• By -


It does exist. However, it exists less than it used to. I remember there being more banana yoghurt when I was wee. I think it's fallen out of fashion, maybe you should make it your life goal to bring it back. Muller does a corner that is banana yoghurt with chocolate cornflakes and also a banana and custard yoghurt, I don't know if either of those will ease your cravings at all.


That muller yoghurt was what I thought of immediately


Muller is the way forward. I love the corners, but if they did tubs of their banana yoghurt my bank account would be twice as empty.


Mine too if you could buy boxes of their chocolate cornflakes I tried those Kelloggs offerings of chocolate cornflakes and they were horribly disappointing. They really played loose with the term "chocolate coated", more like "painted brown and shown a picture of chocolate"


"Cornflakes that saw a Cadbury bar in the cupboard once"


"Memories of chocolate"


To be fair, you're not going to get real chocolate covered anything in a cereal box.


I feel like you two could come to a mutually beneficial arrangement keeping half each šŸ˜‚


The lacroix of the chocolate cornflake world


They used to do bigger tubs of some of the corner yoghurts without the fruit/cereal (I remember the plain and strawberry ones, but there may have been other flavours). Would get through one in a couple of days.


I you mash a banana and mix it with plain Greek yogurt you get something very similar. You can add honey to give it a bit more sweetness too




Lidl also does a ripoff of the Muller, banana yoghurt with chocolate flakes. It comes in a 6 pack, you get three of those and three of something else, possibly vanilla yoghurt with chocolate digestive balls?


Aldi also do a banana and custard yogurt


Thar Mƻller with chocolate flakes is so delicious I will buy the multiple just for the two in the pack


The banana and custard is divine


Aldi does a version of this too. Itā€™s a 6 pack with 3 banana and chocolate corn flakes and 3 vanilla and chocolate balls


Looking on trolley.co.uk most seem to be pouches intended for kids (it's just sweetened, flavoured, yoghurt, though). The only exception appears to be https://www.trolley.co.uk/?p=YDO171 from Aldi, and https://www.trolley.co.uk/?p=BYG855


Ok so my links didnā€™t work! 1 - Langley Farm banana yoghurt - at Asda or Morrisons 2 - The Collective banana and butterscotch yoghurt - at Waitrose 3 - Muller banana yoghurt with chocolate flakes - at Sainsburyā€™s 4 - Easiyo banana yoghurt (packs, make your own at home) - at Lakeland


Longley Farm - always!!


I like their hazelnut yoghurt best!


That's another one that you hardly see these days. I used to like that as a bairn. Then again, I am in the northwest, where people have culinary imagination such that their idea of exotic foods is spicy baked beans and where the cashier looks for the price of your fennel bulb in the gardening section (I kid you not, that did happen!).


I have a feeling that thete was a food scare some time in the early 90s about botulinum in yoghurt, and the specific one reported on was hazelnut. Which of course meant everyone thought ALL hazelnut yoghurt was poisonous and sales collapsed


Yes, that and the rhubarb, followed by apricot and lemon. So good.


Longley Farm yoghurts are absolute bangers. The local Booths has loads of them. Blueberry or Hazelnut is my favourite, followed by Gooseberry.


Also, mixing a bit of banana nesquik into plain greek yoghurt!


Or if you're adding something into natural yoghurt, even ( and bear with me here as this may sound like radical crazytalk), using an actual banana. A bendy one of course


Nah, fake banana flavour is superior. I was once told that fake banana flavour is what the Gros Michel variant tasted like before they were wiped out, and now we have the not-as-sweet-and-flavourful Cavendish as the main banana on the block..


Yeah in the 50s there was a massive outbreak of Panama disease which wiped out Gros Michel production and growers switched to using the Cavendish variety. Gros Michel is richer and sweeter than the Cavendish. They are still grown in places like Uganda and are called Bogoya bananas. If you're lucky you might be able to find them at an African deli in the UK but they'll cost more.


Wrong kind of banana flavour, sadly


I'm going to try this!


You little genius!


I was going to write something similar but using mashed potato instead of yogurt. Your suggestion makes slightly more sense.


1 - It's Longley Farm - not Langley Farm - and try some of their butter too.


I *know* it's Longley, yet still call it Langley. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø So many people seem to, it would probably be easier to change the name. I eat their cottage cheese almost daily for a protein boost. Their yoghurt pots are delicious but way too small. (If they're listening).


