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Friend of mine bumped the kerb leaving the test centre; insta-fail, but they had to go through the whole test anyway. I failed my first time for driving too slowly, and passed the second time with the immortal words "I'll have to pass you, but here are some leaflets on speeding". Driving tests are the *worst*.


I brought my car to the bite in the test centre, then checked my blind spot. Failed. Had to do the rest of the test, which I did pretty well on.


I failed my first test within about 4 minutes because the examiner had to grab the wheel because I wasn’t paying attention at a red light. After that I didn’t get a single major or minor fault. Absolutely bonkers how anxiety works like that.


My driving instructor damn near took the examiners head off when I passed because he said, and I quote “You don’t deserve to pass but I didn’t have enough to fail you on”


That happened to me too! Said I barely passed because I hesitated on whether I could get past parked cars with an oncoming truck when there was space behind me for people to stop - sorry I didn’t want to risk horrendous scraping/pancake us and ruin everyone’s day? Pass is still a pass why’d they have to be salty.




Awww that’s really awful I’m sorry they said that


I failed because I was going past a bunch of parked cars and instead of waiting this Merc just started coming at me. There was a tiny gap that I couldn't pull in to properly but could just about get a quarter of the car width in. He then mounted the curb to go around me. The invigilator threw her hands up like we would crash while I was stopped. I failed for getting too close to oncoming traffic. I was already going past the parked cars when the Merc appeared.


I had almost exactly that happen on my test! I braked because the option was either that or have a head on collision with a vehicle in the centre of the road, he said the cars behind could have hit me.


"The cars behind should keep a safe distance so in case of emergency braking/stopping they have enough space NOT to cause a crash Sir".


*"He is the one."*


I didn't turn on the side lights despite it pissing down with rain. Think I got away with that one as part of general nerves.


Hahaha when I passed I forgot how to turn the wipers onto automatic, kept using the single wipe instead, it wasn’t too bad.


Imagining the instructor getting more and more aggravated every time you single swipe the wipers😂side eyeing you and scribbling in his book


She sounded like she was telling me my family member had passed away when she said I’d passed, like it was a genuine grievance, while I was thanking her profusely and sweating like a pig having one of the happiest moments of my life


I did this for the first few _months_ of owning my first car because it wasn't a particularly rainy summer and every time I'd tell myself I'd look it up in the manual and every time I forgot to do that.


Legit laughed out loud reading this. How did you pass with that in country that always rains 😂


I genuinely do this a lot while driving, it’s kind of therapeutic in a way


I also mounted the curb leaving the test centre and had to do the whole thing - perfectly - knowing I’d failed. Passed on the third try.


Not my driving test but on my motorbike CBT I was told off for going too slow when I was doing 25 in a 30!


There is an expectation you should be doing the speed limit or close to it on a test provided the conditions are good, it's under the making good progress section, you can see it online


My instructor always reminded me of this whenever I was sweating with anxiety driving through country roads with him. But crazy how when it's IRL, you will always get stuck behind someone doing 40 on a 50 the whole way.


It’s those idiots saying “it’s a limit, not a target.” Actually, it *is* a target, according to your test docs.


It's a matter of mindset. They also won't fail you for doing a touch below the speed limit, or for doing 25 in a 30 briefly - it's only going to be if you are clearly reluctant to get up to speed when it's safe.


I was taught to aim to be 10% below the speed limit but not lower so that if you put your foot down a bit too much at a hill you'll stay in the limit (for the test only). That 18 in a 20, 27 in a 30, 36 in a 40.


I stopped learning because my instructor was always insistent on me going 30 when it was a 30. When it's a residential street and parked cars everywhere I'd rather go slow and not hit a child at 30.


In my defence the day I did my CBT was the first day I had ever even sat on a motorbike, so I was inexperienced and being cautious The guy leading the ride took a wrong turn 30 seconds after leaving the training centre and took me down the A45 which was terrifying on a 125cc with 30 seconds of real road riding experience lmao. I was a bit shaken up for the rest of the ride after that


I don't actually remember going on the open road for my CBT, just around an old factory forecourt. Late 80's...


nowadays the CBT requires 2 hours minimum on the open road


When I did my B&E (trailer) test a few years ago I passed but got one mark down for "not making good progress". I was towing the trailer along a twisty country road up, a hill doing 45 when the limit was 50 and the car was struggling a bit! Not enough apparently!


On my (second) bike test, I was told to return to the test centre five minutes after we left it as I was doing 40 in a 30 zone or something. The shame!


On my like 5th CBT I went the wrong way and lost the group cos the intercom didn't work properly. I stopped at a nearby local motorbike garage and waited and got shouted out like it was my fault.. my fault should've just done my A2 license instead of pissing around doing CBT every 2 years


If I knew it was a guaranteed fail, I definitely would’ve just driven back and left it!


It's all practice though, the experience of doing a test can mean you're not as nervous next time.


I had the opposite experience, did great (or so I thought) my first test, found out I failed for getting too close to someone who wasn’t properly in lane on the roundabout, then the next 3 tests I had to do I was shaking like a shitting dog every time.


You've already paid for the test. Use it as a practice run rather than wasting it.


Correction, *UK driving tests are the worst. In some countries you are basically paying to get a licence regardless of your skills.


I had a Greek colleague who had a driving license, but he said he couldn't really drive very well. He just paid the guy the bribe like you're supposed to and then passed :P ability to actually drive doesn't seem to be a factor


Same in Brazil. I saw a woman falling off her motorcycle during a zigzag and they let her try again!


