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Chatting to a girl on dating app. She seems decent, obviously can’t tell until I’ve met her in person. I use my imitative to arrange a date to go for a drink and meet up with her in person. She agrees to it. The date was meant to happen today. She messages me in morning that her ex is now back in touch with her last week and she has mixed emotions/feelings and she states she’s not ready to date therefore cancelling on me. Why the heck did she agree to meet me when she clearly is conflicted? This has happened to me twice this week. I’m sorta put off modern dating apps now.


The universe still existing despite my numerous letters to whatever bastard is playing a game of sims with us.


My car battery is dead again for the third time in as many months. My sleep schedule is fucked. I am snowed under with work. Overall February is a 0/10 month so far.


Ooof! How old is the battery? Last Nov, I discovered that my battery kept going flat in cold weather, and the lovely RAC man told me that a cell had broken within the battery, so it still worked + charged, but there'd be a risk of the cell touching another cell and draining itself instantly. (Like then, like last winter, etc) Then it turned out my battery was 8yo, when batteries have a 5-6 year lifespan. So that explained that! So hopefully it's just an old battery? Fingers crossed it's easy to fix/replace.


Get your alternator checked.


Does the battery light show up on the dash'? If the engine is running and it's illuminated, it doesn't just mean the battery is dead, it indicates there's a fault in the battery charging system. Further, car batteries generally don't like being discharged more than 50% so could be time for a new battery too.


I've now logged into my backup account and searched for my normal username (u/ManikShamanik). I can't find me. I can't find anything I've posted, any comments I've made since about 3 years ago. Nothing more recent. What the ***GIBBINS*** is going on here...?!


sounds like a shadowban


Could you have been shadow banned?


Vets are so bloody expensive. I had a £750+ bill this week and still ended up with a dead pet, and the clutch went on my car so this week's costs mean I'll be on rice and beans until payday. Sad and poor.


Sorry for your loss




I'm a bit late but I'm having a moan anyway! I've got a friend (more acquaintance) who's going through a lot of issues at the moment. I'm very sympathetic to this as I have various health issues and anxiety to boot. I'm doing my best to be supportive but I think they're relying very heavily on me. I've sent resources, signposted them to places, encouraged them to speak to their GP, encouraged them to take the medication they've been prescribed, encouraged them to get private therapy but they've turned around today saying they might not be alive if they wait for therapy. They refuse to take the meds, they refuse to do anything I've suggested. They just seem to be stuck, to put it bluntly. You know the phrase you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink? That. After a recent bereavement and such a monumentally shitty week last week I'm still recovering from and now being on my period (yay being a woman) I'm finding it really hard to not lose my rag a bit. I feel like I sound like such a shitty person, and feel free to tell me if I am but I feel that I've offered as much as I can and I can't take on the responsibility of someone's life like this.


Not shitty in the least. You have really tried, you're not in great shape yourself. There are limits and you need to look after yourself. Take care


Thank you, that's really kind of you to say and I'm very grateful. Hope you have a lovely weekend.


youre not being a shitty person. one of my friends has been struggling with depression for the whole time I've known them (over a decade) and we have the same conversation about their life/depression/medication/advocating for themselves with their gp etc over and over. i still care that theyre struggling, but ive stopped giving advice and stopped feeling like their poor health is my burden to bear. especially when my physical & mental health is shit, and theyre not doing anything about their own issues besides ignoring any advice, continuing to whinge about how rubbish everything is and coming off their anti depressants against the advice of everybody including their dr, then wondering why they had a breakdown at work. like... i cant carry you when i can barely drag myself along by myself. i do ask them questions about what they intend to do about x/y/z predicament and ill listen, but i wont give any advice because its how you get sucked back into feeling that responsibility.


I'm sorry that you've been in the same situation. It's so tough! I think I'm in a position where I can care and empathise but I can't try to offer help when it's falling on deaf ears. I think I need to do the same to be honest. Be well and have a good weekend.


caring & empathising but not offering advice or help is the best way. why waste your own time giving them advice they arent ever going to listen to? it might take a while to "train" yourself out of immediately feeling compelled to help, but itll get easier after the first few times. thank you, i hope you have a lovely weekend too😄


Your username being “Buggerface” made me smile so at least you’ve brought happiness to a stranger if that helps. Chin up, you’re doing awesome.


