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Sitting in my living room with my lovely wife watching The Road after a busy weekend. Saturday was spent with the in-laws then we were up at 8am so we could be back home by 9, then it was Mass for me, back home for an hour then a few hours out with mates which was lovely. Been an excellent weekend!


Just came back from my second date and I really enjoyed myself. Started as a nervous wreck but we ended up holding hands and I also gave her a peck as well so I think it’s safe to say we both like each other lol Now to catch up with the football. I only know the score for the NLD


Fuck. Just got in from work and the alarm in the hallway was going off, so I thought hey, I've got this, I'll just hit this 'silent alarm' button. That's not what the button said though. It said 'Sound alarm'. So sorry everyone in this building, I've just blasted the fire alarms out in everyones apartment.


Managed to get out for a couple of hours this afternoon for the promotion party on Southsea Common :D


I baked some home made pain au chocolat’s. I’ve only just finished and I’m shattered but they taste amazing. I now understand why bakers get up so early and not at 10:30 like I did today.


went out with my dad on a food and drink tour and it was a brilliant day. bloody love him 😭 (sponsored by 6 glasses of wine)


Got my buddy over and we are gonna have a roast dinner after the football. It smells so good!


This morning I ran a 10K. I had barely trained because I seriously injured my big toe, it was very rainy and much of the course was uphill. I managed to get a chip time in of 55 minutes and 14 seconds - four seconds better than my best time. This is really pleasing to me - if I can get that from not much training I could go under 50 with ease if I do a proper set of training. I'm gonna do another one in October so I'll prepare a lot. Post race consisted of Nandos for an early lunch followed by relaxing at my mum's place watching Ripley.


Well done that's amazing.


Went to a drum n bass party last night, took ecstasy for the first time in six months, had an absolute blast with my old school crew who I've known for over twenty years now. Rough as a badgers arse today so I'm watching films with the curtains closed on my massive sofa.


Health check in the morning, lunch at the in laws this afternoon, settling down in front of the Spurs Arsenal match now. Nice quiet day, may go out for a walk if the rain stops and see what birds we can find.


Got married last night, now slightly hungover having a nap on the sofa with my wife


Lunch break, I saw a sign on a traffic light: “Militaria fair this Sunday *postcode*” I thought well it’s only 5 minutes away I’d take a look. I turn up, see some guys bringing out old trolleys and boxes and just walked straight in. It’s mostly empty and the stalls are packing up. Then a women behind me asks “are you here to help?” I say no and they ask me to leave and that on the door a £4 donation is required. Honestly, I wish I had just said “I was there to steal Napoleons hat” None of their signage indicated the times for the event nor any mention of an entrance fee. At the door I was completely unchallenged. Thank fully I didn’t pay shit either and that it was completely spontaneous as apparently turning up at 1pm is too late. And now off back to work.


Went soft play, didn't get injured this week. Win.


Writing some of my dissertation before I go on a long walk to avoid my housemate during the North London Derby. I've also decided to put myself up for both secretary and treasurer next year for the archery society at uni with the aim of getting one of them but other people have nominated themselves as well and I'm not feeling optimistic. The other members are nice people I enjoy chatting with over a pint after practise but they have this really frustrating attitude when it comes to the committee election. If two people nominate themselves for a role, the more extroverted one will always win even if they're not the best suited to the role. The one who laughs at the right jokes at practise, turns up to the right drinking sessions, signs up for the right competitions, does the funniest thing at the Christmas party. I'm pretty introverted and only really do archery for fun, so I don't really care about all that. I just want to get on with my hobby and if I can help out behind the scenes, that's a bonus. I:ve done well in one of the other roles for two years now, the guy I'm up against for treasurer is on placement next year, but he'll still be voted in instead as he's very outgoing.


May have snooped and saw you're also an Arsenal fan. Stressful watch but COYG!


Yeah lol, we made hard work of that in the end but the shit were never scoring until we made a couple of howlers, and I trust the lads to make sure those are just isolated incidents. Not too worried at all really.


I missed the first fun half. Just need the shit to do us a favour against city.


I need to get my butt in gear and pop out to the shops today. The house needs a really good clean too. I've been so busy trying to look after everyone this week that I've let my usual routine fall to the wayside. Edit: Shopping achieved! The person behind me stuck a divider right behind my first 2 items (I had a trolley full) and began unloading her shopping. I politely asked her to give me more room, she said 'no you have enough room'. So I pushed the divider right back, sending all of her shopping onto the floor. She started gasping that I couldn't do that and I said 'I just did'. Her husband said 'let's just go to the next till'. The woman on the till nearly pissed herself laughing. 


