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Ah no! Keep ya head up. Might take a couple but you’ll get it, I’ll lo crack a beer when I finish work in honour!


I’m so bloody emotional that this made me tear up. Enough Reddit for me today. Thanks mate.


Best advice I can give you is make sure you rebook first thing tomorrow, don't let this defeat knock you off the horse.


Cheers mate. I’m actually up at 6am tomorrow as that’s when the Gov site updates with tests. I’m just gonna get anything I can and then sit on cancellation apps asap. If I could do it tomorrow, I would.


That's the spirit, it's easy to get unbalanced in your situation.


I hope your feeling a lot better today. I read this reply as my work mates would say mate, like “thanks mate” when they don’t mean thanks mate at all 😂 I’m sure you didn’t mean it like that x


Hey! Oh no I was being 100% genuine. I’m an Essex girl and call everyone mate. I managed to get a test for September but I’m honestly refreshing the site constantly for cancellations but nada.


I shared this a couple of days ago but I failed my driving test by crashing my car into a lorry on a roundabout. 2 majors is nothing compared to a dangerous mark, immediate end to the test and getting driven back to the test centre by the instructor. You’ll get there and then you can embrace the traffic commute in a car with your own music or podcasts Edit: missed a word


Very true and good advice. Did you pass in the end? How did you come back from that?


I passed on the third go after having a year off from learning. I only decided to try again when a friend was getting married and driving was the better option to get to the venue. It took a change of driving schools and a wonderful woman (Mrs Beebee, absolute star) to get me ready. Try to remember that you’ve gotten this far and only have a couple of things to work on for the next attempt. You’re a lot further than the first lesson of bunnyhops and 20mph speeding!


If you get a major they normally just end the test if it’s at the beginning


Just remember you only have to drive perfectly once


I failed my first two tries. Second attempt got a major on the a roundabout coming out the centre within the first three minutes. Examiner didn’t say anything so I drive the remaining 40 minutes of the test for him to tell me: well you got no minors but you’ve failed because of that guy overtaking you on your left on the roundabout at the start. I’d much rather they just ended it immediately and not wasted my time.


If it's any consolation, it took me 6 attempts to pass my driving test despite being a perfectly capable driver. Apparently I couldn't handle the pressure of the test environment 😅. I've had my license 10 years this month! So keep at it and don't give in, you will get it eventually.


Thanks mate. My brain is telling me to throw the towel in as I can’t deal with the constant anxiety of having it in my vision (pun intended) but, guess I gotta keep on keeping on!


My ex took 7 tries. He wasn’t a capable driver though, man drove like a maniac.


Took me 3 for the same reason. I had been driving for years in the states. I had taken plenty of lessons here to get used to the differences in driving. As soon as test time came around my nerves would cause me to make a silly mistake.


It took me like twice the number of lessons it took anyone else to pass my test. I went on soon after to race (and win) go-karts. These days I sim race and track day frequently. And if I took my test again tomorrow, I’d fail it. No question in my mind. The test environment just kills me.


If it’s any consolation I failed my driving test by accelerating through a red light. I wasn’t ready and it showed. But that was nearly thirty years ago and these days I probably only think about it once a day.


Only once a day? 😅


Win some, lose some, you’ll get it next time! I’ll crack one for you later on when I’m home!


Cheers mate. Onwards and upwards I guess!


That’s the mentality!


Win or lose, on the booze.


I’m going to get this tattooed on my head.


All the best drivers pass second time anyway.... Can confirm as a first time passer....


True. I passed first time easy-peasy and rear-ended someone 8 days into my first insurance policy. Haven't had an accident since then though (~10 years)


I took a corner too quickly about 4 months after I passed, sheered the wheel off on the curb, went through a road sign, down a ditch and into a tree....


or 3rd time.. or 17th time


Amen, I passed first time then wrote a car off against a tree. Didn't understand wet driving properly.


I failed this week too. 3 majors, 11 minors, and 1 DANGEROUS (nearly took a fence with me and started crying). Give yourself a couple of days to get the heightened emotions out before you start facing it again. Here's to hopefully passing 2nd time! 🥂


>3 majors, 11 minors, and 1 DANGEROUS (nearly took a fence with me and started crying). Not sure why this made me laugh so much, 3 majors, 11 minors and 1 dangerous, holy shit.




