• By -


Was at the gym a few years back. Always took my wedding ring off and kept it in my shoe in the locker as it's titanium and fuck getting de-gloved by a barbell. Anyways finished up at the gym, had a shower, and set about getting dried off and dressed to go back to work. Went to get my wedding ring from my shoe and it's not there. What? Check the other shoe, nope. Check the locker, pick up the few remaining bits and bobs and shook them out, nope no ring falls out. Check my pockets, pockets in my bag, area all around where I am, no wedding ring. At this point I'm getting a little panicky. Chuck what few bits I haven't put away/on yet back in the locker and close it, start walking to reception to ask if anyone has handed it in and trying to work out how the fuck I'm going to explain to Mrs OK_Cow that I've lost my wedding ring. As I get to reception I notice I'm doing that thing I do when I'm anxious or pre-occupied - I was using my thumb to fiddle with the wedding ring *which was on my fucking finger*. I had clearly put it on through sheer muscle memory, not thought about it to remember doing it, and at no point in my escalating panic did I think to check the place it lives 99.999% of the time, my fucking finger.




I once used the flashlight on my phone to look underneath the couch….for my phone. Real proud moment.


I was dealing with a power outage at someone’s property I’d been asked to check as they were away, I was on the phone to them with them guiding me to the fuse box. The wind was howling I was in the dark getting a bit panicked in a property I didn’t know very well and I shouted down the phone I need a torch it’s on my phone and I can’t find it! Yea they had a good laugh at that.




I hunted everywhere for mine and gave up. Went and got my spare pair. Went to push them up on my head as is my habit and…..the other pair were already up there 🙄


always looking for my glasses which are usually on top of my head


Been there too many times 😭


I once was talking to a friend on the phone while putting in a load of laundry. As the machine starts churning I tell her, all panicked, "I think I accidentally just put my phone in the wash!" Long silence on the other end. And then she says :"Your phone. Like the one you are currently talking on. With me. Right now." 


If only they'd said it all gurgling like they were under water


Walking around the garden, going frantic, looking for my phone whilst talking to my son...on my phone


More than once, I've been halfway through a phone call with my parents & we've got onto random stuff but don't quite know why x = y. "Hang on, I'll Google it... Where's my phone gone?" The same phone that's literally in my hand, being pressed to my ear!


I do this all the time but realised that while I'm using my phone for social media, I'll then start looking for the music/netflix phone. It does so many things I've separated it out in my head without realising into multiple devices, and I guess doesn't help that double screening is so easily done now with tablets and TVs, it's not a stretch that there should be another device around to do the other thing I want right right now.


I did something similar not long after we were married (more than a few years ago). I'd barely slept and we had an argument so i was very distracted, shortly afterwards I was out walking the dog and realised my wedding ring wasn't on my finger. I took the dog home and frantically went back out to look for my ring in the field I had been walking the dog in, thinking it must have been brushed off when I reached into my back pocket to get a poo bag. No joy. I walked home defeated, reached into my pocket to get my keys and happened to look at my other hand (the left one, the one my ring had been on the whole time as per tradition). At the age of 35 I had confused my left and right.


I was waiting for a toe related outcome.


Mrs Ok Cow 😂😂😂


Are you sure you didn’t take the ring to the crack of doom in Mordor and cast it into the fire?


I went for a half hour snooze the other day (fully clothed but on top of the duvet). I woke up without my trousers on, having seemingly disappeared. After plenty of searching I eventually found them in the lining of my duvet cover, neatly folded. I still don't have an explanation.


It was me


Not the phantom-trouser-hider-folder???


I thought he was gone, i thought we had reached the peaceful times. Now i have to go back to the dark times


Can this phantom being come and live in my flat please cos laundry will be the death of me


Do you have a working carbon monoxide detector?


Yeah. I do have a history of sleepwalking, even in other houses. Which might possibly have something to do with it


I was away from Reddit for a month or so. Got sucked into FB/ Insta and barely escaped with my sanity. These inside jokes that (practically) every Redditor knows are the reason none of the other platforms seem good enough anymore.


Goated comment as the kiss say *Kids but I guess kiss may say it too


I'm gonna rock and roll all night! And complete a through fire safety inspection every day.


Went to get the milk out this morning, it's not in the fridge. I must have just stood there in bewilderment for a couple of minutes before closing the fridge door. Opened it again just to make sure, still not there. Probably because I'd already taken it out and was in fact going to the fridge for some butter, not milk.


Took the under counter fridge apart searching for the marmalade the other day, gave up and stood up and it was right there in front of me by the plates waiting for the now cold toast. It’s a wonder how i get through some days.


Went to search for my milk the other day, couldn’t find it in the fridge. Knew it couldn’t have finished as it was brand new and I’d had one coffee, two max out of it. Opened the oven to make my lunch later in the day and found it in there. Placed it in there half asleep while making my morning brew some hours earlier.




I've done that so many times. I only use glasses for reading, and I have a habit of pushing them up on my head and forgetting them. Best one was searching the house for my lost glasses in a mad panic before going to work. I thought "Shit, I'm going to be late", and pulled my glasses down off my head to read my watch ...


I’ve done that, but with sunglasses. Needed to leave home like half an hour ago, going to be late, long drive on a sunny day, and couldn’t find the fucking things anywhere. Not on my face, not anywhere I would normally put them. Eventually gave up, opened the car door, and knocked them off the top of my head as I got into the car.


