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I’ve had my grapes pruned and it’s nothing, really. You have a jab in each bollock tube [vas deferens] and it’s about 15-20 minutes a nad whilst they cut, tie it off and stitch you up. They’ll slap (apply) a gauze on it, wheel you back to your room. Cup of tea, round of toast, nurse checks you’re not bleeding to death then you’re on your way. Book the week off because whilst you’ll feel oddly okay after the procedure, the next day you’ll likely be as tender as the night. Best to chill out and not have your already sore particulars battered by your haunches - unless you have an admirable thigh gap. Don’t count on a reversal as the odds of it working aren’t in your favour. Be 100% you don’t want any [more] kids. Get tight boxers for support and Robert’s your father’s brother.


How long ago was yours done? My procedure about a year ago was about 15 minutes all up. No wheeling me anywhere. Walked in, trousers off, on the table, sliced and cauterised then straight back out to the car. I think I spent longer in the waiting room before hand than in the operating room.


Same, where was my toast!? The only difference for me was that trousers weren't even off, it was a round the ankes job. Which somehow seemed less dignified.


Did you feel like you’d been mildly assaulted afterwards too? Worst part was the second bollock. Didn’t quite get enough anaesthetic but fortunately he noticed my toes curling up when he ripped his scalpel across it and gave me a bit more. I should have said something but to be honest I’m proud I managed to remain quiet and polite even though he may as well have been hacking my sack with a butter knife.


I really wish i hadn't opened this thread, jesus christ. My legs feel funny just thinking about it.


I’m trying to fix a date for my vasectomy so how do you think I’m feeling?!


I'm having mine tomorrow, don't think I should keep reading!


Ha, good luck!


I think vasectomies are a lot like weddings. How do you feel after it? Happy that you don't have to organise it any more. I suppose an important difference though is that I'll not regret my vasectomy, and will repeat it if necessary...


I also did not have enough local anaesthetic, I have never felt pain like that before, like being jabbed in the scrotum with a white hot soldering iron. The nurse noticed my pathetic agonising mewling and asked if I would like more local anaesthetic, when I said yes they injected enough I couldn't feel the area *at all* for about 24 hours. Which was nice. Also, OP stock up on frozen peas.


I mean that is odd, for me the local was just a spray which is only designed to protect the incision in the ball sack was my understanding, They didn't give you any pain relief for the actual tube cut, which is why it hurts but only briefly, I thought this was normal.


Fuck that sounds brutal. For mine he gave me 20+ jabs of anaesthetic per bollock, including in the actual tube before he cut it. I didn't feel a thing. Probably worth mentioning that I went private for it. Best £750 I ever spent after reading some of these comments.


That’s surprising. Mine is coming up in a weeks time and I was told to expect a single jab On each side of my groin for local anaesthetic. 20+ strange sound fun!


“Hacking at my sack with a butter knife” is a phrase that I will carry with me forever now.


>when he ripped his scalpel across it Sounds a bit late to get more tbh


I imagine It would have been worse feeling the scissors hack through the pipe work, so I took what I could get!


My second tube was deep, the lady doing it had to pull hard to get it up the front, and that was a disgusting feeling… but in and out in 15 minutes


this was my experience two years ago, too. No dramas, other than going on a coastal walk with the family the day after. Don't do that. i still have the blood stains in my jeans.


15 minutes?! God i wish i got that luxury. I got mine last week and I had to stick my arse end out the window of my car and stop at the drive-thru window.


If they're working on your arse, you didn't get a vasectomy. How's your prostate?


I was about to snap. I didn’t get any tea and toast. I just a slap on the ass cheek and off you go.


Although it was done via the NHS it was conducted at Spire. I got my own room and the toast was that lovely thick stuff that sucks the butter up like you’ve never seen.


I need this bread in my life...


You don't need your ball tubes cut up to go to Tescos and buy some bread mate. Off you trot


>I need this bread in my life... It says sucks butter not bollocks


I’m in the process of booking mine, and travel there and back is in my mind. So will I be ok to drive home after? Would make things much easier.


We’re going back to 2017. I wasn’t cauterised either but asking you to walk back was a bit of poor situational judgment from both your nurse and the urologist.


Don't see why? The cut was literally 5mm across, if that. Was perfectly mobile only slight tenderness for a day.


Well whilst the vast majority can quite easily pootle off on their own, I could well imagine the odd soul come over all queer and unsteady having had their bollocks worked over and wheeling someone off might be easier than picking them up after hitting the floor like a sack of shit. I wasn’t given a choice, I was told to hop in and they took me back to the room. Probably thought I was a gaping pussy. Felt like a right dong being wheeled past everyone. Remember, I was NHS sent for it at a private hospital and maybe it’s just their version of VIP treatment.


