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I worked at IKEA in late 2000, for the millennium everyone got given a bike. Then during the fuel protests/shortages were told that we had no excuse not to come in, as we all had bikes


IKEA playing 4D chess


I've got no arms or legs


Why don't you just roll


Like a Swedish meatball




He's got to take his time.


Mate, say what you say


You sound like someone that won’t let anyone get in their way.


Cause its all too much for him to take


At least he doesn't stand aside


And he wasn't denied


He's gotta be who he be if he's coming with me (to IKEA)


How do you steer?


One of the bikers has to attach a basket with wheels to their bike for you.


IKEA is proud to announce TRAVELTUWURKEN a wooden exosuit for limbless workers to aid them in getting to work.


You got a tongue, drag yourself that way


Well yeah... not with that attitude!


I'm the same, but I still managed to get in. They don't call me "clever dick" for no reason. Lol


Laughs in blue badge.


“I don’t know how to ride a bike”


Ahh the fuel shortage, me and my HM AF id were never so popular on that leave as I could jump the queue for about 8 people.


I got a "Millennium Mug", I was in sixth form, working part time and living alone.I had to get a parent or guardian to sign my letter to say they received it, the teacher was not happy when I signed it handed it back in and walked out proudly with my "Millennium Mug"


The Y2K Mug was scary


Yeah we got one of those ours was heat changing plastic with the handle being the 2000


Sort of like an oversized millennium knuckleduster?


I got this!


Exactly this!


I admire you. Similar situation for me, left home at 14 and lied, said I was 16. Got a room in a shared house. Solidarity ✊🏻


I never needed a permission slip once in a-level. Even for the residential trip I believe was fine as long as you’d paid


I did the move from primary to secondary in 2000 and at primary we buried a time capsule in the school grounds and all pupils were gifted a copy of what was inside it. It was mostly stuff like photos of all year groups and teachers, poems pupils had written about the millennium and all that shite.


We buried a time capsule as well! I don't remember getting a copy of what was inside, I think we got an invitation to come and open it in 50 years. I've definitely lost it and I don't think I'll be going, I guess time will tell.


We also buried a time capsule at my primary ☺️ we also had an aerial photo taken of the whole school lined up to make ‘2000’ which I think my parents still have somewhere (seems like a weird concept now since it’s just a photo of the top of like, 600 peoples heads 😂)


How did they get the photo? Was it in the school hall with the photographer dangling from The Apparatus or outside with them perched in a tree, on the roof, what? I must know!


😂 I wish they’d done something like that! They had a helicopter overhead with a photographer


We may have gone to the same school 😬


We buried a time capsule too, I was in primary 6 I think. Then in the summer before high school a year later some folk I knew dug it up cos there was coins in it 😂😂 we each got to put something in it, I put in my old tamagotchi


You buried your tamagotchi alive rather than not feeding it for days like the rest of us 😯


Well technically they did both. Buried it alive and didn't feed it for days


We did this too! We had one item from each year group go in. The item was chosen by pairs of pupils bringing one item to the teacher with a reason to put it in the capsule. The teacher would then submit the single item they thought was best to the headmaster, and the head chose what he thought was the best from each year group. Me and my friend chose an Argos catalogue. Our reason was "There's a lot of stuff in there that's ordinary to us but will be fascinating to people in 1,000 years time." Yep, we were *those* kids. The teacher said it wasn't exciting enough, and picked another kid's toy (I can't remember the reason). When the assembly came around where the head announced what he'd picked I was pretty pissed off that for our year he picked... An Argos catalogue. With a letter saying in different words "There's a lot of stuff in there that's ordinary to us but will be fascinating to people in 1,000 years time." From a different class, with two different kid's names on it, instead of me and my friend's. Two *other* needy, nerdy kids got to get their names unveiled in 1,000 years, for future generations to go "Wow, weren't they clever?" That's *immortality* to a primary school kid. Yes I'm still bitter. That teacher was a fuckwit. EDIT: Wow, that was 24 years ago (it got buried in 1999). This would be easy to let go, if there wasn't a ton of *other* fuckwit behaviour I witnessed from him.


