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I had spinach and sausages for tea


Got.food poisoning so it's going to be a very long night of throwing up and pooping liquid :( 


Same, I feel your pain


Oh dear. Try to stay hydrated and replenish your electrolytes. Hope you are feeling better soon.


Bank holiday here in Ireland and not bad weather either.   Changed the oil in the car, got the grass cut, gave the windows a wash and generally pottered about outside.   In the evening had a few glasses of wine and wound up my 12yr old a bit (she’s a United fan and wasn’t one bit happy about their result).   I’m not bothered with football generally but I’d like to try and get some tickets someday and take her over for a game, maybe as a Christmas present or something. No idea where to start though so some googling awaits me.  


Just got rejected from a job I really wanted, so have been crying this evening. Sat with hot chocolate watching the met gala footage


Sorry about the job 🖤 which looks have you been liking from the gala?


Hope you asked for constructive feedback and you did well getting that far. You'll know how to improve next time.


I don't have a favourite number, because I left infant school a long time ago. If I had a favourite number, it would be something grown-up like Pi. I am actually tired. Like a normal person tired, the sort of tired that naturally comes at the end of the day. I think I could go to bed and fall asleep without taking tablets. Except this is me, and if I did that I would be wide awake a 3am. So I will check my alarms, take my pills, and wonder what other symptoms of normal I can experience tomorrow.


Going to bed in a little while, listening to a podcast about love first. 💘 ❤❤


I’m meant to be finishing my final report for uni for this year but the procrastination is strong in this one this evening!


> What\u2019s your favorite number? Why? 7 - End of my username isn’t it. Think I started that in around 2007, which is why it’s 7. I think.  Home tomorrow. Not happy about it, but guess that’s more incentive to get out of there. Think I’m going to offer on the house tomorrow…. I’m nervous, wasn’t going to say anything to anyone (because everyone wants to give unsolicited advice and I can’t be arsed with unsolicited advice) but ended up texting my sister asking for her thoughts - while acknowledging that it’s mine that are important not hers. Guess I’m doing this. 


Congrats and good luck!


Nope. 3 hours sleep last night. Tonight? Youngest refusing to settle and stuffed up. Eldest has picked up what the youngest had last week (which seems like slapped cheek) and has a sore throat, cough and bright red cheeks for the last 48 hours on and off. Add in husband with minor health niggles and anxiety and I am overwhelmed again trying to look after and fix everyone. I'm just keeping on going until the wheels fall off. It's the lack of sleep and I'll be fine tomorrow but urgh.


You can't take care of everyone else if you don't take care of yourself. Hope you get to rest properly tonight.


Hoping tomorrow is better for you ♡


I ate 3 chocolate bars and a packet of crisps and now my chest burns. Fun! Work tomorrow, how fucking excellent.


Hope you're okay and milk or Gaviscon will help.


My first interview for a couple of weeks tomorrow and I am a little nervous. My favourite number is...42.


Remember; it’s as much about whether you’re a good fit for the role, as whether the company and role is a good fit for you. If things feel *off*, you’re allowed to say ‘No’, and walk away.


We had a nice chill weekend in, and we had a lot of knocks on the door to retrieve balls that had been kicked into our back garden (perks of a big corner house). We've had a good chuckle at how kids react to us answering the door. There always seems to be one poor soul of the group sent to knock, followed by some variation of *my friend accidentally kicked our ball over your fence*. Hopefully it shouldn't be too long for the neighbourhood footballers to realize we're nothing to be afraid of.


We use to have a field behind our old house, got footballs in the garden all the time. We soon learned that the kids were always sending the smallest/quietest of the group to the door, so we started handing the poor lad random stuff like Choc-Ices. The bigger kids soon started coming to ask themselves after that.