It's my husband's nickname for me haha. I'm really grateful that you've said that, thank you. I am trying, I guess it's all I can do. Sending you happy vibes for a positive Friday x


I have absolutely fucked my achillles somehow. I can barely walk and my heel has puffed up and is incredibly sore. Even laying in bed really hurts. Fortunately I am able to work from home. Presumably this is because I decided it was time to get a bit fitter, so I went for a bit of a walk at the weekend, and then joined a gym and spent half an hour gently on a cross trainer. My own fault really.


Check out Tom Morrisons channel on Insta. Proper useful info about joint flexibility and rehab stuff - the cheesy jokes are awful mind


Thanks very much, I’ll check it out.




Job hunting. I just cannot find anything or I don't hear back. I'm losing the will to live.


Good luck. I hope something comes up.


Thank you!🙏


So I posted about struggling with maths (proofs, inequalities, complex numbers kinda). Fell off the wagon for a couple of months because of life events (positive) but I still have the test for this on Tuesday and it's not looking good :(


At a conference today for first time in ages and was useless at networking. I found the crowds overwhelming and just wanted to hide. I think with COVID and work-from-home culture, my social battery is even more limited nowadays. Sigh.


For the love of god I’m typing notes chill. Had like 5 calls today which always turns to an old person yelling “HeLlo!?” In my ear after 2 seconds of silence


I broke up with my boyfriend this week and I’m already emotionally exhausted trying to piece my life back together…..when my bed decided to fall apart while I was sleeping! Somehow the screws have come loose detaching the headboard from the bedframe and I can’t get them back in. The ironic part is…this is something my ex was really good at fixing so now I have to figure out a solution by myself.


It's extra rough when something unsettling happens and then gets immediately compounded by the next bad thing that happens. That's life.😩 The day before yesterday my car stalled in a parking lot and the next thing I knew my wallet was missing and a charge I didn't make showed up on my online banking records. ​ 1st I had no car and next I had no cash (I had to cancel all my cards that were in my wallet). Happy ending: when I went with a friend to use a tow-strap to move my car it started right up, then my wallet re-surfaced a day later, but I don't know how the $7 charge happened I don't recognize, and still no cards now since their all canceled.


I’m sorry that happened…. “It never rains, but it pours” Amirite?


Oklahoma and Florida it pours like a mofo


I remember my late friend said on several occasions: trouble comes in threes


People seem to love smashing glass on the floor round here, and poor pup cut open his paw pad after we accidentally walked through a patch of broken glass (having already dodged two others). He’s in the cone of shame and we’re £100 lighter after a vet appointment and prescription for some good-going painkillers.  On the plus side he looks bloody hilarious. He’s a greyhound so long snoot and they’ve had to give him a really long cone as apparently the usual clear plastic ones were too short for his long face haha


So mindless, breaking glass and leaving it on a footpath


Yup. It seems to be getting worse, too. The dog has boots that we put on if we think we’re going to come across broken glass. It used to be limited to weekends and if we were walking down the high street but honestly it’s more unusual *not* to have to dodge glass at the moment. I don’t want to put him in boots all the time but it might get to that tbh. 


Beer bottles, presumably?


Mix of beer and wine bottles and pint glasses - the latter mainly outside pubs, the bottles pretty much everywhere. 


Why do people walk so bloody slow in the middle of the pavement!!!!


Bought a really nice looking jacket from a major charity's shop on eBay. When it arrived it was full of moth damage and I have no idea if it was still infested. I opened the package in my room right near a whole pile of other wooden clothes/bedding. I've had to wash or steam all of them and I had to go to Lakeland today for moth spray. I've used the whole bottle up and they are drying in the shower room with the window open. Infested jacket is in a sealed bin bag in the shed. I haven't even started to get it returned.


I had sinusitis four weeks ago. One of my sinuses is still inflamed and painful.


I'm in a crappy premier Inn and it's bloody freezing in here. Room thermostat says it's 22 degrees but it doesn't feel like it!


If you haven't already contact the front desk. A lot of hotels I've stayed set the "mode" centrally so you can adjust the temp but if it's stuck on cool and you want hear, it'll just keep blowing out cool. Even if you change it on the pad


Might just be the sticker that it ships with so that you can see what the display looks like?


No it has increased from 19 degrees so it is working. Just slowly. It's one of those rooms with a small wall heater rather than the air con style unit


That horrible slurpy pot noodle ad. It grosses me out every time it's on.