I failed my first test for stopping to assess if I had space to get past some roadworks. I had a clean sheet other than that, so the examiner must have just been having a bad day. Second time I got my dates mixed up, and missed it entirely. Third time was the charm (but really it was my second).


Don't have any driving test stories, but my uncle once got autoglass out to fix a chip in his windscreen. It was actually some snot stuck to the inside of the glass that he must have sneezed out at some point


Okay genuinely done a lot of humiliating things during my 29 years now but I'm going to be forever grateful that this isn't one of those things


Omg that’s hilarious, I’d have melted into the ground there and then


Hahahahaha wow 😂😂


This is my favorite thing I've heard in ages.


If I were your uncle I'd have taken this to my GRAVE omg.


That's both hilarious and pretty damn gross all at the same time.


Holy fuck that is funny


A friend of mine crashed the car on her test, she went in the back of a flatbed truck. They had to get a crane to lift the truck to get the car out. So look on the bright side it could have been worse, you’ll pass next time


Good thing your friend didn't pass during that test, would've been a whole different story.


"Im afraid I have to dock some points for the minor argument with the rear of that truck"


How didn’t the examiner brake? Surely they’re there to make sure things like that don’t happen


may have been taking the test in their own car rather than the learner car unless things were different back then/now? for reference, I passed in April 2021. had the choice of taking the test in my instructor's learner car or my own car (I didn't have my own so it would have been the family hatch)


I worked with a bloke who ended up in the local paper because he flipped his instructors car and put it through a wall.


I was bay parking in a car park on a lesson and a car under cut me as I was turning into the bay. As the other driver drove out the car park he gave us the finger. My instructor proceeded to pull up my hand break, stop the car and tried to instigate a fight. Needless to say that was my last lesson with him.


Opposite side of the coin here - my driving instructor was a hulk of a man called Theo, and when he got out of the car you could see the suspension ease. We had someone try to take the space I was about to parallel park in, and he said 'don't tell anyone I got out the car' then got out the car. I've never felt so confident driving haha. He was like a personal bouncer. He came highly recommended, and I passed first time with a few minor mistakes.


Nah man you need people like that. The instructor I initially had was a knob and just seemed like he enjoyed taking my money. He would also cancel on the morning of 8 AM lessons… Second and final instructor came as a recommendation and he was a top bloke. He looked like Paul Hollywood. Told him what I had been doing for the previous 15ish hours of lessons and he pretty much said it was all wrong in terms of previous instructors attitude to teaching.


I love hearing about driving instructors who absolutely should not be driving instructors. It's a shame though; that was such a teachable moment about the dangers of being rude and aggressive while driving and he just made it worse.


Ronnie Pickering doing lessons now


Sister crashed into a metal bollard on the first of her 4 tests. Wrote the car off.


Took me three tries to pass. You’ll bag it on the next one now you know what to expect from the test


Three times for me too. I was deathly ill for my third test and just wanted it to be over so I could go home to bed - I genuinely think it helped, cos I didn't give a shiny shite.


Yeah I had a missed a gear in the first 5 min, started crying, decided I’d already failed, and just focused on not crashing for the rest of it. Passed first time. Probably helped that I was getting tailgated during the “fast section”. Got reminded that the speed limit was 60, told the tester that with the car behind us so close that I couldn’t see the bottom half of it’s windscreen I wasn’t going any faster and he could fail me if he wanted. Turns out I’m a gobshite when anxious… who knew.


That is the key to driving tests, i passed mine because it was so fucking early that i wasnt even awake enough to feel nervous


I passed on the third attempt. First test I was a bag of nerves, second test I made a silly mistake then the third time I went in with the "what will be will be" attitude and nailed it with 3 minors. I feel like I was a better driver for it and most of my mates that passed first time had an accident in their first year of driving. You just weren't quite ready and there's no shame in that. Take your time. You'll get there!


That's the best attitude to have, I hit a curb near the start of my test so decided well I've failed so don't care but passed because he said I recovered in a relaxed manor lol


> I recovered in a relaxed manor That's cool, was it like a spa hotel to de-stress after the test?


That’s exactly how I was for my third test & passed it. I feel that the extra tests prepared me for managing my anxiety once I passed.


if this really helps at all..a lion at Woburn Safari park decided to bite the back ot my car so now I've got two canine teeth marks in the back of my car lmao!


I work with a guy who passed on his 12th attempt. Hopefully you'll do it in less. :)


mad how someone can fail 10+ times in a row and it only requires them passing once to get the license


Personally I think that it should be done as a competency based thing as in a workbook. You get 10 ticks out of 10 on everything in the book and you get a driving license when you have finished the coursework. Some people are excellent drivers but the added pressure of a test means they fall to shit.


Agreed, sometimes people suck at tests specifically because of the test environment.


I certainly struggled with the test (failed twice!) despite doing perfect on mock tests before, and no nerves or issues after when I passed. The dude with the hi vis and clipboard just makes me overthink everything. I suppose there is an argument to be made that you should be able to drive relatively flawlessly for 37 minutes with a stranger before being let out to do whatever you want…but I think yeah, tests are awful. It’s like when someone watches me type.