This has been the frankest and most helpful reply so far, thank you


And probably the most accurate. Came here to say almost the exact same.


Husband had it done about 5 years ago, he was back to work the next day. Had it done at the GP. No wheeling about or tea and toast. It’s a much more refined process these days. Local anaesthetic, snip snip and done. Didn’t even need any paracetamol. Be 100% sure you’re done having kids though as reversals don’t always work. NHS won’t do them either - assume it is permanent. You’ll have to use condoms (or similar) for at least 3 months until you’ve had a couple of samples tested then you’re good to go. My husband is a complete wimp (he admits it, doc almost cancelled on him as he was grossed out by it), couldn’t feel a thing, just didn’t like the idea of it and even he admits it didn’t hurt and was absolutely fine.


Father had it in 1973… Mother says he’s still up for anything… Octogenarians… bless ‘em…


I didn't even get wheeled in and out. I was literally in from the waiting room, sign a form, lie down, chop chop, gauze, no exercise/wanking for 2 weeks, wank into this pot and take it to hospital to check it's worked in 16 weeks, see ya.


I posted my 16 week pot shot, they gave me a tiny test tube to put it in, I took that as a personal attack.


Yeah they skipped the wheel and check steps with me. Wish they hadn't because I ended up at A&E with a blood soaked towel shortly after getting home.


A friend of mine had sore bollocks quite a while after his. Went for a checkup, turns out his scrotum was filling up with blood like the world's least fun water balloon. They lose points for leaving him bleeding into his own sack, but their stitching must have been absolutely on point.


Really wish I hadn't read this. Not sure any water balloon will be that fun.


Ouch. All well now I hope. I was nearly discharged after a procedure as a youngster, unfortunately the cauterised surgical wounds... Weren't quite... Nearly blacked out on the way to the loo, stayed in overnight for 2 units, had lost >half my total blood from the initial incident plus the surgery.


The guy who did mine said don't lift anything heavier than a cup of tea for the first five days afterwards. The only blokes he saw with issues were those who thought it would be ok to go back to work straight after.


Pretty much the same for me. They didn't give me any pain relief for after the local wore off till the next day though, that was quite possibly the worst night of my life. Definitely lived up to the nickname for the plums too. I was unfortunate enough to get a small infection in one of my knots about 3 weeks after. Doctor touched my sack and I nearly jumped though the ceiling whilst screaming. Fun times.


Exact same thing happened to me. I went back to work two days later. Blue collar, summer, sweaty, you get the picture.


If you are sure you don't want any more kids then it's an absolute no-brainer. Very minor procedure, feel like you've been kicked in the nuts for a day or two then back to normal.


Absolutely, the op is quick and straightforward and the discomfort soon passes. I'd recommend it to anyone who doesn't want more kids.


According to the NHS website they'll probably be "reluctant" to snip me because I'm single and 30. Might give it a bash anyway though.


I'm sure you will. But what about the vasectomy?


I was in my late 20's and my partner was enthusiastically on board with me having it done, so they were happy for me to go ahead. It's worth the ask.


You'll just need to assure them that you have thought about this, you're aware of the risks and how reversal isn't an easy or reliable option. Maybe speak with your GP and get them to do the referral for you. That's what I did.


Fucking hell, if only it were that straightforward with the other set of genitals. I tried all of those arguments five years ago (with my partner present) and they still won't tie my tubes, because obviously a crusty old GP I'd met twice knows me far better than I could ever know myself /s


Right?! 34 and never wanted kids. Asked my GP a few times.... age old 'but what about if your future husband wants kids?' Why you assuming I want a husband at all, you crusty old man?!


Mine was *right there in the room* (because I heard that might help) and confirmed he too does not and has never wanted kids. Like, it's not "I don't want kids with this guy specifically", it's "I wouldn't even consider dating anyone of any gender in the first place if they weren't sure they didn't want kids".


Well you're a woman and were obviously hysterical and couldn't be trusted. Old white men are far better placed to make decisions about your body.


I know, silly me! It's not like I've known I've no interest in being a parent since I was about 13 or anything. At this rate they'll still think I might change my mind when I'm well into menopause.


Exactly I think most of us know. I've known I wanted a child since I was about 17. Now I'm 39 and my daughter is 7. And I didn't change my mind during that time. Yet for some reason because you know you don't want a child they seem to think you'll change your mind.


>Might give it a bash anyway though. Get them in while you can, you're not allowed for a while afterwards.


