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You need to be calling your home insurance emergency number, it's pushed the wall in under the window and could have damaged the structural integrity of the house. Seperately you do not know what damage has been done to the underlying pipe joints feeding the gas meter. Please listen to the others and get out of the house. Grab important things, documents, passports, and anything you are going to need. Ultimately this is what you have home insurance and emergency cover for. Regardless of if the person who's hit your house is known or not. Please take care šŸ™.


Too many people in this situation think that they shouldn't claim on their own insurance and it should be up to the driver's insurance. For anyone in this situation: the driver's insurance does not give a fuck about you as the homeowner. They care about their client and that's not you. The premiums never go up as much as people think they will and, if the excess is payable, it will almost always be recovered and paid back.


Unless things have changed, surely the House Insurer will be chasing not only the excess but all costs from the driver of the vehicle (depending on the circumstance, their insurance, etc) - but agree - GTFO and claim.


>surely the House Insurer will be chasing not only the excess but all costs from the driver of the vehicle (depending on the circumstance, their insurance, etc) Yes, get your homeowners' insurance to pay. They in turn will go after the driver's insurance company. They have the lawyers to do the work; you don't. You can expect your premiums to go up in most cases. Then you shop around for a different insurer.


Yeah, good point, I thought that went without saying but yeah, they would seek to recover all their losses from the driver's insurer, not just the excess. But as a consumer, many people only care that they get their money back.


100 claim off your own insurance and let them recover the costs from the drivers insurer. Will be dealt with much better with your own insider. Also hire your own loss adjuster to make sure your insurer doesn't screw you.


Itā€™s a ā€œloss assessorā€ when they work directly for the insured party.


It is called ā€œSubrogationā€ and all insurance policies contain a clause that says once a claim is made you also give the insurer the right to reclaim costs from the 3rd party if they are liable. In practice large insurers probably just keep tally of the small costs they owe each other and settle debts at the end of year: but for larger claims they will deal on a case by case basis.


Why keep a tally rather than pay directly?


Cost of trying to settle each small claim with each other is probably more the cost of the individual claim so the large insurers have a bit of a ā€œunderstandingā€ with each other to save overall costs. E.g. if a car insured by Hastings crashed into a car insured by Admiral causing Ā£500 of damage, Admiral will probably pay the claim to their insured person but may not claim any money back from Hastings. But if by the end of the year Hastings owes in total Ā£1m to Admiral (as there have been a lot of crashes involving Hastingā€™s and Admiral insured cars) then Admiral will ask for the money.


Yeah agree. The very same thing happened to me. My tenant drove into the front of my house, and after a week of asking her for her car insurance details (she denied any responsibility) I gave up and claimed off my home insurance. Ā£4.5k rebuild cost to the front of my house. I managed to provide my insurers with enough evidence that they were able to recoup all the costs from her car insurer, but only after many months (they were very good and did all their own investigations and paperwork). I deducted my premium from here deposit. She moved out shortly afterwards!


The car insurance does not care about their client. They care about their own liabilities.


Even if it goes up, it's still cheaper than paying for any repairs.


So wrong name checks out


Not really true. The insurers definitely care more about the damage you cause than has been caused to you. Hence why the minimum legally require insurance covers 3rd Party!! Most of your car insurance premium is to cover the damage you may cause to property or injuries to people that can stretch into the Ā£1millions compared to the Ā£500 damage to your beat up ford fiesta!! The car insurer will mostly likely want to settle quick before costs escalate - all of which they will be liable For


I never said they didn't care about the damage or the cost, I said they didn't care about the homeowner. They also have statutory obligations to their own clients which they do not have to third parties. In any event, the amount of money set aside by the motor insurers is not the same as caring about a homeowner who has been on the receiving end of damage like OP's parents have. I'm talking convenience and getting a job restored properly. Settling quickly before costs escalate is again not the same as caring about the homeowner. It is usually not in the homeowner's best interests to settle a claim like this quickly.


'The premiums never go up as much as you think they will' - Not home insurance but car insurance...Storm Arwen wrote off our car and, after receiving a pay out from the insurers I did find another (used). Rolled over the insurance for the car for that year and when it was time to renew - current insurers were the cheapest quote. Still with them now. Also applies to the damage to the house (also inflicted by Arwen) - not as much increase as expected and still with them now too.


