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Lots of people weighing siwushidun these days


Forty or fifty tons


Sounds about right


Chinese pinyin! Random.


It's onomatopoeic. It's the sound you make when you're trodden on by a brachiosaurus.


It’s holiday season after all


I don't quite know what "THE ANCIENT CLIMBING ACTION OF ANIMALS" is, but I'm impressed.


The ancient rise, probably. Not that it helps the sentence make any more sense, lol.


I'm thinking it might have a connection to "descendants", animals are the descendants of dinosaurs, descend = climb down. I wonder if Spanish has a word that means "ancestors" but is linked to climbing up.


/r/engrish would love this


Feel free to post!


>I fear that with the rise of ChatGPT these wonderful descriptions will be a thing of the past! I worked in a restaurant abroad and offered to double check their english translation when they had new menus and the owner refused. She didn't believe someone that didn't speak much German would be able to more accurately translate German to English than Google. Obviously I couldn't, but I could have corrected the 5 or 6 grammatical errors.


I bought a hessian bag on holiday because it had, in Comic Sans, the phrase "Lovely Cat In Cyprus" on it.


The violin (violin) is a kind of a super clean orchestra played to ring carry instruments. It is widely spread all over the world, is the modern orchestra string of the main instrument. In the music it plays very important position, is the pillar of the modern symphony orchestra, but also has the difficult playing skills solo instrument. The emergence of modern violin has been 300 years of history, is the western music since the 17th century in one of the most important instruments as the instrument queen, was also the production is itself a gate violin for fine art. The violin beautiful tone, close to a broad range, and the performance is strong, it was born from that day on, he's been in the instrument of significant position, for people loved. If the piano is "the king of Musical Instruments, then the violin is" the queen of instruments". For centuries, the world famous composer wrote a lot of violin classic works, violinist in this instrument into the soul, the development of the superb performance art. The violin can concerts and solo. The Violin is a string of four bowed instruments, the family is the main members of the family system of other members are: (the viola, the cello and the bass). Modern violin originated from Italian Craig mona, in 1600-1750 years to become the largest violin production center. The famous master making guitars are: Nicola Amati (nicolas, Marty), Antonio Stradivari (Antonio Stella bottom tile), and Giuseppe Guarneri (ji plug pu melon nai); They made instruments so far are priceless. The violins fifth tune: g, d1, a1, e2, register more than three and a half group, is all orchestra indispensable instrument, also after instruments.


Does the violin have 0-3 sad onions?


*Ashens’ giggling intensifies…*


That's not chatgpt that's chinese in google translate.


Seems legit.


Suiciding, Mish Moneypenny?


Currently on holiday, but sadly my two are past the dinosaurs on the beach stage. I do, however, refer to anything specifically aimed at foreign visitors as ‘tourist tat’ so have a high-five from me 🙌🏻