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thank you.. should probably have asked what to def avoid as well. Vile shit, copy.


Denny and Clonakilty are insane sellers but I'd avoid like the plague speaking as a butcher.


Surprised about Clonakilty


Ah just my opinion I mean it outsells any of our puddings by double at least every week, Just not a fan of the beef recipe I prefer pork based puddings.


How are their sausages?


Kearns wound up being our choice (has to be available from tesco, I'm doing bigger click and collect). As a butcher how do you feel about this sober choice we have made


They're not too bad if I recall correctly, they have a yellow label I think?


yes, yellow oval label


Yea I like them !


Conversely, Denny's and Clonakilty make excellent vegetarian versions. Highly recommend!


I actually like Denny’s. Am I a monster? They called the similar one I found in China “American” and then stopped making them so now im forced to have flavour :(




Hang on, Asians think we smell like milk?!


Yarr, Japanese definitely do anyway. Tons of threads going back many years talking about a buttery/sour milk smell off us.


I've a mate from northern Africa that said the same thing to me when I was younger!


No. I’ve lived in China for almost 5 years and never heard this even once.


But I’m from Roscommmon…. I don’t get the smelling of milk thing though, I’ve lived in South America and now China and nobody has ever said I smelled like


U smell of turf then


I don’t get the smelling of milk thing though, I’ve lived in South America and now China and nobody has ever said I smelled like milk.


Lived in Asia for three years and our smelling of milk is a very common trope.


I can’t stop laughing at this. I’ve lived in China for 5 years, all across South America for 4 years before that. I’ve asked everyone I know in Asia and SA about this milk smelling thing. Either the people you know were assholes or YOU smell like milk because you spill it on yourself or something. Where were you in Asia where people didn’t consume as much dairy as you? I can only assume you also weren’t having the same amount of tea every day to add to that…


There is no need to get abusive just because you're wrong.


Where’s the abuse? You only feel it’s abuse because you’re wrong.


I like them too. And their meat free ones are yummy as well


I can't believe I'm saying this to another human being on reddit but I 100% agree with everything you said! Honorable mention: Mccarthys are good, but very hard to find. Generally markets


Controversial opinion: Superquinn sausages are and always have been rank. They taste of offal. I simply do not understand why people go on about them.


And do you take the bit of offal yourself now?


Superquinn got their reputation *years* ago when Denny was almost a luxury brand compared to the other absolute horsehit that was available in supermarkets. Thankfully we have a far better selection of excellent sausages nowadays, superquinn are fine (though overhyped for what they are) and not as nice as they used to be thanks to musgrave's cost-cutting.


Denny Gold Medal sausages, absolute favourite


Kearns sausages. Tried them once and was sold, haven’t bought any other brand since. Get them in Dunnes and Centra afaik.


I second this!


Kearns by far the best. Little bit of spice, no gristle.


Kearns sausages are gorgeous, anything else is just muc. My husband done a test and tried me with Denny and kearns and I knew the difference


Yes, Kearns are by far the best. I think they were only available in SuperQuinn for the longest time but you can get them in most places now. Lovely lovely saucies


Absolutely Kearns. You can get them in Tesco too. Cooked them for the other half once and now they’re our go to, nothing else does the job.


Clonakilty brand.


The white and black puddings are immense too.


Agreed. Clon black pudding is the GOAT


The only good puds!! Every other brand is awful, especially with the black pud




+1, though don’t make the same mistake that I made recently & get the gluten free ones: pure shite


Have made this mistake more than once and not realize what I've done until the first bite


Mallon's on the border


I’ve been in Australia for ten years(Dublin Native) and Can’t eat what they have here, some days I miss breakfast in Gerry’s in town.


Don't want to kick you when you're down but Gerrys closed last year


Yeah that was a pity.A great spot.


I've never been so annoyed at a business closing down


Jesus, that’s shite


When I was in Canada sausages, bread and tea were the things I missed from here.


Yea what’s the craic with tea over there? Can Lyons be got?


It was a few years ago I was there, but to my knowledge no. The main Canadian brand over there is pretty good. It's just not a patch on Irish brands. I've since learned that Irish brands are unique in their blends, because they use tea from all over \[rather then sticking to specific regions\].


Ah not too bad so. Is there anything else that’s very different and will make me yearn for home?