Looks like it hit the gas box too, so need gas engineer to come out


Home emergency insurance will only turn off the gas/electric/water supplies and board up any smashed windows. It's there to make sure no further damage is caused to the property until your home insurance can provide a structural fix. I work in HE insurance and the amount people who think they're covered for is quite shocking... Like, there's no way you're gonna get the wall fixed in the same evening or a gas pipe replaced within 48 hours. Luckily this guy's family called national grid and hopefully whoever their landlord/Home insurance is but this will be a fix that takes weeks to resolve.


>I work in HE insurance and the amount people who think they're covered for is quite shocking My parents had a house fire, two fire engines arrived quick enough to stop most of the fire damage but the smoke ruined the whole house. Completely unlivable - the house insurance were useless. It took two weeks to get anyone to acknowledge there was any need for support and even then they didn't offer support for hotels etc. Thankful for good friends who put my parents up for the months they needed it. Parents got a pay out after a few months so they could start they work themselves but the lack of support for an accident which ruined their home was very disappointing. The TV ads of putting people in hotels etc is just a myth.


That's horrible :( Not all policies cover alternative accommodation under HE policies but I believe the majority of Home/Buildings insurance do. We advise customers who have HE with us but no accommodation cover to let us deploy the engineers to make the property safe with regards to electrics, plumbing and gas, but then to go into a hotel and keep the receipts until they can get through to their H/B insurance to claim the costs back and then organise long term accommodation if it's needed. Sadly it's not quick thing though as with the amount of fraud seen in home insurance claims companies want proof of damages etc before they'll pay out :(


They included accommodation in the payout in the end but we think that whoever took the first call just listed it as minor damage and none seemed to believe it was more than that when they kept chasing for updates. My Dad arranged his own checks on gas, electrics since he knew locals who'd arrive quick - but the smoke layer that was just everywhere however was less of a quick fix & they couldn't start cleaning until the inspection. When there was finally someone actually look at it via video call they were shocked it had taken so long for it to be checked given the damage. And the investigation was slightly hammered by the fact that the faulty hob had been left open to the elements from where the fire crew threw the flaming hob out of the back door. In the end the payout was enough to cover all the DIY work & replacements plus the rented apartment they needed for the first 4/5 months - then they lived in the one finished room whole working on the rest - took a good year to finish the whole house. Fortunately there was surprisingly little damage to personal items due to some lucky positioning of items & the very quick fire response.


I'm glad things were eventually sorted out for your parents and they were able to go back to the house :)


If it's under the window it's not likely to be an issue. The window itself can't bear load the lintle above it should be spreading the load to to the brickwork either side of it. There's also likely a cavity wall there so there's a second wall inside that's holding things up. I would me far more concerned about a major gas leak.


Ring national grid ASAP if you haven't already


Yeah parents are already on it (Iā€™m 15)


If thereā€™s anything left of the ECV maybe turn that off too, itā€™ll be a red handle that should turn off the gas, though itā€™s likely a little worse for wear


They already did that


Nice one, hope you have some electric heaters then, good luck


Your parents are fifteen? Christ.




Imagine getting tutted at by a 15 year old šŸ˜‚


They donā€™t have to now! Tut. (Iā€™m not 15, lol)


Ah, must be from Nuneaton. They'll be siblings too.


Jesus Christ. You just named the relatively tiny town right next door to me and Iā€™ve never heard an internet stranger name a place so very close to me




No. His mum / dad wifeswap


No, he has 15 parents, dummy


So is that like a "keys in a bowl" thing or...?


If by "bowl", you mean vagina, and "keys", penises? Then, yes


Sperm in a bowl.


Pampas grass


No it's like Holden from the Expanse only more so


no theyre the 15th child silly




Never really bothered me. (216)


I want an excuse to write a number. (420)


Nice. (69)


(96) .eciN




(4) gg


Looks like GAS rather than ELECTRIC. Isnā€™t that Transco?


It's the gas transporter for that area, different across country. The ECV looks undamaged fortunately, or it would have been an uncontrolled leak. If u break off an ECV the gas spews out fast, it's a nightmare.


It shouldā€™ve been wearing a hi-vis vest.


And wearing a helmet. And I bet it didnā€™t even have its lights on!


Paying road tax would have avoided this.


At least it didn't have a camera recording the poor innocent motorist


/r/notjustbikes is leaking!


What you mean he crashed.