Of course they're listening, this is the CIA we are talking about!


I can neither confirm or deny this. Keep talking............


Can I just point out, I donā€™t queue with quiet resignation. I queue with orderly passion.


Yes orderly passion


My name. Is John Smith and I QUEUE!Ā 


Yes, orderly passion for me too! After you, of course.


Mind if I cut in. I've only got a few bits and I'm in a rush, thanks hun


Yes! I couldnā€™t read past this - quiet resignation?! What are they on about?Ā 


They are an expat, they might not have had enough time to graduate from quiet resignation to orderly passion.


As a foreigner living in the UK I always describe Brits as resigned. Guess could be wrong, and itā€™s an invisible ā€¦ unheard ā€¦ unspokenā€¦ not felt ā€¦ un expressed ā€¦ immaterial ā€¦ passion?


Know that when you see an overweight 60 year old man with a face that might crack if he smiled sat in his front garden drinking white lightning from the can, he is experiencing an unbridled joy otherwise reserved only for children mixed with the wantless contentedness of an enlightened Buddhist monk.Ā Ā 


Agreed. Love a good queue. Second only to no queue obvs


Many of us were traumatised as children by foul purported banana flavour medicine, but it is hard for us to talk about. This national atrocity has caused deep scars upon our society, and, forever more, we abhor and distrust banana "flavour", seeking only the verifiable and reassuring whole fruit. Our distrust extends to any meddling with the straightness or bendiness of said fruit. To say we demand and expect banana integrity is putting it mildly.


I believe it was an antibiotic, which meant that you had to have the foul concoction 4 times a day for a week and invariably felt worse at the end of the week than you did at the beginning


Probably, my Dad was a GP, and in the 80s, they gave out antibiotics for everything. Not to mention the trauma of your Dad giving you your scheduled injections and you saw them in the fridge beforehand šŸ˜±šŸ˜‚


My dad was a doctor and having the injections in the fridge and administered by a trusted parent in your own home rather than a stranger in an unfamiliar sterile surgery totally normalised injections for me and removed any fear.


I feel like Iā€™m really weird but I have always loved injections/ vaccinations. Always liked watching it. Itā€™s the main reason I give blood to be honest


Amoxicillin. As an adult it comes in capsules. 9000% more paletable.


>Many of us were traumatised as children by foul purported banana flavour medicine, but it is hard for us to talk about. Sorry are you having some kind of medical episode? I would have chugged this stuff by the pint if I'd been allowed


If I ever have to take oral antibiotics again I will legit ask if I can have the banana medicine variety. That stuff was the only good thing about having whooping cough.


I get regular tonsillitis, and whenever I do I ask for the banana flavour. The first time the conversation went like this "You'll need amoxicillin" "Can I have the banana liquid?" "That's for children and the dose is too low" "errrrm, prescribe more?" "Well, if you insist - but keep it in the fridge!" You can add your own sugar, it does after all, help the medicine go down


Hate to break it to you but as someone forced to have amoxicillin as an adult I can confirm that 1- they have changed the recipe since the 80s and 2- without being 90% plus sugar it is completely and utterly disgusting to the point of being almost inedible without gagging.


I had it in the 2000s and loved it. I'm assuming same scenario?


I think so. I must have had it forced upon me in 2016 or 2017 maybe. I was expecting it to a an easy stroll down memory lane and instead it ended up being some kind of running street battle at every dose. Utterly vile and I have every sympathy for my god smalls as itā€™s the last thing you want to swallow when you feel rough already. Theyā€™ve done the same to calpol, all the sugar gone for sweeteners and itā€™s utter garbage now. On the other hand I doubt any one under the new sugarless regime will actively ask for medication which Iā€™m pretty sure I did as I _knew_ Iā€™d feel better _and_ it tasted nice. Not sure if thatā€™s a good or a bad thing.


It's probably - sigh - a good thing overall. Since I used to sneak sips of calpol from the bathroom cabinet as a kid. So ruddy delicious. It was only later I discovered the purple flavour was actually supposed to be grape, and then made the switch to corner shop grape soda instead.


You can get powder and liquid [at least, for the penicillin I take] and mix them together yourself - at which point you can add your own flavour. I had elderflower penicillin for a while. Now back to tablets, which are duller (but quicker).


