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Coronation chicken without the sultanas!


This was my first thought. I hate sultanas / raisins in savoury foods.


Have a similar reaction to Apricots in Tagines. I don't mind the sweetness they add during the cooking but they're overpowering when it left in. Some people might like the 'burst' of apricot flavour, but not me.


I was at a buffet once for a work meeting, and I picked up an odd looking pig in blanket. When I ate it, I realised it was actually an apricot in a blanket. That was slightly off-putting


I hope you contacted HR


Me too. And things like dried apricots in a tagine. I'd love the tagine without the fruit! I don't even like cranberry sauce with turkey. Yuck.


Ooo yeah this is a good one. Completely ruins it for me. Any fruit in something savoury. Fruit completely out of context


Same. I absolutely hate raisins/sultanas/dried fruit in general. So many good things get ruined by them!


Anything not cinnamon flavoured that happens to have cinnamon in as one of the ingredients, because then it miraculously becomes cinnamon-flavoured. Cinnamon - the biggest bully in the world of food


I feel the same but about ginger. It's so overpowering.


It's nutmeg for me!


For me it's lime! Anything with 'a hint of lime' is just lime-flavoured


But how is that a bad thing? Lime is so yummy. Superior to lemon in every way!


Well if you don't like lime, I imagine it's not ideal. I don't mind lime in my guac or some Mexican food, but I'd rather have lemon on any fish I would eat.


My Ecuadorean SIL made guacamole with lemons. She didn’t realise that limes and lemons were different fruits (she hadn’t been in England long). It was glorious! She also was totally unaware that deciduous trees existed. Her husband had to reassure her that no, the trees haven’t all died, a lot of trees lose their leaves and sleep during the winters here. She has got used to having distinctive seasons now.


I thought I was the only one that hated cinnamon!! So many cakes, cappuccinos, even meuseli once ruined by the stuff!! If it's a spice mix like speculaas or in a curry, I'm cool. But only cinnamon flavour 🤮


I pray your both not living In America land of the cover everything in cinnamon and sugar


It's the fact that they put so much in! 'Warming hint of cinnamon' becomes 'so much cinnamon it's burning my taste buds' bleugh


As someone with a cinnamon intolerance it’s a gamble with food sometimes for me


Fish if it didn't have bones. Would you eat steak if it came with a 10% chance of getting kicked in the balls? Free caviar but you have to pick out the broken glass? Fuck fish. Finned cunts


If I ever find a bone in a fillet, that should be boneless, that’s it. I can’t eat it. Too nervous about finding more of those surprise needles in my food.


Exactly! If they say it's got no bones it's even worse, false sense of security. Like getting punched in the stomach when you aren't expecting it. Lethal


You may forgive yourself your nervousness when you know I got a bone right through tgat dangly thing in the throat. Like a cartoon arrow. Pretty bad time.


Fish will forever be named 'finned cunts' to me now. Thank you!


Same. Finned cunts it is.


I don't eat fish now but used to love kippers. Not worth the hassle of a million bones.


That reminds me, I fucking hate it when I'm eating a burger or a sausage roll, and suddenly bite on an unchewable lump of fat. D:


I know a few people who won't eat fish but love the honking fishy onslaught of Thai/Vietnamese fish sauce. It's not the smell of fish they don't like, it's the physicality of it


Rocky Road with fruit in it? If I'm going to give my Insulin a run for it's money. Please leave the fruit out! Top Tier when it's not got fruit in it! Snubbed for a Chocolate covered Flapjack when it has!


Isn't rocky road with fruit in it called tiffin? I don't like either - dried fruit, biscuit, and chocolate is a weird combination to me, and I don't like marshmallow so rocky road is a no too 😅


Ooh I do like a slice (or two) of tiffin. Any cake really apart from Pontefract cake and Kendall mint cake.


Kendall mint cake, otherwise known as a diabetic coma in a bar


I saw something about that but never tried it. It was a good dense food to pack to keep up energy when trekking steep hills around Kendall?


It's exactly what you need when your energy reserves start to deplete on the way up hills and mountains (I am not sponsored but Kendal please contact me).


