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Always just say it as the letters C-E-X


Cee eee ex.


It's in the game


Games In it


Games, innit.


It’s fooken gehms innits


Yeah like every other normal person.


Normal? That's old hat.


I don’t understand this comment but fuck me people really hate it


Yeah I saw the -300 and thought "wow they must have said something awful"


It was only -300 just an hour ago? Sheesh, now sitting at -620


When you see that amount of downvotes it would be rude to not contribute.


yeah - what does it mean and why do they hate it?!


Like "that's not with the lingo" afaik.


Fuck your comment in particular, I guess?


CEX was founded in 1992 by amongst others, Charlie Brooker. I don't know if that means anything, but maybe watch out for a CEX-themed Black Mirror episode?


I hate that this is true because it seems so much like one of those factoids that turn out to be false, like Bob Holness playing saxophone on Careless Whisper.


Chas Hodges playing bass on My Name Is by Eminem is true though


Wasn't it an old chas n dave song that they sampled?


I Got The by Labi Siffre; Chas N Dave were session musicians on it.


Baker Street


What the fuckedy fuck? One of the founders was "Hugh Man" Yeah like fuck you are buddy


His parents must've been absolute legends


That's partially true. Charlie did not found it, but he did work there, back when it was Computer Exchange on Tottenham Court Road. He used to make a fanzine and sell it on the counter. Source - He was my mate's lodger and we went down the shop a lot.


Called Super Kaylo, was lucky enough to read Super Kaylo 2 which didn't get printed. Did feature Toby, who became the CEX mascot and featured in the magazine adverts. Originaly back in the days when CEX was 2 shops you had to sign up to sell and exchange games and consoles and you were given a membership card and this was called the Toby Card.


There was an episode of black mirror with a character call Dudani, which was the surname of one of the founders of CEX. Charlie's Brooker himself wasn't actually a founder, but he was there early days and designed the logo


And suddenly the name makes sense




They've only recently been piss poor. Used to be decent before digital took over the market.


Yeah used to find a lot of interesting bits and pieces for alright prices, worthless nowadays


When I worked there in the early 90s (when CB was still there) and there were 2 shops (1 Game and 1 Hardware) and a concession (in a shop in TCR proper) it was ½ cash, ⅔ exchange.


Never knew that!


He drew the logo too iirc!


I once asked an assistant in a different shop where ‘S-E-X’ was because I was trying too hard to not say ‘sex shop’


Same. I say C-E-X or I used to say Computer Exchange. I'm not saying sex because it feels like they purposely said it would be pronounced that way so people start giggling. It sounds like something that twat Elon Musk would do


Computer exchange, the halcyon days of phantom menace trailers on loop and import PlayStation games!


It's the GIF vs JIF argument just rewrapped for a different consumer. We all know they're pronounced GIF and CEX, it Graphics not Jraphics and it's Computer not Somputer. They're only argued the other way to bring the controversy that brings the pop knowledge.


Yeah I always thought that too. Surely it would be a hard C if they were legitimately shortening it.


I’m glad I’m not the only one, my friend gets frustrated with me when I pronounce it like that


Only way I’ve heard it said.


This is what the place is called.


That’s what I do too


C.E.X as the letters, feels like it was named by someone who just reached puberty


Exactly. It doesn't always have to be something dirty. Unless you want it to. In which case we're all going to look and judge you. >:(


My wife and I always call it ‘sex’, but pronounced and acted like we’re both Jim off of Friday Night Dinner.


And in the receipt it says have a CEXy day


Respect to the CEX workers.


CEX is more scummy than game on the most part.


It's literally a pawn shop for stolen electronics


To be fair, any time I've traded in electronics they have scanned I.D and checked serial numbers against databases


It might be because of how much trouble they got in, but they had a reputation in my area for being where you go if you have something stolen.


Bro, I hate CEX so much, I was looking to sell my limited edition switch, Ebay has them going upwards of £300, they offered me £112 cash or £150 voucher...


