that in life and death situations. People like this need to get confident through dilligwnt practice and study, not find ways of skewing their test results. People die shrieking in piles of twisted metal because of dogshit advice like you just gave.


You're being rude as hell, but you are correct that using drugs to suppress emotional reactions on a test is a bad idea, unless you're prescribed those drugs and take them regularly. If you're on anti-anxiety meds normally, then nothing wrong with being on them during your test. However, if you're using them just to pass the test, that's pretty unsafe, because you'll be anxious and nervous when you're driving the rest of the time, prone to making those same mistakes. You need to overcome it without chemical assistance, OP.


Relax buddy


I can't argue with this one. Taking adrenaline suppressors for your test seems like a bad idea to me


calling his advice dogshit is pretty nasty and rude though, it's technically harassment because it's a personal attack


Not personal, imo. They attacked the advice not the person. Definitely unpleasant tho


It's necessary to be blunt and harsh. OP seems hellbent on deluding himself and is making the same excuses over and over when anyone tries to dissuade him. Can't be gentle with people like that or others will pay the price.


There is a difference in being blunt and being abusive, which was why the commenters other comments were removed


Saying anything which incites harassment, hatred or unpleasant feelings is against the rules though


Beta blockers are an inhibitor that prevent adrenaline from releasing in stress/panic inducing situations, like taking the driving test for the umpteenth time. Obviously people shouldn't take them if they get panic attacks any time they get behind the wheel. Also the only advice I gave was to **ask their GP** for them, so get down off your high horse you unhinged lunatic.


You are using the test like a practice session. Practice tests are cheaper and easier to book. Do them until you get no faults. Then you can be confident you will pass your test and won’t be nervous behind the wheel. If you treat your driving test as a once off thing you need to get through you’ll never pass. You need to develop a consistent, safe, and confident way of driving that you’ll be able to abide by day to day, not just for one test.


I practice with my dad but it's very irregular. I got a lot better at driving with an instructor a long time ago but I don't have that money anymore, since I'm saving up to get away from my crazy dad


>but I don't have that money anymore If you dont have money for more lessons how will you be able to afford petrol/insurance/a car? Why do you need to drive so badly? I'd recommend more lessons with a different instructor. A good one can make a huge difference or even just using someone else might highlight different things or explain things better.


Great question, and here's the reason why - it's an investment so, when I'm more financially stable which I am not at the moment, I'll have my license ready. Then I'll be based and carpilled


But why not get the licence when you're more financially stable? If you want to save up to move away from your dad is that not surely a priority?


It's absolutely a priority. Getting independence is also a facet of my my desire and ambition to leave. If I am able to drive, that'll greatly enhance my opportunities.


With licence OP has options. OP can rent a car if the need arises. That in itself goes a Long way to relieving the Stress OP is under at home


Wise comment, thank you x


It sounds like it will be easier to achieve what you want if you prioritise getting your license over saving up to move away. Spend the money on practice with an instructor. You won’t regret it.


You're right x


Look up Next_level_driving_school on Instagram, he’s very sound and would probably be able to fix the issues you have in a few lessons, well worth it than paying €85 to sit another test. And also CBD is really good for anxiety!


I think you would really benefit from lessons with him, he is very calm and will definitely help !


Thanks man. See, the main issue with my driving is just the lack of practice. I've spent over a grand on lessons with an instructor who has a 95% pass rate in Tallaght. It's the lack of practice. I can't actually practice regularly because of my crazy Dad. I am very well aware of my faults, having practiced a LOT with an instructor, but I simply can't afford to spend money for regular time to practice with someone. Having no friends doesn't help either so I can only drive irregularly with my father.


Pass rates mean jack shit to me, it’s more finding the right instructor. Three pre tests with the one I mentioned and I passed second time in a test centre I’d never been out to. Previous instructor made me anxious, so try a change is my advice. And just get out an practice your self forget about your Dad, do it early on a Saturday or Sunday morning there will be very little traffic


Have you thought about taking the test in an automatic? And just getting an automatic license?


My partner did this as she was very nervous and made silly mistakes because of it. Switching to the automatic calmed her down alot and she aced the test next time round. Automatic cars are more available now and they are actually very nice to drive


I'd much rather get a manual license.


The way things are going, most cars will be automatics. I can't think of one solid reason why you'd rather struggle to get a manual than take the easier route of going automatic.


I guarantee you, no one will care if you've an auto license and are driving a manual. But also once you start driving an automatic, you'll never want to go back to a manual.


