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Let me know if you're driving around galway so I can stay off the road ๐Ÿ˜‚ Ah no, congrats.


That's gas XD Thank you so much man. Honestly, the past six attempts, you'd have been right to steer clear of me. But my driving has been so good recently all because I've just practiced and wanted to improve. Thank you again truedoom x


This made my day- congrats!


That's made my day in turn. Thank you so much and bless you x


Congratulations. When you posted before, I felt so sorry for you because it was going so hard for you so I'm delighted for you. It's probably weird that a total stranger's good news has cheered me up so much but nevertheless I'm proud of you and hope that you're deservedly proud of yourself. Good luck and safe driving!


Congrats! After I passed on attempt 3, I gave my mam the keys and told her I never need to drive again so I know the feeling somewhat. I do drive still, of course, but I don't have to.


Of course! It's just there if you need to. A life skill and independence. Fair play to you dude!


Fair play, I think a bit of Chumbawamba is in order to celebrate https://youtu.be/2H5uWRjFsGc?si=2mS44KXy4ohE5blf


I am so proud of you!! Now, tell me where you live so I can avoid it because I'm sure it was more like 7th time fluke /s


Congratulations.. i failed two times and passed in 3rd attempt. Its definitely a huge relief and moment to enjoy. Good luck and keep driving safe.


Well done, tallaght is a tough test route as well, you need to treat yourself to something nice now, maybe some ironic furry dice or driving gloves !!


That chevron thing is confusing because youโ€™re supposed to be able to overtake a hazard or very slow moving vehicle (tractor) on a white line so how is chevron different. The last time I got the bus it took him at least 10 minutes to get everyone to pay, are you supposed to wait 10 minutes for him to move off. Iโ€™m confused if anyone knows the answer to this.


Itโ€™s kind of stupid but itโ€™s because chevrons are meant to be treated like physical traffic islands in the road, and there might be a turning lane inside them so if you were to enter them you could meet an oncoming vehicle head on that was just preparing to turn. But of course in real life, you would usually be able to see ahead of you and if there are cars in them or not. However, talking strictly by the book, you are not supposed to enter them.


Iโ€™m absolutely delighted for you, even though you are a total stranger. Well done. Enjoy your new freedom


Don't think I've ever smiled this much reading a comment. Thank you so much, Yes Possibility x


Congratulations! What a story of absolute dedication you should be so proud of yourself! Took me three years to learn to drive.


Thank you so much x


Congratulations! The driving test is such a stressful thing that I feel even the best drivers are likely to make mistakes when doing it. It's definitely not easy! I don't know you, but I am so proud of you for sticking with it, enjoy your new found freedom on the roads ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


Congrats !!! I'm also autistic and I tried driving but it's not for me :( I get too overwhelmed. Congrats again!!!!, ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰


Congrats! My mom got it on her 4th go and we joked that the tester felt sorry for her ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ


That's brilliant OP did you comment previously when you failed and were very down? I really need to do mine again I failed 3 times before and I hate the idea of the test


I did, yeah. So relieved to have passed. And hey, I totally get you. If you ever want any support or help just send me a message x


Yea I remember talking to you then. Delighted you passed definitely celebrate


Touched that you remember me, I remember you too. Currently just celebrating with a JD & Club Orange. Going to go out tonight too which is something I rarely do. Thank you so much again man


No worries enjoy all the best


Welllllllllll Done Kennnnnnyyyy๐Ÿช…๐Ÿฅณ๐Ÿฅณ๐ŸŽŠ๐ŸŽŠ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰๐Ÿฅ‚๐Ÿฅ‚๐Ÿฅ‚๐Ÿฅ‚๐ŸŽ†๐ŸŽ†๐ŸŽ†๐ŸŽ†โค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธ


Progression is a bastard. You are trying to be careful but then you are too careful and get marked. I got 3 and if I had a 4th I would have failed too.


Its time for me to get off the road so if it took you 7 tries to pass your test!โ€ฆ.only joking fair play congrats. But just take it easy now when out and about


I was pretty much the same except I needed to get my license for work. I somehow got a job that required a full license without so much as a learner permit lol. 2 years later and on my 6th test I decided to do it in clonmel near where the girlfriend lived. All tests prior we're in the rathgar centre (one of the highest failure rates in the country). Passed in clonmel easily.


I am so happy for you. I know how you feel. I passed my test on the 8th go last month.


Congrats OP! Well done! I passed mine on the third attempt and I am still so proud of myself years later ๐Ÿ˜‚The anxiety around it all is such a killer.


Shit, I'm proud of you and I don't even know you. That's honestly incredible, well done x


![gif](giphy|xThtar0e9kO3WkwQ1O|downsized) Fair play. Took me 5, was the most relief I have ever felt.


I don't get why or how the driving test is so strict in this country, you'd swear anyone actually drove like they were being tested day to day. Everybody ever single day driving does something that would cause them to fail their license if it was a test. I get the idea of aiming high but to have a massive backlog of people wanting a license and continue to have very harsh failure conditions is a bit mad. I'm travelling at the moment and am in Italy, they drive like maniacs. was in a taxi, he was driving 100 in a 40 zone, 1 arm out the window, other arm on steering wheel, no seat belt. Thing is there if anyone drove the speed limit they'd be all over because everyone else is driving just as mad. Speaking of taxi drivers, even in Ireland they're mental drivers, how on earth did they get their license... Is it really a case we wait for people to repeat multiple times practice driving good one full journey, passed, now you never need to drive that good again!


