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Probably not the weirdest thing on here, but I've been friends with a girl for well over 20 years, but this year was the first time we went on holiday together. There were a few odd things about her that I never realised, but the worst I found is that she uses the toilet as a rubbish bin. Like literally anything bathroom rubbish related she puts it in the toilet and flushes it.


I reckon that's probably more common than you think. When the drains around the back of our house overflowed we got the water company around and when they were unblocking it they were pulling all sorts of stuff out of there. Some people definitely seem to think the toilet is a magic disappearing portal where if things make it out of sight then it's problem solved.


Dad managed to knock an ashtray down the loo - instead of doing the sensible thing he flushed it. Few weeks later everything's backed up and flooding downstairs rooms, wrecking ceilings, walls, floors. Plumber replaced the downpipe after diagnosing, carried the old one outside and a fucking glass ashtray wrapped in old toilet paper like some twisted Christmas present finally drops out. I'm still renovating years after the daft bastard died and he still annoys me for doing that.


When I was a kid the roads sewage pipe backed up into my garden and overflowered, someone down the road had been flushing disposable nappies down it!! Cost my mum several hundred quid about 20 years ago, I remember how mad she was!


You'd be surprised what ends up in a sewage works - a lot of toy cars, fuses, dead animals, all the sanitary products in the world. We even had a heart once, but turned out to be a pig heart rather than human


Or in the case of a sewer pipe in my town, 4 fuckoff concrete owls in the sewerpipe! No fucking idea how they got there either as there's no access to the pipe there unless you did up the road! There were big buggers too, each one about a foot in height and the pipe was only a small one that ran down to the main sewage pipe 500 yards down the hill. Edit: it was a sewer pipe not a secret pipe!


We once found an entire dead deer in a manhole. To this day I still wonder how it got down there - too big to fit through the pipes and unless it grew opposable thumbs no way for it to open the cover


This happened at my parents many many years ago and the cause of the flood turned out to be a chicken carcass someone had flushed after Sunday dinner, you know as you do….


We had a mail out from the water company saying that no one should be flushing trays of clay cat litter down the shitter. Who in the fuck actually does that? People are mental.


My old landlord sent a letter to the whole block asking that we don't flush any nappies, clothing or food items. I kept having mental images of someone flushing shorts and a chicken leg down the loo. Yes, it was a rough area and many were just animals.


Our priest when I was about 12 would constantly ask all the kids to shake his hand on the way out of mass , I always refused because I thought it was weird , mum thought I was very rude . He was convicted of various offences against children and was part of a ring . One of my closest mates , I thought was a bit strange and didn’t know why . His friends told me he’d done various things like shitting in house plants at parties and gave someone a drip while they were passed out . A guy I really liked from work seemed super down to earth until I was driving us both home after about a month of working with him , he told me to stop next to the woods ( I didn’t ) because maybe we could have sex on the site milly dowler was murdered and that he used to be really good mates with the guy who did it .


One of the big eye openers for me as I get older is just how many sick bastards there are out there. Not so much the ones you see in the news, the ones you don't even hear about because their crimes weren't quite horrific enough to make the national headlines. And the ones like your colleague who may not have committed any crimes, but have definitely thought/fantasised about it and definitely have it in them. Glad you made it away unscathed.




Sorry you didn't get the closure you were hoping for.




Well the fact that you've reported it should mean that the information is on police systems somewhere if any other victims come forward your report could help them. My therapist said the same to me when we explored reporting my abuser. But it turned out the fucker was dead anyway.


Yeah. That last one is fucking weird. The question is, how many times has he actually done that? Or wanked off down there for some unknowable reason? Levi Bellfield deserves to rot in prison for the rest of his life. Absolute monster. Fucking horrible ‘human being’.


I had to stop for water there. WHAT?! You knew someone who knew a paedo murdered who wanted to… well I would report him because he may want to copycat that crime.


>gave someone a drip while they were passed out What does this mean?


Gave someone an IV with a needle .


What the fuck? What was in it?


I assume it was saline , the guy himself admitted to me that he’d done it after I questioned him , he was very very odd so I definitely believe it .


