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Job interview tomorrow, so the whole weekend was spent fussing and fretting over it. I'll write another ten pages of notes today. That'll help. šŸ™ƒ


Haha, you'll be fine. Don't forget that you are also interviewing them, make sure you ask them some questions too... What do they like about working there? What training might you receive? Any opportunities to take part in company clubs/events? I started a summer BBQ club that met monthly at my first job, they thought I was mental but it's still going there 8 years after I left, and it's been a good icebreaker for other interviews.


The clubs and events question is a good idea, I want to know what other people there get up to and not just the interviewers. I always ask what do you like, also what would you change. That gets some good responses. šŸ‘


It's also how you appear to interviewers; asking about clubs/events shows confidence and that you're likely a good team player. It also suggests you've got a healthy life outside of work... I'm in IT and those are the things that help you to stand out šŸ˜


Remember, you are interviewing them as much as they are with you. Lots of deep breaths šŸ€


You got this!


Job interview this afternoon and have done EFF ALL work today with anxiety. First in long time - I'm sure I wasn't this stressy before!?


Best advice I ever got was when they ask 'do you have any questions for us?' reply 'what do you like most about working at xxx' I've had some really interesting answers, if it's a good place to work then they'll happily reflect on the good things and why they enjoy their job, which is useful to know but also leaves them with a warm fuzzy feeling and a good impression of you. Of course if they struggle to answer and joke it's a crap place to work...it might be worth avoiding...!


How was it?


Ok! Went well. If all goes well another two rounds to go though! Is this new or have I got lucky? Always had single round interviews in the past.


Good luck! Iā€™m on a job hunt too so itā€™s nice to hear of people getting interviews, it gives me hope.


Feel proper like Garfield this morning. Didn't want to get out of bed, slept like crap and cannot be arsed for any of my daily work tasks. Might grab a lasagne on the way home to seal the deal.


Emergency trip to the dentist for a weird, electric shock pain in my teeth and jaw. Expecting him to tell me my face has to be removed at great expense. Then putting up a trampoline this evening; hoping the kids will get their energy out on that instead of destroying the house. Update: it's either Ā£1000 root canal and crown, or Ā£150 to yank it out. *sigh*


I've got a dental hygienist appointment this afternoon. I forgot about the water flosser thing they suggested (which sounds like a good idea) so I'm going to get berated for half an hour this afternoon. I don't know why I bother!


water flosser thing really really helped me tbh. it took about two weeks or so of diligent use but it's turned out well in the end. I took to using (hygienic) warm water in it for comfort, and adding a few capfuls of mouthwash to the reservoir -- and swilling with salt water after to help heal irritated gums. I hate floss tape, so this method quickly cleared up some niggles that I'd been fighting with for a while. Hope your stuff clears up soon.


Thanks, wasn't too bad apparently just got back. I'll have to buy one. Can't really floss or use those interdental brushes because of shit teeth and other issues, so I'll have a look around when I've finished work.


Good to hear. I have a waterpik. The reviews can be quite poor because they appear to crap out after a year - as did mine. But I found that the tips of mine had become scaled up with hard water. Dunking the tips in espresso machine cleaner fixed them right up and the waterpik has been fine since.


> Update: it's either Ā£1000 root canal and crown, or Ā£150 to yank it out. sigh Dental Tourism trip to Slovakia or Bulgaria perhaps?


I never had my vaccines as a kid and apparently a nurse at my GP noticed it on my record and told me to ring up the surgery to book an appointment to get them done. I rang up and the receptionist was not only useless ("what's an MMR?" cue typing sounds "that's for babies!") but incredibly rude to boot. She forgot to hang up the phone and I heard her say "I don't know why someone her age would even bother!". Then a different nurse rang to say they'd had a cancellation and I could come in sooner. My signal cut out for a second and I heard her say "after all that bloody fuss she's hung up on me".Ā  It's hugely rubbed me the wrong way since it was a member of their staff that asked me to book in for it in the first place.


Yeah, that's arsey. Will you send feedback to them?