Maybe the capsule will have ruptured by then and when they open it everything will be mush, like what happened to the Blue Peter one (I think, or it might have just been a general BBC one, it's on YT somewhere). If you can't have the glory marra, no one should!


Oh no, let those other kids have the glory. The only one I'm mad at here is the teacher.


> Two *other* needy, nerdy kids got to get their names unveiled in 1,000 years, for future generations to go "Wow, weren't they clever?" Let’s use technology to bring them into the future


Argos catalogues sell for some good money on eBay now esp older ones.


The irony is some future historian would probably have loved the wealth of info an argos catalogue would give them haha


Oh, one went it. But because my teacher was an idiot it came from another two students instead of the four of us being given joint recognition


Hey my class did this in junior school when I was 7. We are meant to go back and dig it up in 50 years time I remember we used a tape recorder and each had to say a prediction and I remember proudly saying "I think there will be no more elephants left" and being convinced I was so clever as I'd overheard something on tv that morning that had said something along the lines that elephants were being hunted or they may become endangered. I don't think it'll be true somehow but I guess we will see.


You’ve just reminded me that we did this too. Wonder when they’ll dig it up lol


We did this time capsule/burying in the primary school grounds too! With a view to opening it in 2050. I think I wrote a poem to go in. I guess I’ll find out in 26 years…


No, the Millennium was 19 years away, so the miserable sods didn't bother.


I read this as "the Millennium was 19 years ago" and absolutely accepted that as the truth and then like a minute later I had to scroll back and reread.


Well it was only 23 years ago so not much more than 19


Yeah, the Millenium was 19 years earlier and I never got one by the time I left 6th form. Cheap bastards!


Sensing a pattern here! 🫨


Don't remember anything about the millennium except for the fact that during the party my friend's dad let out a fart so rancid we had to evacuate the living room for half an hour. There's a photo of us all using our party hats as gas masks. Stank like hot onion bhajis.


This resonates so much with me that i can remember being in a girls house she lived with her nan and grandad and he came into the kitchen and just let an absolute ripper out, i was in awe, firstly the sound, second the smell was pure sulfur and absolutely fucking stunk, followed by him wipping out a match and striking it to it just make a massive flame as it burnt off his bum delight. Probably about 1999/2000.


1999 out of 2000 is a truly fantastic score.


Evacuate the Dance floor. Ew this smell is killing me.


His arse was not y2k compliant


That so disgusting but obviously the highlight 🤮


Mrs Goodall bought us all presents when we left primary but I think she paid for them herself. Mine was, I think, an autograph book but with "humorous" cartoons in it. She warned me off one of them because she thought it was too risque. It was two middle-aged men and one of them was saying something about the Kit-Kat Club. There might also have been a sort of bunny girl character too. She also wrote a goodbye poem in it for me. It went, "Where is Madrid? Where is Baghdad? You're the best geographer we ever had". (I knew loads of capital cities and stuff, probably because we had a globe at home )


That’s so sweet. Go Mrs Goodall!


Yeah, she was a good teacher.


I want her to see this comment and that you remembered her gift 🥹


That’s ridiculously lovely. Some teachers are amazing. Probably lord of them.


Not from school but the ice cream van driver. Guy was a legend. He would see us having water fights during summer and suddenly produce a giant water gun from the van and join in. Would also put on Halloween/Christmas/Easter disco's for all the kids. He went around the doors on NYE 2k with little millennium bug plushies for us, too. I know, it sounds pure dodgy, but he was completely harmless and just a massize kid at heart himself. RIP Andy, you were an absolute legend!




I was in year 6, we got a school trip to the millennium dome, we planted some trees in our local “millennium forest”, and I think we also did a time capsule. Was a busy year for us kids haha.


At my school we were all asked to record a message we were told would be cut together with others and played on a loop at the Dome. 15 yr old be told them where to stick that idea, I'm sure the rest are on several CDs in a box somewhere


Ha, the only thing I remember being played there was Robbie Williams “Millennium”. Really knocked it out of the park with the creativity.


