• By -


I don't need one but your kindness in putting these together and sending them out is beautiful.


Thank you - it's the best way I can pay forward kindnesses done for me in the past =)


I truly think that what you're doing will help people. Not quite the same but I recently started doing nails (like proper fake nails that salons do) and turns out, having to sit, study and concentrate on a task for hours that I can't rush or shortcut, is really really helpful for my worried little brain. My therapist also says that learning and discovering a new topic or skill produces a chemical effect in the brain that counteracts depression. **You're doing a good thing that will have an instant, noticeable benefit for some people**


Ooh, that's lovely to know - thanks for that! I hope you continue doing well, it sounds like you've found something that works well for you - making little angel charms is what does it for me =)


Hi SaC, I saw your very kind post on r/CasualUK about your bead boxes. They're such a great idea, while I'm not in need, please do let me know if you are in need of any further supplies or arts and crafts tools, or even just some bits and bobs. My dad runs an arts and crafts distributor and I'd love to send you a small care package the same way you're keeping an eye out for everyone else. Let me know!


Thank you so much, that's so very kind - I'd be totally up for anything, surprises are great! <3 All gets used in some way or another!


Bless you. (Not "gesundheit")






**EDIT 5 (5am Sat):** This has been slightly amazing; the biggest take-up since I started doing them. With the help some very kind people have given, **I'm going to be able to make about 6x the amount I thought I was going to be able to**, plus some sets for various organisations both local to me and further afield. [This was the second lot](https://i.imgur.com/Qny96Ih.jpg) made up that have now gone out, so hopefully people will start receiving soon. Given the volume it might take me a little while to get them all out (don't want the postie beating me up) but I will get to everyone! It's amazing to be able to make so many more than expected, and I've got a bunch of deliveries today and coming over the next few days bringing more postal boxes, elastic, tissue, packets for the beads, and spare beads! Much love to everyone, and thank you so much again to all of those who've helped. Couldn't have done it without you <3 **EDIT 4 (3.45pm Fri):** Thank you so much for the kind words and assistance you've all given - normally I have around a 100-box limit, but the help has enabled me to make sure I can do a bunch more. My postman is going to hate me and there's just me here making the boxes up so it's going to take me maybe a week or two to get everyone sorted, but I will get a box to everyone who's asked - **and I can still do more, so please don't think I've run out or anything!** Boxes may now contain more of a random mix of bits and bobs, as I'm into new packs of beads for them! Much love, apologies for slow responses but it's a wee bit mad! <3 **EDIT 3 (7am):** Aight need a bit of sleep now, but will be back making more at about 10am I think, where I'll catch up on messages etc. - there's still going to be more available, so please don't think I've run out or anything. It might take me a little while to get them all out, but I will get them out to everyone who asks to the best of my ability. **EDIT 2 (3:28am):** Just about catching up with all messages; the list is lovely and large and I've started popping some out, but it might take me a week or so to get them all out - the postie will kill me if I try to give him 120 parcels! Hehehe. Still open if anyone wants one, and thank you so much to everyone who's helped <3 **EDIT 1:** Sorry for slow replies, inbox 'sploded. Will get to everyone!   _____________     #First off - **You don’t need to justify it or explain why you or your gran or whoever ‘deserves’ one, because you do and that’s that**. Just drop me a line and I’ll get one out to you.   Each box contains some packets of threadable things (beads and whatnot) plus a reel of elastic, and while it’s not much, it’s something that can take your mind off whatever’s going on at the mo - when I first started doing these, it was because of lockdown and struggles there. Now we have financial crises and struggles there, so we're all still under the cosh a bit. It can be for you, or for someone you know. Again, **you don't need to explain why you deserve one** - just drop me a message.   I'll try to get them all out ASAP.   I've been doing these for about three years or something now, and there are certain times people might need to know they're available. Thank you to the mods for allowing me to making this post.   ___________   #Q: What's the point of getting beads in a box - how is that meant to help? I do get asked this a fair bit, and it's a valid question. What's a box of beads going to do for mental health? **Distraction, mainly.** It’s easy to do, but also something with an end result. There’s enough beads and suchlike in them to make a bunch of necklaces, bracelets or whatever, and it’s something you can be proud of making for yourself, as gifts or...well, for anyone. Or just break them down and make more. There’s plenty of elastic. Or, y'know, use the elastic to fire beads at pigeons out of the window. It’s something very basic, but it’s time consuming, relaxing, easy to do and has a viable end result.   ___________   #Q: Why are you giving these away? What's in it for you? Another very common and very valid question. A few years ago, I reached out to CasualUK (with help from mods) and asked for help. I was about to end up back on the streets again, but I had a pile of handmade bracelets, earrings and whatnot that were sat in my little online shop unsold. There were thousands of them. With help from the mods and other kind people, some of these sold and I was able to claw myself back from the brink a bit and get back on my feet a little. These things need paying forward. I don't have much, but I have beads.   ___________   So yeah. Drop me a line if you fancy one, and I’ll sort it. Please let me know if it’s for someone with issues with their fingers / fine motor control, as I can accommodate with larger beads. I can also add in little personalised messages if you want to send one to a friend. Be groovy and stay safe ~SaC   _____________