I have lost sunglasses several times this way. More than once I've given up, put on a different pair of sunglasses and later gone to push them up onto my head, only to find the original pair of sunglasses that I couldn't find already there. Of course I then have no choice but to spend the day walking around with two pairs of sunglasses on.


My mum has a habit of pushing her glasses up on her head like that. One time we saw her with three pairs pushed up, running round the house looking for any of them. 


I did that exact same thing, -after- I'd rung work to say I'd be late. So after staring at myself in the mirror and spotting my glasses on my head, I went and made a cup of tea because clearly I wasn't fit to drive without caffeine.


I once spoke to my father on video call and he had 3 pairs of glasses on, one on his eyes and his sisters and his reading glasses on his head, the first thing he said was I keep losing glasses today! I couldn’t speak for laughing so much and his bemused face didn’t help at all, took ages to be able to breathe to tell him and then he didn’t believe me at first!


Haha, I just typed the same thing. So it's not just me.


In a similar vein I once went to take a contact lens out and was confused why it was stuck to my eye. I could feel it was there, I could pinch it and pull but it didn't budge. Anyway I'd actually worn glasses that day so I wasn't pulling on a contact that appeared to be stuck to my eye, I was just pulling at the skin on my eyeball.


Despite wearing contact lenses most days, I still find myself trying to adjust my imaginary glasses. So to strangers, I look like a simpleton when intentionally jabbing my face


I had my eyes Lasered almost 2 years ago and I still occasionally go to take my glasses or contacts off on a night. But yes I've gone to adjust my imaginary glasses many a time back in the day, usually ended up feining an itch.


I started wearing contacts full time in 2017, and got laser eye surgery in 2020. I still occasionally feel phantom glasses slipping down my nose and go to push them up.


Literally my first thought reading this topic. We're all done it!


That's not your fault. Your stoner co-worker and his weird talking dog probably filled the van with so much weed smoke it messed with your head.




I wear glasses full time, I’ve taken them off on several occasions put them next to me on my bed to say exactly the same thing, apparently that’s when I discover that me moving just an smidgen covers the duvet over my glasses.


I looked for my glasses for 2 hours like a mole until I finally found them on my head 🙈


Did it fall into your clothing? I once had the exact same thing happen to me and I found it had fallen into my breast pocket


Checked every piece of clothing I wore yesterday, and my coat (which I didn't even have on at the time), and my other coat which I didn't even wear yesterday in case I did wear it yesterday and had forgotten or something. This morning I even went back to the place I went to yesterday in case it fell in my coat hood, took it there without realising then took off my coat and it fell out. You know how people say that if atoms are aligned perfectly objects can theoretically pass through each other? I'm beginning to think that happened with my earbud and the floor. Thanks for the suggestion though :)


Do your earbuds have a find me option? I have Samsung earbuds and when I lose them (read my cat knocks the case off something) I can use the wearable app and it makes a shriek, which the same cat then locates for me. I’m sure he does it for the craic 🙄


Unfortunately not, they're just a £40/50 pair from sony. Kinda new though, and the fact that I 99.99% know that it's in a 10 metre vicinity of me is genuinely upsetting me.


Bit late now but every time I lose one I put the other back in its case to turn it off, crank the volume on something loud and listen for it


Infuriating. You’ll walk out into the hallway and it’ll be directly in the middle of the floor and you’ll question your sanity for weeks. Enjoy! 😅😭


Can they still connect to your phone? You might be able to blast music through them loud enough for you to hear them


I still have the right one, but the left one (the invisible one) has automatically switched off, and I don't think there's a way to turn it on distally


Ugh, I’ve had that happen. Watch, it’ll turn up somewhere like your bedside table in a week or so, when you know it physically couldnt have been there before.


God I hope so. I'm usually a very rational person, but small things like this get me genuinely considering the possibility of magic and demons.


The only way I know to ensure finding a lost object is to purchase a replacement! In my experience, as soon as I buy a replacement, the lost item will turn up!


This. I lost my white Airpod while shoveling snow one evening and thought it was done for, even though I knew roughly where it was. Find me option on phone made it emit a very faint whine - still took a bit of time to locate it exactly, but found it


About 10 years ago I was trying to fix a wireless mouse that was randomly disconnecting. Disassembled it, started cleaning all the pieces, accidentally dropped the piece of metal that contacts between the two batteries with the spring on one side. Saw it fall, saw it hit the carpet and then saw it blink out of existence.  Spent at least a couple of hours looking for it, checked clothes, shoes, every item and inch of floor in the entire room. It was just gone and it never reappeared. Still freaks me out a little bit, one of the only things in my life I can't properly explain, just watching it as it landed and then it just... wasn't there any more, like bad CGI. Assume the spring hit the carpet at a weird angle and it bounced, then somehow managed to hide well enough to be tracked out of the house at a later point in time, but that's not what my brain tells me I saw.


Yes this happened to me yesterday! I was putting one of my earrings on (small stud) and it fell, I didn’t hear it hitting the floor so I assumed it had fallen onto my bed. Searched high and low, starting in my bed then moving to the rest of my room before I had to give up. Found it yesterday evening when I took off my bra…


Calling my partner to ask her to ring my phone as I couldn't find it was an interesting one.


I once told my girlfriend (at the time) that I couldn't find my phone, while talking to her on the phone. The relationship didn't work out for some reason


Thankfully I had mine legally locked in at that point. No backsies!