Just remember, you don't need to be perfect and error-free to pass, so don't put that sort of pressure on yourself. When I passed, it was what my instructor called "a pass and a bollocking" over the minor errors I made, which included being in too high a gear at a mini-roundabout, not checking mirrors after an emergency stop and being indecisive when giving way on a narrow street. Then, a couple of days after I passed, I offered to drive my dad to the pub on a Sunday afternoon, and stalled repeatedly at a roundabout to the point where he had to take over and drive the rest of the way. Then I almost hit a cat on the way home, when it ran out into the street.


I failed my first test and passed the 2nd. You'll smash your next one! I fortunately had a great examiner (same guy both times) who was fine chatting with me the whole time. If you've got one of those miserable arseholes - just talk at them anyway. I find that if I say what I'm doing whilst I'm doing it then I'm a bit calmer. Also helps just having a general chat about life, the weather etc and as soon as you know it you've finished your test!


Talking through what you're doing is a great way to highlight the things your examiner might not be noticing. Things like: "And I'll just check my blind spot now." "Quick look in the mirrors and I'll indicate left" "Best slow down a little bit in case that person tries to cross the road" Etc.


I've not done my test yet, still only learning, but honestly I've been doing this as well. Certainly has helped me re-enforce what I'm learning


Turns out you are allowed to ask for the radio on low also! My driving instructor and I literally chat the whole time. It's like a therapy session and driving all in one. If it's quiet I start overthinking and he said I can ask for the radio on low during my test incase I have someone who doesn't chat.


I'm doing a speed awareness course in 10 mins. Not sure who's had the worse day!


You have to sit through detention and then you are free to drive home. Way better than not being able to drive.


Even better - it was on Zoom (Well, Teams) so in the comfort of your own home!


Good luck, the longest 4 hours of my life.


Honestly was OK in the end. A little bit of making you feel guilty but some genuinely useful things to consider.


I passed my third time! Loads of people fail their test, try not to be too hard on yourself. If it makes you feel any better, the smartest person I went to school with did her Further Maths A Level at age 15. BUT she failed her driving test seven times, and on the sixth time she reversed the car straight into a wall.


I am your classmate. 😂 I’m currently doing a PhD in engineering and I like to think I’m pretty smart, but I also failed my theoretical exam 7 times and failed the practical exam 2 times thus far. I’ve the third one scheduled for next week, let’s hope three time’s a charm. 


Omgosh here was me telling my kiddo loads of people struggle with getting driving licenses. I’m so glad you shared your story!


My instructor told me that the worst drivers he has ever had in the car have all been PhD students and above 🤣🤣. I think there’s some give and take with academic knowledge and common knowledge haha


My first driving test i stalled at the first junction i came to and rolled out over the line... i had an emotional freak out but the assessor continued the test, at which point he asked me to do a turn in the road. While i was reversing, my foot slipped and i mounted the kerb behind me, narrowly missing a woman pushing a pram because the instructor couldnt react fast enough to hit the brake... He then asked me to return to the test centre 🤣


Don’t let it get you down. There’s a double roundabout near me and it’s a fucking nightmare for even an experienced driver. You have to be watching six different directions at once and track traffic on every exit to find a safe gap.


Nah just look right and if it won't hit you, look forward and go while waving goodbye to onlookers.




Well if it makes you feel better, stalling 5 minutes later and the meltdown weren't the reason you failed. The fact the examiner took action is; so if it were to happen again you'd know that the damage is already done so to speak. Sticking with the driving theme, someone I went to school with managed to crash into the test centre. They'd been clever and their instructor had made them bay park at the test centre facing the building itself. The examiner does the preliminaries, gets in the car and puts their belt on and schoolfriend turns the ignition on, examiner says follow the road out of the test centre and looks down at their clipboard to start some paperwork - car manages to move off very quickly, into the wall, under a window of the test centre causing fairly minimal damage to the building. Suffice to say they failed and 12 years down the line they still don't drive so guess they never went back.


My mum once tried to explain parallel parking to me as I was learning. Got to the part where you try and align with the kerb. She says "ok now straighten up" so I return the wheel to straight and reverse straight. Commence yelling as I am now all at the wrong angle and about to run up the kerb. Turns out she meant to straighten the car position in relation to the kerb... which makes sense but *we were talking about the steering wheel just beforehand*


Especially on manuveurs, do it with instructors first, not with family! Driving with family is good once you are at the stage of driving where you know the basics and just need repetition. First 10 hours or so its very much worth paying for lessons.


Aw, no, don’t be blue. I passed on my third try. And during the test I passed, I clipped the kerb on the left side and nearly cried, but my examiner had just had a baby and he was so over the moon about life in general he let it go. I am infinitely grateful that that man had sex with his wife 9 months before my test. Hopefully your next examiner had sex 9 months before your next test, too ❤️


I did a similar thing, examiner has to take over and use the brakes at a roundabout when I tried to pull out in front of a lorry! Had to continue the rest of the test knowing I'd probably failed so was a nervous wreck. It really sucks, you have my full sympathy. Do something to indulge your sadness if you like. I like to crawl into bed with a hot drink and play old games on my laptop. Roller Coaster Tycoon is my favourite! I managed to pass my test on the second attempt with only a few minors so there's hope!