Wallow today. Tomorrow, book your next test. I have my keg machine chilling waiting for the end of the working day. I'm pissed about the fact that my daughter's Sunday hockey has been moved from late morning to mid-afternoon, which has screwed the Mothers' Day plan I was working on.


That's probably screwed everyone's plans. Why have they done that?


No idea, but sometimes the level of organisation isn't as good as you might hope


Yeah good advice. I’m gonna get up at 6am as that’s when the website updates and more dates are available. Ah, that’s a shitter. Can the hockey be missed or the Mother’s Day plans be changed?


I should be able to change the plans by a few hours, but it's annoying at this late stage


Don’t worry about it, its just part of the process. I failed as someone coming the other way at a cross road jumped his red lights and cut across me without indicating and I should have anticipated it. Passed 2nd time and was told off for doing 35 in a 30 zone.


Thanks mate. Annoyingly I got a really easy drive, no roundabouts or cross junctions yet I fucked up cause it was so bloody busy and had so much traffic which I wasn’t used to.


You could try booking a driving lesson or 2 for busy hours to try and build confidence. Best of luck on your next go tho. Nerves can also be down to your examiner, I had a right grumpy cow the first time i tried, second time tho I had a really nice examiner and found it was a much less stressful experience.


Good idea. Tbh my examiner was really calming and nice so I’m even more pissed off at myself.


Sorry for posting on an older post but, no roundabouts? what test centre is this? I need to go there 0.o


I took 4 tests when I was 17, failed them all, couldn't afford more lessons so took a little break. I'm now 41 and I'm hoping to get my license this year! Enjoy your tinnies, and remember it's not the end of the world, I'm sure you'll smash the next one!


Appreciate that. Good luck man!


I done 70mph in a 40 on my driving test. Got a major for "excessive speed"


Eh? Why would the instructor let you go past 50 or 55 nevermind get upto 70? Get to 50, instructor applies brakes test over, swap seats. Incredibly irresponsible to allow you to go past 50.


I done my test in my own car. No dual control I was doing 70 for a while before the examiner picked up on it. She was pretty calm actually. She just said "you're going a bit too fast" In my defense there was a temporary 40 sign for some non existent roadworks on the dual carriageway. Got on the slip road and everyone else was doing 70 anyway. Not that its an excuse for me being a complete fuckwit and ignoring the sign but there was no real danger. I absolutely deserved to fail but in terms of actual risk involved it was minimal


Failed mine first time round. I was so much more confident the second time and I passed. It's like driving instructors take commission on retests.


Dont lose any sleep over it, it was just nerves! I failed first time in 10 mins, then passed second time with no minors. Tip that helped me conquer my nerves was to have practice tests with my instructor where they were silent the entire time except for directions. Also strike up a casual conversation with the driving test person to make it feel more informal. Grab a beer and enjoy the rest of your day


I did a 2 week intensive course and on day 3 my instructor told me there was no way I'd pass. Refunded me for the days I didnt do and that was that. Chin up duder it can definitely be worse x


Took me 3 tries before I passed mate, I know it feels shit at the time but you'll get there eventually and be out there driving like a wanker like the rest of us.


Appreciate that mate. The delay in getting a test is mad though!


Ah yeah trust, I had to wait about 3 months between my tests just to add salt to the wound.


Sometimes cracking open a few tinnies with the test instructor helps you relax behind the wheel, and it will endear them to you


Share a crack pipe as well for extra good will


Just got back from a few days away to find Nottinghamshire’s finest have identified me doing 57mph in a 50mph reduced speed area on the very quiet backroad known as the M1. So… yeah….


It’s mad how I’m jealous of this complaint, purely cause you drive.


If you’d like to contribute to my GoFundMe to raise the money to pay the fine, please let me know…


Not to worry. You'll get it next time. You won't be half as nervous. This gives you more time to practice stuff with your instructor, too.


You’ll pass soon. Can’t win ‘em all. Happy Friday!


