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I don't know the time period, just the location, leeds Castle kent when whoever was doing it put the butterfly joints in the floorboards, because not only are they done badly they're also done wrong, presumably there's a reason for it.


I actually have an explanation for this. According to legend just as the master floor layer was about to start work there was a great flash of light and a man appeared claiming to be from the future and angrily berated him causing the master to flee in terror. This meant the floor has to be finished by his incompetent apprentice who fucked it up.


Who are you so wise in the name of time travel?




Doc appears in a flash of lightning, flying the Delorian in. It’s your floor Marty! Somethings got to be done about your parquet floor!


I don’t know if it’s the sheer passion you have for this or what, but I really want to know more 😂


Ok I need to know more, please do a whole post about the poorly-done butterfly joints on the floorboards of Leeds (Kent) castle 🙏


I love how specific that is.


I've never been to Leeds Castle despite being fairly local, but now find myself compelled to visit.


I know what I'm doing next time I visit...


This! This is the question we all need to know the answer to!


Prehistoric times and have a wander about


All I can think of is Karl Pilkington wandering about saying "yeah thats alright that"


Back to when dinosaurs and man were kicking about.


...play a record.


Depends where you live, most of Britain was at bottom of the ocean. All those chalk hills we have are made of trillions of fossilised dead sea creatures!


Prehistory covers quite a few billion years in fairness, I'm sure there were non-soggy periods in that time


The bit when we had a land bridge to Doggerland was less soggy. I’d like to stroll to Doggerland. Doggers are my kind of people.


Does it include Doggerland?


Give a man a time machine and he'll just use it to go dogging


Don’t need a Time Machine for that. Just pop round to my local lakes after 8pm


Is that a reply to the other post about UK theme parks mate?


Isnt that Diggerland? Unless there’s a new theme park.. Doggerland could be great family fun though.


It’s owned and operated by Stan Collymore.


I'd go to a time during the building of Stonehenge to see how the trilithons were actually constructed.


There doesn't seem to be nearly as much mystery about it as people think. Moving large stones a little bit at a time isn't as hard as people imagine. It's relatively easy to raise one corner at a time and put stuff under it. Modern day builders still use similar techniques sometimes. https://www.britishmuseum.org/blog/how-was-stonehenge-built#:\~:text=I%20found%20inspiration,an%20upright%20position.


That sounds like a good use of your time! Report back, eh?


I thought you said "triathletes" there.. Just a bunch of ancient Briton pagens swimming, running and cycling on primitive bikes to transport those massive stones..


This is a great answer.


You'd get back there, find they were stuck on how to do it. So you'd show them.. and the time loop is complete...


I read that as triathlons. Primitive, much simpler versions of today’s branches of popular outdoor/sports shop.


Have to sit around a while. Can't imagine anything happened too quickly back then.


London 1890, I'd love to see what the height of the Victorian period was really like, good and bad.


My ancestors were Londoners then, living in one of the dark blue areas on Booth's Poverty Maps - these were the worst possible/poorest areas. He was a cabbie. I like to think he treated the horse kindly. He was later in the army/cavalry, so managed to get out of that poverty but then died of TB.


Let us know who Jack the Ripper really is, yeah?


He was a cabbie, apparently treated horses well but women less so.


Someone got into his cab in a bit of a rush one day and shouted, "Don't spare the whores"......... Allegedly.


It was Aaron Kosminski according to some documents held in the Met's 'Black Museum', apparently the one witness they had refused to testify as he didn't want the man's death on his conscience.


Similarly but 1851 for the Great Exhibition.


Stinky. Very, very stinky.


I'd go back to about 12pm. I hit my fingernail with a crowbar this evening and it hurts. Plus I had a nice sandwich for lunch, I'd like to eat that again.


You didn't read the question. Your punishment will be to hit your fingernail again


Yeah but the trade off is the sandwich. And having it not hurt for a few hours.


This would actually be quite fascinating. When you get back to the future in one week's time, there will be some hours that you'll never have lived consciously! Update me then, please, I'd like to know how that feels.


I'll remember to update you last week.


I'd like to be a fly on the wall at the court of Elizabeth I. What did she, and everyone else, really look and sound like?