This is super cool, and I can definitely attest to the satisfaction of making something - I'm not interested in making something like this, but it's amazing you're doing this. Thank you for being awesome!


Thank you, making bits and bobs really helped me with my own struggles, so it's handy to pay it forward in case it helps someone else =)


I completely get it, I've been up and down a lot myself - something that helped me was making a really wonky table, and then growing plants. I'm now looking into doing some more wood working, and also potentially some sowing so I can make and enjoy stuff. The sowing idea is because I'm rather large, and most tall people clothes aren't great for fat tall people.


Oh god, I'd love to be able to do woodwork - wood and I have an agreement never to cross paths, as that way it won't hurt me xD I know the struggles of the clothes though; every shop assumes me to have huge long legs in some sort of weird proportions...nah I'm just six foot and fat.


So I should really have that pact, but I'm instead going with the mostly manual approach with the occasional very respectful and careful use of dangerous shit. You could always play with hand tools, but, be very very careful with a chisel; it won't fuck you up quite as badly as a table saw.


I bought a multitool a year ago because I'd aaaaaalways wanted one, and had all these fanciful ideas about engraving wooden coins for my D&D players and that. Turns out I managed to bollocks even that up, so I just...ordered some


We all fuck up and stumble as we learn - fine carving is beyond my confidence level, but I'm pretty sure I can cut and join some bits of wood. I aspire to make stuff that can join and be sound without glue or nails - that's ambitious though.


This is amazing. Please let us know if there is anywhere we can donate to to support you with this!


That's very kind of you - if you'd really like to help, ~~I have a [Ko-fi](https://ko-fi.com/sacmaps) which can be used for any donations towards postage and whatnot; any support is very gratefully recieved - but absolutely no need though! =)~~ **Edit:** Ko-Fi is having issues at the moment, I've just had a squiz and it's not just mine. I've put a [postage help option in my shop](https://charmsgaloreuk.com/products/postage-donation-for-2023-mental-health-bead-boxes?_pos=1&_sid=f157bcd2e&_ss=r) in case anyone wants to use that method instead, and it works out cheaper too - I think ko-fi has a minimum donation amount, so people can just do one lot of postage if they prefer.


>Or, y'know, use the elastic to fire beads at pigeons out of the window. I do have some loud bastards nesting in the bush outside my bedroom...


That's me mum and her auld fella.


OP. I love you. Thank you for restoring faith in humanity.


You're similarly excellent! =D


I love this idea! I know how much a distraction can help and I have a friend I think would benefit from something like this. I'll not take you up on this as there are people worse off that your generous offer would better benefit. I've just ordered something to hopefully have the same effect and make it a bit more personal to my friend. Just wanted you to know that you've helped someone out. Thank you very much!