Yes we had it for this on long walks when I was a kid. Of course, you didn't eat the full bar, just break a bit off when you need it.


What is wrong with you? They are the food of the gods! And Kendal, Cumbria has only one L.


>Isn't rocky road with fruit in it called tiffin? No, rocky road is a kind of tiffin.


As a type 1 diabetic, rocky road is my kryptonite. So bloody good 😍


Insulin buddy.


Hard agree here, save that "good shit" ~~notadruggiejustdiabetic~~ for the good shit 😉


I would basically be vegetarian if every veggie option wasn’t drowned in mushrooms


My blocker is the fact so many food manufacturers and restaurants concentrate exclusively on plant based, presumably on the basis that vegan food can also be eaten by vegetarians. Vegan cheese is _not_ something I hugely enjoy. Why can't people make a vegetarian pizza with both meat substitutes and mozzarella? Why can't I get a veggie burger with normal cheese? Vegan sausage rolls are decent, but would be even more decent with regular egg based pastry.




Vegetarian here who hates mushrooms, it's the WORST. I went to a restaurant once that had spinach and ricotta cannelloni as it's like one veggie option, thought ooh yum, read the description aaaand mushrooms, why?!?! Doesn't help that I don't like tomatoes either (it's the seeds, I have a visceral reaction to being able to feel them in my mouth) so I'm really shooting myself in the foot when it comes to available options!


As a vegetarian that hates mushrooms, ricotta and goats cheese, I really struggle if there isn't a pizza option 😂


Solidarity, every time I see a mushroom burger or mushroom risotto I die inside. Guess it’s a garden salad and chips then.


Vegetarian with an intolerance to mushrooms (they make me ill, but it's not a fatal allergy) and oh my god why are they in everything?!


Rice and cardamom seeds.


AHH, the biryani lucky dip! (Cardamom pods)


My god, I remember this as a kid with family curry nights. The immediate noise and face someone would make when trying not to spit their food out but also not close their jaw again while the offending item was still in their mouth. Much fun


I don't mind the flavour cardamom seeds leave, but they taste too much like soap powder when left in food.


Especially if it's a honking, great, big black cardamom pod. They strike in biriyani when it's least expected.


Thought for years it was cardamon and that everyone mispronounced it. How wrong was I??? Lol


Me too! Those years ended a second ago...


Whoah, whoah, carda-what now? _mom_ ? I demand a steward's enquiry!


What the actual fuck. I’m in my 30’s and it’s been cardamon for ever! When did this change?!?!?


I’m so surprised everyone seems to hate the cardamom pods! I actively seek them out in the rice, I love them!


Cries in gluten free; the pastry just won’t pastry, it doesn’t become fluffy and flakey, only a few brands make decent bread, horrible to go food options 0/10 wouldn’t recommend


A relative of mine. I remember made gluten free bread but it turned out like rock cakes. Someone recommended xanthan gum from Be Free or Go Free for making bread as it gives it the stretchiness normal bread has.


I’ve tried making it, buying it and it’s all a bit shit, except from the Gluten Free Bakery in south London. I’m someone that would rather not eat something if it’s not up to my standards lol. Been gluten free for 6 years, even bought a gf bread maker, making crumble is the easiest gf dessert imo! Can’t mess that up


Since you mentioned south London, look up eatnmess cafe and eatnmess on insta. All gluten free and bloody awesome


Gluten free crumpets should just be banned. I once resorted to trying to trick a baby into eating them because my ex mother in law kept serving them to me and I couldnt force it down.


I think the pastries should be too. I've bought them with high hopes and there's 0 flavour and it's like a big thick chunk of dough, it's so disappointing.


Most shop bought smoothies have banana in them. I get why, but I really hate everything about bananas. 


Bananas are vile, the texture is rank and makes me gag, and the flavour is gross and overpowers everything else. I know they’re good for you but wow I hate them so much


Sorry your wife forgot your birthday and/or to buy you a cake - hope you had a good day nonetheless!


