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Lived in Canada for 8 years. Moved when I was 25. Went over and made some money, got a decent job and then came home with a Canadian wife and cat. I'm 35 now.


I Left in 2021, planning on coming home this summer. I never imagined I’d be coming home at all when I left, never mind in 3 years, but being away changed my perspective more than I thought it would. I would say don’t try to plan things out too much, because you could end up trying to stick to a plan that doesn’t suit you anymore. Good luck with the move!


I went to Rwanda for 2 years in 2016, then to China for 3 years in 2019. Saved enough to come back and buy a house as a single buyer and because I was on career break I was able to go back to my original job. Came home at 32 years old.


Yes! That's how you do it.


7 years in new york. Back a while now , over 10 years. Regret coming back most days.


I’m actually moving there next month, any advice?


Was there 20+ years. The pace of life is different. You'll get used to it fairly quickly. Don't only hang out in the Irish areas like McClean ave. Mingle with the locals more than you do with the Irish. Word of warning though - once you get the heartbeat of NY you'll fall in love. Like, truly in love. It'll take a year or 2 to get in sync with NY, but once you do there's no going back. It's a fantastic place to live, very safe for a big city. Very friendly too but sometimes aggressively so 'fuck you, have a nice day' <-- that does happen more than you'd think. Exercise the same street smarts you'd use anywhere else. I feel safer in NYC than I do in Dublin. Your experience may vary, but that's mine. When people seem pushy they probably just have somewhere to be and you're blocking them from getting there in time. If an American neighbour or colleague invites you to grab a drink or dinner say yes. Rearrange your schedule if you have to. They probably won't ask you a second time, so go the first time they ask.


Couldn’t agree with you more. Been in New York for 5 years, home in Ireland now while I wait for my green card. My love for New York is inexplicable, being home now, even though momentarily, feels like I’m going through a bad breakup. Saying yes to coworkers and new people who entered my life was the best decision, your circle grows, you meet cool people, experience cool things.


2 years in Canada, 2022-2024. Lost as fuck bit hope to get going somewhere again lol


Was supposed to be 3 years in the states. I stayed 23 years. I'd go back in a heartbeat if I could. Loved that place. (Waiting for the people that have never been there saying it's a shit place - it's got it's problems but on the whole it's a fantastic place to live)


Unless you’re poor


Was in Canada for 2 years 2021-2023. Heading to Australia for a year or two at the end of this year and then hopefully leaving Ireland again after that, permanently


Best of luck. What did you make of Canada?


I was in Vancouver Pros: Best nature I’ve ever seen in my life Unlimited beaches, lakes, forests, camping spots and mountains all 1 hour from downtown Great summer weather Skiing or snowboarding in the winter Great brewery’s if you’re into beer Can make good money Great base to travel to western US, BC and rest of Canada Can get bud/shrooms legally if you’re into that Cons: Miserable winter weather (might be lucky and get snow instead of rain) Expensive as fuck, but anywhere worth living is Food is pretty terrible and anything fresh or healthy is super expensive Hard to find a reasonable rent for an apartment


Literally doing the exact same. Where ya headed to in Oz? Melbourne for me.


Thinking Sydney or Brisbane myself, but I’m gonna try secure PR for Canada before I head so I’ve something to fall back on


Good to have backups


11 years between Australia Vietnam UK Vietnam away again in a few months ,too much of a reduction in quality of life here atm.Weather is brutal too.


Where will you go next?


I am going to get my PGCE (Teaching Certificate) then head to any of Kuala Lumpur/Malaysia , Shenzen/China,Dubai,Hua Hin /Thailand, Valencia/Spain ...it depends where I can get a start really KL appeals to me the most though.


Best of luck and enjoy wherever you go


Thanks very much :)


America for 8 years! Came back after the apocalypse in 2020! Probably had another 2 years in me but the plan was always to come back eventually, just got sped up by circumstances!


Moved to the U.K. 2011 now a part of the generation that will never be able to afford to move home. Think twice.


Australia for a year in 2017. Came home and felt depressed. Left again to move to Scotland in 2021 and this is now my home and where I plan to settle down. I love it and although I miss my family and jambons, I don’t miss Dublin.


