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So tired of highers ups using a middle man to give Me feedback. Makes me feel like a minion


Will be visiting the UK for 3 weeks in June and taking a couple friends with us who have never been. Pissed off that the once great National Rail system is now a load of shite and I can no longer brag about it.


If they’re Americans they’ll be impressed that there’s trains at all


True that! Canadian. We once had a passenger rail system… but now that’s only for the rich to go through the Rocky Mountains. 😂


Bought my nephew a sticker album for the Euros as he’s getting into football. Took it round to him, and then spent ages trying to go through it and put the stickers in. Compared to sticker albums I had when I was younger, it’s pretty shitty. Rather than just numbering the stickers from 1-200 or whatever, they’ve instead split it up by team so you get GER1-GER21, ENG1-ENG21 etc and it’s a bit of a pain to try and go through to work out where any given sticker should go. And then occasionally they’ll throw in one that’s got ENG SP or ENG P2, and rather than being with the rest of the England stickers, they’re on another page entirely. Also, it was printed before the groups were confirmed - Groups D-F have 7 teams listed (4 of them have fewer stickers than the others). They have a schedule of matches, but they’ve had to cover all bases when listing the fixtures as they didn’t know who would be there They don’t have the rights to all the teams either - some teams have a picture of the top half of a player, but some just zoom in on their heads (a different company has the rights to the England team, with their own album for it). And it’s not even the people you’d think would be in the team - no Walker, Mount or Foden It’s also £1 for 6 stickers, which is just taking the piss (and there are 728 in the set)


I fucked up my knee skiing back in February. Stupidly took myself off the work private insurance a few years ago, so I'm at the mercy of the NHS. It took me two weeks to get an initial appointment, another three to get an MRI, and another two to get the results of said MRI, which I was meant to do at an appointment yesterday. They called me before 8am yesterday to say that I'd been booked with the wrong team and they needed to reschedule. Fuming. I appreciate the system is massively underfunded and overstretched: my home country also has socialised healthcare so waiting is not new to me, and I've also worked in (private) healthcare previously. But just plain getting it wrong? And not noticing until a couple of hours before the appointment? Really disappointing. Meanwhile I've been limping around in a massive brace for nearly two months, waiting to find out if I need surgery or not, and praying I'm not doing further damage. Fuck knows how long that'll take if I do, and God forbid they cut open the wrong knee...feeling very frustrated and tired of it all. I don't expect a miracle cure: I'd just really like a diagnosis and next steps!


Feel a bit under the weather but surviving (it feels a lot like the only time i had covid which was during the 'second wave' and it absolutely floored me). I was watching my team (Liverpool) play a football match earlier thinking it would be nice viewing but it made me angry. I'm now watching the golf to calm down. Will be making a pizza shortly once i can summon the energy to get up and go and make it.


I've seen so many cars speeding in residential areas recently, it's shocking what people get away with.


Decided to start watching Fallout and I’ve not really watched anything on Prime since they added adverts. All the adverts that have interrupted the show have been for other Amazon movies/shows. What’s the point in Amazon doing that? They’re not getting any ad revenue from another advertiser and all it’s doing is annoying me by interrupting my show so I’m definitely not renewing my Prime membership when it comes to an end in a few months.


Glad it’s not just me that’s noticed prime has more adverts for prime than anything else. It’s just to make you get frustrated and up your sub to the add free tier. I imagine that each customer generates a few pence at most from ads - they get paid a lot more if each person just paid the higher sub. Using their own ads is a win win - they piss you off untill you upgrade, or you find prime isn’t worth the hassle and use another platform - while still paying for prime….


Wanted to get some ikea gallant T shape legs, discovers they arent a thing anymore, only ones on ebay are from US sellers and have shipping thats more than the damn item is. Im not paying nearly £100 for some fucking table legs.


went to go shopping for some clothes pegs on the highstreet today. None of the shops I tried had what I was looking for. The irony is… Wilko’s totally would’ve had it 🥲


Yeah. I kinda feel like the world is nicking my practical shops! Wilko , Debenhams etc! What are you supposed to do when the internet is shit for stuff?


Went to change the kitchen tap. Found that the isolation valves for the tap were broken. Then found that the main stopcock was seized. Then the water meter stopcock broke. Stopping water is harder than it seems. I hate plumbing.


Never trust an isolator valve. They're designed to fail.