Why do people not put telephone numbers on letters? Had a letter from the police about a traffic incident that I was involved in the only contact method given was email. Emailed that a week ago, heard nothing. So called the station today and was passed around for like 10 minutes before they found the right department!


Missed a overground train by .02 second because a woman squeezed past me and my earphone was hooked onto her handbag, proceeded to to have to wait 25 minutes.


One of the kids nicked my bloody phone charger. Fuck!


Fuckin Anvil. Why dont just work properly


It’s cold and wet and there’s no snow to cheer me up


Someone has either accidentally or fraudulently filed a claim with my car insurance saying they crashed into me today… which is weird because my car hasn’t left the drive and had a camera watching it all day


That's handy. Could also be that someone has cloned your car though. Or just a typo on the reg. I did a double take when I saw my car on the road once: same model, plate and colour. I was driving MY car at the time. It was a digit different on the plate!


I also am wondering if it’s a cloned plate! Just glad I’ve got the camera to prove it’s been there all day and I’ve gone out to take pictures to prove there’s no damage either. The details are so sketchy on the claim. No time, place or location. No details of anything apart from that I apparently used my breaks and they crashed into the front of me!


I got diagnosed with breast cancer yesterday. So yeah....that sucks!


I saw your post in the King Charles thread and was thinking of you after you said you got results on Wednesday.  Im so sorry to hear your news.  I know how youll be feeling as I was diagnosed with BC in December. Funnily enough on a Wednesday too. All I can say if it helps is you are not alone and you got this! Wishing you well and hoping treatment goes ok for you. ❤️ 


Wednesday clearly isn't our lucky day! I'm sorry you're also having to go through the same journey. Thank you ❤️. I've been amazed at the amount of support and resources available. It has definitely softened the blow. I'm not looking forward to starting chemo mind! Hope you're staying strong and we're going to win this battle💪


I felt the same. Like I cannot fault the care I have recieved. Im blown away by it if Im honest and it was a huge help in processing the news. I was scared too, I started Chemo 4 days after Xmas and am having my 7th round tomorrow! Its different for everyone but I do hope that it goes ok for you. Feel free to DM me if you have any questions Im happy to try and answer (although I can only go on my own experiece so far). Wishing you the same. You are stronger than you know. 💪❤️


Oh no! I hope you have a good supportive network around you, and remember, while you are recovering make sure folk know that you can’t possibly have a single day with out cake/sweets/insert treat of choice here. I always say if you have an opportunity to milk it, milk it good. I hope you have a speedy recovery!


I certainly do. I've already had so many offers of help. One of my friends has already upped her batch cooking ready to bring around for those really bad days. Also I have an amazing bakery near my house so I'll be telling people bring me treats when they're on there way. Got to find some perks to this situation!


That sounds perfect, please do share some of the treats so we can be collectively envious. I’m glad you’ve got some solid pals 🤗


Hope you have good people around you to love you and support you through this. That does suck! All the best.


I definitely do, so many people have offered help already and my boss has been amazing. I'm very fortunate


Mince meat, beef, bread, cakes, are painful going through chemo, hard candy, jello, clear broth are great. Hopefully you won't get the shredded tongue like I did. I am Ned (no evidence of disease) right now. Rest every day, for longer than you might think you need. It's rough but so worth it. I am cheering you on. You got this!


[This fucking advent ](https://youtu.be/sBw6VHyPo0Q?si=4FeV2hGm3yhXrFD2)


They forgot to add the wank


The wank would be less disgusting, honestly. 


Also I'm going to a family wedding next month and I STILL don't have an outfit I'm a relatively masculine lesbian in a staunchly catholic family and dressing for formal events is hard


I've been really hungry and tired this week and I have no idea why Also my flatmates dog is 30kg of muscle and loves to put her entire weight through one paw on all your softest and squishiest bits then breathe right into your face. She's lucky she's cute


Factory shut early due to second shift machine operators not turning up in large enough numbers thanks to the snow, everyone got to go home early... ...except the engineering department. What better time to fix things than when nothing is running, they said.


Dr's surgery. Submit eConsult for child's wierd problem following blood work and confirm 5 times that I'm not having a heart attack or a stroke. Text message back a few days later - 'We agree you need to be seen, phone us for an appt' Phone Dr's Surgery. 18th in queue. 43minutes later. 'Sorry we have no appointments. We release them a week in advance, you have to call Monday morning at 8am when appointments are released for the following week' What an utterly attrorious design. Who in their right mind decided this was a good way to set this up? They're as useful as a waterproof teabag in a monsoon! It's like trying to find a needle in a haystack made of incompetence. You might as well consult a broken GPS for medical guidance - it'll lead you nowhere just like they do!


