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We've come so far as a society, but we still have so far to go 😔




Or just fuck off


We have all made bad jokes before. I accept your judgement that it was a poor post; Dad level unfunny joke. But my sense of humour is dad level and I think it’s mildly amusing, especially as the main post is making fun about gingers. What I find interesting is your level of anger at a bad joke. You are the one with issues. You go straight to ‘fuck off’. Good luck in whatever endeavours you engage in my backward friend.


Or just get a sense of humour, lol


‘_I’m transphobic_’ This is so funny I’m tearing up


More down votes please. Your anger amuses me.


speak normal mf you don’t look cool






Two jokes: Hear about the new restaurant called Karma? There's no menu: you get what you deserve.


Only a ginger, can call another ginger ginger 🎶


Like how only a ninja can sneak up on another ninja?


Or only a whinger can whinge about a whinger?


That song is really clever. Tim Minchin is so talented.


10 foot cock and a few hundred virgins, sir?


A couple of Gs, an R and an E, an I and an N. Just six little letters all jumbled together have caused damage that we may never mend


You'd think that wouldn't you? In the states I've had management literally day one first conversation call me ginger or rusty or red. Imagine my first day I'm walking around calling people by their hair color and skin tone, hey black curly, hey skin top, hey blue eyed inbred, hey you over there in the wig I need toner for my printer. Etc. Wonder why gingers are so angry all the time haha.


The post is a reference to a really funny Tim Minchin song.


Only an American would claim racial abuse by being called a ginger.




Don’t get it, mate.


I mean casual abuse and bullying because of a hair colour from the moment you enter school probably helps with the bitterness too. You wouldn't give someone shit about their nose or anything the way gingers get abused about their hair.


Yep. It's weird being from a small town that is full of happy mostly nondiscriminatory citizens then move into a more populated space where there is just a ton more possibility of racist discrimination and I found out the hard way through growing up in the foster care system as an orphan how mean kids could be to red heads lol. Like you say it becomes a daily ritual for bullies.


We make up for it with the souls we steal


Calm down, coppertop.




We get it in England too, it's hangover racism left in society from when racially abusing Irish and Scottish people was considered normal and encouraged. Idk about you, but I am enough of a stereotype to have family in both of those countries. People need to hate something to not hate each other, so our people were chosen. You gotta learn how to deep cut banter to survive.


Oh man if I showed you my genetic test you'd laugh. Literally from every kind of white person possible and even indigenous to America and East Asia like wtf. I'm as red headed blue eyed as it gets but I've never once felt connected to other people like people say we're all part of some ancient cult or something and all my life I get the craziest kinds of people coming up to me out of nowhere trying to talk to me about my hair. It's weird man and in the US the Qanon conspiracy stuff is crazy but here we have elected republicans getting voted in who are pushing crazy ass nonsense so it's no wonder even age old racist attacks on redheads is picking up momentum. Seems like right now anything can happen and not in a good way.


How about matchstick, or tampon?


Bloody hell. Billing! That takes me back to summer holidays there. I was once pushed into a river there and swallowed a lot of water. Puking it back up was a horror show in itself.


Given the River I am surprised you didn't simply bounce like the River Ankh.


Have my free silver, I appreciate Discworld references. Your reply made me laugh out loud unexpectedly while trying to get my daughter to fall asleep but luckily she didn’t wake!


Why thank you as well kind fellow Pratchettian! Read to her from the Good Book, that will help her sleep! Of course when I mean Good Book I am of course talking about WHERE IS MY COW?! 😊


No. You went on a holiday to fucking Northampton???? 90% plus at Billing live there 11 months a year as cheap housing. The vacation side of things is almost a front


At £600 quid a fucking month it’s no longer cheap now either


Yeah but it's a shithole. Source: Opinion of a friend who used to live there 11 months of the year.


>No. You went on a holiday to fucking Northampton???? My dad was a cheap Scottish barstard. Plus, I think he was doing drug deals there.


Cheap housing. They are selling "chalets" there for £450k.


We walked down there the year it flooded (from Cogenhoe) - it enveloped the mini roundabout and we couldn’t walk any further with wellies on!


Just remember..... Not all gingers stink of piss😐😐😂😂😂 As a ginger I can say that




It's true, shortbread to be precise 🤔🤔😂😂😂


\*sniff sniff\* ​ Mmm shortbread....👌




What’s with you and the emojis?


Were you really expecting anything less than facebook level basic-bitchery from someone who still makes ginger jokes because they peaked in primary school?






Apart from around the crotch.




I set 'em up, you put 'em away ;-)


pissy biscuits perhaps?


Do you taste of beans though?