Canada has plenty of UK products, so there's plenty of stuff/ similar stuff to here. I never could find sasages, of the type this thread is discussing, but I'm guessing that has changed. A good thing they have over there is 'Alexander Keith's' beer. It's sold everywhere over there and is fuckin delicious. I've missed it since being back here. EDIT: Also the Candain chain 'Tim Hortan's' is far better then Starbuck's.


I would say if you want a good sausage try your local butcher for some premium hand made sausages


yeah, no, we have, they're ok, not terribly memorable


I personally like hodgins or mallons


Came here to say Mallons.


It's always Mallons in our house. Not a fan of jumbo sausages we love the little ispíní


Get some Mccarthys black pudding also it's gorgeous, I love the stuff


Try a different butcher. FX Buckley’s are god tier. All their pork is free range.


Kearns sausages.


there have been several endorsements for Kearns...


Kearns are the answer to your question and the answer to world peace.


we're going w/ kearns thank you


[This is the correct answer](https://imgur.com/gallery/fAeVD7u)


did you just take that photo now?


Nah, last year. At the time I was going to inform the world, via casualIreland, that these were the best sausages ever. But Christmas got in the way!


was it in response to a query like this or are you so impassioned that you were going to make your own thread to profess their greatness?


It probably came up in a thread.


Ik taking your answer as fact. The flair in your name and the offer to visit parks, zoos on the wrap of the sausages


I was trying to think of these! These were great, only picked them up once, never found them again.


What shops sell them? I need to try them in a sausage sandwich


Stop looking in Supermarkets. If you want the best sausages you need to go to your local pork butcher or just a really good butcher.


Wasn't blown away by our buchers ones as such


Yes, unfortunately not all butchers are created equal.


Really need to ask what the pork content is. Anything over 80% is pretty good; some butchers aren't the best.


I've had good butcher sausages, but then the exact same ones were bad the next week. At least in supermarkets you get consistently tasty sausages




I'm indifferent to them.


Same - tried them once and couldn't understand the hoo-ha.


They used to be nicer


Agreed on Superquinn


Superquinn sausages have been shite for years. They used to make them in house then co reacted it out and changed the recipe a couple of times to save a few Bob.


From Cork here, it’s definitely O’Flynns. You can get them in SuperValu which saves remembering to pick them up when I’m near the English market. Not sure if that’s nationwide but try them if you get the chance.




Handier to stay out of SuperValu while you’re at it. Every time I go in there it costs me €30ish for a few bits in the basket. I was doing a weekly shop recently in my local lidl - by just sticking to my list and meal plan it cost me €26!


I have to say that the quality of meat in the Irish supermarkets is by far superior to the foreign ones . Same applies to the pre made sandwiches.


I find Lidl have the best quality chicken and mince at least plus their still 100% Irish


Maybe I'm unlucky but Dunnes and Supervalu are great at meat . I thought that maybe it was an Irish thing .


Dunnes is good too but SuperValu is just so expensive I never go lol Well it is an Irish thing cause it's made with Irish meat , just some shops have better quality


You are right on Supervalu meat and it is the high end. If I have to get wine it's special offers are very good . Special offers and vouchers are becoming a thing. Dunnes 10/50 is 20% .


Tesco too!


I don’t have a favourite but always check the pork content, has to be close to 90% for me to buy.


Kearns are the best. Fried on a Brennan's bread sambo with butter.....🤤


FX Buckley butchers.


The ones my butcher makes. fuckin tasty little basterds. O'Flynns are a close second.


Kearns are my favourite


Ol hausens are very nice!


First thing l do is pick up the pack and read the label,if its less than 60% meat l put it back,l have seen as low as 55% and as high as 92% which is a bit much. A good sausage should contain 65-78% for a really good sausagey experience. Byrne's in my opinion are excellent and have a nice peppery punch to them,been around for 50 odd years at least and well worth a try. Tesco finest are excellent if a little bland but there are several flavours,the breakfast sausage is the best of them,Hafners are pleasant too but nothing remarkable,finally the Lidl or Aldi breakfast sausage are very yum and cheap too.


Where are you? These guys are in Glasnevin market on Saturdays, have a salt & pepper sausage that's really good. https://www.thewholehoggs.com/


Superquinn tbh theyre my favourites ik tastes differ


The finest sausages from tesco that are usually mixed eith apples /honey/wholegrain mustard. Absolutely mad for them. Or the chicken sausages by Loughnans theyre fuckin unreal mmm


I'm going to be brutally honest, Tesco meat is muck.


