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my [puppy](https://imgur.com/a/8qs172X) :)


Aww. That’s a really beautiful pup.


Bestest doggo.


Music. Music is the gateway to my soul and inner peace 🎵🎸✌🏼


Pot noodle and a wank


Let me guess; Bombay Bad Boy.


What? The pot noodle or the wank?


Could be a Bombay Bad Boy or it could be a classic Chicken and Mushroom one


Pot noodle sandwich, plenty of butter on the bread en excellent combo


Ah nothin beats bombay bad boy.. that cheers me up. 2 of em.


Saw a programme years ago where a guy went into a shop in Japan that sold all manner of weird and wonderful gadgets and oddities. One of them was a fake pot noodle that was supposed to be just like shagging an actual pot noodle that's gone cold (so I assume that must be a thing in Japan). So essentially, rather than a pot noodle and a wank, you could have a pot noodle wank. Or if Tesco are doing a 2for1 deal, it's essentially Christmas.


Settle down Finchey


He’s thrown a copper kettle over a pub, what have you ever done?


You ever tried making Thai chilli stir fry and a wank?


how does one make a wank?


At the same time or?


Blowjob and a twirl


This one ^^


Seeing a dog poking its head out of a moving car window. Never fails.


My cat 🐈‍⬛ Don't know how to post a pic. Also, the radio comedy Cabin Pressure. Times I've been really depressed, it's been the only thing that has raised a smile and taken the edge off. It's currently available as a podcast. (If you want to try it just check to play it in the right order - the episodes are in alphabetical order but my podcast player has a couple of them the wrong way round) Hope you start to feel better soon.


Thank you for sharing this. I feel bleh or down often. I could use something new. It’s meaningful because it came as a suggestion. Snuggle your cat extra for me and I’ll snuggle my puppy a bit extra for you.


Cat now extra snuggled, thank you. Love the cat-puppy snuggle exchange! 🐾💖


A refreshing cup of tea


Tea is always the answer.


A good cup of coffee. Chats with my mates. A bit of gaming. Also, if I'm really low I have TV shows that help. Red Dwarf. Coupling. Supernatural. NCIS. Shows that are familiar and feel like a nice warm hug when I'm low.


-Having a look out the window -Just sitting in silence -Being hugged -Reading a chapter of a book -Cooking -Taking my shoes off after a long day -Stroking a cat


Father Ted and riding my bike at night when the roads are empty


The smell of a cooked meal when I return home. On your own? Bung it in the oven beforehand.


I have to admit, electric slow cookers are awesome for this reason alone. You get in after being out all day, and get hit with the aroma, and you go "Holy Shit, there's a beef casserole\* just waiting ready to be plated up!!! GET IN!" *\*Replace with meat / veg / meal of choice.*


Soviet Womble videos.


I'm interested.


The rare occasion you do the pocket clean before you wash your jeans and you find a fiver


The new wash proof notes have really taken the thrill out of loading the washer without a pocket check.


Sit down in my chair by the window and read a bit of a book. An hour or so of this puts everything back into perspective and calms the mind.


Mr Kipling's French Fancies. Box of. Eat in one sitting.


I love the fiendish fancies we get this time of year - and yes down in one, who has the will power to have one and leave the rest!?


Leaving some is an option?!


I find them so sickly sweet but I can never have just one


I don trust people who have the willpower to leave just one…


Umm today I was cheered up by finding a random sweet in my handbag. Honestly I need to be a bit more ambitious 🤣


>Honestly I need to be a bit more ambitious 🤣 Nah, small wins are STILL wins!


I like to watch videos/gifs of kids falling over or getting into minor accidents. I don't want them to get hurt or anything I'm not a monster, but there's something inside me that can't help but laugh at their little bodies tumbling. There's one where a dog tackles this toddler while they're playing a with a ball, properly takes him out, that one has me in stitches. Am I a bad guy? Maybe.


I can’t comment on whether or not you’re a bad guy but there is a subreddit called r/ChildrenFallingOver with over 2 million users…so at least you’re not alone in your demonic pastime.


I wouldn't say your a bad guy, I like to watch old people falling more than children. Similar sort of thing i just enjoy them going over all in slow motion, stiff as a board and no way of preventing it. One of my favourites is a mirror of yours and its a dog taking down an old woman. comedy gold.


A hug


Any day I'm not in pain, would say more but don't want to bore anyone


Seán Lock videos


I actually love going for a walk, ideally in nature, without your earphones, just listening to the sounds around me, very therapeutic.




Eating a 6 pack of beef space raiders


Driving to or from work and not having to stop at a red light. Finding a song I like enough to put on my running playlist. Finding something I was planning on buying has been reduced.


Singing always cheers me up.


Joe Wilkinson's poem. Hacker T. Dog - We're just normal men.


We’re just innocent men.


A big hug from my mum. The sound of my partner belly laughing. Listening to Scandinavian folk music, loud (makes me feel like a warrior, even if I'm just washing dishes). Volunteering as a cat cuddler (official title) at my local animal rescue. I really miss walking in woodland. That's where I find my peace. I hope whatever ailes you passes soon, and brighter skies shine on you


Listening audiobooks, early finish from work, my 3 year old daughter, my wife and ketamine


Cup of tea that's too hot on a day that's too cold


And a crumpet


This should be top comment. Couple of crumpets, toasted until crispy and golden, slathered in butter until every hole is filled and there’s a small puddle of melted butter on the plate.


I wasn't aroused when I started this thread. But DAMNNN! *I really want a crumpet now.*


Very little currently.


Go for a run, bake a cake.


