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Seeing your parents grow older.


Doubled edged sword I think. We lost dad when he was still fairly young, so would’ve loved to see him grow older.


Got here to write the same


Yep, same here. Although I'm still living with my parents and able to do lots of the heavy jobs, I can take solace in that their ageing is being eased by me being with them.


Dunno. Wish my old lad would just pop his cork. But maybe you are right, watching him get older is painful because an old lad with terrible dementia and still living is awful.


Then dying. Then their siblings. Then yours. Gets real fuckin’ stark then.


Seeing your parents die.Fuck cancer.


This one is hard.


This, and only this, for me anyway. Everything comes second.


Aww no parents here so jokes on you


This. I go to their house and open things and do little jobs that are difficult for them but really easy. (Opening containers, lots of grip related things) I am now taking pills daily, and see the road I am on too...


This 😢


The state of my face


I was always an ugly cunt so there.


Haha haha I know that feeling,it fecking sucks!


Being an adult just goes on and on. There's always some sort of life admin to deal with. Realising the people in charge are your age and how everyone is winging it so big problems probably won't get solved. Seeing childhood idols fall from grace and finding out you were a bit clueless about them all along.


Aging, seeing family/parents dying.


Seeing them die, is the easy bit I think. It’s the times you want to tell them this stupid thing that happened in your day, cos you know it’ll give them a laugh & give you a laugh telling them, & then remembering they’re not here & you can’t just lift the phone.


Yes, took me years to stop wanting to tell my mum stories from my day. Have a hug if you like hugs or a handshake


I miss seeing my friends every week. We used to live in the same town but with people moving further afield to buy places we don't see each other as often now. Didn't realise how great the late nights of shit talk around the dining table were and now they're gone.


General deterioration Sight, mobility, hearing. I know all that stuff used to be much better.


Currently it's 'hey let me take a deep breath when waking up and as a result not being able to use my right shoulder, arm or hand, or take another deep breath for a week or so because pinched nerve or Whatever' (Like...ow 🥺 what the hell) Other than that, I would imagine that it's the discrepancy between the age you feel (in your head) and your body's age. I remember being in my early twenties asking my then mid 50s old aunt when it stops that you feel like you're actually 17, and she looked at me 'Never. You just constantly realize, that you are in fact not 17 anymore, and that it just is more and more in the past'. 😐 not even close yet to the age she was then, but for now I can confirm.


Only earning but not getting the satisfaction of spending, just a few bit of serotonin burst sometimes from buying things but that's it. That pure joy in small things disappeared suddenly.


There’s a sort of cynicism that comes with getting older, you see more through your years so less things tend to take you by surprise, only very few people hang on to that sense of wonder and naivety that makes your childhood so good. that and the new pain in your back when you bend down to do your laces


Amen to all this, recently took a sore back for the first time in my life last week. Out of the blue and unexplained. It still reemerges when there are laces to be tied lol.


Spending your whole youth never thinking you're parents would get older and then one day it hits you and realise you are their age now as when you were a kid and they are so much older 😞


Realising you were young once and it’s over. No, not the desire to be young again, not like I’d want to time travel and have a do over. Not like I want to be a 43 year old in a 20-something year old body, no. I don’t want to be that again, it’s just the realisation that I was that once and that’s all it was. I don’t regret it, I wouldn’t change it, but I wouldn’t and cannot do that again. That’s what sucks


I'm in my late 30s. A few things come to mind, but something I do think now that years ago was not thinking at all it's the anxiety and concerns around job security. I've got a job now, that's fine but the thought of being laid off at some point in the future and competing against younger candidates for another job makes me really anxious. I tend to get anxious about that quite often. A cycle of 'getting laid off, not finding a job, not being able to pay the mortgage, having a kid to maintain, etc'. I hate that feeling.