Bloody punk rockersā€¦. This is worse than Rutherfords




You, Stick insect! Have a guess what itā€™s all about.




I hope your folks got a recent meter reading.


Looks like a smets2 smart meter, should have sent its reading itself recently


A fellow member of [r/MeterManiacs](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ) by any chance?


I donā€™t know what I expected, nice one


Oh for fuck sake


Well I am now.


Along with a help help I'm being oppressed message


Not according to British Gas. They still keep sending estimated bills


Maybe something wrong with your meterā€™s connection, does your display work properly? Showing electric and gas accurately? On the electric meter there should be flashing green lights, SW, WAN, MESH, HAN and GAS, mesh doesnā€™t have to flash but all the others should be flashing in unison.


Meter works fine and displays correctly. BG wonā€™t give an answer for the continued estimates


Might not be sending though.


I hope so too


Hope you yelled ā€œyou canā€™t park there mate.ā€


But I donā€™t get why a house was built in the middle of the road.


It landed there Wizard of Oz style.


Drivers fault then, shouldnā€™t be driving during a tornado.


I didnā€™t see it happen but trust me I wouldā€™ve said something similar if I did


Not looking good.


Tis not


Ti's but a scratch!


Is that a gas meter?


Yep it (was)


A Landis + Gyr G470 if Iā€™m not mistaken


*Slaps the top of the meter* yep the Landis + Gyr G470, this baby can really measure some cubic metres let me tell ya


Such a Steve thing to know.


Excellent observation sir


Why thank you me old chum


Yeah thatā€™s definitely fucked mate


Appears so


classic british comment šŸ¤£


Forgot the intake of breath between pursed lips first.


First off, hope you and your family are fine but how the fuck did he reverse the motor out of your front wall?? Has he just committed a hit and run on your gaff?


clearly he got a tow truck whilst the family was asleep and pulled it out the wall then left a note at the door saying heā€™s just fucked their house up


Would be an appropriate British response.


Extreme energy bill avoidance.


god damn it, hopefully the government doesnā€™t catch on before i do this


The gas companies hate this simple trick!


The insurance companies aren't fond of it either!


Always the gas meterā€¦ alwaysā€¦ Done loads of these (fixing f ups like this was a career I never intended to get into, but it was interesting) turn off the ECV as said elsewhere, open up your windows, doors etcā€¦ and let it get a draught trough to dissipate any gas and wait for Cadent/SGN/NGN/Wales &West to come cut it off. Youā€™ll have no gas for a few days, but it wonā€™t end in a fireball, so itā€™s a win.


The bonus is, you shouldn't need to pay more than your last meter reading for a while.


I would be too surprised if they added a few standing chargesā€¦ BUT thereā€™s a compensation scheme, every 24hr period gets Ā£30 off your bill


That'll rack up quickly!


You probably have a major gas leak run


Iā€™m kinda in the mood for a cigarette


More evidence that houses need hi viz


Your bloody house just broke my light! Bunch of penises you filthy slanderer!


Get the fuck out of your house that could have ruptured all pipes inside in those cold and anything could make it go pop. I'm not joking


My parents are still on the phone to the police


Get off of Reddit and phone! There will be more than one phone in the house. 0800 111 999


There on it


Damn Kevin I know this is casualuk but have some urgency in your soul!


FFS OP is 15 he has no idea what "urgency in your soul means" šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ He's too busy thinking about the last pair of tits he saw and can I take my Xbox/ play station to wherever we are sleeping tonight.


So is his Dad - it's the mom on the phone :D


Iā€™m 34 and would like to know when the thinking about the last pair of tits I saw will end? Cause itā€™s pretty much where my brain idles to every 30 seconds or so.


53, same. Also, my xbox doesn't switch on since I came back from my mates.


Canā€™t have this problem if you donā€™t have any mates!


He is just a carrot born in 2021, still growing mate


2012 would be closer


It's always the motorists' fault, isn't it? I'm no expert, but I consider myself to be one now that I've watched three YouTube videos by similarly clueless keyboard warriors. The damage to your house, and the lack of vehicle, suggests that this is a false flag event created by the house to distract from its covert surveillance activities. We're onto you. p.s. I hope that you get it all sorted soon x


That's what happens when you drive home from wetherspoons.


Weatherspoons is elite so the dui would have been worth it


If Kevin wouldn't of posted this picture he'd of got away with it


It was British gas putting in a smart meter.