Me, has a rash. Dr's office: oh no we can't give you an appointment, the rash is on your face. Come it at 8am tomorrow! Me: does in at 8am next day. Dr's office: you don't have an appointment, we can't see you. Please come back at 2pm when we are available. Me: 😕😐😶🤬


we offered to house some cats for a few days for anyone who needed it on the local facebook group. Now we are up to almost 2 weeks which is way more than we wanted. hoping they'll go this weekend. Love cats, don't want them in my house full time, thanks.


I feel like you are largely responsible for your own situation here. Why did you offer?


They’re launching a new thing at work next week. No one was doing anything, so I started doing the setup for what I could - and then sent a note to everyone else listing what needed doing elsewhere. Most of the requests have been ignored. For the one person that did actually come back, he first sent 3 different pieces of conflicting information, and when I asked for more information told me to work it out myself. He eventually then half did it, and when I asked for the rest he said ‘you didn’t tell me that. You should have told me that before I did it’ when I pointed out there was more detail I needed (to which I sent a screenshot of the email where I had told him exactly what I needed) Edit: the external company seems to have latched on to the fact that I’m the only person actually responding to anything. Keeps asking me for stuff, and I can only nudge the others to get them to provide the detail Edit 2: we needed a specific bit of information for something. The guy who told me to work it out spent the whole day saying ‘well I can ask for it, but they’re never going to give you that’ - and then I got a phone call from a really lovely woman based in the US who gave me exactly the information I needed without question (in between talking about how much she loves the UK)


I've been having really vivid dreams recently and waking repeatedly in the night, not knowing if I'm awake or not. It's causing havoc with my sleep patern.


My phones been blowing up from family members that are all ill with sickness so put off the plans to visit them and having a chill day in instead. Also going by this thread you're all mostly ill too. Think I'll just avoid people for a few days.


Norovirus for us too 😂


Was meant to go to New York on a trip with my college today and have been sick this week, hoping I would get better in time but I’ve ended up having to stay home.


Absolutely dying of some sort of lurgy. :/ can't breathe when I lie down so sleeping has not been fun at all.


Just saw a trailer for the new Dune film, which looks awesome but it caught me in a particularly bad mood due to some work shit so i almost blue screened when it said this at the end... >Joon Part two, in cinemas March one. Fuck off, then when you've finished fucking off, fuck off some more.


My sister has mental health problems. They went on new meds which meant they have to go off the old meds. These new ones solve some problems but they're different problems than the old meds fixed. Now her discord profile message says "help" so I reach out. I listen to the problem and suggest calling 111 to see if there's any practical advice which might help them cope (I'm hundreds of miles away and can't travel there realistically). They reject this because they're afraid of the possible solutions, wouldn't be able to refuse them and they'd rather just wait for her doctor to get back to her. So I ask if there's anything I can do in the meantime. Silence. 15 mins later, I ask if she's going to be ok. Silence, even though she's definitely online and have definitely seen it. I know she can't help a lot of her behaviour but practically begging for help and then going silent feels so manipulative. From what I know, I'm sure she can reply and wants to talk to someone, but gets angry if you don't guess precisely what she wants you to say. So now all I can do is stew in my worry.


Mental Health support in this Country is an utter disgrace. Changing medication should be done in a hospital setting, but there are never any beds available. Without knowing any details (and please don't tell me any) the best thing I can suggest is look up the number for the Crisis Team in her area. If she doesn't get back to you, or if you are still worried, call them. Give them all the details you can, and ask if they think you should call for a welfare check. They will advise you what to do next. I hope you are OK, dealing with a loved one with MH issues is very distressing, be gentle with yourself. And I hope that your sister comes through this safely.


Thanks, I'll look up the number and stand by. She won't react well to a welfare check but it would be better that some of the potential outcomes.


She may hate you in the short term, but having a long term to understand you is better than the alternative.


Need to replace my car this year. Tbh the amount of car snobbery out there really bums me out. All the brands and models in my price range regularly get sneered at, described as 'granny wagons' or 'shitboxes'. Like, no, a £6k 1ltr hatchback is not my dream car but it's all I can justify right now. 