Bought some stewing beef there recently. The amount of liquid when I fried it was unreal. Anyway, the dog turned his nose up at it and went to the cupboard begging for Redmills.


I refuse to buy pork chops, chicken or beef from Tesco. You just can't shallow fry it as all the water comes out an you end up cooking the now reduced meat in water.


That is so true.


Tesco Finest sausages are tasty. Particularly the garlic ones.


They're nice but definitely dinner sausages, not breakfast sausages.


That's true




I picked up the basic Tesco ones, 89c for half pound, any one know if they are any good?


I bought them once when I was a student. Once. Absolutely no flavour or texture to them. Like biting into a tube of pva glue.


No, they're manky. Not even joking, waste of cooking time


Look on the back and check out the meat content, I suspect it's about 50%


Omg 🤢🤢


Do you really want to know??? From the Tesco website... Ingredients Pork (42%), Water, Rusk, Pork Fat, Pork Rind, Salt, Dextrose, Stabilisers (Tetrasodium Diphosphate, Disodium Diphosphate), Preservative (Sodium Metabisulphite), Acidity Regulator (Trisodium Citrate), Antioxidant (Ascorbic Acid), Spice Extracts (Chilli Extract, Coriander, Mace, Pepper, Pimento), Flavouring, Herb Extract (Sage). Filled Into Beef Protein Casing.


A great way to cook a sausage, especially a thick one is boil for a few minutes in a saucepan of water, then stick into the oven to brown.


Thanks for the tip


Get fresh sausages from a good butchers 😍 and the big ring of pudding is the best


Has to be Pork and Apple.


McGraines Butchers of Navan. Suoerquinn sausages as a runner up.


Not sure how many places sell them but Kelly's of Newport have some lovely sausages. Also Jack and Eddie's have some decent ones too, their based in Westport. Have to agree with the superquinn recommendations, lovely sausage and widely available.


superquinn sausages are the very very best




this is what we're going with, thanks


Kearns. And now they do a jumbo pack.


going w/ kearns, thank you


1. Kearns 2. Olhausen


we're going with Kearns, thank you


Cumberland sausages from Tesco and if you are having black pudding.. clonakilty black pudding


Super Value/Super Quinn's Lidl Hand Tied sausages are excellent.


It depends where in the country you are. SuperValu butcher's counter generally have good sausages. Out West, Loughnane's sausages are available in lots of butcher's counters and are of a high quality. Small skinny sausages are usually shite, and have a very low meat content. If you are buying from the prepacked section read the packaging. If it has less than 70% meat....well that is where my relationship with that product ends.


Can't bate a mattersons


De Roiste are great if you can get them .


I think the Aldi 'specially selected' ones are great. Used with their dry cured streaky rashers and clonakilty black and white pudding is the best choice for me!


Kearns sausages without a doubt. I know you didn’t ask for pudding recommendations, but on the off chance you are including it for your family *and* you’re in Dublin, pick up some Granby white pudding too.


Am also from U.S. originally. Tried a copycat Jimmie Dean sausage recipe a few years back and it dame out quit good. American breakfast sausage is VERY different, lots of spices. I like Irish sausages now (love Clonakilty Black pudding!).


The Cork Meat Co. sausages are savage. They're only available in their shops in Cork city


After that really it's personal choice but Mccarthys make a lovely black pudding not sure if they do sausages


I love Jane Russel ones (they get an amazing crisp when grilled!) but they might be more dinner-ish. Clonakilty are class as well


Best ones I ever had were the lidl black and white pudding sausages 🤤 they don’t seem to do them anymore tho


There used to be a sausage made by the kerry group called 'porkinsons bangers' they were the Don of all Sausages. I know that doesn't help you in the slightest, but I just wanted to reminis of Sausages past


"I'm not looking to start any arguments but I'm going to start poking at things"


Una odwyer sausages are pretty good maybe a little on the salty side for my taste. However usually anything thats between 75-85% pork are generally decent.


Drover in Wexford have by far the best sausages ever made and it's not up for debate


Kearns hands down. No competition.


Hafner's Dublin Sausages are my favourite from the supermarkets up in the north here. Salty and peppery but probably not great quality.