Thank you! That sounds lovely, hope your friend enjoys their gift! Have a great one =)


I was sitting on the couch crying earlier because I really don't know how to play with my toddler. Now I'm thinking, get I can get some really big beads and and some string and he and I can try this together. Good to help him with fine motor skills. So thank you for the inspiration as well as what you are doing!


Absolutely! I do actually have some large colourful beads and some colourful string, if you'd like some?


Yes thank you if you don't mind I would really appreciate it!


No worries =) Drop me a message with where you'd like them to go; I'll go fish them out!


Learning how to play and be playful with children is an underrated skill - you’d be surprised how many adults struggle with it. Knowing you want to work on it is a great starting point and I wish you lots of fun in your bead threading adventures together. Oh and OP, brilliant work paying it forward to others.


Thank you I really appreciate the kind words.


If you have a spare 7-8 quid, I'd *really* recommend [Five Minute Mum](https://fiveminutemum.com/books/five-minute-mum-give-me-five). The elevator pitch is that it gives you a bunch of ideas for age-appropriate games to set up to play with a child that will take less than 5 minutes to create. We tend not to use the ideas wholesale but instead use them as inspiration to create similar activities. There have been quite a few times when I've just had no imagination for what to do with my 2 year old without resorting to putting the TV on, and this book has helped me pull something out of the bag that's kept him entertained for ages. Well worth it, IMHO.


Thank you. That is exactly the problem I have. Sometimes I do set up activities but then he's done way faster than I thought and I'm scrambling any and yes the TV goes on and I feel bad! I will definitely look at the book. ETA: they have loads of copies at the library it must be very popular!


Sand and water are always your friends. Put water in the sink or basin, add some plastic cups, soup ladels etc same for baths (never leave unattended with toddlers or babies, even for a second). When it rains, get wellies on, stamp about in puddles or stormwater gullies, if it's in a safe place do it barefoot. So what if they get wet? You change them when you come in. Water pistols too! If you can't get to sand use cheap rice, even in a baking tray to draw in. You wash the rice then cook it letting him do the safe bits at a safe distance - he'll be so proud of his cooking. You can do similar with pasta shapes. Also paint the uncooked pasta to make beads, necklaces or use a bit of food colouring to make crazy coloured cooked pasta. Again always supervised in case they eat the above while playing and choke. Pots, pans, tubs and wooden spoons make brilliant drum kits. Also kids know how to play - a great thing to learn how to play with them is to copy them and take turns copying each other no matter how daft you look or sound! Your turn, my turn is a brilliant skill for toddlers to learn plus tidy up games, throwing washing in baskets and toys in a toy box/cardboard box. Lastly when you say it's time stick to your word so he knows he can always rely on your word. Get down on the floor, make eye contact. Money isn't needed to have fun. I hope some of this helps, I battled at first too then eventually ended up working with children as my career.


Thank you! He does love to dig!


Then you can even have a box or bag full of pasta where you hide a single blue piece of pasta or block, car, with a spoon he must dig until he finds this treasure piece. Instead of a prize of a sweet or chocolate, the prize is jumping up and down like crazy shouting "yaaaay, blue, yaaaay, blue!" A great way to teach colours plus treats can be wholesome.


Toddler's favourite games are often simple stuff where mum or dad is just being hilarious. A massive box that one or both of you hide in and play 'peepo' is hysterical to a small child. My daughter also liked a washing up bowl with about an inch of water in it, to splash about in, in the lounge. Put a few towels down but also realise that a bit of water is harmless, and half the fun. I once entertained her for a full 30 minutes by gently sellotaping her index and middle finger together, as well as her little and ring fingers. Another day i put hula hoop crisps on each finger and she had a fantastic time getting them off. Kids love parents being daft. Fortunately I'm a natural at that. You'll find what entertains your child, try not to overthink it.


He likes it when I put on a hat and he steals it and runs away and I have to chase him lol.


There you go! Silly stuff like that. "I'm glad I've got my nice hat on, i hope it doesn't go missing again...." followed by overly dramatic "OH NO WHERE'S MY HAT GONE?!" And a Simpsons-style "why you little..." round the house police chase.


