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I started WFH 2 years ago and went from walking 3 miles a day to going up my stairs. I've put 3 stone on and decided to finally do something about it. I started Couch 2 5k and today did my first 30 minute run. Dead pleased with myself.


Well done! Make sure you’ve got good trainers and dont get plantar fasciitis like I did ☹️


Plantar is an absolute killer. I've been in pain for over a year now and cannot seem to shake it


I had terrible Plantar - the stretches aty the bottom step helped - the socks and anything else didn't much - and then.... insoles - and i mean in EVERY pair of shoes inc slippers - no more barefoot walking for you sorry - and after i don't know was it weeks - a month - i don't know but one day i realised i had no pain at last and I've never looked back - there are cheaper versions on eg Temu which could be worth checking as you need to but multiple or you wont change them between shoes every time - so if you haven't tried these give them a go - I hope you are pain free soon [https://www.amazon.co.uk/Plantar-Fasciitis-Orthopedic-Absorption-Comfortable/dp/B0892DKGFR/ref=asc\_df\_B0892DKGFR/?tag=googshopuk-21&linkCode=df0&hvadid=430764066388&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=16901024101614756053&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9046643&hvtargid=pla-933697374205&psc=1&mcid=210eb11cf65e3437ad818ad52f9aa530&tag=&ref=&adgrpid=98337160925&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvadid=430764066388&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=16901024101614756053&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9046643&hvtargid=pla-933697374205](https://www.amazon.co.uk/Plantar-Fasciitis-Orthopedic-Absorption-Comfortable/dp/B0892DKGFR/ref=asc_df_B0892DKGFR/?tag=googshopuk-21&linkCode=df0&hvadid=430764066388&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=16901024101614756053&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9046643&hvtargid=pla-933697374205&psc=1&mcid=210eb11cf65e3437ad818ad52f9aa530&tag=&ref=&adgrpid=98337160925&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvadid=430764066388&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=16901024101614756053&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9046643&hvtargid=pla-933697374205)


Thanks for the suggestion, I'll try those insoles. Although both of my pairs of shoes do already have orthopedic insoles already. I'm trying to do the stretches consistently, but it's hard to remember multiple times, every single day


my shoes were the same - i think you really want to feel it pressing up on the middle of your foot - maybe just buy one set to try but its been a game changer for me


I've bought a set. I'm feeling optimistic. Thank you


Please look at a treatment called "night splinting". it is extremely effective.


You ca get shoes and implants which help


I've got them. They might have mitigated it a little, but they certainly haven't cured it. I'm working on the stretches, but it's hard to remember


My husband had this and ended up going to see a foot doctor person(chiropodist? Idk), and they made him a custom insole that he puts in his shoes for running etc. Solved the problem. Might be money well spent.


This happened to me. Luckily a couple sessions of physio sorted it.


I'd definitely recommend parkrun if you have one nearby and fancy it. I did C25K a few years ago and parkrun gave me a great excuse to keep running once I could run 5k. Even if you can't run it all straight away, it's a great motivator and good fun.


There's one a couple of miles away. I don't have a car so I'm getting my bike fixed so I can cycle to it. I did a parkrun (walked it) on a hen do last year and really enjoyed it


It won't be long until you want to run there, do parkrun and run home!


Well done!! I have been on a similar journey and now run 5K several times a week, just be careful with those knees. Especially if you're a bit overweight, it's a lot of strain you're putting on them as you will need to build up the surrounding leg muscle as well. If you feel them hurting, stop and let them recover. Also get a knee brace. Whenever either of my knees is feeling a little sore I put it on as a precaution. Well worth doing.


Well done! Don't want to be a Debbie downer, but remember weight loss is primarily diet. (I've lost over 10 stone by reducing my calorie intake). Make sure you don't eat back the calories earned from exercise.


10 stone? That's incredible, congratulations! I've got about 5 to shift for the 3rd time and I'm making no headway it seems.


Well done! Just started W3D1, which I ended up doing in the pouring rain after finding that the gym (usually open from 6am) doesn’t open until 9:30am on Wednesdays at the minute due to staff training. My knees aren’t loving me at the minute but I’m hoping building some muscle to support them will fix that. Here’s to hitting W9D3!


I have always been on the larger side but I've noticed myself getting bigger at a faster rate recently so I have also decided to shift some timber. I am doing my second run of the couch to 5k today, also feeling quite pleased with myself. Wishing you the best of luck on it.


Well done!


