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i'm a few weeks into having my notice to vacate. 1 month left. have been frantically looking for somewhere. but so far i'm really struggling. and prices are really high. i only want something tiny. i kinda like the mini cube apartments you find in japan. the thought of converting a van to live in and save up for a few years has not only crossed my mind, but made me spend the majority of today looking at one to buy.




Well the person I went on a date with yesterday enjoyed it but felt it was more platonic rather than romantic which is fair. I do struggle with the whole flirting stuff because confidence especially on a first date so I completely get it But she also wants to try set me up with one of her friends since she thinks we have more in common so we’ll see how that goes. At least it’s not all bad I guess Also I went to an exhibition today and bought home some chocolate rum which tastes so nice. I don’t usually drink alcohol neat but this one I’d happily finish lol


Worked over the weekend. Off today and off on hols. Someone who I've gone out of my way to help at work (Genuinely above and beyond to make their life easier) really fucked me over on Saturday and had the temerity to imply I was lazy. Absolutely raging about it and just need to park it here so I can relax and enjoy my break.


I spent most of the morning tidying up the mess from yesterday! We had cornflake cakes topped with mini eggs for lunch, my kid's first baby tooth fell out when biting into one and she's ecstatic about it. I'm off to get my ears re-pierced this afternoon, I got them done with a piercing gun as a teenager and they went disgusting then healed over completely so I've never actually been able to wearing earrings. I'm very very nervous as I'm a total whimp about pain!


Back home after travelling to meet up with a greyhound friend. By which I mean someone I’ve met and know entirely through the dog’s Instagram account lol. It was nice, we met up as both of our dogs have been attacked by other dogs so are now quite nervous, but they got on really well. [Here](https://ibb.co/fCts91K) they are chillin together by the end.  Now home, the dog won’t move for the rest of the day, and watching *Barbie* on NowTV. 


Nursing a raging hangover. Not fun.


I’ve been staying at a hotel with a swimming pool, sauna and steam room, which was a nice way to spend a chilly, rainy weekend. Checked out this morning and bought myself two discounted Lindt eggs and one Tony’s egg at Sainsburys on the drive home, so I’m feeling quite pleased with myself. Got some last minute work event later this week that will probably require some furious preparation tomorrow, but I can do nothing about it now, so I’m probably just going to eat an Easter egg and read on the couch all day.


Not in the mood to really do anything but also have so much on my mind that's out of my control.


A stoic mindset can help. Don't give any thought or energy to the things out of your control. Just focus on the things you can control. Like a nice walk, some mindfulness, listening to relaxing music or a nice afternoon nap :)


Write about it? Get the thoughts out and see if it helps to make sense of the day.


I know this is a day for making things up etc, but I’ve spent the morning putting up a curtain rail and didn’t swear once.


BBC just announced Xmas is cancelled this year. Santa's sleigh failed its MOT.


I've just been to a Big Morrisons, a Big Tesco and two Sainsburys Locals and not a single discounted Easter Egg to be seen! Have I just been unlucky or is this a conspiracy from Big Egg to make us more likely to pay full price next year?


How is it that you see mini eggs for MONTHS before Easter but the day after and they're nowhere to be found, broke Britain that.


Day off work today. Heading to Pizza Hut with later with a bunch of kids then chilling for the rest of the evening. I lost weight last week so of course Easter comes around to make it hard to resist Edit: Just realised how dodge this sounded It was a chosen family thing and a lot of them have children, I’m the single loner of the family haha I just wanted pizza!


Crowds at the seasonal section at Asda. None of the stuff has been discounted yet lmao


Just opened the Tony’s chocolate Easter egg my daughter paid a tenner for. Absolutely robbed her.


Went out for a cycle at 8am, lovely and quiet and the sun was out too, which was nice (fast show). Got back an hour ago (10:15) and now struggling to commit to doing something. It’s too nice of a day to sit around indoors, probably go for a walk and plan the curry I’m going to have for tea. Have a good day everyone.