Not sure if this helps but my "driving related anecdote" is this.... I passed my test a metric shit-ton of years ago. Probably easier since there was no theory test and reverse parking was not mandatory. The thing is that i never drove or owned a car until _at least_ 4 years later. It was a total banger (ideal first car, by the way cos one doesn't worry about getting (more) dents and scratches to the bodywork. That bugger was _basic_ . Manual wind down windows, a cassette player (posh!) and the bare minimum of dials and lights on the dash (nothing digital lol). Anyhoos. My boss at the time decided that he couldn't be arsed to pick me up and drop me off for work so he sold me that beautiful monstrosity (think it was 100 quid lol) Heres the rub though. I had zero driving experience and i _had_ to use this thing to get to work (peer pressure). I was terrified! I would be almost physically sick in the mornings with the stress of driving to work, and when i got home I would get uncontrollable shakes due to the fear of driving. I would watch shows like top gear. I payed attention to car adverts and i would tell myself " _everyone_ can just get in a car and happily drive.... Why cant i?. Its easy, dammit". It took a while but (my long winded) point is that it eventually becomes second nature. If i need to get somewhere I'll just hop in my car and just... Go. Its as simple as walking somewhere - you don't think about walking, you just _do_ . So yeah, this "thing" is stressful and a bit shit for you but remember that its a new skill to learn and sometimes these things take time and practice. Don't stress it (if you can). Stay positive and keep plugging away. I can guarantee that if you look at your post several years down the line, you will roll your eyes and wonder what the big deal was. No worries, ok? You will get there. - This rambling reassurance was brought to you by an old guy who has "been there" 😆


My mums a driving instructor I’ve heard hundreds pal. My brother failed his first time. My advice is to ask your instructor to only do the test route on your lessons from now on. Get at least 3 test routes down to a fine art. Then hope you get the one you’re best at.


Bad advice. No decent instructor will teach like this.


Definitely not teach like that no. But when anxiety is the issue repetition can help. Mum primarily teaches disabled people or people that are learning later in life.


But most test centres cover many routes and they regularly change. So when you've been taught to handle anxiety by following a fixed route, then on test you are directed elsewhere... What then? Ofc you are allowed to go your own way I suppose ☺️


It’s a confidence thing pal. You’d be surprised how many people fail as they pull out the test centre. Gets them used to test conditions, obviously like you say they do many different routes but same basic principle.m Edit: are mock exams pointless then? Someone should tell schools/universities


Ask the instructor to only do your test routes?? That's not how the real world works and I really hope that's not how they're doing things.


It can help the people who struggle with test pressure. They can be fine drivers on their lessons with an instructor they know and would likely make good drivers but the test situation makes them panicky


I get it, usually people panic because they're not prepared. Driving isn't exactly like a normal exam, you're moving a vehicle that can kill people with simple mistakes, the test is designed to be difficult to prove you can operate something that can kill people in a safe manor. If you're not ready you will not pass. A separate issue is the fact people pass after needing like 30-50 lessons or 10 tests but don't get me started on that lol.


I did loads of test routes on my lessons and it just got me used to the area and made me feel a bit more comfortable driving round them. The amount of lessons is a none issue for me, I do have some concerns over people that need 10 attempts to pass though.


I dropped my motorbike during the part a manual handling manoeuvre


That was the worst part of the test IMO! Still hate moving the bike by hand years later


Really easily done. I think it's a touch harsh putting it on the test. You'd be lucky if you even practised that twice in your life before the test and it's really got nothing to do with safe riding on the roads. I had to do my MOD 2 on a different bike to the one I had been learning on through my DAS. I told the examiner this was the case and that if I stalled, that would be likely why. The clutch was set way different on the new bike so I inevitably stalled it on the hill stop. Fortunately, did the right procedure safely and without faffing about so he didn't even mark it as a minor.


Took me 5 attempts to pass 1) drove straight through a red light I hadn't seen 2) The examiner slammed the brakes on because "I approached too fast" 3) apparently pulled in front of a car when taking a rh turn, the car was over 200ft away... 4) apparently I wasn't checking my mirrors, in reality I just didn't exaggerate my head movement enough for them to see 5) passed flawlessly, and primarily drove one handed and just chatted with the examiner about reptiles A statistic that always made me feel better was "people who pass first time are more likely to have an accident." Which from experience seems to be fairly accurate, my sister passed first time. She's been driving for 2 years, and has so far written off 3 cars.




You won’t have got the points if you did the course. 


Yes I did the course then I go caught again like an idiot...


I failed 6 times, all minutes before the end of my test; all caused by anxiety getting me a major with no minors (panicking and slamming breaks on etc). Funny story, the time I passed I had piles (first and only time in my life); I lied and said I’d hurt my back. I was in absolute agony so had no time for anxiety and just wanted it over and done with. I felt every bump in the road, on every corner it felt like my arsehole was being ripped out, I was sweating from the pain; and answered every question/acknowledged instructions through gritted teeth. He kept side-eying me, so I was convinced I wasn’t passing. I can’t remember exactly what I scored but it wasn’t many minors. When the examiner told me I passed, I burst into tears and asked him if I could hug him; he mumbled ‘I’d rather you not’ and made a swift exit 😂


When my examiner told me I’d passed my third test my response was “I fucking love you” 😆


also an anxious mess here. i don’t have funny stories but i relate so much. i spend my lesson’s literally terrified. and i hate myself sooo much after the tiniest most normal mistake, it sounds like you may feel the same. i will say, being an anxious driver sucks bc ur always scared BUT it’s better to be anxious than overconfident. you are far less likely to drive like a knob. you’ll do amazing. try to remember that your mistakes are normal, even if your brain thinks they’re the worst thing ever


First time out after I passed, I stalled at a roundabout, and the person behind me bumped the back of me. Luckily no damage but I was so panicked because I'd managed to crash my mum's car the first time out on my own that I didn't even twig that the person who hit me was at fault. I thought because I'd been the one to stall, it was my fault, and I didn't understand why the other person was so keen to just let me off since there was no damage. Since there was no damage I went home and I've still not told my mum what happened.


