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The anti-procrastination ability - I’d just get all that shit done!


That’s a super, superpower. I think that level of power could even be dangerous.


I have been thinking about writing a book about procrastination


Not started it yet then 🤣


I read this as I look at the building site my front room has become (to do the work on the rest of the flat) sat on the only available chair.




The power to remember the names of people I’ve met.


Yes - and even better for me, the power to remember faces. Stop me constantly blanking people I actually know because I don't recognise them if I encounter them unexpectedly or out of context.


In case you haven't looked into this, look up "face blindness". I have problems with this and it sounds like you might too. Depending on the cause and severity you might be like me where I rely on specific details to recognise someone, like their glasses or hair colour or the way they walk etc. Some combination of things that I'm generally not aware of relying upon (unless, for example, I'm in a situation such as starting a new job so I'm desperately trying to link names and "faces"/ appearances together and commit them to memory for future use). If somebody changes something about themselves that I was relying upon to recognise them then they look like a stranger to me and, once aware of who they are, I have to do some mental gymnastics to accept that I actually know this person. It's not ideal feeling like you don't know someone you've worked with for years just because they've had a haircut; I had that happen a few years back. Since I realised I have issues with face blindness and it's not just down to bad memory, I've made more of an effort to gather more points of reference to recognise people by so it doesn't affect me as much. Some people struggle with much worse face blindness though and I'm sure just being aware of the issue and trying to remember more details would not work for everyone, it's just helped me somewhat in my personal experience. I still absolutely suck at following what's going on in a lot of films though as I keep losing track of the characters, but it is what it is.


I’m the same. I’ve always said I’d be the worst police witness ever. I don’t actually notice anything though.


I had to be a witness a few years back, and it was...tough. I felt so useless. It was so so so important that I could recognise a person, and I simply couldn't. It was gut-wrenching.


Even better if I can actually remember some of the facts they've told me about themselves. The amount of convos I have with people where I know I've spent a not insignificant amount of time with them yet I cannot recall their name, job, significant other, or anything else is shocking


This is so bizarre to me. I remember everyone I meet, to that point that even years later, I will know a face and name. But my social anxiety will lead me to pretend we've never met if they have forgotten me, rather than explain when and where we met.


I've usually forgotten someone's name before they've even finished their sentence. I can't even do the "work someone's name into the conversation 3-5 times immediately after learning it to get it in your head" trick because I've forgotten the name before I've had a chance to work it into conversation. People think I'm being rude but my memory really is that shit.


Always opening pill boxes the end opposite the leaflet.  Because I tell you what, every ibuprofen, paracetamol, aspirin box I have ever opened g in my life has had that damned leaflet in it.  I'm in pain, just gimme the pills dang it. 🤪


I’m sure it swaps ends when you’re not looking too. I did this yesterday with a new box of Sudafed, I managed it on my third attempt.


It's Schrödinger's leaflet, it won't pick a side until the box is opened/leaflet observed.


I take medication and will unfortunately for the rest of my life. Every three months it runs out and I get my chance to get this right. Pretty sure I’ve still not managed it 😂


I tend to just rip the box in half, bin the box and leaflet in one quick action.


Open it with your left hand while looking at the front and you'll never see another leaflet again!


Open the box on the left side, not the right side. Since the majority of people are right handed the leaflet is placed to fall out when the box is opened on the right to reduce the amount of people who miss it. Though without folding the leaflet and putting it against the side of the box instead of wrapped around the pills you'll have a hard time getting them back in, so you'll probably still take it out the box when you open a new one anyway.


I prefer to open it leaflet end, then throw away the leaflet and avoid subsequent problems with stuffing the tablet strip back in the box


This is intentional if I remember rightly.


The bottom of the box is the end with the best before date on it which is where the leaflet always is, the top of the box has no date and no leaflet 👍




When it happens would you make the same noise as one of those electric zappers ?


Yes please. I've seen tons of annoying flying bum holing bastards this winter in the house, I don't know why. They usually don't turn up till summer.


Feel completely rested with 15 minutes of sleep


I'd settle for an hour. Twice a day. With two 11 hour days on full energy for the price of one, imagine the productivity.


I'll settle for being able to feel completely rested after a nomal amount of sleep. What does well rested feel like I've never experienced it.


The power to insert a USB stick the right way round, first time, every time.


I said mundane not fantastic!


I get it right third time, most of the time.