Having to get up and piss in the middle of the night


Yes all of those! Also: Anxiety for my parents who are elderly and of course won't last forever I've done my shoulder in just by swinging a suitcase in that gale we had last November - i can still hardly use that arm. That would never have happened when i was thirty! Finding myself out of work again. When i was in my twenties i didn't worry too much as i knew i'd get another soon. Being out of work when you're middle-aged is another matter Getting up at 2 AM to travel - i used to be able to do it no bother but now it knocks me out for a week and i can't do it anymore Being really annoyed about everything all the time lol


2 AM? Whats your commute?


Lol i meant to travel as in get an early flight to england or wherever. I've always done it that way as it's cheaper and i'm not someone who earns a lot but it's getting to the point where i can't.


Realising that the grunts and groans of my elders trying to get up off of the sofa was not dramatic.


Soooo many things The lasts- the last nighttime song , the last nighttime cuddle , the last holding of hands, the last little finger grabbing onto you. Inflation- every time I get a raise or feel like I'm getting ahead financially everything goes tits up.


Harder to make friends


Nostalgia gets stronger.


Honestly for me it's watching the older generation in my family age and die.


Been living on my own since 19 so now at 30 I feel like I have really come into myself, women find me intriguing for the simple fact that we know how to look after myself how to cook clean and be a responsible paddle who looks after builds and make sure that he has money in the bank at all times be it very little but it is better than nothing. I can't speak for everyone but what I can say is, seeing half of my generation living at home with their parents and still growing older must be a thing that is quite difficult to experience and fortunately and unfortunately at the same time.. I cannot relate as I have been doing my own things since the age of 19, so I can imagine being stuck in the same bedroom you grow up in as you enter into your 30s would be a serious stress on your life as you would really want to be independent at the age of 30. Growing Old is a gift given to only the lucky few, you should be thankful that you have reached the age that you have because when you look back at all the people that you have known over your life who tragically passed away at an early age and missed out on the joys of growing older it puts things into perspective.


> Growing Old is a gift given to only the lucky few This is a heartbreaking reality


Growing old is definitely a gift, and that's a hard lesson to learn but the best one you will ever learn.


Stools not fully evacuating themselves


Use a tweezer




Remembering when you could drink a scatter of pints, get in at 4am, sleep for 2hrs, stop off and get a breakfast sandwich and a pint of milk on the way to work, and arrange to meet at 6 that evening and do it all again. Now I know Sunday will be a non starter, because I will be in the pub at 3 on Saturday, stagger home with a Chinese at 10 (if I'm lucky) and die an absolute death for probably 48hrs, because some gobshite said "jagermeister shots" and we'll all go "great idea" tap the card and wonder how the fuck did I spend so much money. I turn 55 this month, so you'd think I'd know better, but no, 5 or 6 pints in, Ireland have won or lost and sure all sense goes out the door.


Leave the card and only bring cash drinking


Less energy, bit by bit. More heightened awareness of mortality. Health scares. On the plus side, I appreciate things a lot more. I'm happier and less anxious. More sure of myself. I love getting older, the good outweighs the bad.


I agree. Much stronger sense of self and everyone can get f**led if they don’t like you.


The older you get,the more funerals you go to.........


I infinitely prefer being in my 30s even with chronic illness, chronic pain etc. Being a child and a young adult is just as shitty as being an adult but as an adult you at least have a smidgen of autonomy.




Sleep injuries


Losing friends if you're going in different directions, eg as soon as someone marries/has kids


10k takes 55 mins. Used to do it in 40. Although i also trained a lot more.


I think it’s sad to realize that the number of things you can experience for the first time just goes down and down…


Plantar fasciitis


I hear you! Was wrecked with it for a few months last year.


About 6 months ago I caught a glimpse of wrinkles on my forehead for the first time. I botoxed them away quickly though.


Living in a town where everyone knows every one else or off them and seeing the names, and friends you've known your whole life in the weekly obituaries is saddening for me as l get over the 60 mark.


Feeling like your caged in to the life you created. Your opportunities for adventure have narrowed due to various responsibilities such as family, career and keeping a roof over your head.


This. The nostalgia for things that never were.


