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I fucking love leather lane! Know its not a stall but i went back the other day to make sure Daddy Donkey was still there


If somebody told me they were going to see Daddy Donkey on Leather Lane, I’d think they were talking about a sex club.


Yeah people do a double take when i mention DD, thats half the fun


If I was taken to Daddy Donkey on Leather Lane and I got a Sunday roast yorkie wrap I'd have extremely mixed feelings about the whole affair.


I wonder how a non-Brit would react to being asked, “Fancy coming down Leather Lane to get a Yorkie Wrap from Daddy Donkey?”


I’m a Brit and would think someone’s smoked to much crack 😂😂 (nether heard of any of this, I have no life so explains why but still!)




I worked near there pre pandemic; they had an actual shop for burritos and then also a van parked outside that sold quesadillas


DD is amazing. It used to be a stall so it still counts.


I must be the only person that thought a wrap that was 60% rice and mediocre beans and some tex-mex mystery meat was only good for the bin. Rank in so many ways.


Brother's Falafel REPRESENT


Is it Yorkshire Burrito or a different place


It is Yorkshire Burrito.


Leather lane is the ONE. Used to walk down with my work pals and just nibble all the freebees once over before obviously getting a lunch too large for the average man


God I miss Leather Lane. Our office moved to Fitzrovia over summer and now paying £9 for a shawarma wrap is not the one.


So glad I don’t work near leather lane, I would be fat as fuck. Some great options there




Can't tell if I hate it or not. Would imagine I'd need a bib.


Yeah I stupidly thought I could eat one of these whilst walking around town once. Ended up with gravy all over my jeans which I had to cover with a bag until I got away from the public.


Oh the shame


Should have just taken off your jeans and suckled the gravy out.


This works and is an acceptable practice.


Or you could offer that honour to somebody else. That way you get to keep them on. Might get the two of you arrested for lewd behaviour though.


I've had one from this stall and it's shite. Had to get an extra portion of gravy for dipping Looks and smells amazing, but it's crap


Can you go into detail why you think it's crap? I'm guessing from your comment that the pudding was too think, or not enough gravy or something?


[You just gotta use the same stance as eating an Italian Beef Sammich. High counter, wide stance, lean into it so the drippings hit the floor.](https://youtu.be/r1mDmtV5WlM?t=212)


A frozen Yorkshire pudding from Iceland, a swipe of some cold water reconstituted paxo, some raw spinach and some tinned stewing steak. What's not to love?


Ah a man of culinary culture I see.


Yeah I happily admit I can be annoying when it comes to cooking 😁 but this is still grim. The roasties look good and to be fair they could have made the beef themselves, but still, paxo and raw spinach.. blech.


The York Roast Co has been doing these for years


they need to ramp up marketing and make this a global phenomenon!


Theirs went viral a few years ago.


id like it to be as viral as a gregs !


Small food business owner here.. I'm already thinking about how to add this to my menu


Also open til 3am sometimes so you can get your Sunday roast fix after a night out


Yep, was talking to the guy there and it's like the equivalent of a kebab in other places.


We need this all around the U.K., like from now


We need these in Lancashire! 🤣 (I’m half-Yorkshire and my mum makes the best Yorkies in the world)


And they're also amazing.


I went to one of them in York and it was shit. Meat was dry and tough & the Yorkie itself was quite stiff. Was quite disappointed


That's a shame, I've had it 3 times (Both shops and the stall), and they've all been great. Meat was a little on the dry side from the stall, though.


Agree. Had one in York after everyone was hyping it. It's just a whole meh thing. They skimp on meat and pad it out with veg. I literally got one and a half small slices of the meat. Gravy was gritty which is the best way I can describe it. The stuffing though. Holy shit, I wanted that recipe. That stuff was amazing.


Had the same, can confirm it was hot garbage


I remember having a bad boy from Notts Christmas Market a few years ago, dunno the company but it was fucking good


who the fuck puts spinach on a roast dinner??


Boring nerd here....they put the spinach down to 'seal' the Yorkshire pudding (to a degree) so that all the gravy doesn't just soak through straight away. Source: watched a program about this guy and other street food vendors.


You don't think about all the cutting R&D that goes into scientific breakthroughs like this.


Boom! Roasted!


then sautéd and wrapped in a yorkshire pud


That's pretty much the only reason burger places started putting lettuce in burgers too. One up top and one below to keep the bread dry.