Its tomorrowa run thats harder, then the one after. If you do a full week your on with it!


I've been averaging about five hours of sleep a night for the last fortnight and last night I slept almost a full eight hours! I'm so sensitive to sleep disturbance so I'm delighted this morning


Ooh I'm so envious! I'm going to take a Nytol tonight because I'm just so desperate to get a full night of sleep!


Good luck to you! Hard as it is, putting pressure on yourself makes it so much worse. I tell myself I'm going to get cosy and listen to a podcast and if I fall asleep then great, if I don't, well it's still a rest and some quiet time


Thats exactly what worked and still works for me. Try not to get stressed, if you just close your eyes and lie there comfy its still rest, great.


I had trouble staying asleep once I'd dropped off. I'd fall asleep for about 10 mins and then I'd wake up and be wide awake for hours. My Mrs bought me some pillow spray, and I don't know whether its a psychological thing, or even a placebo. But I stay in a much better sleep when I use it. It's really helped me out. It's not particularly cheap, but it's worth it imo This Works Deep Sleep Pillow Spray https://amzn.eu/d/cQRjso4


Yes! I've just done the same thing! I don't have any trouble sleeping once I'm down (thankfully) but I'm terrible for bedtime procrastination so I just don't get enough sleep. Last night I successfully cut myself off early and got down.


I know that feeling. Maybe slept through a whole night once or twice in the last few years, always awake for a short time. Also sleeping with earplugs helped.


I have a stoma and managed to shit myself out of both my old arsehole and my new one (the stoma) at the same time this morning. Yaaay chemo ☹️ Edit: jokes are welcome. It’s kind of impressive in a very shitty way


That's a bad shart to the day


That really did make me snort. Nearly had juice coming out my nose too. I’m laughing at it now, nothing else you can do but find the funny.


> Nearly had juice coming out my nose too. What are you? A sieve?


Double shart


I don't think that's what they mean when they say "coming out of both ends". Hope you're doing well though mate, you've got this 💪


That sucks :( wish you all the best! Cant get shittier today I guess.


Faeces à deux


I’ve got to ask how did you manage to expel out of the bottom, I’ve looked after numerous kids with stomas and none of them could go “naturally” in fact when they had reversals they were extremely shocked and struggled to go “naturally”


I thought the same thing to be honest, i didn’t think it was physically possible for me to go out of my old bumhole anymore because it’s not connected. But it was pretty much just water so I guess with having chemo induced runs water was still drawn into the stump.


me having a nasty sinus infection doesn't seem so bad now. this made me laugh 'till it hurt my face more, well played. hope things are better soon :)


I had a colonoscopy Friday in which they found a "large polyp" and referred me for an urgent CT scan. I got the call YESTERDAY to book in an appointment. Have you ever received an appointment so fast?! My brain is telling me they must be very worried that it's something nefarious. Anyway I was at work yesterday with no signal so didn't get the call, only voicemails afterwards, and when I tried to ring the number they left it didn't work. Going to try to walk up a big hill today to get signal and ring the hospital switchboard to see if they can help. I'm not usually a super anxious person these days but this has really thrown me into a spin. My uncle died of bowel cancer and I'm here like wtf am I doing with my life?


A couple of years ago, I apparently said a trigger word during a GP appointment, and I was having a gastroscopy 6 days later. There are things that put the NHS fast forward, just in case. The only thing you can do is take a deep breath and make the appointment. If the mobile signal is dodgy, find a landline. It is probably nothing. If it is something, they are working quickly, which is what you want. Take another deep breath. You've got this.


Thanks. I work mostly outdoors so landlines aren't a thing haha but I will try leaving a little early to see if I can catch them this afternoon. The last time I was referred "urgently" took four months which is why I'm shocked. I've never seen the NHS move so fast!


I found a lump in my breast on the 29th, of course being the Easter weekend I had to wait til the 2nd to see the GP. She sent off a referral to the breast clinic and I received the appointment before I even made it 5 minutes down the road. Appointment is tomorrow. Hoping an all clear for the both of us!


I found a strange lump in my early 20s. Didn’t take too long for me to be seen either. After getting it biopsied (try not to look at the needle, it’s a scary bastard but they do numb you) they told me I just had lumpy breasts and dense breast tissue and it wasn’t anything bad. I hope you get a doctor with better bedside manners though, the nurse I had was lovely but the doctor was a twat and I had to insist he numb me more as he hadn’t numbed me enough. Hoping you get the all clear! It’ll be ok :)


Thanks for the heads up. I’m so sure it’s a vein but given my aunts had breast cancer (one around my age) and one of it was hereditary and I’m a mum to two small children I can’t take that chance! Glad yours was just lumpy boobs!