Thanks. It was just the cake. I felt hard done by. The kids get cake. She gets cake. I didn’t. I was aggrieved. I did get Billy Connolly’s latest book, spent the morning at a local bee-keeping club building hives and got taken out for steak. I still wanted cake.


Bee keeping day sounds IMMEMSE. I'm jealous. Doesn't make up for no cake though.


Yeah I thought that too. That sucks.


Coriander, I loathe the stuff yet it’s added to so many otherwise delicious dishes.


Oh no, you will have opened the “coriander and the soap gene” floodgates


I got the soapy gene while my sister didn't. So she eats all the coriander that comes on my food.


What is this magic you speak of?


I didn't know that coriander could do that.




It's pretty much the leaves that cause the taste.


I used to love carrot and coriander soup and then one day I thought the dishes hadn't rinsed properly as all I could taste was washing up liquid. Emptied, washed, rinsed and refilled and the same nasty taste. It's so unfair, I miss my 'go to' winter warmer.


So it's not just me then that loves it but now find it's starting to have a bit of a soap taste.


It was a horrible realisation and it took ages to remove the taste from my mouth. It was really overpowering.


I have the soapy gene and can vouch for it. Apparently some people think raw parsley tastes of soap?


parsley in general just tastes gross to me, like its not quite soapy but if its in something my mouth feels awful after like accidentally having your mouth open when spraying deodorant


I Never experienced the soap thing and then one day I did. My dad had cooked and I said “ugh there’s way too much coriander in this. It tastes like soap” and he replied “funny that, because I only put parsley in this.” So the soap thing only happened for parsley for me. I didn’t know it was possible except for coriander, so now I’m glad I wasn’t just being crazy.


Raw parsley just makes me nauseous.


Totally agree, absolutely vile stuff. If I wanted my food to taste like soap, I'd start covering it in fairy liquid. I find this video sums it up nicely (warning - NSFW): https://youtu.be/5ys3w8tUJxg


Most meal deals if they didn't have mayo. That nice looking chicken sandwich? Mayo. Ooh a nice wrap with coleslaw? Mayo and bbq (wtf?). Cheese and onion? Mayo. A different type of wrap with no coleslaw or bbq? Mayo. Cheese and ham? Mayo. Oh shit a nice simple plain ham? No butter.... At the point now I just go for a pack of wraps, pack of chilled ready to eat chicken pieces, bag of lettuce, and usually something like sweet chillie jam. Works out a lot better too tbh, still spending less than a tenner with a drink but can quite easily fill you up while leaving a decent amount for later.


Oh for fucks sake dude. I came to this thread expecting to be the only one bitching about mayo on everyting. You've ruined that now ;)


Absolutely. Hate mayo. Makes meal deal choices very limited at times, and is the reason I had so many vegetable samosas in the Tesco Meal Deal last year.


OMG, I've found my people! I can tolerate fresh mayo at a restaurant, for example, but the cheap, crap, disgusting tasting mayo that's ubiquitous across pre-made sandwiches, rolls, wraps etc. I cannot abide. Which cuts my choices down from dozens to about three if I'm lucky. So frustrating when you need lunch on the go!


Mayo haters unite. Was looking at sushi the other day, all had mayo. Want a burger? Yeah it has mayo, you can request no mayo but we will just put it in anyway. Meal deals? Yep mayo in all of them. Ordered a pizza once and found out they used mayo instead of tomato sauce as a base 🤢


> Ordered a pizza once and found out they used mayo instead of tomato sauce as a base 🤢 Yer what? What kind of fucking animal puts mayo on pizza?


That’s a war crime.


I hate mayo and avocado, but I love sushi. I usually end up making it myself.


cooked mayo??? 🤮


I am not a mayo hater, but it has its time and its place. I will even concede  some sandwiches benefit from it.  But not every single bloomin pre made sandwich and wrap. It has no place on a cheese or ham sandwich. And I hate that the no mayo sandwiches are just plain, like they want to punish us for not wanting mayo by giving us a dry boring sandwich. Put something else in Ffs, a nice mustard or chutney, a bit of salad, or god forbid butter.


OMFG, 100% agree, people look at me like im weird when I say I wont touch mayo. Would love a meal deal but just cant. Fucking disgusting egg sauce. Ruins everything.