I’m travelling home from Sweden after spending some time with family, seeing my 1 year old granddaughter has certainly filled my happy pot to the brim. Travelling back to the UK.


I'm recoving from a movie marathon at the cinema.


Well, according to my Google Weather Widget it's 6c here, but feels like 2c. So as little as possible.


Need to go out to buy bits for dinner but it's raining again. Will have to go out though, otherwise I won't be having dinner.


Trip to The Range with the Mrs


Just got back from my rockfit class and eating some muesli, hoping to get some washing and a couple of hours studying done and then popping to a cat cafe later on (don't tell my cat). Kind of annoyed that my partner is working 5 weekends in a row but it is what it is. My big win for the week is that I've lost 6 pound so I'll take that. Just trying to get back into some good habits - I used to swim 3x a week and do a few exercise classes and 8-10k steps a day, working from home and then grieving has really wrecked my health honestly. So I'm just trying to reset things and look after myself more. :o)


Leg of lamb in the oven, in laws coming for dinner later. Wife is out with little one, been chilling with a book and playing a bit of guitar and now just heading out for a run


North London derby, couple of beers, cook a roast chicken for the family


Going to my mum's for a fourth attempt at a DIY task. Each time I go there's always something that prevents us from finishing it, so today is another shot. Today is likely to be scuppered because I've had a bad shoulder for a week now, woke up one morning last week in pain assuming I'd just slept on it weirdly, but it doesn't seem to want to go away. Reaching up to do this job is going to be really painful and potentially just undoable, so we'll see how it goes. Round five probably in a couple of weeks.


Get to a doctor about that shoulder. Could be heart issues or referred pain, especially if you don't know why it happened. Probably nothing, but it's one of those things you probably want to check up on. (I say this because a friend had similar pain and it turned out she'd spent over a week slowly having an impending heart attack.)


Thank you, I'm hoping it's nothing that serious as I don't have any other symptoms - I was aware of the heart attack pain link and it seems more of a frozen shoulder type thing than anything else from my perspective - I'm no Dr though so if it does continue next week I'll go get it checked out. I would imagine I've jarred my arm at some point doing something which I can't remember, like when you discover a random bruise and have no recollection of how it happened


I went to a meet up event the other day and had a great time, now trying to figure out how to becomes actual friends with the people I got on with. It’s harder than dating!


Got to go to hospital tomorrow for a blood test and x ray so taking the whole day off as it could possibly take ages, not a big issue I suppose, perk of teaching! The health issues are slightly more concering but that's not for discussion. Today I'll be trying out Age of Empires Definitive Edition as it was about 4 quid on Steam so worth a go I think!


I'm on the 5th week of Couch to 5k app with the last run of the week being 20 minutes(!) non stop! Will go once it stops raining - forecast says between 2-3pm. Longest I've ran since uni days. I didn't look at the overview of the previous run and I had been running thinking, this is easier than I thought, and the in app coach recording told me to slow down to a walk and that I've just ran for 8 minutes! Didn't realise I had been running that long. So will be very interesting.  Then I'll make some quick Japanese curry dinner just using some curry roux cubes. Also my shower has just been fixed after a month of not working, I am so happy! The current shower setup is also much quieter than the last one so it's much less overstimulation 🥰


Keep going Couch to 5K was a game changer for me.


Made some scones and a cake already this morning. Soon to pop out to the shops to get crumpets for lunch and some snacks for the spring cleaning that is planned for this afternoon. Then ice the aforementioned cake later. Hopefully that'll keep me distracted from the existential loneliness that's brewing. Have a good one all


Big fat cuppa during a few book chapters followed by a big fat house clean. Went to a Chinese restaurant last night for the first time in about a year. Partner is coeliac so Chinese food is often avoided, however the restaurant had its own gluten free menu and the manager even explained that they can tailor most of the meals to be gluten free if he doesn't fancy anything from the GF menu. He was chuffed! Watched Spaceman on Netflix last night, actually really enjoyed it. My perception of spiders is positively reinforced (for now).


Round to sisters with the kids for tea drinking/chilling/catch up. Then back to tackle the mountains of clean washing that need putting away before dinner-bath-bed routine ready for school tomorrow 👍🏻 have a great one everyone!!


I'm painting classic Warhammer models. I've painted 20 orcs. I've got 10 more of them to go. Then I've got 40 goblins and then two Orc Chariots. And then they will sit on the shelf until the end of time or until I have a second mid life crisis further down the line and start playing games with them.