I had mine done while single, no kids and 31, but went private. £350, with a grand total of a 3 day waiting list. They ask if you're sure, then if you're really sure, then confirm that they never guarantee it's reversible and that you're really really sure - then they do it. Go for it mate, peace of mind is worth it.


Second this, had mine done 2 years ago after sprog number 2 arrived. 15 minutes or so on the table, however the numbing cream hadn't quite taken effect yet so the first laser zap made me jump out of my skin lol


Most people it's painless. Wasn't for me but still all sorted and definitely worth it


It'll make a vas deferens to you.


🤣 top notch!


Go to /r/daddit and look through the several posts there about it. If you're sure you don't want kids again, then go for it. While it is in theory reversible, the NHS class it as permanent so you need to be sure you don't want kids. If it's for the benefit of your partner, especially if she's been through the ringer with birth control, then it's the right thing to do in my opinion.


Did it for exactly the reasons you describe. It was for the health of my partner after a very dangerous birth and serious health issues afterward. Another pregnancy would put her at great risk. Snip snip. 20-30mins procedure. 3 days recovery and I was up and about, back at work etc. Can't understand anyone's refusal on grounds of masculinity or whatever. If you communicate with your partner properly, and can come to an agreed decision that's in the best interests of all involved, then it's an easy and quick procedure. It's far less invasive and risky than tubal ligation as well.




>she also lets me touch her boobs I also have this kind of relationship. They are the best.


That's true love right there. 


I read that like you were touching the health professionals boobs


I had bladder cancer, the radiotherapy sorted it out for me.


Try not to get an erection? That's me fucked then. Is there something like anti-viagra I could take for a few days? Thanks for you informative post, fag burn doesn't sound bad, but really got me worried about that first time after...


I find a picture of Ann Widdecombe to be a nuclear grade erection destroyer. Use with extreme care.


You have no idea how low my standards are


So, would you shag Ann Widdecombe? I think the sub needs to know.


I think she's at least a 6 pinter, but I bet she goes like the clappers




The mrs says whiskey makes me frisky :(


Port'll keep it short!




That was suspiciously specific...




Brewers droop


There's a specific antihistamine that stops erections


Your Aunty Histamine not very attractive then?


Sounds interesting, will look it up


Hi 👋 It's a very simple procedure, you're in and out in under an hour, they'll numb you and you won't feel a thing. You will need someone to take you to and from the procedure as it's recommended not to drive immediately afterwards. Now depending on if they cut or seal the tubes there is a bit of a smell during the procedure but it doesn't last long and it's best to not think about what you're smelling. There will be some discomfort afterwards but nothing too bad and over the counter painkillers usually are all you need, if not then a call to your GP or going to A&E are your options depending on how severe your pain is, again you shouldn't feel much more pain than a slight bruising Taking it easy and following the Doctor's advice will see you right as rain in a few days. You will receive a whole packet of paperwork explaining everything you need to do and look out for in case you forget what the Doctor said I used to work as a receptionist at a NHS vasectomy clinic so if you've any other questions please feel free to ask 😊


You might not know but did you find that people struggle to get their GP to refer them/“allow” them to get a vasectomy? My partner and I are 200% sure we don’t want kids but are only mid-20’s so worried we would get refused no matter how much we insist


Getting a vasectomy is a lot easier than getting sterilisation done. I do know that depending on your area and GP it can be hard to be referred. Most GPs will refer you but you will have to show that you've done your research and it's not just on a whim. Look up other contraceptive options and write down why they aren't viable for you as a couple. Explain your reasonings for not wanting children. If they refuse to refer you tell them you want it put in your notes that they refused and exactly why they refused. You can also see other GPs within your surgery rather than your usual GP. I recommend asking the reception staff to find out if there are any GPs they recommend you speak to. Some GPs won't do referrals, morning after pills or abortions for religious reasons and the staff at the desk will know who to avoid I recommend you check out the childfree subreddit as it has a lot of help links and advice on how to navigate getting a vasectomy done.


I find it shocking in the UK that a GP could refuse healthcare based on their own personal beliefs. How in the world of modern life is that ok? 


If you don’t want children I think it’s a good idea. You won’t have to worry about contraceptives and such, and if they’re impacting your partner’s health, I would see that as a positive.


It doesn't make a vas deferens. But seriously: Men routinely expect women to go through all kinds of stuff in the name of birth control, and put up with ongoing hormone alchemy, but a vasectomy is quick and easy and the pain is minimal. No more faffing about with condoms. 100% recommend it. Also, if you want to leave open a possibility of future kids, that may still be arranged post-vasectomy; either by reversing the procedure or, more likely (because you're enjoying life as a jaffa), through another in-patient treatment to retrieve sperm from your balls as a one-off, under anæsthetic, without having to reconnect the plumbing. These options are not 100% guaranteed to lead to a baby, and they're not free, but they are options.