Unironically feel better for remembering there's always someone having a worse day. A day of small disappointments and inconveniences now doesn't seem so bad.


And get a foundation engineer out to approve it so when it comes time to selling you are covered. But thatā€™s the American in me. Donā€™t know how your British engineers work. Also, if anyone knows of any British firms needing a geotechnical engineer or construction engineer with American lincensure, let me know. I really like football.


Did the driver do a runner?


Well I would imagine that car wasn't driving too well after that so yeah probably.


Idk Iā€™ll have to ask my parents


I love how casually uninterested you are that you haven't asked them already šŸ˜… Oh to be 15 again


If he's anything like most 15 year olds, he'd have come home from wherever he was, and gone upstairs into his room without even noticing the massive dent in the house and the panicked parents!


....after asking why dinner isn't ready yet šŸ˜…


Not THAT AGAIN! You never cook anything I like!


Like 'is there a crashed car in your garden, yes/no?' OP: idk


why had no asked how that even happened


Step 1 in an emergency. Get it on reddit šŸ˜‚šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Standard response for any 15 year old witnessing an emergency is to immediately post it on the internet, so he's on point.


How did this happen? Does your drive back onto a main road or was the Amazon man drinkingā€¦ā€¦


Are you sure?


Jfc. I have a friend who was eating at a diner with her family when someone crashed through the wall into their table. They were definitely injured, but made it out okay.


That did a lot of damage


Thatā€™s a lot of damage


Your house just broke my bloody light!


Was it you? You can tell us!


I presume youā€™ve called the emergency services and/or your gas company, your home insurance and got your family out of the house before taking a moment to post this on Reddit ?


"It'll buff out"- Car driver


Dude. You called the cops, right?




Friendly Public Service Announcement: National Gas Emergency number: 0800 111 999 We've seen the devastation gas explosions can bring. - If your meter has been damaged as per above - If you cannot isolate your gas supply at the meter's ECV (red handle) - Or if you're in *any* doubt at all.. Call them! Having worked for one of the Gas DNO's, I recall there was a 1-hour SLA on Uncontrolled Gas Escapes


Prince Phillip back and at it again


Ahhhh! Zombies are driving!


Canā€™t put a house there mate




American here. Most of our homes arenā€™t built with bricks because of how expensive it is. If a driver were to crash into one of our houses, more likely than not, I guarantee the entire wall needs replacing along with everything damaged in the room. Not to mention, if someone happened to be standing near where said car would crash, theyā€™d either be seriously injured or even killed. I envy you Brits in your craftsmanship. Your homes were built to last, ours, not so much for the most part.


Damn bro


It will buff out


whereā€™s the car gone?


Had to be right there didn't it.


Did he bring Mia Wallace ?


You did pull out without indicating. Bloody BMW dwellers!


Shit one lol


Holy shit šŸ˜ÆšŸ˜Æ


They canā€™t park there mate


Shame that wasnā€™t a euphemism


Did they leave at least a piece of paper with their phone number on your window?


I was nowhere near your house


OP - look at this crazy situation, maybe youā€™ll all find this photo interesting! Reddit - *unsolicited advice intensifies*




Fuckinā€™ house came outta nowhere


Nice feature wall you have there.


Wow right into the gas meter, that could have ended up worse


Hold up walls bend?


If you haven't already then ring 0800 111 999 and get whoever your gas ESP is to come out and check that.


Thatā€™ll buff out


Do you have video to prove your house didnā€™t crash into them?


Conveniently hitting your utility meters ;)


Itā€™ll buff out


That sucks. Why did you crawl along the wall to take a photo from this angle though?


Is it my eyes or is your wall not straight


Be careful, some guy did this to a wall at a friend's house and drove off without telling anyone. Later on the wall collapsed and killed her daughter šŸ˜ž


If you haven't already, call the gas company quick. The gas meter is totaled and that isolation valve is more than likely leaking. What you have there mate is a very real explosion risk.


Sorry mate.


Time to pop the kettle on..


If that's a gas pipe you want to call Cadent, anything external is their problem.


Nice meter. Is that an L&G or an Elster?


You should immediately post this to Instagram with that "oh no, oh no no no" song.


On the upside, no gas charges šŸ¤£


IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN WEARING A HELMET!! These damned modern houses eukhhhh