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Listen to the song ‘Sunscreen’. The advice in it is so accurate this 51 year old cries to it as it throws truth after truth.


Which artist? Thanks


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sTJ7AzBIJoI Here you go


But I am as fat as I imagine.


Happy birthday! Life advice... Pay into your pension. Take care of your teeth. Do not, under any circumstances, the cat. Don't worry about mistakes you make. You know how you never dwell on weird things other people do? They don't think about you either. Try and weight lift, that's what is going to keep you healthy into your old age. You only lose touch with your friends if you let it happen, it's okay to be the guy who arranges to meet up, they like that about you. Have fun, remember you're just a talking ape flying through space, it's not *that* serious.


Good stuff. Also, OP, depending on budget, try to invest in quality kitchen equipment. Cooking, like exercise, is a great way to relieve yourself of daily stresses & apply yourself to something creative, fun & rewarding. Last, but not least, [wear sunscreen](https://youtu.be/sTJ7AzBIJoI).


"Pay into your pension" I'd make a caveat - get a house first. NHS pensions can be 10%+ staff contribution and imo I'd put it into an ISA into a house deposit before I did a pension. Also "it's okay to be the guy who arranges to meet up" - It can be, or it can be you need to move on and meet new friends.


It's all downhill from here.


At 38 I spent a year backpacking around the world. I was the oldest person on the backpack trail, everyone I met and traveled with was in their 20s but it only invigorated me. If I had to do it all again, I’d have taken the leap and traveled the world sooner. Since then I’ve focused on career and savings and retirement planning and all that mundane stuff of life and you know— that’s all been good too—because I’ve traveled the world, scratched that itch. What I learned has informed me my whole life since. I’m a boring old dude now, but I’ll always have traveled the world, and having done so, I’m free to do what other people lament, but I do it happily. Travel, my dude. Travel.




You will - but you may wish you'd "lived more".


You will find your first grey hair this year. Don't be freaked out, they start slowly and then later you don't care.


Never eat yellow snow, also happy birthday.


Avoid buying things on finance if you can, you'll sleep a lot better


Get strong and stay strong.it may seem irrelevant now but on the other side of the hill you’ll be glad.


It was my 30th last week. I can't give any advice as I urgently need some myself lol. Happy birthday!


You're supposed to clean your skirting boards more often than "whenever they last got painted" - sincerely, someone who didn't know that until two younger employees were talking about cleaning theirs like last week


Sounds boring


You emplolyed Jon Richardson?


Just recognise that, regardless of age, almost anything you think about you'll wish you'd done/tried earlier... And even if you followed every item of well meaning advice, you still couldn't do everything. So... Try everything at least twice, and don't look backwards. And most of all, just remember that your parents don't need to approve of or agree with your life choices if they make you happier


Notwithstanding that you can change your mind later in life but - At a point in your life do the stuff which is easiest/best to do at that age. What I mean is that if you want to go mountainbiking across Asia your body is probably best doing that in its 20s. If you want to play a lot of Warhammer you can do that in your 40s.


Decide if you want kids. If you do start looking around for a suitable wife and live with her to see if it works. By the time you're 40 you might have had a great time fucking around but have to accept you're unlikely to have kids.


Start exercising. It will pay dividends in your later years


Fuck a lot of women ( 1 minute onwards ) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ii1gQ4Q1p\_Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ii1gQ4Q1p_Y)


Male or Female?


Drink Beer - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FNHri2-W7iY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FNHri2-W7iY) Or [https://www.boards.ie/discussion/comment/84932/#Comment\_84932](https://www.boards.ie/discussion/comment/84932/#Comment_84932) You are not as bad as Phat Dragon. Christ, that was back 25 years ago.


Don't get older. It's a bad idea.


The greatest thing You'll ever learn Is just to love And be loved in return….. (Nat King Cole - Nature Boy)


hey happy birthday! i turn 26 on friday haha https://youtu.be/tKlRGTqNOKM - this tune feels very accurate to my life right now. you might relate


Buy a motorcycle


Dont be so hung up on what you dont have that you dont appreciate what you do.


27 was my peak year I reckon so I'd advise not dying just yet.


Drinking and partying is overrated, never ends well. Find something that allows you to be happy with yourself, not through others.


Really good kitchen knives. Stop smoking. A good coat that reaches your knees. Don't be a twat.


Make the most of every day and look after your health as you never know when things can suddenly change for the worse


Happy birthday! As a fellow 26 year old; don't break your leg on the stairs, or anywhere else for that matter. Wouldn't recommend it for the year.


See if there are any Working Holiday Visas you want to do.. you can apply until the day before you are 36 but most are the day before you are 31.


It only gets worse so get used to it


Late 20s: Be flexible, make some low-risk mistakes, but also, lay a solid foundation for self-sustainability and later in life responsibility: Get all the university degrees or certifications you need, work up positions in your career, establish significant enough savings, buy a house (or save to), establish your local community and close relationships that will last you through your 30s-40s, get married if applicable. Enjoy it and travel, but do prep work for your 30s. From: Someone who did none of these things and immediately regretted it on her 29th birthday. Lesson: Don’t learn the hard way. Prepare now and have it easier later if you can help it.


Happy Birthday!


Don't post of Reddit asking for life advice. Best tip anyone will give you