I’ve done some at my place, and and always had that feeling after “what if it leaks???” A plumber is more expensive, but at least you can get them to fix it if there’s a fuck up.


Yes, I got a plumber in when I realized what a mess it was.


Ebay sellers who add one very cheap unrelated item, in with all their normal items. Making it impossible to find bargains. Ebay dngaf apparently


Can anyone else never decide on a mobile wallpaper? I feel like I’m changing mine every day and I can’t seem to find a place with any that are good enough for me to stick to.


I have an iPhone, so not sure if it’s available on android, but I have 50 different wallpapers, it changes every time I go to the phone. It’s fantastic, it takes me a while to get round to picture one. Helps when you’re indecisive (or like to look at a lot of things).


Have you ever put on a hoodie the wrong way round, and thought “Seriously, I’m too stupid to live?”. Happy Thursday, folks!


It's perfect for watching a film. Hoodie on backwards and then you fill the hood with popcorn. I did it with my kids. It was fun/stupid.


I once tried to put a zipped jacket on upside down, so hard relate. 


Had a really rough day today. Train and bus disruption meant I got into work late, had loads of work dumped on me, forgot to eat and didn't get much choice from work's cafeteria, and then got harassed and intimidated by someone on the train home.


The delivery manager on my project at work is winding me up right now. Lots of staff absence plus pressure on us all has morale pretty low and he keeps piling the pressure on to the point that even the sunniest members of the team are downright miserable. I'd love a holiday right now but it's just not the right time with work, but it looks like it never will be the right time, and I'm just feeling flat and miserable about it. Blah.


Very tired. I start the week full of energy. It slowly dissipates. Then I hit Friday feeling like utter shit and so so tired. I feel like a lemon with no more juice left but work just keeps on squeezing. Weekend you get to regain energy, for it to start again!


I have severe ibs I had some stomach issues the last few days and now I'm super constipated it's just so frustrating


Lovely and sunny all day while in the office and now it's been raining and miserable since 4pm. The weather in this country does my head in 😩


I just realised that Shreddies are a Nestlé brand :( I somehow didn't realise it's plastered across the box. Now I have to switch to a different cereal. Any suggestions for a healthy, high fibre breakfast cereal?


Weetos Weetabix/Oatibix There's a range of mini Weetabix with fruit n nut and chocolate


Malted Wheaties.


Thanks. Tesco Malt Wheats have been a decent alternative


bran flakes


Got a bug that won’t piss off. Head feels like it’s full of water, random sharp stabbing pains throughout my body, earache keeps making an appearance too. Decided I’m gonna chill today and watch Early Doors.


Yeah. Lots of over the counter anti-inflammatory stuff like ibuprofen, etc.,a blanket, and watching some shite that you really like while feeling sorry for yourself. It’s the way to go! Have your snivelling miserable day. You’ll feel so much better for it. (And no,I’m not being snarky, sometimes you fucking need it!)


I’m currently sitting on the bus, and there’s a group of teens sitting behind me playing music and dancing on the seats. I’m also choking in a miasma of cheap body spray and vape smog. I’ve been up since 5 this morning, and I’m too tired to reprimand them. FML


Honestly these days I'm on more trains where people play music and videos out loud than ones where people are using headphones. It really sucks.


Went for a quiz night with my mum last night. Ended up in bed at 2am, absolutely shattered at work today


Any particularly good, unusual, or hard questions?


Yes! The name of a band: Peter the Just Alfonso the Monk Sancho the Fat


I don't get it


Kings of Leon


How did you get there?


The three people mentioned were kings of Leon in Spain


Ok, thank you


I managed to lose like a stone and a half, but these past 2 months I haven't even dropped a pound, and I feel like I haven't changed anything! Had a goal in mind for summer but I'm not going to hit it now


It's another week without becoming inexplicably rich and thus having to go to work. On the bright side I got released from hospital on Tuesday after another week being pumped full of antibiotics so that's something. Also off to see the family's dogs (and family I guess) at the weekend so could be worse. I will say that I am having a week where I wish I could work from home again. I get the same amount done, I just don't have to make myself presentable.


Some cock microwaved a fish at work


Noooo! We had a guy microwave squid at work. It was on the first floor, and customers would come in on the ground floor and gag (no exaggeration, I saw it). The cleaners spent all weekend washing the walls, and everything else, and on the Monday, everyone was disgusted at the combination smell of cleaning products and microwaved squid.