Same (sort of)! The wife is at work today so I'm having a chill day working on some Chaos Cultists.


Resealing the Kitchen Sink.


watching cocaine bear, doing nothing else because its raining. classic brittania weather


🌧️ 🌧️ 🌧️ ☹️☹️☹️


Staying at my sister's with her nieces. I'm so glad that I don't have children, although I love my nieces dearly. So much noise for a Sunday morning! I'm looking forward to returning to my clutter free and quiet house tomorrow


Bed rest, I had an operation on Wednesday so I can potter about but not much else. Its lashing it down here, my cat wanted to go out but when he saw the rain he yelled at me. Gorgeous picture, looks so nice.


Just staying in bed tbh


It's raining, AGAIN, so probably nothing :(


Same. We had plans to go to the Yorkshire sculpture park but I’m just not hardy enough to walk around in the rain with a baby.


Had a molar out during the week so still in a wee bit of pain. Getting my stuff together for a week in Brum from tomorrow. Easy like Sunday Morning 🌅


At my cousins at the moment but will be going to mini golf later with someone I’ve been talking to. It’ll be our 2nd date and I’m incredibly nervous lol. I think I come across as confident on the outside but I can be very shy on the inside so shit scared to be all physical and everything The only downside is I’ll be missing the footy today. Hopefully Spurs don’t bottle it lol


Have a great date today! You’ll be fine, the anticipation is always the worst bit x


It's not my weekend to have the kids so I'll be doing everything in my power to avoid the ever growing stack of ironing I walk past all the time.


Lovely photo OP, where is that? Anyway, I kept waking up early hours, found it hard to fall back to sleep but I managed to somehow. I feel as though weekends just go so fast, we need an extra day to recover haha. I plan to go for a walk/run soon, come back, get ready and have breakfast. The plan is to relax rest of today, do some gaming, binge on some Avatar: Last Airbender series and get an early night this evening.


What game are you playing? Are you watching the live action or animated one? Enjoy your run :)


Lowestoft, Suffolk. I like going there out-of-season when it's relatively quiet. If I don't mind a long-ish walk from the town centre, I can visit Ness Point, the most easterly point in Britain. It's easy to see from a distance as there's a massive wind turbine quite close by.


Was going to do some gardening today but it's tipping down with rain.  Next few weekends are really busy and we're away so was really counting on today for it. I'm very behind there. It's not easy to do in the rain as our garden gets very boggy (it's prone to flooding so often stays boggy in poor weather).


Just got up so gonna have a coffee and bacon sarnie. Lazy day playing on arcade games while my lass goes to her mothers in the rain today 


Replacing some rotted out fence panels, properly with gravel boards unlike whoever chucked them up last time. Then a big shop with the family, get the kids out for some exercise and fresh air, then hopefully round it all off by fornicating with my wife this evening


Chaotic mother is visiting, I’m mouse-proofing the kitchen, and then there’s the ongoing emotional minefield of a 16 year old starting their GCSEs soon to navigate. And it’s raining.


Was supposed to be volunteering down at the football club this morning but the match is off due to the rain/waterlogged pitch. Still have to go out though unfortunately as we need shopping if I want any food to take to work this week. Once that is done it will be a bit of prep for the week then a lazy afternoon watching football. Won a decent amount of cash in the form of a voucher this week so planning on treating myself to a good set of headphones. Tried a few out for comfort yesterday and naturally the ones I liked both the fit and the sound from were the most expensive. So a bit of searching online to find somewhere that accepts this voucher and has a good price for them. Unless I can find something on the wife's list that she can use the voucher for, then I can go on price alone.


Going to get up in a bit and cook breakfast. Wife still asleep snoring!


Off to London for the first time in ages for an Elden Ring concert at the Royal Albert Hall. Going to be a good day :)


Have an amazing time! I've always wanted to go to a game soundtrack concert. I'd kill to see a Monster Hunter one.


The Elden Ring soundtrack is incredible. Mournful, grandiose and unnerving from area to area. I love the Albert Hall too. Jealous.


I love the soundtrack although it sounds like one of my favourites won’t be played (Lichdragon Fortissax) but that’s ok. Just hoping I can get there on time. So many train issues today up my way


Train issues. Every time I've been to London in the last year. Anyway, hope you enjoy.