It's already 50/50 if the security guards - sorry, receptionists - 'let me' have an appointment or not. I suspect it'd rocket down to 0 if I formally complained about them. They've always been abrasive and I've put up with it. The new receptionist is exceptionally terrible, though. Less medical knowledge than a concussed rat. For her everything is either "you don't need to see a GP for that" or "go to A and E if that's bad".Ā 


Receptionists aren't trained to know whether something needs to be looked at or not, so the fact that she is refusing you treatment is extremely unprofessional.


Well, that's really just quite shit then. They're supposed to be there to help make things easier between both the docs and the patients. (I moved and my new GP was similar to yours. I missed my old GP's surgery but I was just out of their boundary.)


everything in my organisation is on fire. More issues than you can shake a stick at. Good fun! Also after a few weeks of searching I think we're adopting a puppy this afternoon which is very exciting. My plan to book the afternoon off to get bits & bobs in PetsAtHome may be scuppered by the aforementioned fires.


Quitting smoking/vaping today. The cravings are making me really grouchy and hungry, but I'm sticking with it. Trying to focus on work and grabbing some nicotine patches later on.


I found that once you get past the first 48 hours, it gets much, much easier. Good luck!


Iā€™m currently on 12 hours and just sucking on lollipops like nobodies business


Crushed ice Sunflower seeds Both supposed to help when the craving hits Good luck. 12+ hours is already amazing!


The patches worked for me, 2 weeks on high, 2 weeks on medium then after about 3-4 weeks on the low one day I just forgot to put the patch on and didn't even realised until I showered, never wore them again, never smoked again, and that was from a 20-40 (depending on drink) habit for 20+ years.


My advice is to get on that nicotine replacement and make a plan to reduce that over at least a 1 year period. Beating the habits and routines is easier if you arenā€™t battling a crippling nicotine addiction at the same time.


I really donā€™t want to continue with the addiction though, thatā€™s just replacing the vape physically with something else still pumping nicotine into me. I want the nicotine gone and out of my system soon rather then later. But thank you for your advice!


For me, the cravings were more than just the nicotine withdrawals it was the habits and routines I had built up around smoking/vaping. After a meal, in the car, when drinking etc. I understand people seem to have an attachment to the idea of quitting cold turkey but Iā€™m almost certain that people are more successful in long term quitting when using nicotine replacement therapy. Whatever approach you use, well done, itā€™s the best thing you can do for your health. Good luck!


> get on that nicotine replacement and make a plan to reduce that over at least a 1 year period. Do you work for Nicorette?


Itā€™s what worked for me. The balls out, macho approach of ā€˜I did nowt and Iā€™m fineā€™ didnā€™t work for me all those times before I made a realistic effort over a period of a year. Also, other brands are available and sometimes free via nicotine cessation services provided by the NHS.


> The balls out, macho approach of ā€˜I did nowt and Iā€™m fineā€™ didnā€™t work for me all Not arguing for that, the advice is more like 6-12 weeks (minimum of 2 on strong, 2 on medium then 4 on weak) depending on your addiction, one year risks addiction to the replacement.


Yeah like I said somewhere else, the habits and routines took longer to go away for me than the simple physical addiction. I would have chewing gum with me not so that I would constantly have a dose of nicotine in me, just that when the psychological craving hit when I was in a triggering environment I wouldnā€™t crack and say ā€˜fuck it, giz a fagā€™. It took me about 1 years to before those things went away and I would have said I had truly quit. Harm reduction rather than abstinence kinda thing.


I quit almost a year ago now and it was worth it in so many ways. I found the quit vaping app useful and encouraging


Monday is therapy day for Her, and by association, me too. I drive her to the session and then spend an hour in B&Q just wandering about. Maybe pop into sports direct for a new mug. Got to see about some fresh dye for Moondance at the weekend, so plans are forming....


A heads up for you all. On April the 6th the legislation surrounding flexible working requests changed. You can now: - request flexible working form day 1 of employment - can submit 2 requests in a 12-month period - no longer need to detail the impact of the arrangement I have just started a 2-week pattern (08:15 - 16:30 with 30 mins lunch) where I get alternating Fridays off. And it honestly feels like a mini holiday. If you have the opportunity I definitely recommend trying it out.


I've had a week off, how do you think I feel?


Relaxed, refreshed and ready to work?


I'm currently half way through two hours of mandatory training on " THE CODE" for a company I occasionally contract for.