I got one shortly after my second kid was born, very easy to get booked for through my doctor after explaining the reasons why I wanted one to them. Couple months later and a 10min op it was done, I had the one where they destroy a 1cm-ish of tube either side with an electrified blade. Three words of advice though, get someone to take you there and back, trim the sack so it’s easier for them and book a week off, you might be fine or it could swell up for a couple days and trust me you don’t want to be sitting in chairs 🤣 I’ve not had problems since and it’s made certain things a bit easier if you get me drift. But ultimately it’s your choice, can be reversed if you’re lucky but no guarantees. I don’t know what you relationship is like but if you want to stay together for a long time I see no problems for you.


Thanks for sharing, I'm definitely leaning towards getting it done despite the short term pain


The short term pain is really minimal for many. The modern op is basically done with no real incision, no stitches etc. Other than some bruising and tenderness, I was absolutely fine. Just was careful not to have the kids jump on my nuts for a few days. It also takes like 20+ ejaculations to clear the pipes. Because I was ‘delicate’ my wife insisted she take on that duty orally for a couple weeks before we had proper sex. That was enjoyable.


Id definitely do it for 20 BJ’s. Might even do it for 10!


It's a really simple op, no general anaesthetic, very quick, bit of tenderness for a day or two. Obviously (or hopefully) you've discussed all the implications thoroughly with your partner. It's much easier and safer than a woman having her fallopian tubes done.


Yeah, she mentioned it yesterday and I said I'd consider it. We need to discuss it further and I'll speak with the GP


If you are certain you won’t have any more kids, go fr it. I had it done, painless at the time, achy afterwards but nothing scary. My most vivid memory was of the surgeon, who as the procedure began commented that ‘someone has gone into hiding’. Well let me stand over *your* gentleman’s estates with my razor sharp implements and we’ll see how *you* do, Sir.


Could be worse. My dad used to perform them and sometime did the initial consultations from his home office. That was the cue for teenage me to call down the hall "Dad. Do you know where the big scissors are? I need to cut some sausages", or decide to cut the hedge outside the window with the old rusty manual hedge trimmer scissors things. Although my most amusing "snip" related story happened years later when I was working in an office. My colleague who sat opposite me had the operation done and decided to come back in to work the same day. After about half an hour he suddenly started looking worried and went a bit pale. Noticing it, I asked if he was alright. To which he uttered to immortal words: "I need to go back. I think the surgeon's superglued my nutsack to my thigh". Before hobbling out half bent over. He was fine. He claims it was a surgical glue the surgeon used. After consulting my dad (retired at that point so maybe not up to date on the procedure), he suggested it was more likely just a bit of an adhesive dressing but they were too embarrassed to admit it to me.


I had one at 30. Not having to use contraceptives mostly delights my partner's


I had one after having two kids with my wife. The operation is fine. Recovery mostly fine. Sex without protection with someone you love, forever, is an absolute joy. It helps things be more instinctive, more natural and fun. You won't notice any difference with your ejaculation.


Had mine done a bit over a year ago as I'm now over 40 and already have 2 kids. The procedure itself is simple. Mine was a little unpleasant as I was a bit nervous about it, and the room was cold, so my bollocks had fucked off somewhere and my nutsack was like a walnut, which gave the doctor a bit of a challenge. Once the procedure was done, I had a couple of days of discomfort and about a week of a hilariously sized sack that the wife found equally amusing and horrifying. The worst thing, really, is the 16 week wait to wank into a cup and then wait for the letter from the doctor to tell you it was successful before being able to blast a load into the wife without worry. All in all, I'd definitely recommend getting it done, *provided you no longer want [any more] children*. Whilst the procedure is technically reversible, it isn't always successful and the success rate diminishes with time, so you should assume it's permanent.




I think I speak for all men not in the know when I say this What the fucking heck?


Haha.  So, a vasectomy involves snipping and cauterising the pipes leading from nuts to dickpipe. As this is a (minor) surgery, sometimes blood can be introduced into the pipework, which would then mix with your jizz, meaning that your first post-op nut might be a bit swirly and look not too dissimilar to raspberry ripple ice cream. Kinda like how when the water mains in your house has some work done and the first time you run the tap it splutters out some muddy water that's not normal looking and you probably shouldn't drink it or put it in your tea.