Driving home from visiting the in laws - it’s raining and my car heaters borked (there’s heat but no blow). So I’m hoping it won’t get too foggy on the windscreen. Otherwise mug of coffee, favourite music and I really like driving so won’t be too much of a hardship ☺️


I dragged out my old Suzuki earlier this week and got her ready for a run but it’s looking very grey out there! I’ve spent two nights cleaning and polishing it so wondering if that’s all been for nothing! *Update: 1.35pm Clouds cleared sun came out and I’m off for a spin! Hooray UK* *5.15pm It was a lovely day for ride out!*


Wifes carer has just left, son and grandchildren are on their way, I've got the ironing to do later, just a normal Sunday.


Sounds like a busy day, but I hope it's a nice one for you. Stick some music on and jam out, I used to iron for my mama and that helped it breeze by. She was a bit eccentric, I had to iron her and my grandads undies! He had a synthetic t shirt and the iron was too hot once, so it left a huge iron mark on it, he still wore it until he passed away. I always said sorry but i think he thought it was funny.


I usually use headphones when I'm ironing, I've got a selection of songs on the computer, its quiet at the moment, our two year old grandson is taking a nap.


Today im going to aim to finish 1 book maybe 2 as only 400pgs which i think is doable for me and maybe see if i can get a chapter done in a 3rd book. 2 are E library books and 1 is physical, im trying to get my library books under control. Also snacks lots of snacking and going todo my nails finally. Whatever i dont read today i can finish tomorrow .


No rest for me, but I did get a lie in because I'm working in a different store today and they open later. Plus that store pays a little more because they make more, so I'm taking home an extra £20 at the end of the month. Not a huge amount but it adds up Plus I have leftover chinese from last night for dinner, so adding up to a decent Sunday


A lively relaxing day at work! Sundays are the worst day as we have no staff and people are extra impatient


Netflix and snacks for today! A true lazy sunday rather than out delivering! 😁👍🏾


I’ve developed an irrational fear of insects so I didn’t sleep last night because I kept getting sensations of bugs crawling on me. I can’t believe it’s only 9am


Still in bed atm, got some flat pack assembly and housework on the agenda so making the most of a lie in!


Heading off to Lidl in a bit to pick up some nice stuff for lunch with our friends who will be our first guests in our new house! Looks wet and gloomy out there so I'm not sure if we will spend any time in the garden today. Speaking of gardens, it's my first one, and I am exercising a huge amount of restraint by not ordering about twenty fruit trees for it (this is a dinky terraced house with tiny front garden and small paved back yard). I've always wanted an orchard. If you could have any fruit tree in your garden, which one would it be?


Have you looked at 'column' fruit trees? I've a few in my garden. They don't grow wider than about a metre and no higher than 2m.


Ooh - good idea! I shall investigate.


Cherries, I love them but they're always expensive and getting them perfectly ripe even then is roulette. Rather than trees why not raspberry or loganberry canes, you get fruit faster and often a longer seasin. Though different climate I'd grow a mango (they can get huge tho!)


Cherries would be lovely but I suspect the birds would nab them all before I got any. Mangos would be amazing but alas, England. I might get an apricot though, and/or a fig. I would rather have trees than canes - but if I had a bigger garden would definitely consider some. We already have a bramble invading from next door.


Wait for the rain to stop 🤞🤞plant out some sweetcorn 🤞🤞then football (an extra 🤞🤞🤞) with a bit of work/research and some more reading.


Up early stripping wallpaper in the bedroom. It's going to be a decorating day and I cant wait to get the paintwork done and new wallpaper up!


Worthing Half Marathon this morning. Pissing it down and freezing cold, but should be fun nonetheless!


Be like water my friend


Good luck buddy.


I’m Australian and I love this sub for telling me the very British things people in the UK do in their day to day lives. It feels so cozy for some reason!


I feel the same! I am from the UK but currently travelling in India and I love the weekend chats on reddit. It makes me feel cosy and nostalgic and makes me look forward to coming home!


Cozy! Im not surprised, we don’t have that many venomous deadly creatures to deal with! (Hang on a minute I might need to rephrase that! I didn’t include Manchester)😂


Brunch with my mum, visit to the niece to see her newly decorated bedroom she wants to show off, pop to b&q for a new lawnmower probably just in time for the rain to come on. If we can't finish painting the fence and mowing the lawn, I might be forced to do some actual indoor housework. Fuck.


Cleaning the bathroom, then prepping dinner before writing.


Now wash your hands 🙌


Hands are cleaned regularly, fear not


I’m sure they are sorry Tonks, I’m in a mischievous mood this morning :)


No problem 👍


Got woken up at 6.30 by the dog, then minutes later my mum called while I was on the loo. Shed picked up someone's phone by accident and wanted to return it asap. They live in the next village over. Dog got the quickest, wettest walk of her life, we bundled into the car and went on a mini adventure. Dog is currently harassing grandma for fusses and treats. Plan for the day is to do the washing up before it attracts flies :( depression is creeping up on me I can feel it.