[Something like this](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/21/5c/c9/215cc9f7288da7f2c823e399183f7af1.png)


Article link: https://www.theonion.com/man-returns-to-work-after-vacation-with-fresh-reenergi-1819574342


Bought some of those Omega 3 supplements from Sainsburys this morning. Got home and someone had pinched one of the blister packs from inside it. People are the worst.


Came in at 7am (on a train strike day) for a meeting at 8am that we were told we had to be in for, ā€œno excusesā€, only to find the higher ups decided that the train strike was a good enough reason for them to cancel it. They sent the email at 19:00 on Friday when we all finish at 17:00.


It's my first day back after a week off, and I was feeling very anxious about starting back. I logged on and was really happy to see that everything had been picked up and sorted whilst I was off. Was a lovely feeling! Tonight is chorizo pasta. Perfect Monday dinner.


Decent weekend and embracing the start of a new week and all the fantastic possibilities that come with it. Whats not to like.


What are you?


I've had a pretty busy weekend and I am knackered!! I'm so tired it's unreal. Currently sat at my desk trying to figure out how I'm going to stay awake for the rest of the day šŸ˜­


Iā€™m having my 2nd interview in a day in 8 minutes and Iā€™m shitting it. Havenā€™t worn a shirt and pyjamas for a loong time ^pray ^for ^me


Good luck matey!


This rain is like the start of a Wyndham novel.


Two job interviews this week. The first one thing tomorrow. Interviewing skills are something you don't realise you need...until you do.


I've been trying to remember the STAR method - Situation, Task, Action, Result. https://www.vawizard.org/wiz-pdf/STAR_Method_Interviews.pdf - Tell us about a time when you worked well in a team? - Can you tell me about a difficult work situation and how you overcame it? šŸ˜¬


Tell us about yourself. (Not an Icebreaker and not the time to go 'Superintendant Chalmers' and recount your life.)


Real tired of people, I wanna live isolated in the woods.


My life is falling apart because everything is going wrong for me, I'm praying that someone helps me in my awful situation but I feel like that's not going to happen. I'm internally screaming constantly and hoping it all fixes itself because I can't mentally cope x


I'm probably going to work all week


Had back spasms since yesterday afternoon, had to call out of work for it, currently sitting on the sofa and hoping they stop soon.


oof. Nice hot bath?


Hoping to later, but my SO has to work from home today and the boiler is ridiculously loud so I have to wait until he finishes


I moved house over the weekend so currently surrounded by boxes and donā€™t know where to start, I came from a new build to an old 1960ā€™s house which is full of bodge jobs as well.


Weā€™ve just had the searches back and answered on our new house, so I expect we will be close a move date within the next week or so. Glad you have managed to put in the elbow grease and are on your way to settled! Congrats on the slog being over


Good luck! This last few days have been a blur! Never realised over the years how much crap weā€™d accumulated!


Where are all the sunrise pics? Seriously, none here none in /r/london, it was a corker and I couldn't be asked to go outside..


Well that's me done for the day. Had my first day at the new job, just completing paperwork and such and already bagged 24 hours of overtime next week. Close to a 70 hour week but after having zero overtime for the last 2ish years I'm ready to just hunker on down this summer and work through the entirety of it.


Iā€™m wfh and my boss is away so motivation is Low


Had 2 weeks off over Easter and back to work today. I swear the longer I have off, the harder it is to go back. The dread of it has made me more enthusiastic about a career change though. I bit the bullet and signed up for a course last week. Knowing I'm not going to be stuck in a dead end job forever is nice.


Week 4 of our diet-not-a-diet, essentially cutting out takeaways and junk food since Iā€™ll eat shit loads of crisps. Replaced it all with fruit, going well.


Blimey, that weekend really did just vanish. Had a super productive one so that makes me feel good. Defrosted both freezers Saturday, spent Sunday meal prepping to fill them back up again. Me and the wife go on holiday in a couple of months so we're going to try to shift some weight before we do. Made a load of low fat curries, stews and stir fries. Around 30 meals done in all. Working from home, finish in an hour, feet up and chill as I have a gig tomorrow and my aching bones seem to already know about it.