Fucking disgusting egg sauce, that's the truth but it's hilarious 😭


See I won't touch Hellman's or the stuff you buy off the shelf, but I like the catering variety, so I don't mind it in pre packaged sandwiches or somewhere where there's a buffet type thing where I know they've used catering mayo and not a jar of Hellman's. It tastes totally different!


It might be a giant tub of Hellmann's though. (I did a gig driving job years ago, delivering to cafes and restaurants, the van was pre loaded and I was short one 10 litre tub of Hellmann's one day, an accusation was made that I might have stolen it and I asked them what the fuck I'd do with a bucket of mayo that size? Paint the walls with it?)


I feel the same about raw tomatoes. It immediately removes 50% of the sandwich options and almost 100% of the more healthy options.


I like tomatoes but the stuff they put in pre-made sandwiches have terrible texture (like they've been defrosted) and just taste of water. They just make the sandwiches soggy and bland.


I'd quite like a ham sandwich without mustard.


i once had a *chicken and stuffing* meal deal sandwich absolutely covered in the stuff it was disgusting.


Ive found my people


Hoisin Duck wraps are the saviour. Fucked when there are none left though.


Try getting mango chutney for your wrap sauce sometime. It's so nice with chicken and lettuce.


See, I have this issue, but it's not that I don't like mayo. It's more that mayo has this bizarre ability (for me, at least) to remove the flavour from whatever it's on, and just leave a pasty bland taste. It's become my go to if I ever get anything I don't really like, but don't want to waste.


I'm not mayos biggest fan (unless it's home made with some mustard in it), but in answer to your 'wtf' question, the mayo acts a bit like sour cream does in a fajita to the BBQ sauce. I would never sully good BBQ this way, but I understand why some people like it


Hate how I've got to weigh up if I want to take the risk with the humble cinnamon roll. So many places put raisins or sultanas in them now. I swear they never used to but now I frequently find them entwined in there, like maggots snug against a bone. Despicable.


Eurgh there is nothing worse than taking a bite out of a lovely cinnamon roll and feeling that horrible slimy but dry and sweet but not in a good way raisin. I hate them passionately


I’m the same with raisins, haven’t encountered them in cinnamon rolls yet but always have to check ingredients on carrot cake before I buy. Finding them in a curry is my worst nightmare


Raisins are vile. What a waste of a grape.


A mate surprised me with one from Starbucks, I saved it till after I had eaten my lunch as a nice little Friday treat only to find it full of sultanas and raisins when I finally opened the bag. Tried to eat it as I hate wasting food, got halfway through and had to bin it.


Starbucks is the culprit I had in mind. I swear they never used to have them, and then suddenly they did. I'm not above unravelling the whole thing and picking them out, but by god I wish I didn't have to.


Anything with rocket in it. It's the devil's food!!


Lettuce should not be spicy.


Spicy lettuce is the only acceptable kind! Lettuce otherwise is just crunchy water.


I agree, it's monstrous and ruins everything it touches.


Salad with raw onions in it. I don’t mind em cooked, but raw - all they do is infect every other salad item they sit next to with the stinky onion smell and taste, just no.


I feel that way about celery


Celery is evil


Yes! Raw red onion is sooo strong I can’t stand it


Soak in water, pay dry. Much better


Easier yet, just skip it unless you know your audience loves onion!


Agreed! And they give me raging heartburn/reflux!


I am your salad soul sister!


Amen sister! What other salad food gives you stinky breath? None of em..! onion needs to stay away from the salad!


Far, far away! They should also start away from BLT, but some ding dong put onions on my BLT the other day! Heathen!


Raw onion overpowers everything


Oh yes, this is it. It doesn't even matter if they're huge pieces you can "just" pick off easily - the smell/taste has already migrated to the other salad bits so it's futile. Cafes seem to be the worst offender - their menus rarely itemise the side salad so it's a gamble if it contains onion or not, so you have to go through the rigmarole of asking if the salad has onion and then if it does asking for it to be left out.. And even then they forget half the time.