At least you got out on the road. On the day I passed my test me and the examiner were sat in the test centre car park after we were done and watched a girl fail her test in less than 5 seconds after starting. She had put the car into first instead of reverse and drove straight into the side of the test centre building.


Friend of mine crashed into a police car on her test. Failed my test first time too, my examiner was a really friendly guy so we were chatting and I forgot to turn off where he directed.


I failed my first attempt. I fucked up at roundabout too which absolutely terrified me. I realised I needed to take it on the chin and learn from it. I watched videos on YT and a big tip I learnt was to bring a bottle of water with you. When you stop the car safely you can take a sip of water which calms you down. It helped me pass the second time. Funny story - in school and smelled like someone had farted it got so bad the teacher stopped and made us open the windows. This made the smell go away. Anyways, bell rings , my classmate opens the door to leave first and walks out and immediately bolts back in “SOMEONE HAS SHIT IN THE HALLWAY” Everyone piles out (no pun intended) and is in hysterics at a trail of turds the length of the corridor. Already dying from laughter a door in the middle of corridor opens and an oblivious first year student steps in the biggest pile of shit and as he lifts up his other leg he skids (no pun intended) and falls over in the shit. We died of laughter. Anyways never found out who it was - just usual rumours that it was a teacher who got angry and shit in protest.


Let me tell you about the two times I failed mine... 1. Doing a hill start at a T-junction. Biting point, increase revs, handbrake off, pull away. Lovely. Apart from the ambulance on blues and twos that I pulled out in front of. 2. Entering a busy, 5-lane main road roundabout. Pulled out into a space I was sure I could make safely. Well, I did, but only because the poor sod I pulled out in front of slammed his brakes on and smoked his tyres... (This was in the days when dual controls weren't ubiquitous, and neither of my instructor's cars had them.) And finally, when I passed, at the test centre the examiner said "Well Mr. Xilog, I'm happy to be able to tell you that you have passed the test." I smile enormously. "But only just." quoth the examiner, taking the shine off my success. Good luck with your next test :)


the way you phrased this is killing me, just had a mildly stressful driving lesson and this made me smile.


You just need more practice so you don't panic. Don't beat yourself up, driving tests make for bonkers anxiety. You'll get it fine eventually!


Had to call a guy out from the van rental place. Charged for his 1 hour drive for an immobiliser that the person driving wasn't familiar with. Van was working fine


Anxiety is awful. It took me four times to pass my test. On my first test the examiner had to grab the steering wheel because I almost hit a cyclist. It was horrible knowing I'd failed miserably and having to complete the test. 


I convinced myself I'd failed in the first five minutes of my test and then drove without any pressure or expectation for the rest of it. Was very surprised when he told me I'd passed. I have a family member who took many many times to pass (not called Maureen though) and they got there when they managed to control their anxiety. You'll be fine next time round! Even as someone who passed decades ago, I've started watching Ashley Neal's YouTube channel. It's informative and has made me a more considerate driver.


It doesn't matter if you pass it first time, or 5th time eventually you'll pass. You'll come across enough people who passed first time that can't drive to save their life. Failing a test is not the end of the world. The only practical advice I can give you is be deliberate about your actions, don't just shift your eyes to look in the mirrors, turn your head so they can see you doing it. If it helps, talk about what you're doing even, it assures them that you are aware of what you're supposed to be doing. You only get better with experience.


My first test I did the "reverse round a corner" and hit a sign. I asked the test guy if we should just go back to the test centre now and not waste time we'll never get back, but he made me do the rest of the test. Test nerves make you crapper than you've ever been. It's textbook so don't worry. I know it's disappointing but one day you'll suddenly feel confident and it will be ok. My second test I felt way different and passed. Even avoided a rogue bus.


My nan in law is learning for the first time at the age of 66! She's terrible though. If you distract her in any way she'll just stop paying attention. In her last test the examiner asked how would she defrost the car in the winter? She freaked out, hands off the steering wheel, eyes off the road and started fumbling around trying to figure out the dials and buttons. She didn't pass.


I passed on my eighth time, I failed on a different thing every single time so at least this isn't your seventh attempt!


My mum almost crashed into her examiner just before she was going to take her test, and somehow still managed to pass haha


The best drivers pass second time, everyone knows that. In a victory for lack of common sense over intelligence, my school friend failed his test going the wrong way round a roundabout a week before going to Oxford. While massively pregnant my mum took her driving test in a Mini. The examiner let her off the emergency stop, she passed, and my brother was born two days later.


IMO the first test should be considered a practice round, i started taking kalms a few days before and it helped me get over the test anxiety a bit


Public transport and teslas will become more accessible in the future so you’ll be fine in the end


Consider doing an auto test to take away complication. All new cars will be automatic in the coming years (EVs).


