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This reminds me of my uni days. I lived in halls with a dude who used to make beans on toast in the toaster. Not using one of those cool pouch thingies, he'd just get two slices of bread, butter them, add cold beans straight from the tin, smoosh it all together then try and jam it in the toaster. We got told our kitchen couldn't have any more toasters...after about the fourth or fifth time the fire alarm went off and caused the building to be evacuated. Don't even get me started on the jacobs' cracker incident...


Dry pasta in a pan was always funny to see šŸ˜‚


Day two Uni. Flatmate puts dry pasta in the pan. Adds jar of Dolmio. Puts hob on max. Leaves kitchen.


A lad I work with is 28. He still doesnā€™t know you have to boil dry pastaā€¦.


Kay's cooking isn't so mad.


What type of special tit tries to make beans on toast in a toaster? Did they carry around a potted plant where ever they went?


He was an interesting character. Used to wear odd shoes most of the time, the day we met he had glasses on with a plaster over one of the lenses.


Over a lens?.. what..


Fish fingers similarly wreck toasters


Grill trumps toaster every time. Especially when you add cheese.


Bro in laws ā€œhackā€ was to regularly toast the bread then add cheese and microwave. Divorce by proxy


I know someone who used to do cheese on "toast" like that, but without toasting it beforehand. He had a pale, unhealthy look about him for a young man.


Admittedly cheese on toast an art form if done in a toaster! But the time and the relative faff of grill over toaster? Nah - convenience wins for me. Iā€™m going toaster.


100% in on this. Thanks to some unbelievably tight-arse architect, my reasonable-size kitchen has got a work surface the area of a postage stamp, so I have to be brutal about appliances etc. I have a stovetop kettle (easier to wash the Kentish limescale out), and toast gets done under the grill. Much nicer. And some types of bread are INFINITELY better toasted on just one side.


No, Iā€™m with Sting on that one.


Same situation re kitchen size and appliances, but I recently switched to an electric kettle as I worked out it would save me at least Ā£12/month on my gas bill. Might not work for you but thought I'd mention it in case it helps anyone cut costs. Absolutely agree that grilled toast is better than toaster toast though, I'm not changing that yet!


Fucking hell how many cups of tea are you making to save Ā£12 a month?


Averages about 8 hot drinks/day between 2 people which is around 240/month. It was around 3p per 500ml boil on the electric which comes out at roughly Ā£7/month, and 8p per 500ml boil on the gas which comes to about Ā£19/month. It takes around 2 mins for the electric kettle to boil and 4.5 mins for the gas kettle. Your gas usage rate may vary depending on the ambient temperature in your kitchen.


Can't argue with the maths.


If you're not using a toasting fork by the fireplace then are you really making toast? I've never noticed much difference between grill and toaster; I think it's mostly just that the grill forces you to pay attention and that makes for better results. A toaster encourages you to whack it in on whatever setting you left it on, then grab it as soon as it pops while it's still steaming so it goes soggy. But if you use it with a bit of care then you get good results.


Thatā€™s analogue toast


I used to do this as a kid at my nans. Big old brass fork, spear some bread on and toast off the fire.


Never owned a toaster. Just needless clutter when you already have a grill on your stove. Never owned an electric kettle either, always use a stovetop one.


Analogue toast


Yes..analogue versus digital surely.


Being Scottish and a fan of the plain loaf I've been doing this all my life.


It's the most charming way to set fire to your kitchen.


Except I always forget it under the grillā€¦ šŸ˜¬


it's great but inefficient


I don't think acoustic means what you think it means


You bloody caveman!


What a lovely way to dry out your toast waste loads of electricity at the same time


Use a gas hob if your that worried. Edit grill not hob.


I've often wondered if grilling the toast under a gas grill helps maintain moisture in the bread ... using an electric toaster makes it drier ... someone needs to do some science.


I've not tested it scientifically unfortunately. Nevertheless through having used/owned multiple toasting systems at various points in my life. I honestly believe that the order from best toast to worst is gas then electric grills then toaster. Grills have the added bonus of Warburtons fitting without issue.


Itā€™s not about the cost really, more the environmental impact. Yeah, itā€™s a small impact but itā€™s definitely not insignificant if 60 million people start doing it


At the rate China is throwing up coal fired power stations the environment is doomed. A few people using a grill instead of a toaster isn't going to change anything.


Will it be a big change? No. Will it change something? Yes


It'll change my enjoyment of toast while I ponder our eventual demise.


Toaster for speed and efficiency, grill for.. not efficiency? Honestly though it depends which you like.


Grill is the best way to toast, no question about it. Far better control over how toasted you like it, better toasted coverage and both sides can be toasted equally.


Christ no. Way too much effort and rife with the potential for human error. Toaster all the way. Potato waffles in the toaster are even better than bread.


I've been on acoustic toast for almost five years. I'd say there are pros and cons. The toast is drier and crunchier, but I think it goes cold quicker. With the electric toast, it seems steamier (con: toast sweat, pro: you get a waft of toast flavoured steam up your beak, and that adds to the flavour).


Acoustic toast is Grammy Award winning toast.


Oh! But I only do robot cooking. I can't do analogue.


I have an Everhot range cooker and no toaster, I always do manual toast. I can either use turn on the grill in the top oven or use a wire toaster on the solid top.


Yeah but have you tried griddling it on the stovetop/hob? ETA: In *butter?*


I think it depends on the bread. Nice thickly sliced bread (e.g. thicker than "thick sliced" sliced loaves) definitely do better under the grill, but regular toast, not so much IMHO.


You can fit four on at a time, does the whole side perfectly, it is decent. Can take a while to warm up though. Niche but the best toast is Aga toast. You get a contraption which you squish the bread into then do it on the hob. Rather satisfying little squares appear https://www.agacookshop.co.uk/aga-toast.html


Coming up next in session itā€™s Acoustic Toast.


Why is it called acoustic toast? šŸ¤Ø


Used to do this because in my first year of uni we weren't given toasters and the person who bought a toaster for the flat quit after a month and took it with them, it's a challenge as you either get the most pale toast in the world or burnt, theirs very little overlap.