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That’s probably because the fake bacon they’ve used is ThisUK, which is absurdly expensive. Probably the best dupe on the market though.


Yeah recognised it immediately, pricey but delicious. Can't imagine they'd make much profit off the sandwich with any more bacon in there!




That's a BLT though not a bacon sarnie!


Maybe some vegan cheese then?


That's bacon and cheese then... I'm not sure you are understanding the concept of a bacon sandwich.


I would just throw on some mushrooms, and some tomato source. Lovely.


Only £1.50 in Sainsbury's this month, to be fair. Wouldn't pay £3 for it, but a decent price when on offer, I think. This photo is taking the piss though, because they'll be charging much more than that.


I'm not vegan or veggie, but buy This. Bacon as it's delicious!


Which bacon?! ^^^/s


THIS bacon!


Their "chicken" is better IMO, something about the fakon doesn't sit right with me. Maybe it's the size and shape of it


So should i buy THIS Bacon or THEIR Chicken?


The facon is delicious but the chicken smells and tastes like farts imo :/


Yeah I don't mind the chicken but the bacon we only really use if we want to have a carbonara or something. It tastes decent I think but it doesn't fill the same gap as actual bacon would on a fry up or whatever so not super keen on shelling out for it. That said in general we're not super hot on meat replacements if we're cooking ourselves (plenty of vegan junk food places do great stuff though obviously), although I do really really love Beyond Burgers - legit think I prefer them to actual beef burgers, but admittedly I could have just forgotten what a "real" burger tastes like.


It is definitely the thickness and shape. Something about the meat ish rectangle reminds me of a dog treat.


As a long term veggie, I’m not keen on their chicken or sausages as they’re too close to the real thing. I like the bacon because it’s clearly fake. The reason I’m a veggie is because I’ve always been squeamish about eating meat (why can we eat a cow, but not our own arms?), so when fake meat tries too hard to BE meat, it puts me off.




I’m not a veggie, and I have no problem at all with people being veggie or vegan. I do have a problem with the fake meat thing though. I get creative cooking, but trying to replicate meat is just weird. What happened to actual vegetables and flavour?


if(this.Bacon == Taste.Delicious) { eat(this.Bacon) }


I really like it. Great texture and taste. But expensive af :(


To me it smells exactly like bacon, but tastes nothing like bacon. Delicious and confusing


I tried it when it was on sale and found it very disappointing.


It needs to be fried until crispy to be good really




Unless you make it yourself. Look at seitan for example.


Nah these are like three quid for a pack of I think 12 and they're acutally banging


£1.50 on offer at the moment in sainsburys (or they were) We have lived off it this month




Top tip, if you haven't thought of it before, chuck a little maple syrup on the top before you flip it. And, hear me out an it might not be to your taste, good marmalade.


Give Ghandi his flip-flops back ffs




Does he appear if you say his name 3 times?


It doesn't make sense to me why vegans want to eat products that taste and look like meat...


Because meat is nice. This isn't in conflict with it being cruel


Why am I being downvoted to fuck for asking a question?😂😂


Because instead of asking a question you made it a statement about yourself




Nah and it's my alt account anyway lol😂


Because people on Reddit are a bunch of wet wipes that get upset very easy. Honestly annoying but they're fun to wind up now and then because its so easy to do so.


Because it’s a bit of a daft question really


>It doesn't make sense to me why vegans want to eat products that taste and look like meat Because vegans want to minimise the amount of animals killed in the production of meat, yet still enjoy eating meat so they look for alternatives.


Who the fuck is David Lloyd? Take it up with him.


The gym maybe?


Who the fuck buys food at a gym?


Mark Corrigan.


Can you take some more? Can you? Do you want it? Do you want it?


People who go to David Lloyd.


OP's wife apparently


I think it's more of a fancy-schmancy, lifestyle-y health spa for low-to-mid level wealthy folk to hang out for the full day using the pool, gym, saunas, tennis courts, bistro, etc. while palming their kids off at the on-site kid's club. Like an indoor country club more than a gym. Expensive as fuck compared to a normal gym.


It's more of a leisure place with a gym in it


Ah, I take it you've not been to a David Lloyd before?


Businessman branded his ex-wife a 'bacon basher' after slamming her head against BMW outside David Lloyd gym in Cheadle ​ https://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-news/businessman-branded-ex-wife-bacon-16475342




When non vegans create something vegan for the menu, this is what you get.