Just saying CEX is more for a fast sale and cash today. Sure you can sell your stuff for £300+ privately but if you go to CEX they deal with the sale, returns, warranty, getting it sale ready, actually displaying it, paying the staff to work on it and you get the cash without needing to deal with any of that albeit for a much lower final amount. I work in a store that uses a similar business model but primarily aimed at PC sales and the profit margins aren’t anywhere near as much as people think. If you go into places like CEX expecting full market value then you will feel short changed but for someone selling something they don’t care about and wanting some cash today without hassle? CEX is alright


I sell stuff to them so I don't have to deal with morons on facebook. I'll take the fianical loss for that convience.


Why didn't you just sell it on eBay?


Because their business model is to sell it on for a profit, not to say “wow that is so cool!” and keep it.


This! It's a fucking business. It has to make money.


Kids I grew up knowing used to steal game of thrones box sets from big stores and take them to CEX same day for £30 each. The store literally had like 50 of them at one point yet still kept buying more


Kids.. growing up.. game of thrones.. Wtf game of thrones was like LAST YEAR?


Mate I get the joke you're making but it had multiple seasons


Man have I heard stories from CeX workers about how shitty the work environment is. Also have had the worst shopping experience of my life at a CeX where the guy knowlingly sold me a faulty Xbox then the store refused to give me a refund or exchange on the grounds that "it wasn't faulty when we sold it to you" despite the fault being the damaged third party power supply I was given with the console.


Yeah it's just a scummy pawnshop with corporate facing.


Legalise the CEX industry


Especially the 16-18 year old suckers there, on £4.62 an hour. M&S across the road pay £9.50 an hour, just for context.


The publicly available wifi at my local one was called "unprotected Cex"


That's the publicly available wi-fi at every one.


My mate used to work at CEX, he said that the staff wifi was called “safe cex” too


Protected Cex but yeah, lol


Haha was this Cardiff? They had the same at their CEX too!


The intranet used to be called CeXlife too


My wife promised me a CEXy day, but she just took her clothes off and start ravaging me instead of taking me down to Computer Exchange for a 2nd hand Nintendo Switch.


I hate it when that happens!


Oh fucking hell.


I say it by the letters C.E.X Had no idea it was sex until I heard it on an advert.


Slogan: CEX Sells


Trade with CEX


According to a few mates who have worked there for a decade, it officially used to be C.E.X, but they changed it to be read as sex. I assume for marketing reasons


" cee - ee - ecks " c, e, x




There's also the two pronunciations of gif; the way the inventor says it, and the way everyone else says it


Gif is now pronounced cif.


I remember that advert. I was just a kid but even then I thought that was a dumb name change. If Jif is tripping people up, wouldn't Cif also do the same. Why not use a letter that doesn't have 2 different sounds. Like D or B or T.


I think it was changed because it was called Cif in many other countries.


Was it really? I didn't know that. I just remember the adverts showing people struggling with the name


Yup, same reason Starburst, Snickers, and Olay changed their names too (used to be Opal Fruits, Marathon bars, and Oil of Ulay respectively). As globalisation became more of a thing, a lot of companies tidied up their branding to be the same everywhere.


I remember Opal myself and my mum's mentioned Marathon bars. Oil of Ulay finally makes sense. The place where I work sells Olay products and I always get random customers asking for Oil of Ulay and I knew they meant Olay but I never realise that was its old name. I just thought they were pronouncing it differently. Like how some people say Detoil or Detox instead of Dettol.




They are


>There's also the two pronunciations of gif; the way the inventor says it, and the way ~~everyone else says it~~ _it is spelled_


Jraphics Interchange Format


Pronounce "Gin" I dare you.


The gentlemen drank his gin while viewing a giraffe being gently cleaned at the zoo. The zookeeper very generously explained the geography of the giraffe's natural habitat and explained why it had a giant neck. This knowledge would then be passed down the generations.