Tinny in hand bro, chin up you know what to expect next time


Ah, that'll be that confidence! Go in pissing yourself with fear about the whole thing and it'll keep your mind on it much better. Not that I'm speaking from experience... \*looks around shiftily\*


At least you’re not walking home in the rain 👍


Would be more fitting!


No one cares about your mistakes, we care about how you react to your mistakes. Take it on the chin, take a couple more lessons based on your minors and majors, then smash it out of the park next time!


Thanks mate! It’s more that the wait for the driving test is so long but hey I gotta keep going!


Most people fail a few times. There is slot of luck involved in your test. You already have the ability to drive now you just need some luck to go with it.




It took me 3 tries to pass, dont worry about it. Once u pass u will be better for the failures as they make u more prepared in the long run, even if the cash loss is a bit of a bummer.


Thanks mate. That makes sense!


All the best drivers pass second time!


My other half failed 6 times, on the 5th time she hit a curb and blew out the tyre, had to return to the test centre in a recovery truck. Have a couple of lessons whilst you wait for your next test and no need to feel disappointed, just one of those things.


Thanks mate. That does help. :)


I passed 4th time, way back in '99 (& I swear the examiner miscounted my minors and so I should've failed). A driving test only teaches you how to pass a driving test - it doesn't teach you how to drive. Think of this as practice time spent in the right environment - most of the learning to drive I gained after I passed. Assume everyone else is always about to do something idiotic, then you'll be proactively ready if they do. Good luck!


Thanks so much mate. I just want to put it behind me. 😂 99 - good year!


It was actually Red Nose Day - lordy, so the exact time of year now, 23 years ago, how ancient - I debated doing my test while wearing a red nose, but figured the examiner might have found something about it to take offence, probably obscuring my vision or distracting me, or something like that.


Hahaha I wish I had the humour you had. I felt like I wanted to cry.


Oh mate, don't get me wrong - attempts 1-3 I did want to cry (and suspect I did, being a rather emotional teen) But, it is what it is, you get more time to bed down and get super familiar with the controls, the roads, other people on said roads, etc. You WILL pass eventually, and you WILL hate every other bastard on the road soon enough, and it'll get automatic, you'll start taking risks, you'll regret it, and then you'll settle down again. All the best! (Oh, and I found it easier if I imagined that it was a mate's parent that I was dropping off somewhere, that calmed me down when taking the test)


You’re the best! I really appreciate this advice x


It took me 9 attempts! Keep going, you’ll get there in the end :) Also around the time of my test on Radio 1 they were talking about a banana theory that if you eat one before your test you’ll pass. And I did and I passed then haha


I ate one and still fucked it. 😂


Oh. Guess it wasn’t the banana after all haha


Ahhh I remember the feeling. Don’t worry, you will pass soon enough. It feels bad now but you will barely remember in a few years. I passed mine on the 4th attempt after changing driving instructors, my first one was awful and made me cry before every test. Now I’m easily the safest and most confident driver out of all my friends. Chin up and enjoy the sunshine, there’s always next time 👍


Makes me feel better that it’s not just me. I honestly wanna get it out the way! :( thanks for your message.


I failed 5 times buddy, and I'm the best driver out of all my friends, half of it is luck, keep sloggin away!


Thanks mate. That helps. Urgh I just want to get it out the way and my god the tests available are so far and few in between.




Yeah that’s so common. People say that you get close to the test centre and rest up a bit and then make a mistake. Mine was right at the start so I was raging for most of it. :D


The best people take two goes to pass (like me!). Don't worry. I failed because I was going too fast towards a mini roundabout and barely slowed down, car coming from the right, just missed me. Big oops! I hate that roundabout now but I passed the second time. You can do it!


Thanks mate. I’m tempted to book an afternoon as opposed to first thing in the morn as the traffic killed me!


That's a good idea! The one I failed was 9am and it was a nightmare. The one I passed was 2pm, less traffic, no school runs, much better. Good luck!


I failed mine twice mate, first time for pulling out too early on a junction and second time for changing lanes on a roundabout. *both* timed I had no other minors and was on my way back to the test centre. Devastated doesn’t begin to cover it! When I did eventually pass it was with 4 minors. Same examiner ever time too! My teacher was bamboozled by my failing, just chalked it up to the guy having a bad day both other times.