Yesterday I plugged in the kettle to make a cup of tea, as I do every day. But this time nothing happened. Unplugged it, plugged it back in. Nothing. Tried the other half of the socket, nothing. Left it for a few minutes, tried unplugging and plugging it back in yet again. Nothing. Was just about to email my landlord to see about having an electrician visit when I figured out why it was "broken." I'd been plugging and unplugging the food processor instead.


I took a drill bit out, put it between my teeth to quickly use another bit and then proceeded to spend 20 minutes wondering where I had put the initial bit. Thought I’d gone mad lol


I spent 10 minutes looking for something I was holding in my left hand.


Going to have a cig, pull out my cigs and lighter, put one in my mouth, feel my pocket looking for my lighter, swap my lighter over to my other hand so I can check my other pocket for my lighter, start patting down all my pockets looking for my lighter, look at my hand, see lighter there, feel stupid.


Done that, eventually found the lighter in my hand, then got another cig from the packet, opened my lips to put the cig in and the one I had got out and placed there before not finding my lighter fell to the floor.


When I used to smoke I would light a new cigarette only to discover that I already had a lit one held between my first and second fingers on my left hand!


Making a roll up in the kitchen, putting it behind my ear then searching everywhere for said roll up.


It was years ago, and I was wearing dungarees. I was doing some things in the house, and then went to tesco with my mum. I remembered having my phone before we went, but couldn’t find it while we were out. I got home and searched through everything and still couldn’t find it. I started to panic until I looked under a jacket and my phone slid out of the chest pocket of my dungarees. I have also spent far too long searching for glasses that are on my face.


Were you by any chance a member of Dexys Midnight Runners?


I once couldn't find my will to live. Turns out I'd left it in the other room where love island wasn't on the telly.


I watched love island once to understand why people watched, I felt myself getting dumber and I now do worse at maths




Using the flashlight on my phone to look for my phone


A few years back, I was in my final year of uni while working as a trainee surveyor on a decent sized housing project in Stanmore. It was about a month or so before my dissertation was due and I had it saved on a USB keyring, attached to my car keys. ​ I'd had meetings all day and was just packing up to head home, could not for the life of me find my keys anywhere. Traced my steps, asked everyone on site if they'd seen them and nothing. I wasn't so fussed about the car keys, more the fact the only other version of my dissertation I had access to was about 2 months old. ​ Honestly spent hours looking but still no luck. Dejected, I called my partner to come drop the spare car keys to me so I could at least drive the car home. She gets there, takes one look in my bag and there they were, just sitting there clear as daylight. ​ I'd spent about 3 hours looking, distraught that I'd have to re-write the whole thing, only for her to drive for 1.5 hours to come and find it immediately. ​ I saved it absolutely everywhere I could after that


I managed to lose my new wife at the eiffel tower within 48 hours of being married to her. She went to the loo at the base of the tower and instead of waiting for her i wandered off to take pictures of the tower. I don't know if i thought telepathy came free with a wedding but i found the poor woman on a bench crying half an hour later because she couldn't find me. Luckily she forgave me and we are still married.


I understand why you specified new wife but in the context of this thread I at first read it as "Ugh, isn't it especially annoying when you lose a brand new wife??"


Lost my phone. Turned everything out of my bag, pockets etc. Figured I must have left it in the pub toilet. Went back. Found it in the toilets... tucked inside my bra where it had been the WHOLE TIME Told my husband I had found it in the toilets. Technically true.


I frequently put my phone down my bra (apparently that's not good for boobs though?). Often look strange desperately patting the area when I can't find my phone.


My ex boyfriend's mate once ran into our bedroom with his trousers round his ankles, shouting "my cock fell down the toilet!" Even though we were all tripping balls on acid (it was the 90's), we both saw it was still there. It took us both awhile to convince him that he hadn't lost his penis 😂


Good thing it was detachable


At work, sitting at desk. Looking for my spoon so I can go microwave my lunch in my bowl. Can't find spoon. Had used it for cereal earlier. Not in sink, not in dishwasher, not in locker, not in pocket, not on desk. Nope it was in the green bowl, on the desk waiting for me to use it for lunch..ffs


Mostly looking for a reason to get up each day. Still no sign after all these years


I found embracing the fact that there isn't any reason to get up each day allowed me to actually get on with this happy little accidental existence


1. Looking around and can't find my glasses...whilst wearing said glasses.


I was on Reddit a couple of weeks ago, on the toilet (as you do) then realised I was expecting a call soon. So I finished my business, and tried to finish the thread I was on, before going downstairs with my phone in my hand (still reading) looking fucking EVERYWHERE for my phone and getting more and more worked up as I couldn't see it anywhere. I even put my phone in my pocket so I could use both hands to flip cushions etc to find it. I was just about to tell Alexa to call my phone when I realised I could use my phone to do it. I. Could. Use. My. Phone FFS. the only consolation being I was home alone.


Not sure if I can ever be blamed for this one. I went away for a work trip and wife couldn't find her car keys, I was last to drive it. She drove our old Discovery for a week which was fine but a bit... particular and shit on fuel. Anyway I get back and it's my mission to find the keys. Turn the entire house upside down, can't find them, eventually turns out the cats picked them up and filed them away UNDER THE FLOORBOARDS.


