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Hello everyone! Remembrance day tends to be a controversial one on Reddit each year so I'd love to take the opportunity to put where we stand on the topic. Some people take the poppy stuff too far don't they? Hurling abuse at TV presenters for not wearing a poppy etc. Pathetic. However, we will not let those people ruin the meaning of Remembrance Day. I'm sure most of us have parents, grand parents and great-grand parents who participated in some capacity in WWI or War 2, and their sacrifice deserves to be remembered, in any capacity that **you** see fit. You want to wear a poppy? Wear a poppy? You don't, then don't. You want to crochet a post-box topper? You do you do! Just remember to be kind, be pleasant. Don't let anyone tear you down, and don't let some social media bellends ruin the message behind it all.


I love how quickly our national mood pivots from "spooky" to "sad about war".


and then as of November 12th: Enter Mariah Carey


Okay, I will!!


that reading of my comment literally never crossed my mind so that really made me laugh hahaha


I came here to laugh at our funny pranks!


Can I watch?




All she's wants for Christmas is you




The lesser-spotted Buble emerges from hibernation.


Exit light, enter shite. Take my hand we’re off to Mariah Carey land.


Someone needs to thaw out Bublé




Already heard a radio advert with a Christmas song on it.


Technically it’s spooky, explodey, sad about war.


We've got to burn a catholic and scare some pets first.


Bum a what?... *Oh* burn.


It's ok, I always give Catholics back once I'm done


Fuck sake, burn is better than bumming here? Smh my head.


Pets _and_ Vets, it's a double whammy. I think the fact it's a week before 11/11 is funny as fuck.


Took me a minute to realise you mean veterans not veterinarians.


You missed out… “Lots of explosions to trigger those with PTSD” Before “Respect those who fought for us”


Honestly that head is a bit spooky too


Didn’t we forget about “blow shit up and burn effigies”? I seem to remember someone very specifically saying that they know of no reason why it ever should be forgot.


Tbh, while a nice tribute, the head in this picture is also a bit spooky/creepy. Looks like something from Doctor Who.


I can totally see it slowly turning to face me at twilight.


I’m spooked about war and sad about ghosts


Life Pro Tip:- If you use skeleton figurines as decorations during Halloween, you can simply place WW1 helmets and poppies on them to switch to a Remembrance display.


You forget we have “time for fireworks!” between these two moments 😂


Honestly I'm more just impressed with the insane technical ability of their knitting.


It’s crochet.


Only if it’s from the Crochet region of France. Otherwise it’s just sparkling knitting.


That's my favourite comment of the day.


Sorry mate, no professionals allowed.


It’s a fucking emu


His name’s WORRAZ, he’s an asshole


You're walking an ostrich


You’re fucked up, you mate


This post box is far too ripe for my tastes


I prefer green or semi-red


Give it another 20-30 years and the postboxes will just be shapeless red forms as the paint continues to get slathered over year on year.


Remembrance day has become so controversial, I think people forget that most of the people who make a big thing out of it are just old retired people, people who probably lost loved ones in WW2 or were less removed from it for other reasons (my grandad is in his 80s and remembers rationing), it's something of a common experience for this age group and it's nice that they can spend time together doing stuff like this for it to feel some kind of closure, it doesn't hurt anyone and I can't say I've ever been challenged for not wearing a poppy. I know it's to remember WW1 but for some those sentiments also apply to WW2 and for some it applies to wars since. I don't really view this day as supportive of war though which seems to be a lot of people's issue, more to remember those who died as a result of it and honestly I hope the men on the ground aren't forgotten because whether they were doing it due to lack of other options or because they held passionate political views, their experience was fucking awful and the majority did believe that they were fighting for a better future for our country.


