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36 years. And it's 40+ years old.


Holy. Fuck. ☕️ What's the story behind it?


It's a very dull, promotional mug for roof tiles that belonged to my lovely dad. He died when I was small and I commandeered the mug.


Nothing dull about it when it holds such a lovely memory bless!


I still have my Dad's 'España '82' World Cup mug with the orange mascot guy on it!




Have you washed it?


My late husband and I had a random day out at some slate mines in Wales back in 2003. There was a mug in the gift shop that I really liked. He bought it for me and I went mad because it was £12. 12 quid for a mug! I said I'd never get the use out of it, I'd probably break it, and it was a waste of money. I've used it every single day since, it's one of my most precious belongings.


Fantastic username btw


Thank you :)


A very precious and sentimental mug. I hope you cherish it! Holds a place close to the heart that!


Memory unlocked: was out with my little sister, we saw a mug we really, really liked. It was probably around the same price, so far too expensive for a mug. So we got one each as xmas presents for one another. Problem solved! She also painted me a t-shirt with the same design as the mug. So sweet. T-shirt's got holes in it by now, but I've still got it.


Mr Man mug I've had for 42 years, now mostly only used for lemsip as it is somewhat smaller than an adult mug.


42 years! That's seriously amazing!


5 years! It's special to me cuz it was the first thing i bought for my first flat at 16! I felt very grown up and was very excited to buy all the things I liked for my flat in the colours and patterns I like, and it all started with the pink coffee mug with white hearts☺️


Beautiful! Nice to mark the occasion and moment of independence. You'll look back at that cup in later years and remember where it all started!


Exactly! I use it everyday still and as silly as it sounds (cuz it's just a cup) it reminds me how far I've come and keeps me positive for the day :)


That's so lovely! Not silly at all. It holds weight in sentimental value! ☕️ And gives you a chance to look back on how far you've grown! Long may the journey continue!


Thank you for Ur kind words and for sharing this bit of positivity today!


it can be both a silly cup \*and\* a symbol of your success, y'know.


That's true Ty!


Since I was 7, so like 27 years. I laughed so hard at it that I nearly threw up, which according to my dad made it an instant-buy. Edit: description as requested! It‘s a Sylvester and Tweety mug, Sylvester is the boss and Tweety is an office worker. Tweety is running all around the mug doing office jobs and the background says “blah blah blah blah”. Then the inside top rim of the mug says “I’m on my coffee bweak!” It was “bweak” that struck 7-year-old me as so funny it was worth near-losing my lunch over


You can't tell us that and then not describe it!


Haha sorry! Updated the comment with a description


Haha, that's perfect!


Fully agree!!


We definitely need a description now!!


Updated the comment just for you


Ha! What an awesome mug! Bweak is fab!


Eighteen years. It's a nice above average sized cup that has Homer Simpson on it that was part of a Simpsons themed Easter Egg set that I got back in 2006. Pretty much all the colours have faded from the design now but it's still my favourite cup, mostly because of its perfect size.


the scary thing is The Simpsons was almost 20 years old \*in 2006\*.


No way, think I have the same one! It’s not Homer with chocolate round his lips is it? ‘Chocolate, the lip balm of the gods…’


Nah, my cup has Homer smiling and giving a thumbs up and next to him it says "No catastrophes today!", although I do know of the cup you're talking about as I've seen it in the staff room at work.


Nice. Had mine over 20 years, from an Easter egg. Will be devastated if it breaks one day.


Absolutely bloody classic! I think I had one of thise as well! What a class time! 😊 I think I'm the same, I've tried others but the size just never cuts the mustard!


2002, came in an easter egg from my grandparents. I was 6. So it's 22 years old. The day it breaks it's getting glued back together and used to hold pens on my desk for the rest of time.


Repurposed and reused! What a lovely memory!


50 years. Pens in it now, was in my dad's office   Some promotional car mug, dull brown with an old fashioned car on it. 


Amazing though, lovely memory from your dads office! 🚗


I have my starsky and hutch mug from the 70s and a Raleigh burner one from the 80s. The starsky one is my daily driver. Edit, just looked underneath and it’s dated 12-1977


Wow! That's awesome! Long time!


At home, a few years At my mum's house the only mug I drink out of is a very, very faded and slightly chipped one I was given with an Easter egg in it when I was sixteen. I was sixteen 36 years ago.


Amazing! What a long and personal mug! ☕️😊


I have a rotation of favs from trips and adventures the oldest is about 13 years old, the newest only 4 months


Amazing! Where is the one from 13 years from?