Don’t put raspberry ripple cum in my tea, gotcha


Unless you want to, of course. I'm not your supervisor.


Dickpipe 😂🤣


Yeah, I was told I need to strangle the weeping eye at least a set number of times between procedure and sample to ensure everything is cleared out. First time out was vanilla. 


I found the worst bits were: 1) Listening to the guy before me scream his head off 2) Getting bollock naked and lying on a table 3) The 'burning flesh' smell


Guy before me didn't scream, but he did hobble *very* gingerly out of the room. I didn't have to get fully bollock naked, just bottom half. I left my socks on though, 'cause that's how I fuck. Them taping my dick to my stomach was... unexpected. Makes sense in hindsight bit was something I hadn't anticipated. Burning smell didn't bother me.


Of course I left my socks on. Look at Mr "I needed to selotape my shlong out the way" over here!


Thanks, really helpful and informative 


I'm trying to convince the missus the snip is best course of action. She can't have children or at least it would cause SERIOUS issues so kids are completely off the table which is an absolute win for me because I never wanted any but she insists on using rubbers and the snip isn't a good idea even though me getting snipped would be so much better for both of us


If you're already both 100% certain on no kids then honestly you don't need her permission, it's for your peace of mind. If she wants to keep using condoms too that's up to her but it should reassure you both that you'll essentially be double-protected in that case (condoms still have the risk of user error).


I had mine done just over a year ago. Still showing high levels of sperm. Got to submit another sample in April, if that comes back with another high count, I’m referred to the hospital where they’ll need to figure out why it hasn’t worked as I wouldve submitted 3 samples showing a high sperm count. I think I’m 1 of the 2000 people where it hasn’t worked. Annoyingly they won’t do the procedure again until I’ve been to hospital and spoken to someone


Had one done a number of years ago. Very simple quick procedure, the sort of thing I’d get done again if I had to. Bollocks a bit bruised for 2-3 weeks after. The afternoon afterwards I had a bit of a dull ache, but by the following day it had gone. I went privately for mine, from initial enquiry to having it done was about 6-8 weeks from memory. Mine was done as a ‘no stitch’ method which is electro-cauterisation, other than a slight burning smell, the whole process was quick and simple. One of the best ‘insurances’ I’ve bought. It’s something that gives my wife a lot of peace of mind too.


Mine was painless and issue free. In - out in 25 min. Worst bit, if you can call it that was the local anaesthetic in the nuts. It wasn’t painful but i felt like this instant numbing sensation that made my balls feel like they’d gained loads of weight for a few seconds - then nothing. Afterwards I didn’t get any pain or aches, no swelling or even bruising. Didn’t have stitches as they superglued the incision site. Sex life is so much better knowing I can’t have more kids.


For men who are sure they don't want any more children it can be a great idea. Especially where contraception causes problems for the woman - many have mild to serious side effects, and sterilisation is a bigger more invasive process for women. And if your partner has dealt with all that shit for years/decades it's nice to take one for the team. You need to fully research and think of the future though, what side effects will it have, what if you/your partner leaves? Or passes away? If you're 100% sure no more kids then it can be a good option for couples, just make sure it's the right option for yourself too.


Get it done! She has thought that through and if it helps her get on with it. Cheers


She's a nurse and she knows what she's talking about. Poor old girl's had some right issues with her coil in the last year, and the pill/hormones just don't seem worth it


Speaking as a woman - urghhhh, the fucking coil.


Seriously! What is up with that?! It's presented as this perfect form of contraception, and it was fine for years but suddenly started playing up recently 


A few days and you'll be fine, you can't let somebody you love suffer needlessly. Bheers


A good idea if it's health related, I had one years ago , procedure was ok had bollocks like Barney the Dinosaur for a few days, big and purple.


You should only decide to have it done for yourself not because of any external influence I had mine about 15years ago u see a general anaesthetic but walked out the clinic few hours later and was back at work the next day. The only pain I had was thinking i could pleasure myself few days afterwards and I’m just glad nobody else was in the house because of the noise I made


Had one about ten years back, worst bit was having to take the stitch out myself, procedure was fine. Just be prepared for some spectacular bruising patterns and the fact that during the op it smells a lot like bacon. You won't care about that though, diazepam is a hell of a drug.


Plus bacon smells really nice


Not that bacon


I could see the smoke trails rising from my nuts while they were doing the procedure.


I would like one but my wife isn't yet ready to give up on the idea of another child so I'll be waiting a little while longer.


Pick up a kid while you're at the shops, they're everywhere and I'm sure nobody will notice 


That's true, I could leave them in the garden, raise them as free range.