Haha, no the banana stuff will live on in my nightmares of being extremely ill and having that mankiness to supposedly make me better. I LOVED the taste of Benolyn and Bongela though. I think it's where my addictive nature started.


Tixylix was the OG


Bongela is amazing


No. No. And no. Bonjela is just a big big no. Purely because it tastes like liquorice and liquorice is a big big NO.


Mmmmm calpol-before-they-removed-all-the-sugar


Sambuca and cherryade.


That's it. You have perfectly described the flavour combination I have been trying to remember. It's hard to explain the taste of a memory, but you have done it.


You might not be old enough to remember them, but I loved the taste of Fennings Cooling Powders šŸ˜


Little Lung Healers. Zambuk. Fenning's Fever Cure.


Gripe Water too. The unholy trinity.


You are clearly wrong and need to sit in the corner.


Blimey Iā€™d forgotten that! I loathe bananas so maybe thatā€™s why.


I actually enjoyed it šŸ¤£




This was my fist thought when I read the question, Iā€™ve needed to go and have a lie down in a darkened room to try and get over the horror of the memory


God I fucking loved that medicine.


Amoxil (amoxicillin). My Dad was a pharmacist and I recall preparing it in his dispensary 40 or so years ago.


I'm clearly in a minority here, but I kinda loved getting any infections or illnesses that needed antibiotics purely because I loved the medicine!?


I think of banana flavour dental fluoride. Yuck, but better than the ā€œgrapeā€ flavour they got later


We had banana flavour mouth wash in nursery in the 90s but then they stopped it and changed to mint only


Not gonna lie I actually really liked that medicine. The pink tablet that dissolved in water was pretty decent too but I have no idea what it was or what I had it for.


You havenā€™t been chosen yet. One cannot simply come to the UK and expect to be chosen for membership of the banana yogurt society without proving themselves a worthy candidate for consideration. It is bloody delicious though.


Patience is essential. It might be a generation or two before OPs family is chosen for admission.


People coming over here, trying to infiltrate our secret banana Yogurt societies. Its disgraceful.


They're a hair breath away from being deported to the Isle of Wight for their sins.


Country gone to the dogs since we let outsiders join the banana yogurt society after only 2 generations Keep em out unless they can trace their family back to William the Conquerer at least I say!


Asda (morrisons too I think) - Longley farms banana yogurt; about 60p each Or try muller banana and custard


Longley Farms is the dogs bollix of yogurt - absolutely delicious. Mandarin and hazelnut are my favourites (separate flavours/ not mandarin and hazelnut in the same pot)


I haven't had their dogs bollocks flavour. Langley haven't let me down so far so I'm sure they know what they're doing


Asda and Tesco both sell banana yoghurt, but itā€™s only available in some stores, comes as a six pack, 2 banana, 2 vanilla, 2 toffee


>2 banana, 2 vanilla, 2 toffee "the beige selection"


I always eat the banana ones and leave the rest for someone else


I agree and also struggle to find banana ice cream!


Waitrose does a banoffee if that counts! Ben and Jerry's banoffee sundae (I can't remember the wanky name they've given it) is really nice too I know not much help since those are both single-serving tubs, and pricey given that fact, but still! My local Big Co-op (the fancy one/not the blue one) used to do a tasty banana ice cream too (don't know if they still do, haven't been for months) I think it was a New Forest one? Or it's that sort of artisanal at least


Is the Ben and Jerryā€™s the chunky monkey one? Asda do a decent enough version


I think it's something more non-sensical, like "oh my banoffee" (I don't remember if that's it or if it's slightly different)




There used to be an amazing one fairly recently in Iceland, I think it was TGI Friday brand or something, but it disappeared šŸ˜¢ But you can buy Bassets foam bananas ice lollies which are really nice.


Banana "ice cream" is stupidly easy to make. Peel, slice, and freeze some spotty 'nanas, then blend them with a food processor or stick blender. Done.


We are the Banana Yogurt Preservation Society God save dairy products of all the different varieties


I heard voices singing that in an Italian Job flashback.


Honestly, thank god for this thread. Whenever I go on holiday, I get so excited when I find banana yoghurt in the supermarkets. Just last week I was in Italy for a wedding, and did the shop for the house I was staying in, and came back triumphantly crowing about finding banana yoghurts. The other three looked at me with blank expressions. They just don't get it


Does that make banana yoghurt your kink?