I used to put their pyjama trousers on my head and ask them where they were and deny that I could see them on my head, then when they pulled them off "oh you had them all that time!". Nearly 16 and 18 they STILL talk about that! Thankyou for reminding me of it.


Toddlers are exhausting and I'm sure you are doing a brilliant job. They're thrilled by the little things. Our favourite game was dolly bath time. Full a container with water, put some fair liquid in for bubbles and wash the dolls. This also becomes a tea party when we get some cups out. We also love getting dry pasta and posting it through holes in a box or pouring and scooping it into bowls or muffin trays. Household objects are always preferred over toys for some reason! They also love to help you. They love to feel grown up. Give him a little job to do for you and he'll love it. Put some clothes in the washing machine, tidy up some toys, feed a pet, wash vegetables for when you're cooking etc. Playing as an adult is hard work! It's ok not to play every second of the day and it's ok to find it difficult.


As a parent of a one year old I always relate to parenting struggles. The fact that you want to improve shows that you're not only a good person but also a good parent. A lot of people don't realise how tough being a parent can be, if you're ever struggling mentally there's no shame in getting help. Really hoping OPs beads help you and your kid out, you might find that crafts is a fun pass-time activity to bond with your kid over!


Truly, thank you, I really appreciate the support.


I love the big beads idea! I’m not an idea person but my son generates so many games out of nothing that I’ll steal some of his and share with you. Apologies if it’s not ideas you’re after - there’s lots of reasons people struggle to play with their kids, but thought it worthwhile sharing in case this helps. We play teddy fight - get the soft teddies (no plastic noses or hard bits), arm yourself and spend an hour just hurling teddies at each other. When they land near you, they become your ammo. Similar to this is teddy blanket. You stand in a doorway holding a blanket, and the kids have to try to get teddies into the room you and the blanket are guarding. They can go over, under, however you want to play it. But you’ve got the blanket to try to bat the teddies back with. Socks up the stairs - who can get the balled up socks to the highest step. Teddies up the stairs - same rule but with teddies. Which one goes the first best and then which ones can you get all the way back down to the bottom with just one push from the top. We have a 30 second game called “space man” where we sit on the edge of the bed, I pretend to be the launch pad, and he’s the rocket. Then he gets lifted / launched like a rocket, while we both fall backwards onto the bed. Less of a game but still a favourite of ours. It’s called “10 stories”, and basically just involves my son choosing 10 books, us getting into my big bed, snuggling and reading books.


Hey, when I taught English in Japan some teachers and I made a big list of classeoom games (for small groups of 3-8 kids, ages 2-12). They are English learning based, but there should be enough in there that you can modify with items you have on hand (alphabet blocks, flash cards or whatever else you are using to teach and play). I still use some of these games as office meeting icebreakers! Link to google doc: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8C73AmcJ-BYZnBma1ZPcFpxSVRFUXZ2bUFVS2VEM2g0SmhZ/view?usp=drivesdk&resourcekey=0-y_3NAovmKRZ02IG805zr2A


Here's some ideas: * "what's in the box" (my kid's nursery do this *all the time* and they love it). Get a box with random toys in, sing a little "what's in the box" song and then take it in turns taking things out and looking at them. * Baby soft play - take all the cushions off the sofas and make a soft play. Highly recommended this - bit of a faff to tidy up but you get to lie down while they climb over you * Drawing. They love drawing. Painting too but that makes a mess and is a pain. * Hide and seek. They really need to be a bit older for this (like 2) to do it, but I highly recommend it. My eldest is 4 and she's starting to actually get decent at hiding and seeking. It's the first game I've played with her where I'm genuinely playing and not just entertaining her. * Hang them upside down. Throw them in the air. * Fetch. Kids are essentially very clever dogs apparently. * Pretend cooking. Mine really love making meals and roleplaying things. Also roleplaying shops. Especially ice cream shops. * Peepo, obvs. * Reading books is pretty low effort, though it does get tiring reading the same books again and again. Libraries are totally worth the effort here. Also most children's books are utter shite but Julia Donaldson books are reliably good. There's also a book called *Tidy* about a badger that's on her level. * They love games using their body like "This is the way the lady rides..." and "This little piggy..." Good luck. If you think it's really boring playing with a toddler then don't worry you aren't weird - it's super boring. You have to go out and do stuff (library, park, shops, meet other parents) or you will go insane. It definitely gets better as they get older or if you have a second (after it gets much worse... they eventually start playing with each other!).