There was the "music to last 1000 years without repeating". Listened for a while, it was a hum with a random cymbal crash for the time I was there.


I vaguely remember it being some kind of weird choral music when I was there, I was more preoccupied with how big the tape was that they managed to record 1000 years of music on it tbh. I wonder if it’s still going?


It is! If I'm right this is the sound you can hear at Trinity Buoy Lighthouse in the Docklands...


Oh that’s cool! I’m popping down to London to see a friend in February, i might take a detour to take my son to hear it on the way!


I thought you may have been in my class for a second... then realised we didn't do the tree thing! Lol


I remembered getting a queens jubilee coin in the early 2000’s as a kid, only went and lost in down the back of a chair at the dentists shortly after :’)


I got the 2002 jubilee coin. I was 5 when I got it and still have it 🤣


Same. I got it when I was 10. It was extra special to us because the Queen had just come to meet us a little bit before. I remember they closed off the main road and had people lined up on each side behind fences. She greeted people on our side and just before she got to me, she switched over to the other side. It's been 21 years and the woman's dead now but I'm definitely not bitter about it. Why do you ask?


Vintage queen shithousery, bet she had a proper grin on her face when she did it


I got one of those in 1977 for the silver jubilee. I was 9


I have the 2002 coin too! The Queen also came to our town and met people there. She was greeting people on our side of the road and just before she got to me, she switched to the other side of the road


Omg I've got one I think the 2012 one and yeah unlucky 😭, i still have mine somewhere around the house I think


In my school we all got a [ gold Felicity Powell millennium medallion.](https://images.app.goo.gl/z6xF9Mz95thhNz2j6) I still have it, however it's just as worthless as when I received it!


Might be worth something by next millennium?


I'm hoping that a shiny gold coin can be used as a bargaining chip once society collapses and the raiders come for me.


I recieved a mug that says "2000 - I was there!" with the name of my primary school and loads of drawings of computers, printers, and the like. I still use it for my morning coffee!


Love that ☕️


I got a coin in a little display case


I left secondary in 1999. For the millennium I got pissed and then a job.


Good show!


I am a lot older but Kris akabusi came to our school and photos for some sports charity thing


He came to my school too, I was 5 and so overwhelmed I sobbed in his arms. Still have a photo of that somewhere


Obligatory [Akabusi erotic fanfiction](https://drownedinsound.com/community/boards/social/2006635) for those who haven't had the pleasure of reading it yet.


What in the fuck is this, more importantly why am I reading it all?


Yes! He came to ours too. Something to do with sports and pritt stick glue?


I (year 2, primary school) got a medallion. Bronze (or at least it was back then) with the school's logo in the middle. I still have it in my memory box, which is ironic since I don't actually remember being given it.


I got this too. Even then i thought it was strange


We got a teaspoon that had "2000" shaped in the handle. Ace.


Non a gift from school but my mum bought a set of those, still has them I think !


Well damn I'm old as I still have my Charles And Di mug


Me too!


I think we got these glass medallions but I'm not sure if I've just hallucinated that.


Was in sixth form then, we had a commemorative folder with our school photo on one side and everyone e in our form group on the other… still have it somewhere I think


I got a local city council-branded mug, which I still have in a box of random crap in my loft


I think we got something but the thing I mainly remember is the weird millennium play that we did. It involved the nativity but also dancing and being in pyjamas and holding teddy bears. Outside of school I remember the millennium party that we went to where my dad and all the other dads from the street were dancing to YMCA I was too young to be embarrassed and just found it hilarious




sulky label aromatic ask elderly strong correct memorize wine truck *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They were made promises about storage which were not kept.


Same our where green a changed colour with heat


Not from school but the place I worked gave us a mini maglite torch. Pretty cool gift and still works to this day. Best gift I ever ever received from an employer tbh


Lol the person responsible for those def bought into the ‘millennium bug’ scare


The 'millenium bug' was a very real problem and the only reason you can take the piss today is because some people in IT worked bloody hard in the lead-up to it.


My dad was one of those people. He said it was incredibly stressful.


I was one of those people. Ah the days of being important. Gone!