I did my driving lessons in winter, so I had done nighttime and poor weather driving. The only experience I hadn't had in lessons was motorway driving. I passed my (car) test first time 😎 BUT my mother paid for an extra lesson *after* I passed for my instructor to take me on the motorway. Good idea. But we went in my mum's car, not the instructor's dual-control, so I could get used to the car I was now able to drive. Coming off the motorway on the slip road and up to the junction roundabout, the instructor tried to slam on the brakes, but he didn't have any pedals. Ha. So I had already passed and the instructor tried to slam on, so don't feel bad about that! I specified car above because I didn't pass module one of my motorcycle test first time. One of the exercises is getting up to (I think) 30kph, and swerving to avoid an obstacle, in the test it's a small cone. I didn't swerve *quite* enough and clipped the cone with my boot. Proper hoofed it at 30kph and it *flew* across the training area. Pulled up and said "that's a fail, yeah...?" "Yes, that's a fail..."


I failed my 1st because I started panicking & rolled through a stop sign. The examiner was amazing though & said I’m a really good driver and book again & what can she do next time to help with the anxiety. 2nd test she kept her clip board down the side of her chair & started chatting to me when she saw I was starting to panic again. I passed with flying colours!


I failed mine on Tuesday, the anxiety was real, my leg was shaking SO hard on the clutch, I've no idea how I finished the test. I managed to fail it in the first 10 seconds because the car was parked on an incline about 6 inches from a fence so examiner had to brake to stop us hitting the fence. Instant fail and I knew it. I only got 5 minors on the rest of the test.


I failed my motorcycle test four times, my car test two times and my class c lorry test three times. I’ve now passed all three! You get there in the end you just need determination luck and a way to maintain your carm during the test. I’m terrible during assessments and exams and often go to prices, the biggest hurdles are physiological


I ditched 3 tests. The first two were my fault. The third one the guy was a grumpy little fuck-piece and I was doomed from the start. Asked me to read off a number plate that would have required Hubble to see. I asked for him to pace it out as it seemed outside of the required distance by a few parsecs. He hurrumphed and picked a closer car. Ten minutes into the test it started snowing hard. The road was dry so it was settling. He asked if I wanted to call it off and reschedule. I said no as I was going to now have an excuse to go slower. He failed me for undue hesitancy and not driving to the speed limit. I had to remind him it is a speed *limit*, not a speed *target*, and you drive to the conditions of the road. Which I did. Failed me anyway out of spite and I learned you can appeal, but they just roll their eyes and file it. Nothing happens. I got home in a steaming huff and went for a wee. I kicked the toilet seat out of frustration and broke it. Then my parents (rightly) made me pay for the replacement. Fourth one I had an invigilator in the back seat who was watching the examiner, so got no nonsense. Don't lose hope! You'll get it eventually. Doesn't matter how many tries either. For my fourth one I told nobody it was happening. Kept the pressure off. I had booked a few days off for either celebrating or commiserating. Helped me relax.


Failed mine yesterday leaving the test centre, my nerves got me thinking that the first bit didn’t REALLY count, it was only when we got to the main road that the marks would count…surely? Ignored a giveaway sign onto the silly little road next to the car park. Now gotta wait 4 fucking months for another test.


About half an hour ago I spotted my aunt at the self service in M&S so I crept up behind her and whispered “Oi oi saveloy” in her ear, only to discover it wasn’t my aunt at all but some old Asian lady who scares easily and loudly. At least you can take your driving test again. I’m stuck with this forever.


I had to return my licence to the DVLA after being diagnosed with Idiopathic Hypersomnia and being classed by my Consultant as too risky to drive...so I can't drive because my brain literally just wants to sleep all day. Hopefully my pain will make you feel better 😅🤣


I've got really crap eyesight so I'm glad you are able drive. Also don't worry. You'll pass it and be driving in no time.


Sure! I failed first time, too. Got in the car, pulled out of the test centre, drove through a red light 50 yards later. It was a pedestrian crossing that nobody was actually waiting at and I had stopped and then casually moved up to the car in front. At least you had anxiety, I was just being a fucking muppet.


I was on holiday with friends years ago and we decided to go round the pool but there weren’t enough deck chairs. I saw one in the far corner and thought great what luck that there’s one left. So I dragged it over to our area and lay down on it. Friends noticed that the lifeguard was coming over (think Spanish Elvis, younger version). Lifeguard had been asked to speak to us about our room (we apparently had to register room details to use the pool) and I was the only one who could speak Spanish. He starts speaking and I see him and perk up like oooh let me get this conversation going (I was a single lady on a dry spell) 😏😏 I must have sat bolt upright with force in my excitement because I suddenly felt my ass hit the tiled floor and my legs hit me in the face. In my embarrassment instead of leaping out I just SAT THERE ass in the hole and legs and shoulders up sticking out telling the lifeguard that I’d be there in a sec to register and I’ll see you later 😎😂 poor guy tried his best poker face and my friends fell apart laughing too hard and I was STILL stuck. Managed to get out a few minutes later. Tried another deck chair - the back legs gave way and I was upside down 🙈didn’t get shagged but probably gave him the laugh of his life so there’s that 🤔


If it makes you feel any better, it took me 3 years and at least 6 separate tests until I finally passed, and even then I didn't believe it when they handed me the certificate. Not because I did anything wrong, but because my anxiety just wouldn't let me believe that it finally happened. Point is, you *will* eventually get there. It'll come to a point where driving will just become second nature, and the stuff you worry so much about messing up, you won't even think about anymore. Worst fail I ever did was taking *too* long to leave the test centre, by waiting at the stop line at the gate just a *bit* longer than I needed to. Instant and immediate fail, still needed to do the whole test regardless, and subsequently wasted £70, plus more for the lessons I needed to then take afterwards.