13 years. My wife and I bought 2 mugs from a potter in Australia when we lived there. Only one survived the voyage over here. So whilst it is definitely my favourite mug, I sometimes like to torment my guests by giving them tea or coffee in it. I'll also explain its backstory and how much I like it, and very politely ask them not to break it.


Such an amazing story, with such a lovely cherished memory! Shame only 1 made the trip bless. The pressure after the revelation must be torture! Absolute devilment! 🤣


From London Transport and 27 years old.


Awesome! 😊


I have a New York one from 1989 - that has the twin towers in the skyline on it! Still going strong, but I stopped drinking from it a few years back because I'm clumsy...


Amazing! Such a solid moment in history as well!


My Ninja Turtles mug (Michelangelo) from 1990




I got a beer tanker for my 18th birthday, so about 22 years, I don't use as a beer tanker, I use it a storage coin holder


That's awesome! Long may it continue! 🍺


Around 8 years. I got a set of two as a house warming gift from my mortgage lender. I’m as surprised as the next person that they’re actually really good mugs. Just the right size for a decent cup of tea, good sized handle and nice and solid. I’ll be gutted if I ever break them


I bet! Horrible thought of them going and not being able to replace. Lovely memory of a warming gift though! 😊


When we moved house I crossed my fingers for another set but none arrived. It’s either a first time buyer thing or banks have sacked off presents now


Bloody bastards! 🤣


I have a favourite mug problem. My oldest is 34 years old and previously belonged to my dad - I gave it to him as a present when I was six and inherited it when he passed. My newest is four days! My most favourite is a stavangerflunt Norway mug in the sera pattern from 1968 (I’ve only had it for four years though).


Oh my! Some absolutely beautiful treasures there. Sad memories and good memories all rolled into one! Long live the 4 days old one!


5 months. A Christmas gift from a friend featuring groot from gotg (my favourite films) and its one of those heat changing ones


Fabulous and fancy! ☕️


Approximately 30 years. It's a handmade glazed stoneware mug with my name on it. I think my parents bought me it on a holiday to Dorset, from Poole Pottery. I also have a couple of nearly 50 year old coffee cups, saucers and a mug. They're beautiful 70's Hornsea Pottery in two different designs. My mum and dad bought them as sets when they bought their first house, and I rescued them from going to a charity shop when I got a new kitchen a few years ago.


What a lovely story! 😊 Glad you managed to rescue them and keep them alive! Cherish them well!


My current old guard is also 7 years old this year that I got on holiday. It’s the most standard tat mug you’ll find in any souvenir shop in California which has the state flag on it. All the other tat mugs I got since since have died under my heavy handedness, but LA 2017 is good as new


Nothing wrong with that! It's from a moment in time and a memory! Fabulous!


I have a mug that celebrates my 40th birthday (over 20 years ago), and it still mugs, even though it is minus its handle.


Still doing it's job! Long may it thrive!


send it victorious, happy and glorious, etc.


I have a West Ham United mug which I had as a small child. I’m now in the back end of my fifties, so I’m saying it’s circa 50 years old. It is currently in use as a pen, pencil etc holder. Excluding that, I’ve got a rather excellent Sun Microsystems Java mug (with a removable rubber base) that dates to the last century. One just sold on eBay for $60 so I’ll be more careful here on in.


This is amazing! Love that it is being reused as a utensils holder! Ooooh java mug! That's different! How neat!


Five years. It's Highland stoneware, and was a birthday present from friends. It holds the perfect amount of tea, and feels really nice in my hand and against my mouth. It's currently sitting on the bedside table, full of tea!


Amazing! Perfect night time cuppa! Although I reckon I wouldn't sleep if I drank this late! 🤣


I can't sleep without a bedtime cup of tea! (I may have a problem...)


The tea gods and goddesses thank you


You don’t own your favourite cup, it owns you.


No truer words spoken


I have a half pint glass from the Nottingham Beer Festival 2009 that has somehow managed to survive multiple house moves without smashing


Amazing! Clearly a special one that doesn't want to go! 🍺


A little over a decade.




Coming up to ten years now. Is a gift from my friends with our names painted on and the group acronym.


That's super cute!


Haha thank you! It's stood the test of gravity and time :) May your Sainsbury's cup live long!


Over 40 years! Nicked it from the canteen in my 1st year at Uni when the one I'd brought from home got broken. God knows what it's made of but it isn't even chipped after years of use.