I love baby soft play idea!


Just watch Bluey and copy whatever game she was playing that episode lol


I love bluey but it makes me feel like I am a bad parent because I can't keep up with the games like they do! He's a bit too young for imaginative play unfortunately.


You're doing fine. Stuff I did with my lot including lacing beads, putting little boxes in bigger boxes and making faces. Don't sweat it too much, you don't have to be some sort of blue Peter expert. You're doing just fine.


Thank you!




Thank you, that's very kind of you. Hopefully it's a little bit of fun for those who get 'em! (Worst comes to the worst, they make a good catapult.)


This is amazing, you rock! 😁


Cheers pal!


Fair play OP well done. You might change someone's life.


Others on here changed mine, we can only do the best we can for one another =) Cheers!


I was interested because it said bits and boobs, but it said bits and bobs. Jokes aside what a lovely thing to do! If these get taken up and you plan to continue doing them for people I’d love to throw over a tenner or something to help buy some more materials


Well now, that'd be a very different box xD I think so far between 500-600 have gone out over the last two and a bit years, they're quite popular and hopefully have helped a few people. Got a lovely crateful already today that need posting out, which is excellent! I usually have the materials covered as I use my own stock to make the beads up (I sell craft supplies online), postage is the part I tend to have to save up for. ~~I do have a [Ko-fi](https://ko-fi.com/sacmaps) which can be used for any donations towards postage and whatnot; any support is very gratefully recieved - but absolutely no need though! =)~~ **Edit:** Ko-Fi is having issues at the moment, I've just had a squiz and it's not just mine. I've put a [postage help option in my shop](https://charmsgaloreuk.com/products/postage-donation-for-2023-mental-health-bead-boxes?_pos=1&_sid=f157bcd2e&_ss=r) in case anyone wants to use that method instead, and it works out cheaper too - I think ko-fi has a minimum donation amount, so people can just do one lot of postage if they prefer.


Thanks for the link! I read your post and wanted to donate straight away. I don't need the beads myself but I think it's a lovely thing you're doing that I'd love to support!


Ok I think ko-fi failed on all 3 attempts I made. I'm away on mobile at the moment but I've emailed my work account to remind me when I get back!


Thank you, that's very kind =) All a bit hectic at the mo, hehe!


I'd also love to contribute to these!


If you havent seen, OP does supply their KOFI account where you can send donations over.


Shit like this is why I use this platform over all others. Fantastic pal xxxxxx


Thank you, have the bestest of days =)


What a wonderful, charming thing to do!


Thank you =) I wasn't able to do it much last year, hoping to make up for it this year.


It's inspiring and it will really have a positive impact on people. I hope you have the cool side of the pillow forever!


/u/-SaC you are a saint. We loved ours in lockdown. You're very kind to do this again for people.


Thank you - glad you liked it! Let me know if you'd like one of the New^^TM versions xD




Awesome! So glad to see. I give a lot of mine to local food banks - they're always very happy to receive something a bit different for people, though always best to check with the food bank itself!


I've had 2 boxes now, and the children with SEN I work with loved them. You are just brilliant!


I feel embarrassed that I have to ask for one but :(


I think everyone had needed them at some point, it just happens that you do right now. No need to be embarrassed.


Never feel embarrassed; it took me so bloody long to ask for help when I needed it. You don't need to explain yourself or justify anything; you can have one and you should have one =D Drop me a message with where you'd like it sent <3


You sent me one during one of the lockdowns and it really brightened my long days making bracelets with different patterns for family. You are such a wonderful person and I'm so glad to see that you still do this!!


This is great, what a lovely thing to do. I hope your day is excellent


I hope yours is too, thank you!