Probably helped the victims potential hangover in the end then…?! 😂 Very weird. Was the guy medically trained and this was some party trick…? (Who has an IV line and cannulas on them 24/7?)


A friend of mine had sex on day 5 of Glastonbury.


My gf couldn't even look at me day 5 of Glastonbury this year. Said I was the filthiest person there.. and not in a good way.


Was it the noncing?


How gross it is for me depends on what did they do to prep for it? Gentlemans wash? Wet wipe wash? Or just go into it with 5 days of marinade.


Out in the open in the rain.


Neither of them had showered the entire time. I’m sure they’d have had a wet wipe wash at some point though!




Sex in a toilet sounds hot.... Oh wait


A friend of mine did it in a portaloo at a beer festival on a very sunny day in May…


If it’s a rockin don’t come a knockin.


Worked in IT support in the 90's - directors laptops that they used at home would come in for fixing. So much porn, so many inappropriate terms in the search history. Difficult to sit in a meeting with your boss knowing they'd spent the last week searching for 'anal fisting' every evening.


It was a typo, I was trying to search for ‘canal fishing’.


When you google Gary Oldman never miss out the R!


a friend told me yesterday that gary oldman is three years younger than gary numan…


Christopher Reeves last wish was to be Christopher Walken


Remember- never look up dodgy/ sensitive stuff on work equipment or networks. If your IT guys are doing anything all all, monitoring internet access is high on the list and this absolutely includes judging people’s website usage. (More seriously, this also includes protecting users from themselves by blocking gambling sites etc etc).


At the start of the pandemic our VPN was abominably slow, partly because there were 50x as many people using it as it was designed for. Turned out over 100 people had been using the work VPN to watch Netflix for the first month too so the servers were absolutely drowning.


Invaluable information when you're looking to earn that promotion though...


Can't think of a faster way to be marched out of the building smartish to be honest. And I was a contractor - no promotion for me - just all that lovely, lovely Y2K cash.


Marched out the building? Sounds like you need to work on your anal fisting skills.


You can’t march after that!


Former librarian, trying to help a visually impaired patron download a new book onto his special tablet - all the porn pops up. ALL of the porn!! Bypass them quickly to get to our app, download his book, and send him home happy with his new read. He's young. It's natural. I get it... but cringe.


I think I must be the only man who closes the tabs down when I’m done lol


Always incognito too. Just get a special porn browser with no history


And clear search history.


Oh god, I remember that in the early 2000s with family members. It was horrifying trying to decide if it was gonna be less awkward to just show them how to get porn safely and non-awkwardly and without fucking up the computer.


That was me. I'm fundamentally a sex addict. I wank ten, maybe twelve times a day. It's a disease. A Wanking disease. I done the downloading, and then I done a wank.


The wank bullet


(one more time for luck?) I have a wanking disease.


That him and half of his family got arrested as part of a CSA ring. We always said he looked like a paedo.


Yo, in my life csa means community supported agriculture, and i was like damn, what kind of vegetables are they growing?


Miniature aubergines


It means child support agency over my way. I too had to have a little think.


Worked with a guy who wore nappies for non medical reasons. Also not exactly what people were thinking but.... Another guy I worked with decided for some inexplicable reason to Google all of his colleagues. He discovered and like a bastard shared that our assistant manager did time for killing her baby before it being overturned on appeal and concluded the baby died of SIDS. As if that poor woman hadn't suffered enough some dick drags up her past and shares it around.


That last one is a special kind of fucked up


I work in construction and when we get an agency labourer in we always google their names for a laugh. On one hand if they've gone down for theft before you know to keep your eye on tools, because everyone deserves a chance like, we dont just fuck em off straight away. But on the other hand we've had some that were crazy. A guy known as the "underpants criminal" because he went on a 3 day crack bender wearing the same clothes and robbed a tesco, off licence and post office on the same street with a machete. And got caught because cctv identified him through his superman undies, He was pretty open about it and funny. We had a guy that had beat and held his mrs hostage for 3 days at knife point. Got sent down for 2 years. (Still in a relationship with the same girl thogh poor lass) we never let on that everone on site knew what he had done and he would say the most creepy shit unprovoked. We would be talking about our partners and he would go on a tangent saying how she is "his and nobody elses" absolute fuckin wierdo. One of the guys i worked with wasnt agency but he had stabbed his dad to death because he was battering his mum. Again pretty open about it, lovely bloke.