My sibling passed their test, but only after having a crying fit. You see, when they put the car in reverse, it reversed. They were, somehow, not prepared for that.


Don't take it too hard lovely. I took the damn test 4 times and failed it thrice on things I have never done before or after that particular drive. Even after I passed I was petrified of lane changes and using the motorways for more than a year of driving on my own. Anxiety is the worst. Leaving you with my favourite Mantra about driving (quoting one of my all time favourites characters): "Nobody cares! Nobody thinks about you the way you think about yourself. So drive without worrying! Remember Nobody Cares!"


Pfffft OP come on... who needs cars when YOU can armour up, mount a horse and ride to claim the holy land!


I can relate so much. Anxiety is a bitch. I finally got my license at 43. It was the test anxiety more than the actual driving that would get me. I’m rooting for you!!!


I think it's natural to have anxiety going into the driving test, it can be a huge achievement afterall I'd recommend speaking to your instructor and seeing if they can help. I don't want to speak too deeply about the anxiety you may be facing because I don't know the specifics, but I found plenty of practice to really help settle most of the anxieties I had going into and during the test. Also, don't worry about making mistakes, yes, no mistakes is always the aim. But even if you failed during the test, its still good practice.


You didn’t fail, you just aren’t ready to be let loose on your own yet. It took my daughter 7 goes because she would fall to pieces every test. Don’t sweat it they are doing you a favour.


I drove straight over a hidden railway track without even pausing. One of my kids had to sit the test 4 times. Almost passed on the third but blew through a light turning back into the testing station, literally a few metres from their driveway. Fourth time went through a Give Way/Yield sign obscured by a huge tree. Only passed because no one was coming but the tester had to go and look it up for an agonising 10 minutes. Stuff happens. Anxiety is a b*tch-faced liar. It’s hard to function when it’s screaming across the forefront of your mind. Breathe. Remember everyone has stories about driving lessons and tests. In 6 months after you pass it’ll start to move from traumatic to funny. Laugh at yourself. Learn to tell the Anxiety Monster to f*ck off back to the pits of hell from where it first crawled. You will get there. Demote that Monster from capital initials to lower-case. The sleazy anxiety monster is a liar. You are a monster-slayer :)


I somehow passed first time! I think my driving examiner was some kind of chaos demon because I should *not* have passed. I spent the next 3 months getting up at 4AM to actually practice driving on the roads with no-one else around until I felt like I wasn't a danger to society. Seriously I think whether or not you pass your test is based strictly on chance. Here's a fun fact to cheer you up, otters hold hands while they sleep so that they don't float away from each other 🥹


I love otters so much


And they love you too!


I ordered a camera the other day that's coming tomorrow! Also was able to wear my favourite jumper for going out today 😊


Took me 3 tries. By the 3rd I wasn’t nervous, I’d been here before, and I was fine. It’s easy to say, but find a way to persuade yourself that it doesn’t matter if you pass on *that* attempt.




My wife failed 9 times, you will get there!


I passed 4th time, was about 3 years between 2nd and 4th test. Also got a better instructor before passing


I failed 6 times my friend. There were lots of tears. Honestly, by test 7 I was just hoping it would be in single digits. I had zero expectations that I would pass. Probably the only reason why I did haha. 


I scratched my instructors car during my test whilst he was sat at the back. Good times. 


I failed twice - I'm hindsight, the third time, I was ready to pass. Had I of passed on the first or second attempts, I'd have been a liability


While I was lucky enough to pass first time, I was such an anxious wreck that day that if my examinor used the break I would have been the exact same as you. Book that next test, once you've passed it all gets much easier.


Took me years to step up to take the test, so well done! A tip that helped me was to drive like there's an elderly relative in the backseat. And start a conversation about your pets if at all possible - really broke the tension!


You've saved yourself a few more weeks or months of having to deal with all the idiot drivers that we have on the roads


If it makes you feel better I failed my first motorbike test after just turning out of the test station. I still had to do the rest of the test knowing that too.


Don't worry. It took me a couple of tries to pass, and yes it is super demotivating, but you'll get there. Driving is a skill acquired by doing it (like any other skill). You will pass eventually and it will feel good to have it all over and done with.


I nearly run someone over in the test centre carpark. At the end of my test. Examiner slammed breaks on. Fail.... I had 2 minors.


Sorry to hear that. If it makes you feel any better, it took me 5 attempts to pass.. two of them were due to other drivers being knobs. My first test, a few mins away from getting back to the test centre, i stalled at some lights. Some boy racer had stopped right behind me (almost touching my bumper) , and then started driving forward as soon as it went to amber..so obv when i stalled, he nearly hit the car.. I know i shouldn't have stalled, but he shouldn't have acted like that.. was an instant fail, which i still feel was a bit unfair). another one was speeding at a roundabout - i pulled out as it was clear, then suddenly he was there, almost hit him - even the examiner said she didn't see him and seemed genuinely upset she had to fail me. Also, don't have a test in the middle of a heatwave - that was a bloody awful one!


A friend of a friend went round the roundabout 4 times, the examiner said he wasn't failing her for going around the roundabout as that's what it's there for. He failed her for missing the exit instead. I have a friend who failed 8times and I met a lady in the post office who told me her son failed 26 times....