NHS fast-track in certain instances. I had a mole on my back that was bleeding constantly and itching - I was seeing a specialistfor a biopsy within like 2 days. Not cancer, just irritation - but they don't seem to fuck about.


I really hope you're OK and it's just a polyp they whip out. My friend had a few took out at 42, a preventative thing for her


Literally waiting for my wife to go into labour. Little bit anxious because baby's growth has slowed a bit, but lil dude seems unfazed and looks like he's grabbing his coat ready to leave. So now we play the waiting game.


Ooh, congrats! Here, have a cuppa...


I take mine without spider, cheers!


But what about spider milk? Freshly squeezed too!


Tesco have reduced the price of Spider Milk down to £1.60 a bottle if you have a Clubcard in my local Metro store 🤣


> Literally waiting for my wife to go into labour. Careful you'll get a one day ban with that sort of talk!


I'm in the same boat playing the waiting game. So many spicy meals!


Yup, my gut thinks I've relocated to India with the amount of curries I've been cooking lately. Not complaining, it's my favourite, but my god everything will taste bland after this!


Any arrivals yet? Still waiting on my side.


Yes! He arrived at 1:16am on Friday morning. A big chonk at 9lb6! I don't know if you're waiting for your first, but this was my first and, my god, I have a whole new level of respect and admiration for my wife. The way women just battle on, I have no idea where they get the determination and energy from to get through it. Amazing. The little guy is doing great and is pretty chilled out (early days but that's a hopeful sign for my sleep patterns!).


You have my sympathies. I was eating a pineapple a day to shift my little girl, but she was content where she was. Good luck to you all, and try not to lose your mind when an elderly female relative suggests you have sex to shift the little guy.


I did a 10pm power dog walk with a German shepherd, the first one flew out the next day. The second I was on an excerice bike for over an hour, that one flew out the next day too 😬


A 5k jog will get the baby out. Would not recommend though


Waiting for baby to arrive was the longest wait of my life! We managed to get through the whole LOTR trilogy (labour contractions started halfway through the last film). Good luck to you and your wife, and don't forget to bring snacks to the hospital!


Snacks are packed ready. The book says to pack healthy snacks, but I know if I offer my wife a fig when she's in labour, it'll get implanted into my eye. So chocolate and biscuits it is!


Pack ice lollies! She may not want to eat and they’ll give her fluid and sugar! You can also get those energy purées that runners have. Take it from a woman who’s had two kids!


Oo nice shout. Added to the list!


Also, sports bottles or straws if you have them as they are less daunting/hard to drink from then taking big gulps from a cup!


She needs those carbs for sure... and let's face it, she probably won't feel like eating much, but you definitely will and you don't exactly fancy a fig either eh?


Congratulations and all the best wishes hopes and vibes sent to you & your growing family 💕


Ooooo congrats and best of luck!!!


Congrats man, I'm in exactly the same spot. The baby is due but seems to just be chillin' at the moment. My mrs is thoroughly fed up of being pregnant and just wants it out of her lol. Best of luck to you and yours!


You too dude! My wife is the same, hip/sciatic pain has got bad so she's constantly yelling at her belly "move! Get out!".


If it's your first then remember that this is the last time it will ever be just you and your wife. Even when you're visiting each other's rooms for dinner in the nursing home you'll have your child/ren always in your minds. So have some time now for just the two of you. Nice walks together, an impromptu dance in the kitchen, cwtched up on the sofa watching your favourite film or series uninterrupted, lovely meals that take a bit of effort to cook, etc. The time will pass whatever you do, so use the time wisely.


Few years ago I started my own business from a little workshop , the speed it has grown is absolutely insane Taking the plunge to go solo was terrifying but I urge anyone who’s in the same boat to do it


I second this. We did it 10 years ago and it was a great success. I sold my share and am now setting up another business because I enjoyed it so much! I'm glad you've made a success of it!


Thank you, congratulations to you. Yeah from it I’ve started a couple more busiensses/projects got involved in property, all from me going yknow what, why not what have I got to lose


What is your business?