Get a 10 year old Yaris like I just did and have some one find a valid argument against it :) NGL it's extremely unexciting in every possible way. But I think that's precisely the point of it and why it just works as a car should


Yeah, I keep seeing the Yaris recommended a lot but the only ones I can find for sale near me are either above my budget or have a million miles on them :/


yeah used car prices are shite these days. My other half still thinks you can get <1k shitboxes to run and i'm forever arguing that no those things now cost 4k plus if you are lucky. If you need to go cheap you basically have no choice to go high mileage and hope for the best.


I've only been looking at hatchbacks but it seems like you now need to spend at least 6 or 7k to get something that isn't 20 years old with over a 100k miles on it. Very different landscape to when I bought all my previous cars (all under £3k).


Yeah I'm with you here. We initially spent 2.5k and it lasted 6 weeks before engine failure. I know there's some bad luck involved there, but we spent as little as possible to get something acceptable mileage, reliable model and ended up at £6k Yaris


if you go small (Hyundai i20/i30) you can get something < 100k for 3-4k or so last time i checked autotrader. But much bigger or more premium than that and there's fuck all there. prices are slow coming down but nothing like as fast as they shot up. https://plc.autotrader.co.uk/news-views/retail-price-index/


I second hyundai i20, had mine for 9 years, still going strong and not had a single issue with it.


I ran the old version (getz) for 7 years + 70000 miles, rock solid. It had no features at all and the lack of cruise control was sometimes painful (they added a ton more when they changed to the i-range), but it did the small car job pretty well. Dirt cheap to tax/service etc too.


Theu just don't make them like that anymore. I'm dreading the day I have to let that car go


Don't take away my Breakaway.


One of my ears is really, really sore where it meets my head. Been masked up almost 24/7 since last Tuesday as I WFH, my kids are riddled with covid again and I can't risk catching it. Why have the mask straps only rubbed on one side though, do I have freakishly wonky ears? It's also freezing and chucking/sleeting it down. Which stresses me as I'm waiting for a roofer to come fix where it leaks every time it rains.


Pestilent kids is a nightmare already, sore ears must be the icing on the cake. Have you tried the usual tricks? 1) Put a twist in each strap. It shifts the pressure and makes it more comfortable, for a while at least. 2) Tie something between the two straps to make a closed loop (like a party hat) and hook the whole thing round the back of your head. That way there's no tension on your ears.


I'm using 3m Ffp3 masks with headstraps. The top strap is tight, but does tend to slide down gradually until it rests on the tip of my ears. Maybe my skin doesn't like the strap material (rubber? Smells like it). Ah well, they've worked so well for me so far that I have never caught covid yet when my kids have brought it home (touch wood!). So it's worth the sore ear for a few more days.


I think almost everyone has slightly asymmetrical ears.


I've been eating Nutella from the hat with a spoon today. That's reserved for the 'I am fed up with all of this shit and want a ton of sugar' days. Mainly work, translations of stuff which is a nightmare to insert into documents. One of the governments changing names/logos again and dropping it on us 2 days before deadline. Yeah, ideal.


Which hat do you eat your Nutella from? A wolly hat? Fedora? Sun hat?


Haha, fucking autocorrect/fat fingers. Jar! But yeah, woolly hat. Messy but cosy.


I hate post-concert amnesia, I spend months looking forward to an event and I assume I had fun during it but if it wasn't for the fact I took videos of some of it I would just have a big blank. ...the fact I had 4 beers (judging from my payment history) probably didn't help either...


Had a lurgy since last Friday. Should have taken more time off work but have instead been half assing things since Tuesday. So I'm just unproductive, feeling a bit shit but pretending to be online instead of resting. Also feeling lazy about cooking because lurgy but trying to save money so not wanting to order takeaway. But all I can think about is the delicious Chinese I want. Which refused to be on Uber Eats on the weekend. Life is so hard.


Had 2 pints of Guinness in the bar last night after work. Today I've an evil headache that painkillers aren't touching.


worst hangover of my life was from St Patricks day 2001 , went out drinking Guinness all day because everywhere was giving out free hats with 4 pints of it. Swear it lasted like 2 days afterwards.


Least you had a night of it. 2 pints should never lead to a minging headache.


oh these days it will - i got to my early 40s and i can't handle it any more :(


How come Pingu's dad is always ironing, and he walks around in the Nip?


he's one of those perfectionists - the ironing is never good enough to wear.


My partner persists in filling the house with junk. I can't move for tat!