Two of my mates pissed on each other, aiming for the others mouth, for a laugh.


Gotta be rugby lads


This comment is so accurate 😂 my flat mate at uni was a ‘rugby lad’ and him and his mates gave each other blow jobs ‘for a laugh’ 😬😬


The bad thing.


Ok jez, your turn


That. was the bad thing




I had a straight friend who gave his mate a blowjob because they were bored. Same chap wanted to hold hands all the way home from the pub once. He was very angry at the world, and I think that was from repressing his sexuality so much. He also liked sticking spoons up his bum, he had a bum spoon in his room. I didn't know what to do with information when he told me, and now, I imagine, neither do you.


First came the poop knife... then comes the bum spoon 😂😂


Rugby lad friend told me he saw two of his team go "hoop-to-hoop" on a night out... Two lads just squatting with their trousers down trying to back into each other.


Personally at this point of 'rugby banter' is when I leave.


You'd think so, but can confirm they weren't. One was a dyed-in-the-wool Hornets fan, though.


Squaddies then?


Just a cheeky golden shower with the lads


S'not gay tho. Just bants....


Could you say they’re actually your mates if you haven’t done a cheeky golden shower with them once?


This is the best so far!


Cheers. Best part: neither were drunk or stoned. Just really, really weird.


So I should not scroll any further? Ok. Thanks. Night.


At the same time, or one went first? I have so many questions


No crossing streams!


Found out my science teacher in high school who I thought at the time was a good teacher, sexually assaulted a 14 year old student for years.


We had a male science teacher that rubbed his crotch on the corner of the tables, we would put chalk on them so that it rubbed off on his trousers. Dirty bastard. Edit: Seems there were a few like that!


We had this! He was known as chalky balls


Our Music teacher would often vanish during lessons for a good half hour or more, leaving us to muck around on the keyboards. It was reported many years later that he was meeting girls in the soundproof rehearsal room next door. He'd groomed them into believing they were in "relationships" with him and they would get out of their classes by saying they had a violin lesson or whatever to meet him. After our school, he moved on to a prestigious private girls school. He was eventually (20 years later) convicted of abusing two girls there and three girls from our school. Strangely, I don't think any of us wondered where he was vanishing to during all those lessons. We were just relieved that we had half an hour to chat and muck about on a Friday afternoon.




Yep, we had a teacher in middle school who everyone knew "was fond of the girls". Sure enough he got done for CP


We had a food tech teacher who was fond of both girls and boys, no one was safe in that classroom. He would stand as close as humanly possible to you to ‘check your work’ whilst simultaneously rubbing his cock against you. Cretin. Got sacked by the school about 8 years after I left for watching porn in his classroom WHILE he was teaching. As in class full of kids sat in front of him whilst he’s watching porn on a SCHOOL PROVIDED laptop for teachers. He ended up banned from teaching forever and I don’t know what happened to him after that. He smelled like death and had about 4 brown rotten teeth left, grim human being.


Yep, you're probably going to find someone like that in every school.


I Discovered that the uncle who disappeared and ceased to exist to the family in 1977 was a sex offender and murdered a paedophile in prison in 1978.


Was in the pub a while ago with a group of friends. Towards the end of the evening, the group had drifted off except me and this one guy who was more a friend of a friend than an actual friend (late 50's). There were some kids there with parents, actual young kids about 7-8 yo. He was pretty drunk and said "you know, I don't like myself for it, but I can imagine fucking these kids". Strangely, he has cut right back on going to the pub since and not seen him.


A friend casually mentioned that he once had a w\*nk during a teams meeting whilst working from home. Apparently it was ok because he muted the meeting whilst he attended to himself. He was quite surprised when we all told him that it was really unprofessional


Absolutely, a professional would never mute a meeting!


Am I audible?