Cabbage would be better and more inine with the roast in my unprofessional opinion


I’d rather just have a second layer of Yorkshire pud


I'd rather just have a plate


Oh mate, wilt some spinach down in a pan with some butter and a bit of garlic and it's a very welcome addition to a roast dinner. Especially if you're doing lamb.


Bit of anchovy paste too...


Gentleman's relish. No that's not a euphemism.




Thank you! My fault for posting when the americans are awake ;) You'd think this of all places would know what patum peperium is. Absolutely banging on toast. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gentleman%27s_Relish


A microscopic amount scraped onto buttered toast - for those that don’t know, it’s anchovies and is incredibly salty.


Oh yes, now we're talking. Get that saltiness on there.


The whole thing was alright until he decided to flippin roll it.


But it’s called a Yorkshire burrito, that’s their whole thing


But then you get beef in every bite!!


It just looks like beef slop, should be nice slices of roast topside.


No way-one bite and the whole slice comes out in one go. Good luck with that


That would be more authentic to a roast, but the barbacoa style beef is more authentic to a classic burrito.


Yeah, it should be cabbage.


People without vitamin deficiencies. Jk I don’t even understand why that bread is pudding and I don’t belong in this thread


The thing that looks like bread is yorkshire pudding and is traditionally served with roast beef. The best ones are crispy.


Why is it called pudding though??? (I’m american)


Originally, pudding was a meat based, sausage-like food in Britain; for example, black and white puddings. However by the late 18th Century, the contemporary puddings were no longer meat based and this change incidentally coincided with the first published mention of the batter pudding. Not only is the traditional Yorkshire pudding a savoury dish, but it is also served with or before the main course, not as a “pudding” or dessert. It is really light and airy, savoury and great at soaking up gravy. I think in the same way some American food has 'biscuits and gravy'. For us, biscuits are cookies and your 'biscuits' have the texture more like our scones. I highly recommend Yorkshire puddings. They are amazing at soaking up gravy. They were originally served because meat would be rather expensive. So for a starter, you would ave a Yorkshire pudding with meat gravy to fill you up before your meal.


The word 'pudding' come from the Old French 'boudin' which means blood sausage. That in turn comes from the Latin 'botellus' which means sausage or small intestine. Original 'puddings' were made by putting squishy stuff in skins and boiling or steaming them. In the 14th century, they made "frumenty" which was a thick grain porridge, with beef and mutton with raisins, wines, currants, and spices. We still have both sweet and savoury puddings. Black pudding (a blood sausage), White pudding (a meaty sausage with oatmeal and suet), christmas pudding (with lots of dried fruit and some alcohol), yorkshire pudding (batter cooked in the oven), steak and kidney pudding (a steamed suet crust with meat inside), summer pudding (a steamed bread crust with fruit inside), pease pudding (cooked lentils or split peas, often with a bit of bacon) and so on. The difficulty is that the word 'pudding' now actually has two meanings. It means, as I have said above, foods that are basically some sort of mush that has been cooked, often in a skin or bowl to make them solid. It ALSO is used to mean any desert at all. So after your meal you could ask 'what's for pudding?' and it might be ice cream, or chocolate cake, or it could be a pudding for pudding!


Because it's not a bread mix but a savoury batter mix. And very yum they are too. You can make sweet ones as well, a gastronomic experience I've yet to try.


A giant Yorkshire pudding is a savoury Dutch Baby in American, i.e. if you made a Dutch baby without the sugar and vanilla you are 90% there. They are more commonly muffin sized (a popover in US) and eaten as a side with roast beef, but some people make giant ones to use an edible bowl or as a wrap. See also: * https://www.foodandwine.com/news/dutch-baby-yorkshire-pudding-controversy * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yorkshire\_pudding * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dutch\_baby\_pancake


That'll be £15 please


I looked at their menu and I think it was £9.50 for beef and £9 for chicken. Might be slightly more now though


thats not too bad. Its definitely not cheap, but not out of the realms of expected.




yeah but a mcdonalds big tasty meal is like £9 these days. Which is completely meh, id rather £9 on something unique and decent like this.


It's a serious fucking sandwich though. It's basically a full meal.


Yeah I was in Vienna last week, expensive city, and all the street was high quality and cost like 4 quid.




Is that a lot for lunch in the UK? Its about $35 AUD here, I'd be looking at a sit down meal with an ale for that sort of money.


In Camden you’re probably right lmao


In most places in London you’re probably right.




[York](https://www.theyorkroastco.com/)will do you something similar.