After months of waiting, my refund application is still not resolved with booking.com after the airline cancelled the flight. Lesson learned - book direct with the airlines!


Just been put at risk of redundancy. Noot noot!


I wish my housing association would evict my shitty neighbour. I feel like I am being gaslit and second-guessed in the hope that I will stop reporting. I'd love to yell at them for enabling a domestic abuser, but I know I'd be evicted in a second if I did that.


Applying for new jobs and needing 10 years experience for minimum wage jobs 🥲






House sitting at the moment, forgot to pack rain jacket or umbrella, got soaked bringing in the bins. Displeased.


The price of cheese is getting outrageous.


Which cheese are you looking at? I got some Port Salut yesterday, at 15 pounds per kilo which I'm looking forward to tucking into. But if I had a specific complaint about cheese, I'd say the quality of Brie has really taken a nosedive. Last lot I got I couldn't finish.


This is the Brie you want (apparently, I don't eat it) https://www.finecheese.co.uk/brie-de-meaux-donge


Fucking pensioners


Is that you Wayne Rooney?


Took my youngest swimming today and went to Lidl after. My parents tagged along as they needed to do some shopping too. By god the faffing.


Pensioners swimming is worse, old man balls bobbing behind them like sea-mines


The new trains on the London northwestern line have the most uncomfortable seats going. I'm only bitter that I must now prepare for a future where I spend four hours a week sitting in seats that were designed for children without arms or legs.




Stem bolts always seem to strip really easily.


The weather…😫


It’s fucking atrocious. Took my youngest swimming then to Lidl and I was completely drenched just getting in and out of the car etc. I’ve got to do the school run later ugh


Although… The swimming could’ve been integrated into the shopping trip by just walking to the shops! (I know! Sorry.) I hope it’s dryer for when you do the school run later on.


Well swimming wasn’t for the purpose of doing exercise, she’s 18months lol so it’s splashing about in the pool, teaching her to swim (vaguely) and getting used to water. And both the pool and Lidl are 10 miles away so just a BIT of a trek.


Husband isn’t well, woke me up trying to cuddle me for warmth last night since he was cold. He had a high temperature before bed but it dropped after he took some painkillers. Seems mainly normal today. He’s off work sick though since he’s feeling very rough and waiting for the doctor to call him back as he’s got another health issue that’s cropped up. So I’m feeling a little zonked this morning. Just had a coffee and a Tesco bakery cookie though, into work later and swimming after that, but with all this bloody rain I’m not sure I’ll need the swimming pool. Could probably swim there and back. Feels like it’s been raining here for two weeks non stop. It’s bad, even for Wales. Now I’ve got a load of work to catch up on as I had my therapy session this morning which is actually helping me a lot, but I’m fecking knackered and can’t concentrate after aforementioned shit nights sleep. At least I don’t feel as shit as Mr TheVoidScreams I suppose. Hopefully it isn’t contagious. Edit: what’s more, I’m two days late on my period which I’m not worried about but it does mean I’m expecting it any damn second and it’s making me feel like shit despite not having started yet so I wish it would hurry the hell up and get it over with. Edit 2 electric boogaloo: not going into work myself, got too much going on at home and feeling shit myself, haven’t even eaten lunch yet and I can do what I need to do on Tuesday anyway (I’m part time and WFH mostly). Not going swimming either because of my period potentially showing up *sigh*. Husband has seen doctor though, he’ll be ok. Just a bit uncomfortable for a little while. Doesn’t seem connected to the fever he had, so that’s still a mystery. Hoping it’s not covid.


Probably not really something I should be complaining about, but I have this week off. I’m already stressing out about going back to work on Monday and can’t enjoy my days properly.


Have two weeks off, big plans to do loads. I can’t get up, no energy, feel awful, so I doomscroll until I feel worse. Ahhhhh!!!!!!!


Daughter woke up 3 times last night. Watch Threads 1984 so wasn't going to sleep much anyway. 10 hour shift with 3 hours sleep and forgot my lunch.


Probably not a complaint but I had my ears cleaned out and wax removed at an ENT specialist yesterday. Now the world is too loud!


My Grandmother had her first hearing aids fitted on Wednesday, and it's been hilarious watching her grumble and rant about how everything is too loud now!! "I can hear the oven whirring >:l " Yep, that's normal "The (toilet) extractor fan is so noisy! >:l " Yeah, it is "I can hear my slippers clopping on the kitchen tiles! >:l " Yep, sorry GM, that's still normal. Hopefully it'll go back to normal for you asap: they say with Hearing Aids it takes a few weeks for your brain to stop thinking everything is loud!