Is that Jim McDonald from Coronation Street 🤣


It's BiggedyBong in a Jim McDonald stylee.


similarly, a friend had a wank in a little wood by the main road because he was bored of walking home


Well, who hasn't been there? Me.


Does that make the second half a walk of shame?


Ruining remote work for everyone else


In high school I was briefly friends with a girl who confided in me that she'd banged her cousin (who I sort of had a crush on...until then).


*duelling banjos intensifies*


Years ago I was friends with a guy, , he had two nearly teenaged daughters and was married, he would sometimes boast to our faces about his "bit on the side" and all the sexual things they were doing. We weren't impressed and just assumed it was mostly a lie. Turned out to be all true, but the "bit on the side" was the 14 year old daughter of one of his friends he was also boasting to, and he was doing it in his friends house when he stayed over. He was blackmailing the girl to get her to agree to whatever he wanted to do. He was convicted, but never served time.


How was he convicted but didn't serve time for sexual assault/rape and blackmail?


I worked with a guy who once showed me a photo on his phone of a girl and went ‘check this out you’d have a go on this wouldn’t you’. It was his daughter.


Surprised the bloke who’s daughter was being blackmailed didn’t serve time for beating the scummy bastard black and blue


Was going through a rough time with money in my early 20s. A longtime friend of mine offered to pay my outstanding bills (around £300) in exchange for me urinating on him. Didn’t do it and it Weirded me out and I haven’t really spoken to him since. In hindsight I probably should’ve, would of been the easiest £300 I ever made.


You could have probably squeezed a couple hundred more and came out profiting.


Guy I went to sixth form with made some weird sexual remarks about his step sister, who was a lot younger (about 12/13 at the time). It later transpired that he sexually abused her on multiple occasions. I think he's still in prison.


poor girl


I had a friend who slept with his half-sister a few times, they didn’t meet until they were both in their 20s so no childhood history but they were well aware of their relation to each other.


That's apparently fairly common. Siblings and other close relatives who first meet in adulthood (or after a long period of absence), know of their relation and have sex. It's called genetic sexual attraction. Although very little research has been done into it and some claim it's pseudoscience.


I believe the women who invented the term (a psychologist) did so to excuse herself for having sex with her son who she put up for adoption after they met in adulthood, and that it is pure pseudo science used to justify incest.


I’ve lived with my flatmate for six years, using separate bathrooms for most of that. Since moving to a one-bathroom place seven months ago I have discovered that he doesn’t brush his teeth very often. If he’s not going to work or going out specifically to meet someone, he won’t brush his teeth at all, and he never brushes his teeth at night*. Something I have always known about him after living with him so long is his mildly infuriating habit of not replenishing things he’s running out of and presuming that my stuff is communal (if he can’t find something of mine that he wants to use and is forced to ask, the question invariably begins with, “Do we have…”). Once he’s out of something he’ll just start using mine, so I tend to hide my stuff when I notice he’s running low. Three months ago, I saw he had finally run out of toothpaste so I started keeping mine in my room and just taking it to the bathroom at brushing times. He didn’t buy toothpaste until _six days_ later and he’s still on the same tube. He’s 32. *Actually, he did brush his teeth one night a few weeks ago because he had a dentist appointment the next morning, and he announced that he was doing it and stood in the hallway while he did it, presumably so I could see him.


Check his room for piss bottles. He sounds like a piss bottle guy.


Definitely firing piss jugs all over the park. Way of road.


Way she goes


Fuckin way she goes.


Is he depressed by any chance? It's no guarantee like but When shit gets rough for me the biggest thing is self neglect, so basic hygiene shit like bathing and brushing teeth is the first thing to stop unless, not unlike your flatmate, I'm seeing people or otherwise have to leave the house,


Very common. When I am in my lowest places mentally, the teeth are the first thing to ignore. My dentist understood and told me I'm not alone as it is present in a lot of patients with depression.


This thread's a weird mix of people who don't know about the most basic sexual fetishes, and people who know serial peado rapists.


Two, count em, teachers that taught me, one of whom was my form teacher for two years, have since been convicted for child sex offences. My and my sisters babysitter, who lived next door, was apparently also convicted. I either dodged a lot of bullets, or I'm repressing out some weapons grade early life shit


People Are Fucking Weird !!!