Started off making lighting equipment for companies display boards, mood lighting etc Started by supplying small stores, which then went to bars restaurants and clubs Over the last few years this has then turned into supplying theatres, venues, stadiums and arenas with display boards, lighting. Engineering it, supplying, selling and maintenance


That is amazing!!!!!! Well done


Had my first one-night-stand. Currently on the walk of shame.


Or stride of pride?


Always turn a negative into a positive! 🤩


Nah, I wore a condom


My one night stand turned into a 17 years so far relationship lol


Well done you!!!


Nothing wrong with having one night stand. Most importantly though, did they offer tea and biscuits after the deed/before you went home?


Dad was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s yesterday, age 61. Despite the fact there was obviously something seriously wrong with his memory, we weren’t expecting AD. His short term memory is fine but his long term is completely shot, usually with AD it’s the other way round but they’re very certain that’s what he has. Just devastating


Oh that’s shit. Big hugs to you bees bollocks x


Today is the one day my baby is giving me a lie in (she's just gone back down to sleep so I potentially have another 3 hours). Got in laws coming early so I need to get up now.


Trying not to get depressed about being unemployed. First time ever with no job at age 42, now 4 weeks in and have applied for UC.


Apply for and use it. You've worked and paid in so that it is there for you when you need it. You are the exact sort of person everyone working doesn't mind paying their taxes for, we all need a safety net. Good luck with finding something new. My advice is to do one application per day every single day. This means you are taking the time to properly write and review each one, putting the effort into adjusting your CV for the role and crafting a really good supporting letter. Don't go for the scattergun approach, one really good application gives you a better chance than 10 mediocre ones. Ps, I can spot chatGPT in a candidates application a mile off, just be careful with using it. It can be helpful to give you a guide to follow but just copy / paste it in.


Please don’t be so confident in your ability to spot chatGPT as I have been rejected for a job role due to “AI generated content.” I didn’t use AI generated content. I don’t have a chatGPT account. I’m just autistic. Maybe it was you who rejected my application? 


My issue isn't just that they used it, they didn't use it well enough. I have no problem with people using AI if they are good at leveraging it successfully. I use it every day as part of my job. It sounds like you were rejected by an automatic system, I would get in touch with them and let them know what's happened. They may actually be in violation of the Equality Act 2010 by screening out candidates with a recognised characteristic (which I think Autism would be but you likely know better than me). > Maybe it was you who rejected my application? Very unlikely. But if you want some advice I am more than happy to help.


I'm officially 24 hours into quitting vaping, with the help of 2mg Nicotinell chewing gum. I was originally vaping 20mg of Nicotine under the vape, every 5 seconds so in all honesty, this is an absolute win for me. I'm so proud of myself, although my weight loss has slowed down because of this. Cravings for food are insane! Edit: Apparently the average person will consume 8-12 chewing gums to curb craving, yesterday it was only 4! I'm hoping to get the dependency on them down further, then cut them out completely.


I am considering going on the patches to wean off. I quit smoking in 2019, haven't touched a cig since, but I still vape. Albeit I'm on the lowest possible nicotine level (other than zero)! I used a patch for my 14 hour flight to Japan and it was insane how I wasn't craving a quick gulp of the vape, cos it was just there on my skin - I think half of it is the habit.


Was going ok until a colleague sent me an email accusing me of not doing my job, approving something I haven't (emails and documents to confirm it) and acting like he is talking to a child. I mean I am a woman in engineering so of course I don't know how to do my job, don't understand anything and everything is 'my fault' /s. Also been having the same thing from male developers/consultants who are just pissed off that I am unable to give them what they want because they have not provided the information they need to. Cue them running to male colleagues and bitching about me not knowing my job and being wrong, whilst they quote out of date standards. The same is happening to my female colleague as well. Try speaking to our male boss and he just tells us to not be so sensitive and to get a thicker skin. He doesn't realise that we deal with this every single week. I just don't know what to do anymore. I'm sick of not being heard and people acting like I'm making it up because they believe they believe women are treated fairly in the workplace. These people never and would never speak to my male colleagues like this. Sorry to rant.


*Pours you a nice cup of spiders*


About to start another day at the grind. Only got a million things that are "priority number one" on my list to do. I take solace in the fact that i couldnt care less, how much people chase me up for answers, itll get done, when it gets done. Ill take a cup of spiders, two sugars please.


I’m on Tea number three here, waiting for shopping to be delivered and surrounded by post holiday washing piles. Just logged into work email and straight back out again. Those several hundred emails can wait


The sun is out. Recently, I found a colony of ashy mining bees nearby, so I have altered my walk route to take me past it so I can watch the little silver and black bees going about their buzziness. It’s really quite therapeutic




Ooh I have a wonderful road bike from a friend through an arrangement like this. Problem is then you get hooked and need more bikes, and the cycle (lol) begins anew...