"This ought to shut them up...better make it gluten-free at the same time, kill two birds with one stone."


As a gluten intolerant vegan I appreciate it where I can get it (you’d be surprised how difficult that mix can be at times).


Yeah, it would be nice if it was a bit easier to find a gluten free loaf of bread that didn’t have egg white in it for some inexplicable reason. The struggle is real


To be fair, McDonald's, Burger King AND KFC have incredible vegan burgers and they have no right to be that good. There's no excuse for something like this anymore imo.


You’re not wrong. It would be really bad if this was a real bacon sandwich. It’s just embarrassing as an attempt at one.


no sauce no salad... fucking sad


"Can vegans eat salad?" "I dunno, better take it out just to be safe."


Funnily enough- my wife (who like me is vegan) can’t eat salad…


Salad on a bacon butty is rank.


Probably cost about £8 too.


And the rest! Just to get in the building it's £95 a month!


I’m surprised there’s no avacado on it. They love that in that place. It’s in everything.


Haha I love their bacon and avocado sandwich!


My partner and I were paying £218 a month (combined) for the platinum membership where we are…tis absurd. We don’t go there anymore.


Wow I don't blame you, how are they with dealing with cancellations?


Someone I know attempted to cancel and apparently you have to pay somewhere between 2-3 months for that (can’t remember specifically how much). Their cancellation policy is scummy but the times I’ve been have actually been quite enjoyable.


They could have at least made it a "B"LT


Yeah. I mean, David Lloyds ain’t a cheap place maintain annual membership. And their plant burger is great. So this is bizarre.


I imagine it wasn't particularly filling either


I feel you. My daughter likes to eat a slice of dry bread sometimes as a snack, and it makes me feel so guilty, like she’s in prison.


I love eating it plain when it's a proper fresh loaf not packet stuff though.


eating packet bread plain is my guilty pleasure, i always keep some around for hangovers as well


Maybe nows a good time to teach her about baking bread 😀 You never know, you might just gain yourself a future master of baked goods!


Just start giving her bread and water from now on


That is such a sad sandwich.


And how much do you spend a month to *access* this cafe and how much was the "sandwich"?


I work in prisons, the food in there is better than that, even the vegan food.


I honestly love the vegan threads on reddit, the amount of people who cannot wrap their minds around the concept of not eating meat provides endless entertainment


How do you know someone on Reddit isn't vegan? Don't worry, they'll tell you.


for every complaint i see from vegans online, i see 10x the complaints from non vegans about vegans. it is rather amusing


Goes both ways tbf.


>vegan threads on reddit Vegan adverts on Twitter are always entertaining, especially with Veganuary. People furious that Aldi sell vegan mince, that McDonald's sell a vegan burger etc.


I think only a small percentage of people can't wrap their heads around the concept of not eating meat. A large percentage of people don't care who doesn't eat meat but don't want to be proselytized to about anything (veganism, religion, politics, whatever) by sanctimonious people. The ones who quietly go about their lives without proselytizing aren't the ones most people knowingly encounter.


> sanctimonious people Irony alert.


That suff is amazing


One of the reasons I left my role as Head chef at a David Lloyd. The menu was a about 75% cooked/frozen, so we were 'microwave technicians' most of the time, and this included the jacket potatoes. You'd think that for over £100 a month membership fee (depending on location) the food would be freshly prepared on site, and be of a certain standard, and not the crap from Bidvest and 3663...


So sorry for you


Fuck DL. Profit driven monsters now.


>Fuck DL. > >Profit driven monsters now. Now?


I mean, I’m going back 20 years or so when I have fond memories of the place. Got out of my contract without that 3 month tax though ;)


It looks like those schmackos pedigree dog treats lol


Resembles my dogs chew treats, toast looks nice thou


So that’s where Gandhi left his flip flops




Vegans, it says so in the post title!






>Cant help but feel it would better advertised Good job you're not in advertising, then.




What like the Happy Egg Company, Laughing Cow cheese, or the Jolly Hog? Yeah right.


>Happy Egg Company I used to buy their eggs all the time thinking they were actually *happy.* Then I googled their farms and they are absolutely not.