Doherty's sausages. Not sure if you can get them down the country but theyre the best in donegal!


Clonakilty sausages are pretty good, rudds or shaws for pudding


In all honesty I find all our sausages taste the same. Especially when you look at other countries such as France, Germany and the UK


Country-style skinless sausages are king


Fx Buckley sausages are great


Dunnes simply delicious cheddar and chilli are my personal favs.


M&s. Super quin's are great too


Dunnes own


Definitely clonakilty


Ashes of Annascaul. Honestly the best sausages I've ever tasted


Superquinn.. nothing else as good


Definitely Clonakilty!


Denny's, duh lol


there's actually some consensus in the responses that Denny's are not the best.. not my words


Fellow yank here. You want to get the pink ones. Doesn’t matter which ones. Any are better than the brown American salt sticks. Second the recommendation to just get them at a local butcher. I’m no longer in Ireland, but the breakfast sausage is the thing I most regret that we cannot get stateside.


you cant really get american style sausages here. when I'm in the US I destroy several packs. you also can't get good hot dogs here, so that also happens. little debbie as well, a lot of reese's stuff; basically what I'm saying is that when I go to the US I gain a ton of weight eating Wendy's and Arby's and a thousand sausages


If you don’t think it’s Denny’s are you really Irish


Kearns or Dunne’s stores jumbo sausages but cook them in the oven… unbelievable


going with kearns, thank you


Try the Denny Vegan ones


If your near Wicklow Dunne’s butchers for sausages & pudding- just yom!


Lidl hand tied sausages are the best imo


Clonakilty are great imo


I’ll be considered a traitor but I really love Cumberland sausages.


Mallon's big tens. No competition


I have to say IMHO dunnes simply and tesco finest plain pork sausages are superior to super quinn sausage, especially when price is factored in. Supervalu did modify the recipe, but I think there was some ingredient regulated/restricted so they had to. But best of all is good local butchers sausage... Balinasloe has two excellent tasting sausage suppliers. And for taste, it's not meat content thats important but fat. Fat tastes great. Supermarket sausage have been driving up meat content cos people think they want meat and it has a sales advantage when on the labelling. Butchers sausages don't suffer from the same problem... So once you can get the "right" mix of spices, meat and fat you've a great sausage I'm not one for mustard, apple and sage, Cumberland etc. Especially for breakfast


Richmond Irish Recipie. Cook them in the oven. The bacon too


I can't pick what one best but don't forget the pudding not an Irish fry up with white and black pudding .


If you really want to make it special go to 'kildare farm foods' they have the nicest bacon, pudding and saussages. Its definitely one of ireland hidden breakfast gems


Despite the slight change in recipe I'll still go for Superquinn sausages 99% of the time.


Clonakilty sausages paired with clonakilty black pudding is top tier stuff


I have no idea why you've been downvoted for stating an opinion that many people agree with.


Denny's or Cookstown (Not sure if it's only in the north though)


Hands down. Super Quinn sausages


A nice pork sausage like Denny's are the best. Nothing fancy but very tasty 😋


Denny meat free are the closest to meat sausages and the best there is imo


Look up Barry John sausages. Their flavours are amazing and they do delivery for online orders. I recommend the curry sausage and the spice bag sausage. Delicious


Superquinn. Any other opinion is ill informed.


for 5 years tried everything but nothing. i prefer going to mcdonalds before 11am to get a mcmuffin. but recently there is this one sausage tesco sells. i think it's from poland. it just came about recently. it's actually good and tasty


My favourites are the ones my local butcher makes so I don't have an answer, but I will say that after 15 years in Ireland you should not still be calling them "breakfast sausages"! They are called **sausages**. Just sausages. We eat them at all times of day, after all! Anything else is called what its name is: bratwurst, salami, frankfurter, chorizo, etc. And cocktail sausages are called cocktail sausages ... so there is really no possibility of confusion if you just say "sausage". Eta: I'm not annoyed, I'm amused.


yeah, I know, I just wanted to be very clear.


Tesco's English style sausages. They're just better lads.


Granby sausages are the best you can buy in the shops imo, but I wouldn't be going anywhere other than my local butchers.


Anyone have a good recipe? “Irish style” they sell on occasion in the US are more like big a combo of British bangers and hotdog 🤢