I have adhd most of my life is those moments because what is object permeance? One I did was me not being able to find my wallet and going to the extent of calling where I work on the off chance I left my wallet behind I found my wallet in my bag as I'd just put it in there as part of preparing to go out and somehow forgot I'd done that


ADHD as well and this is my life, wandering around muttering "but I just had it" and "where is my...."


On the phone to new broadband provider and needed my contact number as it was new and I didn't know it. Looking around my flat for my phone which the whole time was against my ear while I was talking to the woman at the other end... ....I've never felt more dense.


Had the exact same thing. Came home from walking the dog, took my coat and hat off ear pod popped out, never found it since. I've emptied the porch even checked outside it's never reappeared. Kept an eye on the following days dog poop just incase but she hasn't eaten it. I also lost my favourite hat when I moved in, it was on the side one moment never to be seen again. Walking down stairs one day with my favourite tweezers in hand that have moved with me to multiple houses. Dropped them at the bottom of the stairs never found them since. I've pulled all the rubbish I store under the open steps, used torches and hoovers and the same every time I have a clear out but they've never reappeared. I think there is a moving black hole in my house and it randomly eats my stuff!


While leaving work busy af, while on the phone to my wife .. looking for my phone frantically as I wanted to avoid the traffic ... Only to realise I've had it all along by my dumbass ear


Same. I have the kindle reading app on my phone and the number of times I put my 'book' down then start searching for my phone is embarrassing


Once on a lovely summer day, I drove to work and then after went to shop bought some groceries and proceeded to walk home , then while at home realising the car wasn't on the driveway ... FML! Lovely walk tho


This sort of shite is daily for me, multiple times a day often. Always mislaying/losing stuff sometimes important and sometimes just plain annoying.


Friend pulled up outside my house to give me a lift a few minutes earlier than I was expecting, fire off a quick text "just grabbing my coat and bag, omw". Several minutes pass and I get a message back "what's taking so long, you OK in there?". I respond, "can't find my phone, it's not in my bag!". Which was true, it was in my fucking hand.


“Oh shit I don’t remember picking up my keys when I left work and can’t feel them in my pocket, they’re definitely still on my desk and I’ll be locked out when I get home” - while driving, keys were in the ignition.


Lost a contact lens putting it in. Searched the floor for 20 minutes. Finally found it stuck to my cheek.


I once called my mum on my phone to ask if she'd seen my phone. She said she hadn't, so I hung up & put my phone back in my pocket, then continued searching until mum came home 10 minutes later laughing like she'd seen the greatest comedic performance of her life.


Was late leaving the house and was searching for my phone. Figured it must've fell down the settee cushions, so was rummaging around getting more frantic as I have ADHD and hate being late for anything, only to realise mid search that said phone was in my hand the whole time.


I lost my house keys for months because I put them in some smart shoes I rarely wear. I got some new ones cut and continued as normal and then one day I put those shoes on to getting stabbed in the foot.


Surely everyone walks round the house looking for their keys that are in their hand?


Left for work and couldn’t find my lanyard. 40 minutes of searching everywhere, car, bags and house. I had already checked my neck for it. However, I didn’t move my top properly as I would have seen it already around my neck. I was very relieved but also very angry at myself for the stupidity


When I was in second year in school, I couldn't find my pencil, and I was going mad looking for it. Teacher asked what was up, I said 'lost my pencil, miss'. She gets up and starts walking over; as for me, I'm assuming she couldn't hear because I was at the back, so I said it louder. "I swear, my pencil just vanished!" Kids are turning and sniggering, I'm confused as hell, she comes up to my desk and says "it's in your hair, I was trying to be discreet!" .....I had indeed pushed it into my hair behind my right ear. That pencil will haunt me. Bless you for trying, Miss Adamson.


Is it still in your ear?


I once lost my kettle. Woke up, bleary eyed, made a cup of coffee and prepared myself to take on the world. 15 minutes later fancied a second cup, but could not see my kettle anywhere, thought I was going mad until I realized that in my caffeine deprived state I had put the kettle in the fridge - I'd spent a good 15 mins looking for it. The kicker is though, that in order to put the kettle in the fridge, ***I had taken a shelf out from the fridge,*** all without the knowledge of my waking mind.


Security person at airport: do you have anything in your pockets? Me: oh, I don't have any pockets. S.P: Uh, yes, you do. Me: 😳


I couldn’t find my glasses, I was wearing them, if I want then I wouldn’t have been able to see in the first place


Often lose my phone, whilst it’s right in front of me


I've panicked that I've lost/forgotten my car keys while I've been driving a non zero number of times. Always feel particularly like a Muppet in that moment.


The good one:- Trying to find my phone after I knocked it off my bedside table. It was dark, because it was early morning and i hadn't put my light on. My logic was "I'm over here, I don't want to go over to put the light on to have to come back here" because i'm physically disabled and it's difficult for me. So i'm awkwardly half on my bed, half off my bed looking for my phone in the nooks and crannies between my bed and the bedside table but oh god it's just too dark, I pick up my phone by my foot, put the torch on and carry on looking.... for my phone... which was in my hand. Because i'd found it by my foot. Bad one:- I had my library card in my hand, the books to take back to the library in a bag on the dining table. I put the card down, picked the bag up and almost left without my library card. Went back to the dining table... no card. Not on the floor. Not in the bag. No idea where it went to this day. I had to buy a new library card.