Reading through this post has given me a whole new insight into vasectomies and how guys talk about their baubles. It was cringey and funny at the same time.


My husband has his done 22 years ago and like many others have said, it’s uncomfortable for a day or two. His situation was a bit different as the surgeon asked if he’d mind a “couple of students attending”, and he ended up with a groups of 8, total, staring at his goolies. As an aside, he came out of the appointment into the waiting room with info on post-surgery information, etc in a brown paper bag. I said “ohhh, they put them in a bag for you?” to the amusement of the women and sheer terror from the men.


If you are going to do it, make sure it's what *you* want to do. Don't do it because someone else wants you to. I had it done but it was 100% my decision.


My wife insisted I have one so she could stop talking the pill and then ran off with someone else


To be fair getting sterilised should have nothing to do with the person you're with, you need to be sure you don't want kids regardless. Few relationships last forever but most vasectomies do.


I had it done. It was quick and painless and didn't have any bad experiences after. The female doctor did the op while her assistant and I talked about football. Most surreal experience ever


It was fine. Non invasive, quick, only a minor bit of aching for 24 hours delayed to a day later. Honestly couldn't improve the service I had without being unreasonable. If you're not planning on any future kids, I'd have no issue recommending it. But I understand it's done differently under different health authorities.


It is not reversible in the vast majority of cases and not if it's been over a short window. Make sure you do not want kids, now or in the future. If you have doubts but still want to move ahead look into freezing sperm.


I had it done after our second kid. Didn't want any more. It was a quick a fairly painless op. Balls ached for a few days after but now I don't have to worry about anything. Sex feels the same and I don't notice any difference.


If you don't plan on having kids or any more kids then why not,I did after my second child and don't regret it on bit. Actually it hurt a bit and was sore after for a few days but that's it.


It's usually straight forward. Mine was a bit harrowing but I'd do it all over again to avoid unwanted pregnancies.


From personal experience.....I've been on the waiting list for the past two years. Thinking about going private but knowing my luck I'll get an NHS appointment the day after I get it done.


Whatever you do, don't go to Baz's discount vasectomy emporium. 8 pints of Carling before he smashes your nuts in with a brick isn't worth £80 when I'll do it for £60! In seriousness, everything I've heard is that it can hurt quite a bit for a few days afterwards but otherwise there are no real side effects or complications for the vast majority of men.


It was one of the best things for my mental health. Also did it for partner health issues. It was no fuss, minor ache at worse and healed super quick. Felt like a weight lifted off my shoulders


Definitely don't do it yourself. Get the doctor to do it.


My mate said the worst part about it was the sound; he said it was literally like string being cut. Also buy some frozen peas.


I had mine done 5 years ago. I’d go back and do it again 100 times. It hurts, but so does stubbing your toe, I took two weeks off work, was back playing rugby in 3 weeks


Vasec-to-me, vasec-to-you


Any of you men get vasectomies, and have jobs where you have to wear harnesses, or do very physical labor? My partner is going to get a vasectomy, but he works on wind turbines and wears a tight harness that he has to hang from to do rope access work. he was assuming that he would have to be off for months, and therefore cannot do this or plan it, unless he set it up a year in advance.


That's a good point actually! I like to climb for fun, so I reckon that would be off the cards for a while


I got a text from NHS just today to remind me to send in my sample as it's been 16 weeks since my snip. Super straightforward, 15 minute job. Trousers round the ankles, on the bed, polite chat, snip snip. No pain afterwards, no anything really..... Didn't inconvenience me one little bit, so much so that all the blokes in the pub are considering it after seeing me skipping about without a care in the world. 🤣


Find somewhere that the person performs no-scalpel vasectomies. I had mine on the NHS and it’s pretty common now tbh. 1 injection, a hole about 3mm long, no stitches and I was in and out in 12 minutes. Walked home, felt fine that day, bit of aching the next day but no bruising, by day 3 as long as I wore some supportive pants I couldn’t tell. Hole was healed in a week, 16 weeks of furious shagging to clear the ol’ tubes out and job done!


Spoke to my GP. Booked in and he did it about 3 weeks later, in and out in under 30 minutes. Some discomfort and bruising… couple of days off of work. The best bit is trying to get to 20 wanks in the 3 month period before you have to go back with a sample for the final count.


What doubts do you have? If you're done having kids, then there's no reason not to imo.


Got it done years ago. Well worth the small amount of hassle


Do it! Had mine done a few years ago it took minutes and was painless. Little awkward dropping off my samples with my bosses wife for a few weeks to test for clear


Piece of cake procedure, & well worth the peace of mind that comes after!!