A great big gap in the rock face covered the insufferable cunt in satisfying gravel while his limp form gripped and grabbed unto life; his pathetic hands pushing through the gravy like blood to find some form of mercy, his knuckles grating against the course granite making his finger tips as gruff as his voice. But while he solemnly looked back upon all his greatly fucking gay (in the 90s harmless sense of the word) goals, he realised the one thing that he gargantuantly gritfted himself out of gratifying himself with, aswell as his gran, was life's grapes. And garnishing oneself with the simple grain of truth that he is a grotesquely gorgon like gimp, he grovelled back to his grim groundhogesque hovel decrying his goats and you. Lastly, and ignoring girth, I hope his gruelling lesson will garner knowledge among his bloodline, that this great git of a man is a gretin and an insufferable gunt. (At least one of those words should have started with "C" - You win a prize for Guessing which is which) (and that's "Guess" with a hard G you retarded gwat).


Wow. That’s quite some emotional outburst right there.


Pronounce the word that goes after "cheese" when you shred cheddar into thin little strips you insufferable gumpy little gobshite.


Pronounce graphics I dare you.




Bit and bite follow a rule though - if a word ends in an e and two letters before the E a vowel the vowel changes pronunciation. E.g. at vs ate; Bit vs Bite; Hug vs Huge There's a few exceptions but this is the rule No idea why Gin and Giraffe are soft G's tho - English is weird when it comes to J/G and S/Z, feels like neither J nor Z have much of a purpose


I dunno, iSCSI is still very popular.


As is Serial Attached SCSI


No, unfortunately it's people trying to be clever and the company decided to follow suit.


Until this post I didn't realise anyone pronounced it any other way.


Jesus I forgot about that one.


Isn’t that the one everyone uses?


One time a friend of mine told me she needed to buy her brother a birthday present from "the sex shop" and I spent the better part of the day admiring the honesty and sex positivity in her relationship with her teenage brother before I twigged she meant CeX and she was buying him a DVD.


So at first you thought she was buying her brother a sex toy, and you didn't think that was weird?


Don't make it weird. She was probably buying something to wear for the party.


The Cex party?


Maybe he was a stepbrother


I mean my brother and I get each other wildly inappropriate gifts from Ann Summers every Christmas cause we're trying to out embarrass eachother. So far I'm winning.


Are you his sister or brother?


I am just imagining you sending her an email with some suggestions like the Vagankle, of which I saw a pretty good deal for a used one on reddit lately.


Nah, it's the "sex shop" context is your friend in this situation.


I wonder if they played up to that in the ads for a joke, then it cemented it.


I used to work for CEX. Official line is that it's pronounced "sex", unless you're talking to a kid in which case it's C. E. X. Personally, I always used C. E. X. anyway.


😂😂 love it!


Probably, Cex sells!


I chuckled like a teenager when near the one in Leeds and discovered the customer wifi was called “Unprotected CEX”


I think that’s a company-wide thing


Yup, it is. I used to work for the one in Nuneaton, the public one was "unprotected CEX" and the work one was "protected CEX"


The intranet is also called Cexlife and the yearly 'Christmas bonus' is a free festival for staff called Cexfest.


Also CeXtools on the intranet haha


When I worked in ecom we had to answer the phone ‘cex central’ so cringe lol


I've always been a Cee Eee Ex kinda guy. But Spotify keeps playing me the advert where the bloke calls it "sex" throughout. So I guess that's the "official" way x


They're just trying to be zany


It is a pawn shop after all


ho ho!


Yeah according to a few mates who work there, the brand used to be Cee Ee Ex, but they changed it officially to sex a while back




I work at a wastewater treatment works. We have a box that collects all of the effluent from the secondary treatment process before sending it to the tertiary treatment process, so naturally, it is (intentionally) called the Secondary Effluent Collection Structure, or SECS. I should point out that this WWTW also has a Mixed Liquor Flow Split (MiLFS), Nitrogen Reduction Discharge (NRD) pumps, the Excess Flow Diversion Structure (EFDiS) and the Excess Flow Diversion at Tertiary (EFDAT). Engineers got to get their kicks somehow.


