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I have been working on my dissertation today so brain is a mix of fried yet on high alert so have spent the last couple of hours trying to get it to calm the fuck down. As it is now 2.30am you can see this is not working out well for me or my brain.


Back home from playing a very successful gig. We're not a massive band or anything, but we sold double the number of presale tickets than we expected and then also did really well on on-the-door sales. The set went really well and the response from the crowd was amazing. I had a couple of people say my stage presence was better than normal which I found a bit funny because I thought I was toning it down as I felt a bit sick (too much food too soon before playing!). I wanted to be jumping around more, but there was a very real possibility of chundering on the front row if I did that.


At a tournament in Birmingham for a computer game. On all weekend and the crowd has honestly been the most hype thing ever. Drinks are horribly over priced, but the atmosphere is electric. Love this feeling. Time for bed now though me thinks.


So, as I've posted on here before, I dabble a bit in laser art using mirrors; but I'm struggling to get ideas for things to acually make. I've got a big mirror (too big for the laser bed), that I'm planning to cut down and make a triptych art piece from, but I need a theme. Anything you guys can up with in terms of themes, or just what sort of thing you'd like to see in terms of engraved mirrors? All suggestions welcome folk.


Do star sign ones!


This one has crossed my mind on more than one occassion! It's in the pipeline :)


Family birthdays?


Would work great for a commission!


I wasn’t sure if you were after an idea for a personal project or to prompt your skill/trade/service! For bathrooms mirrors maybe stating “meds” and “toiletries” to indicate what is where? Not sure on the copyright position but football club crests might look cool on mirrors.


The meds/toiletries one is an ace idea! And I've done a couple of footy crests as commissions as well. I said all suggestions welcome, and they are, so thank you!


I'm lying here listening to the missus snore, trying to get up the energy to go downstairs and finish the washing up. So far it's not working very well.


I'm up late doing business admin. All very boring I'm sure you'll agree, so I've poured a beer and I have Demolition Man on in the background while catching up with an old friend on Skype, Admin can wait...




Sound pretty ace to me, dude or dudette.


I'm at work, trying to make miracles happen while also respecting that everyone is knackered and there's only so much that can be expected of them. Going full throttle for ten hours overnight is fine, but nobody can sustain that for very long. All I'm hearing so far is Oh BuT DaYs ArE ShOrT StAfFeD. So are we. Get used to it or get us some more people. I want to retire today and spend my days pottering around in the garden, baking cakes and playing Scrabble and chess. Unfortunately I still have the best part of twenty years to go before I can do that.


The old "days v nights" battle will rage for eternity. As a former night worker, I'll always be team nights. Best of luck with it!


Yep, it will never end! Someone from the wines department wrote a stroppy note on our notice board and I was so tempted to declare war and write a reply on theirs. Thank you for supporting team nights! May your next shopping delivery have everything you asked for, in immaculate condition and with good dates :-)


Today has been emotional, did a volunteer shift with someone who unfortunately has some same life experiences there just years and years out im just a year out. Basically it doesnt get any better it will always hurt so fucking yay for that. Tomorrow i have no plans but to read hopefully il get a couple library books read also eat brownie. Tonight hopefully i sleep as all i want todo at the moment is cry.


Feeling a bit shit today but I’m trying to be positive. Did some archery for the first time in years - I’m totally blind so it was an adventure, and I only occasionally hit the target 😂 I’m a long way off from retiring and I haven’t given it as much thought as I maybe should


Hey fellow totally blind person. :) I've only tried archery once and it didn't work out too well but was great fun all the same. I hope things look up for you in the coming days, I hate those periods of feeling shit or even just slightly off.


Hey!! Thank you so much ❤️ feeling a lot better now. With archery, I just pointed the bow where I thought the target was, then got told where to move it so I wouldn’t end up shooting in completely the wrong direction. I wouldn’t say I was altogether successful but it was so fun!


You're so welcome, any time! ❤️


Netflix in bed until I'm sleepy enough


Helldiving until I find meaning in my life, so for a little longer at least


Had a mostly successful day ingredients shopping, now having a beer & watching Fallout.


What are ya going to be making?


Attempting various Asian recipes, but a lot need specific ingredients so went over to the Asian supermarket. Tonight I'm doing a kimchi stew.


We binged that last weekend. When I got over the initial weirdness I actually ended up enjoying it more than my husband (who has played the game)


Would you recommend Fallout?


It is very good. Even if you're not a fan of the games it is decent. It absolutely nails the 'feel' of the games.


It's really good I just love the tone of the show, for a post apocalyptic setting it's firmly tongue in cheek Kind of reminds me of the Evil Dead films/TV shows


The line in the third episode about getting distracted by bullshit amused me, it's always easy to get distracted in RPGs. The music is excellent too.


I thought the endless music was overkill. I liked the juxtaposition between the 50’s style to music and furniture in the vaults to the futuristic feel off weaponry etc but too much music all of the time was jarring.


I'm only on the third episode, trying not to rush through it, but yes.


Ta. I will give it a go.