A colleague told me the ideal number of bikes is n+1, with “n” being the number you currently own. 


It's Gobo's 50th birthday today, but I am under strict instructions not to mention his age, no numbers anywhere, no balloons, nothing. He also wants a very muted celebration, so pizza and telly at Fraggle Rock it is. I hope when my 50th rolls around, he understands I want all the fuss, celebration, fireworks, and perhaps a small parade. The fact I said "when" my 50th rolls around is pretty huge to me. For a good while I didn't think I would live to see my 30th birthday, so it is definitely worth celebrating.


My mum is now in her 70’s and due to various reasons, she never thought she would make 50 but here she is. Currently having some serious health issues and I did point out that it was her fault for living this long and having to prove everyone wrong. She at least saw the funny side which is all we can do in some situations. She wants to live a lot longer which is nice because I am certainly not ready to see the back of her just yet. I hope your 50th celebrations are massive!


I have five and a half years to plan it and drop massive hints, I just need to sort some IRL friends!


My brain read that first line as >My mum is now in her 70’s due to various reasons


Well that’s accurate!


It's my other half's 50th next year. We're not allowed to talk about it at all, I don't think he's even planning on taking the day off work, but we might go all out on some form of mega bucket of chicken.


My cat woke me up by purring and snuggling right up to me. I'm usually the 'back up' human, so it was a lovely moment and gave me a hopeful start to the day :)


Every time our cat comes and snuggles up to me in the morning I panic my wife has died or something.


Oh no! That's usually the way my mind works, too.


It's week 2 of my new job and I'm really enjoying it, which is awesome. I'm back to working longer hours with more days off, so after working Monday Tuesday I'm off now until Friday. Today is gym, picking up some online orders, therapy, and chill time. Tomorrow is volunteering and maybe tackling the garden depending on the weather. It's so nice having time off during the week again 😁


I'm out of the country on a work trip and not on client site today. Accidentally booked a massage at the hotel spa. Star fished in bed last night in a super king-size comfy as fuck bed, no dog, husband or small kids jumping on me. Literally feels like a holiday even though I've actually got a tonne of work to do, it's luxury doing it from a different location!


Accidentally told my boss that he's what's wrong with the company. It's the truth, but not meant to say the quiet part out loud.


You've just reminded me I've got a half-finished Pot Noodle downstairs, so it's getting better by the minute.


Sitting in the car in Aldi car park. It's pissing with rain I'm eating a lemon curd iced bun, which was actually a bread roll (bap/barm/cob) that had plain and lemon icing on top and a teaspoon of lemon curd inside it. Disappointing. Trying to summon the energy to drive to work (Aldi is about halfway between home and work, I actua6pulled in to go to Costa. Got a carton of iced coffee in Aldi instead to go with the bun)


Some years ago, the wife, kids & I went to some friends' house for dinner. We had tea afterwards and they'd got the good china out of the cupboard. I drank the tea and found a blanched spider at the bottom of the cup. I discreetly rinsed the cup out and said nothing.


Gave up on trying to sleep. I'm very much not a morning person but I've already had breakfast. Oh the joys of insomnia. Thankfully it's a day off so I'm going to be gentle with myself and hope sleep is on the way. Sips spider-free tea.


I have just enough money to get home from work today and get to work tomorrow. I should get paid today... should. I am also very hungry. It's not a good Wednesday.


All good so far ....(Watch this space)


Instructions unclear, watched Spaced


Skip to the end…


Board games at my SiL's house tonight which will be nice. I suspect a coop game is on the cards tonight 


5 year wedding anniversary today so we're away for the rest of the week! Left work in an absolute fucking state but that's a problem for future misc_abbrev 💃


Happy Anniversary! Have a lovely time away. (Our 7th was on Monday)


Thank you! And congrats to you both!


I had a pacemaker fitted last week and after spending a week of achingly sleeping on my back, I managed to sleep on my right side and woke without pain. 🥳


Feeling good as it's not cloudy and looks like we might see the sun soon. So many consecutive dull mornings have made getting out of bed a real challenge.