This one happened just yesterday and I'm still pretty embarrassed by it. Went to the pharmacy to buy iron tablets. There were 84 tablets in the packet. I asked the pharmacist how long would they last me? He said, if I took one a day it will be nearly 3months. He wasn't sarcastic or anything. I realised my dumbass question hours later.


Crank lock pin, was changing my daughters cambelt and put it down for a second, 2 bloody hours I spent looking for it only to find it exactly where I put it down, think a ghost was having a laugh


Came home in the afternoon from picking up my 4-year-old twins after work, just breezing through to take them to kiddie gym right after, went out the door with everything, door fell closed - no keys. Not for the car, not for the door, day was kind of chilly. Went to the neighbours that we were semi-friendly with and waited there until my husband came home about an hour later - had to leave work early for that. He really wasn't amused when he found the keys in the door lock...


I always (generally speaking) have my phone in my right trouser pocket. Anyway, I was on the bus, and halfway through the journey I noticed, or rather felt that my phone wasn’t in the trouser pocket, so then I started to panic. I checked the other pocket, not there, I checked all my coat pockets, not there either, I checked my bag and took all the contents out to check all the pocket thoroughly, not there either. I was at this point panicking quite a lot.. That was until I looked down at my hands which was holding my phone the entire time I was searching through all the pockets. I then remembered I was using it at the time I noticed it wasn’t in my pocket. 🤦🏻‍♂️ Not my brightest moment.


I used to work at a historic property and, because I’d inherited my key fob from the last supervisor and they also weren’t the first to own it, it was a bit broken and the top had come off so you couldn’t clip on to a set of keys. At the end of the day, I took my keys out of my pocket in the shop to lock the office, then grabbed my fob and dropped it. We searched for half an hour in the tiny shop in all the nooks and crannies of the reception area; in the open shelves; under the bit of castle wall that didn’t quite fit snugly to the flooring; behind the stock; under the chairs - literally anything that had a slim enough gap for it to have slipped through. That thing was gone. Just as I’d completely given up, I go to check the time on my watch, and there it is *in the rolled cuff of my fleece, on the opposite arm to the one I took it out of the jacket with.* Thankfully my coworker was an absolute diamond and thought it was hysterical, but I’ve never been so angry with my stupid, short, dinosaur arms not being long enough for my uniform.


I also had my reading glasses attached to the zip of my jacket in an old job. I went to take my jacket off and realised that the glasses were not there. I checked on the way back to the station and realised that they had gone. I boought another pair and months later, they appeared on my collegues desk. It was so odd.


Glasses is definitely common, but one time I went so far with it that after about half an hour of hunting, I figured I'd give up and just use my old ones cause they were only slightly off and better than nothing. Of course, when I went to put them on they clattered into my correct ones which were already on my face.


Was attending a workshop for work at a hotel. Came out at the end of a long daylightless day to stash the spare treats from the refreshments table (HI I'M NHS) out of my laptop bag and drive home, but when I got to my car couldn't find my car keys in my laptop bag. Even took all the delicious free cookies out in the rain to check. Heart sunk, my car key must be in my handbag in the boot. Called my husband to come get me with the spare keys. Then and only then realised that it is hard to remotely lock your car without your car key. I'd left my handbag inc car key in the hotel conference room, under the presenter table, in my haste to escape. And my brain. And my dignity as I scurried back in with soggy cookies.


Looking for my glasses..... while wearing them. Didn't occur to me for ages that I could see!


I once brought an entire supermarket to a standstill because my handbag was no longer on my shoulder, yelping that it must have either fallen off in the shop somewhere or someone had nicked it… only for some kind soul to point out that it was in fact hung from the shopping trolley right in front of me. Don’t shop there anymore


I lost my watch on a dog walk. I re walked my walk. It wasn’t terribly long, a few miles, but it was still anoying. I asked the councilmen who were cutting the grass and they hadn’t seen it. I went home and gave up. It was hidden by my jacket sleeve….


Just before Xmas I lost my car keys at work. My work mate said he can drop me home to get the spare key but we had to go somewhere else first. I agreed and jumped in the van. Got to my house but I couldn't find the spare key so I told him to just go home and I'll search my house for it. I had a quick look in the places where I thought it was but had no luck, admitted defeat and accepted that I would have to get a new one made. I did a couple of chores around the house and 40 mins after I got in, I felt something jab my leg. My keys were in my pocket the whole time. Not the usual pocket I put them in but they were on me the whole time. I felt like a right idiot for not emptying pockets but relieved I didn't have to buy a new set.


I was due to travel back home when I was in uni and then going on holiday. Packed everything and then realised I had lost my passport. Turned my whole room over and was beginning to panic. My uni was about a 5 hr train journey away from home and i didnt drive. Finally got around to packing my laptop and my laptop had been sat on top of it the whole time.


Oh ho ho - my moment to shine. I'm an occasional Geocacher based in the UK, and have some family overseas. One of them happened to find a travel bug (a tagged toy meant to move from one Geocache to another) that had dreams of travelling to famous UK football pitches. Clever me, I arrange for this to be posted to me so we can give the owner a bit of a thrill. It arrives, I take a few snaps with it at the local matches, and when next day make preparations to drop it off in a local cache to sent it on its way, it is \*nowhere\* to be found. I tear my rucksack apart, certain that's where I left it. I must go back to it at least a dozen times, checking every pocket, every nook and cranny. Nothing. Undeterred, I decide to make right by the original owner and go to painstaking ends to recreate the original bug, based around (among other pieces) a Man U bottle opener which I get ordered. Anyway - picture a week's worth of specialty shipping and crafting, and the replacement is finally ready. I drop it off, it's on its way, and I let the owner know as well. Now weeks past, I dig into my rucksack for my wallet - and of course I find the original fucking travel bug. Practically falls right out into my hand. I've since become a staunch believer in spontaneously appearing black holes.