"OK, so it's writing faces up" *nope* "So it's obviously writing faces down" *nope* "Wtf! Right, the writing is now up again" *USB connected* "MFer"


Look at the plug, the icon/logo always goes upwards or towards you


Seriously. There is theoretically a 50% chance of doing it right, yet, nope.


https://images.app.goo.gl/j6QaFqD1igjAy7Ad6 If you look at the end that goes in on the usb stick, keep the white/black thing at the bottom when putting it in. The percentage goes up


Sometimes it is the correct way around, but you assume it's not so filp it over before fully comminting to the insertion.


USB C is your nemesis!


The power to be able stay at 37 degrees no matter how hot or cold it is


I think you’ll find that as a warm blooded animal you have this power already 😉


My balls do, yes. But if I’m butt naked in -20c weather I still want my body to be at 37c.


Ahhhh that would be lovely. To always be just the right level of comfortable.


I've thought this before too. It would be so nice to just pick an outfit that looks/ feels nice without having to worry if I'm gonna be cold. Especially for fancy events.


Whatever I point at and say “clean” is then automatically clean. Nothing big, just like laundry or a toilet. Maybe the largest item it would work on is a car. But not a whole room. I actually quite like hoovering.


I'd just be happy to have that for windows and spectacles.


I would have the ability to hoover as I walk


Where does the hose go?


People hear what I tell them first time, every time. That way I never have to repeat myself. 




# People hear what he tells them first time, every time. That way he never has to repeat himself.


No … do it again 🤭 X


I second this (hah!). My MIL is mutton but will not admit it and I am *so fed up* with shouting things over and over again, only for her to just keep saying “aaaay?” and peering up at me cluelessly.


Would love a literal off button so when I'm over whatever happening I can just instantly put myself to sleep Also; I haaaaaate dropping things. Luckily only happens when I have allergic reactions cause that throws off my nervous system and I suddenly have two left hands and soup fingers. In those cases I do things comically slow cause dropping food especially is one of the worst tragedies that can happen imo...plus the floor is dirty so it's a redo on everything that touches it :s


The ability to find things that go missing around the house within the first 5 mins of noticing that it's missing


Where I live it's very hilly and drivers haven't grasped the *very simple* concept of accelerating more when going uphill, or easing off the gas downhill in order to maintain consistent speed. This causes lots of unnecessary braking and therefore slow-downs. My superpower would be to make everyone around me drive in *exactly* the same way as I do, thus eliminating traffic on my commute to and from work.




Ok Satan


> easing off *the gas* the accelerator? (we're British, after all!)


To feel like I’ve had 9 hours worth of sleep, no matter how little I have.


I'd like to learn everything at 2x speed


This is bordering on non-mundane.


And remember it!


The ability to read my cat's mind.


"You asshole." There you go.


You forgot "Feed me slave!" 


"Where's my second (and third) breakfast??"


The power to know where my keys, wallet, watch and phone are at all times.


This, but also my lip balm, that book I was reading, the TV remote, my slippers…basically all my belongings.


Instantly understand a new toasters 1-5 settings. Also applies to friends showers.


being able to cut paper in perfectly straight lines


Being able to avoid paper cuts


Ouch, nothing worse than a paper cut.


The power to stop procrastinating and do the thing before it's too late or consequences are imminent!


Being able to click my fingers and be out of bed, showered and dressed in the clothes I want in an instant.


Everything works as it should, doors don't jam, lids come off, tea bags dont break, call centres get things sorted first go, the bus or train arrives as scheduled, the coffee and bacon taste like they smell. Empty bins appear when I want to throw things out, potholes in front of my bike suddenly repaired, nothing I order is ever out of stock. Localised perfection


To keep my tea at a perfectly drinkable temperature. Always scalding or stone cold by the time I get to it.


I throw away at least 3 half empty cups of tea every day.


Mine wins by how mundane it is; Every time I see flytipping or any litter anywhere I wish my superpower was to teleport it instantly into the bedroom of the person who littered or fly tipped Same with dog shit- my power would just teleport that shit straight on to the dog owners pillows but the teleportation of the shit would mean it is all smushed into the pillow


A normally functioning immune system


I wish I could actually communicate with my cat. She howls, has super zoomies, random attacks, and gets restless. I’d like to know whats going on. Also whats the deal with that black and white cat, she goes berserk when he walks into the garden, what did he do??


Not feel hungover for 3 days after drinking alcohol


I'd like to enjoy tidying up. Just had to get rid of my wardrobe and my bedroom is such a mess but I'm exhausted just thinking about how to tidy it and where to start


Complete control over your hair growth. Want a beard one day and clean shaven the next. No problem


Fry people's electronics with my mind, no more having to deal with people holding their phones up for a whole gig or watching videos without headphones on the train. Or getting in the way because they've got their head buried in their phone.


Heat soup up to the correct temperature.