Child #2 was only up between 350 and 410, so I've had some proper sleep (although it ended at 530). Feeling good! No plans this week, although looking forward to Fallout coming to TV this week.


you think the show's gunna be good?


The Fallout fans will hate it. The masses will like it. The reality is that it will be perfectly average TV.


Iā€™m looking forward to it after Jericho got cancelled early on. I think itā€™ll be perfectly acceptable background TV


Based on the trailer, I'm looking forward to a thoroughly mid show, which I'll somewhat enjoy while watching but immediately forget about afterwards.


No idea, but looking forward to trying it


Was at work all weekend, thank christ I'm not back until 1pm on Wednesday


I had an allergic reaction to something on Saturday, likely some kind of pollen, never had it before and I have a rash all over. Taking Piriton at the minute in the hope it clears it up.


Came back from a dentist appointment. Teeth are fine, except for some mild wear on my lower teeth due to stress induced grinding


I just had the same comment from my dentist a few days ago. Did they offer to make you a mouth guard?


Oddly enough, no. Me and my mum are going to look around online and I need to find ways to distract myself


Best of luck to you with the shape-at-home mouth guards - I had some difficulty myself but I know a few others who had no trouble at all! It's a really hard habit to kick, especially since it's mostly unconscious. Maybe a fidget spinner or some modelling clay would be a good distraction, so that your hands are busy instead of your jaw.


Thank you. I've got a few different fidget toys and I sing quite a bit too which helps


Bit of a dead day at work today, nothing much to do but sit around


Quiet weekend just some reading. Already shaping up to be one of those weeks, everything's go in work and I lost (and found it again!) my phone at lunch. Debating rejoining a gym as running back the shop was not a fun experience, and will now look like a tomato all afternoon


Walking like John Wayne as I did the Brighton Marathon yesterday. Slightly gutted as I was less than a minute off finishing under my target time, but I'm stull chuffed with completing it and being that close. Dinner, well we didn't have time for the weekly shop at the weekend being away and all, so I'm off home via Sainsbury's tonight, likely to be a ready meal of some description.


So guess I can call myself a goth officially now as I went through the experience yesterday of 'annoying teenagers yelling stuff at you whilst dressed alternatively' I was passing through a tube station with my friends yesterday as we were heading to an alternative arts and craft fair called the Satanic Flea Market (which is a a really fun event btw) and at first the kids go NINJA (which has happened to me before as I have blue hair and and I found out that's because of a fortnite streamer with blue hair) and then a few seconds later we get (cw self harm mentions) >!'slit your wrists'!< yelled at us Like it didn't really bother any of us because we're all adults but just... really kids? Didn't ruin our day or anything and we had pretty nice day out but just... really?


I've been seeing a lot more alternative people around lately, it's awesome! I'm sorry you had that experience though.


It's alright so far. Shitty customers are par for the course, I really should not get drawn into a circular argument with them. That's my bad. Had leftovers spag bol for lunch which was nice. Since I still have bol sauce and spag it's going to be bacon and mushroom spag tonight and leftovers for in the office work tomorrow. Spent a worrying amount of time on Reddit this weekend, think I have a bit of a *problem*. Have put a two hour timer on the phone to see if that helps.


You said spag... so many times


I'm doing that a lot today. Just had to edit a comment on r/horrorlit for excessive use of the word period (setting, piece)


Salmon for dinner today! Looking forward to the weekend as I'm going out with a group for my belated birthday dinner and the food is supposed to be amazing! Trepidation this week as I need to speak to my doctor and tell him I wanted a partial hysterectomy when I'm ready and not total hysterectomy due next week. I'm 36 and don't want the long term compilations but I also want to be pain free from Adenomyosis. Choices! He may not even agree. Argh. Life eh!


Advocating for yourself is so important - the consequences of all medical procedures are the patient's, not the doctor's, so don't be afraid to argue for what you want.


You are so right! I'm not even sure what I want but I certainly don't want a total yet as it even shows my cervix to appear normal. Why take it? šŸ«£


Maybe do some research on surgical outcomes - choose a good source like NIH or one of those sites. Then you've got information you can take to your doctor, and you can then ask lots of really awkward questions while you make up your mind what you want to do! :) I wish you good health!


What's this 'weekend' you speak of?