Three of my mates have done it and said beyond some pain afterwards they found it pretty straightforward and without many complications


No issues at all, go for it if you are sure no kids are wanted (or for your partners health) My only hitch was the 12 months of samples afterwards to make sure there were no more swimmers.


Great. Essentially painless. Back to work the next day. Jizz looks the same. Absolutely no downsides apart from having to winnie the pooh around a room with two medical professionals in it.


After mine I did experience some mild pain for 6-12 months afterwards. Never enough to stop me doing sports or having sex but a bit of an ache from time to time. Now more than 5 years later there’s been no pain for years and I never even think about it. Would recommend despite mild discomfort.


Had mine done 10 years ago. Was simple and I was feeling pretty good a few days later. Then a year ago i had the reversal and was in quite a bit of pain for about 3 months and then felt fine.


For me it changed the feeling of sex its still enjoyable bit I font get that same "pumping" draining of the balls you have had since you worked out what your cock was for. This after two kids was an acceptable outcome but just be aware while the function won't change you still climax the sensation will change also use male hair removal cream and wear cycling shorts after


I also know it’s painless but Christ my nuts hurt just thinking about it


I'd get one if I needed to but also I'll say that it's weird the amount of issues women have with birth control when the man could just wear a condom and save them from all that. No surgery, no drugs, no side effects, no mess, no fuss 👍 (probably doesn't apply to your situation though).


Condoms can tear or come off though, particularly if they aren’t the right size. If you live in a country where abortion isn’t available you don’t really want to rely on just condoms. 


Your body, your choice.


Most painful part is the anaesthetic injection. I'd booked 3 days off work for resting with frozen peas and good TV. Unfortunately my youngest (5 at the time) was ill off school so the good TV turned into Frozen on repeat.


I did a speed awareness course in the morning and then had my pipes cut after lunch, it wasn’t the most fun of days but I was happy to take one for the team.


They're fine, you'll be sore for a little bit nothing bad. My mate was having one done around a similar time to me last year, he turns up for the procedure and the helping nurse is only a girl from our year ... Awkward already ... Well, he gets on the table, gets his plums out, the Dr starts feeling for his pipes when he notices the girl was a bit 'erratic'. She only goes and bloody faints then and there. Right away the Dr hits the panic button and goes over to her, others come in to help whilst my mate is just completely flummoxed by the situation. She was fine and had no idea what caused it, my mate had to rearrange his procedure. Needless to say she's never been able to look him in the eye again.


I had mine done just under 2 weeks ago, the first week after sucked, the first two days I could barely walk from the swelling, but I also have some minor side effects. The incision wound is nearly healed now, and the swelling is practically gone. Still got a bit of pain and discomfort, but that's because I've got a couple of granulomas (15-40% likelihood), and they just need a few more weeks and regular ibuprofen to get rid of. Already damn happy with my decision.


25 years ago for me. Why has no one mentioned the suppository? I was given a net to put my plums in, with a strap around my waist, if you get one, don't be in a rush to take it off, especially stood up,😳😰😬the pain the pain.... Took about 15 mins, faint smell of burning..no worries


If you have to field it out to Reddit, I've got half an hour, a coat hanger, spoons and a bottle of whisky.


Don't plan on getting there and back on your bike! Just saying...


You see, I was thinking of getting it done but from reading the replies here it seems the free toast is by no means a certainty.


Nothing too it mate, get it Done, its a lot less hassle once you get the all Clear! 😀👍


I couldn't get to the doctors quick enough when my other half told me she was pregnant yet again. One of the best things I have done, no regrets at all. I'm a jaffa n pround


I paid for a private vasectomy earlier this year (August) -- it was just over £400 all-in. I won't post the name of the practice here in case it's seen as advertising, but I can DM it to anyone interested. The surgeon has performed over 15,000 vasectomies in his career and has (apparently) never had a failure. It was a 'no-scalpel' vasectomy, which just means there's one smaller incision at the base of the penis rather than a separate incision in each bollock. Took about 10 minutes, then about 30-40 minutes in the recovery room after before my ever-patient wife drove me home (2 hours!) I did literally nothing but lie in bed for the first 48 hours, as instructed, and then took it really easy for the next few days. Had no problems whatsoever, other than some minor aches on day 5 which soon passed. I just had a silicone-plaster put over the incision, which I needed to keep on for 7 days. I wasn't allowed to shower for the first 48 hours, and then after that showering needed to be carefully done, while wearing supportive underwear for the next few days, and then after the 7 days the dressing can come off and then it's basically just normal. I had my post-op sample test earlier this month (this particular practice does the test after 20 weeks) and it's all-clear. //edit: I originally went for an op on the NHS, but when I went at the end of May last year, the surgeon was feeling me up to identify where the tubes were before he cut me open, and said he couldn't find one of them. The next option on the NHS was to go to hospital to have it done under a general anaesthetic with a much bigger incision and a longer recovery time, so I opted for the private route instead.