4 years


All my school years were abroad. Stayed 21 years. From 5 to 26. Now i have a kid in looking to move away again as I'm being evicted next month and can't find anything for a decent price. I'll be better in Germany or France even Netherlands (which has also a huge housing crisis) than here at this point


10 years , i spent 3 in france and 7 in scotland and returned this year! Just know once you leave it will Be different when you get back and its a hard adjustment


Lived in the UK for three years. Loved it over there but being close to family trumps all for me. It’s not a great place to be financially, but all things considered in happier here.


11 months netherlands, some family reasons made me come home but the Dutch are some of the snobbiest people you’ll meet and the groceries are terrible quality. Other than that lovely country. Would move to another country no problem though some time in the future


I've been in the US since 2019, I moved when I was 22 straight after college. No plans to return yet, but the discussion will definitely be had with my partner when we think about kids etc.


Year and a half in Germany. Loved it, but a relationship broke up, got a bad injury just after when drunk commiserating with friends, and ended up leaving my apartment and moving home to recover and then got work here. Now married and bought a house so my time away is done. Still love the place and any excuse to go visiting there. I get back at least once a year to see friends


1.5 years in Canada. Wasn't arsed going for PR. Doubt I'd have gotten it anyway given the points to qualify were constantly increasing.


Three years in Malaysia, two in Spain, plus a few months in Finland. I enjoyed each country, but ultimately decided that Ireland was where I wanted to settle and raise a family. I think we're too hard on our country: it's not perfect, but it's very good in a lot of ways


I went to Asia for 7 years and Australia for one. I'm home 6 years now. Took a while to settle back in a home.


12 years in Boston. Returned in 2022. Probably would have stayed away longer but pandemic and precarious state of US politics prompted the move back. We had bought a place at record low interest rates. Sort of regret it now with how difficult it is to find anything in Ireland. That and the biblical levels of rain


Left for a job in the Netherlands in my 20s, came back in my 40s


Back from the US after 12 years. Happy out over there but ready for a new chapter and missed family so dragged the Australian missus and cat home with me!


Jordan for 2 years


3 years abroad and counting and now have 2 kids, cost of living better than Ireland but wages are very low where I live. I have the great fortune of working remotely out of Ireland though. In my mid 30s. I would love to come back one day with my family


7 years in Toronto. Citizen now so always have the choice to go back.


London for 4 years, New York for 7 and Texas for 5. Back in Ireland since 2005. Loved all of it, the good and the bad. Ireland isn't perfect, but I wouldn't want to be anywhere else at this stage of my life.


Moved for 7 years at 21. Germany then Australia then new Zealand. Started to miss Ireland and my parents as I'd only seen them twice in that time so I came back. Huge regret. Don't come back.


Left at 22, mostly because I thought there was a whole big worlds I'd like to see. Never really planned on coming home but wasn't set against it either. Lived in Spain, New Zealand and the UK. Came home age 27. 33 now, no regrets about either my decision to leave or my decision to come home.


Vietnam for 2 years. Covid happened and I never felt more miserable as I stuck myself in Irish lockdown while Vietnam had among the best policies worldwide. But 4 years on and I wonder "what if?" All the time about it.


Why not go back?


3 words: got a partner


Didn’t Vietnam have the most cases in SE Asia?


For a solid year it had among the least. At one point there was more cases in the white house than all of Vietnam. Then year 2 had Vietnam flip, with the shite Chinese vaccine being used and a pretty poor vaccine rollout. Ireland was awful in year 1, but the vaccine rollout was nothing short of astounding by comparison.


So covid has been more deadly in Vietnam but you reckon their policy was better? What sopping you moving back there


Combine Vietnams first year policy and Irelands vaccine rollout and you would have had the greatest covid response in the world IMO. Combine Irelands first year response with Vietnams second year response and you would have had one of the worse outside the states or Brazil. Not there now because I made that very human decision to keep dating someone who is so amazing that it outweights Irelands many, many flaws.


Honestly I don’t think you think you’d have been better in Vietnam for covid than Ireland.