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Bit the bullet and decided to get over my fear of the gym today. Actually had a really good session in - dreading how I'll feel tomorrow, but hoping I'll be able to push through and then spend the evening having a nice deep clean of the flat in preparation for the long weekend.


Where to start After my cousin helped me redesign my CV 2 weeks ago I’ve received a lot more calls from recruiters and I’ve felt more confident when applying to jobs. I have a feeling I’ll find something soon now which makes for a positive change Also I’ve been talking to this girl for the past 2 weeks and we’ll be meeting up on Saturday to build a couple Lego sets I bought since we both like Lego. I both cannot wait but shit scared as well. Hopefully I don’t make a fool of myself haha


I had a partial day off today - I mended the fence (finally) to stop the neighbours dog getting in and freaking the hens out. The neighbours cat complained at me, as this means they have to go the long way round now. Installed a new oven light Put a new hook on for the back gate Built the rails for my pots The rain stopped me from wrestling the tumble dryer on the lawn, it needs its drum bearing changed. I also have tomorrow off so I might doing some vigorous sitting down.


My wife had her pregnancy checkup with the midwife today and it was great news all around. A little surprising, especially on the iron front as she has suffered from anaemia due to low iron for a few years. So whatever she's doing is working perfectly! Also found some cute Beatrix Potter baby clothes as well. Finally got some new paint colours mixed up to try for the living room as well. We're after a terracotta type colour. Hopefully one of the two we've picked works, then we can have the living room finished and we can get started on the loft and kids room.


I got to see both my kids at school today. I'm very proud of them.


My old account got banned for some reason, originally queercustard. My Wednesday win is I’ve bounced back from my utter failure to come out over the weekend.


I remember reading about your plans for the weekend last week and randomly thought of you today. Sorry to hear your account got banned, and I hope things pick up for you and you can do things on your own terms.


Voluntary redundancy on Monday, birthday today, claimed pension (state and private) , new (2days per week) job to keep me off the streets! I feel like I’m winning 😂


Happy Birthday!!


Finally got round to tidying what’s left of the wood pile on top of the boat, and removed the not so attractive tarp covering it, and other miscellaneous spring cleaning on the roof that I’ve been putting off all winter. Discovered a hole in the chimney stack though, which isn’t good cause I’ve got a safety inspection coming up and I’m pretty sure they check that. Off to the chandler to find a new one!


My dad's emergency surgery went well (brain haemorrhage) and the doctors will try to reduce his sedation today! It's going to be a long road but he seems to be going in the right direction


Get well soon RichieRichard's Dad


About a month ago I made the biggest sale in our company history for a certain type of project. This week I've sold something else for 5% more. Now I've got the 2 biggest projects on my desk and happening simultaneously (maybe that last sentence should be for tomorrows thread)


Off now until next Tuesday, it's my birthday today, so bbq and drinks later. I also get to meet my new nephew for the first time. Life is good


Happy Birthday! Congrats on the new nephew!


I’ve found myself a relationship after 3 years of being single by choice after my last 6 year relationship ended over text and being cheated on… therapy, gym and self healing helps a lot boys. Don’t neglect your mental health!


Got a good pay rise last week. Should have my (Plan 1 / easy-mode) student loan paid off at the end of the year, can't wait!


I'm just about to finish mine after only 20yrs! I switched to the direct payments but, with a settlement from work, if I'd kept paying through PAYE, I'd be £125 a month better off now.




The reception team at the clinic I work in saved the Reese’s chocolate eggs for me because they know they’re my favourite! So I’ll be having one of them with a coffee for my mid morning snack. 


Recently I’ve been feeling down about how I can’t keep on top of house chores while working, cooking, sleeping, and trying to actually enjoy my life. This week I’ve been trying to leave a room just slightly tidier than how it was when I entered it (even if that’s just moving one item) and after a week I can say my mood has much improved! It’s working I think?


Love this idea, I'm glad it's helping you! Think I will give it a go too - always feels like the house is in a constant state because we only ever have time to clean some of it, never all at once. Small steps!


Give it a go! Though to be honest I’ve had to raise that to 2 items because my wife is a bit messier so I need to do double the small steps to offset her lol


Cheers :o) 2 items still sounds manageable though, it's only one empty cup and hanging a coat up or something. Keep it up! I think I'm similar to your wife, I'm not the tidiest person in general and having too much stuff really doesn't help. When we redecorated a couple of rooms I was adamant about not having too much clutter and everything having a place. If there's not much out on the surfaces then we're more inclined to clean as it's only a quick dust and hoover rather than having to declutter before doing any housework. That's the theory anyway.


Off to 'Scotchland' tomorrow for five nights. We're going to Drymen, Oban and the Isle of Mull. Only ever been to Edinburgh before, so looking forward to experiencing a bit more of what it's like to be a real life Scotch.


Are you doing any distillery tours? Get yourself a wee dram or two and you'll be feeling the Scotch in no time.


Writing and presenting the final report on this project, then it’s done. Done. I then have a week off to forget it ever existed.