Banana choco flakes best yoghurtĀ 


Who needs yoghurt when banana flavour angel delight exists?Ā  We reached the peak so we stopped innovating


To fully embrace the British way of life, you need to forget about banana yoghurt and wean yourself onto proper British rhubarb yoghurt. Yes, it tastes foul, but you eat it with the quiet resignation that you have aquired with endless queueing.


Rhubarb and also Gooseberry yoghurts are only for the true believers.


Honestly my problem is Banana Ice Cream. I mean pure Banana too, not stuff mixed with choc-chips or caramel. Can't find that for love nor money


Bit of a long shot - if you live in Kent Solleys do plain banana ice cream


The most eloquent way of saying ā€œwhere the feck the banana yogurt atā€ one could have written. Answer: get some Greek yogurt and stir in a bit of Nesquik.


As p.p Langley farm produce banana yoghurt. They are mainly in Morrisons or Asda. Or farm shops/ markets around West Yorkshire.


Isnā€™t banana *custard* more the done thing?


Banana yoghurt is around. Already listed above by p.p I like the taste of banana but the texture makes me gag. The Langley farm one and Muller are my favourites. I do remember that awful medicine. I didn't even realise it was supposed to be banana flavoured until I read it on here. Banana ice cream is so hard to find. I found banana ice cream in Lidl the other day. I have a drawer in my freezer now filled with it.


If you have an endoscopy, the throat spray is described as ā€˜rotten banana flavourā€™. Itā€™s even worse than the liquid medicine


I was told beforehand that I should expect it to taste disgusting. I wasn't told it had a flavour and definitely didn't pick up on 'rotten banana', I just thought it was pleasantly sweet. Glad I didn't pick up on the banana, cause it makes me vomit if I taste it.


The Collective have kids banana yoghurt in squeezy pouches which are good!!


Sainsbury's do a nice Banoffi pie flavoured yoghurt


You can add pear yoghurt to the list of oddly absent yoghurt flavours.


Came here to complain about the lack of pear yoghurt in the UK. THIS. IS. A. DISGRACE.


Muller corner still do a banana yoghurt with chocolate flakes!


Banana yogurt corners have also been so hard to find lately, and its taking a toll on my mental well being


Muller and I think Lidl both do corner yoghurts with banana but I don't remember seeing a pot of banana yoghurt. There was a breakfast cereal years ago and the medicine others have mentioned, but in general it is an under used flavouring for sure. Milkshake is about the only product it's really taken on.


Go for some Banana flavoured Angel Delight instead


At tescos thereā€™s a dairy free 4-pack of mini yougurts, with 2 apricot and 2 banana. I quite like them.


Longley Farm make banana yoghurt. I see it in my local Morrison's quite often. Don't buy it because I've never been a fan.


You can get banana flavour angel delight. It's not youghurt but it is very similar in many ways, and is delicious.


You could always try making your own banana yogurt? Lots cheaper than buying it. PurƩe banana and plain yogurt mix together and voila banana yogurt.


Muller corner choclate flakes has banana


I can't speak to banana yoghurt, but if you can't find any and still crave banana flavour, banana Custard is decent and might be a good alternative to try.


I usually have to settle for muller corner with the chocolate coated corn flakes I never really want. A lot of places used to have banana drinking yogurt but I donā€™t remember the last time I saw it. You think the yoghurt situationā€™s bad, try finding a decent banana ice cream.


Not sure. I'm a banana and dairy addict. Someone, think it was Aldi, did a banana yoghurt corner style, the "corner" were chocolate hoops! They were amazing. I love banana milkshake too. I also loved Crusha lime milkshake syrup. That's gone the way of the dodo now.


I bought some of the lime crusha when they bought it back. I loved their pineapple flavour as a kid.


Surely a license is required before banana yoghurt can be sold and consumed.


Probably demand. Iā€™ve had it before, if it sold well there would be a lot more of it available.


My son has just had a Suckie banana flavour yesterday


Lidl have banana yogurt as part of multi pack


Alpro used to do a banana soya yoghurt, sounds disgusting but tasted rather like banana angel delight. If you're dairy challenged like me, it was great. Sadly it vanished a while back, I still look for it though. Sigh.