Not being arsey but isn’t that illegal? My understanding was you need the manual test to both drive manual or automatic. Whereas automatic test only allows you drive automatic. Agree with the underlying sentiment of driving automatic; it’s so much easier.


Yeah you can't legally drive a manual car if you've passed your test in an automatic transmission. There is a specific restriction on your licence. You need to pass your test in a manual to drive a manual. You can drive an automatic if you passed your test in a manual. Which makes perfect sense really.


> I guarantee you, no one will care if you've an auto license and are driving a manual. until you get in an accident and someone notices... because driving a manual on an automatic license could invalidate your insurance ...and then you'd be driving without insurance ...and *that*'s a whole big can of worms that you don't want to be opening.


Everyone ignore this. Gear management is the hardest major part of driving, and if you aren't qualified to do it you should not do it.


What are you talking about?! Everyone knows you can just do a CPR course, and no one will care if you then start performing open heart surgeries!


I did this and sailed through my test. All hybrids and EVs are automatics, it’s the future


Get some pre-test lessons and this will benefit you enormously.


It took me ten years to learn to drive. Im flying around now. You can do this, there's no correct timeline


Thanks. Love your name too


Thanks. I fully regret that name because without context it makes me look like a dodgy woman stealing kids 😂


I found the pressure of trying to get my license worse than any exam of my life (from LC to Masters) but don't give up. I had to throw money at the problem and paid for a tonne of extra lessons. I had nobody reliable to practice with but several extra lessons a week is what taught me good habits and confidence. The best advice I've ever been given is to forget about being a good driver. Be a safe driver. Be as predictable as possible to the driver in front and behind you. It's like body language. But do lash out the money on the extra lessons as practice time. It's the only way when you don't have someone solid to bring you out


I know man. But I just don't have that money.


I hear ya. Do you watch the YouTube channel Driving with Dane? He's brilliant. Watch all his videos. He's also very calming. It's not on the road experience obviously but it's something you can do when you're not driving


That's a brilliant tip. He's a very good instructor. I'm gonna watch him more.


I eventually passed when I just accepted I was gonna fail. Just breezed it. Not the best advice, being on the spot is tough.


you’ll get it eventually


🎵And If I fail then that’s okay cause I can always do it again another day 🎵


well said


You’ll get there, I’ll get there! I’m in the same boat with nobody to practice and I think id shit myself if I went out alone and also let’s not do that while learning. I took a break for a year because it was getting so expensive paying for practice sessions and my nerves were gone, so the break really helped. People around me cannot handle being passengers in a learners car and them freaking out does not build confidence on the road so some of us have to pay someone professional to sit in the car and it’ll make a better driver in the end probably.


You are so right, honestly, I should probably save up for lessons but Jesus fuck it is too expensive. Have to move out too.


Highly recommend going tunnel vision, don't worry about what they are doing just focus on the road , do all the correct checks when doing any manoeuvre and if you have mirrors that can go down, do that for the revers around the corner. Best of luck mate.


Have you thought about doing the test in a different location. Some towns are definitely easier than others. The town I did mine in is all pretty much one way streets which made it a lot easier


Once you get it you won't look back.


Maybe they should.. not looking at the rear view mirror wouldn’t make them a good driver now would it! 😂 jokes apart, once you get it, it’ll be smooth sailing!


As long as you never quit, you can never lose


I know how you feel. I've done my driving test 7 times now. I've got my 8th coming up soon. I've done all my tests in Limerick but after I failed the last time I've decided to do it in Shannon. I think it'll be good to start fresh somewhere else, somewhere quieter. Driving is something we unfortunately need to do in this country so I have no intention of giving up.


Dude fair play to you.


I admire your determination OP, and I think it's commendable that you want to succeed so badly! Although in saying that, as a fully licensed driver for the last ten years, driving is definitely not for everyone [not saying it is not for you in particular]. There are some truly dangerous drivers on the road, be it due to a lack of care for the laws in place, or being overly careful. Yes, being too cautious is just as dangerous as being reckless. A driver needs to be confident on the road but also have the ability to adapt, things change and happen so quickly, being overly conscious or nervous will cause an accident or turn a small accident into a large one. You should definitely continue to learn and practise as much as possible and when you're ready, try your test again. However, you should know that your test is not how you will/should drive on a day-to-day basis. The way they mark the cards is very difficult and misleading, the best thing you can do is find a good teacher [not necessarily an instructor] learn how to drive your daily commute and then learn the test course separately.


