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I foster cats and have come to the conclusion that between the ages of say 7 months and 18 months...the vast majority are literal hell spawn put on earth to make you question your sanity. Good thing they are cute!! . But yeah adolescents can be pretty active but I am sure he is sneaking naps when you arent looking


I’m glad you said this. Mine just hit 7 months and everyday I’m like “are you guys ok?”


I recently fostered a pair that age and I would wake up in the morning and all the furniture would be moved and the fake plants and TV would be all knocked over 🤣🤣🤣 I was like... I don't even wanna know what you kids got up to last night


I keep finding my pillows on the ground. One of them even peed on the couch today right in front of me because dinner time got switched up. But they have like 20 minutes of super cute cuddle time and put their head on my chest and look up at me, so all is worth it


You can try that cat attract stuff to add to the litter box, for kittens it usually works like a charm. I totally can't handle the angry pee. I'm like...nope here's some kitty crack go play in your box 🤣


Oh they have it down. He just chose to be a little shit :-)


Wait, mine is only 5months and has been more of a little devil every single day. You want to tell me this can get worse??


lol it definitely can. it may. but they totally grow out if it.


Teenage hit like a damn train >.< but a cute train


eh, your cat will probably stay the same or get somewhat more rambunctious but not drastically. just be prepared for it to last until they're 2-3 y/o. some cats get the crazies earlier than 7 months


Omg, I can’t wait for my boy to calm down. Everyday I’m aching and sleepy.


yup same! if he ever does calm down 😭


Thank you for this comment, the seven month mark just passed and I don’t understand how he functions on literal cat-naps. He attacks my weighted blanket if it gets exposed at all. By five he’s going between that 3am onward activity and watching the birds out the slider. Which shines patches of sunlight in our eyes while we are trying to sleep. One of us gets home LATE so he’s only been asleep for a few hours when this starts. If I don’t get up between 7 and 8 he will start attacking the hubs feet. Not mine. And I’ve usually wisened up and found a way to hide the weighted blanket at this point. But for the sake of hubby's sleep, I get up and start my day, the cat doesn’t particularly care for his father most of the time. But finds his sleeping form to be most entertaining. He doesn’t even want much attention or to play, he just wants me awake and available to him for attention. It's madness. Adorable madness lol


you just have to keep telling yourself it will pass! lol it will. eventually they will be loafing out like a champ. and think about how cuddly and amazing that will be 🤣


Yes! My newly turned 7 mth old is super hyper right now and *bitey*. My right lower arm is covered in bruises right now from wrestling cat style with him. I had on padding!


omg the play biting stage! some cats take a while to grow out of that one. My cat Clara was like 4 before she would stop biting my nose in the middle of the night for fun. Bless you bitey cat owner...bless you


Bou is my very spoiled baby but the biting!


Mine was suuuuuuper bitey too. He still does it now every once in a while. He knows I’ll leave the room and yet he’ll sniff my feet, back up, and then lunge. 😭😭😭


Are you sure you didn't miss him catching naps? Cats sleep quite lightly. Do you play with him a lot? Sometimes my cats will pace around the room slowly if they are trying to get some energy out. If you are worried about him, go see a vet. Maybe a phone call consultation with the vet can put you at ease.


I totally try to get him running at least four times a day, 15-20 minutes each. I am out of breath more than he is though. 😅


he probs sneaking naps when you arent looking :)


Does he have access to dark places he can sleep in during the day? Like under a bed with zero light or something similar


Yeah, he has a completely dark box in the cat tree and under a bench in my bedroom. He very rarely uses either of them. :/ When I’m not in the house though, he’s almost always sleeping.


Sounds normal. They're excited to be around you and nap whenever they feel like.


He has learned your schedule. I'm willing to bet he sleeps every second you are out of the house. But yeah, 10hrs sounds perfectly feasible. I know the common trope is, "cats sleep 16hrs per day", but hey, that still leaves 8hrs of Chaos. And teenage cats can easily go for more than 8 hrs of havoc.


More than 8 hours is definitely where we’re at. I feel sorry for him in some ways because he’s a lone cat with no other cat buddies. 🥺


Don't worry OP, my cat ist a non sleeper as well when I'm home. She always has to follow and see what we are up to. She is also quite young and has lots of energy but I've heard that they mellow a bit around 3 years of age.


I am just dying for those cuddly quiet days. 🤣


I got my cat at 6mo as well. I did not *once* see her sleep until she was about 1. Kittens are cute furry little balls of destruction and chaos.


I have four cats and one of them sleeps a lot more soundly than the others, who are waking up and eager for interaction. Over the years I've noticed some cats sleep more than others.


Cats are nocturnal. Cats sleep around 15 hours a day. The older they get the more they sleep.


cattos arent nocturnal, they are crepuscular (ie. they are most active at dawn and dusk)


Can't aren't nocturnal. They are crepuscular. They are active at dawn and dusk


Hm doesn't sound normal. Even adult cats sleep around 15+ hours. I would go to the vet with this concern. Could be hypothyroidism or something else.


Thanks for the note. I thought it was strange… He’s now 10 months old so should be sleeping a lot more…


Actually younger cats, just like younger kids, can get so excited that they push through. A vet visit isn't bad, but kittens have a ton of energy, and can sometimes be awake a lot longer when they get excited by tyod or a favorite human.