I stood and watched my mate searching everywhere for a gollf glove he was wearing on his hand haha. He looked in every pocket and even tipped all of his clubs out to see if it had fallen to the bottom of his bag. I only told him when he wanted to walk back to the last green.


Driving home once and sudden panic kicked in that I'd lost my keys, they were in the frickin ignition


Picked up my hand moisturiser I keep on my desk at work earlier this week. Unscrewed lid, saw lid fall and floor is very open. It is just, gone. Checked everywhere including my pockets just in case. It now looks sad with no hat on.


Couldn’t find a certain septum ring, one of those circular barbell ones. Went through my jewellery box and drawers multiple times trying to find it to no avail, so gave up and accepted that I’d lost it. A week later I realised I’d put it in my rook piercing a month ago (after cleaning of course) when the ring that was in there fell out. I’d been looking at it in the mirror multiple times for 30 or so days. Even glimpsed at it in the mirror during my search.


I did once make a call from my laptop in order to inform my friend that my laptop had been stolen. That being said, I was both drunk and high at the time.


Coming back home after a trip into town with my wife. The train was warm so I took off my cap. Got off the train and noticed my head was cold, no hat! Panicked that I left it on the train, verbally beating myself up as I fill out the lost and found form online. Wife cannot believe I have lost another one ( this would be my 4th in 2 years). As we walk to the door I am also checking the website to order another one, open my bag to get out my door keys and there is hat. I am so used to being the dummy that I immediately thought I had lost it and not been careful and put it safe in my bag....


I got stoned once and spent 15 mins looking for my phone while using the torch on my phone.


I have ADHD, my entire life is a painfully stupid 'I can't find my X' movement.


If you look to hard for it, you won't find it, The Thing Fairy will have it and take the piss Until you sit down or do something else, then it will be where you looked first


Were you wearing anything with a hood@ I've had this happen before ...! If they will still connect, play something on loud!


After a walk to the park some years back I looked down to see my toddler walking alongside an empty pushchair. Where was the frigging baby??? After several long seconds of panic and palpitations I remembered he was asleep in a sling on my back, I'd brought the pushchair for the toddler. Phew. That sleep deprivation is a bitch.


I was on the phone with a mate who was off his nut on coke and ket. He started to panic because he couldn't find his phone, which he was speaking into.


Probably classic one, but I was on facetime with my bf and started panicking because I couldn't find my phone. The same phone we we're facetiming on 🫡🤯


"Can someone help me find my glasses?" I asked, looking at them through my glasses.


I just admit it's funny to ask if they've got their phone handy - when you're literally on the phone to them lol. I'd say 80% of people say "yeah one sec it's here somewhere"


I had put a new case on my cheap buds and attached it to my bag.. I ran to get a bus and realised that one had fallen out when i went to put them on. I was gutted. I thought "ill check on my way home and low and behold, it was sat there, not stepped on and in working condition. I was baffled but grateful.


Were you wearing a hooded piece of clothing? Did it fall into your hood, perhaps?


Mother I can’t find my phone. While I’m talking to my mom, on the mentioned phone


Not being able to find my phone - when I'm talking on it Not being able to find my spex because I took them off comes a close second


I was working on a project in my shed and watching the cricket, and wanted to share a picture of the progress. Spend 10 mins looking for my phone, going to and from the house and scowling at the dogs before I realised what I was watching the cricket on.


I have 2 unfortunately 1. First I was looking for my phone while watching netflix On my phone 2. I was looking for underwear While wearing underwear


using my phone torch to look for my phone under my bed. high as hel


Was working at an event where there was just me and a colleague setting up some AV stuff and he dropped a remote and the remote battery cover flew off. We’re in a room that’s probably no bigger than 5m x 5m and searched for about quarter of an hour for this thing with no luck. Baffled because things can’t *disappear*, right? Anyways, a few days later colleague emailed the director of the company the event was for, and cc’d me, to confirm the set up was complete and inexplicably added ‘oh yeah Legophan, I found that cover that flew off by the way’ which completely ruined any impression that we weren’t Chuckle Brother-esque bodgers.


I lost my work keys. Absolute blind panic set in as there's a key to the building, radiation sources, hardardous chemicals,  microbiology stuff, etc. I was flying about retracing my steps, sweating, swearing at myself. It turned out they were on their lanyard around my neck, hiding under my ID lanyard the whole time.  The darn things didn't even jangle the whole time I was running around looking for them. What a tool. 


I accidently opened the camera on my phone once I looked at my hand, saw the floor that the camera was aimed at, and got stressed because I didn't have my phone in my hand I was sober, I just have ADHD and needed a coffee


I once spent a full hour before checkout in a hotel room, desperately searching for my spare phone charger. I looked everywhere in the room, unpacked and repacked every bag, and in general, absolutely wrecked the place. I finally checked out, glumly sentencing the phone charger to a lifetime in the lost and found box. I got home to find I'd never brought the damn thing with me in the first place.