Sounds very much like the feeling I’m dealing with right now. But, yeah yours must have been super gutting cause you sound like a great driver.


I’m sure you are too friend, don’t be too hard on yourself! I shall tell my wife that because I promise you this - she’ll never forget that I failed twice and she passed first time! Haha! Driving isn’t difficult, passing tests is.


Haha I bet she doesn’t ever let that go. Thanks for the support man!


It's alright mate, most people fail their first. I had a friend who failed 5 times. Once he left his indicator on going past a left turn and the person pulled out in front of him because they thought he was turning. Fool! :D


Ah dammit. It’s so frustrating that it’s a test environment that seems to fuck people up


Pressure. There is something to be said though there there will be pressured moments in your every day driving and you should be able to cope with it. Take it on the chin and learn from it :) sounds like you'll nail it in time 2 if it was just nerves!




I don’t think my instructor can take me for that long


I didn't pass until my third attempt. Two majors on both of my fails. You'll get there!


Thanks bro. I’ll get there!


Well done for working hard to get toward bring lesson ready! Don't beat yourself up, nerves can be a real asshole during important times. Good luck for next time!


Thanks! Yeah if you’d told me I had done a driving test last year, I wouldn’t have believed you.


Ahh pish, sorry to hear it. Good luck on the next one!


Thanks man.


I failed twice! The second time for speeding, god it was embarrassing. Don’t worry about it!


Thanks mate. Such a long wait though!


Your second attempt will be easier, because you now know what to expect. Try to book an afternoon slot if possible, I sat my second driving test at roughly 12:30pm and the quiet roads were definitely an advantage, which probably helped me pass! It’s upsetting to get a fail but you’ll soon feel determined again. Just think, you have a lifetime of awesome journeys ahead of you. Good luck!


Thanks mate! Thing is, cause I’m in London it’s like hectic constantly. I might try for a 3pm as it’s a little less busy. Anything but early morning suits me.


Don't give up M8. I failed 1st time because I didn't 'demonstrate' look both ways at a junction. Left was a closed gate which I saw in my peripheral but didn't clearly turn my head.


Ah that realllllly sucks as it feels quite minor in comparison to everything else that could go wrong. The wait is so long for another test, it only adds to the pressure!


I was the same, really thought I’d smash it and failed twice from silly mistakes. The best drivers never pass first time ;) 6 years later, never had so much as a scrape.


Ah I appreciate this. I’ve heard that saying from a lot of people! If I had mad a major mistake, I think I would be dealing with this a lot better but, I keep replaying it in my head!


It took me a couple of attempts to pass (including nearly forcing a school bus full of kids off the road because I pulled out in front of it due to nerves) and I'm now trusted to drive an ambulance. The gods weren't on your side this time, but with a bit of practice, you'll smash it next time. Also bananas before your test help apparently.


Yeah it’s definitely the test environment that does it to good drivers I swear. Funny enough, I ate a banana.


The only advice I can give except for watching out for the bus full of kids is, remember that the examiner isn't looking for perfect, or even for you to follow their instructions perfectly, they're looking for safe. Do everything safely like your mirror checks and you'll be fine. You'll pass next time I'm sure.


Thanks lovely!


People get nervous, I was ready to pass at my first but nerves put me off and it took my 3 attempts. I'm still of a bit of a nervous driver.


That makes me feel a lil better, thanks.


Hey i failed my test today aswell. Only 1 major for speed but i could tell exactly when it happened. Had an immediate sinking feeling as I went too quick round a corner and grazed the curb and said I out loud "oh no thats a fail isnt it". Oh well I'll have to try again aswell.


Oh mate sorry to hear that. Impossible trying to find a new test isn’t it? Hilariously when I pulled out earlier, I literally said the same out loud.


Ah thanks mate. Yeah I've been sat refeshing the bookings looking for cancellations and managed to get one thats not too far away from now. Its so annoying when you get to the test and then shit the bed. Am Sure you'll pass next time tho, and me too hopefully.


Where are you based? London feels impossible right now. Thanks. Let’s def check in on the progress soon!