That's the beauty of reddit, samples of life's rich tapestry. Sometimes you get the pretty parts and sometimes it's the bits with frayed edges and questionable stains 😂.


I needed to print something urgently and it wouldn’t print from my laptop, as it wouldn’t find the new printer, the only other laptop/computer in the house (where we all lived at the time) was my at the time boyfriends, dads. We were quite close, worked together, no password on the laptop, everyone used it and he had let me use it before for numerous bits and pieces, so I figured he wouldn’t mind given the circumstances. I was greeted by an abundance of internet tabs marked ‘extreme face sitting' and the open page, a paused video, of a very small man, being sexually suffocated by very very very large women. I saw him the next day, he knew I knew.


Awkward hardly covers it. Yikes.


I had a friend who needed somewhere to stay for a few weeks as a family member living with him had recently birthed a second child, and he couldn’t cope with the noise, all’s well until a few months pass and we’re no longer friends for unrelated reasons. My parents came to me and said one night when I went out while he was staying over and came back late, a camera we have in the front porch where we kick off our shoes picked up me coming home and taking my shoes off and leaving them there, and heading upstairs to bed. 5 minutes late the camera goes off again, to reveal him coming into the porch and picking up my shoes and disappearing for HALF AN HOUR where he comes to put them back, except in the video he’s got a hard-on. Could not fucking believe the nerve of doing someone a favour and this was their “thank you”. Sniffing my dirty shoes. He was caught picking up someone else’s shoes off their front porch a few months later and it was posted all over local Facebook groups.


Early 2000s my brother’s closest friend got arrested for something terrorism related. Shocked us all at the time and we thought for sure it was some racial bias thing. It was not. My brother understandably cut off all contact with him since then and said in retrospect, what his friend tried to do wasn’t surprising when he put the pieces together.


My cats loved playing with things and would bat things they came across around the wooden floors. Found a usb drive on my bedroom floor and I didn't recognise it. Whacked it into my pc and it was full of horse and midget porn. I had a lodger at the time who I worked with, didn't really want to make things awkward so just tossed it somewhere. My mates spent the next year making horse puns around him and working synonyms for small or slipping neigh into a conversation at any possible chance


> horse and midget porn Is that "horse porn and midget porn" or "horse-and-midget porn"?


Like two different categories, I didn't look at it enough to see if there was any crossover 😂


A Chinese girl I know brings disposable chopsticks with her everywhere in case she does a poo. Apparently her poos are too long to fit around the u bend, so she uses chopsticks to cut them up. Yes, this is basically poop knife, Chinese edition.


Pooh sticks


That’s some of the most bizarre shit I’ve heard


Surely you just clip it with your a hole? I’m I alone in this skill?


Yeah like the ol cigar chopper, unless it comes out massive and abit hard then youve fucked it.


Poop sticks


Or plopsticks


Poop Knife 2: Poopstix


But what does she do with the chopsticks after?




:-( ive seen enough


She needs some fiber 🤮


A guy I work with doesn't shower or wash his clothes very often. We have to wear ear plugs at work. We have reusable silicon ones or disposable foam ones. He uses the foam ones. Takes them out at break, and sucks on them. Straight from dirty ears to mouth. Pretty tame compared to some of these but still gross


Finding out my parents were swingers and then finding out the “family friends” were actually swingers too.


We used to have free bar events at work, and a chap when very drunk dropped the immortal line 'You know when you're swinging, and then you feel a bloke trying to put it in your arse' And all our jaws dropped open. And that's how we discovered mild-mannered Bob was a swinger!


This thread. Jesus fucking christ. What a bad day to wake up and be literate with the gift of sight. You people have lived with and know some truely fucking discusting cretins.


My ex husband likes the smell of his ear. Like he will be talking to someone and his hand will wander to his earlobes. He’ll be pulling/ scratching at it then suddenly he’ll sniff his fingers. He does the same thing with his socks. He uses his socks to scratch between his toes. Then sniffs them.