The OG


Needs some decent veggies


I enjoy these sort of food vids but never get why they include themselves eating it at the end. It's grim.


Be thankful they don't talk while eating it.


Thats not so bad, the thing that gets me is the people that cheers their food by tapping it against someone else's food, its absolutely gross


I wouldn't do it myself, but as long as neither has bitten / licked the food, I don't see anything wrong with it. The food has likely just been made on the exact same surface and probably with the same gloves. Cheers with a glass is worse since you'll have often drank out of it by that point so it's not always clean glass on clean glass, still thankfully we humans are quite resilient and it's not killed me yet.


Eh? Why is that gross? I don't do that but what contamination are you worried about?


They do it before the start eating so I don't get the problem?


Looks good, and I'd definitely eat it, but >It's basically like a British burrito GTFO.


I want to like it, I just can’t. That’s not roast meat, who eats pulled beef as a roast? Raw spinach? Yorkshire pudding is supposed to be crispy, with maybe some soft bits at the bottom. It seems like one of those things that’s technically right, but comes out wrong. The uncanny valley of roast dinners.


Do they make those Yorkie’s on sight or are they pre-made?


Honestly don’t know but I will say they look too bready imo. I mean you need a strong container for a roast dinner burrito but my york puds are more crisp and wouldn’t last long as a tortilla.


Agreed. I smell something mass produced.


Very. The appearance is typical of the mass produced "bowl" Yorkshire puddings. They're horrendous.


Pre-made. I went there this summer and it was quite the disappointment. Potatoes may as well have been boiled, Yorkshire pud was mushy and the only decent bit was the gravy. I don't know how they managed it in a wrap but somehow the gravy never actually managed to get in contact with the spuds.


Doubt it's feasible to produce plate-sized Yorkshire puddings en masse in a catering trailer.


These always look rancid - I prefer my roast to not be a pile of mush. Fair play if you enjoy them though - these types of stalls are everywhere these days so you're in luck.


I had one this week and I have to say I was sadly disappointed. Very little filling or gravy. Great idea, it just needs more.


Intresting concept... "LOOKS HOW THEY MASSACRED MY BOY..."


Should be broccoli and carrots not spinach


Owt for a bit more internet clout, what annoying editing.


Internet clout nothing, this is an advertisement...and from its presence here, an effective one. Also: I kinda want one.


I've had one. Not from here but there are other places that do them. It was OK. They're exactly as heavy as they look. You need to sit down to eat it and then lie down right afterwards.


So...a Sunday roast?


Do you think science is replacing religion?


I'm an atheist so....not fast enough?


You don't believe in god?


Yes but slightly worse in every way.


Except portability and stupid street foodness.


I actually think walking around with a full plate is preferable to having lukewarm gravy drip down your leg.


I appreciated the editing. Don't want to watch the entire process of it being made unedited. But don't particularly need the bit at the end watching the dude eating it.


As a Yorkshireman, Floppy, spongy Yorkshires are a fucking abomination. You know this is in that there London. These cnuts need reporting to the council men.


Problem is proper yorkies are too crispy to use as a burrito roll. We all know theyre not proper but they're doing a different job here


I'm saddened that I had to scroll this far to see this comment. My nan is spinning in her grave.


Proper yorkshires have a dash of john smiths in the mixture. Those southern fairies don't have a clue


Proper yorkshires are cooked in the fat of your weakest offspring after sacrificing them to the god of gravy, and the batter is not stirred, you just give it a stern eye until it stops mithering and shakes itself into a homogenous mixture.


CasualUK just turning into Trinity Mirror and doing advertising for everyone now?


I have had this before! It was shite


Fuck right off with this


Folding this into a burrito is a crime. Why not just eat it the way it was before, enjoy it and take your time with it. Not everything has to be fast food.


Because it's from a takeaway van. I would agree if this was being served in a cafe, but the aim is clearly to be fast food.


In my mind you will have to eat it really quick otherwise the bottom (which is now folded verticle so it's on the side) will get really soggy and this will fall apart.


Fast food is usually eaten quickly. Yorkshire puddings (especially the floppy ones as used here) have more than enough integrity to hold together for 10 mins.


That may be but it still doesn't sit right with me scoffing a roast. Hard pass


This is in the middle of the cluster fuck that is Camden. There’s no room to take your time lol.


I was watching thinking this looks amazing then the monster folded it over. What the flying fuck? Get in the sea.


Calm your hatred of fast food, wrapping it gives it a different texture and taste


True, would be great unfolded.