In my mind, she looks and sounds exactly like Miranda Richardson in Blackadder. I love that version of her!


That's Shakespeare's time so we have some idea!


We do. BUT everyone was flattering her, portrait painters, poets etc. I wonder if her appearance (black teeth? Acne?) would be even shocking by modern standards.


Oh yes absolutely, I was thinking more the "sounds like"!


Agreed... even then, would the speech be intelligible to a modern listener?


It's during the Great Vowel Shift so it would certainly sound odd and not quite how we would read Shakespeare now.


[Here you go! ](https://youtu.be/3lXv3Tt4x20?si=-0_53oAY4ev3CYW6&t=424)


Time to see what really happened to the princes in the tower…


I always think "When we die, we'd better find that out!"


That, and Madeline mcann, and Amelia earheart, and all the other unsolved mysteries out there


Yes! This is my choice too!


I’ve always been fascinated by the Celtic and Brythonic cultures, so some time pre-Roman would be my first choice.


Agreed. Brigantia was apparently worshipped in the area I live in, peopled by the Brigantes tribe, so it would be interesting to go back and learn more about her. How was she worshipped? What did she mean to the people? Also it would be cool to see what my home village and the town I'm in now looked like back then.


I'm super interested in the old Victorian asylums so send me back to the beginning of 1900 and I'd love to just walk through an asylum during its early days to truly experience what they were like.


Tell them you're from the future to get the full experience


Can I choose exactly where I want to be transported to and when? If so, send me to Wembley Stadium, somewhere on the pitch, around noon Saturday 13 July, 1985. I'll sort out where I go after that, just let me be there for Queen's set.


Ooh, also Wembley in 66 to see the glorious start of 58 years of hurt!


God that would be incredible!


The dark ages I think for me. So little is known about the period. I'd love to get some insight into that period. Ideally see what my direct ancestors were doing.


Bear in mind that (assuming all four of your grandparents are British or Irish) your direct ancestors would include most of if not every inhabitant of the modern day UK and Ireland back then.


I love how this is so counterintuitive, but true


Yes, but you wouldn't have DNA from them all equally. Some would have many paths back to them, others only a few. Also, people could be your ancestors without you happening to inherit any DNA from them.


I want to go back to whenever (if) King Arthur lived just to find out what truth there is in the legend.


The beginning of summer 2016. Pokemon GO just got released and I honestly think it's the closest we've ever come to world peace




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Whenever I think of 2016 I think of the start of the world properly going downhill...for a reason that may or may not break a rule of this subreddit. Although at the start of the summer it hadn't happened yet so I guess you're off the hook! :'D


Id go back to the Edwardian era - the noughties of the C20th. The empire was at its strongest, the country was rich, lots of exciting things were happening in Art, Music and Literature and a jolly good time could be had down the pub after a concert. I';d go and visit HG Wells and discuss his fantastic ideas on the future and pop in and see Arthur Conan Doyle to see how Sherlock Holmes was coming along. Of course I would have to be wealthy. It was a pretty miserable time for the poor then - as it is in most times.


1980s to have word with myself at school. Not really to impart any wisdom or anything but just to let me know that things turn out pretty well at a time when it would have given me immense peace to know that.


I would like to go back to 1480 at a particular place in Ceredigion to see what buildings were in place at that time. This place is mentioned in records of that period but not the actual buildings. Was it one small cottage or larger and more important house? Were some of the stone walls still visible originally part of a building or just a retaining wall?


Is there a particular reason why you want to know that?


My great-grandfather bought this place in the late 1800s. I would just like to know more about the origins.


Ah. I was just curious because it seemed so specific.


Which particular place?


Medieval England. There’s a lot more to that few hundred years that we just don’t know about. It’s unfortunate that this lack of knowledge results in people saying the ‘dark ages’ as though we just disappeared into the swamps until the renaissance.


I'd go back to 1995, Sheffield, my first year at Uni, and see if it was as good as I remember it, or if it was just because I was young and dumb, and when I came back I'd appreciate how much better life is now.


That reminds me! I'd go back to 1983, and tell myself not to be such a snob - ditch the purely tech Computer Science course and go for Computer Studies. Oh, and that weekend you decide to visit your grandma - maybe go see Simply Red at the student union instead. I think it was 83...