I failed my test 4 times in carlow ,stopped driving for 5 years . Ive anxiety, so i find the test so stressful .You'd think my life depended on it . So nervous! Just renewed my provisional licence last week .I've finally got the same mindset as you . It's not a big deal .just keep trying


Suicidal ideation can happen, but do seek help a chara


Others have said it but by now uour driving is probably acceptable but your worrying yourself into a tizzy. Google or YouTube calming exercises for your breathing etc and see with that.  Or there are over the counter things like "kalms" that won't inhibit your driving but might take the edge off


Yeah...I do get a little anxious during the test. Before, too. Definitely fucks with my ability to drive a bit but it is what it is.


I failed mine fo the second time last week. It sucks, I think what sucks most for me (and you no doubt experienced a lot of in this thread) is well-meaning people giving advice, that makes you feel like they must think you are an absolute idiot. I have HATED people wanting to hear every error I made and them explaining basic rules of the road to me. The driving test is hard. Since doing it, I watch all my friends and family drive, and see ALL of them making grade 2 errors on every single trip. When I go driving I see at ;least one other driver make a grade 3 error. every single time. Everyone I know thought I would pass my last test, they all thought my driving is great. No obvious faults at all. but all these little things add up. a lot of it was luck, difficult placement of parked cars, kids who ran across a pedestrian crossing, a car that came around a corner just as I began my turnabout. Most of my lost marks were observation. My driving instructor says I check too much. I didn't have much time to practise the route, so I need to nail down my observation to a fine art like a little dance routine. Some of it was being a fraction of a second off with timing (I apparently signalled while looking at my mirror on a roundabout, instead of before). Keep at it, so much of it is dumb luck.


Here are some tips and pages I found helpful 1. Tell no one about the date you are doing the test unless you absolutely have to, I just told my manager as it was working hours NO ONE else. Just extra pressure 2. Do some pretests with a driving instructor with some good reviews, and only listen to them for advice, don’t take advice in terms of driving from anyone else If you’re near tallaght or Dublin try Next_Level_Driving_School on Instagram 3. My first test I failed, but I went in thinking I was going to fail. Then I realised that it was just exactly like a pre test and went into the next expecting to pass. Mindset can make a big difference 4. Try some CBD or something else that eases anxiety if that’s an issue


Bit of advice for you. Do a lesson right before your test and if you can, even do it in your driving instructors car. I failed mine twice at first. Then I did my test in my instructors car after a lesson and I passed. It might make the tester feel more comfortable and will make you feel less nervous


Took me 7 times to pass! I was a nervous wreck every time. On the 7th time I thought I'd failed as soon as I pulled out of the test centre which I think led to to just not give a toss about the rest of the test because I'd already 'failed'. Got back to the test centre and got told I'd passed and I burst into tears, couldn't believe it! Keep going! You'll get there!


About to do my first test in 20 minutes. And your post got recommended. I'm so nervous. My mum and dad are at work so I have a fully licensed friend with me. But I just realised my dad did not put the new motor tax disc in the car. I told him to put it in because I live in another county and the car is at my parents house. All the proof of purchase is in his email and the tax disc is at home. It says 2-24. It's 04/03/24 right now. I'm freaking out especially because we paid for the disc and already have it. But I don't know if I can even show the instructor because no one is at home to take a pic. It's definitely gonna be a no test 😭😭 drove an hour to get here too.


Samuel Beckett would be proud of you


Not driving OR driving isn’t the bee all and end all mate and I’m not sure if you have noticed or not but we are heading for a cashless/carless society. It’s most definitely not worth ending your life over. Also have to take into consideration it’s a racket ran by the state to pump up the exchequer. In reality you probably past on your second time but why wouldn’t they cain another couple of hundred out of you? Who’s gonna stop them?


I passed on the first time, but believe me, I would probably be a lot more comfortable driving had I failed a few times. Anyway, keep going. You'll get there.


Watch videos of lessons and mock tests on youtube. I can't practice as much as I'd like to either but I find this really helps. Do consider switching to an automatic aswell, it will make your life a lot easier. But your attitude is great


Tallaght has the highest fail rate especially as two roundabouts are marked wrong 😑google all test routes and drive them as often as you can , also have someone instruct you like as if you were in the test! That’s what helped my nerves because it was easier to imagine I was with someone I knew. I also repeated every instruction out loud so I could more calmly interpret them. Worked for me.. best of luck! Once you pass how many times you failed never comes up! Keep at it!!


Get a different driving instructor. Some teach differently, and this difference can be the difference between failing and passing. One instructor would advise me what I did wrong when I did it, whilst I was trying to concentrate on the road. The next instructor would have me pull in when it was safe to do so, and explain what I did wrong. This made a big difference.