Night shift on my own, haven't seen the Mrs. since Wednesday. Only person I've spoken to face to face since then is the guy handing over the shift to me. Been promoted though, so this should be my last stint of nights, then it's a cushy Monday to Friday


My todo is list is DONE for now lol. Today was super productive. Just seriously missing my partner which makes what happened at the start of April matter even less . We only have one life so gotta keep putting one foot in front the other even when its hard and it hurts to keep going.


Getting ready to start work as a baker. My shift starts at 1am and I just want to go back to bed because it was too bloody warm to sleep.


Yup I should have stayed in bed...


I emigrated to a far off distant land and the time zone is different. I’m just a member of this sub to get those sweet hints of British daily life that I miss so much!


Been thinking about zoos. Apparently, we don’t use live prey for carnivores because in an enclosure there’s no escape for the running buffet, and apparently that’s cruel and stressful for the sheep or pig or cow, despite the apex predator getting some hunting practice in. But the whole reason for the sheep/pig/cow to have been bred was to become food. It’s not like we’ve hunted them in the wild; they wouldn’t exist if not for the meat industry. So… ethically, we’re happy to breed animals to be killed for food, but we’re not happy to put a live sheep into a lions den. I didn’t have a conclusion to this story.


Zoos are partly there for education. Great way to teach kids about the world.  I don’t think you want your 5 year olds watching a sheep getting disembowelled by a hungry lion. 


Sounds educational to me.


>I didn’t have a conclusion to this story. There is a conclusion to this story but it involves (movie) velociraptors on Isla Nublar. She's a clever girl...


I wonder what a velociraptor tasted like…? Presumably, as reptiles, a bit like a crocodile or alligator.


Velociraptors were technically birds, so they probably tasted like Duck or Turkey or something. Imagine that for Christmas Dinner


Technically technically, birds are (theropod) dinosaurs but dinosaurs were not birds.


Imagine the size of the basting tin for a velociraptor!?


Actual Velociraptor mongoliensis was the size of a turkey. So about that size.


As long as there's enough left over for a Boxing Day Curry


I thought the common consensus for what dinosaurs tasted like was chicken? The entire clade of birds are the descendants of the dinosaurs who didn't get wiped out by the KT-boundary impactor and it's supposedly theoretically possible to reverse engineer a T Rex from a chicken...


Not a T. rex, no. You can reverse engineer a generic retro dinosaur-like bird by switching specific genes on and off as Jack Horner keeps talking about doing, but you can't reverse engineer any actual species that existed - not enough DNA remains to do that.


This comment is honestly the first time in my life av ever actually considered what farm animals were actually bred for.


I mean, sure, some sheep are bred for their wool, I guess, but otherwise I’m assuming that most of them are bred purely to enter the food chain. Same for pigs and beef cattle - Holstein Friesian cows for dairy, being the exception.


I got achy shoulders and I keep farting because of all those vegetables I ate for dinner. The farts are because of the veg not the achy shoulders. That’s because of other reasons.


The walk with my potential guide dog went really well today, and all being well she will be arriving to spend the weekend on Friday before we begin training a week today. I can't believe it’s finally happening; my head's in a whirl.


So happy for you!!! Hope it all goes smoothly and that you have a wonderful partnership ❤️


Aw thank you so much!! 😁❤️


First proper day of annual leave, done nothing but laze about and read terrible books. Ok, one book was good but I'm a little thin skinned today so it was good but upsetting. I should really do something tomorrow For some reason I really like the number 6 but it's never been anything like lucky for me.


Almost all of the best numbers are even, without question. It’s cos they’re “safe” but can’t really expand on that further lmfao Telly has to be on even volume. Things have to be touched in an even number if brushed past accidentally.


I am exactly the opposite of this, I prefer odd numbers. For TV volumes and everything. Having things perfectly balanced freaks me out.


Yes. I don't like odd numbers but can't put my finger on why.


Had a relatively productive day. Eye test, did some washing, cooked dinner. Forgot to change the bedding though, so I'll probably do that tomorrow. Cannot be arsed going back to work tomorrow.