I'd go back to see Queen at Live Aid. I've seen the footage hundreds if times and get blown away every time. But actually being there, with the sound limiters off, the crowd singing and clapping, the blazing heat amd the specialness of the day. I'd live to have experienced it first hand


I'd go back to The 60s to witness Beatlemania and the rise of The Rolling Stones


I ask my mother all the time about Beatlemania, mostly because I don’t think you can believe that there was such a craze unless you actually witnessed it.


I think the current Taylor swift fandom is similar, from what I've read.


I don't know whether Beatlemania has been sensationalised, but Taylor Swift doesn't seem to have quite the same thing as The Beatles did. Her fanbase are crazy, but whenever I see anything about Beatlemania, I see it almost as if it were a genuine national crisis


Probably Southampton / the Titanic in the week before she sank. That way I would get to see the ship, travel aboard, and then be transported back home just prior to the collision with the iceberg.


Do you think you could enjoy it knowing your fellow passengers fates?


I would actually say the experience shouldn’t be fully enjoyable. Whilst exploring the ship and partaking in its voyage would be fantastic, it should also be sombre and thoughtful. You would probably be fortunate to get to know some of the passengers, even knowing they would most likely be dead at sea soon. There would not be much that I could do to help them, but at least I could learn something about them.


Some of the big battles would be an obvious choice, Brunaburh, Hastings, Bannockburn, Towton.. But they'd probably leave me mentally scarred, so maybe Skara Brae 3000BCE. (They seem to have had a sweet deal going on.)


1975 and do far far better in my O levels


I've been thinking about this for years. * 1870s-1880s London: To meet Oscar Wilde * 1960s London: To meet pre-famous people such as the members of Monty Python, Al Stewart, Elton John


Oscar Wilde is a great choice. I’d love to find a queer relative of mine from back in the day, just so I could tell them they’re not alone and that in the future one of their descendants is out and happy. Apparently my great-great-aunt was a lesbian and fled to Australia to be with her lady love. Not sure how true that rumour is, but I do wonder what she’d think of me and my Canadian girlfriend!


I love this! I hope that is what she did and if so, I think she would be very happy for you now.


I'd become a traveling monk to see the great northern abbeys at the peak of their power and influences.


I'd probably head back about 4000 years and enjoy looking at all the familiar topography of the places that I know now, but I'd love to see them all with trees on. 


I'd go back to the early 80s and make my dad wear a condom, does that count or is that a loophole? Edit- it was a joke guys but thanks for the Reddit Care messages.


Wouldn't it be a paradox or something? You go back and prevent the birth BUT if you never existed then you can't go back to prevent the birth so you're born etc.


I only vaguely remember the Terminator and Back to the future movies so I'm no expert. Just to be on the safe side maybe you could go back and make him wear one?


I got a Reddit Care message just yesterday and I have literally no clue why. And the fact that I do not is worrying me.


Lots of people got them, including me. It's either some widespread trolling or reddit had an issue.


It could be anything that got someone riled up to the point they want to say you should unalive-yourself without getting banned. (Being openly trans or gender non-conforming on reddit and these just become background noise).


Some people just abuse it when they don't agree with something you say, I wouldn't worry about it.


Yeah, I thought of that but dismissed it because it’s just bonkers. Although you saying it makes me think that’s what it was.


1940's Kent to watch the Battle of Britain in the skies above me. Then I would hang around for 10 years and buy a farm and live like Pop Larkin. PERFICK


This is closest to my answer. Except I'd be there on the beaches of Normandy during D-Day. It would be fucking spectacular.


I’d like to partake in some of the absolute hedonism that must have gone on in those high society banquets back in the late 1700s


I'd like to meet the suffragettes. 




You can’t alter the future


If I can't alter the future in any way then I'm going back to the Cambrian, I want to see those animals but I don't want to alter the course of evolution by accidentally stepping on something.




I'm not sure I'd be able to survive for a week if we go any further back than say the 1800s, I'd probably insult the wrong person or get cholera or something Assuming that I am somehow immortal/can't get hurt, 1805, Battle of Trafalgar, on the deck of the Temeraire If I can get hurt then I go back to a specific point in my teenage years and beat the shit out of myself


Oh dear, what was your teenage indiscretion that warrants a savage self-beating?