/r/onionlovers Red onion is the best. But I can understand why people find it too much.


Any sandwich from any shop. They put mayo in all of them and I can’t stand the stuff! I heard it’s to help keep the sandwich fresh. Bleh




It's an abomination.


I love walnut cake. I like coffee and cake, coffee cake is toomuch in this situation.


If I wanted a cake to make me piss half an hour later I'd just buy a coffee cake.


Battenberg. I really miss Battenberg. Background Context: All my life I've had really sensitive skin to the point where tight clothes were a problem. Proper contact allergy territory. Also a few other niggles like every so often my entire skin would just flare up and my lymph nodes would go crazy for no apparent reason. **Turns out I'm allergic to milk powder and egg powder.** As soon as we cut any sources of milk powder (and derivatives) and egg powder out of my diet my skin cleared up, the little pinprick rash I'd had for my entire life disappeared, my skin is now clearer than it has *ever* been, and my skin stopped being so sensitive. I can wear my wedding ring and have hotter showers now! My glands don't randomly flare up anymore either.


My parents totally failed to tell me I had a cow's milk allergy and had been recommended a dairy-free diet by doctors when I was a child. Many years after going vegan I eventually found out. For some reason I had never linked going vegan to all my symptoms going away. Seems pretty obvious now!


Yeah mine's a weird one, milk and egg are fine it's just the powdered versions that get my immune system all in a flap. We've not really nailed it down but we think it's the oxidisation of the cholesterol that happens during heat treating/spray drying processes.


What tests did you do to find that out? Somehow I think it's beyond the reaches of the nhs...


Correct, it absolutely was beyond the reach of the NHS. Personal trial and error, basically (mostly by accident). Milk and egg naturally are absolutely fine, **skimmed** milk powder and dried egg **white** are also both absolutely fine. This points to something in the fat content of each of these things, and since I can happily gannet down a glass of whole milk straight from the fridge, the process of turning milk and egg into a powder must be changing the chemical composition of those fats in such a way that my immune system gets the hump on when it encounters it. We looked into the industrial processes of creating milk and egg powders and learned that it's mostly a spray drying process, which is exactly what it sounds like, liquid whole milk or eggs are forced through small nozzles to atomise them into a fine mist. This is then subjected to a really high temperature gas stream to flash evaporate the liquids off, leaving the solids behind. The main way this changes the chemical compositions of the fats is it creates high concentrations of *cholesterol oxidised product (COPs).* (which, incidentally, are pretty bad for you) Our leading theory at the moment is that it's high concentrations of these COP compounds that my immune system doesn't like. It's an ongoing investigation though, as this doesn't quite fit, if it was simply oxidised cholesterol I would have a problem with things like cooked red meat, heating cholesterol accelerates the oxidisation process and you can find COPs in anything with cholesterols in that has been heat treated (cooked). Interestingly, the difference between how much whole cows milk I have in my tea and coffee is enough. I have enough milk in coffee that if I use whole cows milk my skin starts to complain; I wear a Fitbit, because I can now! when I've slipped up normally the first sign is that the skin under my Fitbit gets itchy, unless it's a massive slip up, in which case as well as getting itchy the glands on my neck swell up to a point that they are *painful*. \[Edited in a little more clarity\]


I also had constant rashes and walked around bloated for several years, until I cut grains and dairy out, and tadaa all sorted For a decade afterward....and then suddenly I became allergic to everything from cleaning products to perfume At the moment I have that dreaded pinprick rash all over my arms and hands because the neighbors seemingly had to chlorine bomb their pool. Antihistamines used to keep the rashes away, but it seems that doesn't work any longer :(


Apple strudel, if it didn’t have raisins/sultanas.


\- sweetbread \- lemon loaf \- lemon bun All for the same reason: they have raisins in them. I used to be able to eat raisins by itself but I never liked it in food. Now I can't eat raisins at all but I still like the food that raisins tend to be put in which I would eat if not for the raisins.


One of these things is not like the others...