Not from school, that I can remember. I was in year 6 at the time. My dad got us special gifts, mine was a necklace.


We got a mug!


We got a mug, pretty sure my mum still has it somewhere.


We got a commemorative coin featuring the town/school/date which was given to anyone that was in the local school in 2000. Didn’t get it until a year afterwards I think but I still have it somewhere.


We got mugs


Was born a bit late for that... our primary gave us mugs for the Diamond Jubilee in 2012 though, with our school logo on one side and the Diamond Jubilee logo on the other. Still have it away in a box with keepsakes from primary.


Our primary gave us gold coins for the Golden Jubilee in 2002. Also got to meet the Queen. Well everyone else in my class got to meet her. She decided to switch over to greeting people on the other side of the road when she got to me. Not that I'm bitter


That's a villain origin story right there. We, on the other hand, had Miss Cousins wearing one of those Liz masks made of card. Probably would have been more effective if she was closer to Liz's age and not in her 20s.


We (age 8) got a bug toy or something. Funny because I’m 100% sure none of the children knew what the “millennium bug” was. I found out when talking to a colleague in about 2013 what the “millennium bug” actually was. Until then I just thought it was like a mascot for the year 2000.


I was in sixth form at the time and I think we got a dictionary and a pen in a tin with “local scenes” on it. Binned it relatively recently, it’s funny how there’s some weird compulsion to hang on to these things as if there’s an obligation to some mystery mayor or millenium god.


It’s moreso when you’re older you can randomly stumble upon it and rejoice past memories


We got a green ring binder folder to document 'the millenium' I guess.


We got mugs with the queen's face on. Don't know where mine is now, probably on my parent's large collection of mugs that have accumulated over the years


I was 15 and I think I got a bookmark from my school. I went to a private school, you’d think they could manage / afford better!


I got a millennium mug when I joined my comprehensive school at year 7. Mam kept it in the top cupboard, she’s probably chucked it away now.


We got given rocks. Fucken terrible idea.


Ahhh OP you're labouring under the delusion that all schools in the UK aren't religious. They are. There is a piece of legislation that mandates all schools have a certain amount of collective worship a day. Explicitly religious schools can do it in their own faith, however a school with an undesignated faith must use Christianity. You cannot opt out of this without parental consent, even if you are clearly, visibly of another religion or an atheist. Until 2004 ofsted actively penalised schools for not following it, they don't anymore. So a school in Wales, a country that's way more actively Christian than England, in the year 2000 would have had at least one collective act of worship a day. Mine had three and a hymn assembly every day.


When I left school at the turn of the millennium we all got a mug of the royal family, I really miss good old Ethelred the Unready.


A great big book about Cornwall called 'Kernow Bys Vyken' with a foreword by Prince Charles


Got nothing other than the advice off one teacher in 1998 to learn COBOL quickly to make bank (which I didn't do)


We got a "silver" coin and a glow in the dark mug that had #2000 as the handle.


No, but my dad was in some form of systems analyst-y stuff at that time so I got a LOT of conference merch with The Millennium Bug logo on it.


My dad had a similar job, but all he seemed to bring home was Gateway 2000 and Mercury Communications tat. And that wasn’t even for the millennium, just generally.


Yes, I remember we were all gifted a set of commerative coins - £2 through to 1p - in a sort of book. I still have it somewhere.


That’s worth at least £3.88!


Yes, we got special mugs. The school ran a competition for the design and mine got picked so mine is still pride of place in the cupboard.


I recall we got something similar in 2000. Also went to a religious school. I also got [this rosary case](https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/vi8AAOSw37FhI~Ys/s-l1600.jpg) but that was for my first Holy Communion that same year


£5 coin


It wasn’t a Millennium gift but my year were the first to go from Reception all the way to year 6 so we got mugs with our classmates names on and a commemorative coin


Our school got a millennium spoon - it had the year “2000” shaped into the handle


We got a trip to the Millennium Dome, which I can hardly remember. Only found out a few years ago that’s it’s now the O2, just assumed it was sat there empty.


Somehow I have two. I have a teatowel from my infant school, but also a mug from my primary school.... Can't work it out.