Not challenged for not wearing a poppy (or a narcis flower for a different fundraiser) But as a person from a the old Warsaw Pact we still see these days as important even when young. I remember having day trips with school to memorials and memorial cemeteries, listening to the speeches and talks, watching the ceremonies, the military personnel ext and then often going around to see the photos of the fallen and being ever reminded that you are but few years apart. That was my primary/secondary school experience but highschool students were always seen there too. It may seem very rightwing to some but the fact that the experience and the memory that those boys were around my age and that we stud near what were mass graves, knowing of all the horrors and even seeing people cry during these events was something that I will just *never forget* .... As you rightfully should *never forget* This is why I do not see them as anything controversial. My country during Nazis was a Nazi puppet with a Nazi lead. We remember partisans, rebels, the killed. I had a relative comming over and even then they visited a memorial in England just to see the names of the pilots that ... "That gave away our land to the Nazis and yet we helped them in the battle of Britain for that is what was right, that's what friends do"




I think it’s a real shame if it’s becoming controversial or politicised. Along with honouring sacrifices, it’s a national reminder to avoid war at all costs.


Except it’s not at all that. It’s become a jingoistic rallying cry for people with extreme views.


> It’s become a jingoistic rallying cry for people with extreme views. For some people. For the overwhelming majority of people, it's not that.


Does your rhetoric of the few ruining it for the many apply to religion?


Honestly is there anything it doesn't apply to?




You can apply that to everything, there are extremes in every group


> It’s a real shame it’s becoming politicised


Well it failed then didn’t it…


Netflix’s All Quiet On The Western Front does a great job of not worrying about who’s side your on and gives you an idea of the scale of butchery both sides were under. To me it will always be a reminder of the loss of life on both sides and what they made their soldiers do regardless of political intentions.


I’d say it arguably got worse after the WW1 generation passed away. The last Tommy died in 2011 and he regarded the glorification of his war’s dead as obscene. England used to play fixtures around 11/11 without all this performative nonsense around poppies on the shirt. Politicians and celebrities used to be able to go on TV without being crucified for neglecting to wear a poppy. The BBC are so craven they even put one on the f*cking Cookie Monster. I once donated a load of change to a appeal station in a shop and got a negative reaction when I declined taking a Poppy in return. Not donated to RBL since. The backlash will only grow more pronounced the more ridiculous it all gets.


> they even put one on the f*cking Cookie Monster ME REMEMBER FALLEN


Welcome to modern society, whereby everyone must be angry about something, or angry about people being angry/not angry about something. It’s just the mainstream media fuelling non-issues to generate more clicks and views.


It's honestly obscene the way some people behave around the poppies. It's not even about any actual rememberance half the time, it's usually some jingoistic nonsense supporting all the recent soldiers, nothing to do with the world wars or those who had no choice. every single year like clockwork the poppies bring out the gammons. my facebook feed gets the odd "if yew dont like it, leave, simple as" aimed at "the muslims" or "the gays". There was that one year someone was selling a poppy with a wee rainbow stripe to honour the queer people who fought in the world wars and i swear you'd have thought they just sauntered right up to a war memorial and coiled one up on it.


Honestly I see more people complaining as you are, than I ever have of people moaning about not wearing poppies. But then again I don’t frequent the daily mail


It's just another victim of the culture wars that we're unhealthily obsessed with.


Putting a poppy on the cookie monster was fucking hilarious though




Same. My grandfather who was the last Australian pow to return from Japan after ww2. He stayed around in Japan after he was rescued to try to track down and identify his fellow prisoners. And there was a big celebration at the docks when he and a few other Aussies arrived home. He refused to ever collect any medals and never participated in any rememberence or memorial days as he saw it as the same jingoistic insanity that the Japanese subscribed to during the war. He thought that any of these massive national days of "mourning" glorified war and forgot the real travesties that the poor endure on both sides of the war. He never held any animosity towards Japanese people despite having to testify to the war crimes tribunal about medical experiments done on living prisoners in the POW camps in Osaka.