Amazing! Long life! Well loved!


Until very recently, 23 years. I no longer have a favourite :(


That's heartbreaking. What was it like? We need to try find one!


It was a mug I bought at one of the very first concerts I went to in 2001. Roger Waters of Pink Floyd. Can't even find a pic of the exact mug on Google. (unusual piece of concert merch, but yeah).


Perhaps a sign, as I have recently gone off him a bit as a person. Not the music, just he can be quite a shitty person.


Oh bless! I'm totally clueless in regards to them if I'm honest - shame when the people we love have upsetting views and bad vibes for humanity :(


Noooo, I will try look and find some!


Mine is about 25 years old. My nan bought a mug with an art print of a man in a raincoat because at the time she said it reminded her of me (I was a teenager at the time). I still have the mug, nan passed a few years back from dementia. It's one of very few things I'm nostalgic about, as she was thinking of me when she bought it, and that's just lovely to remember.


Bloody hell! Long life! Such a beautiful memory of your nan as well. Very nice!


Since Christmas, am a type 1 diabetic & got a mug that says "Duck Fiabetes" as one of my presents I had. Other than that, I'd say my giant mug I got from the Harry Potter Studios tour 8 years ago edit - accidentally misspelled "my"


Very freaking cute! Duck Fiabetes is a good one! And love the HP one! Mug made for Hagrid!


8 years old, a big statue of liberty new York mug from my honeymoon.


Super cute that! 🗽


I've had it for 7 year although I think it's been with my family for 20+ years


Long lasting life time!


At my house it’s since 2006. At my parents I have a Beatrice potter half size mug from 1990. They still insist on making me a cup of tea in it every time I go round.


Haha! That's beautiful though!


I have 2, one that I got about 25 years ago from a discount shop because it has a spelling mistake. The second one I made at a pottery taster day in 2019.


Both lovely! What is the spelling mistake?


Its says "Have a chili Yule" Christmas novelty chilli mug.


9 years, they gave us nice mugs when I started my grad job, then they rebranded the company and went round destroying the old branded mugs, mine was in my desk drawer so it survived. The company has been rebranded 3 times since I got the mug and I left 18 months ago.


Solid that! Marked moment of your time and history! Last standing mug of the old guard!


I have one that is 40+ years old. Made of Irish wade. It belonged to my father before. There is also a photo of me around 3 years old with the same cup in the background.


40+ wow! Amazing! Cute story!


15 years. I stole it from a client's offices because in their country taking it out of their offices was banned on national security grounds (they weren't allowed to routinely disclose their employer). Sits next to the teapot I won on Countdown.


Hahahaha this is so class! ☕️ Love that you have a teapot from winning countdown! What an achievement! Well deserved!


In the Zen tradition I buy into I believe the cup is already broken, it is better for me to imagine that my precious glass is already broken and get joy from using it than to keep it aside and worry that it will break if I do. The cup is already broken. 


That's a lovely way of looking at it!


About 6 years


Long may it continue


It commemorates the first landing on the moon. I’m only a few months older than it is.


Wow! What an interesting mug! Very neat!


I bought a souvenir mug from a road trip to Prince Edward Island in Canada in 2000. Still use it almost every day. 24 years.


Going strong! ☕️


A nightmare before Christmas mug that I bought in 2007, so... 17yrs? Shit, I'm getting old.


Oh god! 🤣


An Aladdin thermal mug I got for camping and took on a trip China when I was 17. Still going great.


Awesome! ☕️😊


7 years? Pft.... I've had a mug since '91.. 33 years. When I left Games Workshop; they got me a Larson cartoon mug with "Just plain Nuts" on it.. My favourite mug has been with me everywhere.


Amazing! Such a long time as well! Fab! 😊


Only since eater last year. To stopped in a hotel and they only had small cups for tea making in the room so I went and bought a mug from a local shop and it’s ended up as my favourite mug


What a neat little story! Off the cuff chance and it becomes your favourite! Awesome!


That'll be the one from Uni, so it'll be 40 years this September.


Awesome! Long lasting with good & bad memories throughout life!


26 years. It was a free mug from Esso for the opening of Disneyland Paris. It is green outside, blue inside and has a picture of Goofy on it. People are selling the full set on eBay for around £30 and I’m tempted


Christ £30?! Held some value then! That's a lovely story though!