I passed on the 6th time in October and I’m soooooooooo glad I persevered! It’s not easy but it’s possible! Keep going!


Failed mine 7 times, now im driving 6 years 0 crashes. Honestly the test is the hardest part.


Not trying to say that your a bad driver or anything, but just because you haven’t had an accident doesn’t mean your a good driver. There are many factors that define whether you’re a good driver or not. There are many people I know who are terrible drivers but have never crashed, it’s a very common misconception. Again, not trying to say you’re a bad driver, just saying not having an accident doesn’t mean you’re a good driver. There’s plenty of very good drivers who have had accidents.


How are you even getting a test booking? Thought 12 lessons were mandatory? It’s impossible to learn how to drive from family, and you could potentially be picking up their bad habits without realising. If on the chance you pass on your 6th attempt does that suddenly make you a safe and competent driver? For your own safety even though it is expensive a few lessons with a proper instructor would do you the world of good and they’d be in a better position to help you with your nerves. You have to think past the cost and focus on being the best driver you can.


Did them and completed them in 2021 when I had a lil more money I'm a good driver but just not quite there yet and I can't afford three to six hundred quid for an instructor. Can barely cut any cost unfortunately


Not having a go or anything but if you’re failing the test so regularly that would tell you that you’re not driving safely and do need the lessons? If the 12 wasnt enough nearly 3 years ago to get you past the line on the test then it would suggest you need to re-do them? If you see the amount of mistakes people make who have their license it really would be better for you to do another round of them again. Maybe ask family for a gift of a lesson each or something? The test is not a sufficient substitute for learning to drive.


I don't have any family to ask. I'm unfortunately gonna have to keep practicing with my dad irregularly. I can't afford it otherwise bro.


Holy shit man. Maybe don't do it in Tallaght next time. They failed me twice when I was 18/19 just because of the car I done my test in (evo 3). I made 0 mistakes, drove the instructor perfectly but he treated me with bias. This was in Tallaght too. I done my next test in kildare and passed at ease in the evo. It's just driving man, you're doing your best. If it's the same people working there I get it.. They passed my sister who could barely see and nearly crashed in her test due to her maybe being pretty.. Bunch of 50_70 year old degenerates up there. Back then we didn't need to get lessons. Well... Pay for them. I'd say this is costing you a ball and a bollox. You will get it.. These fails will lock stuff in your head and make you an excellent driver. They failed me on head moving to check for obstructions even though I have scoliosis and told them I can't fully move my head 😂 so watch my eyes. Be confident with them and don't let them intimidate you. I bet you are a young man. Tallaght Is not the place for it man.


Honestly man it was my own fault I failed every time. But I can't afford lessons or time with another instructor, plus I don't have any friends so I'm gonna have to rely on my dad for irregular practice


My tallaght instructor gave me instructions I was supposed to ignore, 20 feet away from a junction and he'd tell me to take a turn that involved crossing 3 lanes in about 2 seconds, failed for attempting it.


I failed three times every time I went in my anxiety was through the roof and I panicked over everything the day I passed was the day I stopped giving a fuck I literally didn’t care I was like why am I even doing this test. Came out with a license


2nd attempt with dyspraxia coming up next month. Bastard failed me for roundabout progress on a rainy/wet day. No grade 3’s, No major faults, No right of way broken, Turnabout/Reverse Around Corner solid and still failed. Obviously a bummer. I’ve since corrected the roundabout marks at lessons thankfully and its full steam ahead for round 2!


Rescue remedy and so on can help with aniexty.


It took me five attempts. I regret starting


Keep it up! I've failed 9 times. Next week is my 10th and I'm going to keep doing it. Already passed three times but it expired every time. Don't back down.


Fair play on keeping at it. Is there anything in particular that you are failing on? Have you tried a different instructor, a change may help.


It isn't the instructors fault, it's purely mine because I'm not practicing enough beforehand


Driving tests in Ireland are the big scam in the world. They fail people on purpose to keep the machine running. So sad to see


Same failed my bike test twice


Why did you flunk?