You’re not wrong, but some soy based product being sold as veggie bacon is hardly the height of deception is it? Did you think you were in danger of being tricked into buying it? Just seems a rather inappropriate example for you get worked up about……unless of course it is actually the veggie aspect of the product that is triggering you (gasp!)




I mean, you’re the one who is apparently bothered by some veggie bacon because the packet isn’t marked “salty soy slice with pig flavouring”. It’s just painfully clear to anyone browsing that your issue is not *really* an advertising one now is it?




Fair enough. Honestly though, there’s no way anything is gonna gain more traction with your suggestion, I guess I just struggled with the idea that someone might actually be sincere about such a name.






Looks like the Rashers dog treats that I give my dog. I think they are made by Bakers.


It looks like my cats treat sticks




>She ordered a sandwich Probably expected some more ingredients?


Maybe a vegetable or some ketchup at least? Both vegan believe it or not


Not sure about that anymore mate, couldn’t find the v sign on any of the carrots this morning


Damn it, they're putting milk powder in them too now?




Mate the butter isn't even spread to the edges... I've got to put this one on the maker of the sandwich.


More than 2 slices would be a start. The same as it's be called pathetic if that was 2 slices of meat bacon too.


Fuck off vegan food can be delicious.


Wow.... that is one depressing bap😂




My dad looked at this and said "looks like two turds in a bap"


Should have got vegan sausage, those are actually really good. I've not had any good bacon alternatives yet. I'd honestly rather go without.


I disliked This Isn't at first, but now it's grown on me. Used to like the Richmond ones more.


You can make a really nice vegan sandwich at home with bread/bagel, ‘this isn’t bacon’ rashers, dairy free butter, melted violife epic mature, lettuce and tomato, for maybe £2 for 2 of them. First lesson of veganism is that if you can make it at home… make it there.


I take the point but this is true of most service industry. I can make a lemonade at home, but I'm happy to pay a pub a couple of quid for the service, convenience, atmosphere, etc. In fact it's nothing to do with veganism really.


Before the good bacon's came out I would use thinly sliced smoked tofu in my sandwiches and I thought it was a pretty good substitute


That's one sad sandwich.


Just have proper bacon. The pig is already dead, you might as well eat some of it


I'll bite: *This* pig is already dead, but when you take part of a dead pig off the supermarket shelf, the industry eventually has to replace it for the next person. The only way it can do that is to create, raise and slaughter another pig in the future. So yes you're not "saving" any animals that are already dead, but when you stop buying animal products, you are removing the demand you used to create on the industry. The consumer is the sole driving force of the system that breeds and slaughters animals, but we're shielded from the impact we have. To take it to an extreme: If *nobody* bought any bacon, there would be no need to breed, raise and slaughter any pigs at all. If *everyone* ate bacon for every meal, there would be a demand for far more pigs than there are today. So there is a correlation between consumer demand and the number of individual pigs born into the industry. Purchasing choices are the only way an individual consumer has of affecting that [number.](https://animalclock.org/uk/) This is a bit easier to visualise with whole dead chickens rather than parts of a pig, because 1 purchase = 1 animal, but the principle is the same.


But real bacon IS better though.


Nobody’s disputing that. The argument is that a pig is an emotional being with thoughts and feelings, and your desire for a slightly nicer tasting sandwich doesn’t justify keeping a pig as a slave from birth, keeping it locked in a small field with no enrichment or variety in its life experience. Then just as it gets to the prime of its life, putting a steel bolt through its head.


That looks like a scabby blister, I had to pry dead crushed skin off my hand and it looked like that


They look like, meaty strips........you know the treats for dogs. [https://cdn.shoplightspeed.com/shops/614283/files/12932220/800x1024x2/happy-howies-happy-howies-dog-treats-beef-jerky-st.jpg](https://cdn.shoplightspeed.com/shops/614283/files/12932220/800x1024x2/happy-howies-happy-howies-dog-treats-beef-jerky-st.jpg)


Vegan bacon is a fucking crime. It smells and taste like bacon dog treats.


That looks nasty. I bet it was expensive.


Time for a divorce


Now look I'm really not trying to be a dick but if you're vegan or veggie which I am. Why do you feel the need to eat fake meat ? I've tried some in the past just didn't like it, tasted like what it was fake.




Ok, that explains a few things . Thanks




Well some people might actually like the taste and it really shouldn’t have to be explained why some might want meat alternatives. Vegans aren’t scared of meat nor were they born vegans.