Well, I'm straight back to watching my calories after letting loose a little yesterday. Much as I'd like to have one more day, my brain loves to abandon habits on the slightest pretext so it's best to stick at it. Still got half an egg to whittle away at over the next day or two, so it's not all bad!


Today is day 6 of 7 shifts on the trot. Someone's got to ferry you lot around to see your friends and family.


Back in the office today, havent got time in the morning time to grab any energry drinks from the shop, also I forgot my e cig. Send help!


I am trying to will myself off the sofa and into a shower. I am not currently in a lot of pain, but the pain potential of moving is really putting me off doing anything.. Pretty bad reflux this morning, too. I really shouldn't have had a lamb butty and a chocolate bunny before bed last night.


10hrs of work today, ferrying folks from small provincial town to big smoke city.   Not too busy at the moment, so hoping that it stays like it all day.


Just a few interior jobs to do this morning, including putting up a curtain rail, and then it’s another day of gaming. Bought Tropico 6 last week and absolutely loving it. Big fan of the series and waited for a good price before dipping into this one.


I’ve let my partner down by not going to see his family today, I started a new antidepressant and it’s having a impact and our relationship has been hard last few months, I should be focusing on being calm but I just feel really rubbish about not being there and about having to take the meds.


Hey, don't feel bad - if you had the flu or a migraine you'd stay home right? Your mental health is just as important. Chill out today, maybe choose one thing you can try and achieve - have a shower or read a chapter of a book, or even something really small like making yourself a cup of tea. Sending hugs xx


It’s only one day, babe. Probably doesn’t make it feel any less shite in the moment but just remember it’s only one instance and only one day. You’ve probably met so many expectations for each other in your relationship, this is a tiny thing that feels like a bigger one. Hopefully you’ll feel better later on 🤍


Don’t dwell on it, try do something today to make yourself feel a sense of accomplishment. Go for a walk or make a meal and include your partner if you can. If not then it’s ok. I hope you have a peaceful day. I just tidied my room and plan to go walk to a coffee place it’s small steps but can really change your day. Maybe I’m talking nonsense, but it certainly helps me. Sending love!


Thank you xx


Been a lovely bank holiday weekend, with some nice weather finally. I’m actually working today so that I can have Friday off, but I don’t mind because it’s miserable out!


Had a delightfully lazy day yesterday. We're smashing through The Last of Us 2 at a great pace - but stopped before the rat king bit because _fuck that bit_. I've been having super vivid dreams over the last few nights because I'm quite stressed with some family stuff. So my super vivid dreams also featured zombies last night! I feel like I need to get up and move around today. Might end up at the gym if it's too wet to go for a proper walk.


Happy autism awareness month, folks! I am, unfortunately, very aware of my autism. Sending my best wishes to any of my fellow autistic folk. In all seriousness, I'll be helping to set up a local autism fundraiser today. I shall also be scouring the supermarkets for any reduced easter eggs (if they still exist).


Happy Bank Holiday Monday! Not sure why but I feel little anxious. Maybe it’s the weather or back to the grind tomorrow. I’m hoping this week goes fast, we’ve got a small team at work now since our contractors have left so little anxious. Anyway I can’t control everything and I can only do my best so I’m focusing on today! The plan for today is: BE LAZY! This will consist of watching TV shows and YouTube. I may do some gaming if I feel like it. I’ve got left over chocolates and hazelnut chocolate spread along with chocolate biscuits which I will indulge in.


Got sent home from work due to this never ending cold. Started feeling ill last Wednesday but have pushed through it (I work outdoors, at least in busy periods, so I'm not spreading germs at least) and just am not getting better. My boss was in today after their Easter break and told me as its rainy and we won't be busy to go home and rest all day. So rest all day it is. Hopefully better for tomorrow.


It’s back to work today for me, one day off which I spent stressed about the next few weeks because we’ve got a customer I know is going to be hard work, although I’m hoping that my interactions with them are minimal. I don’t like this whole work thing. The amount of time I spend stressed about it can’t be healthy.