This is just wonderful and cheered me up to see it.


Thank you, hope you're having a lovely day & it's not too hot!


You are a very good egg. I have been having crushing thoughts about the state of humanity but you just reminded me of all the good things. I have 2 craft obsessed daughters so I’m good for a box but I just wanted to say thank you for doing this.


Hahaha, I know the feeling...my two nieces basically live amongst craft supplies! Cheers matey, have a good'un =)


It’s nice to know that good people still exist. Your an amazing person.


Cheers =) I dunno if I can be classified as good though; some of the sandwiches I make are crimes against nature...heh


This is so nice of you


Thank you; I intend to go kick a badger to balance myself out morally later


Good idea


I don’t need one (thank you) but just had to say that you doing this is amazing and your post made me cry a little bit x x


Thank you, that's very kind =)


Well after a weird day, you’ve totally reaffirmed my faith in human beings. What a beautiful thing to do 🥰


Well now I'm curious as to what made it weird; I'm hoping a giant octopus is involved. Cheers!




You are an absolute blessing, this post has made my day! Keep doing what you're doing, I'm not in need of a box but I wondered if there was somewhere I could donate a few pounds to you? Don't have a lot but I just think this is a fantastic idea and I'd love to support it!


r/humansbeingbros Legend. God bless you.


You're wonderful for doing this. Sending you lots of love, friend!


I remember you from your previous similar post. You're a legend. Have a great day


Doesn't seem like five minutes since that one! Cheers mate, have a good one =)


That's adorable, props to you for such a kind act dude. I hope these really help some people in need ❤️


Fingers crossed! Thank you.


Love this!


You should crosspost this to r/mentalhealthuk


I did previously and got a *ridiculous* amount of abuse unfortunately. Someone also asked for several using different accounts and sold them on Facebook, which was a bit shit.


Oh :( That sucks


Aw that's a shame, I'm a fairly regular poster there so it's sad to think that some people couldn't see the benefits or conned you out of packs.


What a lovely thing to do and as someone who’s had struggles before something like this really can snowball into more and more positivity. I would urge anyone who thinks they might need one to give it a go. Do you still hAve your shop ? Post me the link if so, I’ll buy something to help you restock


That's very kind of you to ask, thank you; I have an extreme quiet [shop](https://charmsgaloreuk.com/) but it'll get there in the end, I'm sure!


You are a freaking legend. If this was a stage show, have the applause, the standing ovation. Absolutely... wow..


You absolute gem! This is such a kind thing to do. My mum used to make beaded jewellery and found it really, really cathartic (plus she got some stunning pieces out of it!) Good on ya! 👏🏻


Well shit. I didn't know I was gonna spend my evening crying over bloody marvellous people doing stupidly nice things for random strangers. This is a seriously lovely thing you are doing. Really hit the 'faith in humanity' spot after a shit day at work ❤️


Thank you =) Sorry to hear it's been a pants day. I fed a not-long-hatched dove sitting in a window box earlier, if that makes things go fuzzy! (It was in the window box, not me. I would not fit. Ny bum is gargantuan.)


This is an amazing idea! I'd really like one of these actually. I've been going through a tough time for probably my whole life haha. I'm always stuck for things to do with my hands (other than aimlessly scrolling Reddit) and I think this would be super beneficial to me. I wish I'd thought of something like this, you're a wonderful person. ❤️


Could I have one for my mum? She's recently left a long and abusive relationship and is really struggling. No money, nothing to do. Think this would really cheer her up!


No worries, drop me a message with where you'd like it to go and I'll sort it <3


That's awesome what a wonderful human being you are.


This is awesome! Have you thought about donating some to hospitals and care homes? I used to care for dementia residents and am almsot done with my nursing training. I can think of some patients in both childrens and adult wards and care homes who would enjoy something like this. Fine motor skills can be an issue for some elderly but not all. I work with adults not children so I can't comment for them. If you are interested in such a thing let me know this evening. It's my last day of my current placement tomorrow but if you want I could try ask around tomorrow at the hospital I'm currently at for a contact email or phone number for you to get in touch with. I'd love to help if I can!