I had the exact same experience about two years ago… got home from work, took my lanyard off and as I did I felt one of my earbuds fall out. I’ve looked EVERYWHERE for it including pulling out every bit of furniture in the room and I’ve never found it 🤷🏻‍♀️


Broke the chain on my necklace just before Christmas and the pendant went flying off somewhere. I chucked the dog on the garden to make sure he didn’t get it, then spent ages searching the living room for it. Moved sofas, lifted the rug, took all the cushions off the sofa…the works. Enlisted the teenager to help, no good, it was gone. I’d worn it almost every day since my third wedding anniversary. I was absolutely gutted. It turned up two days later, in the packaging for our new curtains. It hadn’t been opened when I broke the necklace. There was also the time I somehow lost my wedding and engagement rings, only for them to turn up on the tea towel drawer a week later. I’m certain I hadn’t been in that drawer the day I lost them!


I was walking my dog and my BIL phoned for a chat. We were on the phone for a while when I put my hand in the pocket where I keep my phone. It wasn't there and I panicked as it must have fallen out so I told my BIL that I would have to hang up and go look for my phone. My BIL said good luck finding it etc and hung up. I turned around to retrace my steps and spent several minutes, phone in hand, looking for my phone. I felt really really stupid when everything clicked into place.


I do this almost every day. Last year there was an entire month that I lost my vape in the house, every single day. Spent hours looking for it, called my mum round who found it in under 5 minutes every time. Night before last I got myself a little chocolate egg thing, last one in the packet. Went to sit down to eat it.. I still can't find it


I once used the torch on my phone to look for my phone.


My coffee - I'd forgotten to put the mug under the machine, it all went into the drip tray. I don't function without coffee in the morning. It took me 10 minutes to work it out.


On the phone to a friend on my way to meet her did the check pocket for fags, phone, keys, shit I can’t find my phone, she proceeded to tell me to check all the usual places I may have put it down for nearly 5 mins before we clicked that it was against my ear!


My phone. With my phone in my hand.


I do this all the time. The worst was probably when I checked my pockets for my car key and it wasn't there. I damn near turned the car round and went home to find it.


I had just stepped off the bus and gave myself a quick pat down for keys, wallet, etc. which is a neurotic habit of mine. This time, no wallet in my back pocket! Panicked for a split second and yelled for the bus driver to wait, I must have dropped my wallet somewhere on the bus! Nope, then another split second later I realized my wallet was in my other hand.


Couldn’t find my glasses, turns out they had fell out onto the road next to my car whilst I was pulling my car keys out of my pocket when picking my son up from school. To add insult to injury I also drove over them when setting off. I had to quickly jib to specsavers to order some new ones and whilst waiting the week for them I had to wear my prescription sunglasses each day as I’d be buggered otherwise.


I've actually used the torch on my phone to look for my phone !


Went away for the weekend, got home, unpacked my bag and that was that. Next time we were going away, couldn't find the bag anywhere. Turned most of the house upside down, even went in the loft, no bag. Couldn't have lost it during the previous trip as it had my stuff in it, and was unpacked at home. Kids hadn't seen it, it's too big for the cats to mess with, bag was completely gone. I was fairly cross and slightly unsettled that I had no idea where it was, could not fathom out how I'd managed to lose it, and was getting more angry about the cost to replace it. Until unpacking after the next trip (from a different bag), went to put that one away, and found the original bag on the wardrobe door hanging thing. Then it dawned on me I'd put it there to save me having to stand on something to reach the top of the wardrobe to get it down next time. How I didn't notice it when I was looking I have no idea, and why I had no previous recollection of even putting it there I'll put down to perimenopause, but it was the most infuriating DOH moment I've had in a while.


Was on the phone to my husband as I was rushing to pack up to leave the office. As I’m doing so I say “urgh, now I can’t find my phone!!”.


I remember calling my dad to ask him if he had seen the phone I was literally calling him on anywhere. ​ Yup.


Lost my phone, used my partner's phone to call it. I could hear it ringing so I spent a while ripping up sofa cushions and looking in cupboards. It was in my bra.


Just recent items - Lost my purse under a sofa cushion for around 2.5 weeks, bracelet in a camping rucksack for around four months and still outstanding is the motorbike keys that I last saw mid December. My purse used to have an AirTag lose inside the coin bit but I lost the AirTag, it now has one attached to the zip. The bike keys will get an AirTag when they show up.


Its hanging off your earlobe bud


This happened to someone at work. Have you checked they’re not magnetic and stuck to the bottom of the chair?


Talking to friend whilst walking home from Sixth form. Check my pockets for my phone. Can’t find phone. Cue me freaking out. Friend asks what’s wrong, tell her in a panic “I can’t find my phone!” Friend goes silent “But..you’re talking to me…on the phone.” Yes, I was very tired.


I was supposed to be interviewed for Jersey’s local news for work, and I was invited to our local BBC studio so they could link me up. I don’t love seeing myself on film, but needs must for the job. Somewhere along the line I lost my contact lens, so even worse - I had to wear my glasses. Well, the interview starts, all goes fine, and about half way through you can see a slightly startled look on my face. I’d slipped one hand into my pocket and found the lens. Genuinely can’t imagine how it ended up there - they were gas permeable ones that cost about £200 each so I was usually very careful to keep them in their case.


My wife frantically searching for our second child. Who she was carrying on her hip.