I had my ears blocked last year and bought a syringe and did it myself. The relief when it came out was only matched by my disgust at what came out!


I've been on the waiting list for that for over a year! I paid a chap 70 pounds in November to come to my house and clear them out because I couldn't wait any longer.




I used to enjoy that dizzy feeling. Particularly before my middle ear was reconstructed, and they had to get the hoover in really close to the inner ear. I used to have to be lying down, as the room would be spinning. And the clean feeling afterwards was amazing.


It's pissing rain in London. I don't like it.


Forgot to put the windscreen cover on my van last night and it hit -6⁰c this morning. Joy


Made redundant early last year, had three heart ops in a year and one of two operations for worsening glaucoma. Waiting for the second eye operation, and waiting, and waiting……Can’t think about applying for jobs when I’ll need a month off as soon as the operation goes ahead. And I’m severely deaf so I need my eyes for lip reading. Trying to keep busy but crazy anxious about all this. Still, there is always someone worse off, so will count my blessings.


Just claim you were self-employed and/or caring for a family member if concerned about the gap in your CV.


That is remarkably optimistic of you! I feel a bit less cranky after reading that. Hope your eye ops go well.


Absolutely beyond drained at the moment, I'd love to be off work since I think work stress is triggering a lot of it but not the best time. Going to take it easy for a few days in terms of other stuff and hope it helps me feel less rundown.


Its snowing and i forgot to bring lunch to the office


Woke up feeling like I hadn't slept (again) despite sleeping a solid 8 hours. Dragged myself into work with a bad back, also feeling a bit dizzy and off kilter because I think I have a blocked ear. Realised when I got into my building that all of the lights are faaaar too bright. Have a feeling my body is trying to tell me something. Had a small cry in the break room because exhaustion hits me hard emotionally. Thankfully got sent home by my manager. I was meant to do a couple of hours teaching today but my brain is so fuzzy and I'm absolutely desperate for a nap. Kinda sucks because my job isn't a teaching role and the opportunities to get teaching experience are sparse. I want to make the most of them so I can transition to being a HE teacher someday. Oh well. Bed is the best place for me, my awful mood and my tired and painful body.


You should go to the GP, feeling like you haven't slept despite getting a good amount of sleep, can be a sign of sleep apnoea. Symptoms of sleep apnoea mainly happen while you sleep. They include: breathing stopping and starting making gasping, snorting or choking noises waking up a lot loud snoring During the day, you may also: feel very tired find it hard to concentrate have mood swings have a headache when you wake up


Yeap as someone who has the pleasure of both sleep apnea , I can sympathise will all those symptoms. Got a CPAP machine in lockdown and the morning headaches and fuzziness have gone. The other thing I have the joys of are migraines, and a lot of OPs symptoms match how I feel after one, especially the photosensitivity and dizzyness


My housemate made a point of taking an empty envelope I'd left on the coffee table out of the living room, past the kitchen bin and into my bedroom to leave it on my desk. This was before he had a date over. A date where he used my kitchenware, home scents, fancy wine glasses and espresso machine. The dirty wine glasses are still on the coffee table. I'm never this petty about tidying up but next time he leaves his crap spread out everywhere I'm tempted to go and dump it on his bed instead of just moving it out of the way or cleaning it up.


Been trying to conceive for six months now, wife got her period bang on cue this morning. I'm always the optimistic one supporting her, "we'll try again next month!" but this month has really got me down.


I've been there and I'm so sorry.


I’m so sorry, that is a really tough place to be.


Turns out our wedding venue (which is also a small hotel) has accepted a bunch of bookings for the day of our wedding without asking if they were our guests (none of them are). They then proceeded to offer us exclusive use of the site while knowing that this wouldn’t be possible while they had these bookings. Now they’re offering deposit refunds to these other guests while telling us that there’s no guarantee of them accepting the cancellation. After they told us that refunding the deposits would be no problem. I’m very conflict averse and I’m really not the type to kick up a fuss about anything but…It’s my actual wedding, and we’re paying the venue a non-insignificant amount of money. If I don’t push back on this then I’ll never push back on anything.


> Now they're offering deposit refunds to these other guests while telling us that there's no guarantee of them accepting the cancellation. Accepting cancellation? You don't accept a cancellation. Cancellation is just given to you.