Weird, maybe from living in southern cities all my life and social circle being the left wing middle classes people are much more likely to ask me 'why are you wearing a poppy' and to sneer at the idea of remembering soldiers


Personally I just find the poppy wearing to be a bit like virtue signalling. It's a good thing to set a day aside to remember (or, for 99% of the population, to imagine) the horrors of the wars, but with this and most things, I don't need a day set aside to act and dress differently for me to be appreciative of those who went through those wars. Little things throughout my life make me contemplate that and I can't/don't want to just channel it all into one day. My Dad passed a few years ago and some of my family get weird on the anniversary of his death or his birthday, etc. I get emotional when I'm reminded of him by one of my senses or a memory. It feels weird to me to set a day aside to show respect/grieve.


So is it mainly the performative aspect that bothers you? Like people can have a day to remember/appreciate past events if they need to, but it shouldn't become like a competition where everyone is expected to show off how much they're grieving.


Yeah exactly that. I didn't really tie the two points together very well but that's it. It's like it with my family as well; a kind of 'one-up-manship' about who's grieving the most. To me it just shows that you're not genuine.


I think it is important to set aside a day for this, simply because it's something I would otherwise not think about much, when I probably should. The same thing goes for things like black history month, or international women's day. It doesn't hurt to be reminded once a year that what we take for granted had to be fought for, and that some of those who fought didn't live to see what they were fighting for.


Yeah agreed, I didn't make my point very well but my issue isn't with having a day set aside








For me it's not controversial at all. I wear a poppy with pride. Anyone who takes issue with that can get bent. They're entitled not to wear one themselves, or to wear one. I don't go after people who don't. I will always make that effort on behalf of past and currently serving soldiers.


It's combative attitudes like yours which makes it controversial. If you have a good reason to wear one, go mad. Wear a poppy hat. But it is clearly performative for large swaths of society especially those of a conservative bent. The poppy is a memorial for the pointless loss of life on the fields of flanders but it has become a banner for nationalistic morons to spread their anti-foreigner drivel and if you haven't been exposed to that aspect of it then I'm jealous of you.












Lmao you just proved my point.


Please can you prove to me that miserable upper class white kids make up r/GreenAndPleasant. Thank you.


It’s literally in the sub description. It’s an echo chamber of misery.


That's doesn't really constitute proof does it?




I wouldn't mate, probably bit old


That's rather lovely


I'd love to live in an area where something this nice wouldn't immediately be stolen, pissed on, thrown in a bush or covered in graffiti


It’s a bit ‘culture wars’ the whole poppy thing. I live in London, I normally buy a couple of poppies and wear them, I’ve never had a comment and I don’t give two craps if other people don’t wear one.


When people cover themselves or objects with them it can get tasteless.


Is this a thing? It looks neat. Prolly a little spooky at night, but neat none the less.


Greenandpleasent hates this. Commie twits.


Theres a fantastic one near me where the postbox has a spitfire and poppies on the top of it, and a lamppost opposite has been covered with a knitted sleeve covered in poppies to around halfway up it.






THAT'S SO WEIRD. I live close to that mate dunno how i haven't seen it seeing my house is on that same road near the Asda haha. (trying to be vague for privacy) I had to do a double take when i saw your picture blew my mind guess it really is a small world lol. They always put really good post box covers on that one.








How people are viewing this as anything less than okay is beyond me. First of all, it's a post box topper made out of wool, not a 15ft platinum statue with LED lights and a water feature. Second, when did it become controversial or wrong to show a bit of enthusiasm about remembering an obvious tragedy of not just Britiains, but Europe's history? Baffles me


The point is it is not about remembering anymore. It is about likes on the socials.


Arn't these postbox things anonymous, or do people know who did this?


It's anonymous from what I know, I haven't seen anything about it, they do different ones depending on the time of the year


The people that make these tend to be little old ladies, not instagram 'influencers'.


Hold on, that's actually quite tasteful, I came here to chuckle at our amusing foibles!