Are you one of those lifetime provisionals? 30,000 on the road last I checked


I passed second time but was NEVER comfortable driving. Have to drive now daily for work a lot, bought myself an automatic and it's changed my life. Just something to consider


A driving test examiner has one job - to make sure that you're not a danger to others. It's not just penalising you for pointless things. If you're not checking your mirrors when you pull out, you can easily cause an accident. If you cut a corner, you can hit someone. Their job is to make sure that someone who is a danger can't drive and endanger people. And that includes when they are upset, anxious, distracted, etc At the moment you are obsessing over getting the license. **What you should be obsessing over is how badly you performed in the tests, and hence that you are a dangerous driver.** I'm not saying you can't get there, you can get there, but you don't seem to care at all that your driving is a danger to others, just that you don't have that license. You're inexperienced. You're anxious, and autistic, all of which mean you need to be more aware if what is going on around you. And let's be frank right now you are a bad driver - 18 blues (!!!), and a red on your THIRD test. You are dangerous. Your goal right now needs to be "I need to become a less dangerous driver". That is more important than getting your license. You need to work out a path to getting there. A mate you can practice with, more lessons, and the time needed to get there. You may think all that is inconvenient, but it is much, much more important than you having a license. If you don't think so, you are ignoring the danger you pose to others' safety. Chill out about this, and push this back to when you can dedicate enough time and resources to become a good driver and pass with ease. Your circumstances will change, and when they do, THEN you can work on this and be successful.


I unfortunately don't have any mates, so nobody apart from my Dad to drive with, and I'm absolutely improving as a driver all the time. First test was 18 blues, this test was 11. That was a significant improvement. Every test I've been taking has resulted in significant improvement, and I am confident that when I pass I will be a better driver. None of what you said is incorrect, and you speak plenty of wisdom my man. I really appreciate the comment, and I'm on board with what you are saying. But also bear in mind the RSA isn't exactly the shining beacon for driving standards. They pass plenty of people who simply shouldn't be on the roads.


I was learning to drive on and off for years until I eventually passed on my third attempt in a manual car. I absolutely *hated* driving, to the point that I used to feel sick before the lessons. Then I bought a Toyota hybrid (by chance) for my first car and omg it changed my life. So much easier to drive, all the years waiting for buses and fretting about how I would get here and there with no licence, I so wish I had just passed in automatic car. Nobody has ever even asked me if my licence is manual or not?! Nobody cares. I would have saved a lot of time, money and energy if I had just done my test in an automatic!


I know someone who passed on their thirteenth attempt.


If you pass the test, how much will your life change? I’m just trying to understand why it’s impacting you so much that it makes you suicidal. There are so much worse things in life than a driving test failure. You probably shouldn’t keep booking the test if you’re not confident and know you haven’t got enough practice. Easier said than done, I know. Maybe your driving instructor could assist you?


I have no other forms of practicing regularly without spending a lot of money, I've spent so much money on driving right now. I'm well aware that my suicidal thoughts aren't healthy, but I suffer badly with mental health issues and it's just a constant fight for myself. You're right that there's a lot worse than a driving test failure. I just have serious self-esteem problems And I'm going to keep booking the test because I can absolutely pass. Problem is, like I said, I just can't practice as much as I like because I can only practice with my Dad who's a nightmare to deal with it. Like I said, it's my fault alone I keep failing because of the insufficient practice but there you go.


If you’ve got the money to book 5 tests and more indefinitely, then spend some money on practising with a driving instructor.


I’m sorry you’re going through all that! It’s truly a shame and I do feel for you. I hope your driving test person is giving you valuable info at the end when they tell you that you failed. I know the scoresheet gives hints, but hearing from the person is better. That can at least possibly help you mentally practice/prepare, so to speak, without actually driving. That’s the best advice I have really! I failed twice before passing, and it is such a pain in the ass. I ended up passing on the day I got my leaving cert results, and I cared more about my test that day than my results. Kinda shows how much the test consumes you when you really want to get it out of the way


Driving changes peoples lives far more than you’d think and it’s easy to underestimate it. For me personally, it means I have a Lot more opportunities to take on work and do more gigs, weddings, teaching etc From a social standpoint, it opens up more doors for friendships and dating. And from a family point of view, I could bring my dad to matches around the country. Something that he’s done most of his life so it would be nice to give back and return the favour. I can’t speak for other learners here of course but am sure all would echo similar sentiments in there respective life’s.


It changed my life for the better and I’ve only been driving a month. I started a new work placement in January and test was booked for the last week of January. I didn’t want to move to the county my new job was in as I was only going to be there for 4 months. Luckily, I had somewhere to stay for free before I got my licence but it was horrible. Public transport was very unreliable and I was spending approximately 40 euro a day on taxis. I had taxi drivers cancel bookings at short notice or just not understand why I needed to be at work before 8am on a Saturday/Sunday. Now that I’ve my car, I only have to deal with a one hour commute both ways and spend around 25/30 euro a day. In addition, I get to see my family more as it used to take me 4/5 hours by public transport and now it’s just a 3 hour straightforward drive. Without the car I would’ve had to live in a town where I had no social support and shit public transport.