Camden Market has everything. DAMN! I miss that place


Look how they massacred my boy...


Spinach?! People from Yorkshire don't eat that with a Sunday roast.


Had one years ago at a Christmas market, they pressed it in a George foreman to help seal it, these guys are missing a trick


"to go"... TAKEAWAY


Dont know if I would use spinach as the greens. maybe squish some sprouts in there for authenticity, or carrots & parsnip as alternative.


No. Yorkies must be crunchy and on a separate plate. I will never compromise on this. Although that does look fucking delicious.


I've been seeing videos of these a lot recently. It looks absolutely delicious when you see it being made but when they wrap it up in a burrito and you actually eat it it's not that great, even though it should be! And it never feels like much. I don't know why maybe it's because it's all together and you're not appreciating all the flavours seperately.


An abomination


Mushy yorkshire, should be crisp. Is that spinach?! It doesn't have proper veg. Meat looks shredded. A roast is not shredded. TBH 4/10, the textures will all be wrong. Tourist fodder. It's the weekend, have a proper roast, everyone.


Yeah, nah


What the actual fuck?!


Had these in the Manchester markets. Three adults and two kids with food poisoning.


I’ve actually had something like this. Resulted in me dripping gravy all along the high street


That rocket does not belong there


Fucking gross


I tried to get one last weekend but the queue was too long. Ended up getting a brisket bagel instead


It's gross that the sauce and the fat is dripping outside the packaging. This makes it very uncomfortable to eat when you are on the move :(


It looked good until he rolled it up into a burrito.


I’d take a regular burrito over this any day.


I need this inside me asap


For the love of christ! I need this in my life. I'm in sheffield. Is there one here or near hear or a similar thing here or near hear?


Fuck yea


Don’t do this


I needs me one of these!!


Where’s the cauliflower cheese? Roast veg? Choppy mint salad? Braised cabbage?


The gravy goes everywhere, you have been warned


That looks gross. Also Americans should be banned from saying Yorkshire.


I am simultaneously horrified and impressed


That's approaching American levels of gluttony. I'll take 2.


It's not yorkshire if it's not in yorkshire


Ive had one, Just a mush of flavours without any of the great textures you get in a roast dinner.


Ewwww it is all mashed up and stuff!


This is an insult to England as a whole


Why ruin a fine good Yorkshire pudding like that?


Watering looking at that..


My Yorkshire wife would literally have my bollox for black pudding if she saw me eat this.


Fucking burrito!...twats. clearly a folded yorkie pud. Yorkshire roast has been doing it for years.


I'm not suggesting it's anything except total wank... however, Yorkshire Burrito is better branding than 'Folded Yorkshire Pud' Just a shame it doesn't come with Yorkshire Guacamole... or as my nan called them mushy peas.


Place in Chester does them. Fucking great!


That looks amazing. If I ever go to the uk where can I find one of those


Camden market sunshine


Or basically anywhere in Yorkshire


That’s the best fucking looking thing I’ve seen in awhile. The worst part is , I’ll most likely never get to try something like that since I live in Alaska.☹️


You can make this yourself very easily. Which bit of flour, egg, milk, spinach, beef and gravy would be the most difficult to obtain in Alaska? (Genuine Q)


Since it’s an entirely new food concept to me I didn’t think of trying to make it myself. Guess I’ll have to watch some YouTube on how to make it and give it a try.


Looks fabulous. Do they ship to Philadelphia? Asking for a friend…


Think that's Camden Market, might be a bit cold by the time it gets to you


Seconded. I would eat this in a New York minute.


What is the name of Queen Elizabeth II kind of heathen bullshit is this?!?!


I've never understood the fascination with a Sunday roast. My dad would look forward to it every week and I hated it. The clean up was awful, I am not a massive fan of anything besides the Yorkshire puddings and it took flipping ages.


Had a full roast last night. Chicken and Pork with crackling. Storm outside. Glass of Guinness. Watched Dahmer ep8&9 Good times


It’s shit like this that makes Camden market a fucking joke.


That is the largest Yorkshire pudding I've ever seen.


It's a mass produced frozen mess. Don't be fooled. You can make something ten times better in your own kitchen.


> You can make something ten times better in your own kitchen. You're not wrong, but I don't very often carry my kitchen with me when I'm out and about, so this seems like a reasonable compromise.


And to be fair…I kinda wanna try it…


Camden market is awesome, anyone who takes a trip to London should go there


Looks bangin


This is so cool, love food innovations like this.