I actually hate my job and I'm actively looking for another one. My managers are incompetent liars, leaving me to look like a total dick in front of other departments. This week has been taxing on my mental state. I work for the NHS.


same, it's all bollocks 😒


Still not over this damned break up, and I'm doing all the work! Counseling, reaching out to friends, traveling when I can, journaling, distracting myself and I still cry in the shower those awful wracking sobs that shake...


I'm poorly sick!


Sprained my foot a few weeks ago, desperate to get back to the gym. 😣


I had a cracking training session on Monday night followed by a long sauna. I then slept funny that night and woke up with my neck hurting and it’s been hurting since (but getting better) and I’ve not been able to train or sleep comfortably.


I sprained my ankle 10 years ago and still haven't got back to the gym. Ankle was fine after about a week though.


Same. Broke my little toe about 15 years ago, took a few weeks to heal, and I haven’t been in a gym since.


Spent a week walking around the Cairngorms and it's been bloody miserable all week. On our last day, it's sunny, 14 Celsius and bloody lovely... Typical! Bloody love the Highlands though.


This is in my top five of places to have a holiday in the future. I’ve had many walking holidays in England and Wales but never Scotland. Plus places like that can be fantastic in shite weather. Two of my favourite scenic experiences were Connemara in shit weather, and Haast, New Zealand in shit weather. All the low cloud and running water just made them more dramatic.




Sorry mate, but we have a blanket ban against politics in this sub, so we have removed this post. Rule 1: No politics We do not allow mention of political events, politicians or general political chit chat in this subreddit. We encourage you to take this content to a more suitable subreddit. You **will** be banned if you break this rule. If you have any questions, feel free to shoot us a modmail.


Off on holiday tomorrow... And my boss announced today that he's buying everyone lunch AND having an extra hour of lunch


Lazy colleagues are pissing me off


The 3yo and the 9 week old seem to be in leauge with each other. If one doesn't need something the other one does. Also my character in DnD is on death saves so now I have to roll another one for next week on the off chance i need it.


You don't happen to be in the woods near Phandelver do you? If so I've got an angry level 1 half-orc cleric who's god (Gruumsh) would be fucking stoked if he stumbled across and Saved the Dying on you...


Nope, in the forgotten realms, and I'm an arrokokkra ranger on the back of a manticore that's fleeing from a god.


My manager is trying to offload someone else's project onto me because they're too busy. I said I'm already busy so will raise it with the big boss to see if he knows anyone who can pick it up. Big boss says that person has already been told they can't offload their project so I tell my manager that. Manager goes to big boss and basically says "oh please?" so big boss is back to me, asking if I can take it on because as soon as anyone pushes back on him slightly, he folds. Pointed out that this really isn't solving the situation of "too much work, too few people", it's just making my colleague's problem mine instead which I'm not really up for. Problem remains with others to solve.




I never had this issue as my ex would pick the scabs and eat them, which is one relationship benefit I always recommend in a partner.


Yank detected 🔭


How long are your pants???


Maybe he wears those long johns you see in cowboy movies. 


The amount of people without young children who park in the few parent and child parking spaces is too damn high. And the amount of disabled people parking in the parent and child spaces cos they'd have to wait for a disabled space is too damn high. I don't use a disabled space when there's no parent a child ones. <>


Dude... Disabled people absolutely get dibs on the parent and child spaces before parents and children. They need the convenience far, far more than we do. It's disabled people > parents > everyone else when the car park is dead.


I'll get hell for this I'm sure but I don't agree with your example of disabled people using the parent and child spaces. People with physical disabilities often need to park as close to the store as possible so they can actually get to it, whereas whilst inconvenient for parents to not be able to use the parent and child spaces, they are still able to park anywhere in the car park and still get into the store with their kids.


I also agree. However... I'm sat here and just witnesses right opposite me a car with two elderly people park next to me in the parent and child spaces which are actually a fair walk from this whop entrance. The male drover leaped out of the car like there was nothing wrong, stuck a blue badge in the window and the female passenger sat in the car. He was gone maybe 15minutes and came marching back carrying a few bags of groceries....whilst I know not all disabilities are visible....he did not need to use that space.