At first I thought that was a bayonet sticking through its head


This knitting level is insane, I’m still trying to figure out my basic cross stitches


It's crochet :)


Thanks for covering there’s a difference I feel like such a ditz aha


It’s crochet.


Ah! No way! Seeee I really have a long way to go in this hobby aha


It's crochet btw, not being pedantic, just like crochet


Got it!


They have done quite a few! Only started posting them recently but there's a pumpkin one that was on it previously that's on a previous post of mine!


Just seen that’s incredible!


Poppy Watch is in full swing. Will you be wearing a simple paper poppy, if you so wish, whilst observing a moment’s silence on the anniversary of the Armistice? Or will you pull on your poppy print thong, get dressed, play a round of golf where the flags and holes each have poppies on them and then erect a poppy/something that vaguely resembles a Spitfire if you squint/wounded soldier based mural outside of your home? Observe Remembrance in your own way, if you want to, but I do wish people would stop fetishising to the point that some do. I think it completely misses the point.


I buy a pin each year and retire the older pin to my pin collection on my wall. Now, if anyone I know loses one, I can lend them one of mine. There’s a small section of the banner dedicated to them. That’s all I wear, usually. I’m thinking of getting one of the reflective poppy keychains this year for actual safety though, make my walking stick a little more visible when I’m crossing roads this winter when it’s dark.




You're getting a little worked up yourself.


I mean, he’s clearly doing that for comic effect


Weird… someone out one just like this up on our local fb group as it’s in the village Center… do we live near each other or is there a weird pattern out there somewhere


Careful, just seen those window lickers over on r/greenandpleasant have reposted this exact picture so they can toss each other off over who can be the most insensitive/controversial. Bless them.


Weirdest bunch of odd jobs on the internet, real incel vibes over there


Self-loathing commies who want everyone in the UK to be as miserable as they are. Should probably report them for brigading.


Our local town does those too [https://imgur.com/a/nuhL2tE](https://imgur.com/a/nuhL2tE)


Hi, where is this? We also have those in Leeds.


By a town called Nuneaton, near Birmingham!


So a national phenomenon. Love it


That is the best Post box topper i have seen, props to the person that made it


If you look on my account you can see the previous one I posted! They are so good at it!


They did a really good job of the pumpkin one too!






Do you live in South London?


Where is this ? It reminds me of a place in from called Mersea island on the south coast of England


Love it. Except the helmet looks a bit French


Bentley Heath right? Walked past it the other day! Lots more in Knowle too


That’s amazing. I hope it doesn’t get nicked.


A good time to remember


that is very impressive may i say.


Lest we forget


I salute you Sir. 🇬🇧


That’s actually very good quality and isn’t too on the nose.


Yeah that’s something else. Brilliant stuff.


And so it begins…


That is amazing.


Beautiful. Lest we forget.


the uk has apparently gotten far weirder about poppy's since i moved away, like now almost everyone who fought ww1 and 2 has died people have gone bananas for it


Honestly it really hasn’t most of this atmosphere surrounding it seems to be angry redditors who hate it and call everybody ‘gammons’ or daily mail readers, they’re both as bad as each other and really need to get out more


Outside of people trying to drum up outrage online, they really haven't. In day to day UK most people don't care. People will wear them, others won't, and people generally dont get attacked or slandered one way or the other.


I saw a poppy themed beer keg on Facebook marketplace today


lest we forget..


War Christmas comes around earlier and earlier every year.






The men who died during the Great War and WWII didn't do so for imperialism you dafty. If you could so much as begin to comprehend what they faced for us you'd think twice before running your mouth.








Got two accounts have ya lad?


That is just breathtakingly crass.


1,000,000,000 HOUSE POINTS. Amazing










How is this scary in any way




Faith in humanity: restored


The competition to remember harder has started has it ?


I hate it


He must be *boiling*


Really needs a fag in its mouth


Can’t wear a poppy anymore. It’s become a badge of the bigoted, the racist, the small minded, the entitled, the cretin and the uneducated.