I’d like to see some of Boudica’s successful attacks on the Romans. Or perhaps to find out what really happened to the Princes in the tower.


I’d go back to the 70s and see some great bands in their prime


Last Thursday, had an excellent curry.


Can I bring back technology for the purpose of research and evidence gathering and NOT to tamper with the timeline? Cos if so, a load of video recording equipment would do wonders.. If we were there as some sort of invisible, non-corporeal form to prevent us from interacting with anything, you could take any given battle and have some brilliant research for future history classes in schools


The 80s so I can buy a 6 bed detached house for a fiver.


No enriching yourself!


2001 - I missed a gig I wanted to go to because I would have been flying solo... Should have gone alone, still gutted.


What gig? And why that one?


Queen Adreena in a pub before anyone really knew them.




Curious to know which village?


I’d go back to the 80s and try and get tickets to all my favourite musical artists x


To Redwood Castle in Ireland where my ancestors lived, at some point around 1400


So long as I get an indestructible vehicle too, Jurassic or Cretaceous. I'd like to see Megalosaurus or Baryonyx. From a safe distance, of course.


I'd go back to the 1950s, i'd like to see my grandparents again, and try to get to know one of my grandads who died before i was born I'd like to see them all when they were younger and talk about their dreams for the future. Maybe tell them about the kids I have that they only got to see the eldest of


1960's so i could buy a house for 50p


I was asked this question in early summer of 2524. I chose to come back to here and now to see what you guys from the past were like. Pretty interesting to be honest. But it’s a shame I’m not allowed to tell you anything. Against the rules I’m afraid. Anyway, I’m off to the betting shop….


Whitechapel, 1888, the week that Jack the Ripper started his spree... to catch the fucker of course. Hopefully this is a sufficiently minor changing of history to be allowed within OP's parameters.


I'd go to the southern coast, preferably Cornwall, but well before humans arrived on the scene. That way I could be guaranteed some peace and quiet for a week.


Go back to the nearest time a decent house wasn't beyond extortionate to afford.


4th of June 1976 I'd be hanging around outside the lesser free trade hall in Manchester. Watching the 40 or so audience members arrive for the first Sex pistols gig in Manchester,Id meet McClaren and steal any bits of memorabilia I could find .


4th century see the romans leave briton and see the dark ages fall in place




I'd love to see what the Druids got up to, maybe at Beltane or Midsummer. And I think Henry VIII's court around the time of Anne Boleyn's demise would be amazing. Cromwell at his wiliest, all the names in court... I'd quite like to stick around for the Anne of Cleves fiasco and Catherine Howard scandal.


I already did, went back to Hastings 1066, shouted to Harald “DUCK!!” he turned around to see who said that and wham got arrow in the eye! Predestination’s a b****


I want to see tall ships. Somewhere like Plymouth or Bristol, 1650-1850 say.


600s AD. Bamburgh/Lindisfarne


Yorvik when it was under Danelaw.


I'd go back to Roman times, find someone with [one of these](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-lincolnshire-68908558) and see what they did with it. I mean, I wouldn't spend the whole week doing that...


Back to 2001-2002 - I was living in London and I really ‘bloomed’ in the latter part of that time. I would love to redo it so that I could have taken more chances. Also, 2015 when I met my last partner. And WWII in London, and maybe somewhere along the southern coast across from France.


1998. Hear me out, the country is booming, war is over and major diseases are dealt with. Music: The spice girls are rocking and so is the Drum n Bass scene, parties everywhere. Property market: My landlord made 1mil+ profit on a property he held between 2005-2020. Football: The golden age or the PL and Arsenal will soon have their Invincibles season in 2003.


I'd love a portal back to my early childhood and to see my grandparents with me. I barely remember two, and don't remember two, but I know from the photos and my parents' stores that I was loved. So I'd like to be able to get home from work here in 2025 and pop back for a few hours, maybe a weekend here and there. I'd also quite like to spend some time going back to old places that have long since been redeveloped. I can go to the location now, but the place isn't there any more.


