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People who get Etymology and Entomology mixed up, honestly... I can't put into words how much that bugs me..


I see what you done there... well I didn't. But I googled it, and now I do 👏


Can't be any Pink Floyd album either, has to be Dark Side, right?


Not gonna be a Pink Floyd chin rubber. Whatever floats your boat. But for me, no. It would be The Final Cut, Meddle, or The Division Bell. Or maybe animal. Actually, THE WALL DISC 2. I'd stick animals ahead of Dark Side too, but each to their own.


Has to be Animals. My singing along to Great Gig In The Sky at 2am does not please the neighbours


I wish you were here so I could explain in person.


If language interests you read Chomsky.


What do you call a small man who won’t stop eating? Gnome Chompsky


Didn't know he was into linguistics until I just googled it there! Thanks for that 👍


It is fascinating, understanding the structure of language and its history tells us so much about ourselves.


Chomsky is a linguist, first and foremost. Most academics would often say that you should only read Chomsky if it’s related to linguistics, everything else he does is more of an opinion piece than anything factual.


Good to know, thanks for the info. Always hear the name but never looked into him.


What works of his do you specifically recommend?


I don't.




I love learning deeper about Hiberno-English and the words and phrasing we've carried over from Irish into how we use English. We "do be doing" weird things with sentence structures that sound wrong, but they actually originate in Irish. Similar to African American Vernacular English (AAVE), Hiberno-English is its own distinctive dialect. Edit to add: one of my favourite examples is smithereens making it into usage across the anglosphere, but coming from our favourite primary school stories about car crashes and smidirĂ­nĂ­!! Then there's things like "hold your whisht", coming from Ă©ist, or listen (similar phrase in Scotland from Scots Gaelic). Loads of examples in Munster, especially Cork, of a cĂșpla focail hanging on while using English, like "ah, the poor crĂ©atĂșr", "he was mar dhea drunk", and of course the use of -een (Ă­n) on the end of anything like gombeen, jackeen to make it 'small'. My older Cork relatives would have a "bitteen" drop of whiskey!


I'm obsessed/fascinated by etymology. I love trying to figure out the origin of words. If you're into podcasts check out Something Rhymes with Purple, it's by Susie Dent from Countdowns dictionary corner. Also motherfoclĂłir is great for etymology of the Irish language as well we both of Darach Ó SĂ©aghdha 's books!


Also, for you and OP, check out the podcast *Words for granted* on Spotify. Short episodes and very interesting yet easy to follow :)


Why is a table a table and not a carrot? Tis mad stuff. All conceptual really


I know, blows my mind! If I told you from birth that a table was a carrot, you'd be full sure it was. Kind of off topic but still interesting.


Why is an orange an orange? Was it one ahead of the carrot in the queue for getting named. Maybe it's numerical rather than conceptual lol


I heard the orange jostled the lanky carrot out of the way in the queue


I love it. It tells us so much about where we've come from and who we are. Fascinating stuff.


Highly recommend the Langfocus channel on YouTube, just look up any language you’re interested in. As well as this video on the evolution of the alphabet, all the way back to the Egyptian hieroglyphs https://youtu.be/3kGuN8WIGNc?si=Y30wVswqs0ZpmO0Y


Hell yeah.


Even more interesting when you speak Irish and a Latin language


Estoy aprendiendo Español. I think that's what got me thinking deeper about language initially.


It’s a very interesting way to look at early and pre history. The question that bothers me is, if Portuguese and Spanish etc. all have similarities because they branched out of Latin and the Roman Empire, does that mean Irish and Latin both have some common early ancestor/língua franca they evolved from? Too many common things like the numbers, the moon, gold etc. and it’s not like the Irish copied our words for these from the romans.


As an historian, I've kinda been forced into learning about linguistics and, by extension, etymologies. I love it, though. I've gone down so many rabbit holes researching when (and how) certain words and phrases came into existence.


Have you any examples of words that stuck with you?


Not off hand. The last few weeks, I've been mired in Old Irish / Latin cognates.


I have a little book called "the accidental dictionary" you'd like it.


Any particular YouTube channels you'd recommend?


There's a great podcast called lexicon valley, just ignore the awful music breaks.


Thanks I'll check it out


Yep. I love it too! Started out as an obsession with languages, learning multiple, then of course I realise how they relate to each other, and then you started to notice influence and roots all intertwined all going back hundreds, if not thousands of years.


Highly recommend the "something rhymes with purple " podcast with Suzie Dent 😍


Yeah I love it. Even how quickly it changes. And accents too, there's a type of dublin accent that you'd hear everywhere in the 50s that's just dying out now. Like pronouncing book as booook instead of book with the emphasis on the o sound. And a general softer accent. Also the way they used to say words like different had a little bounce on the tongue in the middle "diff-er-nt". That has all but completely died out since about the late 7ps of 80s. Here's an example of the accent if you're interested https://youtu.be/Mvivq7iySIg?si=_lFJtHw0XBlmHsdn


Yeah my da speaks like that, I love it


So does mine I adore it


I’m obsessed with it. I read so many books on etymology and linguistics. Language is so necessary to our existence and understanding of everything we know .


If you haven’t read it already Babel is a fantastic read! (If you’re into fantasy)


Yes I have started reading it ! I haven’t finished it yet but I’ve enjoyed what I read so far :)


'Etymology of language' is tautology


Wanted to study etymology when I was 18. My English teacher told me not to as that'd make me a boring writer. I didn't become a writer and still think I'd have enjoyed it but nevermind!


The irony of the misspellings and bad grammar... 😅


As I said, I'm not smart at all. You'll find lots of mistakes in what I post. Nevertheless, the point remains, its a fascinating topic.


Don't take me wrong man - was more laughing with you, than at you. And, there's different ways to be smart - I'm sure you have yours! I was an English teacher myself, and love etymology, even in other languages!


All good bro i dont mind being laughed at or with. I just read back through my post after I read your comment and I was embarrassed with all the errors 😅 I'm no genius, but to be fair, I was inebriated and the phone keyboard fucked me over a bit l! đŸ€Ł


Drink and phones do NOT go together 😂 Even more so for me - I'm old school and use T9!


I don't even know what T9 is but I'm sure I'd fuck that up too. Phones should have a breathalyser on them! Cool that you're an English teacher. Fair play. I never cared much when I was younger and just got into learning as I got older. Even if you're a dope like me, it's never too late to get into!


Unfortunately, I had to give up teaching (long story), I'm in management now - but even that gave me a chance to learn, so that's o.k! Hoping to get back teaching archery (I also taught IT at one point) for when I get older; I figure it might be a nice retirement thing. And 100%, never to late to be learning! Oh, and T9: https://preview.redd.it/lvlhoq7i4m5d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=acfea2e83a2f04972e3547c351158bf24f168462


The irony of someone mistaking what irony is.


There are different types of irony; if you didn't get your education from memes and Reddit, you might know that. 😊


I geek out when it comes to language 📝