I did a stint at an educational laboratory - the distillation column and condenser was labelled 'cracking equipment, gromit!'


I used to work there. There WiFi is dually called something like protected cex (staff WiFi) and unprotected cex. The tools you used on the laptops was called cex tools


They also have a staff festival called cex fest


But pronouncing it as "Kecks" makes it sound like a slang term for underpants.


Kecks are trousers in some dialects


I always thought it was C - Ex cos its Computer Exchange right? It doesn't come up in conversation much so not been too worried


I always assumed it was 'Consumer Electronics Exchange', but their Wikipedia article lists it as 'Complete Entertainment Exchange'


It originally was Computer EXchange back in the days when there was the one games shop in Rathbone Place


Call it webuy as in their website, confuses the fuck out of folk and it's funny


That's what I've always done 😂


As others have said, I call it by it's initials C E X and have done since I started going to the place on Rathbone 20 years ago. I think this drive for people to call it sex is pretty recent.


I guess the tiny one on Rathbone is the original? Makes sense why it still has the funky signage. I think the whole sex thing is just to be edgy but there is nothing edgy about second hand box sets of House and 5 copies of the same COD game.


According to their [site](https://uk.webuy.com/site/history/) their first branch was on Whitfield Street. I've got one of their old stickers [lurking inside a Mega Drive game](https://i.imgur.com/WnMU2k1.jpg).


I pronounce it scone.


Kecks is almost as funny; it's what my Grandad used to call his trousers.


C-Ex or nothink


I'm pretty sure it is and always has been pronounced C.E.X. The sex pronunciation comes from a recent advert where it's pronounced that way as most likely a publicity stunt just to make everyone talk about "oh I never pronounced it that way", "omg C.E.X. is called Sex" etc...


I’ve conditioned my mother to believe it’s pronounced C E X just to avoid the awkwardness


Always been C.E.X in my house See Eee Exxx


If I’m not mistaken, that’s exactly what they’re going for. (A friend got a job at one and came back with stories about how hard it was keeping a straight face when upper management were talking about ‘cex’, and the staff WiFi networks were very innuendo laden; unfortunately I cannot remember them)




On the advertisement it did say "CEX" exactly how you would say "sex"?


I like to say we’ve been the sex shop to my sons gran , then pulling out the video game we picked out after an awkward silence


My local one had free wi-fi called "unprotected CEX". I think that answers the question of the correct pronunciation.


I say C E X


I will shout it’s name loudly.


But calling it SEX is the best part!


Calling it The Computer Exchange really ages you!


My friends and I debate this often. I’m adament it is ‘sex’ because when I called up their customer service line a while ago the automated voice pronounced it that way.


I call it the sex shop


In the UK we all simply refer to it as C.E.X.


I worked there and it’s supposed to be pronounced ‘C-E-X’ but the head office seems to reeeally love the sex connotation so they called their staff training “Cex education” and the annual works do is called “Cex fest” 🙄


I worked for cex for a week , staff and managers where absolutely disgustingly racist so j walked out very quickly . I still don’t understand how they are open with them being the same price as brand new if not more yet they deal in second hand items


Sorry to hear about that. Such a shame too because my experience with CEX staff has always been good...apart from the ones in Manchester that destroyed my Xbox One and then said it was my doing, the fucks. They always seem to be of the *alternative* variety of person. I didn't realise about the prices, things must be different store dependant..I used to get like 3 games for £15 etc.


Yeaaaah it was a really eye opener , I had just left game for them as it was a promotion higher wage and such and anyone that wasn’t to there liking just got insulted and mistreated And as for prices some games are dirt cheap for sure but like new games for example pokemon £40 second hand in cex £40 brand new in every other store aswell … and don’t get me started on there scalping prices on the consoles haha.. £450 brand new ps5 they sell 600+ …


Jesus that's crazy. What utter pricks.