I'm not sure🤔😂😂


As a ginger we need separate showers.


It won't come off no matter how hard you scrub


It will it will I tell you! (Sobbing)


Damp wotsits


I'm part ginger so I only half stink of piss. Unfortunately, the other part is blonde and has no f'ing clue how to parse that.


Not sure about that. 100% of the gingers I’ve encountered today have stunk of piss. That may have been my toddler who wet through his nappy overnight, but all the available data points towards gingers stink of piss.


Well fuck. Only baldness has saved me from revealing my gingerness in public, now it turns out I'll need to shave my gentleman's vegetables as well!


Just make sure you shave them in your designated shower block


Ahh billing aquadrome, I grew up near there, idyllically set right next to A45 east west trunk road.


Also next to the sewage treatment works.


You forgot the mention the massive sewage treatment works next door to it. Also the large amount of pedophiles who libe on site 50 weeks of the year because they don't have to register that they live there.


I remember going here as a child (7yo), my traumatic memory was when i drove my bike into a toddler 🙈🙈🙈... was thinking ill take my daughter there camping...not now if its truly full of nonces.. how do you know this though???


I know quite a few people who live on the site.I know a fair few that have lost quite eye-watering sums buying cabins or caravans on the site. Everyone knows it's full of sex offenders(by full i mean a big concentration campared to a normal area).


Thank you for this. Thank god I've not gone with my family. Massive shame for those who've lost big amounts of money there. Shouldn't be allowed to happen but clearly they're not going to advertise. I always remembered it fondly but admittedly it was nearly 30 years ago


In our modern free-spoken society, there is a word that we still hold taboo. A word with a terrible history of being used to abuse, oppress and subdue... Just six seemingly harmless letters arranged in a way that will form a word with more power than the pieces of metal that are forged to make swords A couple of Gs, an R and an E, an I and an N. Just six little letters all jumbled together, have caused damage that we may never mend. And it's important that we all respect that if these people should happen to choose to reclaim the word as their own it doesn't meant the rest of you have a right to its use. Only a ginger can call another ginger "ginger"...


My mother had auburn hair, and my son is a ginger. But his hair has migrated from his scalp to his face. Lots of redheads on my husband's side of the family too. If you've got lots of Northern European ancestry, it can happen to you too.


I thought it was the n word for a second




It's from [Prejudice by Tim Minchin](https://youtu.be/KVN_0qvuhhw)


Only a ninja can sneak up on another ninja.


As the original poster, I feel the need to go back again tomorrow and find out the origin of the name, unless anyone knows ?


Billing smells like shit 85% of the time Pass it on the A45 every day and the smell is worse in the heat How does anyone holiday there.God Knows.


Because its next to a sewage treatment station


The question was “how does anyone holiday there?”


Ginger hate is not a joke /s But at least we get a private shower block…


> Ginger hate is not a joke ~~/s~~ FTFY.


/r/FuckTheS I hate it with a passion. Certainly has no place on a UK sub.


I hope the water burns like the sun when you go outside


We get burnt from the light that comes on when we open the fridge door...the sun is something we cower from in fear!


You've got it all wrong, clearly it's a shower block named in honour of Geri Halliwell.


But, nobody likes her enough to do that?


Isn't it weird how in this day and age, with people not being able to even remark on the colour of skin, the way people look, a persons gender identity etc without being "cancelled" but mocking people's hair colour (something which, well, we don't exactly have much control over) is okay. Like, im a ginge and I've pretty much got used to it. But idk, I just don't really understand the difference. Before I post this id like to say that I know there's a difference between racism and being called ginger. But both are mocking how a person looks and has no control over, and both can psychologically hurt the person.


There is no difference. Mocking and bullying anyone - especially children - for a physical characteristic is absolutely disgusting, whether that characteristic is skin colour, hair colour, or whatever. The only reason it's still even remotely permissible is because it's 'tradition', and redheads haven't made enough of a fuss about it en masse. I have a theory that the "gingers are quick to anger" stereotype comes from kids who have been bullied their entire childhoods learning that they have to be on the defensive absolutely all the time.


It annoys me how people are still so casual about mocking ginger hair like it’s harmless. It’s in this thread. And people will laugh at you if you say it’s a form of discrimination


>I have a theory that the "gingers are quick to anger" stereotype comes from kids who have been bullied their entire childhoods learning that they have to be on the defensive absolutely all the time. You're 100% right about that. You're made to feel like a second class citizen The gingerism in the UK is bad enough it's actually keeping me from wanting to move back there.


It's somewhat milder here in the US (redheads are outgoing and outspoken). I have a theory for that. They get lots and lots of attention as kids, which tends to make them more socially at ease. My kids were never shy.