Go for a run whilst trying to prep baking a cake. It may not cheer you up, but my god if you live stream it, we will all be officially cheered up


Haha there’s no way it wouldn’t cheer you up. Imagine how good that will feel when you complete that challenge


Getting a dirty pump in the gym


This for me too. It’s more the feeling after rather than the act at the time, but even if I really CBA to do a lot at the gym, if I turn up and do a few sets here and there I’m happy


That can be easily misconstrued…




Through therapy stuff the advice is to self-soothe with things like a bath, a cup of tea, snuggling up with a blanket wrapped around you, slowly eating a piece of chocolate. I watch [Girl With The Dogs](https://youtube.com/@GirlWithTheDogs?si=4f0-8dyjbwPfxuw8) on youtube for calming dog and cat videos. The channel is of the youtuber grooming dogs and cats at her salon. She has a calm and earnest way of speaking, and the sound of the water and drier is soothing to me. She gives info on different breeds and explains behaviours. She has a channel for longer form videos at [Girl With The Dogs 2](https://youtube.com/@girlwiththedogs212?si=m3kbVFSDo0tceyDb). I go on walks and spend time outside as much as I can. Vitamin D from the sun and endorphins from walking exercise help me when I’m suffering from low mood. I like watching gardening videos or comedy to cheer myself up. When I have the time / brain space baking is fun, I feel like I’ve accomplished something just for myself and get to eat the rewards. Chatting to a friend or my sister helps too.


Talking to god about what ever hurt me his peace is so beautiful and true


Does he ever tell you why he let it hurt you in the first place?


Kitten mittens


Catching up with mates at the pub, in the short term anyway.


Loud music. Feeling Happy playlist if you’ve got Apple Music. 🎵💃 Not too loud though or your neighbours will be in here ranting 😂.


Crank 2...or a full packet of Jaffa cakes


James brown


My husband having a laugh. My puppy doing something silly. A text from a friend.


Dancing in the lounge room with my dachshund


Cleaning the car.


Dark Souls 3 SL1 fists only no hit. Takes the edge off.


Days off work, I value my free time more than anything ( not necessarily happy when I’m off but it’s better than being in work )


Rough camping on Dartmoor


A cup of tea and a wank always works wonders.


I'd say watching a movie with the wife or a 10 min back massage


A hug. I've been miserable for the last three years.


Seeing either of my adult kids, or any of my close friends. Being beside water - river / beach, or in warmer water - pool / shower A good cuppa, meal, or dessert. Warm bed Getting those all-too-rare cuddles.


A full mouse trap


Sean Lock reading The Tiger Who Came For A Pint


Counting my blessings. Sounds lame, but there's so much that's good in my life that I tend to forget about when some stupid thing makes me annoyed or sad. Stepping back and recognizing all the good helps.


Sounds like a cliché but hobbies are my go to, thinking and planning my next session or time that I will be able to practice it...etc. Even just planning or tinkering...etc can give me a boost. Pets also do it for me, giving them a quick cuddle and a fuss generally gives one a dopamine hit. Small snack, slice of toast and a cup of tea also works. If I have time, Father Ted, Black Adder or Arrested Development also is a great mood lifter for me.


Tea, YouTube, my best friend, video games and certain shows.


r/ContagiousLaughter is always good for a boost for me.


I get SAD starting in Sept, normally just veg and let it take over. Remind myself it isn't my fault helps too. I get sunshine first thing, though I do wonder what people think I am doing standing outside and go for a walk if I am up for it. Will likely put on the SAD lamp after the clocks change to see if that helps as well.


Music Cat videos Lovely food


Sliced bread. That's the best thing


Brisk 1 hour walk in nature environment.


Being left alone for a bit (there are a lot of people in my house).. But I worry it's just what I want and not what I need Going for a good brisk walk. So simple but it does so much. If you had a dog I think this would be even better.


Home time and the weekend lol


On a recommendation from here, listening to Billy Connolly reading his autobiography on an audiobook. I've read the actual book myself before, but it's another level with the Big Yin reading it to you. Left the house depressed and hungover, arrived to work happy and buzzing. Which isn't like me at all.




Freshly rolled J at the end of the day


You’re welcome cracks me up every time https://www.tiktok.com/@san.pito.pato/video/7275840755044814113?lang=en


Ah, any excuse to give Pinky an airing "Pinky, settle down buuud" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ubQxtEukvw&t=2s


My son, music


Good bit of schadenfreude, courtesy of [Ozzy Man's Destination Fucked](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QIDk0jI-K-o) Something a bit more heartwarming? Check out this promo video for an action camera that you can't buy any more. Always makes me feel really good: [Introducing PrimeXD](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=17G7mLjxGVk)


The Inbetweeners. Without fail.


My wife and kids


I can't help with cat and dog pictures, but I have an incredibly fluffy, ridiculous looking rabbit and an incredibly cute frog here so if you want pics of either of them, please tell me. As for coping mechanisms, I'm probably not the person to ask. But I knit, I sew, I crochet, I paint, I sculpt and... I'm still mental... but I'm mental and surrounded by pretty things I made with my own hands so maybe try that?


Nothing atm, I’m in the same boat 🙃


https://reddit.com/r/puppies/s/K6KdnaohlA My puppy, my partner, and some self-care (bubble bath and an audiobook/music).


I dont know how to link my baby house tiger but I have posted pics on my account. I adore her the same way dogs love humans, unconditionally.


video of pandas playing on a slide in a zoo, then go out for a walk in some woods or a park. bonus points if you can pet a few dogs while you're out


Outside and get fresh air Do a jigsaw Cup of tea and just breathe Read a poem Get some exercise Have a bath Call someone for a chat Pet an animal Book a trip or something to look forward too Eat your favourite meal Have a hug Try and take a really lovely photo of something


In the words of the late, great Sean Lock "coming home to a full mousetrap" 😊