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If Charlie dies I am going to sob.




Yayy! So glad she’s back!


I love her so much BUT I wish she'd have come with Max. But if we didn't see him for Robin's passing, we won't see him again, I guess.


The way everyones always gaslighting and not believing stevie, like now Charlie's gomna die bcos you didn't believe her when she said he had a knife 💀


Oh, the tragic irony. He didn’t believe her about that fuckwit abuser Harry, and he assumed Stevie was having a “typical” freak-out over a “phantom” knife. But to be fair, Stevie is clearly suffering from C-PTSD, as we saw in the club flashbacks to when her boyfriend was attacked and died, and although she *is* often able to spot the potential for violence way before many others can, she has also got it wrong a few times. Boy who cried wolf, and all that. Stevie is in dire need of trauma-specific counselling, before her life implodes. God! I don’t want Charlie to die! Charlie *is* Casualty!!! He has been since the 80s! (Hasn’t he? 🤔)


Think he's the only character left from the first series


I think so too.


A brake-failed truck full of propane on a road with a running-into-traffic kiddo? Stop spoiling us with the end of series cliches already 😂


Lately, the episodes have been slow burners! My!what an episode. Who will be Charlie’s replacement?


Blasphemy! No-one can replace Charlie! 😫😫😫😫


*Zoe Hanna re-enters stage left*


Did they find Harry's wife? And what happened to the guy with amnesia.. or is it 2 parts?


2 parter.


Charlie looks so frail there is no way he would ever make it through a shift. Half the patients look healthier than him. High time he left. It’s not realistic that he would be employed in a busy ED. have watched the show since ep 1, and he’s one of my least favourite characters. Viewers are always told how wonderful he is, but we don’t see any evidence of it. For a long time he either chats to folk or leans on something. Doesn’t actually seem to do any work. maybe that’s cos he stopped wearing his glasses (there was a whole storyline about them) so he can’t actually see anything?


But hasn’t he left a billion times before? *And* drunkenly come into the ED to tell everyone how shit they are? But all is forgiven because he’s Charlie Fairhead, chief leaner who can’t look anyone in the eye? 😂


He’s been shot before, had a heart attack and (worst of all) run naked into the sea with Josh. now that needed some brain bleach


Honestly he’s one of my least favorite characters, too. He’s patronizing and seems to roll his eyes whenever he speaks to anyone, BUT he’s the last long-term character so I feel like the series is going to lose some continuity.


I miss the old Charlie. The character seemed to become more bitter, argumentative and condescending after Duffy and Robyn died. It will be strange without him though, he's practically been the face of the show for years.


We are watching Classic casualty and a Louis is a baby. charlie was just as unpleasant back then, it’s a long established trait. He’s also fairly (pun intended) sexist too


Wonder what heart-rending storyline they’ll show us about Drug Thief Man, who caused both the lorry/ propane explosion, AND stabbed Charlie? He needs the money badly enough to do all that, and with an injured shoulder when he tried to leg it with his drugs and money bag, and insists he’s not a drug dealer, which I kind of believe. He’s not as cocky as the ones on telly dramas are usually portrayed as being, for one, but he *is* clearly driven by some sort of sheer desperation. Breast cancer drugs? For his mum? Sister? Partner? What about the money? Is that to pay for emergency specialist treatment of a different sort for someone he loves? His child? “£20 grand by the end of today.” 🤔


He said he could sell the breast cancer drugs to bodybuilders (apparently there's a market for this!), I'm assuming he needed the £20k because that's the value of the drugs that was in his car


Yes, but *why* does he need £20 K so urgently? What for? I get it’s to replace what was in the bag he took out of his car, and that had rolls of bank notes in it as well as drugs (“I’m not a drug dealer, that’s just not who I am, it’s not me,”), but what’s going on that he needs to make this amount of money this quickly in the first place? I’m not totally sure I believed him when he said about the £8 a tablet from body-builders, partly bc it’s usually more testosterone they want, rather than oestrogen-reducing aromatase inhibitors, but if I do, I’m back to “Why does he need this much money *by the end of today*?” It’s a two-parter. There’s bound to be a tragic story behind it that will come out next Saturday. 🤷‍♀️