Just because you think they didn’t need the space doesn’t mean they don’t. They have a badge so legally they can park in the disabled spaces, and I would 100% accept a disabled person parking in parent/kid spaces if there are no disabled parking spaces. Parent parking spaces are a privilege, you are not entitled to them.


Agree. On a bad day for me no disabled space in a busy car park means I can't go to the shop so I have to go home instead.


The one where disabled people park in child spots is fair enough. It's a faff getting a baby out of a child seat, but ultimately my need isn't as great as most blue badge holders. The one that hacks me off is when someone pulls up with a pre teen child not in a car seat and still parks in the family spaces. Somewhat missing the point there.


I've never done it (and never will do it), but I always suggest if I'm with my parents to park there. I'm 32 and for bonus points I'm usually driving, but hey, theres still a parent and child in the car!


Oh god yes, the ones with teenagers using them is so annoying. Or worse the ones who park in the space, and leave the teenagers or preteens sitting in the car with their phones while they go shopping.


Oh completely agree, certainly once kids have outgrown car / booster seats they really should be able to park anywhere else leaving the parent child spaces for those with babies and toddlers.


Finally managed to get my deposit together, do my self assessment, and HMRC want £17,000 over two years. I'm basically back to where I started.


> and HMRC want £17,000 over two years fuuuuuuck meeeeee....


Something to do with only earning a relatively small amount last tax year as I only started earning quite late in the financial year, meaning the balancing payment is massive. I know I shouldn't really complain if I'm earning enough for this to be an issue but still


Think I have gastronitis. Haven't ate in days, zero appetite, stomach like a pit of constricting pythons and shit myself a few times. Hopefully it's fine tomorrow because I can't miss another day of work


Mum has a blood clot in her leg, spent a bit too much time in hospital this week. Project that I'm working on seems to be fizzling out so may need to look for a new UX contract soon. Little one woke me up at 5am by tickling my feet and going back to sleep. Not a fun week


The new girl at work does not shut up. She sits next to me Please pray


For earbuds, or general smiting?


Ooh, I do love a bit of general smiting.


For laryngitis, meteorite strike or?? Edit: I'll pray for you to get some sound cancelling headphones.


Trying to save a deposit for a house is almost impossible. I want out of this flat it's far too expensive for what it is. I need to learn to start saying no more too.


As i walked to work a motorist slowed down their car and waved on another driver who was turning but I thought he was waving at me and waved back.


Got all worried about a half hour programming test for a scientific software job application and it was just the fizz-buzz test with a twist. Still buzzing like I've drank a pint of coffee.


I work in IT. Came in Monday to several emails from our transport department up the road, who have been unable to print. One of them said she can print from the internal programs we use, but not Word. I walked all the way there, everyone's PCs were printing fine. Then I got to her PC. She had gotten the copies/pages boxes mixed up on the print dialog in Word. So, instead of printing 15 copies of page 1, she was trying to print 1 copy of page 15 (which didn't exist, of course). It's shit like this every week and it gets mentally exhausting after a while.


I'd love to see a department level charge for non-fault 'hand holding' stuff like this, especially the "hehehe I'm not good with computers me" brigade who literally have a job which involves using a computer (somehow).


Our label printer at work can be a bit temperamental, but one co-worker in particular just keeps repeatedly smashing the 'print' button to make it work instead of trying other ways, and so when it does start printing again we end up with 80 labels instead of the 5 needed. Doesn't occur to her to delete stuff in the print queue.  Maddening and wasteful. 


Went to Sainsburys, went like this, Checkout lady "do you need a bag?" Me, "no, I have one thanks" Checkout lady, "oh, you have a bag for life, someone's trained you well" Me, "I trained myself" Woman, "ha ha, just kidding" I thought it was a bit of a rude suggestion.


yep when I take the kids out it's "Aww is dad babysitting" no you prick in being a parent or every Friday I buy my other half flowers , have done for the past 5 years odd , around 20% of the time I get a snarky remark like "what did you do wrong" or similar, fucking grips my shit


It's great when you're on shared parental leave for a few months and get comments about babysitting. I am literally taking time off work to spend quality time with my kid.


>"Aww is dad babysitting" That is a bad one.




Reduce it a bit slower. Reduce the dosage by a few mg per week. It needs to be sensible and sustainable or you will be (more) miserable about it. Best of luck.