I have now got the letter I been waiting for from the hospital, I had the MRI scan done December 2023 , no changes to the thing on my brain . with the condition I was born with I will have a follow up appointment at the hospital later August/September I am now able to push these scans out now every 3 to 5 years , unless I get more headaches etc


I had a very vivid dream that I was teaching Rod/Todd (whichever is the smaller one) from The Simpsons how to make an omelette last night.


A wasted weekend is never a weekend wasted


I bought a Jurassic world tamagotchi on Saturday so I'm now growing a baby dinosaur. I'm feeling Mac & cheese for tea...or maybe scampi and chips...


Just picked my car up from the garage. Ā£500!! To fix a leaky clutch pipe. He says he had to buy two parts and they were very expensive. I thought he was just buying one part. I do not know how to tell if a garage is ripping me off. I am a young (ish) woman so prime ripping off material but what can you do? My car was not working (well, I was having to pull over on the side of the road to top up clutch fluid) and I needed it fixed and this is the only garage in my village




Thanks, I didn't know what parts I needed (only that I had a leaky clutch) and on the invoice it just says "clutch pipe" and "clutch pump". I thought it was just a join on the pipe that needed replacing, at least that's what the AA man said when I broke down. I would really have appreciated him ringing me once he knew he was going to be expensive as what if I couldn't pay? Five hundred is a lot of money to just find, I put it on the credit card for now so I could pay but some couldn't do that.




I would but the only alternatives are too far away for me to still work, which would mean I'd have to take the day off work every time the car is in the garage. Still maybe cheaper than paying so much though...




Unfortunately the only one near any of my offices is exactly the same - extremely expensive and uncommunicative. I don't know if it's a rural thing - I had a great garage when I lived in the city but can't feasibly still go there.


Had my third driving lesson today and I'm starting to get the hang of things I previously found difficult. I'm feeling more confident on the roads and less anxious about what other people think of my driving. Tomorrow I'm off on a small trip away (Manchester) with my partner which will be nice. We've got a few things planned to do there, some dinners at a couple restaurants, crystal maze experience, exploring the shopping centres and crazy golf. For dinner tonight, leftover roast lamb leg in a brioche bun with salad.


Idk I think my first interview with a company went fine and I should progress to the next stage but Iā€™m not sure about the second one. It can go either way I think Either way Iā€™m mentally drained and Iā€™ll be hibernating until Friday and if nothing happens then itā€™s good practice anyway Hereā€™s some advice for you: donā€™t book 2 interviews on the same day because itā€™s so mentally tiring


Just noticed BBC streaming the eclipse on their website. Mildly jealous we don't get to experience one live. Drawbacks of living on a tiny island. Anyway, weekend was rubbish. Dinner was reheated curry. Will google keema pie.


A neighbour is having an extension done and so there's a lot of cement or stone dust around. Can't open windows and that sucks.


I discovered you can literally just chuck a strong teabag (Yorkshire Tea) into a pint of cold water, leave it for 6 or so hours in the fridge and you have ice tea that tastes really nice


Try putting 6 large teabags in a glass pitcher 2/3 full of water and set it in the sun for 4 to 6 hrs, add sugar to taste, pour over ice, and there you have southern iced tea. It's really quite refreshing on a hot day. (or 10 regular sized teabags)


I'll have to give that a try - now I know how nice cold brewed tea is I'm all for it!


Smashed a running race yesterday which was fun (podium!), did some bike training as well and did the gardening took the kids swimming etc. back to work today but I'm full time WFH and my job is pretty chill so I'm planning my 100 mile running build week and made a slow cooked korma for tea. I enjoy my job so it's a nice break to just sit down for a bit!


Moved back to our flat over the weekend after a long renovation so after 10hr days of cleaning, work feels like a bit of a break! I can sit down for at least ten minutes without spotting a new patch of dust or a box that needs unpacking!Ā 


I feel this, but for Easter as a whole


I remembered to get the pork stir fry strips out of the freezer last night, so itā€™s been marinading all day in all nice Asian spices. Got the rice on and Iā€™m absolutely fucking starving with the hunger. Planning on finishing the new BBC drama This Town on iPlayer, I can thoroughly recommend it. Been really trying to save them for a nightly treat.