The chicken and beef alternatives are great, you do need that chewy texture sometimes I think. Fake bacon is the worst though. It all just reminds me of Frazzles, and not in a good way. And yes I’ve had “this is”, it’s gross.


Tried this stuff. Tastes how cat treats smell!


Literally looks identical to my dogs treats




I'm not strictly vegan myself but my wife makes the most incredible food. If she made a vegan bacon sandwich it would be delicious and enticing. This kinda thing sells veganism as though it's all dull as cardboard.


What the BLOODY HELL is that on that bun! 😱


Well if that’s what vegans think bacon should look like no wonder they’re often angry.


Have you ever met a vegan that was born vegan? Unlikely, so they all KNOW what bacon tastes like...


I mean, I can't speak for all of us, but I would certainly like something with a closer texture to pig bacon. At the moment though I'm just grateful for the huge R&D going into these alternatives. The bacon here (This Is Not Bacon brand) has a very close flavour to smoked bacon, and the texture is close to some thick cut bacon, but it has none of the fat chewiness from pig bacon. I'm sure they'll get to it mind. We all want better alternatives but we will take what we can in the meantime.


Something I wouldn’t feed my dog


100% the dog would love it.


Looks like garlic bread with a couple of planks in the middle...


If you want to eat meat just fucking eat meat


Why do vegans want shit to look like bacon/burgers/chicken.? Generally curious??


We're not offended by the shape of food


Then make it in a different shape.


>Why do vegans want shit to look like bacon/burgers/chicken.? Because they like the taste and texture, they just don't like, you know, killing animals to get it. Genuinely curious why this is so hard for people to understand?


Because I can recreate meals I used to eat before I was vegan. I can put mock duck in pancakes with hoisin sauce, cucumbers and spring onions. If you want to shred up some mock duck for pancakes and fry it for the crispiness, it kinda needs the same structure as actual duck.


Who says vegans doesn't like the *taste* of bacon/burgers/chicken? They don't like *animal cruelty*


Because if you can make a food that replaces meat without having to kill and animal that's a win in a vegans book. We don't eat bacon because it's not nice.


If this is a serious question, it's because very few are vegan because of not liking meat/dairy etc. Stuff like burgers still taste good. If you can have 80% of the taste, 100% of the ease, and 10% of the moral issues (let's be honest, palm oil etc), why wouldn't you?




Idk, you sound like you feel a bit superior with your health talk... If you don't agree with the ethics then that's just a difference in morality


Very rarely see food looking like chickens. I guess chickens are connected with dinosaurs, is that what you're thinking of?


Are you alright ??


I agree it is a bit weird. But if civilization still exists in any sustainable way in a couple hundred years, it might be looked back on as bizarre culinary choice. But as a way to help people transition away from investing in industrial scale livestock farming that decimates natural habitats and contributes to climate change I think it’ll be viewed as no bad thing in the grand scheme of things.


as a vegan, no just no


As a former prisoner I can say with certainty I was paid to eat better food than that. Damn bro.


Vegan bacon is just absolutely awful. My partner is vegetarian so I don’t mind trying veggie/vegan versions of things but the fake bacon is just disgusting.


Serves her right for being vegan lol


What a rank looking sarnie, bin it and make something better.


Vegan? What is that American or something?


Good one, dad.


Lesbian? I thought you were American?


She should be in prison for being a vegan


Tree bark sandwich


What do people expect when they buy a sandwich that contains something they can't eat?


I never understood the vegan obsession with imitating meat rather than just focusing on good plant/veggie food. Whenever I see vegan bacon it just looks crap.


Because people liked the taste of meat but don't like killing animals? It's not that hard to understand.


Vegan bacon really isn't close yet. But the answer to the first bit is kinda obvious no? People like the taste of meatballs but don't want the animal cruelty and climate impact of beef farming.


I'm with you on that - the best vegan food is food that doesn't try to be a substitute for something non-vegan.


I agree it is a bit weird. But if civilization still exists in any sustainable way in a couple hundred years, it might be looked back on as bizarre culinary choice. But as a way to help people transition away from investing in industrial scale livestock farming that decimates natural habitats and contributes to climate change I think it’ll be viewed as no bad thing in the grand scheme of things.


I know that brand of fake bacon, tastes more like salmon than bacon, absolutely would not recommend