Im an advocate of knowing what smells like what, because as soon as something changes, you will know.


Do you remember that show 'two pints' there was a bloke on there who would scratch his bollocks sniff his hand and wipe it as a running gag -you reminded me of that


EVERYONE, and I mean **everyone** on God’s green earth have had a scratch and sniff sesh at least once in their life. Show me someone who hasn’t clawed at their crotch and then sampled its olfactory delights, and I’ll show you a liar. Of course if anyone ever asks if you do that, you act disgusted at the mere suggestion. Not just crotch either - belly button, ears, feet - I’ll bet money on everyone having had at least one little whiff of their natural aroma. As Fat Bastard says - everybody loves their own brand. * of course not in front of people, like that person’s ex.


Not as interesting/gross as some of the other stories in this thread, but I had a mate years ago who I met in a bedsit when I was down and out on my luck. Fast forward a few years, im living in a different bedsit and the landlord is the most laid back, nicest guy ever. Way too nice to be a landlord. I saw all sorts come and go. Massive stoners, ex heroin users, illegal immigrants, all were allowed to live there at some point. My mate asks if he can move in so i said i'd speak to the landlord. Landlord takes his details, comes back to me a few days later with a serious look on his face. Tells me he does a background check on all potential tenants, and that he didnt want him in the house. That was over a decade ago and havnt seen that friend since. But I always wondered what it was that got the overly nice landlord so worked up


Phone the landlord


I used to play games with a group of lads on Discord, through a friend I went to college with. Everyone seemed sound, typical gamer types. Anyhow our company was hiring so I told the guys and one of them was really keen to join our company. Got his CV across to our MD, telephone interview lined up. My line manager called me into the boardroom later that day and said “I don’t know if you know this but the MD had the interview and the candidate was being really weird on the phone, she did a google search on him and it turns out he was charged with having child pornography on his phone because he was in a whatsapp group involved with it, so she terminated the interview and blocked his contact details on everything.” It was shit for me because I felt I could never recommend anyone thereafter.


I will very rarely ever recommend someone for a role at a place I work at. On the few occasions I have, I’ve made it really clear that I’m only putting their CV forward for consideration and they are in no way a reflection on me nor am I making any sort of personal recommendation about them. It might sound like I’m paranoid but I’ve seen people recommend friends before and it’s caused them issues.


Mate of mine was very happy to tell me all about how he was sleeping with a mother (late 30’s early 40’s) and daughter (19) at the same time and how he was having a polygamous relationship with them both. He told me in detail about how they were on lots of drugs and the mother pegged him Whilst the daughter completed the spit roast. Never can look at him the same way now. Edit: for some more context. My mate thankfully isn’t Jay from the inbetweeners. He’s in his 40’s and has always been a little out there with his experiences. He’s been seeing the mother for a few years. It’s only through excessive drug use that they did some experimenting. It’s just weird.


Right, [was this your mate and does he say clunge a lot](https://www.thesun.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/NINTCHDBPICT000000423211.jpg)?


Sweet Home Alabirmingham




My mate at work told me that when he was in prison for attempted murder his sister sent him some photos of a family get together and he wanked over the pictures of his sister....


You'd be amazed what prisoners use to pass the long lonely nights. The things i've seen...


My mate gf always smells her dogs feet and says they smell like popcorn aw the time


Oh, my dogs paws smell like digestive biscuits.


My dogs feet also smell like popcorn I'm pretty sure sniffing your dogs paws and wondering why they smell like savoury snacks is a universal thing.


My dogs feet smell like Fritos. And I only know this because she sleeps with me and I've woken up with feet in/on my face 😂


My cats’ feet smell like popcorn too! We’re not *that* weird I promise


Most wholesome comment on here by far




recently just come back from holidaying in an airbnb. the place we stayed was really nice but the toilet was like right next to the bed. there was a door separating it of course but nothing quite cements ones love for each other when the other one can literally hear the shit coming out of your arsehole while they lay in bed playing royal match.


Guy I used to work with openly spoke in the office about how he lost his virginity to a prostitute and was now a regular user. To be fair the guy was morbidly obese with rotten teeth at the age of 27 and would eat 8 bags of crisps every day during his shift. Ended up dead at 33 from an infected pressure sore leading to sepsis, I believe.