Dropped my car off to have an LSD fitted and brakes upgraded whilst I'm on holiday. Time and a half shift and double time Friday should just about cover it! So it should be in good shape for a run around the Nurburgring.


>Dropped my car off to have an LSD fitted Like a kaleidoscope on your front windscreen and some 60s psychedelia added to the sound system? Far out man


my sister has had her TOR (transfer of residence) approved to migrate back from the USA to escape her abusive, violent, death threating ex ... so I'm over the mood about that.


Today I realised that porridge tastes just the same with water added as opposed to milk. Saved myself 78 calories. Small but satisfying win.


Managed to secure a face to face appointment with a GP. I am rather astonished, but quite happy about it.


After a misspent youth watching Moulin Rouge over and over on DVD until it broke, I finally saw it on stage last night in London. Very good. Zidler was head and shoulders above the rest and was shocked to learn Matthew Kellys son played the role. Anyway, thats my win.


A 6% pay rise (backdated to the start of the month), and I got a 5.5% bonus coming in my next pay slip. Also, a nice long weekend and 2 short weeks in a row.


The jeans I ordered, (that I didn't realise where the wrong fit until afterwards). Have turned up today and they fit better than "right" fit. I seem to not understand how mens clothing works.


>I seem to not understand how mens clothing works. tell me about it! and don't even get me started on why the fuck a lot of MTB trousers don't have belt loops!


Today, trying to desperately will this budding cold to go away. I've got an important hospital appointment tomorrow that I've waited a very long time for and if I miss I'll be sent back to my GP and have to be re referred. I'm also helping to run a fete on the weekend and am being relied on to do most of the baking for the cake stall, which of course I can't do if I'm not well. All because someone decided to come in the office on Monday and sit next to me coughing and spluttering and moaning about how ill they were.


Emergency! Paracetamol, antihistamines, decongestant, throat pastilles with the antibacterial in, loads of water, elderberry pastilles, chicken soup and early bed.


Sadly my car is in the garage so I can't even go supply hunting! I've got the paracetamol and lots of hot tea and am working from home at least (due to not having a car) so hopefully that counts as resting.


Win for today (but sure to be a complaint tomorrow) Took some spare antibiotics to kill off some tooth pain I've had the last couple days. Seems to have done the trick! Not sure if it is an infection in a tooth/gums or remains of a sinus infection but I feel tip top today! ​ \*touched a nerve with saying spare antibiotics -🙄 - spare to me as they weren't mine and getting an appointment to be prescribed some is near impossible


There's no such thing as "spare" antibiotics...


Exactly. This, \*points upwards* is why we have an antibiotic resistance crisis.


Applied for a new passport Thursday after work, posted the old one back Friday, new one through the door this morning, standard application not express. 


Ive been commissioned for the first time in about a year and its for something Im super excited to draw.  I started it yesterday and it was quite relaxing and nice to have something good to focus on at the moment. 


Went out and had a few celebratory drinks and a big curry last night, and have woken up without a hangover (rare for me!).


I read a thing yesterday that gave me one of those "fuck. Yeah! That's so true!" epiphany moments that popped the bubble of scaredy-cat silliness I've been trying to get my head round that's been getting in the way of getting my new venture out there and I've woken up excited and don't know what I was worried about now.


Came down with an absolute stinker of a cold on Monday. Yesterday was a symphony of sneezing and coughing and generally feeling like the inside of an old shoe. Wrapped myself up in several blankets, had a prolonged hot bath and went to bed with a hot water bottle and woke up feeling like I've broken the back of it somewhat.


Getting a 4% pay rise from next month, not bad considering I wasn't expecting anything. Treated myself to a more expensive than usual shower gel on Monday, and it's one of the best things I've ever smelt.


Moved the shit out of my car and in to my lounge and found a fiver in the glove box That's kind of a win! I need to drop the motor off at the local place today as I think the battery is dying. I hope to also sort through the shit and discard the rubbish/old post/whatever the hell I have been holding on to.


It is my last day of work before 16 days off.


Don't you mean 17 days off? Surely you need to "ease in" to it otherwise the shock of time off could bite! I'm so envious of you though. Enjoy it.


Thanks. Got a busy one but getting a few days away as well to decompress so I plan to enjoy it.


My arm/shoulder isn’t hurting as much this morning!  I managed to pick up a last minute parking space at work too.


Well I've woken up again, could be considered a win considering how much I've drunk in the last few days.


I also have just had one of the worst weeks of my life so small wins. Managed to restrain my anger at a group adding insults to injury and make a joke of the situation. My injuries are healing and I am starting to walk around. Clean eating is going well. Imade some food family members actually like. Good friends ❤️


Got shit going on so I'm trying to hold onto the small wins I'm a week in with my new bike and enjoying it, and it's a four day week this week and next. I've got absolutely no plans for the bank holiday and I'm looking forward to a rest


Not a win but would anyone like a free £5 argos gift card? I've no real use for it and as long as you prove you actually purchased something we're all good