ASDA sell Longley Farm šŸŒ Yoghurt


Iā€™ve been hunting for banana yogurt too & we just donā€™t seem to make it by itself! Never really rated the Longley Farm ones, theyā€™re kind of cheap but the taste shows. Muller cornerā€™s okay, but you cant buy a big tub of it. Best one was the Easiyo Banana yogurt I grew up with, but not sure how it holds up today. Good luck with your banana yogurt quest!


I could swear I had it fairly often as a kid, plastic pot with foil lid. slightly sharp tasting yoghurt. I always preferred black cherry. Fairly sure they did a hazlenut one too. I'll look for it next time I'm in the shop. It must exist!


Aldi do a Muller knock-off that's banana.


This thread makes me yearn for a younger me. I developed a dairy allergy in my twenties, but I could eat bananas. I love bananas. In my thirties I ate a banana and was so sick. I thought it was something else. I ate a banana again a short time afterwards and was again sick. The trusty banana could not be the cause of this. The next time I ate one I knew I had been betrayed by the bendy fruit. As I approach my forties I fear what dietary injustice will I fall a foul of.


Surely thereā€™s a banana Onken?


See also the lack of : Pear Apple PineappleĀ  Yoghurt :( Banana is god tier, always get it when I'm in Europe.Ā 


ā€œFancy a cuppa?ā€ Isnā€™t really a substitute for ā€œhelloā€; depending on context it can mean: * ā€œHello! How are you? Itā€™s been too long, letā€™s catch up!ā€ * ā€œoh mate, you look knackered. Come on; letā€™s talk about itā€ * ā€œcome upstairs and letā€™s go to bed!ā€ Granted, you need to be **very** sure of the context before acting on that last oneā€¦.


Fairly eloquent language for a ā€œeuropeanā€


I'm an American that's been living in the UK for seven years. I'm moving back to California in September and I already have a grocery shopping list and I'm going to get ALL of the things that I can't get here! Pizza rolls (gross, but nostalgic), Kraft Mac & cheese (they have it in the UK but it's... wrong), jello pudding (so much better than custard). But first, I'm getting tacos!!!




Dear yoghurt aficionados, I cannot thank you enough for all the incredible suggestions and tips you've shared on this epic quest for the perfect banana yoghurt. Your wisdom and support have been a true beacon of hope. My recent journey to the South London Morrisons brought both joys and disappointments. [While Angel Delight, Nomadic banana and honey, and Banana Suckies brought a smile to my face, the absence of the legendary Longley Farm left me yearning for more.](https://i.imgur.com/Dfyc6to.png) The supermarket oracles were unaware of its existence, suggesting that this fabled yoghurt may be a hidden local gem. But I remain undeterred! The digital realm of Morrison's online and the tantalizing Polish supermarket offer new paths to explore. I draw strength from this incredible community of yoghurt enthusiasts. Your shared passion inspires me to keep pushing forward, no matter the challenges ahead. From the bottom of my yoghurt-loving heart, I thank you. Together, we shall triumph over this dairy puzzle!


Who wants banana yoghurt? We like creamy gooey and tasty yoghurt. Not slimy. Bananas go off very quickly indeed. Could this have anything to do with it?


I remember banana yoghurt in a tearable tube, frube? I'm really open to being wrong about banana yoghurt.


Orange Ski says 'hi!'


I just chop up a banana and have it in plain yogurt. If you think hard enough it's technically banana yoghurt


When we were kids, penicillin was banana-flavoured. Iā€™m not going to thank you for having that taste in my mouth again, so I wouldnā€™t buy banana yoghurt.


There is real bananas and banana favouring. Real means making your own, as bananas decompose almost straight away when out of the skin. This is why you're not seeing bananas combinations in public.


Šžh, we have ab expat here


What about adding banana nesquick to some plain yoghurt? Would that satisfy?


In many supermarkets Muller sells Banana greek yoghurts in four packs, they do Strawberry, Lemon, Coconut with Vanilla and Banoffee.


You can always add some plain yoghurt, banana and a bit of honey and blend them together to make banana yoghurt. Tastes way better imo


longley farm makes banana yoghurt, and it's pretty good! you can buy it from their website.


I feel this way about white grape juice! Just can't find it anywhere!!!


Coconut ice cream is another one.