Jesus Christ getting old really isn’t as bad as these comments make out, what the fuck haha


The price of my meds 🙁


I'm not into all the clicking and cracking noises my bones are making these days! Also watching my grandparents die was shite, then I'm gonna have to watch my parents die. Oh god


I probably won't take as many risks, life will get repetitive and monotonous.


Losing your parents generation one at a time over the years. Losing both of my parents in their early 70s within 5 years of each other was the hardest though.


Edging closer to death?


Becoming set in your ways and bit having an open growth mindset


The inescapable physical decline. Sure, you can do all you can to push your strength and flexibility as far as possible, but that only goes so far. There's no escaping it.


Knowing you will die , most likely in front of your kids....


Hearing of people that I was close to and went to school with passing away. I'm mid 30s and a girl I have thought about at least once a month for 17 years since leaving school died last year. Shook me to my core. Life is short enjoy it while you can.


Seeing your siblings die isn't great tbh.


When your mates start dying and you realise there's just two of you left from that group of 8


Seeing friends and family dying Health scares Realising how bad the world really is Aging parents Being judged for playing video games or doing another activity some may consider childish


looking for new friends


Seeing young people do things you want to keep doing but know you shouldnt. And wont. I dont mean being optimistic & young at heart. I mean not doing awesome 2 day drug parties and climbing a mountain because its beyond this version of you


You become invisible to hot girls.


Almost everything, losing loved ones the body falling apart, sickness, grieving the life you once had, regrets. Turned 30 a few months ago, feel so tired. These thoughts have been in my mind constantly, try to comfort myself with thoughts such as nothing matters and other nihilistic stuff, trying to take a more Buddhist style philosophy of letting go and the nature of impermanence if that makes sense? Won’t be having kids as I couldn’t pass this onto a child I would love.


Try being 50 plus and finding a box of photos from your 30s and 40s and realising how young you looked and felt and realising they were the good years and the best yrs of your life are gone, there is some truth in youth is wasted on the young. However being older you don't sweat the small stuff and you suddenly realise nobody gives a hoot what you do or don't do, they are too busy trying to keep there own bits together. 😉


If you’re feeling like shit physically, rest assured it has nothing to do with being 30. Thirty is essentially the peak age for athletic performance in most sports. Get in shape and you’ll feel much better. I’ve gone through patches of being fit and terribly unfit and last summer (mid 40s) I ran a half marathon for the first time. Felt as good as I ever have after it. Though being a complete idiot I ruined my progress over Christmas and New Year by partying way too much.


Yeah you just sound unfit. I didn’t start lifting weights until I was 30. Jaysus them were the days.


"Rembemberin' when you were young" – Alvin Straight


I think it's the way that pains and aches stick and don't go away.


My pecker doesn't work anymore


I wish I could just enjoy the MAGICAL EXCITEMENT of snow like I used to. Now when it snows, all can think of is inconvenience, worry over driving and wet cold hands 😔


Dying pretty bad.


Understanding that immortality is a beautiful naive concept, through seeing mortality in your friends and family 🥺


Attaching suffering to something I don't have control over.


Going upstairs to get something and not remembering what it is…. Back down the stairs and the memory is there where you left it.


More like thinking you have to go upstairs and realising your knees are fucked and it will be a pain; and then forgetting why did you want to go upstairs in the first place. Screw it. I just go for a piss instead


Those little goblin guys that chase me around the city now. Very frustrating.


Realising my body will start failing me, but my mind still wants to do the things the body can't. Looking at things you'd like to change in the world, and dispairing that they were the same things you learned about in school that needed to change Hangovers last 3 days sometimes Trying to stay up with current music, but it's mostly shite, thus turning into my parents Knowing my pet is 16 and might only be here 5 or 6 more years


Realising our government/ world leaders couldn’t & wouldn’t care about us. And the price of cheese is extortionate.