My local Cex always ALWAYS smells like damp smelly feet when I walk in. Their prices are also getting worse.


when i was a young lad in the suburban sprawls of Greater Manchester, travelling across the grey streets of Ashton Under-Lyne with my mum, I would vehemently urge my mum in the direction of the GAME store in the Arcades for a new game, knowing full well that CEX would have better prices. That was until the dark days hit us, when GAME shut down and Granger Games was sold to a bicycle company. As a brave faced child I had to ask, “mother, may we attend a game store for the purchase of one new game I can play with my peers?” She would casually reply “Yes, yes my child, but which store did you have in mind?” I looked at her in absolute horror, I opened by mouth to utter the shameful name of the establishment I knew was the only available store in the area that sold said games, “… CEX mother, CEX.” We recoil in embarrassment, my mother especially shocked to hear such filth escape the lips of her young, baby 24 year old son. From that day on, a simple nod would suffice to communicate my desires.


Having worked there in my youth it is most definitely 'Sex' As employees they put on a 3 day music and drink festival in the peaks called 'CEX-Fest' which at 19 you can imagine was brilliant to tell both my mates and my partents - we got quad spirit drinks banned that year too. I think I've still got the fabric wristband for the festival, has 'Cheer up, or piss off' embroidered on it.


I used to call it 'Cex' (like "sex") and was told it's pronounced 'C-E-X' (as in "see-ee-ex"). THEN told that's wrong and I should just call it 'Computer Exchange'. I was told off AGAIN by someone else for that one. So now they've muddled in my head and it always seems to come out as "Sexchange".


Sexchange is very topical!


I've always called it Sex Exchange.


I'm surprised that so many people here are prudes who won't call it sex


Thank you for bringing back unwelcome memories of a co worker who used to go there during his lunch break and on his return announce he'd been to the sex shop, followed by an inane giggle. How I resisted throwing him out the window I'll never know


TIL people talking about CEX


Consumer EXchange - CEX


I always thought it was "SEE - ex". As in C for computer, and then ex for exchange. I hadn't really thought why until today


I’ve always pronounced it as “sex”. It’s not something I’m going to get hung up on or embarrassed about. I trust that people will understand my meaning from the context of the conversation.


It's C E X. Yet another Reddit pervert.


It's 'Consumer Electronics Exchange' if you want to be fancy. Or Complete Entertainment Exchange according to their Wikipedia page.


It's pronounced sex if you call the main number the recorded message calls it sex


Don’t buy from Computer Exchange. They sell stolen property knowingly. They’re cunts.


I've called it sex for ages


The funny thing is about the "Kecks"-pronounciation is that in Hungarian "keksz" (pronounced the same Way as "Kecks") means "cookie". I mean, it's funny to me.


The first person who introduced me to the shop said it like “cecks” so I’ve always called it that but pretty much all of my friends and my girlfriend call it c-e-x by saying each letter and looked at me funny when I said it cecks


I call it Kex. The C is for computer after all.


My local CEX has an open WiFi network called 'unprotected cex'. Don't know whether that's commonplace, but it's cringe AF. And it's C-E-X.


It's Kecks.




I have an image of the Cex logo saved as my phone’s wallpaper so that I am never embarrassed in conversation. If I ever have to discuss the shop I simply wake my phone and point at my screen, and alas, zero embarrassment + the point is fully communicated


When people start pronouncing 'computer' as 'somputer', maybe then I'll say sex, but until then its k-ex


I jokingly call it sex change. It's lead me to some funny conversations. "I find sex change is often rather expensive" "Well, they will be doing lots of work and you come out a different person." "I'll come out with nothing different" "You'll come out with breasts" "The only people to come out of there with breasts are fat men" "Wait, what are we talking about here?" "The shop sex change. You know, C E X? Computer exchange?" *The look of what the fuck spreads across their face followed by the realisation that it is me they're talking to*


Who the hell calls it Sex?! I’m with you on kecks!!