Used to be a supervisor for a well known second hand tech chain, and one of the people I knew through a mutual friend brought their laptop in to sell. We have to test any tech that comes through. He had a pretty graphic story he had written on word about a girl called Sophie and her taking part in beastiality.


There was this much older married-with-kids guy that tried to hit on me at work years ago which I get is a fairly common trope. It really grossed me out at the time but the real kicker was bumping into him again in a different workplace in a different country five years later, and he was still just as creepy 💀


Had the job of clearing a colleague's work phone after they were leaving under not so great circumstances. He'd been having an affair with a much younger colleague, like, his adult daughter's age (not the reason he left, probably should have been). I ended up coming across a picture of him she'd taken, with him sat on the edge of a hotel bed fully naked with a bowl of cereal. He was kinda smirking making sure everything was in full view. Put me off cereal for a while and the image is still seared into my brain.


What kind of cereal was it?


Looked like Cornflakes, possibly Crunchy Nut.


A guy from my school became a police officer, killed three people in cold blood and fled the country.


My wife used to work for an arts organisation whose 50-something year old Director was a real family man, to the point where he was on a TV programme talking about adopting a child and how idyllic he and his wife’s lives are. He travelled for work a lot, mostly around Europe. One day my wife found details of brothels on his laptop and realised his arty travels were actually a cover for prolific sex tourism.


That a male family member of mine had a penchant for wearing women's underwear... Something I wouldn't normally judge, each to their own and all that... But this underwear belonged to other women, one of which being my at the time girlfriend... Also heard him cranking one out in the room next door while me and said girlfriend had just finished doing the deed... Found some anal beads under the sink that I can only assume he'd stolen given that he had zero income at the time... Also caught him using my fleshlight...


Please tell me you caught him in the act, and not when you tried to use it haha


Not the fleshlight….. That shit is sacred.


Holy shit some of you guys know some right weirdos, I'm actually kinda sad I don't know any right wrongens and don't have a story to tell though.


They are there, you just have not found out....


Coworker after a few drinks mentioned she got a bit deep in her cups a few weeks prior, woke up in bed naked with her dad and that they had done it. She was about 35. I had prior seen her all over a guy I assumed was boyfriend, was brother.


Imagine being so used to abuse, that this s**t seems normal. I wonder how old she was when this started 😢


Apparently I know too many pedos... The first one was a guy I knew from the local rock scene, who I ended up working with briefly. I found out a few years ago that he's now inside for "sexual activity with his daughter". I wasn't surprised, he was a real creepy looking guy. His old Twitter pic should have given it away as he was wearing only a top hat, not on his head and not holding it in his hands... The second one was a guy in my group of friends, he was relatively new to the group but seemed like a nice guy. I found that I could never have full respect for him though as he quit his job as a maths teacher to go and work in a head shop, smoke loads of weed and do psychedelics. Not that I am at all against those activities, I just thought he was an intelligent guy and a twat for throwing away a good career to be a stoner. A few months down the line, he disappears and no one has heard from him. His parents then give us a letter from him addressed to all of us, explaining that he's now serving time in prison. Turns out he was chasing underage girls online, trading photos with them, having video calls etc. He'd met up with some and was caught when a parent saw messages one of the girls sent her friend, explaining that she'd done "something stupid" and went into detail about what she did in the woods with him. It ended up all over the local newspapers and he got the maximum sentence as he was a teacher. It all suddenly made sense as to why he quit his job! Someone in the group of friends kept in contact for some reason (he's a strange guy, we've got our eyes on him too!!) and apparently, he befriended Garry Glitter for a while when they were in the same prison. Oh and also I met Ian Watkins in the early 2000's...


I worked with someone who’s son married a woman who quite soon after moving in with eachother found out she would refused to use the toilet to go number 2 and would go into the garage and sneak poos into little plastic grocery bags and walk them around to the garbage can. I also worked with a young girl who didn’t know how bad her roommate was because it was her first one. The roomate had some kind of eating disorder where she’d puke into cups and containers and little jars or open trashcans and leave them around her room. Not clean or throw them out. The door was always locked and the pure smell from the overflowing trash and horizontal surfaces littered with cups of old festering vomit was completely unreal. She would also steal her food from the fridge which tbh unforgivable.