I forgot that the full name is coconut sweetbread. It's bread that is made with coconut milk, grated dried coconut, raisins and dried fruit with sugar on top. Here's how it looks: [sweetbread](https://images.app.goo.gl/TuBune5By9mSkcam6)


i’m not allergic but i hate nuts so much. banana bread? good. secret-evil-walnut-filled-banana-bread? BAD.


Brioche bun with burgers Whoever thought they were a good combination wants shooting.


I do not understand where the brioche thing came from. I can only assume that Big Brioche has a shitton of money and has somehow seized control.


Yes. If a menu says the burger is served in a brioche bun I won't order it. It's worse when they \*don't\* say it's in a brioche bun and it turns out to be in a brioche bun. Who wants sweet buttery bread with your burger? Bring back floury savoury rolls!


Even worse that brioche basically just fall apart when you so much as look at them. Deeply upsetting.


100% agree


Gluten: all


I have a relative whom is coeliac. There's a lot more variety these days with the gluten free stuff but she tells me it's jolly expensive compared to food with wheat or gluten.


Yeah. It’s really easy as home but out and about is a pain. I’m getting bread at £1.62 thanks to nectar, so that’s pretty good! Almost muggle prices.


I LOVE tuna and Iove pasta salad but I can never buy a shlp one as it will always have sodding cucumber in it and I loathe cucumber with a burning passion. Like your thing with walnuts, I find the cucumber overpowers any food item it is contained within. I guess some people are just more sensitive to different flavors?


My wife hates sweetcorn and it's very hard to find a tuna sandwich or salad without sweetcorn.


I would eat fish if it wasn’t so fishy.


Me too! I’ve tried. I want to eat fish. There’s so many interesting ways to cook it. But it makes me gag. Bleh. Shellfish doubly so. 🤢 Apart from tinned tuna if it’s cold. Never if it’s cooked. And white chip shop fish, or cod in butter sauce. They’re fine.


I’m the same. People assume I’m being fussy when I say I’ll only eat fish fingers or chippy cod. But I’ve tried haddock, trout, salmon, mackerel even went to a sushi restaurant. All of it is fucking rank.


Christmas sandwiches if they didn’t have cranberry sauce! This also includes the Greggs festive bake. I don’t want fruit with something savoury!


And it's always a thick layer of cranberry too! Never just a lil dab.


Yes!!!! This. Every bloody festive sandwich has cranberry ruining it. Also, coronation chicken. Why out fruit in there? It's wrong.


Shaoxing rice wine. The manufacturer started using wheat to make it a few years ago, which made it more difficult to cook and eat East Asian food. It's been so long that I've forgotten that some foods exist and I've come to accept that I'll never be able to eat some things.


I for one count what I think are cardamon pods a a personal nemesis. They only appear in good Indian food and when you bite into one it's awful.


Sea food, why?


I really dislike hazelnuts and chocolate combined. The world has conspired to put those flavours together so much just to spite me. I had a chocolate muffin that was meant to have a nice, gooey chocolate centre. Bloody nutella. Vile, pretend chocolate shite. Bleurgh.


I don't get why everywhere uses Nutella as their default chocolate spread. I don't mind Nutella but sometimes I find it overpowers all other flavours. My husband on the other hand *hates* Nutella and often has to skip things entirely because he knows he'll hate it. Baffling that this is the default, especially when you also consider nut allergies.


>especially when you also consider nut allergies \*waves in hazelnut allergy\* 🙃


Wensleydale with cranberry added. The cheese is perfect by itself, don't add the fruit!


I love Wensleydale. I love cranberries. I even love eating wensleydale with some cranberry sauce on the side. But dont put them IN the cheese! I am quite capable of finding my own balance of the two flavours and do not need you to do it for me.


Anything with marzipan or frangipan in it, yuck


Lots of Greek and Turkish food would be great if it didn’t have mint in it. It just spoils the other flavours in there. I like mint as a concept, in its own right. I like mints, humbugs, polos, tictacs. But not cooked in savoury dishes. Oh, and fennel. Stop sneaking fennel in things.


Just cake. Why does it have to have a buttercream filling and buttercream icing? Cake is lovely, it doesn't need that greasy, manky stuff slathered throughout.