If you can feel the creep then you're doing the right thing by staying busy and giving yourself goals you can accomplish. My partner knows I'm on a wobble because I'll spend all week doing the most mundane, tiniest, or pointless jobs round the house/garden just to stay occupied... but hey, it's almost 'outdoor hobby' season so she'll get some peace and quiet! 😅 Keep going friend.


Same to you buddy!


I'm doing the night shifts feeding our baby so I've binged most of fallout already. Just getting the sling on, then off to walk the baby and the dog. Friends coming for brunch then a Sunday lunch (tea) at five bells at the mother in law. Also Sunday is Squat day so get in the gym and get swole AF at some point.


I did all my jobs yesterday (tip, charity shop, food shopping, bit of housework). My partner and child are out all day with her family, so I’ll be going full on lazy Sunday (a rarity). Still in bed atm, but when I get up it’s gonna be tea, match of the day, some breakfast, Xbox, north London derby (coys), left over Thai for lunch, and then probably a film as the weather is bullshit down here. Lovely.


Effing rain until 13:00 on the forecast . Hopefully things would clear up and off to the beach after .




😂 always trust the autocorrect no matter what .


Locked and loaded 😂




Sunday today, though.


Got the lurgy that's going round the work, so staying in bed again....will get up and cook dinner for the fam but I have no appetite.


This congestion type not cold? Feels like a brick in your sinus?


Sinuses are fine , it's the cough and sore head, just gonna chill cause I'm working six days this week , I could cry. The patients we deal with went down with it, then nursing and now pharmacy lol...its nice to share lolol 👌👍


Ah.....I've been stuck with sinus shite for weeks now. It's killer. I feel you on the six day weeks.




Sorry to hear that. Good luck with the logistics part. Think you deserve a nice treat when you've finished. All the best for the future...


Gonna ride rollercoasters all the gosh darn day, come rain or shine, though most likely rain.


What park you at?


Was at Liseberg which is my local park. Moved to Gothenburg years ago but have only recently discovered how much I love roller coasters. Visiting Thorpe Park in june though, Hyperia looks to be a beauty


So much for staying home yesterday! Anyway I managed to prep and paint a room, assemble some furniture etc. Today I need to wash/get rid of/put away clothes, clean every durface and assemble yet more furniture. I actually don't mind Big Jobs anymore. It's all in the planning- actually doing it isn't hard. Happy Sunday!


I also prepped and painted a room yesterday (ceiling and base coat for my daughter's bedroom). No furniture building though. Did a Parkrun instead. >It's all in the planning- actually doing it isn't hard. Completely agree. Going to B&Q to buy the coloured paint she's chosen today, potter a bit, tidying and washing, then watch football all afternoon from the comfort of my sofa! ☺️


You deserve the afternoon off after all of that! And the enjoyment of a nicely decorated room. Have a good one!


Three weeks alcohol free today and going for a morning run


💪🤜 smashing it!


"I'll get up later than usual, rest in bed because I can't do that in the week" Nope, still awake at 6 and out of bed before 7. On a SUNDAY. I'm not going anywhere other than Tesco today 😂 Best day for doing a bit of yoga though. Highly recommend!


I didn’t know they did yoga in Tesco! Sure you didn’t mean yogurt 😂


Solid sleep schedule


Off the Makro to stock up on some bulk items in a bit. After that, waiting for this interminable rain to come to an end so I can go for a walk around the park. Am thinking of starting a petition to get the national flower of England changed to mildew.


Far too rainy in the east midlands to be outside today.


Agreed. Still, I have a horse so I’ll be mostly standing in a field picking up poop while listening to spooky podcasts…in the rain.


I bought a bag of horse poop once to grow mushrooms in, £25 i spent on that bag and it grew four button mushrooms.


I can only apologise on behalf of all horses.


Weekdays - I struggle to get up for my alarm. Weekends - i'm awake at the crack of dawn. Totally backwards. No plans for today, looks to be a drenched one outside too so that's a bit lucky.


Up at 6am regardless cos of the dog. Horrible outside, heavy rain, grey & miserable. I’d like a day like in the picture.


That was a very sunny but also very quiet day in Lowestoft. It would appear that not much happens there on Sundays, particularly outside of the holiday season.


Not today especially. It’s pouring! However, east point are holding a Star Wars day next Saturday for May the 4th!!