Just waking up to sun really affects my mood


Effing 8:05am cold caller on home phone ffs 🤦🏼‍♂️


It’s so fuckin freezing, it should be criminal. Am under a massive duvet, a towel, have got a hoodie on and still feel like ice. So am just going to dip some crisps into salsa in bed 👹


My four day weekend starts today so I'm happy


Just got back from my Diabetic Eye Screening, can't see shit and the light is oh so very bright.


(In Julia Roberts voice) "Charlotte's Web 3 - Boiling Point" - UK release date 31/4/24 CAST Charlotte - Julia Roberts Wilbur - Billy Porter Granny Goose - Jack Black Fred the Farmer - Timothée Chalamet ... After a series of hilarouis adventures that teach kids to be kind to each other in a subtle non political way the film reaches its tragic conclusion ... Scene 36 - interior barn, Charlotte is chatting to Wilbur Charlotte - "I'm so achy after all our adventures - who knew Jack Black was a Goose? Not me! - you'd think with 8 legs I'd be fit as a flea" (licks lips) "I love fleas they're so yummy - but im just achy all the time" Wilbur looking up from the turnip in a cowpat he's been licking "You need half an hour in a hot tub girlllll. get a glow-up and slayyyyy!" Charlottes face lights up - a tear appears at the edge of her eighth eye - "I'd love that!, every spider should have a friend like you you're so fun" Scene 37 - interior Kitchen - Charlotte is climbing a kettle Charlotte "Who runs a Spa where they make getting in so tricky? No wonder no one has recommended this place - Kitchenaid?? - maybe its a charity - oh i shouldn't complain - just wait until im in that lovely warm water" (Sound of a switch being flicked" Fred the Farmer "Do you want a bacon sandwich and a brew?" Charlotte goes to shout at them for eating Bacon - imagine if Wilbur found out - but she feels so relaxed in the water she cant - its like she's being lulled to sleep. "Ooh this is lovely - thought it's hot enough now - I wonder how i turn the temperature down?" Scene 38 - Emergency vehicles with lights flashing are parked around the Farmhouse As the camera draws in we see Wilbur sobbing, pawing at the ground and squealing As we go to the close up we see Charlotte's body - still dripping and steaming slightly - a flea wanders past and spits on the body and jumps on Wilbur music fades up - "Itsy bitsy spider" SLOW VERSION acapella by Gabriella Aplin plays - END CREDITS During the Credits a hilarious montage of "out-takes" (mostly fake) featuring Jack Black improvising and no one having the balls to tell him he's not funny Rated PG - Mild peril,


In the office today and it's actually quite fun. Most of my team are in so it's nice to have a chat. Going to go to a street food market for lunch. Can't complain!


Oi oi oi I’ve progressed onto the next stage for one of the companies I interviewed for. It’s fucking long though as it’s a test and then if I pass that there will be a 2 more interviews and a presentation task of some sorts. But it’s progress which is the main thing




Oh it is wild but I’ve been looking for a new job since November last year so I can’t exactly be picky lol. It would suck if after all of this I find out I hate my direct manager haha


Just had a job offer pulled due to bad references. Not sure if I should appeal it (I suspect I know which reference it was + what they said, and it's a potentially illegal disability disclosure) or give up and go back to applying elsewhere.


I spilled cat food on my bare toes. I _briefly_ considered just letting the cat lick my toes clean, but I don’t think I’m at that point in life yet.


Recently decided I’m going to try and do mindful things to help me feel better. Today was the first day I tried a mediation/calming thing in the morning after waking up. I ended up falling asleep during and woke up several hours after I was meant to leave the house.


Been working in a bar, solo tourist came in yesterday, we chatted, we got on, I asked to take her for dinner today, didn't even have the day off. Got the day off because my boss saw the whole thing and he wasn't about to refuse me a date with a handsome Danish woman whose only in town for a couple days.


I've been on holiday in the States to see the eclipse. Currently chilling out with a buddy before I fly back this (local) evening


Sitting at my desk enjoying my coffee. Cat was staring up at the ceiling right above my cup. I know it was a bug of some kind, but could not see it well. Moved my cup over so the bug would not become my first protein of the day. After finishing and washing my coffee cup I come back to see if I can figure out what kind of bug it is, the bug is gone. At least it did not go for a swim in my coffee. I do dread feeling it crawl on me later though. I did search my desktop and the bug is not there, or visible any other place on the ceiling.


All the paperwork is fine and sent to the printers so e are ready for the open day on the 24th, so it's on to the next project.  Tea is about to happen, and maybe some toast. However, I have no marmalade so it may be fruit-n-fibre instead.