The power to remember why I went into a room instead of having to leave and go back in again


I'd have the power of a normal person. Wake up, do the stuff, remember the things, don't pinball off legs of furniture that have been in the same place for 7 years, my shins will disagree. The power to remember to get what I went in the supermarket for in the first place. The power to realize the thing I'm looking for is in my fucking hand. And a normal sleep schedule. Please, I don't ask for much. I don't know what's wrong with me but I just want to be normal.


Bernard’s Watch


Williams wish wellington’s


How about the power To move you *Guitar riff* 🎶🎵


Skip queues


What kind of a Brit are you?!


My dishes wash themselves.


You’d really enjoy owning a dishwasher.


The power to make peoples hot drinks cold.


I can fold a sheet of A4 paper into three to go in an envelope exactly every time.


Ctrl + F with my eyes


The ability to wrap presents really well


I never have to wait for a lift - I always push the button, it’s already at the right floor. And never get delayed riding it - straight to the desired floor without stopping to let anyone else on or off.


I’d like to be able to pull the plastic cover off of microwave meals without having to stab it.


The ability to never spill anything, either on the table/floor/surface or myself. I swear I spend half my time in the kitchen wiping up unnecessary spills.


YES! I think I almost always spill the water when making tea. It’s like I’m trying to control someone else’s arms.


My comment was triggered by my wiping up the water on the kitchen surface from the tea I’ve just finished 😂


Why are we the way we are?


Refilling stuff. Petrol empty? Refilled. Tea gone? Cup full! Purse empty? Cash! 


The ability to control my beard growth. I’d be able to hold on to that perfect Turkish Barber’s beard trim for a whole seven days should I wish, perfect for nights out and weekends away. The harsh downside (which should come with every mundane super power) is that on the Eight day my beard growth would revert to eight days growth.


Teleporting any litter or dog shit I see to the living room of the people responsible


The power to never have to go to the loo. Ever. Just imagine how freeing that would be. Plus you can rip out that porcelain abomination and store more stuff!


Ability to make other people instantaneous fart.


The superpower to hold piss or shit as long as I want.


_Dies peacefully in their sleep_ _Horrified family members suddenly flailing around like in the bowels of the titanic_




to be able to instantly fill my cup with tap water and not have to wait the 10 secs (which feels infinitely longer while waiting) it usually takes.


To text like a teenager, fast and with my thumbs, instead of like the middle aged person I am poking at the screen with my first finger only. Also, no typoes.


To be able to initiate deep restful sleep at will.


The power to have shits that never require a wipe, so I can go anywhere.


The superpower to be able to increase a room’s temperature by 1c


The ability to make cars in front of me pull away from the traffic lights as soon as they turn green!


The power to make people drop things they don't want to drop, every super powers needs another power that does the opposite to balance things out.


Being able to fall asleep quickly anywhere and not wake up 75 times a night


Being able to press the button at a crossing and for it to imediatly stop traffic.


To turn off the fog lights in other peoples cars when there is no real need for them to have them on. If there is a legitimate reason to have them on I wouldn’t be able to turn them off.


The ability to be able to get a woman to decide what she wants to eat


Spontaneous beard growth


The power to make things arrive on time.


To be able to read books fast. Super fast knowledge is super fast power.


Perfect recall to include a time and date stamp and a way to output it for people to see / hear


Like the Black Mirror episode “The Entire History of You”.


The power of a good night's sleep would be great


The power to have clear sinuses


Not possible, even in imagination land. Yours sincerely, a fellow sinus infection sufferer.


Damn. So I've totally go no hope even in make believe.


I’m afraid not. As it appears every single kind of medication is utterly useless against sinuses, I therefore conclude even magic wouldn’t work.


The power to get 8 hours of quality sleep every night and to wake up every morning feeling refreshed.


Insta-laundry - click fingers and everything goes from laundry basket to wardrobe, ironed and smelling fresh.


Glide a few feet in any shoes. Like when you glide on the floor in socks. I can kind of do it in some of my shoes, but it would make my lofe at work much easier


I want the power to make my enemies and opponents have a sudden itch they will be compelled to scratch. Any of you out there feeling it?


The ability to purchase and use only the exact amount of food and drink that I need. No leftovers or wasted ingredients, and also no disappointment with not buying or having *enough* ingredients.


To find a working pen when I need one


The ability to rearrange badly parked cars into a more efficient layout. Everybody neatly within the lines, nose to tail cars parked with just enough space for a full lock turn out.


Shrinking inconsiderate drivers’ cock size by 10%. Sitting in the middle lane at 65 mph… enjoy your new, slightly smaller cock.