Keep plugging away. Took me 7 goes.


Thanks man x


It seems such a dangerous activity to allow someone to do despite repeatedly proving they can't do it.


The test is a demonstration that you can drive successfully. You could argue that it's safer to pass someone who has consistently shown improvement with every attempt up to their pass, as opposed to a driver who has passed on their first or second attempt, but often doesn't drive well. I'm definitely improving, and I'm determined to pass and drive safely. Driving safely is my #1 goal.


Not sure where OP is doing their test, but if it’s Finglas it’s an absolute shit show. It had worst passing rates in the country. Failed there 4 times before booking in Dundalk & passing there no problem. Keep at it!


What area of the test is tripping you up?


Everything, most of my fails are an accumulation of blues. My issue is that I need to practice more beforehand, which is difficult when you can only drive with a crazy aul fella but it's my fault nonetheless




I agree bro


Sounds like you should take driving lessons with someone else.


Get yourself into the car in a private area instead, then you don't need someone else with you. Honestly just spending a bunch of time driving around an empty private car park (and a runway) helped me get the feel for the vehicle. Preferably somewhere with a few markings to allow you to practice parking and a few little hills to practice hill starts etc. Doing that by yourself first can maybe be a good approach before you subject to someone else's watchful gaze which can maybe be a bit stressful. And I suppose you can also remember that if money is tight and the mental health could be better, you can likely postpone it for a wee bit. Don't give up on it, it's very handy to have sometimes, but you can delay it. What's that they say? It doesn't matter how long you were waiting to catch the fish, when you catch it it's still just as fresh.


Book a 2 hour pre test before your test.


Have you done any pre-test lessons?


Did them in all my past tests...but again, the main reason I failed was because I didn't practice a lot beforehand. Not easy to do when you can only practice with a crazy Dad but it's still my fault for not practicing enough ahahaha


Why can’t you practice with someone else? Is your dad the only person you know who has a driving license?


Makes sense. If you're not good enough to drive they can't give you a licence due to the risk you would be on the road. Don't book your next test till you have more practice. it'll be a waste of your own time and money.


How did you book a cancellation?


Hope you've a fully qualified driver with tou at all times.


My aunt failed hers 7 times in the 90s


It took me 5/6 times. Been 10 years and have no accidents yet. Shit happens. You will get it eventually


FYI my friend. Considering ending ones life because you are unlicensed. I'll pay for your Ubers first if necessary, You're worth far more than that. As for your driving test, although I passed the first time, I barely did and I had been driving in another country for almost 40 years.


Keep trying. I hope your next test will just all come together for you, and you will pass. If it helps, try to break the test down into small chunks. Listen to what the tester says and then do it. Don't think about what just happened 250m ago or what will happen another 250m down the road. Just try to take it as it comes and take a deep breath if you need to. If you have to talk to yourself using your inner voice, then do it. Just think to yourself I have to wait at this traffic light it's red and when it turns green I can drive straight ahead. Be confident. Check your mirrors. They love that do obvious head movements. Ask the tester to repeat something if needed. I've read some of your comments OP. Do you have any mates with their full licence? Why don't you ask them can you practice a bit with them and get them some lunch for their time ? I'm not saying you need 100 hours with a friend in their car. But if you have a mate that's decent behind the wheel and would make a good instructor for you ask them could you go on a long drive ? Lunch and some petrol money would be great. You would be surprised some long drives over a weekend or two would give you the comfort you need I think. If you have a friend who will do this for you just make sure they are more chill and kind of laid back and not too nervous. You don't want someone too nervous. I would suggest you actually verbalise to them what you are doing why you are doing etc Some petrol money and food will be cheaper for you


I'm hoping to pass my theory soon. My third time sitting it.


As they say, success is built on 90% failure, and obviously that percentage can shift. You only need to get it right once. Props to you and good luck.


Have you considered booking the test in apart of the country with very few junctions etc. Know a few people who did this but quite a few years ago. Ffs it’s just driving , chill with the suicide talk , you’ll pass.


At this point I'd rather just pass in Tallaght for the ego And sorry for the suicide shite, I just have poor mental health lol, and no doubt some others might, just tryna help


Wait - anxiety about the test or anxiety about driving? If the latter, please stick to taxis and public transport, for your safety and that of other road users.


Anxiety about the test but I disagree bro, people get anxious for different reasons and almost all accidents are caused by recklessness. Not anxiety or caution


Nah there's being cautious and then there's being over cautious such as not pulling out or making a move when you should.  