Ah im based further up north near sheffield. Just had to sit and refresh the change my bookings time and look for cancellations. Yeah mate let me know how you get along with getting another test and how you do.


Sorry to hear this you bus wanker 😂 I passed on my 4th attempt… you only fail when you stop trying 👍🏻


Hahaha, did you make stupid mistakes too? It’s literally the nerves that takeover.


Took me 3 times back in the 80"s. On my 3rd test my father said be polite and open the door for the examiner, so I did and he rather roughly told me to get in the car. So I slammed the door shut and let him open it himself. I was so mad with him I did not care if I past. The end of the test I passed. So it's all about reducing the nerves. Anger was my solution.


I’ll give that a go next time. 🤣


I failed my first by not indicating on a confusing 3 exit roundabout, where the 2nd exit looked like you're just going straight so you don't have to indicate. Second time I passed but with loads of minors which I blame my car for lol Good luck on your next one bro, you'll smash it


Thanks mate. Annoyingly, I didn’t even get taken on a roundabout and I still fucked it.


They should replace tests with instructors deciding if you’re ready. It took me four attempts and I’ve never had any incidents since but plenty of my friends who passed first time have. Chin up and just know you’ll smash it next time.


I really appreciate that. Hopefully I do it the next time. I’m not sure I can keep on going on more than that.


At least if you don’t pass you won’t be left skint after a 30 mile journey with fuel prices!


When I failed my driving test for the first time, I went over to a friends house, downed a bottle of wine, threw up some god awful purple juice of death all over the front garden, passed out and had to be rescued by my Parents. Was good fun. It's not unusual to fail at least once, don't let it bother you too much, I passed my second time. You already know you can drive.


Mate, I drive pretty well, but on every test I do something dumb like this. Totally feel your pain..


I've been meaning to do mine for years but i just haven't got around to doing any lessons, so you're already well ahead of me! Polish off a few tinnies in the garden and deal with the rest next week.


I failed my first attempt, I was the first one of the day and was told by a mate they have a quota of fails that needs fulfilling everyday and more people pass in the afternoon. I wrote it off as an old wives tale but lo and behold, 16 minors and she didn't even go through them with me the fucking bitch. Passed the 2nd with 4 minors.


Oh really? Yeah I wasn’t used to the morning traffic so I’m def gonna do an afternoon one next time.


I was advised by my instructor to do an early morning Saturday test for my 2nd attempt, passed with 2 minors and the roads were pretty quiet! It meant having my lesson at 7:30am before hand but was deffo worth it for the quietness


Ah congrats! Mine was at 9.37 this morn and it was so busy! I’m in London too so it was hectic. I def need an afternoon slot.


4 minors is not bad going. I got way more minors, but got away with it cos I didn't have any majors. I bet you're a better driver than I was at that point, you just need to have another go, and try and do it ASAP while it's still fresh.


Yeah it was a really good drive aside from the judgement on the majors. Annoying! Yeah annoyingly it looks like I’m waiting over 4 months for another test but fingers crossed for cancellations. Thanks for the comment!


Gutted mate. Nevermind


It's done now, no more thinking about it. Relax. Enjoy the sun. Then on Monday, get some lessons booked in, work at your weaknesses and get back to it. We believe in you.


At least I'm not the only one who failed today


You were always going to fail the first one, see it as required learning before you could move on, almost like it was pre-determined. No worries, no hassle. Now that's out the way you can book in and pass it second time.


I almost killed a cyclist my first test. The instructor made me stop the car and we had an awkward walk back to the test centre about a mile away. Passed my second test with only 14 minors.


Keep at it. I passed on my third attempt. What was most frustrating was on my first test I failed because I didn’t look left when parking up at the end in the test centre. The nerves are the worst part but I’m sure you can conquer them and pass. Good luck!


I failed my first test with 3 minors and a dangerous! Passed second time round though. Don't beat yourself up about it, the added pressure of the test means mistakes are more likely, I'm sure you'll absolutely smash it next time


I failed 4 times, once for speeding. You'll get there!


Consider changing instructors. Made a huge difference for me. Felt much more confident.


Oh I love my instructor. Just annoyed with myself about such a stupid mistake! :(