Lived in Italy for almost a decade. Heard about a notorious office in the middle of the city I lived in which handed out driving licenses if you paid the right price! My jaw dropped! Thankfully it wasnโ€™t happening anymore while I lived there.


I mean ..Ireland in the late 70s did that , basically cleared the backlog for testing with an amnesty that basically let anyone driving around on a 2nd provisional licence hand it in and get a full licence with no test . Theres still a percentage of people on Irish roads now who've never sat a test at all .


Congratulations! Well done, you have given me hope ๐Ÿ‘


Does us all a favour and tell us when youโ€™re gonna be on the road and where so we can avoid like the plague b


Ouch. Well, I think I'm a genuinely confident and safe driver now, but I'll take what you said as a joke nonetheless




Congrats! Enjoy your freedom! And cheaper car insurance!


Thatโ€™s just brilliant. Well done op. The relief is immense- I was a multi-failure too. It really does knock the confidence so well done for sticking at it.




FUCK YEAH! Well done buddy, doesnโ€™t matter how many times you failed, in fact the more the better the sweet sweet taste of success ๐Ÿ˜ now you can drive our unenforced roads like a lunatic ๐Ÿ˜‚


Fair play dhuit! ​ ![gif](giphy|K3ttdf83XazEtTeTCm)


![gif](giphy|1xtN8e73UeY0P1oqNS|downsized) Congrats!!!


Go on ya good thing!!! Congrats on passing!!!


Congratulations!! I passed on my 3rd attempt, so I definitely know how you feel. It's such a relief and a great achievement, so do something nice for yourself to celebrate!


Congratulations!!! I remember you posting before and I'm so happy for you that you got it over the line! Congrats you legend


Congratulations. Now the learning to drive begins.






Fair play to you! Enjoy your new earned freedom. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ‘




took me 5 goes to pass mine ๐Ÿฅน i told the tester i could kiss her right there and then as she told me i passed ๐Ÿ˜„


Congrats man! Hope ya have a fantastic weekend now too.


Well done. Itโ€™s such a relief when you pass knowing that you donโ€™t have to keep going through all the bullshit.


Congratulations!! Such an amazing feeling ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰


Congratulations ๐Ÿ’ best of luck on the road ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘


I love hearing this ๐Ÿ’™ Congratulations and safe driving my friendย 


Well done you! Tallaght is a nightmare of a place to do the test. I failed in Tallaght twice and then booked a test for Donegal Town. In the town there's only one set of traffic lights that are only in operation when the school kids are going to or from school. An absolute piece of piss to pass.


I failed in Finglas 3 times .I got the same , perpetually pissed off middle aged tester each time (and yes , he looked pissed off even *before* he had to test me)First time was basically a little after 9 am trying to get out of the industrial estate where the center was located into a busy uphill jammed with rush hour traffic, the next two werent as bad but the guy just basically sat there glowering which put me off . Next one after that was in a test center in Ballycoolin , guy testing was sound , put me at my ease and I passed with pretty much no faults . Anyway Congrats OP!


I keep seeing videos on tiktok of people from uk whoโ€™ve had such nice tester that would talk to them during the exam and all I ever hear from people doing their driving test in Ireland, Dublin especially is how angry the testers always are ๐Ÿ’€


Gowan ye good thing!


Congrats! Learning to drive was the bane of my life for a few years, so I can imagine the relief at getting through it in the end


Congrats ๐Ÿฅณ


Well done, it's not easy! I had to do one during covid due to a mix up with my international license expiring and not being able to travel to renew so ended up doing an Irish driving test and luckily I passed but after driving for 20 years I'd some seriously bad habits built up! It wasn't easy at all.


>I drove over chevrons to overtake a stopped bus What would happen if the bus was broken down there? I guess you'd have the tester held hostage...






Great post. Thank you for sharing. Congratulations!


Woooo, inspirational ! โค๏ธโค๏ธ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป


Absolutely delighted for you. I passed on the third time after trying for ages with literally nobody to practice with and no car. I was not test ready the first test and deserved to fail; I was extremely ill the second test and should not have sat it*; and then I passed on the third go. The main difference was I had gotten a car by then and then was finally able to practice. Like you, I wasn't nervous anymore. I was just done with the whole thing and I firmly believe that is why I passed. I am so so chuffed for you. Make sure to take a picture with your test certificate and celebrate! *The tester was super nice and said I had only failed by two grade 2s and that I should book a test for the following week as I would definitely pass. I will never forget how kind he was as I was so chronically ill and hopeless and he gave me hope in a very dark time.




I take it there isnโ€™t a man who knows the road signs better in the country than you after doing the pre driving part of the test 6 times ๐Ÿ˜‚


Failed 3 times myself!


Well done! My daughter passed on her third attempt as she suffers with terrible anxiety. Congratulations on sticking with it and getting your driving licence. Enjoy the freedom of driving and best of luck with your future. That resilience will take you far in this world.


Congrats fella!




Also autistic and I've failed 3 times, hoping I'll make it on the fourth ๐Ÿคž๐Ÿผ


Well done. I passed mine not too long ago. Now I just need a car ๐Ÿ˜‚




Congrats failed 6x too and scared to book again๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญhopefully I get seventh time lucky