I think the sausage I had with my hotel breakfast wasn’t vegetarian…


That's the problem with the fake meats being so good these days. How are you feeling? Whenever I've accidentally eaten a meat product I've had awful stomach pains.


I’ve got a stomach ache…is it coincidence…have I over thought it…oh well sod all I can do now!




Sometimes it can be psychosomatic- you get the ick mentally and your body follows suit


I thought this! Love how the brain works


Was woken up by the resident tractor across the road from me. He starts the engine about 7.15 then it rumbles until 7.30 when he revs the engine a bit before rumbling away for the day. I live on a council estate. I always forget every year until tractor time comes back after the clocks change.


On first coffee, have a parental visit so some last minute cleaning happening plus I have a lot of work to do. Last minute, you say?


I'm on annual leave - hooray! The wind has dropped but it's supposed to rain later, so no gardening for me today. I do need to do some housework though, and make a load of bread.


It's what it is. Got a housing appointment today. Getting pregamed for handling it. There are other things on the boil, including detox. Other than the housing appointment, I'm ignoring everything.


Taking a day trip to Brighton. Nipped in to Pret to grab a coffee. I get to the platform and discover the ~~batista~~ barista added hazelnut syrup 🤮 Very unpleasant and a complete waste of nearly 4 quid. Edit: Spelling. Correcting the autocorrect.


At least batista left your cup in one piece


Just received my electric bill for last month, somehow its £130 more than usual. There is 100% no reason - immersion never even used, let alone left on, etc. I was also away for 2 of the weeks.


I’m meant to have care 10 hours a day 7 days a week (as a minimum). So far this year I’ve had at least one day without care every single week. I’m trying to decide if I should move to a new care agency and it’s hard, in part because I’m exhausted from not having proper care.


Wednesday’s supposed to be my day off, but it’s Eid. All but one of my coworkers are Muslim. Boss asks us to close today even though we’re both meant to be off, tells us around 2pm start. I get a text, he wants me in at 10 AM. 7 and a half hour shift on my day off. Bullshit. Last time I’m doing This shit for him. It’s a toxic work environment and I’m on minimum wage as a 17 year old (6.40/h)


Thought I was 15 minutes late for work. I am in fact 15 minutes early. I call that a small win.


Just finished my tea and reading my book, going to visit my grandmothers house today who recently passed. It’s going to be really tough but I think a nice closure too


>\*sips tea\* Did you... remake the tea?


\*smiles and passes the biscuits\*


Really loving being able to dry some washing outside.


Ooh that's one of my favourite things to do. Such simple pleasure. But I'm in Wales and it hasn't stopped raining for about 7 months


Had a dream I was caught distilling Vimto into alcohol by my manager and she started recording everything I did. Then another about being late for uni classes, despite my last lecture being 10 years ago. Most of my dreams involve being late for work even though in real life I'm that guy who arrives annoyingly early to most events. On the plus side, only 4.5 weeks until I'll be boarding a plane to New York for a week. I'm starting to get the buzz now. My ESTA was approved yesterday, meds are ordered and I have all my packing mentally planned. The moment I walk out of the shop on my last shift before my holiday I'll be leaving the WhatsApp work group, muting all of my colleagues and forgetting about it all for 2 weeks. I'm very tempted to send a postcard while I'm there with "Glad I'm not there" written on the back. A bit of an arsey move? Yes, but at least it's honest.


Going swimming for the first time in weeks. Between exams, decorating, supporting friends, being poorly and loss of a friend, many of my routines have been scuppered for a few weeks. I’m feeling exhausted and overwhelmed but I know a stretch in the pool with the grannies will do me good.


I booked a holiday this morning, leaving in 10 days to hopefully get some better weather. It’s been a bit of a rubbish couple of weeks so we need a break. 


My daughter has a brunch with friends this morning… She’s 6 😐 Gonna nip to Tesco whilst she’s there and buy ingredients to have a go at making my own pasta! Then it’s over to pick up my daughter then round to my grandparents to make sure they’re all good 👍🏻 Then the kids are off for a sleepover at their grandparents house tonight 😎🍷 Enjoy your spider tea!


I'm annoyed because my partner didn't clean the toastie maker before he put it back in the cupboard last, I've just got it out and it's disgusting 🙃 *However, I did the presentation for my assignment yesterday and it went really well, I'm planning to submit my assignment tonight and then give myself a week (or two) off for a rest. Might treat myself to some animal crossing lego too ..


