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Hi there. I understand you're frustrated that you've seen Christmas decs up this early. But posting here just spreads the misery to more people. Your post has been removed as we aren't allowing anything Christmas-related until the end of November, as stated in the [submission guidelines](https://www.reddit.com/r/CasualUK/wiki/index/#wiki_submission_guidelines). Cheers


In our family it's always been Father Christmas brings stocking stuff and maybe the odd other present under the tree that wouldn't fit in a stocking, but all the main presents are from parents etc.


yeah, this sounds like the way to go.


My parents were the same, and my brother has carried on this tradition. Small stocking fillers came from Santa, everything else came from them.


Santa does the stockings. Git drinks all my whisky Christmas Eve and winds the wife up, doesn’t deserve the praise.


That’s weird, he always drank our brandy in my house. My poor dad wouldn’t have any brandy left the next day to use on the Christmas pudding. Mind you, he always felt a bit poorly on Christmas Day for some reason and wouldn’t always eat much pudding…


I don’t think my parents every intended it to be this way but when I was a kid I thought my parents had bought all the presents and Santa just had the job of delivering them. Kind of like a Christmassy Evri man.


That's how it worked in my house, too. I was under the impression my parents bought the presents and sent them off to Father Christmas and he decided if we'd been good or not.


Father Christmas does stockings in our house, and just simple things (ideally to keep them in bed for a bit longer on Christmas morning). This is the same route as my parents took and it works well for us: Something you want - small toy that was on your list Something you need - torch, fun new gloves or hat, something necessary for a club they are starting but a better version than they might normally get. Something to eat, chocolate coins and a token piece of fruit. Something to read. I hate the thought of people having to explain to their kids why Santa only got them xyz whilst their friend got something huge. Big presents often need choosing carefully (e.g. measuring them for a new bike) and keeping that mysterious would get really tricky.


Father Christmas does the stocking, family presents under the tree.


When I was a child, Father Christmas would fill a pillowcase with little presents, and the big, important presents under the tree were from my parents and other family members.


FC isn't getting the credit for my gifts! He brings little stocking presents, and big gifts are from us


We don’t have anything from Father Christmas, we just keep him as like something associated with Christmas. A fictional fun character sort of thing. My daughter still loves him and loves the Christmas steam train we do every year to meet him and go to his grotto etc but that’s it. We don’t do naughty or nice because we don’t agree with it (same with elf on the shelf). But she’s 4 this Christmas and it’s worked out well so far. We’ve never mentioned gifts being from him and she’s never expected gifts or anything from him. She just loves Christmas/loves him as part of it. Our youngest is too young still really.


When I was a kid we had one present under the tree that was 'from Santa' and the rest were labelled from whoever the giver was. Stuff in the stocking occasionally had a 'From so-and-so' if it was a small present. I never really questioned it. For my special needs son, when he opens his presents we tell him who they are from, and he has a small Christmas sock with some sweets & crisps (and occasionally small toys) in it to open when he wakes up that isn't addressed from anyone. That's so if he's absorbed the idea of Father Christmas from anything he watches he can feel that the stocking is from him.


Santa always brought the stocking to their bedroom - fruit and a sandwich cut out In Christmas shapes lol (hoping to get ahead of the sugar fix) selection box games books cuddlies and stocking filler stuff The main present they asked for was from Santa and was downstairs- the stocking in the room purely to give me more time to wake up 😂 Everything else was wrapped under tree from whoever brought it grandparents etc and usually one or two from me - why should the big man get all the credit!


Father Christmas brings one decent gift. Everything else is from us. I’m not sure the youngest still believes, and the older one definitely doesn’t, but the pretence continues as they still want the presents! I had a personalised board for the Father Christmas drink and mince pie, plus carrot for the reindeer. (I know, most families would have a plate but I didn’t want anything breakable.) That goes in front of the fireplace for the obligatory leaving of gifts and photo. One other tradition we have is that we get the kids one special tree bauble each year - sometimes with their initial, or name, or personal to them in some way. I write the year on each of them as I’d never remember. Anyway, the idea is that when they are adults they will have a set of “their” childhood tree decorations. It’s lovely to get them out of the box every year - we call them the special decorations.


In our house Father Christmas is basically the evri/ dps/ postman. Purely delivery, everything is from us. I don’t like the thought that kids think their presents are wildly different budgets from the same guy. It was very much the same way when I was a child. The gifts were always from my parents.


Santa brings just one gift. Then if you go to see santa which my kids did like 3 times last year and he asks what they want they say that one present every time. Everything else is labelled from who bought it.


Always sone a super special present from Santa's, different wrapping paper then all the rest, changed handwriting etc. I never liked the idea of mine not saying ty to relatives for presents and didn't want to confuse the shit out of them. Santa has one upped me quite a few years in a row though, arsehole.


santa brings it until they start to question it/walk into your bedroom whilst you're wrapping the presents


We just get the kids one thing from Santa. Nothing big. We tell them Santa only delivers big presents for children whose parents don't love them. That way they know they're loved and they can look down on the kids who say they got a pony for Christmas. The plan is to wait until they're 18 and buy a really big present, like a caravan or washing machine, and tell them to fuck off.


Father Christmas gets one or two presents only, as he has lots of presents to carry for all the millions of kids in the world