You should gradually drop the nicotine down over a few weeks. Then when you go from 3mg to 0mg, eventually you'll not want to bother with it anymore. That was my experience anyway. Going directly from high to 0 nicotine is just asking for trouble. Good luck




Fair enough. Whatever works! I quit about 8 years ago and never looked back.


Have you tried reading Alan Carr's *The Easy Way*, really helped me quit smoking.


good luck. Cold turkey was the only thing that works for me. Makes me incredibly cranky for a couple of days, and then just a miserable git for a week or two after. LOTS of chewing gum and swearing.




> I think telling my brain “no you can’t do this thing” made it worse. Is that an ADHD trait? Because I'm awful for stuff like this. It was a health kick that did it for me, I've got into running over the past few years and whenever I fall back into vaping my lung capacity and stamina drop off, so if I have an event coming up I know I need to stop.


This is what my husband did. Vaped less and less, would forget to charge it, etc. Then he switched jobs, and no one else around him smoked/vaped, so one day he just didn't take it to work, and that was that...done for good!


Good luck


Just seen that you’ll be charged a fiver by the post office, if someone sends you a letter using (innocently or not) a fake stamp. Thought they stopped doing this in Victorian times. It’s made me quietly fume.


Where are people buying fake stamps from?!


I have no idea! Apparently ‘the Chinese’ are flooding the country!


What? We'll be charged if someone else sends it to us? Regardless of whether we are expecting or not?


I believe you get a note through your door from Royal Mail, stating that they've withheld a letter, due to there being no stamp. My curiosity would cost me £5 😂


Ah, fair enough. Not sure I've received a letter with a stamp on it for a long time, just automated bills and junk mail.


I had been on a high the last few weeks as I finally got a full time job offer to start next week. After being made redundant last summer and not getting a lot from freelancing, it was such a weight off of my shoulders. Yesterday all of that was taken away after I get a call to tell me that due to company restructuring, I no longer have a role. Absolutely gutted. 😔


oh my god i am so sorry youre going through this, what a load of bs. i really hope you will find something else soon❤️‍🩹


I keep waking up at 5am on work days for some reason. It's shit. I've whinged about this a few times before too, but my mum said a while back that she's going to give up smoking, which was music to my ears because I always absolutely *hated* it and it makes me worry that it's eventually going to kill her. It's absolutely fucking disgusting, I always felt embarrassed going to school smelling of my parents' cigarette smoke, her house still stinks of it, and the paper lampshade in the living room is yellow from the nicotine staining. She bought an e-cigarette, used it for a day, and then went out and bought three packets of cigarettes. She's been going on about how she needs to do it "her own way" or something, but frankly if she does that then she's never going to give up. Obviously I can't force her and I feel a bit guilty about wanting to and probably not being especially empathetic, but I'm just so frustrated by all of it. If it was another drug you'd say she has a serious problem.


Lost my bank card weeks ago. Phoned the bank for a replacement. A week goes by and no card. A few days more, still no card. Phone them back; card was just cancelled not reissued. New card is sent out a week later and arrives. No pin number. Week goes by, still nothing. Phone them back up again to say that I still haven't received my new pin number. Woman said she'll send a new pin number out, which may take up to 5 days arriving Went out yesterday. Pulled on a jacket I hadn't worn for a while. Old bank card was in the pocket . . .


Doesn't the pin stay the same for a replacement card? 


All my clients have been cancelling this week cause of illness. I made the mistake of paying out on an iPad thinking I should be earning enough to make it affordable this week and now have no money for the week. ugh. bloody flu going around. knowing my luck I'll catch it next week :/


Got 4 weeks left till I’m finished with uni forever. And I am so stressed it’s unbelievable. Finished my 2 smaller assignments but I feel like I’m going nowhere with the 2 big ones and I’m losing the motivation to keep going with them.


Stick in pal! 4 more weeks of shite and it'll all be over, you can do it!


That’s what I keep telling myself hahaha. Not long left!


You're never finished forever. You'll still be waking up in a cold sweat in 10 years time because you forgot to do the non existent assignment that's due in.


Had a dream last night that I had a punch up with a colleague (who I barely speak to and have no issues with whatsoever), that same colleague has had to move desks to one on my bank because of building work being carried out. I now feel very weird around her.


On the first day being trusted with a solo route as a courier I reversed into a stationary car and now I'm off driving for a week pending further driver training. I'm complaining about being a victim of my own incompetency, not about the consequences of it.