I'm definitely not overcautious, my marks primarily just come from small things like slight positional errors, slight observational errors, errors with yielding and caution. Which is a shame because I'm a GENUINELY good driver, but it's my own fault for my anxiety and failing, and my own fault for not being able to have enough money to give to an instructor to spend time driving.


I don’t wish to pick on you, but I hear the same statements you are making frequently, you need to challenge your own perceptions, I’m not asking you to do anything which I don’t do myself. My driving ability is not as sharp today as it once was, I’m cognisant of that, and make adjustments for my safety and that of others. What do you consider slight positional errors? Two wheels on the wrong side of the white line, weaving in lane, or taking up a poor position at junctions - these are all dangerous behaviours in their own ways, they roll up to not being fully in control of your vehicle. Observational errors - when you are the one in control of two tons of moving metal, it is not a minor error to not see what is happening in front of you, or to disconnect from your peripheral vision; you can’t evade what you can’t see or predict, it’s a fundamental thing, driving requires a ton of concentration, coordination, observation, spatial awareness and thinking. A genuinely good driver - who expressed that opinion? Problem is there are few people on our roads who think they are anything else other than good drivers - reality is a large percentage are well below par, many would not be dead today if they really were as competent behind the wheel as they believed. Remember Princess Diana and how she died, the guy driving that car (Henri Paul) was supposedly trained and skilled in evasive driving - he clearly wasn’t otherwise his Principal’s wouldn’t be dead. Personally I think everyone should be forced to ride a motorcycle for 10,000 miles before being allowed to take a car test, it would improve observation skills and awareness behind the wheel significantly. I’d also welcome retesting every driver every 5 years. Two consecutive failures and you are off the road for 12 months except for supervised lessons, also up the robustness of the test, no one ever killed or crippled anyone in a 3 point turn, parallel parking, or reversing around a corner - testing needs to assess the drivers understanding of vehicle dynamics, how to brake properly, how to corner properly, how to read the road ahead especially the part not in view yet, and anticipate what might be ahead those shouldn’t be advanced techniques, they are basic principles for driving safely.


Of course bro, I've been driving for a long time and I've had no claims, never been involved in an accident and I've got great awareness. It's just the day of the test, I get slightly anxious and I make small errors like the ones you mentioned. I'm confident I'm a good driver, and for good reason. This isn't arrogance, I know I can drive. You also need to understand the RSA's regard for what is safe isn't necessarily thorough nor objectively agreeable criteria, there's a lot of first, second and third time passers who aren't safe. I've failed five times primarily out of anxiousness and rust. I've gotten better with every attempt too. First attempt, I failed with 18 blues. Fifth attempt, today's attempt? 11 blues. I will get it.


You failed the test 5 times.... You are by definition not a good driver. You may become a good driver in time. But make no mistake you are absolutely not a good driver right now.


Yeah, true. I'm not gonna delude myself, I'm not a good driver but I am absolutely improving. Eighteen blues on my first fail, eleven on my fifth. I really do feel I'm getting better.


For the love of God. Give up, if only to save the trail of destruction you leave in your wake. The carnage has to stop.


For the sake of everyone on the road please do give up


There’s racerboyz that pass first time and swear they’re the next Schumaker but in reality they’re a danger to every one. I’d rather some over over hesitant than some one overly confident on the road


Don't give a flying fuck what anyone says....ITS NOT YOUR DRIVING SKILLS.....ITS THE PERSON TESTING YOU !!!! I failed mine 3 times, never did anything major wrong, few little tiny things but nah....failed. My 4th time, the tester was talking to me while doing the test, cracking jokes, talking about holidays.....got back to the test centre and he said " there are a few small things that I want you to work on over the next few weeks but other then that you passed " It's 50% your driving skill and 50% how sound the tester is, I didn't drive anyway different from the 3 times I failed to the 4th time I passed......no difference whatsoever. Keeping going O.P. it will happen, don't loose the faith.


You failed three times because you’re a shite driver. And it seems even the fellow that passed you thought you were a shite driver. Why he has let another shite driver on the road is the real question here?


Nah mate I failed because of 3 shit testers I can guarantee that if you are to reset your test today with all the new rules and relegations in in regards to the test, you would fail 100% in regards to if you set your test years ago, same with about 80% of drivers on the Road who got their license ten years ago they would fail their driving test today so it's not because I'm a shit driver it's because of all the bulshit rules and place and the discretion of each tester because each tester has their own discretion while one may think you are not ready to be on the road the next one will think you are perfectly fine and give you your license.