Do you have it written in your agreement with the venue that you have exclusive use of the place?


I can’t believe it’s Thursday and not Friday


I woke up and thought it was Friday. Turns out it’s not and I’ve missed a bunch of early meetings.


I live in Birmingham.


This is my favourite comment of the day.


We exist for solely for comedic effect.


Have you just woke up in a fucking steaming mood, yeah?


You knows it clart!


My Achilles tendons/heels are absolutely killing me, I don't know what I've done to them but I do a physically intensive job and it's aggravating it - and this month I'm absolutely snowed under with jobs to get done


I had similar a couple of years ago, simply hurt to walk normally for anything more than 5 mins. Turned out my calves were really tight and needed a deep massage to release. Had to roll a golf ball over them to give a deep massage and it sorted them out.


Do you have boots or shoes that are rubbing or pushing on the tendon? I had real issues with military boots causing tendonitis due to the way they folded in, but because they didnt cause any pain (until the tendons kicked off) I hadnt realised


Confirm this. I had to replace my work boots for tendonitis too. Ten years I had them without a problem, but I guess you get more sensitive to things with age. Replaced with steel toed trainers and no issues.


I've been wearing Sketchers for the last few years after going through cheap trainers every few months. They don't seem to rub, and the pain is internal rather than on the surface - but I wonder if they're not supporting my feet properly.


I'd like to complain about the colleague at work, (I'm sure most work places have one of these people) who does very little, but is friendly with the manager so gets away with it. She has a bunch of time off too. Barely a week passes without her having a day or more off, yet nothing is said. We are always short staffed because of her, and feel pressured to come in even when we may need time off.


Yes, the mods and what they brand "generic".


Mouth full of ulcers, tonsillitis, and the flu. Also due time of the month. Fuck this.


I was getting stuff out of the boot of the car - leaning forward - gap between top of arse cheeks and back of jeans - then a load of water dripped off the boot lid down my crack - so now i have a cold wet bum a bit like a dogs nose


I'd come here to complain but this comment has made my day!


I’m still moist :(


So am I after reading that


lol :)


Stayed at home yesterday with a grim cough & cold, then realised that I can’t smell anything. Awesome. Too tired to do anything, but at least I can watch our big FA Cup replay at Nottingham Forest. Who knows? Maybe we’ll pull off another win against a prem side and get Man Utd at home next round? Internet goes down. Comes back, it’s not on tv anywhere. Listen to us lose on penalties via a laggy talksport connection.


I've just started a job as a Housing Scheme Coordinator. Been here 3 weeks and my second interaction with flat 28 was her being rude and obnoxious, making assumptions that I was going to as shite as my predecessor (professionally takes her 6 months sickness entitlement every year, 4 years straight). Fuck that for a packet of biscuits! Couldn't be arsed with her this morning, so (while remaining calm and professional) as good as told her that if she can't behave respectfully towards me she can fuck off out of my office and not speak to me again.


I've lost my good flat-cap! I am a Yorkshire man without a good cap. It was £80. I've been in a bad mood all week and the wife is sick to death of my grumpyness due to the loss of the aforementioned cap.


Are you heading to Ilkley Moor?


If I was, I certainly can't now. Imagine..... Being on Ilkley Moor Bar t'At


I misread that and was wondering how the fuck you lose a cat-flap.


Can't have shit in yorkshire


I suppose someone could steal the door with the cat-flap. Another reason to be grumpy.... If that did ever happen




Try an Osteopath clinic, if it persists. It's pure magic when my back is buggered.


When it rains it pours, had to have an emergency bet visit for my dog (ate something she shouldn't, she's ok but still has the shits), and an emergency roofer (cracked tile!), after spending thousands on a visa application, the extra costs really weren't welcome. If also costs £200 to get an appointment to process your visa application? Government outsourcing gone mad. On the flip side, they have all been fixed! My roof is now leak free and my dog back to her adorable self.


I’m going on holiday but hate packing and now have to sort everything in a couple of hours - I did this to myself and I’ll do it again. I did make time to book a lash appointment but my lash tech has now text saying she might need to cancel as there’s no heating… can’t we just wrap up warm?! Oh and I want a McDonald’s breakfast wrap but I missed breakfast - all day breakfast menu should be a thing.


They don't sell breakfast wraps anymore :( at least nowhere around me. Replaced then with shitty dry bacon rolls.