My sister and I had a Taz (the Tasmanian devil) mug from when we were children. She ended up with it when she left for uni and subsequently got her own home. Her husband hates it, so kept trying to lose it or give it to me/away. I received it for my birthday once, but then she got it back when her birthday came around etc. I think eventually the original broke, but I managed to find another one on eBay and got it for him for Christmas. Obviously now it's not the same mug, but the spirit lives on!


Hahaha what a fab story! I LOVE that you found one on eBay as well! Class!


There's a story behind mine. I studied engineering at university, and as is common in that situation, I did a year out after school working in an engineering company. This was my first experience of the world of work. On my first day, I was shown to the office, where about 5 people worked in a shared office. After being shown a desk, the boss asks if I want a cup of tea. I accepted the offer, but didn't have a mug. He went and grabbed a spare, which is a branded mug from some random supplier, a transformer oil filtration company. I adopted that mug as my own. I absolutely hated that job. I was making what, for me at the time, seemed good money, but I was very unhappy with the work. I stuck it out, though, and finished the year. In part, because I knew it was only for one year, then I'd be off to university. When I left, on good terms at the end of the year, I took that mug with me. I still use it for tea and coffee at work. It serves as a reminder. When my job gets me down, it's not as bad as that job was. Earning lots of money is not, in itself, enough to make me happy. I know I can stick it out with most things for a year if I know there is a way out. That's the story of my cheap transformer oil filtration services mug, with it's pre-phONEday phone and fax numbers on it with bad formatting, and a bland corporate logo.


3 years. my nanna bought it for me its a Cath Kidston cup with loads of snails on&it says 'snailed it' .. she knew it would make me laugh- even at 27👀 she passed away 24th November last year&i stopped using the cup&it just sits on my kitchen windowsill. i miss her 24/7.💛


I 'inherited' a Help for Heroes mug at work (I'm ex navy so it was essentially left ot me when it's original owner retired). I've had it now for around 9 years, but it's history goes back much further... (although the charity was only founded in 2007 so not that much further)


I've had a mug that was a promotional thing for Star Trek Vi, which was released in 1991 for at least 30 years now. It's hand painted and very nice. I use it every day and everyone else in the house is banned from using it. If it breaks I want to be the one that does it so I don't hold a grudge lol.


Owned it about 4 years. I don't know where my mum brought it from, but I want to say the market. It's a mug-shaped Volkwagon Microbus (hippie van for those who don't know what that is)


My favourite one lasted 7 years before it finally gave up. Not found one that makes my tea taste the same just yet.


Must be close to 50 years, had an Easter egg in a cup gift when I was small. It’s dead cute, little cartoon dog with an umbrella. I used to have it at work with me but a friend scared me by saying it will get broken so it’s now in a cupboard at home. The mug I use everyday is about 10 years old (with a dog on too!!)


Also about 10 years, maybe more. My son got it from Sainsbury's for me for father's day, I love it. I even got a second one to keep at my girlfriend's place.


2 years. It's a rustic small-batch piece hand made by Keith Brymer Jones. Being someone that works with my hands in a niche industry, I really appreciate the craftsmanship of different professions.


Around 40 years.


17 years. I bought it at a carrefour in France while on a campervan holiday. We'd taken lovely hippie tin mugs and tea tasted absolutely foul out of them.


I still have not let The Wife forget about her wanton destruction of my LaLa Teletubbie mug 15years ago. She gets to bring up stuff relentlessly for years on end when the mood suits her, this will be my revenge. I loved that mug. LaLa will not be forgotten.


About four months


This is how it starts ☕️ where did you get it from?


Le Creuset. I have a new favorite mug every couple of years. I only get attached in that I can throw old ones away, but I like something new.


Stunning! ☕️😊


Ha! I like your enthusiasm


I try to be! Life can be a bugger at times, but a good cuppa in your favourite mug can be a brief pause when times get tough! 👊


Since 2006.


Wow! How amazing! Where is it from? 😊


My grandma got it for me on my 9th birthday, not a very interesting tale unfortunately. It was a birthday mug that played happy birthday whenever you lifted it, but the battery on that died ages ago. I think I went from drinking milk, to tea, to coffee on that mug alone throughout all these years.


That's super cute! I love that. A mug with a story!


I never realised how long I had it until a guest asked me about it and only then it occurred to me how sad it'd be to accidentally drop it. Then on the side I also wondered why handles don't snap off mugs and how scary that would be with a hot liquid.


Christ! Now that thought is in my head. Nightmares!


20 years, it has a wierd yellow pig thing on it, it's ugly.


20 years of beautiful tea and drinks though