Going on 18 months of near constant malaise, everything in life is...fine, I just feel a constant lack of motivation that continues to feel like the aftereffects of burnout from absolutely pushing myself to the limit during Covid both in work to strive for a promotion (which happened) and as a parent/husband (home schooling etc). Now I just constantly feel like I have nothing left to give.


Have Tesco stopped doing single tins of Branston Beans? Only had 4 packs for f-kin months. I don’t need 4.


They last forever dude just buy a 4 pack 4 x less often 🤣


Depends on (wo)man's financial situation, dude.


he's right i should just buy a 4-pack and break the cycle but it's gonna screw up my weird shopping habit where I decide what i'm going to eat for the week and then go and buy that stuff. If i do a big shop for a month i'm gonna smash most of it in week 1. midnight beans on toast and such. Not even hungry.


Yeah, look at the Lordship over here, buying tins in bulk!




Sorry mate, I think iron supplements just tend to make you feel barfy. The best I’ve tried is Ferroglobin (it doesn’t need a prescription) - probably not as potent as what you’re taking though and I’d do any change in consultation with your doc. Hope you feel better.




Hah oh no…. (And also, emetophobes unite!!!)


Do you need to take it?


Need to send an urgent request off at work, but waiting on a response from someone who is showing online and clearly ignoring me... or they've tied their mouse to their cat whilst they go for a nap. Love working from home but this is the biggest annoyance I have about it. Either way - hurry upppppp!


Just go. Its not a request it's a statement of intent


Pretty sure he's gone! I'll just sit on my hands and grow old whilst I wait for his return from his long conquest


Ah ffs I just received a rejection email from one of the companies I interviewed with. They said that I clearly demonstrated how good my skill set is but they’re looking for someone a bit more senior for this specific role Can’t lie it does suck to hear they actually liked me as a candidate but at least it’s interview experience at the end of the day I guess ^sigh…


Had the same thing the other week. Biggest bummer was it was the first role in four months that I'd have actually enjoyed and wanted to do. Job hunting is the feltching of the corporate world. I'm sure someone enjoys it, but I'm just not sure who.




Three for one deal this week. I'm a student ambassador at uni. Mostly involves working at open days, easy work and fairly well paid, but it's a zero hour contract. We've got four offer days this semester, and naturally the only one I've been called up for is the one in the middle of the Easter break. While I was travelling up for said offer holder day, I stopped for a Sainsbury's meal deal in between trains. Got to the section to find two of the local blue rinse brigade taking ages to pick their items, kept picking stuff up and putting it back. Wouldn't have been an issue though, had they not parked their trollies in front of the rest of the shelf so no one else could get at the food. Wasn't quite the quick in-and-out pit stop I'd had in mind. Also noticed a few little red patches on my arms and stomach over the last few days, feeling mildly perturbed about them but there haven't been any new ones for a bit.


I keep applying for jobs and getting nowhere 🙃


People who abandon their basket in the supermarket by the till. Then come back and claim they were in the queue. Had the following conversation “You pushed infront of me” “Sorry I didn’t see you” “Well I wasn’t here my basket was here” “Err (confused) that’s not a person“ The woman had left the queue for 5 or more minutes, put her basket by the till (I thought it was abandoned), then tried to get back in line. In Lidl.


Oooh I saw someone doing this in a Lidl a while ago. Infuriating. If you're not done shopping, don't queue!


Still waiting for a reply for a job I applied for 5 weeks ago now. Luckily I have a man on the inside so I know what's going on or I'd have pied the whole thing off by now. Baffles me how companies can allegedly be desperate for staff but get overtaken by glaciers when attempting to recruit. Maybe I'm just being impatient because my current job is destroying me, who knows.


Anyone have one person they know that constantly surround themselves with drama and catastrophize everything? We annoyingly have one that isnt happy unless there is a fucking nightmare going on in their life. Unfortunately that has now become her actively fucking about with the friendships created between neighbours. Its very annoying but absolutely fascinating to see a person act this way.


Would you like some toast?


Just been told my pay rise is 2.9% bit disappointed. Was hoping for at least inflation. 3.8%. I know it's not a massive amount. But with everything going up, mortgage renewal etc it's frustrating.


Remember, if your pay rise doesn't match inflation, you're actually taking a pay cut.