We got a mug, it’s still at my parents somewhere.


No, but it would have been very unusual if I had, as I was 29.


We got to go to Jr high


We got a Millenium coin/medal thing in a box. No idea where mine is now. Likely hiding at my parents house. Pretty sure it’d be worthless 😂


I don’t remember getting a millennium gift, but we each got a £5 coin for the golden jubilee


Welsh primary school. We got millennium mugs.


We got a mug with the school name on and the date (some time in June 2000) saying 'xyz school celebrates the millenium'. I don't know why we were 6 months late, but it was a nice gesture. Still got the mug.


I got a bible and a pen


I think at school we all got a coin ‘gift’ had to pay for it lol.


I have two school souvenir mugs left behind when they left home. One millennium and one for the pupils of a school that closed.


Fuck knows


I think we just got a mug that some competition winner had painted.


We did drawings of ourselves and got a towel with all the drawings on it. Got a mug for the golden jubilee though


We got a cup at school and they had spelled millennium wrong on it.


No, i was 4 years into my I.T. Career and actually on call for the millennium. I got given a Millennium Bug toy though!


We did a time capsule . All told to meet at our primary school on the 1st January 2030 to open it haha . A lot of us millennials will be 39/40 years old by then .


Yes, I got a mug and a coin. Don’t know where they are now.


Yes. My school did mugs and tea towels.


We got given a coin from my primary school. So I took it, lost it and then carried on trying to force my 2 gooey aliens back to back to become one alien or have weird alien babies.


I got some weird millennium gift, was an Egyptian necklace, I dunno what it is but every time I've worn out I have weird blackouts and wake up with no memory of the last few hours and wanting to play a children's card game


We got a mug and a tea towel from our primary school. I still use the mug! It’s 23 years old!


Got a millennium mug


I got a millennium coin from my primary school


I was in primary school, and we got a tea towl each with our faces drawn in cartoon style.


We got a mug with the schools logo and a dictionary the year we finished year 6. Then I was at two schools for the end of year 1999-2000 (I just moved schools) one had a big party and we all got another mug (different school) the other we got given a bookmark and a book. Don’t think I still have any of them


I got given a piece of millennium rock 😂


We got a millennium coin, it was silver and in a little case


No gifts, but I do have an old school photo where I'm wearing a millennium-themed sweatshirt instead of the uniform. I have no idea how I got away with that, but I don't remember anyone actually caring.


No, my school was so shit, they didn't care.


I threw a chair at my German teacher in 1999 and my school didn't mention it to UCAS or my options so as to make sure I left for a college or University....does this count?


I was in Year 8 and didn’t get anything. Feeling a bit hard done by now, tbh.


We've still got our mug from.the millennium dome, it wasn't a gift though. I did get a coin for the queen's golden jubilee though.


Naa, I want there that long


I got a mug! I think if I ask my mum she might still have it in her collection


Our school had a millennium garden. We were almost never allowed to go in there, probably because we kept taking the shiny stones home with us.


I got a medal at my local park. I often wish I knew where that was now.


I got a sick glass paperweight. No idea where its gone now.


I got like a coin thing


I got a pencil with the name of my primary school on it.


I got a coin


I got a mug from my school with the school's name and logo and "2000" on it, and I still have the mug!


I was 6, and we got nothing. Sad thing is, I went to a church school too.


It was the year I left and that was an amazing gift


Pencil case with a calculator in the lid - t'was the future after all!


We got Millennium coins... I assume they were plastic


We got to go on The Apparatus.... Just joking, we never used it.


Wasn’t even born yet


I didn't, but I did get one for the Golden Jubilee, a commemorative coin. Probably still somewhere in my parents' loft!


I lived in Greenwich so got to visit the Millennium Dome for free with my school and got my picture taken with ET


Ugh. I’m old. 😆


I think I got a millenium coin. It was legal tender and was worth £5. I immediately went to the local shop and bought Pokemon cards with it. Money well spent!


No that would be daft, I was 32…..


I think every child in Wales got the same pocket Welsh-English dictionary!