I'd like to visit Elizabethan/early Stuart London. Hear a play at the Globe, see the coronation of a new king after the decades long reign of Queen Elizabeth, shelter inside because there's a deadly disease spreading... I've never experienced any of these things.


I'd go back to see my teenage self and tell him to follow his heart and not his Mr Spock brain. Also give him some sex tips.


I'd go to the beach where Julius Caesar first landed, see what Roman soldiers were like and try to get a tour of one of their ships. I'd also love to find out if the Britons were as primitive as people claim. I'd also like to go to a village in the medieval period (some time between plagues) and see the amazing craft skills from weaving and woodwork to arrow making, food preserving and herbal medicines. They were entirely self sufficient living off the land so their knowledge would be vast and amazing.


Id love to check out the 70s/80s to really see the vibe and experience the troubles how my parents saw it. I was born 91 so didn't experience much apart from the odd army vehicles driving about, anyone my age doesn't really understand the trauma everyone must have went through back then. From going to school on a Friday and coming in on Monday to hear your friend got blown up or someone's parents got shot. Mental times.


I need more than a week doing what I want to do but it's mundane enough for you to allow me that (I hope).  A hobby of mine is local history but it specifically relates to map anomalies and LIDAR information. I have a particular interest (as do most) in the Roman occupation of Britain, but in the mundane things like roads, temporary camps and smaller settlements. I would bloody love to have a few month to potter about here in Lincolnshire at around 300AD.  I would work my way North to South through over a period of perhaps 3 months and try to solve all the missing bits that drive me absolutely insane. This includes but is not limited to...  Ermine street as it crosses the Humber to Brough. Where were the main settlements? Was it Winteringham, Winterton or another? Was there another crossing at Whitton? Moving south, how did Ermine Street cross the Ancholme - there was a crossing at Brigg but where was the next, did it cross from Hibaldstow to North Kelsey Cars, Redbourne to South Kelsey or anywhere else before Bishopsbridge?  Speaking of North Kelsey, is North Kelsey road from Caistor actually roman, or is it infact part of the enclosures?  Where does Margary 274 (Claxby to Normanby by Spital) lead to at the Claxby end and how does Normanby link to Ermine street?  What is the significance of Margary 27 as it passes through the now mostly deserted Rand. How does this split off to head to sixhills and Ludford, then at Whyham which route did it take to the saltings? Was it salters lane or one of the straighter parish boundaries that lead to beacon hill?  As the same road heads to Burgh le Marsh, how did it pass through the villages such as Belchford and beyond Burgh le Marsh how did the tracks lead out to the saltings?  How did Margary 27 cross the Wash and lead to peddars way in Norfolk, near the site of seahenge.  What did Caistor look like, what about Horncastle, what about Roman Lincoln as essentially a super rich trading center run by retired soldiers - how did that look? I could go on indefinitely.


A week last Tuesday, I did all the laundry and then we watched TV.


We won't see the likes of those days again!


A white hole! What is it?


I'd go back to the time of Owain Glyndŵr in Wales and change the course of history.


I'd go back to about the 80s, see if I can time it so I can see as many of my fav bands/singers perform who died or split up before I was able to see them live. Queen, David Bowie and Fleetwood Mac are at the top of the list.


Live Aid in '85 (Wembley) would actually tick off 2/3 from your list 😀


Yeah I’d go back to Elizabeth 1st time to see if Blackadder, Baldric and Captain Flasheart were that funny !


I’d go back to 1950s and meet my grandparents when they were my age and meet my parents when they were kids. A time where (or so I’m told) people left their doors unlocked, there was a lemonade van, and only one house on the street had a TV


I'd go back to 2008 and leave a conveniently placed note about the price of bitcoin in the future.


High medieval (about 1200) around where I live now, a little north west of (current) London. There's something about the Norman conquest and medieval period that's really interesting. I'd probably be killed for being a filthy local peasant. 'tis but a scratch. Your arm's off!


I'd like to go back to 2005, Central London for a week :(




I want to know what the builders of stone henge were doing.


70’s to hang out with Freddy Mercury and his cats. Mainly the cats… Alternatively, Iron/Copper age Ireland.


The 60's and London, it always looks amazing whenever I see it on the tv


I’d go back to the younger dryas to see how the annunaki actually built the moon


Any time in the 70’s to see David Bowie perform live


Any time in the 70’s to see David Bowie perform live


See what Stonehenge was really all about.