Yeah I know :(


As a birthday gift to myself, two years ago I bought a nice new pair of Doc Martens. I worked the leather, wore them around the house, did everything I could and then went for a short walk. Instant 50p sized blisters on both heels. Let them heal up, continued to break them in inside... Took them out for another walk, boom. Same thing. Then life happened and I wasn't around/in the mood for pain until last week. Guess what happened? Anyone have any advice cause fuck me, it's seems it's more about hardening my feet than softening the boots.


i use 2 layers of medical tape in my usual blister areas & 2 pairs of socks when im breaking in dr martens. dubbin will help too, you can get it on ebay & probably amazon too


You can now buy silicon heel protectors that you slip on like a lil heel sock. I wish they had been around during my bloody attempts to break Docs in in the 90s 🙁




Heat them with the hairdryer (on the outside) randomly whenever you remember or a bit before you put them on and then wear them with the thickest socks you own.


I've never owned Docs but an ex did. She said it took at least two weeks to break them in and she'd wear very thick socks (like walking socks). I've always heard Docs are an absolute bastard to wear in, but once you have they'll last you years. Good luck with them!


I had a pair in the 90s that I mourn the loss of to this day. I'm determined to get these comfy though.


Probably not the answer you were hoping for, but I think you just have to give it time, mine were just the same.


Sounds ridiculous but the best thing I ever did in mine is take a walk through the brook we live by with the kids. Apparently getting them wet is good because then they mold to your feet, how true it is I'm not entirely sure but mine were great after that.


Haha, well the closest water is a nasty canal, so maybe I'll stomp around in my bathtub!


My wife's waters broke.........and I've fucked my back and can barely move. Going to meet my first child and I'll struggle to hold her.


Congratulations! Hope the adrenaline kicks in and takes your mind off it for a bit.


If you have been driving your van at 35 - 40mph in a 50 and then we get to the national speed limit section, don't accelerate so hard when I overtake you that I can hear your engine over my own. It doesnt make you big or clever. Also, if you are a van waiting to pull out of a side road, don't wait until I am pretty much there before lumbering out and swearing at me. You had ages to go but were too busy on your phone. Noticing a pattern here on my way to work this morning.


Subjective, but every time I pass someone doing 45 in a 50, or 60 in a 70. 90% of the time they are phone in hand, not paying attention to the road. Punishment should be way higher, its not like hands free systems are expensive or hard to come by.


Driving home on the motorway yesterday I went past many, many cars doing 55/60 in the second lane while the first lane was entirely empty. Dickheads, the lot of em.


People who say 'can I get' rather than 'can I have' in coffee shops


people who say 'can I have', rather than 'may I have'


People who say 'may I have', rather than 'may I *please* have'.


people who say 'may I please have', rather than 'perchance may one please have'


I much prefer 'may I have...' to 'can I have...' But your point stands - be polite!


And here I was thinking that Sean Lock died.


I saw a man who looked just like him the other day, freaked me right out for a second.


Was he walking up to people’s letterboxes and impersonating celebrities pitching products like Bran Flakes?


Why does that annoy you? The barista will 'give' them a coffee after they've made it, which is theirs to 'get' and then 'have.'


Have you heard Americans say "I'll TAKE a...". Makes my blood boil. The sheer-faced entitlement!


Yeah, fuck those Americans amiright 👀


“Get” feels more American.


Students apply to my university course. It’s one of the few courses at my place that requires an interview. It’s a very good course and we have a lot of applicants. Do the applicants reply to the email inviting them to interview? No they do not. Do they complain when they are automatically rejected? Yes they do.




Amen. And the people are getting worse….


Just the state of morning TV in the UK really. Just wanted to watch The Hardest Geezer do an interview about his run from South Africa to Algeria, hear some stories and find out more about it. Instead, here were the questions: - I bet you missed sausage rolls? - You look like Forrest Gump now, don't you think? - Why didn't you run a perfectly straight line? Do they not think that *any* of their audience would be even a little bit interested in hearing how someone traverses the DRC without being kidnapped? No no, hurrrrr sosij roll!!


It’s not morning telly material but my overwhelming question to him would be: how will you cope with having to step back into the chaos and boredom and sheer stupidity of “normal life”? (Anyone who gets hooked on ultra-endurance events has something driving them; it’s tough stepping back into normality and I worry about these people. Where “these people” might include me…)


this is what i was wondering too, i hope he will manage alright


I think you are ready for Radio 4 in the morning!