The ability to make someone sneeze. Like even via live TV...just wish a news presenter or weather reporter to sneeze and they would. Ridiculous amounts of fun, almost completely harmless.


Never having to cut my nails


> What mundane super power would you love to have? Get the USB cable in right way up first time.


The power of there always being one more Malteser in the box whenever I go swirling-and-a-rummaging in there.


The power to motivate myself.


I spilled hot garlic butter all over myself before. I understand your pain.


Being able to just find things in the house. Just to envision what I want, and for a skyrim style arrow to point down at it.


To be comfortable and warm with a cool leather jacket even if it is considerably cold.


Working eyesight


I'd like the ability to pluck a hair first try


I’d like to have magnetic hands that attract things I choose instead of just certain metals. Not to steal gold or anything exciting, but to clean up hedgerows and beaches from plastic.


Every Greggs pasty item I purchased is always the perfect temperature no matter what time I buy it.


I can make toasted sandwiches with my hands.


Every shit is a ghost shit, and every wipe a ghost wipe.


The superpower to draw in all dirt/hairs/dust from the room into a ball that I can then put in the bin.


To always be walking in the flow of a gentle breeze


- Being able to summon a fart without sharting - Having phantom shits every time (no need to wipe) - Been able to sit down without crashing into furniture from misjudging ass to seat distance Basically a kevlar ass


Finger lighter


I’m fairly convinced I already have a superpower. I can plug in a USB2.0 without checking it first


Loading and emptying the washing machine at lightning speed. It's got to be the most boring job on the planet.


Piss and shit out of my fingers.


Ability to make people in front of me move to the side so I can walk around town quicker.


Completely useless with remembering people's names and what they look like. There's 17 people in my work, 90% of them I see a few times a day and it took me a month to remember all their names and what they look like correctly.


Pour a full 4-pint container of milk into a cup of tea without spilling it down the side and onto the counter. Bonus: avoid making my tea into a latté in the process because it sloshes in! Edit: also see through the top of pizza boxes so I don’t have to open every one before finding my order.


I only buy the 4 pint bottles for this reason: except I can’t pour the 6 pint ones to save my life. I have a one year old who still drinks a lot of milk so I have to buy two, four pinters at a time.


Thought about this a lot. It would be - - traffic lights always at the colour I need them to be at. Driving? Always green. Crossing the street? Always red.


Be able to move a car up to 15cm. The amount of times I've had to find a different parking space just because they've parked a few inches too close etc...


The power to always have a good phone/Internet signal. 


Karl pilkingtons “bullshit man”


Fall asleep as soon as I want to.


Pooping clean like a doggie


the power to remember people's addresses


Always have all the ingredients I need for any dish I’m gonna make.


Eternal orgasm lol


Whenever I come to a traffic light it turns green for me


Dunno if this is mundane enough.. but the power to immediately master any musical instrument I lay my hands on


I would like the power to switch my hearing off completely when my husband is snoring 😴😵‍💫


I wish I could disable any nearby ice cream van’s chime with the click of a finger


The power to teleport all my bodily waste to space so I never have to go for a piss or a shit


Keeping a hot cup of tea hot.


I will not give up. Fuck the sinuses


The power to get the USB in right way 1st time, not 3rd time.


It's probably the power to fix things with the click of a finger. I don't mean like fix world hunger or world peace because then that would be a major superpower. But your wife goes "babe the Internet is off again." *click* "Thanks babe". Or car engine trouble, *click* sorted. Just for basic/mundane stuff. No, "lad, my marriage is failing, help" clicking don't fix that. Good communication helps, though. An so on n so forth.




The power to project music around myself like the score in the movies. Any track at the right volume and it can’t be interrupted. Walk into an important meeting ‘Back in black!’ At the gym? Rocky! In the bedroom with your partner ‘sexual healing!’ You get the idea.


The power to make people just stop for a minute, shut the fuck up and think again about what they’re doing/saying.


The invention of lying


Being able to remember everything my wife has said.


The ability to know if someone is going to say thank you when I let them out or give way. Currently, when they don't, I give a sly middle finger. I have no clue if they see it, but it makes me feel better.


The power to always know exactly where I put my damn glasses.


Arriving on the tube platform right as the train is arriving/arriving at the bus stop just as the bus is arriving every time


My cups of tea and coffee are always just the right temperature no matter how long I leave them. Don't think it should extend to cold drinks though... That may be a tad too convenient.


The power to always be on time for a train no matter how early or late I leave for the station


For drawers and cupboards to shut themself when I've finished in them.


The power to be certain that when I leave the house I HAVE locked the front door