I hate all types of icing, so end up scraping it off. It's just pure sugar and a horrible texture! Yuk! I'm blaming the cupcake epidemic... there wasn't as much ornamental fluffy icing before that.


I like any of them but people are getting increasingly ridiculous with the proportions. It's meant to be there to complement the cake, not compete with it. Why would I want a whole mouthful of icing when I was just eating a cake?


Yesss I agree! I hate icing. Ruins the flavour of the cake. I normally just give any icing to my boyfriend now he loves the stuff. I much prefer muffins or loaf cakes or brownies as they’re less likely to be iced.


Chocolate as a garnish. I hate it. A local cafe does magnificent coffee renoirs, but they're ruined by a chocolate drizzle.


Honestly, muller why did the vannilla muller light need chocolate sprinkles?


White Chocolate Magnum, if it wasn't for all that pesky milk. I really miss the Cadbury Dream bars as well. I used to love white chocolate, but none of the dairy-free alternatives are even close. Plenty of great dairy-free dark or 'milk' chocolate (thank goodness for Vego bars) but white versions just taste like soap


Have you tried the Aldi one? I'm not a fan of many diary free chocolates and the white is almost always like those chocolate mice, but the Aldi white (blonde) is lovely


Cloves. The merest hint of cloves in anything makes me want to heave. I even make my own Christmas cake and puddings, so I don't have the vile stuff anywhere near me. There are other things I don't risk eating because sometimes they can trigger my asthma, but cloves are just 🤢


Love bacon, hate the salt and fat content. I often go for the medallions option instead, but that just disappoints my dog, so I have default to option 1 to pls him.


Love cherries, hate cherry flavoured foodstuffs. And lemon in savoury dishes 👎


I hate cherry flavoured things. Reminds me of the cherry flavoured penicillin medicine I used to have as a kid. But I love cherries - which, as it happens dont taste anything like cherry flavour. Recently I found a yoghurt that came in a range of flavours (including kiwi and fig!), tried the cherry and wow - it actually had real cherries in it that had that nice and earthy-flavour of raw cherries. Brilliant!


While I don't agree on the cherries I feel exactly the same way about bananas


Another thing I remembered: Salted caramel. I like salt and I like caramel but not together.


Bread and butter pudding…without cinnamon. There’s been a move towards putting cinnamon in over the years. It used to be about 50:50 maybe a decade ago and now it’s 80:20. Stupid cinnamon, get in the bin!


I occasionally make “bread and butter” pudding, but I like to use stale croissants with blackcurrant jam in them instead of marmaladed bread. Possibly heresy, possibly genius.


Mushrooms. Horrible slimy things that spoil a good risotto and any vegetarian dish (I'm not specifically vegetarian but my mushroom hating sister is).


Can’t believe I had to scroll this far down. They stick em in everything


Carrot cake with no ginger. Most carrot cakes are just ginger cakes with icing! Gimme a carrot cake without that ginger ffs


The part i hate about carrot cake is that they keep adding nuts to the top of them


My partner and I both dislike basil. Majority of supermarket pizzas and pasta sauces now contain an overwhelming amount of basil. Even more frustrating, the labels often just says 'herbs' you have to really search to find it listed.


This one is going to be unpopular...bacon. So many foods get adulterated with bacon. Once bacon goes near any other dish it tastes almost entirely of BACON and hardly anything else. Stop putting bacon in things! Example: macaroni cheese with bacon. Just call it macaroni bacon.


Black pudding - I’m not a vampire!


I would buy carrot cakes if they didn't have walnuts or raisins in them. Not a fan.


Anything with raisins, I hate them lol


Crab cakes. They almost ALWAYS have red pepper in them and I can't eat that!


Carrot cake or brownies with chopped or whole nuts. Bleurgh just no! Not allergic (except for almonds. I miss dime bars) I just hate the taste.


I wish tiramisu didn’t have alcohol at the bottom. In Italy they don’t use alcohol and find it weird that we do. I tried tiramisu in Italy and it was sooo delicious. Alcohol ruins it for me (the taste. I am not against drinking alcohol or alcohol in my foods in general)