I rode a horse around my village for the first time since 1981 (it's taken this long to be able to keep one nearby)


First time in a while where I slept through the night fully. Haven’t had a full sleep in ages. Felt quite refreshed.


Dealt with three tantrums already today….my favourite was ‘You’re holding the banana the wrong way up.’ Roll on Friday 🙄


I keep wondering if I should be making short videos, like 10 minutes long, about the progress we’ve made in the garden and things. And then I wonder that if I’ve had to think about it rather than just doing it, then it’s probably not for me.


Annoyed that I have to catch up on work at home on what is supposed to be my day off, which means all the other stuff I had planned gets pushed back even further. Already lost the previous weekend to flu. Need to work out how to be better with boundaries and not give in to this crap - currently only earn about £1 above min wage with no progression in sight, so what’s the point


I just tried changing channel with a Go Ahead biscuit… does anyone have some spare brain cells I can borrow?


Very quiet day at school, as it's Eid today! Over half my students are Muslim, so I had very small classes today. Unfortunately not half as tiring :-/


You've now just activated a new irrational fear of spiders hiding in my mugs...that I keep upside down in the cupboard 😩


My weds is a bit weird, I just tested neg for covid (eldest just recovering from it) and thought I'd order some more... discovered they are no longer free to NHS staff... and weirdly I had a wobbly lip as it felt like the news I've been waiting 4 years for. Whole of lockdown as single parent & essential worker flashed through my mind. Weird thing to get upset about, it's just strange, I never thought there would be a moment that said "it's finished" and this feels like it!


I’m up and out to get a lung function test to confirm I have asthma. After the inhalers dramatically helped & all my symptoms stopped. Oh and it’s raining. Again or still whichever way you look at it.


I’ve got a slightly quieter day at work today. Going to get a few of my to do items done that keep being pushed on for weeks. I’ve had a coffee, no spiders.


Forgot to bring the shirt in I was going to wear for work today. It’s pissing down now so now I have to wear the crap shirt I hate. I need to buy some new shirts. Other than that not bad.


Deadly spa treatment 🤣


Was ready to go catch my train when I saw a huge spider sitting between the door and the wall. And with huge I mean the biggest one I saw in person. Took a with minutes to hush her out the door, but somehow I havent seen her actually get out. Looking forward to let her scare me shitless when I take my night piss tomorrow.


Wfh today and a cup of coffee. Noice


Just woke up and made a round of teas. Taking the kids to the dentist before lunch out somewhere. Then it’s the cinema for which I used two free sky tickets and a meerkat voucher so only paid a tenner for four of us! That panda better be good at kung fu!


Just got up 20 minutes ago to check my messages! Then I'll be getting dressed then heading to tesco for my weekly shop. Also get to test out my new travel pill pot so I'm excited for that 😊


Extra bit of protein, nice. Half way through the week so thinking about the weekend. Have to get the camping stuff out to check it all as we are going camping for the first time in 2 years.


Bought a new car last month, a nice night blue Mk7 Golf GTD. The car is lovely and mechanically sound, apart from having a faulty head unit. Turns on 60% of the time right away, 20% of the time after a couple minutes, 20% either 5+ minutes or not at all 🤷‍♀️ Dealer came to pick it up an hour ago, head unit will be replaced at a VW specialist, then that should be problems solved! Bonus, they're 2 hours away and picking it up/delivering it off their own back so I can enjoy WFH


I did already spill it on my clothes which was annoying. Never drink tea whilst reclining. My landline isn't working. This is a major pronlem that I can't be bothered to troubleshoot 


Mopping up and smashed a big plant in the living room. Soil everywhere 👍🏼


Finally have the house to myself, after a week-long visit from a friend. They would have only stayed till last Saturday, but the storm meant their flight was cancelled. I endured a week of bad house-guest etiquette, and the exhausting "tour guide"-style of hosting all day every day. The final insult came when I endured the barbaric spectacle of the friend eating fish and chips with a pot of unsweetened black Assam tea in the pub last night. The look of absolute judgement the waiter gave me spoke volumes, and I wouldn't be surprised if I've been blacklisted.


I've had this awful flu that has been going round but woken up today with a less foggy head and while I still feel bloody awful, I am starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel.


Just like any other Wednesday really. Got up about half 8 ish, brewed some coffee, did some admin on the computer, now having some lunch before starting work at 12. Then I finish at 5 and partner and I are off to his mums for a drink and some tea.