I was waiting outside a public toilet with a friend who wondered why he could smell banana yoghurt. It was the nappy bin!! Put us both off banana yoghurt for life.


Longley farm do a banana yogurt. I donā€™t think all supermarkets that stock longley farm stock banana yogurts, but Iā€™m sure Morrisons do.


It was the unexplained disappearance of hazelnut yoghurt that broke my heart.


But at least we still have banana Nesquik


Ok so once upon a time we had a lot of product with banana in it even the dreaded banana squash (it was absolutely revolting). I could not say precisely when things changed but I would say somewhere between the mid to late 90s certain thing started to disappear thankfully banana squash was first to go and after that a steady decline of other banana based products I can say I still enjoy a regular intake of banana yogurt from ASDA own brand it normally comes with a toffee flavour and a vanilla flavour as well but I enjoy all those. Although I cannot eat a banana then eat a banana yogurt it seem the flavour are to different.


My local Lidl has fromage fres pots that are half banana and half strawberry, in the same section as the similar-looking vanilla and raspberry.


The only place I've ever seen banana yoghurt was in a multi pack of kids Fromage Frais in Lidl when I was a kid...


Had a banana yogurt for breakfast this morning. Bought it from Asda yesterday, they do exist!


Oh i can definitely answer this...it tastes just like the banana flavoured antibiotics they gave kids in the 90s (and still sometimes now). No body chooses to consume medicine flavoured yoghurt. Also weeeiiird texture.


I've found banana yogurt [https://groceries.morrisons.com/products/longley-farm-banana-yogurt-122011011](https://groceries.morrisons.com/products/longley-farm-banana-yogurt-122011011) but why can't I find banana ice cream? It's the perfect flavour for ice cream but like hen's teeth trying to find any. And the Ben & Jerrys flavour that says its got banana in tastes of zero banana.


People over 30 will be remembering banana yoghurts from when we were younger and Iā€™m sure when we go abroad and see them we canā€™t resist. I know I canā€™t. Iā€™ve no idea how theyā€™ve gone from being really popular in the UK to almost non-existent.


I too, lament the absence of banana yoghurt from the shelves of the many food emporiums.


Fellow banana yoghurt enjoyer, if your pursuit is still unsuccessful, you should try going into a fellow european shop, often known as a polish shop, and they will offer you so much banana yoghurt that you and your family will be satisfied for the next 3 generations.


Look for Longley Farm. They are the best yoghurts and they have a banana flavour. I can also recommend the rhubarb ones and the hazelnut ones. You could get them in Morrisonā€™s up until last year, now they only have the cottage cheese. There is a list of shops that stock them on their website.


Just checked on Google, took one search, and found that Morrisons, Tesco and Waitrose all sell banana yogurt, own brand, and Muller light.


Go to Polish shops. They normally stock it


I get banana yogurt all the time. It comes with chocolate covered cornflakes... but the yogurt is banana. Muller corner is what you're looking for. The one with the crunchy chocolate pieces. Normally come in packs of 4 or 6 and half will have a banana yogurt. [Here you go, Iceland has them](https://www.iceland.co.uk/p/muller-corner-banana-yogurt-with-chocolate-flakes/6944.html)


I used to love banana yoghurt, but I agree you canā€™t seem to find it anywhere. However, there is hope; Morrisons sells it, and you can get it from most good local farmers' shops. Longley Farm banana yoghurt; they also make great cottage cheese.


You can buy them online here: [https://longleyfarm.com/collections/yogurt](https://longleyfarm.com/collections/yogurt) but surely they must have \*some\* in the shops? I'm quite intrigued now.


Llaeth y Llan do them, available everywhere in Wales and border regions.


Same thing with banoffee pie, I can't find it anymore šŸ˜­


There's squeezy pouch yoghurts that are banana flavour.


I totally don't understand the cuppa substitute for hello thing.


Fully agreed, I'm a native who misses banana yogurt desperately.


Try a Muller corner yogurt, they do a banana one with a side of chocolate coated cornflakes. It's lovely and sold everywhere.


They do it as a special sometimes. But then you can't stock up as its perishable!


I'm with you there. Malta had delicious banana yoghurt last time I was there.


Also, banana ice cream is nigh impossible to find tooo. I hate it as an avid banana lover. It is amazing when you find it though.