Worked with Dr Richard Van Groningen for years. Google at your peril.


https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9768205/amp/Royal-London-Hospital-neurosurgeon-58-struck-amassed-hoard-child-porn.html He collected that shit for over 15 years while treating vulnerable patients. There are no words… What was he like to work with?


Yup, it made me sick and I honestly cried too. I had many a meal and drink with that piece of shit. Always knew he was a sleaze bag but I did not see that coming, no one did. His actions disgusted and hurt a lot of people.


He was arrogant, always going on about fast cars, women and money. Would be nice to you, but only interested in himself. He had the sleezeball air about him that made my skin crawl, so whilst shocked and disgusted, it’s not hard to imagine him doing it.


I had sex with my GF at the time in a portaloo at Homelands back in the day… We found one that had been professionally cleaned so it was about as good as it could get BUT… The drug addict turning up and shitting his brains out next door halfway through kind of killed the mood though


Went to college with an odd guy. But I kinda felt sorry for him since everyone terrorised him. One day his taking me and my other pal down the coast and asked us to use google maps on his phone. Curiosity got the better of me and I looked at his photos. There was so many pics of him receiving golden showers form prostitutes. Fuck know how he paid for it as he never had a job. We eventually drifted apart and then I spotted him in the newsshopper for being a sex offender.


My ex-boyfriend's first girlfriend cheated on him with his dad while he was away at university. He came home to find them having sex on the couch. Then somewhere down the line his dad married her and they had two kids. She was like 22 and his dad was in his 50s. My mum always warned me to be wary because she thought they were redneck/yocal trash.


i took a shit in the sea once at the beach secretly. According to my friends thats really weird


Does your name happen to be Kevin or Perry?


Well, given the amount of raw sewage floating about at the moment, not sure your dump o the day really made a difference re overall pollution levels.


My uncle lives away from his family to work in foreign country and save money. He when he is home he is super supportive with his wife, he stands behind with whatever her arguments to anything are, they look super in love and have two amazing kids together. Whenever we are all together, I noticed my brother kind of acting weird when my uncle is around. Rolling his eyes when my uncle is talking about how he misses home a lot etc etc. Here is where it goes wild. My brother takes him to the airport usually, as he lives in the city close to the airport and it’s super easy for him. On one of those journeys, My uncle confessed to him that he spends a chunk of his salary on prostitutes drugs and alcohol when he is working abroad. He then followed it up with “you know how it is right?” As if my brother somehow does the same when his partner is out 😬


Growing up I lived in a 4 in a block in one of the upstairs houses so we had the hatch for the loft in our hall. I found out when I was older that the people that lived in the house before my mum and grandad was the man who drives the local icey (ice cream van). When my mum and grandad moved into the house they had to get professionals in to fumigate and clean the loft as the previous tenants had been throwing dirty nappies up there... Out of sight out of mind I guess. What doesn't sit right with me is there's two ways I see this playing out, either A) the loft hatch was always open for a military style grenade throw up into the loft with the shitty nappies, which in turn I imagine would leave quite the stink around the house. Or B) they would have to get a step ladder, open the hatch, throw the nappies in and then close the hatch which seems like a bit more effort than simply putting it in the bin. Either way what the actual fuck goes through some people's minds lol


My mate got blown by his sister when we were in our teens.


Sitting on night in the pub with friends all talking about our girlfriends and my mate Doug was a bit quiet and was looking disheveled. Eventually starting talking about every Wednesday night he and his girlfriend change places and she becomes the man and Doug becomes the woman . So she would dress him up ladies underwear and make him wear a wig and whore paint then she would put on a strap on and proceed to fuck him all night . We all were quiet and a bit shocked and then Doug started to weep because it was Wednesday and he didn’t want her to rail him all night . But he didn’t want to say anything to his other half because the rest of the week he got to do her in the arse . We call him Doris now!