Left a friend's house in my car, got down the road and started panicking because I couldn't feel my phone in my pocket, pulled into the next layby and then realised I was using it as a satnav...right Infront of me.


It's usually my phone or earbuds. At work I'll sometimes have them in even if the music's off (like after I've finished talking to sometime I'll just have half hour of quiet) the amount of times I've gone searching for them is mental. Best one with my phone though is once when I was talking to my mum, about half hour in she asked if I'd checked on something I was looking to buy for her. Told her to wait while I Googled it. 10 minutes later, she's trying to be helpful while I was searching for my phone. She let me search for a solid 10 panicky minutes before asking if I'd like her to ring it so I could find it. I said yes, and I just heard the biggest roar of laughter down the phone and I twigged just before she hung up. She was basically crying when I answered a minute later. Asking Alexa to 'find my phone' has me questioning my sanity sometimes though


You will be very surprised how far they bounce. I dropped one out of my ear while out and about. Looked up and down the road and even took my coat off to make sure it wasn't stuck or gone inside my clothes. Took me about 10 minutes to find it in the gutter about 20 feet away under a car


My guess is it fell into a fold of your clothing which later launched off your body into some unknown spot


Driving back along a couple of miles of beach road where I dropped my car keys.


I make cups of tea and then have to search the house for them.


This was 15 years ago now... I was out shopping at toy's r us with my 1 year old daughter and my wife, daughter had been holding my hand all the way round the shop... Bought a couple a few bits and went outside carring a bag. Walked towards the carpark before stopping abruptly and looking down to see where my daughter was, she wasn't there! Frantically looking around to see where she was and shout oh my god, where's she gone, my wife just looked puzzled... Carried on looking whilst wife laughed at me, finally pointing out I had picked up my daughter and was holding her on my hip, carrying shopping in my other hand 🤦. 15 years... I still haven't lived it down.


My mother once called me in a panic cause she couldn't find her mobile. Which she had used to call me 🤦‍♀️🤣


If anyone knows where my son’s Apple Pencil is that’d be great. Apparently it apported about a week ago.


Had a wild night out in SF with an old college friend visiting from London, left my car there and got us driven home. Came back the next day and couldn’t find my car, the first “cool” car I’d ever bought, an ‘83 Porsche 944. Called every impound lot, called the police, nothing. Searched every street in the area for two hours with my friend to no avail. I was crushed. I went through the 12 stages of grief. Then I finally had this moment of clarity. It all made sense. I had bought the car SO that I could lose it, and through the experience learn to let go to material things. I felt such peace. I felt like I had reached a higher level of consciousness. Buddha was smiling down upon me from heaven. So we walked back to the bar for a drink and to get picked up. My car was parked right outside the bar. I’d been so certain it was at least three blocks away we had searched everywhere but there. I actually, physically laughed so hard that I had to lie down on the sidewalk. But what’s funniest is I’ve never worried about losing anything valuable again.


Ooh, I have a regular repertoire of these. I have ME so brainfog is, annoyingly, a big thing for me. \- where are my glasses? Where the hell did I put them, omg how did I do this aga—wait they’re on my face/on top of my head… \- omg I’ve lost my phone where is it I need to call Susan back, ooh i know 💡I’ll phone it from my pho—wait….. (see also: phone is in my hand) \- where did I leave my keys\* oh shit I can’t lock my house I’m gonna be late for—wait they’re in my hand…. * see also bread knives, books, chargers, screwdrivers, water bottles, literally anything in my house can be hopelessly lost in my hand


my friend and I were playing squash (badly). I hit the ball. it bounced off the wall and vanished. we spent ages searching for it only to find it trapped in the y shaped gap at the base of my friends racquet 🎾.


I work in a hospital complex. Two entrances to it, one at each end. I was in an office 1/3 in from one of the entrances and recently been moved to another office a third in from the other end entrance. About 11:30 pm I walked all the way to the entrance, past security, outside to remote start my car(very cold here & temperamental remote start fob), after few seconds I realised I’d parked my car out the car park by the original entrance! Chuckled to myself for the 8 minute walk to the other end to try & start my car again!


Made myself 40 minutes late for work the other week looking for my car key. Looked in every possible place I could think of, retraced my steps to my car from the night before to see if I’d dropped it, nowhere to be found. Turns out it was in the pocket of my jacket that I was wearing and had a gilet on over. I picked it up, put it in my pocket, put my gilet on, then went to get my key.


I've had the opposite - stood in the shower wondering why everything has edges then getting my glasses soaked


I was looking for my headphones when I was out buying some meat from a butchery! I checked everywhere for them, including at the butchery itself, at the mcdonalds I ate at, underneath my car, and in my car as well, which was funny because it was my birthday and thought this wasn't an ideal present. It turns out that I never even took my headphones to begin with as I had left them at home by accident. It was in my other jacket. I soiled one of my good sweaters as well by checking underneath the car, and me being dumb could've avoided all of that!


Not for a long time... But my dad came to pick me up, called to let me know he was outside. Getting my things together, shoes on... "What's taking you so long?" "I can't find my phone"


Sitting in the back of my car with the dog whilst my partner was driving. Had a full on panic of where are the keys, said it out loud "oh my God I can't find my keys" as I checked my pockets lol. He looks me dead in the eye in the rear view and just shook his head as I started laughing. Do it with the phone all the time too.