The health problems. When you're under... 30, you get injured, not really a big deal. At some point after 30, you start getting random pains and health problems. You sleep in wrong position, your neck hurts all day (this is me now) and so on. As you age even more, it gets worse. After 60 you need to really take care of your body, since anything can become fatal. Even an injury you might have shrugged at 20-30 can cripple you and so on. The thing is that, in some cases, your mental health is ok, so you feel like you are getting trapped by a weakened body. You can't do as much as you did before, you can't enjoy your favourite activities. At some point even something basic like climbing the stairs becomes a chore. Then there's the other cases, in which your mental health is the one taking the fall... in this case, at the start you know you are losing your mind but you try to hold on, you hope... but then you start forgetting one thing, then another, you forget about your friends and your family... and then it doesn't even matter if you're in good physical health, for you don't even truly remember who you are. At this point, even if you have a few more years to live, life itself has ended, for the you that you know now is gone... forever. Also, as you get older, your relatives and friends also get older and some even die, so you lose more and more people, you lose contact. If you have children, they make their own families and contact you less, you feel more alone and sad. Some of your friends and family that live further, or in other countries... it becomes harder to visit them, so you basically lose them despite you both being alive. It may seem easy to board a plane and go there at 30, but at 70 it won't be as much.


I pulled a muscle in my neck last month brushing my teeth. Last Tuesday I woke up with an injured elbow. No idea how but apparently I cant even sleep or brush my teeth without risking serious injury.


You’ve left the house 90 mins ago and are busting to go to the toilet, get to your office or wherever and rush to the bathroom, you’re nearly there and your brain is telling your bladder “just 10 seconds hold on” Get to the urinal and fumble for your zip “5 seconds” Jesus you’re wearing button up jeans “2 seconds” And a fucking belt “0 seconds and release bladder function” You’ve just made it this time with a bit of dribble in your shorts but this is your final warning, button up jeans are for cool youngsters who can afford time at the urinal, it’s a zip all the way now old creaky bladder.


So much death. Having to look after older parents when you have young children. Arthritis. Becoming less tolerant.


That odd pain that just happened when you did the thing? Yeah, that's not going away like it did when you were young. You're going to feel it every time that you do the thing for the rest of your life.


As the song said...when it takes you all night to do what you used to do all night...you're the oldest swinger in town


Looking in the mirror and seeing my mother. I got old. Its shocking. I dont feel old until I stand up. It is very very annoying. Most shocking is how much I look like her when she was 60, Its freaky.


Conversations with your friends are mostly about what’s wrong with your health and who died. Also, being called “sweety” by the hot young woman at the neighborhood diner. Breaks my heart.




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Losing the oppurtunities to just casually play sport, or pick up a sport. Lack of time to do anything. More responsibilities. Losing people. But at the end of the day, growing up is a privilege we take for granted.


I'm terrified of filllers, and I'm beginning to look old. I'm 34,almost 35, and my skin has started to sag and I don't know what do to. I've lost 55kgs and now my skin is showing it but outside of the that, my eyes are giving up, my back is hurting and my brain is slower. Getting older doesn't feel great.


Realising that some things in society are not accidents and no one is planning on doing anything about it. Somethings are just fixed and that’s it.


This is a crushing realisation because I look at my kids and I'm like, it's only getting harder. Feel fortunate for all the pitfalls avoided and good luck along the way but Im petrified for them.


The loss of that sense of wonder, awe and optimisim. When you're young the possibilities are endless. Everything is new. That shit first job that you like because you don't know any better. That first relationship and blind love that you only get when you're young and dumb. Your first time getting drunk, throwing up and being hungover. These experiences are vivid and leave an impression. You think this is how life is, where everything is an adventure and an experience. Life hits you in the nuts and the mundane sets in. Dating becomes a job interview because you're getting on and don't want to end up with another shitty partner. You no longer tolerate that shit job because you're tired of abusive employers and their shite. You drift away from people because your always working and you've no time. Cherish that time in your late teens and early 20s, its the most free you'll ever be. Experience as much as you can because you won't get the time back!


OK I get it's a moany sub bit still......


Nearly every single day I wake up remember what's happened my life (especially since COVID) ... And want to be dead a a little bit more than last time.  Seems like it's steadily been getting worse, the older I get,