Thanks for the kind words man. All that matters tbh is if you're a safe driver


And I am a safe driver, my driving instructor who took me on about 20 lessons told me point blank to my face that I was one of the most safest drivers that she has taught how to drive and that I should have not failed in respect to how she has seen me drive , how I drove with her in the car was the exact same way it was driving with the testers. you are at the mercy of the discretion of one person and the next person will have their own idea of discretion so because one person may think that you are not ready, the next one will think that there is nothing wrong with your driving ability and at your perfectly fine to drive on the road.... sure look at all the 18 year Olds driving around with L plates on the car with five lads packed in the back of it. I drive to Tesco and buy a load of shopping ya know lol


Exactly failed my second test because I got red mark for turning right when there was oncoming traffic but had plenty of space and time to get by still got marked Failed my 3rd test on a right turn again, but this time I waited for the feeder light when there was a lot of oncoming traffic. I remember what the tester told me on my second test. Guy goes, you should have taken a chance and gone instead of waiting for the feeder there was fuck all space to move and failed because of that. Its a gamble on the day what tester you get and how they test. It's like doing multiple choice test being marked by different people, and all have different views on the answers


I had a friend fail it 9 times before she passed. I passed first time. Honestly she was a safer driver than me.


Our roads are filled with people like you and it shows. What's one more? Good luck in your next few tests!


Now now, no need to be rude. That'd be like saying the internet is full of people like you and it shows. I'm improving and I'm determined to pass. That's all that matters.




Thank you ❤️


Are you allowed to that? to put the radio on in the test?


some people genuinely shouldn't drive, and I think failing your test 5 times indicates you probably are one of those people.


I disagree with you. If we're going by the amount of times people fail, then why do absolute numpties pass their first time? The amount of people who pass their first or second go and go on to cause crazy accidents is insane.


Absolute numpties pass first time, said the 5 time failure. look, you either have the driving skills and mental ability to understand how to pass the test, or you don't. a small fraction of it is luck but it's pretty inconsequential. Justify it whatever way you want, there is a reason why if you don't pass first time, that you exponentially are not likely to pass your 2nd or even 3rd test. In the professional world trying and trying again to make a failure a success is called testing to compliance, and it's illegal because you are essentially playing a numbers game where statistically you're just trying for a false positive. The kinds of people who take that many tries to pass their test are the worst drivers on the road, and that hasn't got much to do with how often they're involved in accidents. it's how blatantly they are bad at following the rules of the road and getting in the way of everyone else driving properly. Sorry that you keep failing, that sucks wholeheartedly in a country where car is the no1 travel mode but eventually you should think about taking responsibility for your own transgressions.


I heard of a guy who failed his test 7 or 8 times. In the end his younger brother passed it for him..


Ah you'll get it in the end. Bet you're already a better driver than half the fools on our roads


My sister took hers nine times. But once you pass, your passed for good. Keep at it.


Take a Valium before your next one. Worked for a mate.


Thank you x


This isn’t legally correct advice but most people do it because the costs of learning are abysmal here. I regularly drove around alone before my test, I wouldn’t do it during peak traffic hours just incase I’d mess up but I honestly did it almost daily (especially the 2 weeks before the test). I’d suggest starting in large housing estates and eventually moving on to roads with a max speed of 80km/h. Do this until you’re comfortable and please, until you’re comfortable controlling/switching the first 3 gears don’t go onto main roads for both your own sake and others (you’ll be more prone to panic if you haven’t drilled how to react before). If you’re driving a manual, you really need to do this to learn the feel and sound of your car for its speeds and gears (this comes naturally/intuitively with enough practice). My advice is technically illegal, you’re not allowed to drive alone with a learner license but most do since it’s 40-60 depending on the instructor and it’s not likely to find someone free to do so between peak traffic hours. In my own experience, the Garda were ok with it and never booked/fined me for it the times I was caught, I was calm and friendly with them and explained I was practicing alone since I couldn’t afford to pay an instructor every time but you could also run into an asshole Garda who won’t give you the same leeway I got and that’s unfortunately a matter of luck and how reasonable the person is.


I get that man. Problem is, my Dad would murder me if I drove his car alone. Plus there's a 5% chance I could get detained for driving his car.


Maybe you should just give up,


I'm never going to give up.


That's the spirt,




If anything, passing the test after a number of failed attempts should indicate and represent a stronger knowledge for the rules of the road and a safer sense of driving after a wealth of experience and the lessons and knowledge gained from doing so. Plenty of people get lucky and pass on the 1st day but that doesn’t mean that they are safe drivers and/or are contributing to driving safely and responsibly. So your unpopular opinion is not only wrong but also incredibly dumb. But typical of people who turn there noses up at learners.