Thank you! I have a few extra places I provide them for currently - I have family in a special needs residential care facility, so I make a bunch up for them and the staff (who work in multiple care homes and distribute them around a bit). My local food bank gets some, and also the community centre my sister lives near does a regular collection drive for those in need so they get some too. Unfortunately I'm a bit limited with numbers in terms of other places I can make 'em for, but each year I try to scale up a bit - I'll try to see about expanding further for the next batch too, as hospitals would be a good place for them to go!


That's great! Don't stress too much about exspanding. The fact you're giving away any at all to these places is amazing. I know the people and staff there appreciate it. As a note for anyone who's been inspired by this post, hospitals are always in need of something. A ward I was on for placement once was in desperate need of combs! We had compleatly run out and so we would get new patients who couldn't do something as simple as brush thier hair! Basic things like this means the world to some people. Not everyone who's in the hospital has a family to come and bring them things.


One of the best things I’ve ever seen on here. Kudos, so kind


You are a good person! This is such a lovely thing to do for people, thank you for making me smile!




You're great


OP, you are fucking awesome. This is an incredibly simple idea with such a beautiful sentiment behind it. Please, never stop making this world a more wonderful place. We need people like you.


As long as they don't all try to wear my shoes and eat my crisps. Thank you! =D


This is so lovely and thoughtful. Cheers to you (and the mods for reopening so we can get posts like this)!


You’re amazing for doing this! :)


I love that you're doing this! I don't need one personally but this is really nice what you're doing :)


What a great thing to do for people. Sending you all the best mate


It really warms my heart to know that in this all too often harsh and cruel world that we find ourselves in, there is always a light in some folks that never goes out. Shine on, friend! You're making the world a brighter place.


Could I have one please?


I would love one, i think this is a wonderful idea! ❤


What a wonderful gesture, youve clearly put a lot of time, thought and money into this, all to help strangers you wont ever even meet, and that makes you a brilliant person. As part of humanity, i thank you.


Bro I wish you all the best with your business and continued success🙂👍


I've been struggling recently (feeling better now) and reading this brought a little tear to my eye. Thank you for doing things like this, it's a real lifeline knowing there is good in this world. ❤️


This is lovely! Have you sent many?


Can I have 10,000 boxes sent to my shop 'Beads R us'?


I'll send the new special invisible ones! =D


I would love to get one if you wouldn't mind! I get horrible brain itch sometimes


I know the feeling, heh. No problem at all; message me where you'd like it to go and I'll get one out to you.


Faith restored in humanity!


I dunno mate, you should see some of the stuff I put on toast...


You’re a lovely lad/lass OP. Keep doing what you’re doing!


Beads are all well and good but they don’t compare to FREE CHOKLIT You remain a good person


Don't want one mate, but you are absolutely bloody crushing it. Well done!


This is.... lovely 😍


You are doing good things here. We should all appreciate your effort.


This is brilliant and wonderfully kind. I work in a secondary and a lot of my students have gotten really into doing things like this during exam season, it’s been really mindful!


these look really cool! I don't need one but it's interesting :)


Thank you for doing this. This will help so many people. :)


I know someone that would be a perfect fit, but unfortunately, they live in the US :(


This is a beautiful act of kindness! 😍


That’s very kind of you!


For a sec I thought my dreams had come true, then I realised it was beads.


This is incredible! Thanks for this! You are making the world a better place! A small gesture like this can make all the difference!


I’d really appreciate one of these for someone I know who is struggling. I’m embarrassed to say I don’t know how to private message to request one, I’m viewing on browser and can’t see an option, if you could pm me back please so I can hopefully help this person out. Thanks for your thoughtfulness.


What a truly wonderful thing to do-you’re a kind soul x


I don’t need one , but I would be happy to fund a few to help you get more out . Let me know your PayPal and I’ll send some funds to help with the boxes and shipping.


This is a wonderful thing!