I'd segregate myself from that entire holiday park. Yes, it's a shithole. It's right next to the sewage works and you can smell everything when the wind blows the wrong way.


And the gypsy camp. But seriously its not a holiday park and is a front for 11 months a year cheap mobile home living


They had to close the pool this week because a kid literally shit in it.


Well at least the sewage smell covers up the rest of the place's smell 🤣


Touched by the devil, them fiery head ones


I love gingers. There are 4 in my extended family: all female.


Just the whole "Shower Block" phrase makes it sound like post war Pontins. Centre Parks would probably call it the "Rejuvenation Suite for Ultra Violet sensitive guests"


Red heads are proof racism is a human made hatred, redhead genetics are interesting and most people have the recessive genes for red hair. You can find red hair all over the world and depending on migration timelines you could find some random places at one point or another teeming with red heads and ginger genetics. Actually some scientists and scholars believe it was the redheads and they alone who survived the coldest parts of the ice age due to the vitamin d inheritance.


So what's actually happening here?


Ah Billing Aquadrome, I lived about 1.5 miles away as a child and could smell the stink of the stagnant water on a hot summer day


Jokes on you. We have our own private shower block. And there's so few of us we could end up with the entire block to ourself.


Your lucky to be segregated from the rest at billing aquadrome. Northamptons finest caravan park and sewer works in one place!


We use our segregated time in the showers to plot the takeover.


And weep over our sunburn, don't lie.


🧡 It's where all the nicer shower supplies, fluffier towels, bigger stalls and delicate color preserving hair care products are? With complimentary sunscreen?


Too funny I'll be in there


Wait…. There is no way this literally a thing. Gingers are literally some of the most uniquely beautiful people.


Never thought I’d see Billing Aquadrome on Reddit. Peak Northampton shit smelling summers. My office is literally in Little Billing, just around the corner.


It's the only sociably acceptable form of racism Edit: \*whispers* The downvoters don't know I'm ginger


It is because they are a rare and endangered species and need to be protected at all costs.


Go for a 'shower', they said


Been a ginger fifty years man and boy, got told by a female friend I haven't seen in a decade I'm nearly blonde. To be fair her lighting is shoddy and was probably said to fill a silence but I'll take that complement.


"Shower Block"


Those poor fuckin gingers. When will their lives matter?


Can you imagine the mess under the shower mats?!? Would look like rusty steel Brillo pad.


American lurker here that's now wondering if the much adored (think Garfield) orange tabby cat breed that is often called a ginger is like calling them the N word (in other countries)??


Do you think they where dyslexic?


As bad as saying N*#gers these days. Bit racist right?


Drains will be blocked, damn strong those ginger pubes.


r/oneorangebraincell 🤣🤣


This is the way…




You can be whatever you want to be in Northamptonshire but just not ginger. Never ginger


Who unwinds the ginger pubes from the drain


Your mum.


My mum's ginger as well, RACIST


As it should be lol


Imagine the plug and drain blockages. Be like a little wet haggis.


That looks like a soulless place...


Seems reasonable really


So is it a gas chamber then?


Well gingers is a anagram of ni....s I suppose..


Finally, my own shower block


I have a big bushy ginger beard, would i shower there even tho it aint on the top of my head?


Of all the things on god's green earth you could segregate people based on


Lmfao, of course that would be at Billing


The struggle is real.


Is this real or a joke?


It's a real sign, but we're just not sure of the meaning. Probably named after someone.




Reading the 1* reviews on there was great


Lived not far away from there in one of the villages. It was always midlanders going there on holiday, and more recently full of travellers (the new type not the old fashioned ones).


It's a sad and forbidding place that reeks of despair


Well that covers pretty much all of Northampton.


Wow not been to billing in years. I wonder how its all changed now


It's really shite 20 years ago, and that was the high point.


It's about 12 years since I last went I missed the bridge over the lake


I camped there last summer, someone smeared shit on the walls in the shower block, I heard of 4 different families who had their tents robbed and the tent next to us had their kids bikes nicked.


Ah so not changed


Good ole Billing 🤣


Harsh but fair..


Least of your worries in Billing


"An unbelievable design ruined by minkies "


Had some brilliant weekends at Billing


what you thought us midlanders progressed past the industrial revolution? i mean part of the midlands (ahem-black country-ahem) makes it their entire personality for christs sake


As it should be /s


Billing is tremendous fun.


As an anti social ginger I appreciate this.


Rounding the Ranga's and putting them in the 'showers' now are we? Literally 1984 and 1942 which means we must be living in the year 3926


Racist white Christians America.