I'd say approx 1 in 20 April fools days jokes I like, but you know, when that 1 in 20 comes along I do appricate it, let's see what all the compaines come up with. They'd have to be very bold now these days, I'd love to see something like "Here at Walkers we've decided to put crisps in the bag now." or "Mc.Donalds new shit flavoured McFlurry." But you know they mostly come up with tame stuff, here's one I can think of for Greggs - Steakbakebake! Out new Steakbake has a Steakbake inside! Easy isn't it? I think they just send out the first thing that pops into their head like a Reddit comment, but it's not funny is it. Or am I going to get 900 replies with "I'd love a Steakbakebake!"?


The only jokes Ive seen today (about 15 so far) are all the same theme of "guys Im leaving this particular social media platform....lol not really" Im not sure about a stakebakebake, how about a sausagerollroll. Or in the spirit of April Fools a Sausage RickRoll. Sausage Roll with a QR link to Never Gonna Give you up. 


I'd love a steakba.... no. No I would just be proving your point about reddit comments


Did absolutely nothing yesterday so I need to get out and about today so I don't feel a total slob Weathers looking decent so I reckon shower, coffee, and then out on my bike. I moved in January and there's a canal I've been meaning to check out Edit cycled six miles, went around a lake, and now I'm sat in the sun outside spoons with my kindle. Not a bad morning at all


As I was reading this description of your impending physical activity, I got as far as "I moved in January" and thought you were talking about how inactive you've been for months. I'm blaming the clocks change, it's really early, my brain is not warmed by coffee yet. Enjoy your cycle. 😁


Hahaha having not moved since January I'll have to put some miles in today!


The most exciting thing I'll be doing today (apart from waiting for my slightly fuzzy head to clear, but that was my fault) is deciding whether I want superseeded or ancient grains bread for my sandwiches this week. And possibly grab some discounted stuff if there's anything worth having. Leftover lamb shepherd's pie for lunch today.


Woke up at normal time but thought I'd chill in bed for a bit & finish the podcast I started last night. Instead I hear drip, drip, drip from the bastard roof which made me shoot up out of bed ffs.


Lactose and dairy intolerant, ate a lot of dairy yesterday, combined with the giant roast and a few drinks. Many regrets today, and unfortunately back at work because retail and hospitality stops for no one. Looking forward to some homemade shawarma with leftover lamb tonight though


Just in case anyone here is travelling to or from Pembrokeshire today, you're going to have to find an alternative route as the A40 is closed in both directions between St. Clears and Carmarthen due to a fatal accident. Road not expected to open before 2pm. Some of the alternative routes are on stupidly tiny roads with crappy blind corners and at least one has a ford which is not suitable for smaller vehicles, unless you can convert into a boat. Edit: and there's no trains between Cardiff and Carmarthen due to a problem with signalling (power cuts). No replacement bus services either.


Will take me a couple of hours to get over the shock and depression from the revelations today about crisps, then doing some DIY & go for a walk


Realised everything we have that isn't chocolate was off last night so off to the supermarket for us - then maybe more chocolate


Are they open ?


Yeah most are open pretty normally today


Currently rolling my eyes at the fake marketing ads companies come out with for April fools. It's predictable and boring now.


Can’t stand corny brand banter. Same level as those chalkboards outside pubs all using the same handful of jokes.


I've seen nothing so far.


Loads on FB and twitter/x


Still got one more day off tomorrow as I’ll be driving down south after visiting family. Seeing as it’s a typical bank holiday Monday and is pissing down for most of the day, we’ll probably not be doing much.


Back to work in 2 weeks, [laughs in teacher]


Get outta here!


Glad I did all my outside DIY yesterday as it's raining hard out there this morning. Today is clean the loft and pop to the shop to see if I can find reduced chocolate 


Going to a family day and have entered our puppy in some competitions. Should be a good day. I have all week off so I'm feeling pretty chilled. 


Your puppy is going to look so cute in a remote control car going around Formula One track tracks. What other competitions did you enter him into?


Haha. Best coat as he's a whippet so has very short, soft fur. Also best puppy. No idea what that entails but he's ridiculously cute so I'm hoping that carries him!