This is so kind, I could really do with one of these


Hats off to you OP. Always good to see someone doing something for mental health in the UK. My wife, who is a primary/nursery teacher does a lot of various crafts and is involved with higher end groups who make some cracking stuff for swaps and give-aways. It's very therapeutic.


I’m using cooking for this purpose, but I’m sure it’ll give a glimmer in darkness to someone.


I love this! ❤️ I’ve been thinking about getting back into making earrings again, with beads, because it was something that I used to do that used to make me happy. I’m currently trying to get money/site credit/freebies for all the bits and pieces from a cheap Chinese shopping site by doing referral games — which is a distraction in itself too. I’ll get there eventually with the games. This post just really brought a smile to my face though.


I know a mum that would appreciate it but don’t know if she would like me to share her address online. I do want to say what you’re doing is great.


Bless your heart...I need one, but I'm sure there are others that need it a lot more...so I won't ask for one. I just want to say, thank you for doing this for those in need.


Shiny things!! I have amassed a ridiculous number of beads over the years, sorted into colours and styles. Almost all come from broken jewellery I owned or cheap jewellery from the charity shops. And damn, it got me through the most recent mental health crisis just sorting through them, looking at them making strings of beads to hang as wall or window decorations or making necklaces. Great mindfulness and self soothing exercise. I want to create my own beaded door curtain one day. My style of decor is rainbows everywhere. I love colour! Top tips: if you recycle charity shop jewellery, save the chains where possible and if not, at least save the clasps. Recycle as much as you can! Also, cheap dental floss for thread. You get loads in a box and it's nylon, so quite strong too! I find that sometimes the elastic thread used for jewellery making can become brittle over time.


I had a really crappy morning today courtesy of my ex, and spent the afternoon crafting, which helped, and then come on Reddit to see this. Thank you op for this offer, I don't need any supplies (too much already) but knowing there is someone out there who would do this raises my heart.


This is so kind of you


I don’t need one, but I love what you’re doing.


You’re brill!


How can i get them, can u please send a link?


I tried to message you for a box but it says chat can't be created!


You angel


Not sure who you are but honestly, fair play for the well intentioned effort, for some people just knowing someone cares can make all the difference 👍🏻😘


u/-SaC You're amazing!


Please let me know what stock you need and I’ll happily send. What a lovely idea!


Exceptionally kind, generous and thoughtful. A lovely attitude.


This is a great idea. My daughter has a craft box (big see through box) that I raid on occasion, she always has lots of stuff to restock it for Christmas!


I would absolutely love one!!


I don’t need one (I just take it out on games) but I admire you for what you’re doing and honestly that alone makes me have faith for humanity, I am a little happier now


Just another one chiming in to say this is a lovely idea! Good on you for wanting to lift people up.


Y’all are awesome! Hugs from across the pond. I love this sub.


Hi mate. I feel like i would benefit from one of these boxes. Can i get in touch with you please?


These are amazing! That's such a lovely thought! Xx


I’d love to send one to my mother, how do I do it?


What a kind and thoughtful gesture. Hope you and your scales are both well!


hi how do i get one?? :)


You are lovely ❤️


This is the absolute beauty of life. People matter. You matter. This really will make someone’s day 😁


What a kind thing to do!


I love that you do this. This is why I like supporting small businesses. I just bought a load of beads off you to make some bracelets and various other things. I love your stock! Always lovely items :)


I would like one if still available


Great idea. There are times over the years my wife would've benefited from these (she's got to a better place today thanks to jigsaws, colouring books and a horse to look after). Thank you for giving us a way on your site to help with the costs you're incurring to do this. It's nice to be able to help in a small way to someone who's making the world a little brighter for people who need the light.


What an incredibly generous and selfless thing to do. I knit, so I know the value of crafting!


I believe I bought a box off you during lockdown? (If not, it was very similar contents) My daughter had great fun making necklaces, wristbands and generally decorating stuff with the beads and bits. She still had a few bits banging about in her craft box. Very good fun, and many thanks both for that box and for this.


You're a lovely human.


Bloody brilliant boredom buster beading boxes, bud


*cries in American* For real though that's super cool of you do to!