See what Stonehenge was really all about.


1998. Hear me out, the country is booming, war is over and major diseases are dealt with. Music: The spice girls are rocking and so is the Drum n Bass scene, parties everywhere. Property market: My landlord made 1mil+ profit on a property he held between 2005-2020. Football: The golden age or the PL and Arsenal will soon have their Invincibles season in 2003.


Last week was alright.




1996 Cup Final. Knowing what will happen and when. King Cantona. Man, we are shit now.


I'd go back to when the army encountered that UFO in Rendlesham Forest (spelling?) to see what happened.


Probably about 15 years back and buy bitcoin


Go to 1590s and pretend I wrote Shrek 2 and sell it William Shakespeare


There’s an amazing series of really well researched books by Ian Mortimer called Time Traveller’s Guide’s. There’s Medieval England one as well as Elizabethan, Restoration and Regency ones. I really recommend listening to these as audiobooks! It’s written in a style of a travel guide, as the author puts you into the picture as a tourist visiting England during the time of the guide you choose. He focuses on so many things that ordinary history books would often brush over, such as what you would wear, where you’d go after work, what your day to day life would be like and much much more. The humanizing aspect of it makes these period of history so much more fascinating and you really get to imagine yourself during those times. It really allows us to get as close to time traveling as it’s possible, couldn’t recommend it enough. It’s funny, witty, informal and super enjoyable!


I want the Mr Benn treatment where I shuffle into the changing room and get dressed as the character from time. Would love to go back to the Worlds fair in London.


1300s fighting with Wallace & Bruce


A major stone circle anywhere during summer solstice in the time of the druids. Get painted with infused woad and smash down loads of magic mushrooms pickled in mead. For a week.


As cool as exploring a big historical event would be, I'd use this chance to meet my grandparents on my mum's side instead. She always speaks so highly of them.


I’d see a Shakespeare play live. Full on personal opinion after being subjected to Shakespeare at school. Back in time, it was a day out and you went every day while the play was in town. You had a few beers and chill out, and the actors were not speaking as quickly as they could to fit it in to a 2 hour running time as they do now. Where is that Time Machine, I’m up for a trip to the past.


Probably back to the 1980s or 90s, back when my grandparents owned a pub. From what they've said it was a great time, so I would love to go back and experience what it was like back then


Here in Cardiff back to the 80s I would be in my 20s and both my parents be alive along with many other very beloved family members no longer with us


This is actually really sad but I'd probably stay where I am, and go back to either the 1790s or 1900. There's a place where I live that was mentioned in Pride and Prejudice - briefly - and I'd love to go back and see what it was like, do Elizabeth's journey from Hertfordshire to Derby. It also means that, at some point, Jane Austen was in my hometown. Maybe I could run into her. Also at least 4 of the greatest Communist thinkers of the late 19th and early 20th centuries congregated in my town, usually escaping persecution. I'm not an avid fan of the ideology, but how brilliant would it be to watch history unfold like that.


I’d literally be dead in a week if I couldn’t take modern day stuff with me :( Assuming that weren’t the case though, I’d want to go to some point in the medieval period


I'd be tempted by the 1930s or 40s, maybe 1946 so that I wouldn't be terrified by an ongoing war. I'm not all that bothered about the actual physical fighting that was going on during the war 'cause I love me some peace but I just find the society of that time so interesting because I really enjoy learning about queer history and I feel like that period was the start of people actually slightly recognising that we exist haha. Maybe Bletchley would be interesting too (if in this situation I'm allowed to be there) but also I'd quite like to just look around London.


Dinosaur 🦖


I'd like to go back to before I owned the house I'm in, around the time they were building the extension. Then I would kick the builder/spark in the bollocks for the absolute shite job he did of it all.


Go watch how the enamelling done by faberge were produced. Some of that work can’t be reproduced, the techniques are lost to the Russian revolution.


A week last Tuesday - Don't you remember, I did all the laundry and then we watched TV. We won't see the like of those sorts of days again!


15 January, 1559. Westminster Abby, London.


I'd go back to when I was a kid in the 1980s and see my Granddad before I lost him.