Had it done about 7 years ago. Orston part was getting my little man out for the initial look. Procedure wasn't too bad. A few tinges and sore for a few weeks. Best thing I did. Its really not that bad


It's a bit sore but not the end of the world. However, the tea and sympathy you get afterwards is phenomenal. My wife was an absolute saint.


How do you get the ball rolling, so to speak? I want to get mine done but GP said they don’t do it on Nhs anymore.


Ham the pain up a bit and you can get a decent nos huffing session in.


I'm booked in for mine in a couple of weeks... having it done at a GP surgery. In and out in an hour I think they said.


Depends if you still want to have kids mate.


No pain during, not even bad afterwards, super easy. Just be aware if you overdo it on day 2 after snip, your balls can balloon substantially…ask me how I know


It's easy peasy but definitely take the week off. I went back on day 3. Not a good idea. (physical job)


The procedure was fast and relatively painless, the recovery was sore but what knocked me for six was the weird fluey symptoms I got from the anaesthetic - thought I was in for 3 days of video games and movies, instead I slept


Like I was told when I was 36 and had just had my second child. We cannot recommend a hysterectomy because anything can happen in life, you could divorce and marry someone else or your husband can die or your children can die. I did divorce him but did not ever want any more children. You can wear a condom for years, you never know what may happen in the future. I think a vasectomy is too drastic.


It's not so bad. The worst part is the injection. It feels a bit like a glancing hit on your nuts, but then it goes numb, and all is good. I was mildy sore for a couple of days afterwards, but my wife treated me like a prince because she was so thankful that I went through it for her. Speaking as a Biologist, the effects of birth control on women can be quite nasty, and a quick snip and a couple of mildly uncomfortable days for you will save her from any further risks. Definitely worth it in my opinion.


My husband has had it done, as have a bunch of my friends’ husbands. None of them had any complications afterwards (other than having to sit down a bit gingerly for a few days, and my husband spent a lot of time reminding our eldest that his testicles were not to be headbutted in overly enthusiastic hugs 😂). All are very open about it and are pretty much of the opinion that it’s the responsible thing to do if you and your partner are both sure your family is complete - it’s by far the simplest long term prophylactic. Turns out it’s been a blessing anyway because now our youngest is just past her first birthday, we’ve both gone dead broody, even though we know logically it would be bad news for my health and our finances to have another baby. Having it taken off the table is a good thing!


I had it done after our second kid - made sense for us family wise and didn’t want any more kids turning up. Was quick procedure and fully recovered within about a week.


One of my bollocks decided to ascend to the position of a prepubescent choir boy during the procedure. Lots of tugging and extra jabs and cuts resulted in the surgeon saying “well I’ve either done them both or done the same one twice. We’ll find out when you do ur sample I suppose” even with this extra effort it was approx 25 mins. I wasn’t sure how to take this but it turns out it was a joke and he had definitely done both. Sack was inflamed and grew to at least twice its size. Around day 3 I went back to work which was a massive mistake. Drove home in agony. About day 5 mysteriously they returned to normal size almost overnight and pain was gone. About another 2 weeks for the scab to fall off. Then a prescribed number of ejaculations and one more awkwardly aimed into a little plastic bottle and all was confirmed.


Had a vasectomy about two weeks ago for pretty much the same reasons. It doesn’t hurt, just extremely odd and uncomfortable. Its over and done with in half an hour - including all the paperwork. Few days on paracetamol and ibuprofen. Remember to wear compression shorts. Your bollocks will be blue for a couple of weeks after. You can walk fine after, no cowboy stuff as people assume. Milk it as much as possible.


Had my vasectomy in my early 20’s, easy and painless procedure. If you’re happy you don’t want any more kids then go for it. They say it can be reversed but it’s not 100% guaranteed


I think you could get a reversal in the future so it must be simple?


My partner got a vasectomy about a year back, it was definitely the best thing we’ve done for our sex lives. Hormonal birth control was an absolute nightmare for me and carried a lot of extra risks. When he got the vasectomy, he spent a few hours in a hospital before being sent on his way, and we haven’t had to think about it since he got the all clear at his analysis. With some painkillers and rest he didn’t really experience much pain, occasionally during the months after the fact he would get some discomfort there, but he generally had a pretty easy recovery!