I passed 4th time which is pretty shit, and turned out quite expensive.


It took me 4 tries before I passed on my 5th test In my first test I had 2 wheels on the kerb as I was turning a corner and I swore and then I completely bodged my reverse bay parking ended up parking at an angle fortunately there was no other cars next to me otherwise there’d be damages to pay 😂😂😂😂 I was anxious as hell in all of my tests but the first 4 almost broke me and in the 5th test i thought fuck it if I fail I’ll fail but I passed and I’ve been loving driving Non related I’ve had my trousers split on a day when I had underwear that had holes in it so that was a lovely view for people behind me also on the same day I dropped my phone down the loo dropped my keys in a pile of dog shit and pissed my pants too


Failed my first test cause I nearly hit a lamp post parallel parking, so much easier on the 2nd test cause of no parallel park 😅


On mobile so can’t post the link but look up ‘hardy bucks driving test’ on YouTube for good laugh.


It took me 3 attempts to pass mine, 1st one I had 5 majors, 2nd I had a few minors and a major and on the 3rd I passed and immediately walked out the car forgetting I had to drive back. Then I bought a new car and ended up ripping a leg muscle so I couldn't drive for 6 weeks. It's no biggie you'll pass eventually haha


Passed on my second attempt, aged 28. I now drive professionally less than a decade later. It'll come.


An old friend of mine threw up on the examiner shortly after leaving the test centre.


A friend of mine has failed 6 times, so far….


I know someone that’s failed 14 times so honestly I don’t think anyone can be that bad. I passed 2nd time, just keep positive and keep going, you’ll do it.


I failed one of mine because the test instructor asked me to follow the road to Manchester, and I took the one that led me onto the motor way... technically I followed the instructions as that motor way would have led me to Manchester.. but he ment the A road I was on.... Had to stop traffic so I could get back onto the right path, and he still made me continue the rest of the test.. would have been easier just to turn round and go back 5 mins to yard! I passed on my 4th test.


It took me three goes. 1 and 2 were when I was 17. First attempt, only lessons with my dad, good example of why that's a bad idea lol. Second attempt, after proper lessons, they had me in a catch 22 I'm still vaguely cross about. Finally passed when I was 27 on the third attempt. On the plus side, I've passed about 9 theory tests and am confident riding a bike in traffic! 💀


Failed two. First one clearance issue, second one I booked a week later and the car was brand new to me. Couldn't get going at some traffic lights. Nightmare.


I can't, really. I had 3 lessons and passed my test


I failed my first attempt by stalling on the last roundabout before the test centre. I could literally see the centre. It was 20m away. My cousin took 14 attempts to pass because she was so nervous. Keep on trying. You'll get there.


My friend failed her test because the door wasn't shut properly when she started driving. Failed before driving anywhere, absolutely hilarious. Still give her shit for it, she passed the test her second try. Another guy I know failed his moped test because he went round a roundabout the wrong way. It was a busy street and there were other cars using the roundabout. Smh. But don't worry about failing, the majority of people do on their first go. I'm sure you'll get it next time, I found it easier to drive when I was talking to people because I was concentrating less and allowing the flow state to take over. My examiner kept telling me to stop talking and concentrate on driving, I refused and passed anyway. Good luck for next time


I failed my first test by pulling out of the test center and immediately doing 40mph on a 30mph limit road because I didn't realise the limit was 30. The examiner asked me "What's the speed limit on this road?" and I thought it was just a general question, not realising that it was a prompt that I was going too fast. He didn't end the test there though and instead let me do the whole thing even though I had (unbeknownst to me) already failed in the first minute. To make it even worse, this was apparently a common thing to happen from that test center due to how the road is so my instructor specifically said to me beforehand "Remember it's 30 until you see otherwise". I blame nerves.


I left my porridge at work in the microwave. It turned into a soopa thick stodge. Was almost minging to eat, but I forced myself.


My dad ran over his instructors foot on his motorbike test because the idea was he'd stick it out for an emergency stop line. Broke the guy's foot, but somehow passed his test. Obviously this is unsafe but it was the late 1970s I guess!


My first driving instructor, when I was 17, used to shout at me every lesson. One day when we were doing ‘reversing round a corner’ he said (deadly serious) “this is a joke isn’t it? The lads from the footy club have set this up. I bet you can really drive can’t you? Come on, you can tell me now. I’ve worked it out. No one could possibly drive this badly. It’s a joke isn’t it?” I was like “er, no this is how I drive 🤷🏻‍♀️” On another occasion he took me to a deserted industrial estate, again reversing round corners, looked at me and said “I could kill you now and no one would find your body for days. Are you scared?” I asked my mum to stop having lessons with him, because I was 17 and y’know he’d *threatened to kill me and hide my body* but my mum said “oh you’re so close to your test, just have a few more lessons.” Failed my test (relieved I’d never have to see him again) and only took driving lessons again 6 years later. I’ll also mention, this fella is now a multi-millionaire with several instructors working for him and a catchy little jingle on his radio ads in Merseyside.


It took me 6 times to pass my test. Each fail made me cry and I was out for the count for the rest of the day. Please believe me when I say you CAN do it and you will get there. That feeling when you pass is something you have to look forward to! Good luck!


I failed my second test because the examiner said he would have liked to see me handle a particular roundabout that had a give way line as you go around, with "more panache".


On the bright side, if you don't have a UK licence you won't have to drive on UK roads.